@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ double LP_quote_validate(struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,str
if ( LP_iseligible ( & srcvalue , & srcvalue2 , 1 , qp - > srccoin , qp - > txid , qp - > vout , qp - > satoshis , qp - > txid2 , qp - > vout2 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " bob not eligible %s (%.8f %.8f) \n " , jprint ( LP_quotejson ( qp ) , 1 ) , dstr ( srcvalue ) , dstr ( srcvalue2 ) ) ;
//printf("bob not eligible %s (%.8f %.8f)\n",jprint(LP_quotejson(qp),1),dstr(srcvalue),dstr(srcvalue2));
return ( - 2 ) ;
if ( ( txout = LP_gettxout ( qp - > srccoin , qp - > coinaddr , qp - > txid , qp - > vout ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ double LP_quote_validate(struct LP_utxoinfo *autxo,struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,str
if ( LP_iseligible ( & destvalue , & destvalue2 , 0 , qp - > destcoin , qp - > desttxid , qp - > destvout , qp - > destsatoshis , qp - > feetxid , qp - > feevout ) = = 0 )
//alice not eligible 0.36893923 -> dest 0.55020000 1.49130251 (0.61732249 0.00104324) 14b8b74808d2d34a70e5eddd1cad47d855858f8b23cac802576d4d37b5f8af8f/v1 abec6e76169bcb738235ca67fab02cc55390f39e422aa71f1badf8747c290cc4/v1
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " alice not eligible %.8f -> dest %.8f %.8f (%.8f %.8f) %s/v%d %s/v%d \n " , dstr ( qp - > satoshis ) , dstr ( qp - > destsatoshis ) , ( double ) qp - > destsatoshis / qp - > satoshis , dstr ( destvalue ) , dstr ( destvalue2 ) , bits256_str ( str , qp - > desttxid ) , qp - > destvout , bits256_str ( str2 , qp - > feetxid ) , qp - > feevout ) ;
//char str[65],str2[65]; printf(" alice not eligible %.8f -> dest %.8f %.8f (%.8f %.8f) %s/v%d %s/v%d\n",dstr(qp->satoshis),dstr(qp->destsatoshis),(double)qp->destsatoshis/ qp->satoshis,dstr(destvalue),dstr(destvalue2),bits256_str(str,qp->desttxid),qp->destvout,bits256_str(str2,qp->feetxid),qp->feevout);
return ( - 3 ) ;
if ( ( txout = LP_gettxout ( qp - > destcoin , qp - > destaddr , qp - > desttxid , qp - > destvout ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
if ( replacei > = 0 )
printf ( " REPLACE bestdist %.8f height %d with dist %.8f height %d \n " , dstr ( bestdist ) , bestup - > U . height , dstr ( utxos [ replacei ] - > U . value - targetval ) , utxos [ replacei ] - > U . height ) ;
//printf(" REPLACE bestdist %.8f height %d with dist %.8f height %d\n",dstr(bestdist),bestup->U.height,dstr(utxos[replacei]->U.value - targetval),utxos[replacei]->U.height);
return ( replacei ) ;
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_address_myutxopair(struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,int32_t iamb
if ( ( m = LP_address_utxo_ptrs ( coin , iambob , utxos , max , ap , coinaddr ) ) > 1 )
if ( 1 )
if ( 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i + + )
@ -502,10 +502,11 @@ char *LP_trade(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,struct LP_quoteinfo *q
memset ( qp - > txid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( qp - > txid ) ) ;
qp - > txid2 = qp - > txid ;
qp - > aliceid = LP_aliceid_calc ( qp - > desttxid , qp - > destvout , qp - > feetxid , qp - > feevout ) ;
qp - > tradeid = tradeid ;
if ( ( qp - > tradeid = tradeid ) = = 0 )
qp - > tradeid = LP_rand ( ) ;
LP_query ( ctx , myipaddr , mypubsock , " request " , qp ) ;
LP_Alicequery = * qp , LP_Alicemaxprice = maxprice , Alice_expiration = qp - > timestamp + timeout , LP_Alicedestpubkey = destpubkey ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " LP_trade %s/%s %.8f vol %.8f dest.(%s) \n " , qp - > srccoin , qp - > destcoin , dstr ( qp - > satoshis ) , dstr ( qp - > destsatoshis ) , bits256_str ( str , LP_Alicedestpubkey ) ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " LP_trade %s/%s %.8f vol %.8f dest.(%s) maxprice %.8f \n " , qp - > srccoin , qp - > destcoin , dstr ( qp - > satoshis ) , dstr ( qp - > destsatoshis ) , bits256_str ( str , LP_Alicedestpubkey ) , maxprice ) ;
return ( LP_recent_swaps ( 0 ) ) ;
@ -532,9 +533,9 @@ void LP_alicequery_clear()
Alice_expiration = 0 ;
int32_t LP_alice_eligible ( )
int32_t LP_alice_eligible ( uint32_t quotetime )
if ( Alice_expiration ! = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > Alice_expiration )
if ( Alice_expiration ! = 0 & & quote time > Alice_expiration )
printf ( " time expired for Alice_request \n " ) ;
LP_alicequery_clear ( ) ;
@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ int32_t LP_alice_eligible()
void LP_reserved ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t mypubsock , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp )
double price = 0. , maxprice = LP_Alicemaxprice ;
if ( LP_alice_eligible ( ) > 0 & & LP_ quotecmp ( qp , & LP_Alicequery ) = = 0 )
if ( LP_quotecmp ( qp , & LP_Alicequery ) = = 0 )
price = LP_pricecache ( qp , qp - > srccoin , qp - > destcoin , qp - > txid , qp - > vout ) ;
