@ -14,6 +14,45 @@ |
******************************************************************************/ |
// included from basilisk.c
/* https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1340621.msg13828271#msg13828271
Tier Nolan's approach is followed with the following changes: |
a) instead of cutting 1000 keypairs, only INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE are a |
b) instead of sending the entire 256 bits, it is truncated to 64 bits. With odds of collision being so low, it is dwarfed by the ~0.1% insurance factor. |
c) D is set to 100x the insurance rate of 1/777 12.87% + BTC amount |
d) insurance is added to Bob's payment, which is after the deposit and bailin |
e) BEFORE Bob broadcasts deposit, Alice broadcasts BTC denominated fee in cltv so if trade isnt done fee is reclaimed |
*/ |
both fees are standard payments: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 FEE_RMD160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG |
Alice altpayment: OP_2 <alice_pubM> <bob_pubN> OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG |
Bob deposit: |
OP_HASH160 <hash(bob_privN)> OP_EQUALVERIFY <bob_pubB0> OP_CHECKSIG |
Bob paytx: |
OP_HASH160 <hash(alice_privM)> OP_EQUALVERIFY <alice_pubA0> OP_CHECKSIG |
Naming convention are pubAi are alice's pubkeys (seems only pubA0 and not pubA1) |
pubBi are Bob's pubkeys |
privN is Bob's privkey from the cut and choose deck as selected by Alice |
privM is Alice's counterpart |
pubN and pubM are the corresponding pubkeys for these chosen privkeys |
Alice timeout event is triggered if INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME elapses from the start of a FSM instance. Bob timeout event is triggered after INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*2 |
*/ |
#define SCRIPT_OP_IF 0x63 |
#define SCRIPT_OP_ELSE 0x67 |
#define SCRIPT_OP_ENDIF 0x68 |
@ -72,6 +111,52 @@ int32_t basilisk_alicescript(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,char *msigaddr,uint8_t al |
return(n); |
} |
int32_t basilisk_rawtx_spend(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_swap *swap,struct basilisk_rawtx *dest,struct basilisk_rawtx *rawtx,bits256 privkey,uint8_t *userdata,int32_t userdatalen) |
{ |
char *rawtxbytes,*signedtx,hexstr[999],wifstr[128]; cJSON *txobj,*vins,*item,*sobj,*privkeys; int32_t retval = -1,len=0; struct vin_info V; |
memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); |
V.signers[0].privkey = privkey; |
privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray(); |
bitcoin_priv2wif(wifstr,privkey,rawtx->coin->chain->wiftype); |
jaddistr(privkeys,wifstr); |
if ( userdata != 0 && userdatalen > 0 ) |
{ |
V.suppress_pubkeys = 1; |
memcpy(V.userdata,userdata,userdatalen); |
V.userdatalen = len; |
} |
txobj = bitcoin_txcreate(rawtx->coin->chain->isPoS,0,1); |
vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); |
item = cJSON_CreateObject(); |
jaddbits256(item,"txid",rawtx->actualtxid); |
jaddnum(item,"vout",0); |
sobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); |
init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,rawtx->spendscript,rawtx->spendlen); |
jaddstr(sobj,"hex",hexstr); |
jadd(item,"scriptPubKey",sobj); |
jaddi(vins,item); |
jdelete(txobj,"vin"); |
jadd(txobj,"vin",vins); |
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput(txobj,dest->spendscript,dest->spendlen,dest->amount); |
if ( (rawtxbytes= bitcoin_json2hex(myinfo,rawtx->coin,&dest->txid,txobj,&V)) != 0 ) |
{ |
printf("spend rawtx.(%s)\n",rawtxbytes); |
if ( (signedtx= iguana_signrawtx(myinfo,rawtx->coin,&dest->signedtxid,&dest->completed,vins,rawtxbytes,privkeys,&V)) != 0 ) |
{ |
printf("rawtx spend signedtx.(%s)\n",signedtx); |
dest->datalen = (int32_t)strlen(signedtx) >> 1; |
dest->txbytes = calloc(1,dest->datalen); |
decode_hex(dest->txbytes,dest->datalen,signedtx); |
free(signedtx); |
retval = 0; |
} |
free(rawtxbytes); |
