diff --git a/iguana/exchanges/LP_include.h b/iguana/exchanges/LP_include.h index 99381bfe9..af0f0fee3 100644 --- a/iguana/exchanges/LP_include.h +++ b/iguana/exchanges/LP_include.h @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ #define LP_MINVOL 10 #define LP_MINCLIENTVOL 20 #define LP_MINSIZE_TXFEEMULT 10 -#define LP_REQUIRED_TXFEE 0.95 +#define LP_REQUIRED_TXFEE 0.9 #define LP_DEXFEE(destsatoshis) ((destsatoshis) / INSTANTDEX_INSURANCEDIV) #define LP_DEPOSITSATOSHIS(satoshis) ((satoshis) + (satoshis >> 3)) diff --git a/iguana/exchanges/LP_ordermatch.c b/iguana/exchanges/LP_ordermatch.c index bed5cf84d..3f1cbd636 100644 --- a/iguana/exchanges/LP_ordermatch.c +++ b/iguana/exchanges/LP_ordermatch.c @@ -604,183 +604,6 @@ char *LP_bestfit(char *rel,double relvolume) return(jprint(LP_utxojson(autxo),1)); } -#ifdef oldway -struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_bestutxo(double *ordermatchpricep,int64_t *bestsatoshisp,int64_t *bestdestsatoshisp,struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,char *base,double maxprice,int32_t duration,uint64_t txfee,uint64_t desttxfee,uint64_t maxdestsatoshis) -{ - int64_t satoshis,destsatoshis; uint64_t val,val2; bits256 txid,pubkey; char *obookstr; cJSON *orderbook,*asks,*item; struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,*bestutxo = 0; int32_t i,n,j,vout,numasks; double bestmetric=0.,metric,vol,price,qprice,bestprice = 0.; struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp; - *ordermatchpricep = 0.; - *bestsatoshisp = *bestdestsatoshisp = 0; - if ( duration <= 0 ) - duration = LP_ORDERBOOK_DURATION; - if ( maxprice <= 0. || LP_priceinfofind(base) == 0 ) - return(0); - LP_txfees(&txfee,&desttxfee,base,autxo->coin); - if ( (obookstr= LP_orderbook(base,autxo->coin,duration)) != 0 ) - { - if ( (orderbook= cJSON_Parse(obookstr)) != 0 ) - { - if ( (asks= jarray(&numasks,orderbook,"asks")) != 0 ) - { - for (i=0; i 0 && price <= maxprice ) - { - //price *= 1.0001; - //if ( price > maxprice ) - // price = maxprice; - pubkey = jbits256(item,"pubkey"); - if ( bits256_cmp(pubkey,LP_mypub25519) != 0 && (pubp= LP_pubkeyadd(pubkey)) != 0 && pubp->numerrors < LP_MAXPUBKEY_ERRORS ) - { - if ( bestprice == 0. ) // assumes price ordered asks - bestprice = price; - printf("item.[%d] %s\n",i,jprint(item,0)); - txid = jbits256(item,"txid"); - vout = jint(item,"vout"); - vol = jdouble(item,"volume"); - metric = price / bestprice; - printf("maxdest %.8f metric %f vol %f add pings numutxos.%d min %.8f max %.8f\n",dstr(maxdestsatoshis),metric,vol,jint(item,"numutxos"),jdouble(item,"minvolume"),jdouble(item,"maxvolume")); - // check utxos > 1 for pubkey, SPV validate recv'ed - /*if ( (butxo= LP_utxofind(1,txid,vout)) != 0 && (long long)(vol*SATOSHIDEN) == butxo->S.satoshis && LP_isavailable(butxo) > 0 && LP_ismine(butxo) == 0 && butxo->T.bestflag == 0 ) - { - printf("got butxo? %p\n",butxo); - if ( LP_iseligible(&val,&val2,butxo->iambob,butxo->coin,butxo->payment.txid,butxo->payment.vout,butxo->S.satoshis,butxo->deposit.txid,butxo->deposit.vout) > 0 ) - { - destsatoshis = ((butxo->S.satoshis - txfee) * price); - satoshis = (destsatoshis / price + 0.49) - txfee; - if ( satoshis <= 0 ) - continue; - qprice = (double)destsatoshis / satoshis; - n = (int32_t)((double)destsatoshis / desttxfee); - if ( n < 10 ) - n = 10; - else n = 3; - for (j=0; jS.satoshis,txfee,autxo->payment.value,maxdestsatoshis,desttxfee)) > price+SMALLVAL ) - break; - } - //printf("j.