@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ cJSON *helpjson(cJSON *json,cJSON *array,cJSON *agents,char *agentstr,char *meth
jaddstr ( methodobj , " agent " , agentstr ) ;
jaddstr ( methodobj , " method " , method ) ;
sprintf ( url , " " , agentstr , method ) ;
sprintf ( curl , " curl --url \" \" --data \" { \" agent \" : \" %s \" , \" method \" : \" %s \" " , agentstr , method ) ;
sprintf ( curl , " curl --url \" \" --data \" { \\ \ " agent \\ \" : \\ \ " %s \\ \" , \\ \ " method \\ \" : \\ \ " %s \\ \" " , agentstr , method ) ;
if ( methodargs ! = 0 & & ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( methodargs ) ) > 0 )
//printf("method.%s n.%d %s\n",method,n,jprint(methodargs,0));
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ cJSON *helpjson(cJSON *json,cJSON *array,cJSON *agents,char *agentstr,char *meth
strcat ( url , i = = 0 ? " ? " : " & " ) ;
item = jitem ( methodargs , i ) ;
sprintf ( url + strlen ( url ) , " %s={%s} " , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) , jstr ( item , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) ) ) ;
sprintf ( curl + strlen ( curl ) , " , \" %s \" : \" {%s} \" " , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) , jstr ( item , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) ) ) ;
sprintf ( curl + strlen ( curl ) , " , \\ \ " %s \\ \" : \\ \ " {%s} \\ \" " , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) , jstr ( item , get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) ) ) ;
strcat ( curl , " } \" " ) ;
@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ int32_t templates_emit(char *retbuf,int32_t maxsize,char *template,char *agent,c
return ( template_emit ( retbuf , maxsize , buf , " $FIELDNAMES2 " , fieldnames2 ) ) ;
int32_t pretty_form ( FILE * fp , char * formheader , char * formfooter , char * fieldtemplate , char * agent , cJSON * methoditem )
int32_t pretty_form ( FILE * fp , char * formheader , char * formfooter , char * fieldtemplate , char * agent , cJSON * methoditem , cJSON * helpitem , char * suffix )
cJSON * item , * fieldsarray ; int32_t j , m , formsize , fieldsize , iter , width , size = 0 ;
char * methodstr , * typestr , * fieldname ;
char * methodstr , * typestr , * fieldname , * helpstr , * curlstr , * urlstr , * itemhelp ;
char outstr [ 2048 ] , outstr2 [ 2048 ] , str [ 2 ] , widthstr [ 16 ] , both [ 512 ] ;
if ( ( methodstr = jstr ( methoditem , " method " ) ) = = 0 )
methodstr = " method " ;
@ -271,16 +271,29 @@ int32_t pretty_form(FILE *fp,char *formheader,char *formfooter,char *fieldtempla
sprintf ( both , " %s-%s " , agent , methodstr ) ;
outstr [ 0 ] = outstr2 [ 0 ] = str [ 1 ] = 0 ;
formsize = fieldsize = 0 ;
if ( ( helpstr = jstr ( helpitem , " help " ) ) = = 0 )
helpstr = " Some description of this API Call. " ;
if ( ( urlstr = jstr ( methoditem , " url " ) ) = = 0 )
urlstr = " url " ;
if ( ( curlstr = jstr ( methoditem , " curl " ) ) = = 0 )
curlstr = " curl " ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
if ( iter = = 1 )
fprintf ( fp , formheader , both , both , both , agent , methodstr , both , both , agent , methodstr , outstr ) ;
if ( strcmp ( suffix , " html " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , formheader , both , both , both , agent , methodstr , both , both , agent , methodstr , outstr ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( suffix , " md " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , formheader , methodstr , helpstr , curlstr , urlstr ) ;
if ( ( fieldsarray = jarray ( & m , methoditem , " fields " ) ) ! = 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < m ; j + + )
item = jitem ( fieldsarray , j ) ;
fieldname = get_cJSON_fieldname ( item ) ;
if ( ( itemhelp = jstr ( helpitem , fieldname ) ) = = 0 )
itemhelp = " no help info " ;
// printf("item.(%s) %s\n",jprint(item,0),jstr(item,fieldname));
if ( iter = = 0 )
@ -309,22 +322,30 @@ int32_t pretty_form(FILE *fp,char *formheader,char *formfooter,char *fieldtempla
else width = 0 ;
sprintf ( widthstr , " %d " , width ) ;
fprintf ( fp , fieldtemplate , fieldname , fieldname , fieldname , widthstr , fieldname ) ;
if ( strcmp ( suffix , " html " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , fieldtemplate , fieldname , fieldname , fieldname , widthstr , fieldname ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( suffix , " md " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , fieldtemplate , fieldname , typestr , itemhelp ) ;
if ( iter = = 1 )
fprintf ( fp , formfooter , outstr2 , methodstr , methodstr ) ;
if ( strcmp ( suffix , " html " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , formfooter , outstr2 , methodstr , methodstr ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( suffix , " md " ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , formfooter , " " ) ;
return ( size ) ;
void update_docjson ( cJSON * docjson , char * agent , char * method )
cJSON * update_docjson ( cJSON * docjson , char * agent , char * method )
cJSON * item = 0 ; long allocsize ; char * docstr , fname [ 512 ] , stubstr [ 4096 ] ; FILE * fp ;
if ( agent ! = 0 & & method ! = 0 )
sprintf ( stubstr , " { \" agent \" : \" %s \" , \" method \" : \" %s \" , \" help \" : \" put helpful info here \" , \" teststatus \" :[{ \" tester \" : \" bob \" , \" result \" : \" put result here \" , \" notes \" : \" put useful notes here \" , \" automated \" : \" notyet \" , \" sourcefile \" : \" %s_%s_test.py \" }]} " , agent , method , agent , method ) ;
