Browse Source


jl777 9 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 525
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 18
  6. 17


@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ char *basilisk_bitcoinblockhashstr(char *coinstr,char *serverport,char *userpass
char numstr[128],*blockhashstr=0; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_info *coin;
blockhashstr = bitcoind_passthru(coinstr,serverport,userpass,"getblockhash",numstr);
if ( (blockhashstr= bitcoind_passthru(coinstr,serverport,userpass,"getblockhash",numstr)) == 0 )
hash2 = bits256_conv(blockhashstr);
if ( blockhashstr == 0 || blockhashstr[0] == 0 || bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 )


@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* Copyright 2009 Colin Percival, 2011 ArtForz, 2011 pooler, 2013 Balthazar
* Copyright 2009 Colin Percival, 2011 ArtForz, 2011-2014 pooler
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -27,251 +28,341 @@
* online backup system.
#include "../includes/curve25519.h"
#define SCRYPT_BUFFER_SIZE (131072 + 63)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
static inline uint32_t be32dec(const void *pp)
const uint8_t *p = (uint8_t const *)pp;
return ((uint32_t)(p[3]) + ((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 8) + ((uint32_t)(p[1]) << 16) + ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 24));
static const uint32_t keypad[12] = {
0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000280
static const uint32_t innerpad[11] = {
0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x000004a0
static const uint32_t outerpad[8] = {
0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000300
static const uint32_t finalblk[16] = {
0x00000001, 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000620
static inline void be32enc(void *pp,uint32_t x)
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)pp;
p[3] = x & 0xff;
p[2] = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
p[1] = (x >> 16) & 0xff;
p[0] = (x >> 24) & 0xff;
static const uint32_t sha256_h[8] = {
0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a,
0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19
void HMAC_SHA256_Init(HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx,const void * _K,size_t Klen)
size_t i; uint8_t pad[64],khash[32]; const uint8_t * K = (const uint8_t *)_K;
// If Klen > 64, the key is really SHA256(K).
if ( Klen > 64 )
SHA256_Update(&ctx->ictx, K, Klen);
SHA256_Final(khash, &ctx->ictx);
K = khash;
Klen = 32;
// Inner SHA256 operation is SHA256(K xor [block of 0x36] || data).
memset(pad, 0x36, 64);
for (i = 0; i < Klen; i++)
pad[i] ^= K[i];
SHA256_Update(&ctx->ictx, pad, 64);
// Outer SHA256 operation is SHA256(K xor [block of 0x5c] || hash).
memset(pad, 0x5c, 64);
for (i = 0; i < Klen; i++)
pad[i] ^= K[i];
SHA256_Update(&ctx->octx, pad, 64);
// Clean the stack.
static const uint32_t sha256_k[64] = {
0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,
0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,
0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,
0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,
0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,
0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,
0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
// Add bytes to the HMAC-SHA256 operation.
void HMAC_SHA256_Update(HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx,const void *in,size_t len)
static inline void sha256_init(uint32_t *state)
memcpy(state, sha256_h, 32);
// Finish an HMAC-SHA256 operation.
void HMAC_SHA256_Final(uint8_t digest[32],HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx)
uint8_t ihash[32];
// PBKDF2_SHA256(passwd, passwdlen, salt, saltlen, c, buf, dkLen): Compute PBKDF2(passwd, salt, c, dkLen) using HMAC-SHA256 as the PRF, and write the output to buf. The value dkLen must be at most 32 * (2^32 - 1)
void PBKDF2_SHA256(const uint8_t *passwd,size_t passwdlen,const uint8_t *salt,size_t saltlen,uint64_t c,uint8_t *buf,size_t dkLen)
HMAC_SHA256_CTX PShctx, hctx;
size_t i,clen; uint8_t ivec[4],U[32],T[32]; uint64_t j; int32_t k;
// Compute HMAC state after processing P and S.
