/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "peggy.h" #define _extrapolate_Spline(Splines,gap) ((double)(Splines)[0] + ((gap) * ((double)(Splines)[1] + ((gap) * ((double)(Splines)[2] + ((gap) * (double)(Splines)[3])))))) #define _extrapolate_Slope(Splines,gap) ((double)(Splines)[1] + ((gap) * ((double)(Splines)[2] + ((gap) * (double)(Splines)[3])))) #define PRICE_BLEND(oldval,newval,decay,oppodecay) ((oldval == 0.) ? newval : ((oldval * decay) + (oppodecay * newval))) #define PRICE_BLEND64(oldval,newval,decay,oppodecay) ((oldval == 0) ? newval : ((oldval * decay) + (oppodecay * newval) + 0.499)) #define dto64(x) ((int64_t)((x) * (double)SATOSHIDEN * SATOSHIDEN)) #define dto32(x) ((int32_t)((x) * (double)SATOSHIDEN)) #define i64tod(x) ((double)(x) / ((double)SATOSHIDEN * SATOSHIDEN)) #define i32tod(x) ((double)(x) / (double)SATOSHIDEN) #define _extrapolate_spline64(spline64,gap) ((double)i64tod((spline64)[0]) + ((gap) * ((double)i64tod(.001*.001*(spline64)[1]) + ((gap) * ((double)i64tod(.001*.001*.001*.001*(spline64)[2]) + ((gap) * (double)i64tod(.001*.001*.001*.001*.001*.001*(spline64)[3]))))))) #define _extrapolate_spline32(spline32,gap) ((double)i32tod((spline32)[0]) + ((gap) * ((double)i32tod(.001*.001*(spline32)[1]) + ((gap) * ((double)i32tod(.001*.001*.001*.001*(spline32)[2]) + ((gap) * (double)i32tod(.001*.001*.001*.001*.001*.001*(spline32)[3]))))))) static char *Yahoo_metals[] = { YAHOO_METALS }; uint64_t Currencymasks[NUM_CURRENCIES+1]; short Contract_base[NUM_COMBINED+1] = { 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 1, 4, 5, 5, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 6, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 0, 4, 4, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8 };// Contract_base }; short Contract_rel[NUM_COMBINED+1] = { 0, 6, 5, 2, 7, 7, 7, 2, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 };// Contract_rel short Baserel_contractdir[NUM_CURRENCIES+1][NUM_CURRENCIES+1] = { { 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1 }, { -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0 }, { 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1 }, { 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1 }, { -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0 }, { -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1 }, { 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, { -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1 }, }; short Currency_contracts[NUM_CURRENCIES+1][NUM_CURRENCIES] = { { 0, 9, 13, 18, 22, 25, 27, 28, }, { 5, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, }, { 3, 7, 14, 20, 23, 25, 26, 30, }, { 4, 11, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, }, { 6, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 27, 32, }, { 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 33, }, { 1, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 34, }, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 35, }, { 36, 37, -1, 38, 39, -1, 40, 41, }, }; short Currency_contractothers[NUM_CURRENCIES+1][NUM_CURRENCIES] = // buggy! { { 7, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 0, }, { 7, 5, 6, 0, 4, 2, 3, 1, }, { 7, 5, 6, 1, 3, 0, 4, 2, }, { 7, 5, 6, 1, 0, 2, 4, 3, }, { 7, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 0, 4, }, { 7, 2, 6, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, }, { 7, 5, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, }, { 0, 6, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, }, { 0, 1,-1, 3, 4,-1, 5,-1, }, }; int32_t MINDENOMS[] = { 1000, 1000, 100000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, // major currencies 10000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 10000, 1000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 100000, 1000, 1000000, 1000, 10000, 1000, 1000, 10000, 1000, 10000000, 10000, // end of currencies 1, 100, 1, 1, // metals, gold must be first 100, 1, 10000, 100, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000, 1000, 1000 }; int32_t PAX_mindenomination(int32_t base) { return(MINDENOMS[base]); } void norm_smooth_wts(int32_t j,double *smoothwts,int32_t n) { double wt; int32_t iter,i; for (iter=0; iter<13; iter++) { wt = 