@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
dist = ( up - > U . value - targetval ) ;
if ( dist > 0 & & up - > U . height < bestheight )
if ( ( double ) dist / bestdist < sqrt ( bestheight - up - > U . height ) )
if ( ( double ) dist / bestdist < sqrt ( ( ( double ) bestheight - up - > U . height ) / 1000 ) )
replacei = i ;
bestheight = up - > U . height ;
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
if ( replacei > = 0 )
//printf(" REPLACE bestdist %.8f height %d with dist %.8f height %d\n",dstr(bestdist),bestup->U.height,dstr(utxos[replacei]->U.value - targetval),utxos[replacei]->U.height);
printf ( " REPLACE bestdist %.8f height %d with dist %.8f height %d \n " , dstr ( bestdist ) , bestup - > U . height , dstr ( utxos [ replacei ] - > U . value - targetval ) , utxos [ replacei ] - > U . height ) ;
return ( replacei ) ;
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
return ( mini ) ;
void LP_butxo_set ( struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct LP_address_utxo * up , struct LP_address_utxo * up2 , int64_t satoshis )
void LP_butxo_set ( struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , int32_t iambob , struct iguana_info * coin , struct LP_address_utxo * up , struct LP_address_utxo * up2 , int64_t satoshis )
butxo - > pubkey = G . LP_mypub25519 ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coin , coin - > symbol , sizeof ( butxo - > coin ) ) ;
@ -337,10 +337,18 @@ void LP_butxo_set(struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct LP_a
butxo - > payment . txid = up - > U . txid ;
butxo - > payment . vout = up - > U . vout ;
butxo - > payment . value = up - > U . value ;
butxo - > iambob = 1 ;
butxo - > deposit . txid = up2 - > U . txid ;
butxo - > deposit . vout = up2 - > U . vout ;
butxo - > deposit . value = up2 - > U . value ;
if ( ( butxo - > iambob = iambob ) ! = 0 )
butxo - > deposit . txid = up2 - > U . txid ;
butxo - > deposit . vout = up2 - > U . vout ;
butxo - > deposit . value = up2 - > U . value ;
butxo - > fee . txid = up2 - > U . txid ;
butxo - > fee . vout = up2 - > U . vout ;
butxo - > fee . value = up2 - > U . value ;
butxo - > S . satoshis = satoshis ;
@ -388,10 +396,22 @@ uint64_t LP_basesatoshis(double relvolume,double price,uint64_t txfee,uint64_t d
struct LP_utxoinfo * LP_address_myutxopair ( struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , int32_t iambob , struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t max , struct iguana_info * coin , char * coinaddr , uint64_t txfee , double relvolume , double price , uint64_t desttxfee )
struct LP_address * ap ; uint64_t targetval , targetval2 ; int32_t m , mini ; struct LP_address_utxo * up , * up2 ;
struct LP_address * ap ; uint64_t fee , targetval , targetval2 ; int32_t m , mini ; struct LP_address_utxo * up , * up2 ; double ratio ;
memset ( butxo , 0 , sizeof ( * butxo ) ) ;
targetval = LP_basesatoshis ( relvolume , price , txfee , desttxfee ) ;
targetval2 = ( targetval / 8 ) * 9 + 2 * txfee ;
if ( iambob ! = 0 )
targetval = LP_basesatoshis ( relvolume , price , txfee , desttxfee ) + 3 * txfee ;
targetval2 = ( targetval / 8 ) * 9 + 3 * txfee ;
fee = txfee ;
ratio = LP_MINVOL ;
targetval = relvolume * SATOSHIDEN + 3 * desttxfee ;
targetval2 = ( targetval / 777 ) + 3 * desttxfee ;
fee = desttxfee ;
if ( coin ! = 0 & & ( ap = LP_address ( coin , coinaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( m = LP_address_utxo_ptrs ( coin , iambob , utxos , max , ap , coinaddr ) ) > 1 )
@ -402,30 +422,32 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_address_myutxopair(struct LP_utxoinfo *butxo,int32_t iamb
for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i + + )
if ( utxos [ i ] - > U . value > = targetval )