HMAC_SHA256_Init(&PShctx, passwd, passwdlen);
HMAC_SHA256_Update(&PShctx, salt, saltlen);
// Iterate through the blocks.
for (i=0; i*32<dkLen; i++)
// Generate INT(i + 1).
be32enc(ivec,(uint32_t)(i + 1));
// Compute U_1 = PRF(P, S || INT(i)).
memcpy(&hctx, &PShctx, sizeof(HMAC_SHA256_CTX));
HMAC_SHA256_Update(&hctx, ivec, 4);
HMAC_SHA256_Final(U, &hctx);
// T_i = U_1 ...
for (j=2; j<=c; j++)
// Compute U_j.
HMAC_SHA256_Init(&hctx, passwd, passwdlen);
HMAC_SHA256_Update(&hctx, U, 32);
HMAC_SHA256_Final(U, &hctx);
// ... xor U_j ...
for (k=0; k<32; k++)
T[k] ^= U[k];
// Copy as many bytes as necessary into buf
clen = dkLen - i * 32;
if (clen > 32)
clen = 32;
memcpy(&buf[i * 32],T,clen);
/* Elementary functions used by SHA256 */
#define Ch(x, y, z) ((x & (y ^ z)) ^ z)
#define Maj(x, y, z) ((x & (y | z)) | (y & z))
#define ROTR(x, n) ((x >> n) | (x << (32 - n)))
#define S0(x) (ROTR(x, 2) ^ ROTR(x, 13) ^ ROTR(x, 22))
#define S1(x) (ROTR(x, 6) ^ ROTR(x, 11) ^ ROTR(x, 25))
#define s0(x) (ROTR(x, 7) ^ ROTR(x, 18) ^ (x >> 3))
#define s1(x) (ROTR(x, 17) ^ ROTR(x, 19) ^ (x >> 10))
// Generic scrypt_core implementation
static inline void xor_salsa8(uint32_t B[16], const uint32_t Bx[16])
int32_t i; uint32_t x00,x01,x02,x03,x04,x05,x06,x07,x08,x09,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15;
x00 = (B[0] ^= Bx[0]);
x01 = (B[1] ^= Bx[1]);
x02 = (B[2] ^= Bx[2]);
x03 = (B[3] ^= Bx[3]);
x04 = (B[4] ^= Bx[4]);
x05 = (B[5] ^= Bx[5]);
x06 = (B[6] ^= Bx[6]);
x07 = (B[7] ^= Bx[7]);
x08 = (B[8] ^= Bx[8]);
x09 = (B[9] ^= Bx[9]);
x10 = (B[10] ^= Bx[10]);
x11 = (B[11] ^= Bx[11]);
x12 = (B[12] ^= Bx[12]);
x13 = (B[13] ^= Bx[13]);
x14 = (B[14] ^= Bx[14]);
x15 = (B[15] ^= Bx[15]);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
#define R(a, b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32 - (b))))
/* Operate on columns. */
x04 ^= R(x00+x12, 7); x09 ^= R(x05+x01, 7);
x14 ^= R(x10+x06, 7); x03 ^= R(x15+x11, 7);
/* SHA256 round function */
#define RND(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) \
do { \
t0 = h + S1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + k; \
t1 = S0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); \
d += t0; \
h = t0 + t1; \
} while (0)
x08 ^= R(x04+x00, 9); x13 ^= R(x09+x05, 9);
x02 ^= R(x14+x10, 9); x07 ^= R(x03+x15, 9);
/* Adjusted round function for rotating state */
#define RNDr(S, W, i) \
RND(S[(64 - i) % 8], S[(65 - i) % 8], \
S[(66 - i) % 8], S[(67 - i) % 8], \
S[(68 - i) % 8], S[(69 - i) % 8], \
S[(70 - i) % 8], S[(71 - i) % 8], \
W[i] + sha256_k[i])
x12 ^= R(x08+x04,13); x01 ^= R(x13+x09,13);
x06 ^= R(x02+x14,13); x11 ^= R(x07+x03,13);
#define swab32(x) ((((x) << 24) & 0xff000000u) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000u) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00u) | (((x) >> 24) & 0x000000ffu))
x00 ^= R(x12+x08,18); x05 ^= R(x01+x13,18);
x10 ^= R(x06+x02,18); x15 ^= R(x11+x07,18);
/* Operate on rows. */
x01 ^= R(x00+x03, 7); x06 ^= R(x05+x04, 7);