0.; for (i=0; i<n; i++) wt += smoothwts[i]; //printf("wtsum.j%d %.40f ",j,wt); for (i=0; i<n; i++) smoothwts[i] /= wt; } //printf("\n"); } void calc_smooth_code(int32_t smoothwidth,int32_t _maxprimes) { double _coeffs[5000],sum,coeffs[60][10000],smoothbuf[10000]; int32_t x,p,prime,numprimes; uint64_t val,isum = 0; _maxprimes = MIN((int32_t)(sizeof(coeffs)/(sizeof(double)*10000))-1,_maxprimes); smoothwidth = MIN((int32_t)(sizeof(_coeffs)/sizeof(*_coeffs)),smoothwidth); x = 5000; memset(smoothbuf,0,sizeof(smoothbuf)); coeffs[0][x-2] = coeffs[0][x] = coeffs[0][x+2] = 1./3.; for (numprimes=_maxprimes; numprimes>=3; numprimes--) { for (p=1; p<numprimes; p++) { memcpy(coeffs[p],coeffs[p-1],sizeof(coeffs[p])); prime = smallprimes[p]; for (x=0; x<10000; x++) { coeffs[p][x] += (coeffs[p-1][x - prime] / 3.); coeffs[p][x] += (coeffs[p-1][x] / 3.); coeffs[p][x] += (coeffs[p-1][x + prime] / 3.); } } memcpy(smoothbuf,coeffs[numprimes-1],sizeof(smoothbuf)); memset(coeffs,0,sizeof(coeffs)); sum = 0.; for (x=0; x<10000; x++) { if ( smoothbuf[x] != 0. ) { sum += smoothbuf[x]; //printf("(%d %f) ",x-5000,smoothbuf[x]); } } //printf("maxprimes.%d\n",maxprimes); for (x=0; x<10000; x++) coeffs[0][x] = (smoothbuf[x] / sum); } sum = 0.; for (x=0; x<10000; x++) sum += smoothbuf[x]; memset(coeffs,0,sizeof(coeffs)); if ( sum != 0. ) { printf("double Smooth_coeffs[%d] = // numprimes.%d\n{\n",smoothwidth,_maxprimes); for (x=0; x<10000; x++) { if ( smoothbuf[x] != 0. ) { smoothbuf[x] = (1000000. * 1000000. * smoothbuf[x]) / sum; //printf("(%d %f) ",x-5000,smoothbuf[x]); } } _coeffs[0] = smoothbuf[5000]; for (x=1; x<=smoothwidth; x++) { if ( fabs(smoothbuf[5000 - x] - smoothbuf[5000 + x]) > SMALLVAL ) printf("x.%d error %.20f != %.20f [%.20f]\n",x,smoothbuf[5000 - x],smoothbuf[5000 + x],smoothbuf[5000 - x] - smoothbuf[5000 + x]); _coeffs[x-1] = (smoothbuf[5000 - x] + smoothbuf[5000 + x]) / 2.; } sum = 0.; for (x=0; x<smoothwidth; x++) sum += _coeffs[x]; if ( sum != 0. ) { for (x=0; x<smoothwidth; x++) { val = ((SATOSHIDEN * 1000. * _coeffs[x] + sum*.4825) / sum); printf("%lld, ",(long long)val); isum += val; //printf("%.0f, ",SATOSHIDEN*1000*_coeffs[x]/sum); if ( (x%9) == 8 ) printf("// x.%d\n",x); } printf("// isum %lld\n",(long long)isum); } } printf("\n}; // %llu\n",(long long)isum); //printf("_Constants size %d\n",(int)__constant_size); } uint32_t peggy_mils(int32_t i) { uint32_t minmils = 0; if ( i == 0 ) return(1000000); else if ( i <= 32 ) minmils = 10 * PAX_mindenomination(i-1); else if ( i >= 64 ) return(10000); else if ( peggy_bases[i] != 0 ) { if ( is_decimalstr(peggy_bases[i]+strlen(peggy_bases[i])-2) != 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"BTCRUB") == 0 ) minmils = 1; else if ( strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XAU",3) == 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"BTCCNY") == 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"BTCUSD") == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XPD",3) == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XPT",3) == 0 ) minmils = 10; else if ( strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"BUND") == 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"UKOIL") == 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"USOIL") == 0 ) minmils = 100; else if ( strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"ETC",3) == 0 || strcmp(peggy_bases[i],"SuperNET") == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XAG",3) == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"ETH",3) == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XCP",3) == 0 ) minmils = 1000; else if ( strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"XMR",3) == 0 ) minmils = 10000; else if ( strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"NXT",3) == 0 || strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"BTS",3) == 0 ) minmils = 1000000; else if ( strncmp(peggy_bases[i],"KMD",5) == 0 ) minmils = 1000; else minmils = 10000; } return(minmils); } int32_t peggy_prices(struct price_resolution prices[64],double btcusd,double kmdbtc,char *contracts[],int32_t num,double *cprices,double *basevals) { double kmdusd,price_in_kmd,dprice,usdcny,usdrub,btccny,btcrub,xauusd,usdprice=0.,usdval,btcprice=0.; int32_t