@ -181,9 +181,121 @@ char *LP_quotereceived(cJSON *argjson)
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" nullptr \" } " ) ) ;
int32_t LP_bitcoinsig_add ( cJSON * item , bits256 priv , uint8_t * pubsecp , bits256 sighash )
static void * ctx ; int32_t i , j , siglen ; uint8_t pub33 [ 33 ] , sig [ 65 ] ; char sigstr [ 128 ] ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 100 ; j + + )
if ( ( siglen = bitcoin_sign ( ctx , " sigadd " , sig , sighash , priv , 1 ) ) > 0 & & siglen = = 65 )
memset ( pub33 , 0 , 33 ) ;
if ( bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " test " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( pub33 , pubsecp , 33 ) = = 0 )
init_hexbytes_noT ( sigstr , sig , siglen ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " sig " , sigstr ) ;
return ( siglen ) ;
if ( 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , pubsecp [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " pubsecp -> " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , pub33 [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " mismatched recovered pubkey.%d of %d \n " , j , 100 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
bits256 LP_price_sighash ( uint32_t timestamp , uint8_t * pubsecp , bits256 pubkey , char * base , char * rel , uint64_t price64 )
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 + sizeof ( uint64_t ) * 3 + sizeof ( timestamp ) ] ; uint64_t basebits , relbits ; bits256 sighash ;
basebits = stringbits ( base ) ;
relbits = stringbits ( rel ) ;
memcpy ( buf , pubkey . bytes , sizeof ( pubkey ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) ] , pubsecp , 33 ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 ] , & price64 , sizeof ( price64 ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 + sizeof ( price64 ) ] , & basebits , sizeof ( basebits ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 + sizeof ( price64 ) + sizeof ( basebits ) ] , & relbits , sizeof ( relbits ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 + sizeof ( price64 ) + sizeof ( basebits ) + sizeof ( relbits ) ] , & timestamp , sizeof ( timestamp ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , sighash . bytes , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
return ( sighash ) ;
bits256 LP_pubkey_sighash ( uint32_t timestamp , bits256 pubkey , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 20 + 33 + sizeof ( timestamp ) ] ; bits256 sighash ;
memcpy ( buf , pubkey . bytes , sizeof ( pubkey ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) ] , rmd160 , 20 ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 20 ] , pubsecp , 33 ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 20 + 33 ] , & timestamp , sizeof ( timestamp ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , sighash . bytes , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
return ( sighash ) ;
bits256 LP_utxos_sighash ( uint32_t timestamp , uint8_t * pubsecp , bits256 pubkey , bits256 utxoshash )
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + sizeof ( utxoshash ) + 33 + sizeof ( timestamp ) ] ; bits256 sighash ;
memcpy ( buf , pubkey . bytes , sizeof ( pubkey ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) ] , pubsecp , 33 ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 ] , & timestamp , sizeof ( timestamp ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pubkey ) + 33 + sizeof ( timestamp ) ] , utxoshash . bytes , sizeof ( utxoshash ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , sighash . bytes , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
return ( sighash ) ;
int32_t LP_utxos_sigcheck ( uint32_t timestamp , char * sigstr , char * pubsecpstr , bits256 pubkey , bits256 utxoshash )
static void * ctx ; int32_t retval = - 1 ; uint8_t pub33 [ 33 ] , pubsecp [ 33 ] , sig [ 65 ] ; bits256 sighash ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
if ( sigstr ! = 0 & & pubsecpstr ! = 0 & & strlen ( sigstr ) = = 65 * 2 & & strlen ( pubsecpstr ) = = 33 * 2 )