printf ( " %.8f " , dstr ( utxos [ i ] - > U . value ) ) ;
printf ( " targetval %.8f vol %.8f price %.8f txfee %.8f %s %s \n " , dstr ( targetval ) , relvolume , price , dstr ( tx fee) , coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) ;
printf ( " targetval %.8f vol %.8f price %.8f txfee %.8f %s %s \n " , dstr ( targetval ) , relvolume , price , dstr ( fee ) , coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) ;
mini = - 1 ;
if ( targetval ! = 0 & & ( mini = LP_nearest_utxovalue ( coin , coinaddr , utxos , m , targetval + tx fee) ) > = 0 )
if ( targetval ! = 0 & & ( mini = LP_nearest_utxovalue ( coin , coinaddr , utxos , m , targetval + fee ) ) > = 0 )
up = utxos [ mini ] ;
utxos [ mini ] = 0 ;
//printf("found mini.%d %.8f for targetval %.8f -> targetval2 %.8f, ratio %.2f\n",mini,dstr(up->U.value),dstr(targetval),dstr(targetval2),(double)up->U.value/targetval);
if ( ( double ) up - > U . value / targetval < LP_MINVOL - 1 )
if ( ( double ) up - > U . value / targetval < ratio - 1 )
if ( ( mini = LP_nearest_utxovalue ( coin , coinaddr , utxos , m , ( targetval2 + 2 * txfee ) * 1.01 ) ) > = 0 )
if ( 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i + + )
if ( utxos [ i ] ! = 0 & & utxos [ i ] - > U . value > = targetval2 )
printf ( " %.8f " , dstr ( utxos [ i ] - > U . value ) ) ;
printf ( " targetval2 %.8f vol %.8f price %.8f txfee %.8f %s %s \n " , dstr ( targetval2 ) , relvolume , price , dstr ( fee ) , coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) ;
if ( ( mini = LP_nearest_utxovalue ( coin , coinaddr , utxos , m , ( targetval2 + 2 * fee ) * 1.01 ) ) > = 0 )
if ( up ! = 0 & & ( up2 = utxos [ mini ] ) ! = 0 )
/*if ( (utxo= LP_utxoadd(1,coin->symbol,up->U.txid,up->U.vout,up->U.value,up2->U.txid,up2->U.vout,up2->U.value,coinaddr,ap->pubkey,G.gui,0,targetval)) != 0 )
utxo - > S . satoshis = targetval ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " butxo.%p targetval %.8f, found val %.8f %s | targetval2 %.8f val2 %.8f %s \n " , utxo , dstr ( targetval ) , dstr ( up - > U . value ) , bits256_str ( str , utxo - > payment . txid ) , dstr ( targetval2 ) , dstr ( up2 - > U . value ) , bits256_str ( str2 , utxo - > deposit . txid ) ) ;
return ( butxo ) ;
} */
LP_butxo_set ( butxo , coin , up , up2 , targetval ) ;
LP_butxo_set ( butxo , iambob , coin , up , up2 , targetval ) ;
return ( butxo ) ;
} else printf ( " cant find utxos[mini %d] \n " , mini ) ;
} else printf ( " cant find targetval2 %.8f \n " , dstr ( targetval2 ) ) ;
} else printf ( " failed ratio test %.8f \n " , ( double ) up - > U . value / targetval ) ;
} else if ( targetval ! = 0 & & mini > = 0 )
@ -471,10 +493,10 @@ int32_t LP_connectstartbob(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,char *base,c
jaddstr ( retjson , " pair " , pairstr ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " BOB pubsock.%d binds to %d (%s) \n " , pubsock , pair , bits256_str ( str , qp - > desthash ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , base , rel , qp - > desthash , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
bits256 zero ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , base , rel , zero , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 0 , base , rel , zero , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
retval = 0 ;
} else printf ( " error launching swaploop \n " ) ;
@ -492,12 +514,13 @@ int32_t LP_connectstartbob(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,char *base,c
char * LP_trade ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t mypubsock , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp , double maxprice , int32_t timeout , int32_t duration , uint32_t tradeid , bits256 destpubkey )
struct LP_utxoinfo * aliceutxo ; double price ;