contractnum,base,nonz = 0; if ( btcusd > SMALLVAL && kmdbtc > SMALLVAL && (usdval= basevals[0]) > SMALLVAL ) { xauusd = usdcny = usdrub = btccny = btcrub = 0.; for (contractnum=0; contractnum<num; contractnum++) if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"XAUUSD") == 0 ) { xauusd = cprices[contractnum]; break; } if ( basevals[8] > SMALLVAL ) { usdcny = (basevals[0] * peggy_mils(8)) / (basevals[8] * peggy_mils(0)); btccny = 1000 * btcusd * usdcny; } if ( basevals[9] > SMALLVAL ) { usdrub = (basevals[0] * peggy_mils(9)) / (basevals[9] * peggy_mils(0)); btcrub = 1000 * btcusd * usdrub; } kmdusd = (btcusd * kmdbtc); printf("xauusd %f usdval %f %f %f usdcny %f usdrub %f btcusd %f kmdbtc %f kmdusd %f btccny %f btcrub %f\n",xauusd,usdval,basevals[8],basevals[9],usdcny,usdrub,btcusd,kmdbtc,kmdusd,btccny,btcrub); prices[0].Pval = (PRICE_RESOLUTION * 100. * kmdbtc); for (base=0,contractnum=1; base<32; base++,contractnum++) { if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum],CURRENCIES[base]) == 0 ) { if ( (dprice= basevals[base]) > SMALLVAL ) { nonz++; if ( base == 0 ) usdprice = price_in_kmd = (1. / kmdusd); else price_in_kmd = (dprice / (kmdusd * usdval)); prices[contractnum].Pval = (PRICE_RESOLUTION * price_in_kmd); } } else printf("unexpected list entry %s vs %s at %d\n",contracts[contractnum],CURRENCIES[base],contractnum); } if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"BTCUSD") != 0 ) printf("unexpected contract (%s) at %d\n",contracts[contractnum],contractnum); btcprice = (1. / kmdbtc); prices[contractnum++].Pval = (PRICE_RESOLUTION / kmdbtc) / 1000.; printf("btcprice %f = 1/%f %llu\n",btcprice,1./kmdbtc,(long long)prices[contractnum-1].Pval); for (; contractnum<64; contractnum++) { //dprice = 0; if ( contractnum == 63 && strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"BTCUSD") == 0 ) dprice = btcusd; else if ( contractnum == 62 && strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"BTCCNY") == 0 ) dprice = btccny; else if ( contractnum == 61 && strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"BTCRUB") == 0 ) dprice = btcrub; else if ( contractnum == 60 && strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"XAUUSD") == 0 ) dprice = xauusd; else { dprice = cprices[contractnum]; if ( dprice > SMALLVAL && strlen(contracts[contractnum]) > 3 ) { if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum]+strlen(contracts[contractnum])-3,"USD") == 0 || strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"COPPER") == 0 || strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"NGAS") == 0 || strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"UKOIL") == 0 || strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"USOIL") == 0 ) dprice *= usdprice; else if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum],"SuperNET") == 0 ) { printf("SuperNET %f -> %f\n",dprice,dprice*btcprice); dprice *= btcprice; } else if ( strcmp(contracts[contractnum]+strlen(contracts[contractnum])-3,"BTC") == 0 ) dprice *= btcprice; } } prices[contractnum].Pval = (uint64_t)((PRICE_RESOLUTION * dprice) * ((double)peggy_mils(contractnum) / 10000.)); //if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) { struct price_resolution tmp; tmp = peggy_scaleprice(prices[contractnum],peggy_mils(contractnum)); printf("%.8f btcprice %.6f %f -->>> %s %.6f -> %llu %.6f mils.%d\n",cprices[contractnum],btcprice,cprices[contractnum]*btcprice,contracts[contractnum],Pval(&tmp),(long long)prices[contractnum].Pval,Pval(&prices[contractnum]),peggy_mils(contractnum)); } } } return(nonz); } void init_Currencymasks() { int32_t base,j,c; uint64_t basemask; for (base=0; base<NUM_CURRENCIES; base++) { basemask = 0L; for (j=0; j<7; j++) { if ( (c= Currency_contracts[base][j]) >= 0 ) { basemask |= (1L << c); //printf("(%s %lx) ",CONTRACTS[c],1L<<c); } } Currencymasks[base] = basemask; printf("0x%llx, ",(long long)basemask); } } double calc_primary_currencies(double logmatrix[8][8],double *bids,double *asks) { uint64_t nonzmask; int32_t c,base,rel; double bid,ask; memset(logmatrix,0,sizeof(double)*8*8); nonzmask = 0; for (c=0; c<28; c++) { bid = bids[c]; ask = asks[c]; if ( bid != 0 && ask != 0 ) { base = Contract_base[c]; rel = Contract_rel[c]; nonzmask |= (1L << c); logmatrix[base][rel] = log(bid); logmatrix[rel][base] = -log(ask); //printf("[%f %f] ",bid,ask); } } //printf("%07lx\n",nonzmask); if ( nonzmask != 0 ) { bids[USDNUM] = (logmatrix[USD][EUR] + logmatrix[USD][JPY] + logmatrix[USD][GBP] + logmatrix[USD][AUD] + logmatrix[USD][CAD] + logmatrix[USD][CHF] + logmatrix[USD][NZD]) / 8.; asks[USDNUM] = -(logmatrix[EUR][USD] + logmatrix[JPY][USD] + logmatrix[GBP][USD] + logmatrix[AUD][USD] + logmatrix[CAD][USD] + logmatrix[CHF][USD] + logmatrix[NZD][USD]) / 8.; bids[EURNUM] = (logmatrix[EUR][USD] + logmatrix[EUR][JPY] + logmatrix[EUR][GBP] + logmatrix[EUR][AUD] + logmatrix[EUR][CAD] + logmatrix[EUR][CHF] + logmatrix[EUR][NZD]) / 8.; asks[EURNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][EUR] + logmatrix[JPY][EUR] + logmatrix[GBP][EUR] + logmatrix[AUD][EUR] + logmatrix[CAD][EUR] + logmatrix[CHF][EUR] + logmatrix[NZD][EUR]) / 8.; bids[JPYNUM] = (logmatrix[JPY][USD] + logmatrix[JPY][EUR] + logmatrix[JPY][GBP] + logmatrix[JPY][AUD] + logmatrix[JPY][CAD] + logmatrix[JPY][CHF] + logmatrix[JPY][NZD]) / 8.; asks[JPYNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][JPY] + logmatrix[EUR][JPY] + logmatrix[GBP][JPY] + logmatrix[AUD][JPY] + logmatrix[CAD][JPY] + logmatrix[CHF][JPY] + logmatrix[NZD][JPY]) / 8.; bids[GBPNUM] = (logmatrix[GBP][USD] + logmatrix[GBP][EUR] + logmatrix[GBP][JPY] + logmatrix[GBP][AUD] + logmatrix[GBP][CAD] + logmatrix[GBP][CHF] + logmatrix[GBP][NZD]) / 8.; asks[GBPNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][GBP] + logmatrix[EUR][GBP] + logmatrix[JPY][GBP] + logmatrix[AUD][GBP] + logmatrix[CAD][GBP] + logmatrix[CHF][GBP] + logmatrix[NZD][GBP]) / 8.; bids[AUDNUM] = (logmatrix[AUD][USD] + logmatrix[AUD][EUR] + logmatrix[AUD][JPY] + logmatrix[AUD][GBP] + logmatrix[AUD][CAD] + logmatrix[AUD][CHF] + logmatrix[AUD][NZD]) / 8.; asks[AUDNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][AUD] + logmatrix[EUR][AUD] + logmatrix[JPY][AUD] + logmatrix[GBP][AUD] + logmatrix[CAD][AUD] + logmatrix[CHF][AUD] + logmatrix[NZD][AUD]) / 8.; bids[CADNUM] = (logmatrix[CAD][USD] + logmatrix[CAD][EUR] + logmatrix[CAD][JPY] + logmatrix[CAD][GBP] + logmatrix[CAD][AUD] + logmatrix[CAD][CHF] + logmatrix[CAD][NZD]) / 8.; asks[CADNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][CAD] + logmatrix[EUR][CAD] + logmatrix[JPY][CAD] + logmatrix[GBP][CAD] + logmatrix[AUD][CAD] + logmatrix[CHF][CAD] + logmatrix[NZD][CAD]) / 8.; bids[CHFNUM] = (logmatrix[CHF][USD] + logmatrix[CHF][EUR] + logmatrix[CHF][JPY] + logmatrix[CHF][GBP] + logmatrix[CHF][AUD] + logmatrix[CHF][CAD] + logmatrix[CHF][NZD]) / 8.; asks[CHFNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][CHF] + logmatrix[EUR][CHF] + logmatrix[JPY][CHF] + logmatrix[GBP][CHF] + logmatrix[AUD][CHF] + logmatrix[CAD][CHF] + logmatrix[NZD][CHF]) / 8.; bids[NZDNUM] = (logmatrix[NZD][USD] + logmatrix[NZD][EUR] + logmatrix[NZD][JPY] + logmatrix[NZD][GBP] + logmatrix[NZD][AUD] + logmatrix[NZD][CAD] + logmatrix[NZD][CHF]) / 8.; asks[NZDNUM] = -(logmatrix[USD][NZD] + logmatrix[EUR][NZD] + logmatrix[JPY][NZD] + logmatrix[GBP][NZD] + logmatrix[AUD][NZD] + logmatrix[CAD][NZD] + logmatrix[CHF][NZD]) / 8.; if ( nonzmask != ((1<<28)-1) ) { for (base=0; base<8; base++) { if ( (nonzmask & Currencymasks[base]) != Currencymasks[base] ) bids[base+28] = asks[base+28] = 0; //else printf("%s %9.6f | ",CONTRACTS[base+28],_pairaved(bids[base+28],asks[base+28])); } //printf("keep.%07lx\n",nonzmask); return(0); } if ( 0 && nonzmask != 0 ) { for (base=0; base<8; base++) printf("%9.6f | ",_pairaved(bids[base+28],asks[base+28])); printf("%07llx\n",(long long)nonzmask); } } return(0); } double PAX_splineval(struct PAX_spline *spline,uint32_t timestamp,int32_t lookahead) { int32_t i,gap,ind = (spline->num - 1); if ( timestamp >= spline->utc32[ind] ) { gap = (timestamp - spline->utc32[ind]); if ( gap < lookahead ) return(_extrapolate_spline64(spline->spline64[ind],gap)); else return(0.); } else if ( timestamp <= spline->utc32[0] ) { gap = (spline->utc32[0] - timestamp); if ( gap < lookahead ) return(_extrapolate_spline64(spline->spline64[0],gap)); else return(0.); } for (i=0; i<spline->num-1; i++) { ind = (i + spline->lasti) % (spline->num - 1); if ( timestamp >= spline->utc32[ind] && timestamp < spline->utc32[ind+1] ) { spline->lasti = ind; return(_extrapolate_spline64(spline->spline64[ind],timestamp - spline->utc32[ind])); } } return(0.); } double PAX_calcspline(struct PAX_spline *spline,double *outputs,double *slopes,int32_t dispwidth,uint32_t *utc32,double *splinevals,int32_t num) { static double errsums[3]; static int errcount; double c[MAX_SPLINES],f[MAX_SPLINES],dd[MAX_SPLINES],dl[MAX_SPLINES],du[MAX_SPLINES],gaps[MAX_SPLINES]; int32_t n,i,lasti,x,numsplines,nonz; double vx,vy,vw,vz,gap,sum,xval,yval,abssum,lastval,lastxval,yval64,yval32,yval3; uint32_t gap32; sum = lastxval = n = lasti = nonz = 0; for (i=0; i<MAX_SPLINES&&i<num; i++) { if ( (f[n]= splinevals[i]) != 0. && utc32[i] != 0 ) { //printf("i%d.(%f %f) ",i,utc[i],splinevals[i]); if ( n > 0 ) { if ( (gaps[n-1]= utc32[i] - lastxval) < 0 ) { printf("illegal gap %f to t%d\n",lastxval,utc32[i]); return(0); } } spline->utc32[n] = lastxval = utc32[i]; n++; } } if ( (numsplines= n) < 4 ) return(0); for (i=0; i<n-3; i++) dl[i] = du[i] = gaps[i+1]; for (i=0; i<n-2; i++) { dd[i] = 2.0 * (gaps[i] + gaps[i+1]); c[i] = (3.0 / (double)gaps[i+1]) * (f[i+2] - f[i+1]) - (3.0 / (double)gaps[i]) * (f[i+1] - f[i]); } //for (i=0; i<n; i++) printf("%f ",f[i]); //printf("F2[%d]\n",n); dd[0] += (gaps[0] + (double)gaps[0]*gaps[0] / gaps[1]); du[0] -= ((double)gaps[0]*gaps[0] / gaps[1]); dd[n-3] += (gaps[n-2] + (double)gaps[n-2]*gaps[n-2] / gaps[n-3]); dl[n-4] -= ((double)gaps[n-2]*gaps[n-2] / gaps[n-3]); //tridiagonal(n-2, dl, dd, du, c); for (i=0; i<n-1-2; i++) { du[i] /= dd[i]; dd[i+1] -= dl[i]*du[i]; } c[0] /= dd[0]; for (i=1; i<n-2; i++) c[i] = (c[i] - dl[i-1] * c[i-1]) / dd[i]; for (i=n-2-4; i>=0; i--) c[i] -= c[i+1] * du[i]; //tridiagonal(n-2, dl, dd, du, c); for (i=n-3; i>=0; i--) c[i+1] = c[i]; c[0] = (1.0 + (double)gaps[0] / gaps[1]) * c[1] - ((double)gaps[0] / gaps[1] * c[2]); c[n-1] = (1.0 + (double)gaps[n-2] / gaps[n-3] ) * c[n-2] - ((double)gaps[n-2] / gaps[n-3] * c[n-3]); //printf("c[n-1] %f, n-2 %f, n-3 %f\n",c[n-1],c[n-2],c[n-3]); abssum = nonz = lastval = 0; outputs[spline->firstx] = f[0]; spline->num = numsplines; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { vx = f[i]; vz = c[i]; if ( i < n-1 ) { gap = gaps[i]; vy = ((f[i+1] - f[i]) / gap) - (gap * (c[i+1] + 2.*c[i]) / 3.); vw = (c[i+1] - c[i]) / (3. * gap); } else { vy = 0; vw = 0; } //printf("%3d: t%u [%14.11f %14.11f %14.11f %14.11f] gap %f | %d\n",i,spline->utc32[i],(vx),vy*1000*1000,vz*1000*1000*1000*1000,vw*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000,gap,conv_unixtime(&tmp,spline->utc32[i])); spline->dSplines[i][0] = vx, spline->dSplines[i][1] = vy, spline->dSplines[i][2] = vz, spline->dSplines[i][3] = vw; spline->spline64[i][0] = dto64(vx), spline->spline64[i][1] = dto64(vy*1000*1000), spline->spline64[i][2] = dto64(vz*1000*1000*1000*1000), spline->spline64[i][3] = dto64(vw*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000); spline->spline32[i][0] = dto32(vx), spline->spline32[i][1] = dto32(vy*1000*1000), spline->spline32[i][2] = dto32(vz*1000*1000*1000*1000), spline->spline32[i][3] = dto32(vw*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000); gap32 = gap = spline->dispincr; xval = spline->utc32[i] + gap; lastval = vx; while ( i < n-1 ) { x = spline->firstx + ((xval - spline->utc32[0]) / spline->dispincr); if ( x > dispwidth-1 ) x = dispwidth-1; if ( x < 0 ) x = 0; if ( (i < n-2 && gap > gaps[i] + spline->dispincr) ) break; if ( i == n-2 && xval > spline->utc32[n-1] + MAX_LOOKAHEAD*spline->dispincr ) { //printf("x.%d dispwidth.%d xval %f > utc[n-1] %f + %f\n",x,dispwidth,xval,utc[n-1],MAX_LOOKAHEAD*incr); break; } if ( x >= 0 ) { yval = _extrapolate_Spline(spline->dSplines[i],gap); yval64 = _extrapolate_spline64(spline->spline64[i],gap32); if ( (yval3 = PAX_splineval(spline,gap32 + spline->utc32[i],MAX_LOOKAHEAD*spline->dispincr)) != 0 ) { yval32 = _extrapolate_spline32(spline->spline32[i],gap32); errsums[0] += fabs(yval - yval64), errsums[1] += fabs(yval - yval32), errsums[2] += fabs(yval - yval3), errcount++; if ( fabs(yval - yval3) > SMALLVAL ) printf("(%.10f vs %.10f %.10f %.10f [%.16f %.16f %.16f]) ",yval,yval64,yval32,yval3, errsums[0]/errcount,errsums[1]/errcount,errsums[2]/errcount); } if ( yval > 5000. ) yval = 5000.; else if ( yval < -5000. ) yval = -5000.; if ( isnan(yval) == 0 ) { outputs[x] = yval; spline->lastval = outputs[x], spline->lastutc = xval; if ( 1 && fabs(lastval) > SMALLVAL ) { if ( lastval != 0 && outputs[x] != 0 ) { if ( slopes != 0 ) slopes[x] = (outputs[x] - lastval), abssum += fabs(slopes[x]); nonz++; } } } //else outputs[x] = 0.; //printf("x.