decode_hex ( sig , 65 , sigstr ) ;
decode_hex ( pubsecp , 33 , pubsecpstr ) ;
sighash = LP_utxos_sighash ( timestamp , pubsecp , pubkey , utxoshash ) ;
retval = bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " utxos " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) ;
if ( memcmp ( pub33 , pubsecp , 33 ) ! = 0 | | retval ! = 0 )
printf ( " LP_utxos_sigcheck failure, probably from node with older version \n " ) ;
retval = - 1 ;
} else retval = 0 ;
return ( retval ) ;
bits256 LP_utxoshash_calc ( cJSON * array )
int32_t i , j , n ; bits256 utxoshash , txid ; cJSON * item ;
memset ( utxoshash . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( utxoshash ) ) ;
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( array , i ) ;
txid = jbits256 ( item , " tx_hash " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j + + )
utxoshash . ulongs [ j ] ^ = txid . ulongs [ j ] ;
utxoshash . uints [ 0 ] ^ = jint ( item , " tx_pos " ) ;
return ( utxoshash ) ;
int32_t LP_utxos_sigadd ( cJSON * item , uint32_t timestamp , bits256 priv , uint8_t * pubsecp , bits256 pubkey , bits256 utxoshash )
bits256 sighash ;
sighash = LP_utxos_sighash ( timestamp , pubsecp , pubkey , utxoshash ) ;
return ( LP_bitcoinsig_add ( item , priv , pubsecp , sighash ) ) ;
void LP_postutxos ( char * symbol , char * coinaddr )
bits256 zero ; struct iguana_info * coin ; cJSON * array , * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
bits256 zero ; uint32_t timestamp ; bits256 utxoshash ; char pubsecpstr [ 67 ] ; struct iguana_info * coin ; cJSON * array , * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 & & ( array = LP_address_utxos ( coin , coinaddr , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("LP_postutxos pubsock.%d %s %s\n",pubsock,symbol,coin->smartaddr);
@ -196,6 +308,14 @@ void LP_postutxos(char *symbol,char *coinaddr)
jaddstr ( reqjson , " coin " , symbol ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " coinaddr " , coinaddr ) ;
jadd ( reqjson , " utxos " , array ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
jaddnum ( reqjson , " timetamp " , timestamp ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( pubsecpstr , G . LP_pubsecp , 33 ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " pubsecp " , pubsecpstr ) ;
jaddbits256 ( reqjson , " pubkey " , G . LP_mypub25519 ) ;
utxoshash = LP_utxoshash_calc ( array ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("utxoshash add %s\n",bits256_str(str,utxoshash));
LP_utxos_sigadd ( reqjson , timestamp , G . LP_privkey , G . LP_pubsecp , G . LP_mypub25519 , utxoshash ) ;
//printf("post (%s) -> %d\n",msg,LP_mypubsock);
LP_reserved_msg ( symbol , symbol , zero , jprint ( reqjson , 1 ) ) ;
@ -207,11 +327,20 @@ struct LP_utxos_qitem { struct queueitem DL; cJSON *argjson; };
char * LP_postutxos_recv ( cJSON * argjson )
struct LP_utxos_qitem * uitem ;
uitem = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * uitem ) ) ;
uitem - > argjson = jduplicate ( argjson ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " utxosQ " , & utxosQ , & uitem - > DL ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
struct LP_utxos_qitem * uitem ; bits256 utxoshash ; cJSON * obj ;
if ( ( obj = jobj ( argjson , " utxos " ) ) ! = 0 )
utxoshash = LP_utxoshash_calc ( obj ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("got utxoshash %s\n",bits256_str(str,utxoshash));
if ( LP_utxos_sigcheck ( juint ( argjson , " timestamp " ) , jstr ( argjson , " sig " ) , jstr ( argjson , " pubsecp " ) , jbits256 ( argjson , " pubkey " ) , utxoshash ) = = 0 )
uitem = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * uitem ) ) ;
uitem - > argjson = jduplicate ( argjson ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " utxosQ " , & utxosQ , & uitem - > DL ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" sig failure \" } " ) ) ;
int32_t LP_utxosQ_process ( )
@ -237,9 +366,41 @@ int32_t LP_utxosQ_process()
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t LP_price_sigcheck ( uint32_t timestamp , char * sigstr , char * pubsecpstr , bits256 pubkey , char * base , char * rel , uint64_t price64 )
