@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
int32_t j , metalen , hdrsi , prevout , scriptlen ; uint32_t sequenceid , destspendind = 0 , desttxidind = 0 ;
bits256 prevhash ; uint64_t value ; uint8_t type , _script [ IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ] ; struct iguana_unspent * u ; struct scriptdata * script ;
struct iguana_txid * tx ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ; uint8_t * rmd160 , * scriptdata ;
printf ( " iterate ramchain.%p rdata.%p dest.%p ht.%d/%d txids.%p \n " , ramchain , ramchain - > H . data , dest , bp - > bundleheight , bp - > n , ramchain - > txids ) ;
//printf(" iterate ramchain.%p rdata.%p dest.%p ht.%d/%d txids.%p\n",ramchain,ramchain->H.data,dest,bp->bundleheight,bp->n ,ramchain->txids);
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_ramchain_iterate cant iterate without data \n " ) ;
@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
if ( dest ! = 0 )
_iguana_ramchain_setptrs ( RAMCHAIN_DESTPTRS , dest - > H . data ) ;
else fprintf ( stderr , " iterate %d/%d dest.%p ramchain.%p rdata.%p \n " , bp - > bundleheight , bp - > n , dest , ramchain , rdata ) ;
//else fprintf(stderr,"iterate %d/%d dest.%p ramchain.%p rdata.%p\n",bp->bundleheight,bp->n,dest,ramchain,rdata);
_iguana_ramchain_setptrs ( RAMCHAIN_PTRS , ramchain - > H . data ) ;
ramchain - > H . ROflag = 1 ;
ramchain - > H . unspentind = ramchain - > H . spendind = ramchain - > pkind = rdata - > firsti ;
@ -1776,10 +1776,9 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
desttxidind = dest - > H . txidind ;
destspendind = dest - > H . spendind ;
printf ( " txid loop \n " ) ;
for ( ramchain - > H . txidind = rdata - > firsti ; ramchain - > H . txidind < rdata - > numtxids ; ramchain - > H . txidind + + )
if ( 1 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 & & dest ! = 0 )
if ( 0 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 & & dest ! = 0 )
printf ( " ITER TXID.%d -> dest.%p desttxid.%d dest->hashmem.%p numtxids.%d \n " , ramchain - > H . txidind , dest , dest ! = 0 ? dest - > H . txidind : 0 , dest ! = 0 ? dest - > hashmem : 0 , rdata - > numtxids ) ;
tx = & T [ ramchain - > H . txidind ] ;
if ( iguana_ramchain_addtxid ( coin , RAMCHAIN_ARG , tx - > txid , tx - > numvouts , tx - > numvins , tx - > locktime , tx - > version , tx - > timestamp ) = = 0 )
@ -1787,12 +1786,11 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
if ( dest ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
if ( 1 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 )
if ( 0 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 )
printf ( " add hdrsi.%d dest.%p txidind.%d %s \n " , dest - > H . hdrsi , ramchain , dest - > H . txidind , bits256_str ( str , tx - > txid ) ) ;
if ( iguana_ramchain_addtxid ( coin , RAMCHAIN_DESTARG , tx - > txid , tx - > numvouts , tx - > numvins , tx - > locktime , tx - > version , tx - > timestamp ) = = 0 )
return ( - 2 ) ;
else printf ( " txid added \n " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < tx - > numvouts ; j + + )
script = 0 ;
@ -1803,7 +1801,7 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
if ( ramchain - > expanded ! = 0 )
u = & Ux [ ramchain - > H . unspentind ] ;
if ( 1 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 & & dest ! = 0 )
if ( 0 & & ramchain - > expanded = = 0 & & dest ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " unspentind.%d pkind.%d Ux.%p scriptoffset.%d pubkeyoffset.%d \n " , ramchain - > H . unspentind , Ux [ ramchain - > H . unspentind ] . pkind , Ux , u - > scriptoffset , P [ u - > pkind ] . pubkeyoffset ) ;
value = u - > value ;
hdrsi = u - > hdrsi ;
@ -1830,12 +1828,12 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
scriptdata = U [ ramchain - > H . unspentind ] . scriptptr ;
scriptlen = U [ ramchain - > H . unspentind ] . scriptlen ;
//scriptdata = iguana_scriptptr(coin,&scriptlen,_script,U[ramchain->H.unspentind].scriptfpos,U[ramchain->H.unspentind].scriptptr,U[ramchain->H.unspentind].scriptlen,sizeof(U[ramchain->H.unspentind].scriptptr),0);
