@ -235,6 +235,31 @@ void basilisk_dontforget_update(struct basilisk_swap *swap,struct basilisk_rawtx
else if ( rawtx = = & swap - > bobreclaim )
basilisk_dontforget ( swap , & swap - > bobreclaim , swap - > bobpayment . I . locktime , triggertxid ) ;
if ( IPC_ENDPOINT > = 0 )
char fname [ 512 ] , * fstr , * outstr ; long fsize ; cJSON * reqjson ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/SWAPS/%u-%u " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , swap - > I . req . requestid , swap - > I . req . quoteid ) , OS_compatible_path ( fname ) ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 )
sprintf ( fname + strlen ( fname ) , " .%s " , rawtx - > name ) ;
if ( ( fstr = OS_filestr ( & fsize , fname ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( reqjson = cJSON_Parse ( fstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( jobj ( reqjson , " method " ) ! = 0 )
jdelete ( reqjson , " method " ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " method " , " update " ) ;
if ( jobj ( reqjson , " update " ) ! = 0 )
jdelete ( reqjson , " update " ) ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( reqjson , " update " , rawtx - > name ) ;
else jaddstr ( reqjson , " update " , " main " ) ;
outstr = jprint ( reqjson , 1 ) ;
LP_queuecommand ( 0 , outstr , IPC_ENDPOINT , - 1 , 0 ) ;
free ( outstr ) ;
free ( fstr ) ;
bits256 basilisk_swap_privbob_extract ( char * symbol , bits256 spendtxid , int32_t vini , int32_t revflag )
@ -290,7 +315,7 @@ bits256 basilisk_swap_spendupdate(int32_t iambob,char *symbol,char *spentaddr,in
printf ( " i.%d of %d: %s \n " , i , n , bits256_str ( str , txid ) ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , txids [ utxoind ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettx ( symbol , txid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettx ( " basilisk_swap_spendupdate " , symbol , txid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( vins = jarray ( & numvins , txobj , " vin " ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -934,7 +959,7 @@ int32_t LP_swap_load(struct LP_swap_remember *rswap,int32_t forceflag)
safecopy ( rswap - > alicecoin , symbol , sizeof ( rswap - > alicecoin ) ) ;
if ( rswap - > finishedflag = = 0 )
if ( ( sentobj = LP_gettx ( symbol , txid , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( sentobj = LP_gettx ( " LP_remember " , symbol , txid , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
//char str2[65]; printf("%s %s ready to broadcast %s r%u q%u\n",symbol,bits256_str(str2,txid),txnames[i],rswap->requestid,rswap->quoteid);
@ -1030,7 +1055,7 @@ int32_t LP_spends_set(struct LP_swap_remember *rswap)
return ( numspent ) ;
cJSON * basilisk_remember ( int64_t * KMDtotals , int64_t * BTCtotals , uint32_t requestid , uint32_t quoteid , int32_t forceflag , int32_t pendingonly )
cJSON * basilisk_remember ( int32_t fastflag , int 64_t * KMDtotals , int64_t * BTCtotals , uint32_t requestid , uint32_t quoteid , int32_t forceflag , int32_t pendingonly )
static void * ctx ;
struct LP_swap_remember rswap ; int32_t i , j , flag , numspent , len , secretstart , redeemlen ; char str [ 65 ] , * srcAdest , * srcBdest , * destAdest , * destBdest , otheraddr [ 64 ] , * fstr , fname [ 512 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] , alicetomic [ 128 ] , bobstr [ 65 ] , alicestr [ 65 ] ; cJSON * item , * txoutobj , * retjson ; bits256 rev , revAm , signedtxid , zero , deadtxid ; uint32_t claimtime ; struct iguana_info * bob = 0 , * alice = 0 ; uint8_t redeemscript [ 1024 ] , userdata [ 1024 ] ; long fsize ;
@ -1162,19 +1187,20 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
printf ( " Bob.%p is null or Alice.%p is null \n " , bob , alice ) ;
return ( cJSON_Parse ( " { \" error \" : \" null bob or alice coin \" } " ) ) ;
if ( alice - > inactive ! = 0 | | bob - > inactive ! = 0 )
printf ( " Alice.%s inactive.%u or Bob.%s inactive.%u \n " , rswap . alicecoin , alice - > inactive , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > inactive ) ;
return ( cJSON_Parse ( " { \" error \" : \" inactive bob or alice coin \" } " ) ) ;
//printf("src.(Adest %s, Bdest %s), dest.(Adest %s, Bdest %s)\n",srcAdest,srcBdest,destAdest,destBdest);
//printf("iambob.%d finishedflag.%d %s %.8f txfee, %s %.8f txfee\n",rswap.iambob,rswap.finishedflag,rswap.alicecoin,dstr(rswap.Atxfee),rswap.bobcoin,dstr(rswap.Btxfee));
//printf("privAm.(%s) %p/%p\n",bits256_str(str,rswap.privAm),Adest,AAdest);
//printf("privBn.(%s) %p/%p\n",bits256_str(str,rswap.privBn),Bdest,ABdest);
if ( rswap . finishedflag = = 0 & & rswap . bobcoin [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & rswap . alicecoin [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( fastflag = = 0 & & rswap . finishedflag = = 0 & & rswap . bobcoin [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & rswap . alicecoin [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
