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Remove single unused function out of 24

jl777 8 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 22
  3. 49
  4. 89


@ -37,3 +37,13 @@ iguana/confs/BTC_hdrs.txt


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "C++ Launch (Windows)",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "enter program name, for example ${workspaceRoot}/a.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false
"name": "C++ Attach (Windows)",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "attach",
"processId": "${command:pickProcess}"


@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ iguana: most efficient bitcoin core implementation that can simultaneously be fu
komodo: this is the top secret project I cant talk about publicly yet
> #TL;DR#
> ```sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential; git clone; cd SuperNET; ./m_onetime m_unix;```
> The above one line gets SuperNET installed, built and launched for unix.
> ```sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential libnanomsg-dev; git clone; cd SuperNET; ./m_onetime m_unix;```
> The above one line gets SuperNET installed, built and launched for unix.
> After that ```./m_unix``` updates to latest.
> *Continue below at "Running".*
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ The above two definitions need to be changed to match the mingw install on your
You need to make sure the nacl sdk is properly installed and you are able to build the examples.
Now you will need to get the external libs, which can be built from scratch using naclports or there use the reference builds of libcurl.a and libz.a in the SuperNET/crypto777/pnacl_libs. You can just copy those over into $(NACL_SDK_ROOT)/<pepper_dir>/lib/pnacl.
##For android##
You have to build a native libnanomsg for android. This section is work in progress. Contact for assistance on building latest iguana for android.
Now you are ready to build.
@ -103,14 +105,14 @@ Internally, all paths convert the request into a standard SuperNET JSON request.
Another approach is to use the bitcoin RPC syntax via:
curl --url "" --data "{\"coin\":\"BTCD\",\"method\":\"getinfo\",\"params\":[]}"
the params:[] array is where the standard bitcoin parameters go, the only change that is needed is to specify the coin
alternatively {"agent":"SuperNET","method":"bitcoinrpc","coin":"BTCD"} will set the coin
alternatively {"agent":"SuperNET","method":"bitcoinrpc","coin":"BTCD"} will set the coin
to use for bitcoin RPC calls. this will suffice in single coin environments
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana",\"method\":\"test\"}"
curl --url "" -> html page with results
curl --url "" -> just json text -> superugly GUI
iguana_JSON("{\"agent\":\"iguana",\"method\":\"test\"}"); -> direct C function call
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ iguana can be invoked with a command line argument. if it is a name of a file, i
"exchanges" -> { "name":"<name of exchange>", ... }
"apikey", "apisecret", "userid", "tradepassword" these are as expected
"pollgap" -> gap between each access to exchange for getting prices
on OSX mksquashfs is not native, you will need to install fuse: and a squashfs for mac:
@ -221,34 +223,3 @@ sudo service ntp start
Now things should be ready. To update and run notary node:
pkill iguana; ./m_LP; tests/notaryinit
##Build for OSX distribution##
Get OSX SDK 10.6 from
Unpack & move the .sdk folder to Xcodes SDK folder:
```cd DownloadDirectory```
```mv MacOSX10.6.sdk /Applications/```
If you are using Xcode > 7.3 add the new SDK to XCode by changing MinimumSDKVersion in your Info.plist:
```vi /Applications/```
Change the value to:
Build crypto777 library and agents with OSX release makefile:
```./m_onetime m_osx_release```
Execute the OSX deploy script:
The iguana binary and its linked libraries are in ```$HOME/tmp/iguana```.