%-4d %d %f %f %f i%-4d: gap %9.6f %9.6f last %9.6f slope %9.6f | %9.1f [%9.1f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f]\n",x,firstx,xval,utc[0],incr,i,gap,yval,lastval,slopes[x],xval,utc[i+1],dSplines[i][0],dSplines[i][1]*1000*1000,dSplines[i][2]*1000*1000*1000*1000,dSplines[i][3]*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000); } gap32 += spline->dispincr, gap += spline->dispincr, xval += spline->dispincr; } //double pred = (i>0) ? _extrapolate_Spline(dSplines[i-1],gaps[i-1]) : 0.; //printf("%2d: w%8.1f [gap %f -> %9.6f | %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f]\n",i,weekinds[i],gap,pred,f[i],dSplines[i].x,1000000*dSplines[i].y,1000000*1000000*dSplines[i].z,1000000*1000000*1000*dSplines[i].w); } if ( nonz != 0 ) abssum /= nonz; spline->aveslopeabs = abssum; return(lastval); } int32_t PAX_genspline(struct PAX_spline *spline,int32_t splineid,char *name,uint32_t *utc32,double *splinevals,int32_t maxsplines,double *refvals) { int32_t i; double output[2048],slopes[2048],origvals[MAX_SPLINES]; memset(spline,0,sizeof(*spline)), memset(output,0,sizeof(output)), memset(slopes,0,sizeof(slopes)); spline->dispincr = 3600, spline->basenum = splineid, strcpy(spline->name,name); memcpy(origvals,splinevals,sizeof(*splinevals) * MAX_SPLINES); spline->lastval = PAX_calcspline(spline,output,slopes,sizeof(output)/sizeof(*output),utc32,splinevals,maxsplines); for (i=0; i<spline->num+3; i++) { if ( i < spline->num ) { if ( refvals[i] != 0 && output[i * 24] != refvals[i] ) printf("{%.8f != %.8f}.%d ",output[i * 24],refvals[i],i); } else printf("{%.8f %.3f} ",output[i * 24],slopes[i * 24]/spline->aveslopeabs); spline->pricevals[i] = output[i * 24]; } printf("spline.%s num.%d\n",name,spline->num); return(spline->num); } int32_t PAX_calcmatrix(double matrix[32][32]) { int32_t basenum,relnum,nonz,vnum,iter,numbase,numerrs = 0; double sum,vsum,price,price2,basevals[32],errsum=0; memset(basevals,0,sizeof(basevals)); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { numbase = 32; for (basenum=0; basenum<numbase; basenum++) { for (vsum=sum=vnum=nonz=relnum=0; relnum<numbase; relnum++) { if ( basenum != relnum ) { if ( (price= matrix[basenum][relnum]) != 0. ) { price /= (MINDENOMS[relnum] * .001); price *= (MINDENOMS[basenum] * .001); if ( iter == 0 ) sum += (price), nonz++;//, printf("%.8f ",price); else sum += fabs((price) - (basevals[basenum] / basevals[relnum])), nonz++; } if ( (price2= matrix[relnum][basenum]) != 0. ) { price2 *= (MINDENOMS[relnum] * .001); price2 /= (MINDENOMS[basenum] * .001); if ( iter == 0 ) vsum += (price2), vnum++; else vsum += fabs(price2 - (basevals[relnum] / basevals[basenum])), vnum++; } //if ( iter == 0 && 1/price2 > price ) // printf("base.%d rel.%d price2 %f vs %f\n",basenum,relnum,1/price2,price); } } if ( iter == 0 ) sum += 1., vsum += 1.; if ( nonz != 0 ) sum /= nonz; if ( vnum != 0 ) vsum /= vnum; if ( iter == 0 ) basevals[basenum] = (sum + 1./vsum) / 2.; else errsum += (sum + vsum)/2, numerrs++;//, printf("(%.8f %.8f) ",sum,vsum); //printf("date.%d (%.8f/%d %.8f/%d).%02d -> %.8f\n",i,sum,nonz,vsum,vnum,basenum,basevals[basenum]); } if ( iter == 0 ) { for (sum=relnum=0; relnum<numbase; relnum++) sum += (basevals[relnum]);//, printf("%.8f ",(basevals[relnum])); //printf("date.%d sums %.8f and vsums iter.%d\n",i,sum/7,iter); sum /= (numbase - 1); for (relnum=0; relnum<numbase; relnum++) basevals[relnum] /= sum;//, printf("%.8f ",basevals[relnum]); //printf("date.%d sums %.8f and vsums iter.