sprintf ( stubstr , " { \" agent \" : \" %s \" , \" method \" : \" %s \" , \" field0 \" : \" put in helpful info field0 \" , \" field1 \" : \" put in helpful info for field1 \" , \" help \" : \" put helpful info here \" , \" teststatus \" :[{ \" tester \" : \" bob \" , \" result \" : \" put result here \" , \" notes \" : \" put useful notes here \" , \" automated \" : \" notyet \" , \" sourcefile \" : \" %s_%s_test.py \" }]} " , agent , method , agent , method ) ;
sprintf ( fname , " help/%s_%s.json " , agent , method ) ;
if ( ( docstr = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , fname ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -347,17 +368,26 @@ void update_docjson(cJSON *docjson,char *agent,char *method)
if ( item ! = 0 )
jaddi ( docjson , item ) ;
return ( item ) ;
int32_t pretty_forms ( char * f name, char * agentstr )
char * formfname ( char * name , char * suffix )
char * str , * header , * footer , * formheader , * formfooter , * field , * docstr ; long allocsize ; FILE * fp , * docfp ;
int32_t i , n , len , err = 0 , size = 0 ; cJSON * helpjson , * array , * item , * docjson ;
header = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , " help/header.html " ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
footer = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , " help/footer.html " ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
formheader = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , " help/formheader.html " ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
formfooter = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , " help/formfooter.html " ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
field = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , " help/field.html " ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
static char retbuf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( retbuf , " help/%s.%s " , name , suffix ) ;
return ( retbuf ) ;
int32_t pretty_forms ( char * fname , char * agentstr , char * suffix )
char * str , * header , * footer , * agent , * agenthelp , * prevagent = 0 , * formheader , * formfooter , * field , * docstr ; long allocsize ; FILE * fp , * docfp ;
int32_t i , n , len , err = 0 , size = 0 ; cJSON * helpjson , * array , * item , * docjson = 0 , * helpitem ;
header = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " header " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
footer = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " footer " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
formheader = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " formheader " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
formfooter = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " formfooter " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
field = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " field " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
agent = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( " agent " , suffix ) ) ; if ( allocsize > MAX_TEMPLATESIZE ) err + + ;
fp = fopen ( fname , " w " ) ;
docjson = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
if ( fp ! = 0 & & err = = 0 & & header ! = 0 & & footer ! = 0 & & formheader ! = 0 & & formfooter ! = 0 & & field ! = 0 )
@ -372,11 +402,26 @@ int32_t pretty_forms(char *fname,char *agentstr)
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( array , i ) ;
str = jstr ( item , " agent " ) ;
update_docjson ( docjson , str , jstr ( item , " method " ) ) ;
if ( ( str = jstr ( item , " agent " ) ) = = 0 )
continue ;
if ( prevagent = = 0 | | strcmp ( str , prevagent ) ! = 0 )
if ( agent ! = 0 )
char errbuf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( errbuf , " need to create help/%s.md file " , str ) ;
if ( ( agenthelp = OS_filestr ( & allocsize , formfname ( str , " md " ) ) ) ! = 0 )
fprintf ( fp , agent , str , agenthelp ) ;
free ( agenthelp ) ;
} else fprintf ( fp , agent , str , errbuf ) ;
prevagent = str ;
helpitem = update_docjson ( docjson , str , jstr ( item , " method " ) ) ;
if ( agentstr = = 0 | | agentstr [ 0 ] = = 0 | | ( str ! = 0 & & strcmp ( str , agentstr ) = = 0 ) )
len = pretty_form ( fp , formheader , formfooter , field , str ! = 0 ? str : " agent " , item ) ;
len = pretty_form ( fp , formheader , formfooter , field , str ! = 0 ? str : " agent " , item , helpitem , suffix ) ;
size + = len ;
} //else printf("agentstr.%p (%s) (%s) str.%p \n",agentstr,agentstr,str,str);
@ -388,7 +433,7 @@ int32_t pretty_forms(char *fname,char *agentstr)
fclose ( fp ) ;
if ( docjson ! = 0 & & ( docfp = fopen ( " help.json " , " w " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( suffix ! = 0 & & docjson ! = 0 & & ( docfp = fopen ( " help.json " , " w " ) ) ! = 0 )
docstr = jprint ( docjson , 1 ) ;
fprintf ( docfp , " %s \n " , docstr ) ;
@ -406,9 +451,15 @@ int32_t pretty_forms(char *fname,char *agentstr)
char * SuperNET_htmlstr ( char * fname , char * htmlstr , int32_t maxsize , char * agentstr )
static int counter ;
int32_t i , n , len , size = 0 ; cJSON * helpjson , * item , * array ; char * str ; FILE * fp = 0 ;
htmlstr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( pretty_forms ( fname , agentstr ) ! = 0 )
if ( counter + + = = 0 )
pretty_forms ( " API.md " , 0 , " md " ) ;
printf ( " autocreate %s \n " , " API.md " ) ;
if ( pretty_forms ( fname , agentstr , " html " ) ! = 0 )
return ( htmlstr ) ;