x11 ^= R(x10+x09, 7); x12 ^= R(x15+x14, 7);
x02 ^= R(x01+x00, 9); x07 ^= R(x06+x05, 9);
x08 ^= R(x11+x10, 9); x13 ^= R(x12+x15, 9);
x03 ^= R(x02+x01,13); x04 ^= R(x07+x06,13);
x09 ^= R(x08+x11,13); x14 ^= R(x13+x12,13);
x00 ^= R(x03+x02,18); x05 ^= R(x04+x07,18);
x10 ^= R(x09+x08,18); x15 ^= R(x14+x13,18);
#undef R
B[0] += x00;
B[1] += x01;
B[2] += x02;
B[3] += x03;
B[4] += x04;
B[5] += x05;
B[6] += x06;
B[7] += x07;
B[8] += x08;
B[9] += x09;
B[10] += x10;
B[11] += x11;
B[12] += x12;
B[13] += x13;
B[14] += x14;
B[15] += x15;
static inline void scrypt_core(uint32_t *X,uint32_t *V)
static inline void sha256_transform(uint32_t *state, const uint32_t *block, int swap)
uint32_t i,j,k;
for (i=0; i<1024; i++)
memcpy(&V[i * 32],X,128);
for (i=0; i<1024; i++)
j = 32 * (X[16] & 1023);
for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
X[k] ^= V[j + k];
uint32_t W[64];
uint32_t S[8];
uint32_t t0, t1;
int i;
/* 1. Prepare message schedule W. */
if (swap) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
W[i] = swab32(block[i]);
} else
memcpy(W, block, 64);
for (i = 16; i < 64; i += 2) {
W[i] = s1(W[i - 2]) + W[i - 7] + s0(W[i - 15]) + W[i - 16];
W[i+1] = s1(W[i - 1]) + W[i - 6] + s0(W[i - 14]) + W[i - 15];
/* 2. Initialize working variables. */
memcpy(S, state, 32);
/* 3. Mix. */
RNDr(S, W, 0);
RNDr(S, W, 1);
RNDr(S, W, 2);
RNDr(S, W, 3);
RNDr(S, W, 4);
RNDr(S, W, 5);
RNDr(S, W, 6);
RNDr(S, W, 7);
RNDr(S, W, 8);
RNDr(S, W, 9);
RNDr(S, W, 10);
RNDr(S, W, 11);
RNDr(S, W, 12);
RNDr(S, W, 13);
RNDr(S, W, 14);
RNDr(S, W, 15);
RNDr(S, W, 16);
RNDr(S, W, 17);
RNDr(S, W, 18);
RNDr(S, W, 19);
RNDr(S, W, 20);
RNDr(S, W, 21);
RNDr(S, W, 22);
RNDr(S, W, 23);
RNDr(S, W, 24);
RNDr(S, W, 25);
RNDr(S, W, 26);
RNDr(S, W, 27);
RNDr(S, W, 28);
RNDr(S, W, 29);
RNDr(S, W, 30);
RNDr(S, W, 31);
RNDr(S, W, 32);
RNDr(S, W, 33);
RNDr(S, W, 34);
RNDr(S, W, 35);
RNDr(S, W, 36);
RNDr(S, W, 37);
RNDr(S, W, 38);
RNDr(S, W, 39);
RNDr(S, W, 40);
RNDr(S, W, 41);
RNDr(S, W, 42);
RNDr(S, W, 43);
RNDr(S, W, 44);
RNDr(S, W, 45);
RNDr(S, W, 46);
RNDr(S, W, 47);
RNDr(S, W, 48);
RNDr(S, W, 49);
RNDr(S, W, 50);
RNDr(S, W, 51);
RNDr(S, W, 52);
RNDr(S, W, 53);
RNDr(S, W, 54);
RNDr(S, W, 55);
RNDr(S, W, 56);
RNDr(S, W, 57);
RNDr(S, W, 58);
RNDr(S, W, 59);
RNDr(S, W, 60);
RNDr(S, W, 61);
RNDr(S, W, 62);
RNDr(S, W, 63);
/* 4. Mix local working variables into global state */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
state[i] += S[i];
/* cpu and memory intensive function to transform a 80 byte buffer into a 32 byte output
scratchpad size needs to be at least 63 + (128 * r * p) + (256 * r + 64) + (128 * r * N) bytes
r = 1, p = 1, N = 1024
bits256 scrypt_nosalt(const void *input,size_t inputlen,void *scratchpad)
static inline void HMAC_SHA256_80_init(const uint32_t *key,uint32_t *tstate, uint32_t *ostate)
uint32_t *V; uint32_t X[32]; bits256 result;
V = (uint32_t *)(((uintptr_t)(scratchpad) + 63) & ~ (uintptr_t)(63));
calc_hmac_sha256((void *)X,128,(void *)input,(int32_t)inputlen,(void *)input,(int32_t)inputlen);