if ( scriptdata ! = 0 & & scriptlen > 0 )
/*if ( scriptdata != 0 && scriptlen > 0 )
int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < scriptlen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , scriptdata [ i ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " raw unspent script type.%d U%d \n " , type , ramchain - > H . unspentind ) ;
} else printf ( " no script \n " ) ;
} else printf ( " no script \n " ) ; */
//for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// printf("%02x",rmd160[i]);
//printf(" raw rmd160\n");
@ -1846,7 +1844,7 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
if ( iguana_ramchain_addunspent ( coin , RAMCHAIN_DESTARG , value , hdrsi , rmd160 , j , type , scriptdata , scriptlen ) = = 0 )
return ( - 5 ) ;
} else printf ( " addunspent20 done \n " ) ;
} //else printf("addunspent20 done\n");
} else return ( - 6 ) ;
ramchain - > H . spendind + = tx - > numvins ;
@ -1854,13 +1852,13 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
dest - > H . txidind + + ;
dest - > H . spendind + = tx - > numvins ;
} else printf ( " iter scriptoffset.%u/%u stacksize.%u/%u \n " , ramchain - > H . scriptoffset , ramchain - > H . data - > scriptspace , ramchain - > H . stacksize , ramchain - > H . data - > stackspace ) ;
} //else printf("iter scriptoffset.%u/%u stacksize.%u/%u\n",ramchain->H.scriptoffset,ramchain->H.data->scriptspace,ramchain->H.stacksize,ramchain->H.data->stackspace);
if ( dest ! = 0 )
dest - > H . txidind = desttxidind ;
dest - > H . spendind = destspendind ;
} else printf ( " Start VINs \n " ) ;
} //else printf("Start VINs\n");
ramchain - > H . txidind = ramchain - > H . spendind = rdata - > firsti ;
for ( ramchain - > H . txidind = rdata - > firsti ; ramchain - > H . txidind < rdata - > numtxids ; ramchain - > H . txidind + + )
@ -1872,7 +1870,7 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
scriptlen = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > expanded ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " spendind.%d txidind.%d vin.%d call vinscriptdecode scriptspace.%d \n " , ramchain - > H . spendind , ramchain - > H . txidind , j , ramchain - > H . data - > scriptspace ) ;
//fprintf(stderr," spendind.%d txidind.%d vin.%d call vinscriptdecode scriptspace.%d\n",ramchain->H.spendind,ramchain->H.txidind,j,ramchain->H.data->scriptspace);
scriptlen = iguana_vinscriptdecode ( coin , & metalen , & sequenceid , _script , & Kspace [ ramchain - > H . data - > scriptspace ] , Kspace , & Sx [ ramchain - > H . spendind ] ) ;
scriptdata = _script ;
prevout = iguana_ramchain_txid ( coin , RAMCHAIN_ARG , & prevhash , & Sx [ ramchain - > H . spendind ] ) ;
@ -1897,12 +1895,12 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_iterate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain
scriptdata = S [ ramchain - > H . spendind ] . vinscriptptr ;
scriptlen = S [ ramchain - > H . spendind ] . vinscriptlen ;
//scriptdata = iguana_scriptptr(coin,&scriptlen,_script,S[ramchain->H.spendind].scriptfpos,S[ramchain->H.spendind].vinscriptptr,S[ramchain->H.spendind].vinscriptlen,sizeof(S[ramchain->H.spendind].vinscriptptr),1);
if ( scriptdata ! = 0 & & scriptlen > 0 )
/*if ( scriptdata != 0 && scriptlen > 0 )
int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < scriptlen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , scriptdata [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " spendind.%d vinscript \n " , ramchain - > H . spendind ) ;
} */
if ( iguana_ramchain_addspend256 ( coin , RAMCHAIN_ARG , prevhash , prevout , scriptdata , scriptlen , sequenceid , bp ) = = 0 )
return ( - 8 ) ;
@ -1996,16 +1994,16 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_scriptspace(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *sigspacep,
sigspace + = sigsize ;
pubkeyspace + = pubkeysize ;
sigspace + = suffixlen ;
fprintf ( stderr , " (%d %d %d %d).%d " , sigsize , pubkeysize , p2shsize , suffixlen , scriptlen ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " (none) " ) ;