//printf("ALICE.(%s) 1st refht %s <- %d, scan %d %d\n",rswap.Adestaddr,alice->symbol,alice->firstrefht,alice->firstscanht,alice->lastscanht);
portable_mutex_lock ( & LP_swaplistmutex ) ;
//printf("ALICE.(%s) 1st refht %s <- %d, scan %d %d\n",rswap.Adestaddr,alice->symbol,alice->firstrefht,alice->firstscanht,alice->lastscanht);
//printf("BOB.(%s) 1st refht %s <- %d, scan %d %d\n",rswap.destaddr,bob->symbol,bob->firstrefht,bob->firstscanht,bob->lastscanht);
if ( alice - > inactive ! = 0 | | bob - > inactive ! = 0 )
printf ( " Alice.%s inactive.%u or Bob.%s inactive.%u \n " , rswap . alicecoin , alice - > inactive , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > inactive ) ;
return ( cJSON_Parse ( " { \" error \" : \" inactive bob or alice coin \" } " ) ) ;
LP_rswap_checktx ( & rswap , rswap . alicecoin , BASILISK_ALICEPAYMENT ) ;
LP_rswap_checktx ( & rswap , rswap . bobcoin , BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ) ;
LP_rswap_checktx ( & rswap , rswap . bobcoin , BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT ) ;
@ -1220,7 +1246,8 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
printf ( " %02x " , secretAm [ j ] ) ;
printf ( " secretAm, privAm %s alicespend len.%d redeemlen.%d \n " , bits256_str ( str , rswap . privAm ) , len , redeemlen ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_ALICESPEND ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " alicespend " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 1 , rswap . expiration , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_ALICESPEND ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobpaymentaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
claimtime = LP_claimtime ( bob , rswap . plocktime - 777 ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_ALICESPEND ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " alicespend " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 1 , claimtime , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_ALICESPEND ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobpaymentaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
@ -1264,7 +1291,8 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
revAm . bytes [ i ] = rswap . privAm . bytes [ 31 - i ] ;
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , revAm , 1 , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , redeemscript , redeemlen ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_ALICECLAIM ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " aliceclaim " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 0 , rswap . dlocktime + 777 , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_ALICECLAIM ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobdepositaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
claimtime = LP_claimtime ( bob , rswap . dlocktime ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_ALICECLAIM ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " aliceclaim " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 0 , claimtime , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_ALICECLAIM ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobdepositaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("dlocktime.%u claimtime.%u aliceclaim.(%s)\n",rswap.dlocktime,claimtime,rswap.txbytes[BASILISK_ALICECLAIM]);
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
@ -1369,7 +1397,8 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
if ( redeemlen > 0 )
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , zero , 1 , rswap . myprivs [ 1 ] , redeemscript , redeemlen ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_BOBRECLAIM ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " bobreclaim " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 1 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 0 , rswap . plocktime + 777 , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_BOBRECLAIM ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobpaymentaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
claimtime = LP_claimtime ( bob , rswap . plocktime - 777 ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_BOBRECLAIM ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " bobreclaim " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 1 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 0 , claimtime , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_BOBRECLAIM ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobpaymentaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( rswap . bobtomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