//PBKDF2_SHA256((const uint8_t *)input,inputlen,(const uint8_t *)input,inputlen,1,(uint8_t *)X,128);
calc_hmac_sha256((void *)result.bytes,sizeof(result),(void *)input,(int32_t)inputlen,(void *)X,128);
//PBKDF2_SHA256((const uint8_t *)input,inputlen,(uint8_t *)X,128,1,(uint8_t*)&result,32);
return result;
uint32_t ihash[8];
uint32_t pad[16];
int i;
/* tstate is assumed to contain the midstate of key */
memcpy(pad, key + 16, 16);
memcpy(pad + 4, keypad, 48);
sha256_transform(tstate, pad, 0);
memcpy(ihash, tstate, 32);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
pad[i] = ihash[i] ^ 0x5c5c5c5c;
for (; i < 16; i++)
pad[i] = 0x5c5c5c5c;
sha256_transform(ostate, pad, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
pad[i] = ihash[i] ^ 0x36363636;
for (; i < 16; i++)
pad[i] = 0x36363636;
sha256_transform(tstate, pad, 0);
bits256 scrypt(const void *data,size_t datalen,const void *salt,size_t saltlen,void *scratchpad)
static inline void PBKDF2_SHA256_80_128(const uint32_t *tstate,const uint32_t *ostate, const uint32_t *salt, uint32_t *output)
uint32_t *V; uint32_t X[32]; bits256 result;
V = (uint32_t *)(((uintptr_t)(scratchpad) + 63) & ~ (uintptr_t)(63));
calc_hmac_sha256((void *)X,128,(void *)data,(int32_t)datalen,(void *)salt,(int32_t)saltlen);
//PBKDF2_SHA256((const uint8_t *)data,datalen,(const uint8_t *)salt,saltlen,1,(uint8_t *)X,128);
calc_hmac_sha256((void *)result.bytes,sizeof(result),(void *)data,(int32_t)datalen,(void *)X,128);
//PBKDF2_SHA256((const uint8_t *)data,datalen,(uint8_t *)X,128,1,(uint8_t *)&result,32);
return result;
uint32_t istate[8], ostate2[8],ibuf[16], obuf[16]; int i, j;
memcpy(istate, tstate, 32);
sha256_transform(istate, salt, 0);
memcpy(ibuf, salt + 16, 16);
memcpy(ibuf + 5, innerpad, 44);
memcpy(obuf + 8, outerpad, 32);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
memcpy(obuf, istate, 32);
ibuf[4] = i + 1;
sha256_transform(obuf, ibuf, 0);
memcpy(ostate2, ostate, 32);
sha256_transform(ostate2, obuf, 0);
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
output[8 * i + j] = swab32(ostate2[j]);
bits256 scrypt_hash(const void *input,size_t inputlen)
static inline void PBKDF2_SHA256_128_32(uint32_t *tstate, uint32_t *ostate,const uint32_t *salt, uint32_t *output)
uint8_t scratchpad[SCRYPT_BUFFER_SIZE];
return scrypt_nosalt(input,inputlen,scratchpad);
uint32_t buf[16]; int i;
sha256_transform(tstate, salt, 1);
sha256_transform(tstate, salt + 16, 1);
sha256_transform(tstate, finalblk, 0);
memcpy(buf, tstate, 32);
memcpy(buf + 8, outerpad, 32);
sha256_transform(ostate, buf, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
output[i] = swab32(ostate[i]);
bits256 scrypt_salted_hash(const void *input,size_t inputlen,const void *salt,size_t saltlen)
static inline void xor_salsa8(uint32_t B[16], const uint32_t Bx[16])
uint8_t scratchpad[SCRYPT_BUFFER_SIZE];
return scrypt(input,inputlen,salt,saltlen,scratchpad);
uint32_t x00,x01,x02,x03,x04,x05,x06,x07,x08,x09,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15;