//fprintf(stderr,"(%d %d %d %d).%d ",sigsize,pubkeysize,p2shsize,suffixlen,scriptlen);
} //else fprintf(stderr,"(none)" );
altspace + = tx - > numvins * 16 + 128 ; // for metascripts
scriptspace + = tx - > numvins * 16 + 128 ; // for metascripts
fprintf ( stderr , " scriptspace.%u altspace.%u, " , scriptspace , altspace ) ;
//fprintf(stderr,"scriptspace.%u altspace.%u, ",scriptspace,altspace);
* sigspacep = sigspace , * pubkeyspacep = pubkeyspace ;
printf ( " altspace.%d numvouts.%d numvins.%d scriptspace.%d p2shspace.%d sigspace.%d pubkeyspace.%d \n " , altspace , tx - > numvouts , tx - > numvins , scriptspace , p2shspace , sigspace , pubkeyspace ) ;
//printf(" altspace.%d numvouts.%d numvins.%d scriptspace.%d p2shspace.%d sigspace.%d pubkeyspace.%d\n",altspace,tx->numvouts,tx->numvins,scriptspace,p2shspace,sigspace,pubkeyspace);
return ( scriptspace + p2shspace ) ;
@ -2252,11 +2250,6 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_expandedsave(struct iguana_info *coin,RAMCHAIN_FUNC,stru
uint8_t * destoffset , * srcoffset ;
firsthash2 = ramchain - > H . data - > firsthash2 , lasthash2 = ramchain - > H . data - > lasthash2 ;
height = ramchain - > height , firsti = ramchain - > H . data - > firsti , hdrsi = ramchain - > H . hdrsi , numblocks = ramchain - > numblocks ;
if ( bp - > bundleheight = = 32000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 150000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 116000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 166000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 130000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 180000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 140000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 90000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 176000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 340000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 374000 | | bp - > bundleheight = = 180000 )
// printf("skip ht.%d for now\n",bp->bundleheight);
// return(-1);
//printf("B[] %p\n",B);
if ( 1 & & ramchain - > expanded ! = 0 )
@ -2281,12 +2274,12 @@ int32_t iguana_ramchain_expandedsave(struct iguana_info *coin,RAMCHAIN_FUNC,stru
memcpy ( ramchain - > roA , ramchain - > A , sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds ) ;
memset ( ramchain - > A , 0 , sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds ) ;
//printf("presave T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld firsti.%d\n",ramchain->H.data->numtxids,ramchain->H.data->numunspents,ramchain->H.data->numspends,ramchain->H.data->numpkinds,ramchain->H.data->numexternaltxids,(long)ramchain->H.data->allocsize,firsti);
printf ( " 0 preSAVE: Koffset.%d scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d allocsize.%d \n " , ( int32_t ) ramchain - > H . data - > Koffset , ramchain - > H . scriptoffset , ramchain - > H . stacksize , ( int32_t ) ramchain - > H . data - > allocsize ) ;
//printf(" 0 preSAVE: Koffset.%d scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d allocsize.%d\n",(int32_t)ramchain->H.data->Koffset,ramchain->H.scriptoffset,ramchain->H.stacksize,(int32_t)ramchain->H.data->allocsize);
if ( ( err = iguana_ramchain_iterate ( coin , 0 , ramchain , bp ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " ERROR.%d iterating presave ramchain hdrsi.%d \n " , err , hdrsi ) ;
printf ( " Bpresave T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld firsti.%d scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d \n " , ramchain - > H . data - > numtxids , ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents , ramchain - > H . data - > numspends , ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds , ramchain - > H . data - > numexternaltxids , ( long ) ramchain - > H . data - > allocsize , firsti , ramchain - > H . scriptoffset , ramchain - > H . stacksize ) ;