if ( LP_pricevalid ( price ) > 0 & & maxprice > SMALLVAL & & price < = maxprice )
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ void LP_reserved(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,struct LP_quoteinfo
printf ( " send CONNECT \n " ) ;
LP_query ( ctx , myipaddr , mypubsock , " connect " , qp ) ;
} else printf ( " LP_reserved price %.8f vs maxprice %.8f \n " , price , maxprice * 1.005 ) ;
} else printf ( " probably a timeout, reject reserved due to not eligible.%d or mismatched quote price %.8f vs maxprice %.8f \n " , LP_alice_eligible ( ) , price , maxprice ) ;
} else printf ( " probably a timeout, reject reserved due to not eligible.%d or mismatched quote price %.8f vs maxprice %.8f \n " , LP_alice_eligible ( qp - > quotetime ) , price , maxprice ) ;
char * LP_connectedalice ( cJSON * argjson ) // alice
@ -778,7 +779,7 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
if ( strcmp ( method , " reserved " ) = = 0 )
bestprice = LP_bob_competition ( & counter , aliceid , qprice , 1 ) ;
//printf("aliceid.%llu price %.8f -> bestprice %.8f\n",(long long)aliceid,qprice,bestprice);
//printf("%s lag %ld: aliceid.%llu price %.8f -> bestprice %.8f Alice max %.8f \n",jprint(argjson,0),Q.quotetime - (time(NULL)-20), (long long)aliceid,qprice,bestprice,LP_Alicemax price);
if ( LP_Alicemaxprice = = 0. )
return ( retval ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( LP_Alicedestpubkey ) ! = 0 )
@ -789,8 +790,9 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
return ( retval ) ;
} else printf ( " got reserved response from destpubkey %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , Q . srchash ) ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . desthash ) = = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . srchash ) ! = 0 & & LP_alice_eligible ( ) > 0 )
if ( bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . desthash ) = = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . srchash ) ! = 0 & & Q . quotetime > time ( NULL ) - 20 & & LP_alice_eligible ( Q . quotetime ) > 0 )
printf ( " alice %s received RESERVED.(%s) \n " , bits256_str ( str , G . LP_mypub25519 ) , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
if ( ( qprice = LP_quote_validate ( autxo , butxo , & Q , 0 ) ) < = SMALLVAL )
printf ( " reserved quote validate error %.0f \n " , qprice ) ;
@ -807,7 +809,6 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
return ( retval ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " reserved " , 0 , 0 ) ;
//printf("alice %s received RESERVED.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,G.LP_mypub25519),jprint(argjson,0));
if ( ( retstr = LP_quotereceived ( argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
LP_reserved ( ctx , myipaddr , pubsock , & Q ) ;
@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
Q . txid2 = butxo - > deposit . txid ;
Q . vout2 = butxo - > deposit . vout ;
Q . satoshis = butxo - > S . satoshis ;
Q . quotetime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
printf ( " found %.8f -> %.8f newprice %.8f vs ask %.8f += %.8f qprice %.8f \n " , dstr ( Q . satoshis ) , dstr ( Q . destsatoshis ) , ( double ) Q . destsatoshis / Q . satoshis , ask , price , qprice ) ;
@ -947,9 +949,11 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
retjson = LP_quotejson ( & Q ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( Q . txid , Q . vout , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , Q . desthash ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( Q . txid2 , Q . vout2 , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , Q . desthash ) ;
if ( Q . quotetime = = 0 )
Q . quotetime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " quotetime " , Q . quotetime ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " pending " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " desthash " , Q . desthash ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " method " , " reserved " ) ;
msg = jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ;
printf ( " return after queued RESERVED: set swappending.%u accept qprice %.8f, min %.8f \n (%s) \n " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , qprice , ask , msg ) ;
@ -1126,6 +1130,7 @@ char *LP_autobuy(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel
memset ( pubkeys , 0 , sizeof ( pubkeys ) ) ;
LP_txfees ( & txfee , & desttxfee , base , rel ) ;
destsatoshis = SATOSHIDEN * relvolume ;
LP_address_utxo_reset ( relcoin ) ;
if ( ( autxo = LP_utxo_bestfit ( rel , destsatoshis + 2 * desttxfee ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find alice utxo that is big enough \" } " ) ) ;
//printf("bestfit selected alice (%.8f %.8f) for %.8f sats %.8f\n",dstr(autxo->payment.value),dstr(autxo->fee.value),dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(autxo->S.satoshis));