%d\n",i,sum,iter); } else { for (basenum=0; basenum<numbase; basenum++) matrix[basenum][basenum] = basevals[basenum]; } } if ( numerrs != 0 ) errsum /= numerrs; return(errsum); } int32_t PAX_getmatrix(double *basevals,struct peggy_info *PEGS,double Hmatrix[32][32],double *RTprices,char *contracts[],int32_t num,uint32_t timestamp) { int32_t i,j,c; char name[16]; double btcusd,kmdbtc; memcpy(Hmatrix,PEGS->data.ecbmatrix,sizeof(PEGS->data.ecbmatrix)); PAX_calcmatrix(Hmatrix); /*for (i=0; i<32; i++) { for (j=0; j<32; j++) printf("%.6f ",Hmatrix[i][j]); printf("%s\n",CURRENCIES[i]); }*/ btcusd = PEGS->data.btcusd; kmdbtc = PEGS->data.kmdbtc; if ( btcusd > SMALLVAL ) dxblend(&PEGS->btcusd,btcusd,.9); if ( kmdbtc > SMALLVAL ) dxblend(&PEGS->kmdbtc,kmdbtc,.9); // char *cryptostrs[8] = { "btc", "nxt", "unity", "eth", "ltc", "xmr", "bts", "xcp" }; // "BTCUSD", "NXTBTC", "SuperNET", "ETHBTC", "LTCBTC", "XMRBTC", "BTSBTC", "XCPBTC", // BTC priced for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if ( contracts[i] == 0 ) continue; if ( i == num-1 && strcmp(contracts[i],"BTCUSD") == 0 ) { RTprices[i] = PEGS->btcusd; continue; } else if ( i == num-2 && strcmp(contracts[i],"BTCCNY") == 0 ) { continue; } else if ( i == num-3 && strcmp(contracts[i],"BTCRUB") == 0 ) { continue; } else if ( i == num-4 && strcmp(contracts[i],"XAUUSD") == 0 ) { continue; } if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"NXTBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[1]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"SuperNET") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[2]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"ETHBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[3]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"LTCBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[4]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"XMRBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[5]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"BTSBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[6]; else if ( strcmp(contracts[i],"XCPBTC") == 0 ) RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.cryptos[7]; else if ( i < 32 ) { PEGS->data.RTmatrix[i][i] = basevals[i] = Hmatrix[i][i]; //if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) //printf("(%s %f).%d ",CURRENCIES[i],basevals[i],i); } else if ( (c= PAX_contractnum(contracts[i],0)) >= 0 ) { RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.RTprices[c]; //if ( is_decimalstr(contracts[i]+strlen(contracts[i])-2) != 0 ) // cprices[i] *= .0001; } else { for (j=0; j<sizeof(Yahoo_metals)/sizeof(*Yahoo_metals); j++) { sprintf(name,"%sUSD",Yahoo_metals[j]); if ( contracts[i] != 0 && strcmp(name,contracts[i]) == 0 ) { RTprices[i] = PEGS->data.RTmetals[j]; break; } } } //if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("(%f %f) i.%d num.%d %s %f\n",PEGS->btcusd,PEGS->kmdbtc,i,num,contracts[i],RTprices[i]); //printf("RT.(%s %f) ",contracts[i],RTprices[i]); } return(PEGS->data.ecbdatenum); } char *peggy_emitprices(int32_t *nonzp,struct peggy_info *PEGS,uint32_t blocktimestamp,int32_t maxlockdays) { double matrix[32][32],RTmatrix[32][32],cprices[64],basevals[64]; struct price_resolution prices[256]; cJSON *json,*array; char *jsonstr,*opreturnstr = 0; int32_t i,nonz = 0; memset(cprices,0,sizeof(cprices)); printf("peggy_emitprices\n"); if ( PAX_getmatrix(basevals,PEGS,matrix,cprices+1,peggy_bases+1,sizeof(peggy_bases)/sizeof(*peggy_bases)-1,blocktimestamp) > 0 ) { cprices[0] = PEGS->kmdbtc; for (i=0; i<32; i++) PEGS->data.RTmatrix[i][i] = basevals[i]; /*for (i=0; i<32; i++) printf("%f ",basevals[i]); printf("basevals\n"); for (i=0; i<64; i++) printf("%f ",cprices[i]); printf("cprices\n");*/ json = cJSON_CreateObject(), array = cJSON_CreateArray(); memset(prices,0,sizeof(prices)); memset(matrix,0,sizeof(matrix)); memset(RTmatrix,0,sizeof(RTmatrix)); peggy_prices(prices,PEGS->btcusd,PEGS->kmdbtc,peggy_bases,sizeof(peggy_bases)/sizeof(*peggy_bases),cprices,basevals); for (i=0; i<sizeof(peggy_bases)/sizeof(*peggy_bases); i++) { jaddinum(array,prices[i].Pval); if ( prices[i].Pval != 0 ) nonz++; //if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("{%s %.6f %u}.