} |
free_json(privkeys); |
free_json(txobj); |
return(retval); |
} |
struct basilisk_rawtx *basilisk_swapdata_rawtx(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,struct basilisk_rawtx *rawtx) |
{ |
if ( rawtx->txbytes != 0 && rawtx->datalen <= maxlen ) |
@ -100,57 +185,17 @@ int32_t basilisk_verify_bobdeposit(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_ |
int32_t basilisk_verify_bobpaid(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) |
{ |
char *rawtx,*signedtx,hexstr[999],wifstr[128]; cJSON *txobj,*vins,*item,*sobj,*privkeys; int32_t retval = -1,i,len=0; struct vin_info V; |
uint8_t userdata[512]; int32_t i,len = 0; |
// add verification
swap->bobpayment.txbytes = calloc(1,datalen); |
memcpy(swap->bobpayment.txbytes,data,datalen); |
swap->bobpayment.signedtxid = bits256_doublesha256(0,data,datalen); |
// OP_HASH160 <hash(alice_privM)> OP_EQUALVERIFY <alice_pubA0> OP_CHECKSIG
memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); |
V.signers[0].privkey = swap->myprivs[0]; |
privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray(); |
bitcoin_priv2wif(wifstr,swap->myprivs[0],swap->bobcoin->chain->wiftype); |
printf("wifstr.(%s)\n",wifstr); |
jaddistr(privkeys,wifstr); |
V.suppress_pubkeys = 1; |
V.userdata[len++] = 32; |
for (i=0; i<32; i++) |
V.userdata[len++] = swap->privAm.bytes[i]; |
V.userdata[len++] = 0; |
V.userdatalen = len; |
txobj = bitcoin_txcreate(swap->bobcoin->chain->isPoS,0,1); |
vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); |
item = cJSON_CreateObject(); |
jaddbits256(item,"txid",swap->bobpayment.signedtxid); |
jaddnum(item,"vout",0); |
jaddnum(item,"height",swap->bobcoin->blocks.hwmchain.height); |
jaddnum(item,"checkind",swap->bobcoin->blocks.hwmchain.height); |
sobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); |
init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,swap->bobpayment.spendscript,swap->bobpayment.spendlen); |
jaddstr(sobj,"hex",hexstr); |
jadd(item,"scriptPubKey",sobj); |
jaddi(vins,item); |
jdelete(txobj,"vin"); |
jadd(txobj,"vin",vins); |
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput(txobj,swap->alicespend.spendscript,swap->alicespend.spendlen,swap->alicespend.amount); |
if ( (rawtx= bitcoin_json2hex(myinfo,swap->bobcoin,&swap->alicespend.txid,txobj,&V)) != 0 ) |
{ |
printf("alice spend rawtx.(%s)\n",rawtx); |
if ( (signedtx= iguana_signrawtx(myinfo,swap->bobcoin,&swap->alicespend.signedtxid,&swap->alicespend.completed,vins,rawtx,privkeys,&V)) != 0 ) |
{ |
printf("alice spend signedtx.(%s)\n",signedtx); |
swap->alicespend.datalen = (int32_t)strlen(signedtx) >> 1; |
swap->alicespend.txbytes = calloc(1,swap->alicespend.datalen); |
decode_hex(swap->alicespend.txbytes,swap->alicespend.datalen,signedtx); |
free(signedtx); |
retval = 0; |
} |
free(rawtx); |
} |
free_json(privkeys); |
free_json(txobj); |
// set alicespend
return(retval); |
userdata[len++] = sizeof(swap->privAm); |
for (i=0; i<sizeof(swap->privAm); i++) |
userdata[len++] = swap->privAm.bytes[i]; |
userdata[len++] = 0; // false -> else path
return(basilisk_rawtx_spend(myinfo,swap,&swap->alicespend,&swap->bobpayment,swap->myprivs[0],userdata,len)); |
} |
int32_t basilisk_verify_alicepaid(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) |
@ -421,7 +466,7 @@ struct basilisk_swap *bitcoin_swapinit(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basil |
strcpy(swap->alicestr,swap->alicecoin->symbol); |
swap->started = (uint32_t)time(NULL); |
swap->expiration = swap->req.timestamp + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*2; |
swap->locktime = swap->expiration + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME; |
swap->locktime = swap->req.timestamp + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME; |
OS_randombytes((uint8_t *)&swap->choosei,sizeof(swap->choosei)); |
if ( swap->choosei < 0 ) |
swap->choosei = -swap->choosei; |