int i;
x00 = (B[ 0] ^= Bx[ 0]);
x01 = (B[ 1] ^= Bx[ 1]);
x02 = (B[ 2] ^= Bx[ 2]);
x03 = (B[ 3] ^= Bx[ 3]);
x04 = (B[ 4] ^= Bx[ 4]);
x05 = (B[ 5] ^= Bx[ 5]);
x06 = (B[ 6] ^= Bx[ 6]);
x07 = (B[ 7] ^= Bx[ 7]);
x08 = (B[ 8] ^= Bx[ 8]);
x09 = (B[ 9] ^= Bx[ 9]);
x10 = (B[10] ^= Bx[10]);
x11 = (B[11] ^= Bx[11]);
x12 = (B[12] ^= Bx[12]);
x13 = (B[13] ^= Bx[13]);
x14 = (B[14] ^= Bx[14]);
x15 = (B[15] ^= Bx[15]);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
#define R(a, b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32 - (b))))
/* Operate on columns. */
x04 ^= R(x00+x12, 7); x09 ^= R(x05+x01, 7);
x14 ^= R(x10+x06, 7); x03 ^= R(x15+x11, 7);
x08 ^= R(x04+x00, 9); x13 ^= R(x09+x05, 9);
x02 ^= R(x14+x10, 9); x07 ^= R(x03+x15, 9);
x12 ^= R(x08+x04,13); x01 ^= R(x13+x09,13);
x06 ^= R(x02+x14,13); x11 ^= R(x07+x03,13);
x00 ^= R(x12+x08,18); x05 ^= R(x01+x13,18);
x10 ^= R(x06+x02,18); x15 ^= R(x11+x07,18);
/* Operate on rows. */
x01 ^= R(x00+x03, 7); x06 ^= R(x05+x04, 7);
x11 ^= R(x10+x09, 7); x12 ^= R(x15+x14, 7);
x02 ^= R(x01+x00, 9); x07 ^= R(x06+x05, 9);
x08 ^= R(x11+x10, 9); x13 ^= R(x12+x15, 9);
x03 ^= R(x02+x01,13); x04 ^= R(x07+x06,13);
x09 ^= R(x08+x11,13); x14 ^= R(x13+x12,13);
x00 ^= R(x03+x02,18); x05 ^= R(x04+x07,18);
x10 ^= R(x09+x08,18); x15 ^= R(x14+x13,18);
#undef R
B[ 0] += x00;
B[ 1] += x01;
B[ 2] += x02;
B[ 3] += x03;
B[ 4] += x04;
B[ 5] += x05;
B[ 6] += x06;
B[ 7] += x07;
B[ 8] += x08;
B[ 9] += x09;
B[10] += x10;
B[11] += x11;
B[12] += x12;
B[13] += x13;
B[14] += x14;
B[15] += x15;
bits256 scrypt_salted_multiround_hash(const void *input,size_t inputlen,const void *salt,size_t saltlen,const uint32_t nRounds)
static inline void scrypt_core(uint32_t *X, uint32_t *V, int N)
uint32_t i; bits256 resultHash = scrypt_salted_hash(input,inputlen,salt,saltlen);
bits256 transitionalHash = resultHash;
for(i=1; i<nRounds; i++)
uint32_t i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
//printf("core.%d V.%p X.%p\n",i,V,X);
memcpy(&V[i * 32], X, 128);
xor_salsa8(&X[0], &X[16]);
xor_salsa8(&X[16], &X[0]);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
resultHash = scrypt_salted_hash(input,inputlen,(const void *)&transitionalHash,32);
transitionalHash = resultHash;
return resultHash;
j = 32 * (X[16] & (N - 1));
for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
X[k] ^= V[j + k];
xor_salsa8(&X[0], &X[16]);
xor_salsa8(&X[16], &X[0]);
bits256 scrypt_blockhash(const void *input)
void scrypt_1024_1_1_256(const uint32_t *input,uint32_t *output,uint32_t *midstate,uint8_t *scratchpad, int N)
uint8_t scratchpad[SCRYPT_BUFFER_SIZE];
return scrypt_nosalt(input,80,scratchpad);
uint32_t *V,tstate[8],ostate[8],X[32] __attribute__((aligned(128)));
V = (uint32_t *)(((uintptr_t)(scratchpad) + 63) & ~ (uintptr_t)(63));
memcpy(tstate, midstate, 32);
HMAC_SHA256_80_init(input, tstate, ostate);
PBKDF2_SHA256_80_128(tstate, ostate, input, X);
scrypt_core(X, V, N);
PBKDF2_SHA256_128_32(tstate, ostate, X, output);