static void * ctx ; int32_t retval = - 1 ; uint8_t pub33 [ 33 ] , pubsecp [ 33 ] , sig [ 65 ] ; bits256 sighash ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
if ( sigstr ! = 0 & & pubsecpstr ! = 0 & & strlen ( sigstr ) = = 65 * 2 & & strlen ( pubsecpstr ) = = 33 * 2 )
decode_hex ( sig , 65 , sigstr ) ;
decode_hex ( pubsecp , 33 , pubsecpstr ) ;
sighash = LP_price_sighash ( timestamp , pubsecp , pubkey , base , rel , price64 ) ;
retval = bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " price " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) ;
if ( memcmp ( pub33 , pubsecp , 33 ) ! = 0 | | retval ! = 0 )
printf ( " LP_price_sigcheck failure \n " ) ;
retval = - 1 ;
retval = 0 ;
//printf("valid price sig %s/%s %.8f\n",base,rel,dstr(price64));
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t LP_price_sigadd ( cJSON * item , uint32_t timestamp , bits256 priv , uint8_t * pubsecp , bits256 pubkey , char * base , char * rel , uint64_t price64 )
bits256 sighash ;
sighash = LP_price_sighash ( timestamp , pubsecp , pubkey , base , rel , price64 ) ;
return ( LP_bitcoinsig_add ( item , priv , pubsecp , sighash ) ) ;
char * LP_pricepings ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t pubsock , char * base , char * rel , double price )
struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; bits256 zero ; cJSON * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; char pubsecpstr [ 67 ] ; uint32_t timestamp ; uint64_t price64 ; bits256 zero ; cJSON * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
// LP_addsig
if ( ( basecoin = LP_coinfind ( base ) ) ! = 0 & & ( relcoin = LP_coinfind ( rel ) ) ! = 0 & & basecoin - > electrum = = 0 & & relcoin - > electrum = = 0 )
@ -247,8 +408,15 @@ char *LP_pricepings(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,char *base,char *re
jaddbits256 ( reqjson , " pubkey " , G . LP_mypub25519 ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " base " , base ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " rel " , rel ) ;
price64 = price * SATOSHIDEN + 0.0000000049 ;
jaddnum ( reqjson , " price " , price ) ;
jadd64bits ( reqjson , " price64 " , price64 ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " method " , " postprice " ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
jaddnum ( reqjson , " timestamp " , timestamp ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( pubsecpstr , G . LP_pubsecp , 33 ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " pubsecp " , pubsecpstr ) ;
LP_price_sigadd ( reqjson , timestamp , G . LP_privkey , G . LP_pubsecp , G . LP_mypub25519 , base , rel , price64 ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( base , rel , zero , jprint ( reqjson , 1 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" electrum node cant post bob asks \" } " ) ) ;
@ -263,62 +431,30 @@ char *LP_postprice_recv(cJSON *argjson)
pubkey = jbits256 ( argjson , " pubkey " ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( pubkey ) ! = 0 )
LP_pricefeedupdate ( pubkey , base , rel , price ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
if ( LP_price_sigcheck ( juint ( argjson , " timestamp " ) , jstr ( argjson , " sig " ) , jstr ( argjson , " pubsecp " ) , pubkey , base , rel , j64bits ( argjson , " price64 " ) ) = = 0 )
LP_pricefeedupdate ( pubkey , base , rel , price ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" sig failure \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" missing fields in posted price \" } " ) ) ;
bits256 LP_pubkey_sighash ( bits256 pub , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( pub ) + 20 + 33 ] ; bits256 sighash ;
memcpy ( buf , pub . bytes , sizeof ( pub ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pub ) ] , rmd160 , 20 ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( pub ) + 20 ] , pubsecp , 33 ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , sighash . bytes , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
