return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find alice utxo that is close enough in size\"}"));
return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find a deposit that is close enough in size. make another deposit that is just a bit larger than what you want to trade\"}"));
//printf("bestfit selected alice (%.8f %.8f) for %.8f sats %.8f\n",dstr(autxo->payment.value),dstr(autxo->fee.value),dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(autxo->swap_satoshis));
printf("destsatoshis %.8f vs utxo %.8f this would have triggered an quote error -13\n",dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(autxo->payment.value));
return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find alice utxo that is small enough\"}"));
return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find a deposit that is close enough in size. make another deposit that is just a bit larger than what you want to trade\"}"));