%d/%d qprice %.8f vs price %.8f best.(%.8f %.8f)\n",j,n,qprice,price,dstr(satoshis),dstr(destsatoshis)); - if ( metric < 1.2 && destsatoshis > desttxfee && destsatoshis-desttxfee > (autxo->payment.value / LP_MINCLIENTVOL) && satoshis-txfee > (butxo->S.satoshis / LP_MINVOL) && satoshis <= butxo->payment.value-txfee ) - { - printf("value %.8f price %.8f/%.8f best %.8f destsatoshis %.8f * metric %.8f -> (%f)\n",dstr(autxo->payment.value),price,bestprice,bestmetric,dstr(destsatoshis),metric,dstr(destsatoshis) * metric * metric * metric); - metric = dstr(destsatoshis) * metric * metric * metric; - if ( bestmetric == 0. || metric < bestmetric ) - { - bestutxo = butxo; - *ordermatchpricep = price; - *bestdestsatoshisp = destsatoshis; - *bestsatoshisp = satoshis; - bestmetric = metric; - printf("set best!\n"); - } - } // else printf("skip.(%d %d %d %d %d) metric %f destsatoshis %.8f value %.8f destvalue %.8f txfees %.8f %.8f sats %.8f\n",metric < 1.2,destsatoshis > desttxfee,destsatoshis-desttxfee > (autxo->payment.value / LP_MINCLIENTVOL),satoshis-txfee > (butxo->S.satoshis / LP_MINVOL),satoshis < butxo->payment.value-txfee,metric,dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(butxo->S.satoshis),dstr(autxo->payment.value),dstr(txfee),dstr(desttxfee),dstr(satoshis)); - } - else - { - printf("ineligible.(%.8f %.8f)\n",price,dstr(butxo->S.satoshis)); - //if ( butxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) - // butxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); - } - } - else - { - if ( butxo != 0 ) - printf("%llu %llu %d %d %d: ",(long long)(vol*SATOSHIDEN),(long long)butxo->S.satoshis,vol*SATOSHIDEN == butxo->S.satoshis,LP_isavailable(butxo) > 0,LP_ismine(butxo) == 0); - printf("cant find butxo.%p or value mismatch %.8f != %.8f or bestflag.%d\n",butxo,vol,butxo!=0?dstr(butxo->S.satoshis):0,butxo->T.bestflag); - }*/ - } else printf("self trading or blacklisted peer\n"); - } - else - { - if ( i == 0 ) - printf("maxprice %.8f vs %.8f\n",maxprice,price); - break; - } - } - if ( bestutxo == 0 ) - { - int32_t numrestraints; - for (i=numrestraints=0; iT.bestflag = 0; - pubp->numerrors = 0; - } - } - } - printf("no bob utxo found -> cleared %d restraints\n",numrestraints); - } - } - free_json(orderbook); - } - free(obookstr); - } - printf("bestutxo.%p %.8f %.8f\n",bestutxo,*ordermatchpricep,dstr(*bestdestsatoshisp)); - if ( bestutxo == 0 || *ordermatchpricep == 0. || *bestdestsatoshisp == 0 ) - return(0); - bestutxo->T.bestflag = 1; - int32_t changed; - LP_mypriceset(&changed,autxo->coin,base,1. / *ordermatchpricep); - return(bestutxo); -} - -char *LP_ordermatch(char *base,int64_t txfee,double maxprice,double maxvolume,char *rel,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,bits256 feetxid,int32_t feevout,int64_t desttxfee,int32_t duration) -{ - struct LP_quoteinfo Q; int64_t bestsatoshis=0,bestdestsatoshis = 0; double ordermatchprice = 0.; struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,*bestutxo; - txfee = LP_txfeecalc(LP_coinfind(base),txfee); - desttxfee = LP_txfeecalc(LP_coinfind(rel),desttxfee); - if ( (autxo= LP_utxopairfind(0,txid,vout,feetxid,feevout)) == 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find alice utxopair\"}")); - if ( (bestutxo= LP_bestutxo(&ordermatchprice,&bestsatoshis,&bestdestsatoshis,autxo,base,maxprice,duration,txfee,desttxfee,SATOSHIDEN*maxvolume)) == 0 || ordermatchprice == 0. || bestdestsatoshis == 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find ordermatch utxo\"}")); - if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,bestutxo,rel,ordermatchprice,bestsatoshis,bestdestsatoshis) < 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote\"}")); - if ( LP_quotedestinfo(&Q,autxo->payment.txid,autxo->payment.vout,autxo->fee.txid,autxo->fee.vout,LP_mypub25519,autxo->coinaddr) < 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote info\"}")); - return(jprint(LP_quotejson(&Q),1)); -} - -char *LP_autotrade(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel,double maxprice,double relvolume,int32_t timeout,int32_t duration) -{ - uint64_t desttxfee,txfee; int64_t bestsatoshis=0,bestdestsatoshis=0; struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,*butxo,*bestutxo = 0; double qprice,ordermatchprice=0.; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; - if ( duration <= 0 ) - duration = LP_ORDERBOOK_DURATION; - if ( timeout <= 0 ) - timeout = LP_AUTOTRADE_TIMEOUT; - if ( maxprice <= 0. || relvolume <= 0. || LP_priceinfofind(base) == 0 || LP_priceinfofind(rel) == 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid parameter\"}")); - if ( (autxo= LP_utxo_bestfit(rel,SATOSHIDEN * relvolume)) == 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find utxo that is big enough\"}")); - LP_txfees(&txfee,&desttxfee,base,rel); - if ( (bestutxo= LP_bestutxo(&ordermatchprice,&bestsatoshis,&bestdestsatoshis,autxo,base,maxprice,duration,txfee,desttxfee,SATOSHIDEN*relvolume)) == 0 || ordermatchprice == 0. || bestdestsatoshis == 0 ) - { - printf("bestutxo.%p ordermatchprice %.8f bestdestsatoshis %.8f\n",bestutxo,ordermatchprice,dstr(bestdestsatoshis)); - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find ordermatch utxo\"}")); - } - if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,bestutxo,rel,ordermatchprice,bestsatoshis,bestdestsatoshis) < 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote\"}")); - if ( LP_quotedestinfo(&Q,autxo->payment.txid,autxo->payment.vout,autxo->fee.txid,autxo->fee.vout,LP_mypub25519,autxo->coinaddr) < 0 ) - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote info\"}")); - if ( (qprice= LP_quote_validate(&autxo,&butxo,&Q,0)) <= SMALLVAL ) - { - printf("quote validate error %.0f\n",qprice); - return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"quote validation error\"}")); - } - printf("do quote.(%s)\n",jprint(LP_quotejson(&Q),1)); - return(LP_trade(ctx,myipaddr,mypubsock,&Q,maxprice,timeout,duration)); -} -#endif - char *LP_trade(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,struct LP_quoteinfo *qp,double maxprice,int32_t timeout,int32_t duration) { struct LP_utxoinfo *aliceutxo; cJSON *bestitem=0; int32_t DEXselector=0; uint32_t expiration; double price; struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp; diff --git a/iguana/exchanges/LP_rpc.c b/iguana/exchanges/LP_rpc.c index 