void calc_scrypthash(uint32_t *hash,void *data)
uint8_t *scratchbuf; uint32_t midstate[8];
sha256_transform(midstate,(void *)data,0);
scratchbuf = malloc(1024 * 128 + 64);
scrypt_1024_1_1_256((void *)data,hash,midstate,scratchbuf,1024);


@ -1016,6 +1016,7 @@ char *bitcoind_passthru(char *coinstr,char *serverport,char *userpass,char *meth
char *bitcoin_calcrawtx(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON **vinsp,int64_t satoshis,char *paymentscriptstr,char *changeaddr,int64_t txfee,cJSON *addresses,int32_t minconf,uint32_t locktime);
char *bitcoin_blockhashstr(char *coinstr,char *serverport,char *userpass,int32_t height);
bits256 basilisk_blockhash(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 prevhash2);
void calc_scrypthash(uint32_t *hash,void *data);
extern int32_t HDRnet,netBLOCKS;


@ -190,8 +190,6 @@ int32_t iguana_blockvalidate(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *validp,struct igu
bits256 hash2; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msgblock) + 4096];
*validp = 0;
if ( coin->MAXPEERS == 1 )
hash2 = block->RO.hash2;
*validp = (memcmp(hash2.bytes,block->RO.hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0);
block->valid = *validp;
char str[65]; char str2[65];


@ -106,11 +106,13 @@ int32_t blockhash_sha256(uint8_t *blockhashp,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len)
int32_t blockhash_scrypt(uint8_t *blockhashp,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len)
if ( len == 80 )
*(bits256 *)blockhashp = scrypt_blockhash(serialized);
else memset(blockhashp,0,sizeof(*blockhashp));
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<32; i++)
// printf("%02x",blockhashp[i]);
//printf(" scrypt\n");
calc_scrypthash((uint32_t *)blockhashp,serialized);
//*(bits256 *)blockhashp = scrypt_blockhash(serialized);
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<32; i++)
// printf("%02x",blockhashp[i]);
//printf(" scrypt\n");
} else memset(blockhashp,0,sizeof(*blockhashp));
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ bits256 iguana_calcblockhash(char *symbol,int32_t (*hashalgo)(uint8_t *blockhash
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
hash2.bytes[i] = tmp.bytes[31 - i];
} else return(tmp);
if ( hashalgo == blockhash_scrypt )
/*if ( hashalgo == blockhash_scrypt )
char str[65]; bits256 checkhash2; struct iguana_msgblock msg; struct iguana_block *block; struct iguana_info *coin;
if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 )
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ bits256 iguana_calcblockhash(char *symbol,int32_t (*hashalgo)(uint8_t *blockhash
@ -313,6 +315,8 @@ void iguana_chainparms(struct iguana_chain *chain,cJSON *argjson)
else strcpy(chain->userhome,Userhome);
if ( (port= extract_userpass(chain->serverport,chain->userpass,chain->symbol,chain->userhome,path,conf)) != 0 )
chain->rpcport = port;
if ( chain->serverport[0] == 0 )
printf("COIN.%s serverport.(%s) userpass.(%s) port.%u\n",chain->symbol,chain->serverport,chain->userpass,chain->rpcport);