@ -1401,7 +1430,7 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
free_json ( txoutobj ) , flag = 0 ;
else flag = - 1 , rswap . depositspent = deadtxid ;
if ( flag = = 0 & & ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . Apaymentspent ) ! = 0 | | time ( NULL ) > rswap . dlocktime - 777 | | ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . txids [ BASILISK_ALICEPAYMENT ] ) = = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > rswap . dlocktime - 2 * INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME + 777 ) | | ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] ) = = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > rswap . dlocktime - 3 * INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME / 2 ) ) )
if ( flag = = 0 & & ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . Apaymentspent ) ! = 0 | | time ( NULL ) > rswap . dlocktime - 777 | | ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . txids [ BASILISK_ALICEPAYMENT ] ) = = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > rswap . plocktime - 777 ) | | ( bits256_nonz ( rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBPAYMENT ] ) = = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > rswap . dlocktime - 3 * INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME / 2 ) ) )
//printf("do the refund! paymentspent.%s now.%u vs expiration.%u\n",bits256_str(str,rswap.paymentspent),(uint32_t)time(NULL),rswap.expiration);
//if ( txbytes[BASILISK_BOBREFUND] == 0 )
@ -1410,7 +1439,8 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , rswap . secretBn256 , rswap . privBn . bytes , sizeof ( rswap . privBn ) ) ;
redeemlen = basilisk_swap_bobredeemscript ( 1 , & secretstart , redeemscript , rswap . dlocktime , rswap . pubA0 , rswap . pubB0 , rswap . pubB1 , rswap . privAm , rswap . privBn , rswap . secretAm , rswap . secretAm256 , rswap . secretBn , rswap . secretBn256 ) ;
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , rswap . privBn , 0 , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , redeemscript , redeemlen ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_BOBREFUND ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " bobrefund " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 1 , rswap . expiration , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_BOBREFUND ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobdepositaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
claimtime = LP_claimtime ( bob , rswap . plocktime - 777 ) ;
if ( ( rswap . txbytes [ BASILISK_BOBREFUND ] = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , rswap . Btxfee , " bobrefund " , rswap . bobcoin , bob - > wiftaddr , bob - > taddr , bob - > pubtype , bob - > p2shtype , bob - > isPoS , bob - > wiftype , ctx , rswap . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , redeemscript , redeemlen , userdata , len , rswap . txids [ BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . pubkey33 , 1 , claimtime , & rswap . values [ BASILISK_BOBREFUND ] , 0 , 0 , rswap . bobdepositaddr , 1 , bob - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( rswap . bobtomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
@ -1428,6 +1458,7 @@ cJSON *basilisk_remember(int64_t *KMDtotals,int64_t *BTCtotals,uint32_t requesti
printf ( " bobrefund's time %u vs expiration %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) , rswap . expiration ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & LP_swaplistmutex ) ;
//printf("finish.%d iambob.%d REFUND %d %d %d %d\n",finishedflag,iambob,sentflags[BASILISK_BOBREFUND] == 0,sentflags[BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT] != 0,bits256_nonz(txids[BASILISK_BOBDEPOSIT]) != 0,bits256_nonz(depositspent) == 0);
if ( rswap . sentflags [ BASILISK_ALICESPEND ] ! = 0 | | rswap . sentflags [ BASILISK_BOBRECLAIM ] ! = 0 )
@ -1511,10 +1542,10 @@ void for_satinder()
} else printf ( " error with satinder tx \n " ) ;
char * basilisk_swaplist ( uint32_t origrequestid , uint32_t origquoteid , int32_t forceflag , int32_t pendingonly )
char * basilisk_swaplist ( int32_t fastflag , uint32_t origrequestid , uint32_t origquoteid , int32_t forceflag , int32_t pendingonly )
uint64_t ridqids [ 4096 ] , ridqid ; char fname [ 512 ] ; FILE * fp ; cJSON * item , * retjson , * array , * totalsobj ; uint32_t r , q , quoteid , requestid ; int64_t KMDtotals [ LP_MAXPRICEINFOS ] , BTCtotals [ LP_MAXPRICEINFOS ] , Btotal , Ktotal ; int32_t i , j , count = 0 ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & LP_swaplistmutex ) ;
memset ( ridqids , 0 , sizeof ( ridqids ) ) ;
memset ( KMDtotals , 0 , sizeof ( KMDtotals ) ) ;