if ( ( aliceutxo = LP_utxopairfind ( 0 , qp - > desttxid , qp - > destvout , qp - > feetxid , qp - > feevout ) ) = = 0 )
//struct LP_utxoinfo *aliceutxo;
double price ;
/*if ( (aliceutxo= LP_utxopairfind(0,qp->desttxid,qp->destvout,qp->feetxid,qp->feevout)) == 0 )
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " dest.(%s)/v%d fee.(%s)/v%d \n " , bits256_str ( str , qp - > desttxid ) , qp - > destvout , bits256_str ( str2 , qp - > feetxid ) , qp - > feevout ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find alice utxopair \" } " ) ) ;
} */
price = 0. ;
memset ( qp - > txid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( qp - > txid ) ) ;
qp - > txid2 = qp - > txid ;
@ -975,14 +998,15 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
jaddnum ( retjson , " pending " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " method " , " reserved " ) ;
msg = jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ;
msg = jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ;
printf ( " return after queued RESERVED: set swappending.%u accept qprice %.8f, min %.8f \n (%s) \n " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , qprice , ask , msg ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , Q . desthash , clonestr ( msg ) ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
bits256 zero ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , zero , msg ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , zero , clonestr ( msg ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 0 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , zero , clonestr ( msg ) ) ;
free ( msg ) ;
butxo - > T . lasttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
} else printf ( " request processing selected ineligible utxos? \n " ) ;
@ -1109,7 +1133,7 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_buyutxo(double *ordermatchpricep,int64_t *bestsatoshisp,i
char * LP_autobuy ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t mypubsock , char * base , char * rel , double maxprice , double relvolume , int32_t timeout , int32_t duration , char * gui , uint32_t nonce , bits256 destpubkey , uint32_t tradeid )
uint64_t desttxfee , txfee ; uint32_t lastnonce ; int64_t bestsatoshis = 0 , destsatoshis ; struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , B ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; bits256 pubkeys [ 100 ] ;
uint64_t desttxfee , txfee ; uint32_t lastnonce ; int64_t bestsatoshis = 0 , destsatoshis ; struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , B , A ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; bits256 pubkeys [ 100 ] ; struct LP_address_utxo * utxos [ 1000 ] ; int32_t max = ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( utxos ) / sizeof ( * utxos ) ) ;
basecoin = LP_coinfind ( base ) ;
relcoin = LP_coinfind ( rel ) ;
if ( gui = = 0 )
@ -1151,7 +1175,10 @@ char *LP_autobuy(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel
LP_txfees ( & txfee , & desttxfee , base , rel ) ;
destsatoshis = SATOSHIDEN * relvolume ;
if ( ( autxo = LP_utxo_bestfit ( rel , destsatoshis + 2 * desttxfee ) ) = = 0 )
memset ( & A , 0 , sizeof ( A ) ) ;
LP_address_utxo_reset ( relcoin ) ;
if ( ( autxo = LP_address_myutxopair ( & A , 0 , utxos , max , relcoin , relcoin - > smartaddr , txfee , dstr ( destsatoshis ) , maxprice , desttxfee ) ) = = 0 )
//if ( (autxo= LP_utxo_bestfit(rel,destsatoshis + 2*desttxfee)) == 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find alice utxo that is close enough in size \" } " ) ) ;
//printf("bestfit selected alice (%.8f %.8f) for %.8f sats %.8f\n",dstr(autxo->payment.value),dstr(autxo->fee.value),dstr(destsatoshis),dstr(autxo->S.satoshis));
if ( destsatoshis - desttxfee < autxo - > S . satoshis )