return ( sighash ) ;
int32_t _LP_pubkey_sigcheck ( uint8_t * sig , int32_t siglen , bits256 pub , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
int32_t _LP_pubkey_sigcheck ( uint8_t * sig , int32_t siglen , uint32_t timestamp , bits256 pub , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
static void * ctx ;
uint8_t pub33 [ 33 ] ; bits256 sighash = LP_pubkey_sighash ( pub , rmd160 , pubsecp ) ;
static void * ctx ; uint8_t pub33 [ 33 ] ; bits256 sighash ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
return ( bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " sigcheck " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) ) ;
sighash = LP_pubkey_sighash ( timestamp , pub , rmd160 , pubsecp ) ;
return ( bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " pubkey " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) ) ;
int32_t LP_pubkey_sigadd ( cJSON * item , bits256 priv , bits256 pub , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
int32_t LP_pubkey_sigadd ( cJSON * item , uint32_t timestamp , bits256 priv , bits256 pub , uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * pubsecp )
static void * ctx ;
uint8_t sig [ 128 ] , pub33 [ 33 ] ; int32_t i , j , siglen = 0 ; bits256 sighash ; char sigstr [ 256 ] ;
sighash = LP_pubkey_sighash ( pub , rmd160 , pubsecp ) ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 100 ; j + + )
if ( ( siglen = bitcoin_sign ( ctx , " sigadd " , sig , sighash , priv , 1 ) ) > 0 & & siglen = = 65 )
memset ( pub33 , 0 , 33 ) ;
if ( bitcoin_recoververify ( ctx , " test " , sig , sighash , pub33 , 0 ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( pub33 , pubsecp , 33 ) = = 0 )
init_hexbytes_noT ( sigstr , sig , siglen ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " sig " , sigstr ) ;
return ( siglen ) ;
if ( 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , pubsecp [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " pubsecp -> " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , pub33 [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " mismatched recovered pubkey.%d of %d \n " , j , 100 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
bits256 sighash ;
sighash = LP_pubkey_sighash ( timestamp , pub , rmd160 , pubsecp ) ;
return ( LP_bitcoinsig_add ( item , priv , pubsecp , sighash ) ) ;
int32_t LP_pubkey_sigcheck ( struct LP_pubkeyinfo * pubp , cJSON * item )
@ -342,7 +478,7 @@ int32_t LP_pubkey_sigcheck(struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp,cJSON *item)
siglen = len > > 1 ;
decode_hex ( sig , siglen , sigstr ) ;
if ( _LP_pubkey_sigcheck ( sig , siglen , pubp - > pubkey , rmd160 , pubsecp ) = = 0 )
if ( _LP_pubkey_sigcheck ( sig , siglen , juint ( item , " timestamp " ) , pubp - > pubkey , rmd160 , pubsecp ) = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , pubp - > rmd160 [ i ] ) ;
@ -374,15 +510,16 @@ int32_t LP_pubkey_sigcheck(struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp,cJSON *item)
void LP_notify_pubkeys ( void * ctx , int32_t pubsock )
bits256 zero ; char secpstr [ 67 ] ; cJSON * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
// LP_addsig
bits256 zero ; uint32_t timestamp ; char secpstr [ 67 ] ; cJSON * reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " method " , " notify " ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " rmd160 " , G . LP_myrmd160str ) ;
jaddbits256 ( reqjson , " pub " , G . LP_mypub25519 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( secpstr , G . LP_pubsecp , 33 ) ;
jaddstr ( reqjson , " pubsecp " , secpstr ) ;
LP_pubkey_sigadd ( reqjson , G . LP_privkey , G . LP_mypub25519 , G . LP_myrmd160 , G . LP_pubsecp ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
jaddnum ( reqjson , " timestamp " , timestamp ) ;
LP_pubkey_sigadd ( reqjson , timestamp , G . LP_privkey , G . LP_mypub25519 , G . LP_myrmd160 , G . LP_pubsecp ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( " " , " " , zero , jprint ( reqjson , 1 ) ) ;