memset ( BTCtotals , 0 , sizeof ( BTCtotals ) ) ;
@ -1524,7 +1555,7 @@ char *basilisk_swaplist(uint32_t origrequestid,uint32_t origquoteid,int32_t forc
if ( origrequestid ! = 0 & & origquoteid ! = 0 )
//printf("orig req.%u q.%u\n",origrequestid,origquoteid);
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( KMDtotals , BTCtotals , origrequestid , origquoteid , forceflag , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( fastflag , KMDtotals , BTCtotals , origrequestid , origquoteid , forceflag , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
jaddi ( array , item ) ;
@ -1566,7 +1597,7 @@ char *basilisk_swaplist(uint32_t origrequestid,uint32_t origquoteid,int32_t forc
if ( count < sizeof ( ridqids ) / sizeof ( * ridqids ) )
ridqids [ count + + ] = ridqid ;
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( KMDtotals , BTCtotals , requestid , quoteid , 0 , pendingonly ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( fastflag , KMDtotals , BTCtotals , requestid , quoteid , 0 , pendingonly ) ) ! = 0 )
jaddi ( array , item ) ;
@ -1595,16 +1626,16 @@ char *basilisk_swaplist(uint32_t origrequestid,uint32_t origquoteid,int32_t forc
else if ( Ktotal < 0 & & Btotal > 0 )
jaddnum ( retjson , " avesell " , ( double ) - Btotal / Ktotal ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & LP_swaplistmutex ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
char * basilisk_swapentry ( uint32_t requestid , uint32_t quoteid , int32_t forceflag )
char * basilisk_swapentry ( int32_t fastflag , uint32_t requestid , uint32_t quoteid , int32_t forceflag )
cJSON * item ; int64_t KMDtotals [ LP_MAXPRICEINFOS ] , BTCtotals [ LP_MAXPRICEINFOS ] ;
memset ( KMDtotals , 0 , sizeof ( KMDtotals ) ) ;
memset ( BTCtotals , 0 , sizeof ( BTCtotals ) ) ;
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( KMDtotals , BTCtotals , requestid , quoteid , forceflag , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( item = basilisk_remember ( fastflag , KMDtotals , BTCtotals , requestid , quoteid , forceflag , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( jprint ( item , 1 ) ) ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find requestid-quoteid \" } " ) ) ;
@ -1639,7 +1670,7 @@ char *LP_recent_swaps(int32_t limit)
item = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
jaddinum ( item , requestid ) ;
jaddinum ( item , quoteid ) ;
if ( ( retstr = basilisk_swapentry ( requestid , quoteid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = basilisk_swapentry ( 1 , requestid , quoteid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( swapjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -1731,14 +1762,14 @@ uint64_t basilisk_swap_addarray(cJSON *item,char *refbase,char *refrel)
return ( ridqid ) ;
char * basilisk_swapentries ( char * refbase , char * refrel , int32_t limit )
char * basilisk_swapentries ( int32_t fastflag , char * refbase , char * refrel , int32_t limit )
uint64_t ridqids [ 1024 ] , ridqid ; char * liststr , * retstr2 ; cJSON * retjson , * array , * pending , * swapjson , * item , * retarray ; int32_t i , j , n , count = 0 ; uint32_t requestid , quoteid ;
if ( limit < = 0 )
limit = 10 ;
memset ( ridqids , 0 , sizeof ( ridqids ) ) ;
retarray = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
if ( ( liststr = basilisk_swaplist ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( liststr = basilisk_swaplist ( fastflag , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retjson = cJSON_Parse ( liststr ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -1760,6 +1791,7 @@ char *basilisk_swapentries(char *refbase,char *refrel,int32_t limit)
free_json ( retjson ) ;
retjson = 0 ;
free ( liststr ) ;
@ -1778,10 +1810,10 @@ char *basilisk_swapentries(char *refbase,char *refrel,int32_t limit)
for ( j = 0 ; j < count ; j + + )
if ( ridqid = = ridqids [ j ] )
break ;
//printf("j.%d count.%d %u %u ridqid.%16llx\n",j,count,requestid,quoteid,(long long)ridqid);
if ( j = = count )
if ( ( retstr2 = basilisk_swapentry ( requestid , quoteid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " j.%d count.%d %u %u ridqid.%16llx \n " , j , count , requestid , quoteid , ( long long ) ridqid ) ;
if ( ( retstr2 = basilisk_swapentry ( 1 , requestid , quoteid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( swapjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr2 ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -1812,8 +1844,7 @@ char *basilisk_swapentries(char *refbase,char *refrel,int32_t limit)
if ( basilisk_swap_addarray ( pending , refbase , refrel ) > 0 )
jaddi ( retarray , jduplicate ( pending ) ) ;
else free_json ( pending ) ;
} else free_json ( pending ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;