71330a93a..5f6e34af4 100644 --- a/iguana/exchanges/LP_rpc.c +++ b/iguana/exchanges/LP_rpc.c @@ -571,9 +571,9 @@ double LP_getestimatedrate(struct iguana_info *coin) return(0.0001); if ( (strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 || coin->txfee == 0) ) { - if ( coin->rate == 0. || time(NULL) > coin->ratetime+600 ) + if ( coin->rate == 0. || time(NULL) > coin->ratetime+60 ) { - sprintf(buf,"[%d]",3); + sprintf(buf,"[%d]",6); if ( (retstr= LP_apicall(coin,coin->electrum==0?"estimatefee" : "blockchain.estimatefee",buf)) != 0 ) { if ( retstr[0] != '-' ) @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ double LP_getestimatedrate(struct iguana_info *coin) rate = atof(retstr) / 1024.; if ( rate < 0.00000020 ) rate = 0.00000020; - coin->rate = rate; + coin->rate = rate * 1.25; coin->ratetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("estimated rate.(%s) %s -> %.8f\n",coin->symbol,retstr,rate); } diff --git a/iguana/exchanges/LP_statemachine.c b/iguana/exchanges/LP_statemachine.c index 860c796e1..e22ca255f 100644 --- a/iguana/exchanges/LP_statemachine.c +++ b/iguana/exchanges/LP_statemachine.c @@ -1601,3 +1601,181 @@ if ( (array= LP_tradecandidates(base)) != 0 ) }*/ +#ifdef oldway +struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_bestutxo(double *ordermatchpricep,int64_t *bestsatoshisp,int64_t *bestdestsatoshisp,struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,char *base,double maxprice,int32_t duration,uint64_t txfee,uint64_t desttxfee,uint64_t maxdestsatoshis) +{ + int64_t satoshis,destsatoshis; uint64_t val,val2; bits256 txid,pubkey; char *obookstr; cJSON *orderbook,*asks,*item; struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,*bestutxo = 0; int32_t i,n,j,vout,numasks; double bestmetric=0.,metric,vol,price,qprice,bestprice = 0.; struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp; + *ordermatchpricep = 0.; + *bestsatoshisp = *bestdestsatoshisp = 0; + if ( duration <= 0 ) + duration = LP_ORDERBOOK_DURATION; + if ( maxprice <= 0. || LP_priceinfofind(base) == 0 ) + return(0); + LP_txfees(&txfee,&desttxfee,base,autxo->coin); + if ( (obookstr= LP_orderbook(base,autxo->coin,duration)) != 0 ) + { + if ( (orderbook= cJSON_Parse(obookstr)) != 0 ) + { + if ( (asks= jarray(&numasks,orderbook,"asks")) != 0 ) + { + for (i=0; i 0 && price <= maxprice ) + { + //price *= 1.0001; + //if ( price > maxprice ) + // price = maxprice; + pubkey = jbits256(item,"pubkey"); + if ( bits256_cmp(pubkey,LP_mypub25519) != 0 && (pubp= LP_pubkeyadd(pubkey)) != 0 && pubp->numerrors < LP_MAXPUBKEY_ERRORS ) + { + if ( bestprice == 0. ) // assumes price ordered asks + bestprice = price; + printf("item.[%d] %s\n",i,jprint(item,0)); + txid = jbits256(item,"txid"); + vout = jint(item,"vout"); + vol = jdouble(item,"volume"); + metric = price / bestprice; + printf("maxdest %.8f metric %f vol %f add pings numutxos.