@ -451,95 +451,6 @@ int32_t bitcoin_rangeproof(void *ctx,uint8_t *proof,uint8_t *commit,bits256 blin
* The intended procedure for creating a multiparty signature is:
* - Each signer S[i] with private key x[i] and public key Q[i] runs
* secp256k1_schnorr_generate_nonce_pair to produce a pair (k[i],R[i]) of private/public nonces.
* - All signers communicate their public nonces to each other (revealing your
* private nonce can lead to discovery of your private key, so it should be considered secret).
* - All signers combine all the public nonces they received (excluding their
* own) using secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine to obtain an Rall[i] = sum(R[0..i-1,i+1..n]).
* - All signers produce a partial signature using
* secp256k1_schnorr_partial_sign, passing in their own private key x[i],
* their own private nonce k[i], and the sum of the others' public nonces Rall[i].
* - All signers communicate their partial signatures to each other.
* - Someone combines all partial signatures using secp256k1_schnorr_partial_combine, to obtain a full signature.
* - The resulting signature is validatable using secp256k1_schnorr_verify, with
* public key equal to the result of secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine of the signers' public keys (sum(Q[0..n])).
* Note that secp256k1_schnorr_partial_combine and secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine
* function take their arguments in any order, and it is possible to
* pre-combine several inputs already with one call, and add more inputs later
* by calling the function again (they are commutative and associative).
#ifdef test_schnorr
#include "secp256k1/src/util.h"
#include "secp256k1/src/hash_impl.h"
#include "secp256k1/src/testrand_impl.h"
void test_schnorr_threshold(void *ctx) {
unsigned char msg[32];
unsigned char sec[5][32];
secp256k1_pubkey pub[5];
unsigned char nonce[5][32];
secp256k1_pubkey pubnonce[5];
unsigned char sig[5][64];
const unsigned char* sigs[5];
unsigned char allsig[64];
const secp256k1_pubkey* pubs[5];
secp256k1_pubkey allpub;
int n, i;
int damage;
int ret = 0;
damage = secp256k1_rand_bits(1) ? (1 + secp256k1_rand_int(4)) : 0;
n = 2 + secp256k1_rand_int(4);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
do {
} while (!secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(ctx, sec[i]));
CHECK(secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx, &pub[i], sec[i]));
CHECK(secp256k1_schnorr_generate_nonce_pair(ctx, &pubnonce[i], nonce[i], msg, sec[i], NULL, NULL));
pubs[i] = &pub[i];
if (damage == 1) {
nonce[secp256k1_rand_int(n)][secp256k1_rand_int(32)] ^= 1 + secp256k1_rand_int(255);
} else if (damage == 2) {
sec[secp256k1_rand_int(n)][secp256k1_rand_int(32)] ^= 1 + secp256k1_rand_int(255);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
secp256k1_pubkey allpubnonce;
const secp256k1_pubkey *pubnonces[4];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
pubnonces[j] = &pubnonce[j];
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
pubnonces[j - 1] = &pubnonce[j];
CHECK(secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(ctx, &allpubnonce, pubnonces, n - 1));
ret |= (secp256k1_schnorr_partial_sign(ctx, sig[i], msg, sec[i], &allpubnonce, nonce[i]) != 1) * 1;
sigs[i] = sig[i];
if (damage == 3) {
sig[secp256k1_rand_int(n)][secp256k1_rand_bits(6)] ^= 1 + secp256k1_rand_int(255);
ret |= (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(ctx, &allpub, pubs, n) != 1) * 2;
if ((ret & 1) == 0) {
ret |= (secp256k1_schnorr_partial_combine(ctx, allsig, sigs, n) != 1) * 4;
if (damage == 4) {
allsig[secp256k1_rand_int(32)] ^= 1 + secp256k1_rand_int(255);
if ((ret & 7) == 0) {
ret |= (secp256k1_schnorr_verify(ctx, allsig, msg, &allpub) != 1) * 8;
CHECK((ret == 0) == (damage == 0));
int32_t iguana_pederson_test(void *ctx)
uint8_t commits[100][33],*commitptrs[100],proofs[100][5138]; uint16_t vouts[100]; int64_t min_value,values[100],totalpos,totalneg; bits256 txids[100],nonces[100],blinds[100],*blindptrs[100],blindsum; int32_t prooflens[100],i,r,pos,neg,numpos,exponent,min_bits,n,N = 100;