%d ",peggy_bases[i],Pval(&prices[i]),(uint32_t)prices[i].Pval,peggy_mils(i)); } jaddnum(json,"txtype",PEGGY_TXPRICES); //jaddnum(json,"btcusd",btc.Pval); if ( maxlockdays != 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"timestamp",blocktimestamp); jaddnum(json,"maxlockdays",maxlockdays); } //jaddstr(json,"privkey","1259ec21d31a30898d7cd1609f80d9668b4778e3d97e941044b39f0c44d2e51b"); jadd(json,"details",array); jsonstr = jprint(json,1); //printf("%s\n",jsonstr); opreturnstr = peggy_tx(jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } else printf("pricematrix returned null\n"); *nonzp = nonz; //printf("nonz.%d\n",nonz); return(opreturnstr); } double PAX_baseprice(struct peggy_info *PEGS,uint32_t timestamp,int32_t basenum) { double btc,kmd,kmdusd,usdval; btc = 1000. * _pairaved(PAX_splineval(&PEGS->splines[MAX_CURRENCIES+0],timestamp,0),PAX_splineval(&PEGS->splines[MAX_CURRENCIES+1],timestamp,0)); kmd = .01 * PAX_splineval(&PEGS->splines[MAX_CURRENCIES+2],timestamp,0); if ( btc != 0. && kmd != 0. ) { kmdusd = (btc * kmd); usdval = PAX_splineval(&PEGS->splines[USD],timestamp,0); if ( basenum == USD ) return(1. / kmdusd); else return(PAX_splineval(&PEGS->splines[basenum],timestamp,0) / (kmdusd * usdval)); } return(0.); } double PAX_getprice(char *retbuf,char *base,char *rel,char *contract,struct peggy_info *PEGS) { int32_t i,c,basenum,relnum,n = 0; double yprice,daily,revdaily,price; struct PAX_data *dp = &PEGS->data; price = yprice = daily = revdaily = 0.; PAX_ispair(base,rel,contract); if ( base[0] != 0 && rel[0] != 0 ) { basenum = PAX_basenum(base), relnum = PAX_basenum(rel); if ( basenum >= 0 && relnum >= 0 && basenum < MAX_CURRENCIES && relnum < MAX_CURRENCIES ) daily = dp->dailyprices[basenum*MAX_CURRENCIES + relnum], revdaily = dp->dailyprices[relnum*MAX_CURRENCIES + basenum]; } for (i=0; i<sizeof(Yahoo_metals)/sizeof(*Yahoo_metals); i++) if ( strncmp(Yahoo_metals[i],contract,3) == 0 && strcmp(contract+3,"USD") == 0 ) { yprice = dp->metals[i]; break; } sprintf(retbuf,"{\"result\":\"success\",\"contract\":\"%s\",\"base\":\"%s\",\"rel\":\"%s\"",contract,base,rel); if ( (c= PAX_contractnum(contract,0)) >= 0 ) { if ( dp->tbids[c] != 0. && dp->tasks[c] != 0. ) { price += (dp->tbids[c] + dp->tasks[c]), n += 2; sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"truefx\":{\"timestamp\":\"%u\",\"bid\":%.8f,\"ask\":%.8f}",dp->ttimestamps[c],dp->tbids[c],dp->tasks[c]); } if ( dp->fbids[c] != 0. && dp->fasks[c] != 0. ) { price += (dp->fbids[c] + dp->fasks[c]), n += 2; sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"fxcm\":{\"bid\":%.8f,\"ask\":%.8f}",dp->fbids[c],dp->fasks[c]); } if ( dp->ibids[c] != 0. && dp->iasks[c] != 0. ) { price += (dp->ibids[c] + dp->iasks[c]), n += 2; sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"instaforex\":{\"timestamp\":%u,\"bid\":%.8f,\"ask\":%.8f}",dp->itimestamps[c],dp->ibids[c],dp->iasks[c]); } if ( yprice != 0. ) sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"yahoo\":{\"price\":%.8f}",yprice); if ( daily != 0. || revdaily != 0. ) sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"ecb\":{\"date\":\"%s\",\"daily\":%.8f,\"reverse\":%.8f}",dp->edate,daily,revdaily); } if ( n > 0 ) price /= n; sprintf(retbuf+strlen(retbuf),",\"aveprice\":%.8f,\"n\":%d}",price,n); return(price); } #include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" #include "../includes/iguana_apideclares.h" double PAX_aveprice(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *base) { struct peggy_info *PEGS; int32_t basenum; if ( (PEGS= myinfo->PEGS) != 0 && (basenum= PAX_basenum(base)) >= 0 ) { return(PEGS->data.RTmatrix[basenum][basenum]); } return(0.); } struct peggy_info *PAX_init() { void peggy_indsinit(); struct peggy_info *PEGS; struct price_resolution spread; double commission = 0.; init_Currencymasks(); //calc_smooth_code(127,7); peggy_indsinit(); tradebot_monitorall(0,0,0,0,"fxcm",commission); tradebot_monitorall(0,0,0,0,"truefx",commission); tradebot_monitorall(0,0,0,0,"instaforex",commission); spread.Pval = PERCENTAGE(1); PEGS = peggy_init(PEGGY_MAXLOCKDAYS,"KMD",SATOSHIDEN/100,100,10,spread,PEGGY_RATE_777,40,10,2,5,2,0,0); exchange_create("PAX",0); //peggy_priceinits(PEGS,(uint32_t)time(NULL),allprices); return(PEGS); } ZERO_ARGS(pax,start) { myinfo->PEGS = PAX_init(); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } #include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"