@ -687,9 +687,47 @@ struct dpow_entry *dpow_notaryfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_bloc
return ( 0 ) ;
void dpow_sigscheck ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct dpow_block * bp , uint32_t channel , int32_t myind )
bits256 txid , srchash , desthash ; int32_t i , j , len ; char * retstr = 0 , str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; uint8_t txdata [ 16384 ] ; struct dpow_sigentry dsig ;
if ( bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff & & bp - > coin ! = 0 & & dpow_numsigs ( bp , dsig . lastk , bp - > recvsigmask ) = = DPOW_M ( bp ) )
bp - > signedtxid = dpow_notarytx ( bp - > signedtx , bp - > coin - > chain - > isPoS , bp , dsig . mask , dsig . lastk , bp - > opret_symbol ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( bp - > signedtxid ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = dpow_sendrawtransaction ( myinfo , bp - > coin , bp - > signedtx ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " sendrawtransaction.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
if ( is_hexstr ( retstr , 0 ) = = sizeof ( txid ) * 2 )
decode_hex ( txid . bytes , sizeof ( txid ) , retstr ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , bp - > signedtxid ) = = 0 )
len = ( int32_t ) strlen ( bp - > signedtx ) > > 1 ;
decode_hex ( txdata + 32 , len , bp - > signedtx ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( srchash ) ; j + + )
desthash . bytes [ j ] = bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey [ j + 1 ] ;
txdata [ j ] = txid . bytes [ j ] ;
basilisk_channelsend ( myinfo , txid , desthash , ( channel = = DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) ? DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL : DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL , bp - > height , txdata , len + 32 , 120 ) ;
printf ( " complete statemachine.%s ht.%d \n " , bp - > coin - > symbol , bp - > height ) ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
} else printf ( " sendtxid mismatch got %s instead of %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > signedtxid ) ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
retstr = 0 ;
void dpow_handler ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct basilisk_message * msg )
bits256 hashmsg , txid , commit , srchash , desthash , zero ; uint32_t channel , height , flag = 0 ; int32_t i , j , lastk , vout , len , myind = - 1 ; char * retstr = 0 , str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; uint8_t senderpub [ 33 ] , txdata [ 16384 ] ; struct dpow_sigentry dsig ; struct dpow_block * bp ; struct dpow_entry * ep ;
bits256 hashmsg , txid , commit , srchash , desthash , zero ; uint32_t channel , height , flag = 0 ; int32_t i , j , lastk , vout , myind = - 1 ; char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; uint8_t senderpub [ 33 ] ; struct dpow_sigentry dsig ; struct dpow_block * bp ; struct dpow_entry * ep ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
basilisk_messagekeyread ( msg - > key , & channel , & height , & srchash , & desthash ) ;
if ( channel = = DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL | | channel = = DPOW_UTXOBTCCHANNEL )
@ -739,6 +777,16 @@ void dpow_handler(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_message *msg)
dpow_rwsigentry ( 0 , msg - > data , & dsig ) ;
if ( dsig . senderind > = 0 & & dsig . senderind < DPOW_MAXRELAYS & & ( bp = dpow_heightfind ( myinfo , height , channel = = DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) ) ! = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
if ( memcmp ( bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey , myinfo - > DPOW . minerkey33 , 33 ) = = 0 )
myind = i ;
break ;
if ( myind < 0 )
return ;
if ( dsig . lastk < bp - > numnotaries & & dsig . senderind < bp - > numnotaries & & ( ep = dpow_notaryfind ( myinfo , bp , dsig . senderpub ) ) ! = 0 )
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , commit . bytes , dsig . beacon . bytes , sizeof ( dsig . beacon ) ) ;
@ -754,39 +802,7 @@ void dpow_handler(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_message *msg)
for ( j = 0 ; j < dsig . siglen ; j + + )
printf ( " %02x " , dsig . sig [ j ] ) ;
printf ( " <<<<<<<< %s from.%d got lastk.%d %llx siglen.%d %llx >>>>>>>>> \n " , bp - > coin - > symbol , dsig . senderind , dsig . lastk , ( long long ) dsig . mask , dsig . siglen , ( long long ) bp - > recvsigmask ) ;
if ( bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff & & bp - > coin ! = 0 & & dpow_numsigs ( bp , dsig . lastk , bp - > recvsigmask ) = = DPOW_M ( bp ) )
bp - > signedtxid = dpow_notarytx ( bp - > signedtx , bp - > coin - > chain - > isPoS , bp , dsig . mask , dsig . lastk , bp - > opret_symbol ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( bp - > signedtxid ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = dpow_sendrawtransaction ( myinfo , bp - > coin , bp - > signedtx ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " sendrawtransaction.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
if ( is_hexstr ( retstr , 0 ) = = sizeof ( txid ) * 2 )
decode_hex ( txid . bytes , sizeof ( txid ) , retstr ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , bp - > signedtxid ) = = 0 )
len = ( int32_t ) strlen ( bp - > signedtx ) > > 1 ;
decode_hex ( txdata + 32 , len , bp - > signedtx ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( srchash ) ; j + + )
desthash . bytes [ j ] = bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey [ j + 1 ] ;
txdata [ j ] = txid . bytes [ j ] ;
basilisk_channelsend ( myinfo , txid , desthash , ( channel = = DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) ? DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL : DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL , bp - > height , txdata , len + 32 , 120 ) ;
printf ( " complete statemachine.%s ht.%d \n " , bp - > coin - > symbol , bp - > height ) ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
} else printf ( " sendtxid mismatch got %s instead of %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > signedtxid ) ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
retstr = 0 ;
dpow_sigscheck ( myinfo , bp , channel , myind ) ;
flag = 1 ;
} else printf ( " %s beacon mismatch for senderind.%d %llx vs %llx \n " , bp - > coin - > symbol , dsig . senderind , * ( long long * ) dsig . senderpub , * ( long long * ) bp - > notaries [ dsig . senderind ] . pubkey ) ;
@ -899,7 +915,6 @@ uint32_t dpow_statemachineiterate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info
//printf("STATE2: RECVMASK.%llx\n",(long long)bp->recvmask);
if ( bitweight ( bp - > recvmask ) > = DPOW_M ( bp ) )
bp - > state = 3 ;
else bp - > state = 2 ;
break ;
case 3 : // create rawtx, sign, send rawtx + sig to all other nodes
mask = dpow_lastk_mask ( bp , & k ) ;
@ -914,7 +929,8 @@ uint32_t dpow_statemachineiterate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info
break ;
case 4 : // wait for N/2+1 signed tx and broadcast
//printf("STATE4: %s BTC.%d RECVMASK.%llx\n",coin->symbol,bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid)==0,(long long)bp->recvmask);
if ( bp - > waiting + + > 10 )
dpow_sigscheck ( myinfo , bp , channel , myind ) ;
if ( bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff & & bp - > waiting + + > 10 )
bp - > state = 2 ;
bp - > waiting = 0 ;