//printf(" Bpresave T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld firsti.%d scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d\n",ramchain->H.data->numtxids,ramchain->H.data->numunspents,ramchain->H.data->numspends,ramchain->H.data->numpkinds,ramchain->H.data->numexternaltxids,(long)ramchain->H.data->allocsize,firsti,ramchain->H.scriptoffset,ramchain->H.stacksize);
if ( ( err = iguana_ramchain_verify ( coin , ramchain ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " ERROR.%d verifying presave ramchain hdrsi.%d \n " , err , hdrsi ) ;
else retval = 0 ;
@ -2391,9 +2384,9 @@ int32_t iguana_bundlesaveHT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct OS_memspace *mem,str
struct iguana_ramchain * R , * mapchain , * dest , newchain ; uint32_t fpipbits , now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
int32_t i , numtxids , valid , sigspace , sigsize , pubkeysize , pubkeyspace , numunspents , numspends , numpkinds , numexternaltxids , scriptspace , fpos ; struct iguana_block * block ;
struct OS_memspace HASHMEM ; int32_t err , j , num , hdrsi , bundlei , firsti = 1 , retval = - 1 ;
if ( bp - > bundleheight ! = 32000 )
return ( 0 ) ;
B = 0 , Ux = 0 , Sx = 0 , P = 0 , A = 0 , X = 0 , Kspace = TXbits = PKbits = 0 , U = 0 , S = 0 , T = 0 ; //U2 = 0, P2 = 0,
//if ( bp->bundleheight != 32000 )
// return(0);
B = 0 , Ux = 0 , Sx = 0 , P = 0 , A = 0 , X = 0 , Kspace = TXbits = PKbits = 0 , U = 0 , S = 0 , T = 0 ;
R = mycalloc ( ' s ' , bp - > n , sizeof ( * R ) ) ;
ptrs = mycalloc ( ' w ' , bp - > n , sizeof ( * ptrs ) ) ;
ipbits = mycalloc ( ' w ' , bp - > n , sizeof ( * ipbits ) ) ;
@ -2487,12 +2480,9 @@ if ( bp->bundleheight != 32000 )
iguana_bundlemapfree ( mem , & HASHMEM , ipbits , ptrs , filesizes , num , R , bp - > n ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
printf ( " link ramchain \n " ) ;
iguana_ramchain_link ( dest , bp - > hashes [ 0 ] , bp - > hashes [ bp - > n - 1 ] , bp - > hdrsi , bp - > bundleheight , 0 , bp - > n , firsti , 0 ) ;
dest - > expanded = 1 ;
printf ( " _iguana_ramchain_setptrs \n " ) ;
_iguana_ramchain_setptrs ( RAMCHAIN_DESTPTRS , dest - > H . data ) ;
printf ( " iguana_ramchain_extras \n " ) ;
iguana_ramchain_extras ( dest , & HASHMEM ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
@ -2511,17 +2501,14 @@ if ( bp->bundleheight != 32000 )
dest - > H . txidind = dest - > H . unspentind = dest - > H . spendind = dest - > pkind = dest - > H . data - > firsti ;
dest - > externalind = dest - > H . scriptoffset = dest - > H . stacksize = 0 ;
printf ( " start iterations \n " ) ;
for ( bundlei = 0 ; bundlei < bp - > n ; bundlei + + )
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " blocksetcounters dest->txids %p \n " , dest - > txids ) ;
iguana_blocksetcounters ( coin , block , dest ) ;
coin - > blocks . RO [ bp - > bundleheight + bundlei ] = block - > RO ;
destB [ bundlei ] = block - > RO ;
fprintf ( stderr , " (%d %d).%d " , R [ bundlei ] . H . data - > numtxids , dest - > H . txidind , bundlei ) ;
//fprintf(stderr,"(%d %d).%d ",R[bundlei].H.data->numtxids,dest->H.txidind,bundlei);
if ( ( err = iguana_ramchain_iterate ( coin , dest , & R [ bundlei ] , bp ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error ramchain_iterate hdrs.%d bundlei.%d \n " , bp - > hdrsi , bundlei ) ;
@ -2539,7 +2526,7 @@ if ( bp->bundleheight != 32000 )
printf ( " bundlesave: stack smashed %d+%d > %d \n " , dest - > H . scriptoffset , dest - > H . stacksize , dest - > H . data - > scriptspace ) ;
bundlei = - 1 ;
printf ( " GETCHAR! about to save dest scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d data scriptspace.%d \n " , dest - > H . scriptoffset , dest - > H . stacksize , dest - > H . data - > scriptspace ) , getchar ( ) ;
//printf(" GETCHAR! about to save dest scriptoffset.%d stacksize.%d data scriptspace.%d\n",dest->H.scriptoffset,dest->H.stacksize,dest->H.data->scriptspace), getchar();
depth - - ;
if ( bundlei = = bp - > n & & iguana_ramchain_expandedsave ( coin , RAMCHAIN_DESTARG , & newchain , & HASHMEM , 0 , bp ) = = 0 )