%d min %.8f max %.8f\n",dstr(maxdestsatoshis),metric,vol,jint(item,"numutxos"),jdouble(item,"minvolume"),jdouble(item,"maxvolume")); + // check utxos > 1 for pubkey, SPV validate recv'ed + /*if ( (butxo= LP_utxofind(1,txid,vout)) != 0 && (long long)(vol*SATOSHIDEN) == butxo->S.satoshis && LP_isavailable(butxo) > 0 && LP_ismine(butxo) == 0 && butxo->T.bestflag == 0 ) + { + printf("got butxo? %p\n",butxo); + if ( LP_iseligible(&val,&val2,butxo->iambob,butxo->coin,butxo->payment.txid,butxo->payment.vout,butxo->S.satoshis,butxo->deposit.txid,butxo->deposit.vout) > 0 ) + { + destsatoshis = ((butxo->S.satoshis - txfee) * price); + satoshis = (destsatoshis / price + 0.49) - txfee; + if ( satoshis <= 0 ) + continue; + qprice = (double)destsatoshis / satoshis; + n = (int32_t)((double)destsatoshis / desttxfee); + if ( n < 10 ) + n = 10; + else n = 3; + for (j=0; jS.satoshis,txfee,autxo->payment.value,maxdestsatoshis,desttxfee)) > price+SMALLVAL ) + break; + } + //printf("j.%d/%d qprice %.8f vs price %.8f best.(%.8f %.8f)\n",j,n,qprice,price,dstr(satoshis),dstr(destsatoshis)); + if ( metric < 1.2 && destsatoshis > desttxfee && destsatoshis-desttxfee > (autxo->payment.value / LP_MINCLIENTVOL) && satoshis-txfee > (butxo->S.satoshis / LP_MINVOL) && satoshis <= butxo->payment.value-txfee ) + { + printf("value %.8f price %.8f/%.8f best %.8f destsatoshis %.8f * metric %.8f -> (%f)\n",dstr(autxo->payment.value),price,bestprice,bestmetric,dstr(destsatoshis),metric,dstr(destsatoshis) * metric * metric * metric); + metric = dstr(destsatoshis) * metric * metric * metric; + if ( bestmetric == 0. || metric < bestmetric ) + { + bestutxo = butxo; + *ordermatchpricep = price; + *bestdestsatoshisp = destsatoshis; + *bestsatoshisp = satoshis; + bestmetric = metric; + printf("set best!\n"); + } + } // else printf("skip.(%d %d %d %d %d) metric %f destsatoshis %.8f value %.8f destvalue %.8f txfees %.8f %.8f sats %.8f\n",metric < 1.2,destsatoshis > desttxfee,destsatoshis-desttxfee > (autxo->payment.value / LP_MINCLIENTVOL),satoshis-txfee > (butxo->S.satoshis / LP_MINVOL),satoshis < butxo->payment.value-txfee,metric,dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(butxo->S.satoshis),dstr(autxo->payment.value),dstr(txfee),dstr(desttxfee),dstr(satoshis)); + } + else + { + printf("ineligible.(%.8f %.8f)\n",price,dstr(butxo->S.satoshis)); + //if ( butxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) + // butxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); + } + } + else + { + if ( butxo != 0 ) + printf("%llu %llu %d %d %d: ",(long long)(vol*SATOSHIDEN),(long long)butxo->S.satoshis,vol*SATOSHIDEN == butxo->S.satoshis,LP_isavailable(butxo) > 0,LP_ismine(butxo) == 0); + printf("cant find butxo.%p or value mismatch %.8f != %.8f or bestflag.%d\n",butxo,vol,butxo!=0?dstr(butxo->S.satoshis):0,butxo->T.bestflag); + }*/ + } else printf("self trading or blacklisted peer\n"); + } + else + { + if ( i == 0 ) + printf("maxprice %.8f vs %.8f\n",maxprice,price); + break; + } + } + if ( bestutxo == 0 ) + { + int32_t numrestraints; + for (i=numrestraints=0; iT.bestflag = 0; + pubp->numerrors = 0; + } + } + } + printf("no bob utxo found -> cleared %d restraints\n",numrestraints); + } + } + free_json(orderbook); + } + free(obookstr); + } + printf("bestutxo.