if ( (hexstr= jstr(argjson,"pubval")) != 0 && strlen(hexstr) == 2 )
decode_hex((uint8_t *)&chain->pubtype,1,hexstr);


@ -1151,23 +1151,22 @@ void iguana_appletests(struct supernet_info *myinfo)
if ( 0 )
char genesisblock[1024];
iguana_chaingenesis("VPN",0,bits256_conv("00000ac7d764e7119da60d3c832b1d4458da9bc9ef9d5dd0d91a15f690a46d99"),genesisblock,"scrypt",1,1409839200,0x1e0fffff,64881664,bits256_conv("698a93a1cacd495a7a4fb3864ad8d06ed4421dedbc57f9aaad733ea53b1b5828")); // VPN
//iguana_chaingenesis("VPN",0,bits256_conv("00000ac7d764e7119da60d3c832b1d4458da9bc9ef9d5dd0d91a15f690a46d99"),genesisblock,"scrypt",1,1409839200,0x1e0fffff,64881664,bits256_conv("698a93a1cacd495a7a4fb3864ad8d06ed4421dedbc57f9aaad733ea53b1b5828")); // VPN
iguana_chaingenesis("LTC",0,bits256_conv("12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2"),genesisblock,"scrypt",1,1317972665,0x1e0ffff0,2084524493,bits256_conv("97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9")); // LTC
char *Str = "01000000f615f7ce3b4fc6b8f61e8f89aedb1d0852507650533a9e3b10b9bbcc30639f279fcaa86746e1ef52d3edb3c4ad8259920d509bd073605c9bf1d59983752a6b06b817bb4ea78e011d012d59d4";
uint8_t buf[1000]; bits256 shash; char str[65];
printf("shash -> %s\n",bits256_str(str,shash));
if ( 1 )
//void ztest(); ztest();
//int proofmain(void);
//proofmain(); getchar();
//int32_t iguana_schnorr_test(void *ctx);
//iguana_schnorr_test(myinfo->ctx); getchar();
if ( 1 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"RELAY\":0,\"VALIDATE\":0,\"prefetchlag\":-1,\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"startpend\":4,\"endpend\":4,\"services\":128,\"maxpeers\":1,\"newcoin\":\"BTCD\",\"active\":1,\"numhelpers\":4,\"poll\":100}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 )
if ( 1 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"RELAY\":0,\"VALIDATE\":0,\"prefetchlag\":-1,\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"startpend\":4,\"endpend\":4,\"services\":128,\"maxpeers\":128,\"newcoin\":\"BTCD\",\"active\":1,\"numhelpers\":4,\"poll\":100}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 )
if ( 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"RELAY\":0,\"VALIDATE\":0,\"prefetchlag\":-1,\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"startpend\":4,\"endpend\":4,\"services\":129,\"maxpeers\":64,\"newcoin\":\"BTC\",\"active\":0,\"numhelpers\":4,\"poll\":100}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 )
if ( 1 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"RELAY\":0,\"VALIDATE\":0,\"prefetchlag\":-1,\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"startpend\":4,\"endpend\":4,\"services\":129,\"maxpeers\":64,\"newcoin\":\"BTC\",\"active\":0,\"numhelpers\":4,\"poll\":100}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 )
if ( 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"login\",\"handle\":\"alice\",\"password\":\"alice\",\"passphrase\":\"alice\"}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 )