%p %.8f %.8f\n",bestutxo,*ordermatchpricep,dstr(*bestdestsatoshisp)); + if ( bestutxo == 0 || *ordermatchpricep == 0. || *bestdestsatoshisp == 0 ) + return(0); + bestutxo->T.bestflag = 1; + int32_t changed; + LP_mypriceset(&changed,autxo->coin,base,1. / *ordermatchpricep); + return(bestutxo); +} + +char *LP_ordermatch(char *base,int64_t txfee,double maxprice,double maxvolume,char *rel,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,bits256 feetxid,int32_t feevout,int64_t desttxfee,int32_t duration) +{ + struct LP_quoteinfo Q; int64_t bestsatoshis=0,bestdestsatoshis = 0; double ordermatchprice = 0.; struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,*bestutxo; + txfee = LP_txfeecalc(LP_coinfind(base),txfee); + desttxfee = LP_txfeecalc(LP_coinfind(rel),desttxfee); + if ( (autxo= LP_utxopairfind(0,txid,vout,feetxid,feevout)) == 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find alice utxopair\"}")); + if ( (bestutxo= LP_bestutxo(&ordermatchprice,&bestsatoshis,&bestdestsatoshis,autxo,base,maxprice,duration,txfee,desttxfee,SATOSHIDEN*maxvolume)) == 0 || ordermatchprice == 0. || bestdestsatoshis == 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find ordermatch utxo\"}")); + if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,bestutxo,rel,ordermatchprice,bestsatoshis,bestdestsatoshis) < 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote\"}")); + if ( LP_quotedestinfo(&Q,autxo->payment.txid,autxo->payment.vout,autxo->fee.txid,autxo->fee.vout,LP_mypub25519,autxo->coinaddr) < 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote info\"}")); + return(jprint(LP_quotejson(&Q),1)); +} + +char *LP_autotrade(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel,double maxprice,double relvolume,int32_t timeout,int32_t duration) +{ + uint64_t desttxfee,txfee; int64_t bestsatoshis=0,bestdestsatoshis=0; struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,*butxo,*bestutxo = 0; double qprice,ordermatchprice=0.; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; + if ( duration <= 0 ) + duration = LP_ORDERBOOK_DURATION; + if ( timeout <= 0 ) + timeout = LP_AUTOTRADE_TIMEOUT; + if ( maxprice <= 0. || relvolume <= 0. || LP_priceinfofind(base) == 0 || LP_priceinfofind(rel) == 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid parameter\"}")); + if ( (autxo= LP_utxo_bestfit(rel,SATOSHIDEN * relvolume)) == 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find utxo that is big enough\"}")); + LP_txfees(&txfee,&desttxfee,base,rel); + if ( (bestutxo= LP_bestutxo(&ordermatchprice,&bestsatoshis,&bestdestsatoshis,autxo,base,maxprice,duration,txfee,desttxfee,SATOSHIDEN*relvolume)) == 0 || ordermatchprice == 0. || bestdestsatoshis == 0 ) + { + printf("bestutxo.%p ordermatchprice %.8f bestdestsatoshis %.8f\n",bestutxo,ordermatchprice,dstr(bestdestsatoshis)); + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find ordermatch utxo\"}")); + } + if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,bestutxo,rel,ordermatchprice,bestsatoshis,bestdestsatoshis) < 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote\"}")); + if ( LP_quotedestinfo(&Q,autxo->payment.txid,autxo->payment.vout,autxo->fee.txid,autxo->fee.vout,LP_mypub25519,autxo->coinaddr) < 0 ) + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant set ordermatch quote info\"}")); + if ( (qprice= LP_quote_validate(&autxo,&butxo,&Q,0)) <= SMALLVAL ) + { + printf("quote validate error %.0f\n",qprice); + return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"quote validation error\"}")); + } + printf("do quote.(%s)\n",jprint(LP_quotejson(&Q),1)); + return(LP_trade(ctx,myipaddr,mypubsock,&Q,maxprice,timeout,duration)); +} +#endif + +