/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // main.c // marketmaker // // Copyright © 2017 SuperNET. All rights reserved. // #define FROM_MARKETMAKER #include #include #ifndef NATIVE_WINDOWS #include "OS_portable.h" #else #include "../../crypto777/OS_portable.h" #endif // !_WIN_32 #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) char *stats_JSON(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port); #include "stats.c" void LP_priceupdate(char *base,char *rel,double price,double avebid,double aveask,double highbid,double lowask,double PAXPRICES[32]); //defined(__APPLE__) || #if defined(WIN32) || defined(USE_STATIC_NANOMSG) #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/nn.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/bus.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pubsub.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pipeline.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/reqrep.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/tcp.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pair.h" #else #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/nn.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/bus.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pubsub.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pipeline.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/reqrep.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/tcp.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pair.h" #endif char DEX_baseaddr[64],DEX_reladdr[64]; struct mmpending_order { double price,volume; int32_t dir; uint32_t pending,completed,canceled,cancelstarted,reported; cJSON *errorjson; char exchange[16],base[16],rel[16],orderid[64]; } *Pending_orders; int32_t Num_Pending; #define IGUANA_URL "" /*char CURRENCIES[][8] = { "USD", "EUR", "JPY", "GBP", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "NZD", // major currencies "CNY", "RUB", "MXN", "BRL", "INR", "HKD", "TRY", "ZAR", "PLN", "NOK", "SEK", "DKK", "CZK", "HUF", "ILS", "KRW", "MYR", "PHP", "RON", "SGD", "THB", "BGN", "IDR", "HRK", // end of currencies };*/ double PAXPRICES[sizeof(CURRENCIES)/sizeof(*CURRENCIES)]; uint32_t PAXACTIVE; char *DEX_swapstatus() { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"getswaplist\"}"); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"getswaplist",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_amlp(char *blocktrail) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"tradebot\",\"method\":\"amlp\",\"blocktrail\":\"%s\"}",blocktrail); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"tradebot",url,0,"amlp",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_openorders(char *exchange) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"openorders\",\"exchange\":\"%s\"}",exchange); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"openorders",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_tradehistory(char *exchange) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"tradehistory\",\"exchange\":\"%s\"}",exchange); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"tradehistory",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_orderstatus(char *exchange,char *orderid) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"orderstatus\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"orderid\":\"%s\"}",exchange,orderid); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"orderstatus",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_cancelorder(char *exchange,char *orderid) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"cancelorder\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"orderid\":\"%s\"}",exchange,orderid); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"cancelorder",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_balance(char *exchange,char *base,char *coinaddr) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); if ( strcmp(exchange,"DEX") == 0 ) { sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"dex\",\"method\":\"getbalance\",\"address\":\"%s\",\"symbol\":\"%s\"}",coinaddr,base); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"dex",url,0,"getbalance",postdata,0)); } else { sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"balance\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"base\":\"%s\"}",exchange,base); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"balance",postdata,0)); } } char *DEX_apikeypair(char *exchange,char *apikey,char *apisecret) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"apikeypair\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"apikey\":\"%s\",\"apisecret\":\"%s\"}",exchange,apikey,apisecret); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"apikeypair",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_setuserid(char *exchange,char *userid,char *tradepassword) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"setuserid\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"userid\":\"%s\",\"tradepassword\":\"%s\"}",exchange,userid,tradepassword); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"setuserid",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_trade(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"%s\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"base\":\"%s\",\"rel\":\"%s\",\"price\":%.8f,\"volume\":%.8f,\"dotrade\":1}",dir>0?"buy":"sell",exchange,base,rel,price,volume); //printf("DEX_trade.(%s)\n",postdata); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,dir>0?"buy":"sell",postdata,0)); } char *DEX_withdraw(char *exchange,char *base,char *destaddr,double amount) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"destaddr\":\"%s\",\"amount\":%.8f}",exchange,destaddr,amount); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"InstantDEX",url,0,"withdraw",postdata,0)); } char *iguana_walletpassphrase(char *passphrase,int32_t timeout) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/coin=KMD&agent=bitcoinrpc&method=walletpassphrase?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"[\"%s\", %d]",passphrase,timeout); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"",url,0,"walletpassphrase",postdata,0)); } /*char *iguana_listunspent(char *coin,char *coinaddr) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/coin=%s&agent=bitcoinrpc&method=listunspent?",IGUANA_URL,coin); sprintf(postdata,"[\"%s\"]",coinaddr); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"",url,0,"listunspent",postdata)); }*/ /*char *issue_LP_intro(char *destip,uint16_t destport,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port,int32_t numpeers) { char url[512]; sprintf(url,"http://%s:%u/api/stats/intro?ipaddr=%s&port=%u&numpeers=%d",destip,destport,ipaddr,port,numpeers); printf("(%s)\n",url); return(issue_curl(url)); }*/ // // char *DEX_listunspent(char *coin,char *coinaddr) { char url[512],postdata[1024]; sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"dex\",\"method\":\"listunspent\",\"address\":\"%s\",\"symbol\":\"%s\",\"timeout\":60000}",coinaddr,coin); return(bitcoind_RPC(0,"dex",url,0,"listunspent",postdata,0)); } bits256 iguana_wif2privkey(char *wifstr) { char url[512],postdata[1024],*retstr,*privstr; bits256 privkey; cJSON *retjson; memset(privkey.bytes,0,sizeof(privkey)); sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"wif2priv\",\"wif\":\"%s\"}",wifstr); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_RPC(0,"SuperNET",url,0,"wif2priv",postdata,0)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (privstr= jstr(retjson,"privkey")) != 0 ) { if ( strlen(privstr) == 64 ) decode_hex(privkey.bytes,32,privstr); } free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } return(privkey); } double bittrex_balance(char *base,char *coinaddr) { char *retstr; cJSON *retjson; double balance = 0.; if ( (retstr= DEX_balance("bittrex",base,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { balance = jdouble(retjson,"balance"); free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } return(balance); } double dex_balance(char *base,char *coinaddr) { char *retstr; cJSON *retjson; double balance = 0.; if ( (retstr= DEX_balance("DEX",base,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { balance = jdouble(retjson,"balance"); free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } return(balance); } int32_t komodo_baseid(char *base) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i 0 ) { for (i=0; i SMALLVAL && (name= jstr(item,"name")) != 0 && strncmp(name,"USD/",4) == 0 ) { if ( (baseid= komodo_baseid(name+4)) >= 0 && baseid < 32 ) { if ( ((1LL << baseid) & mask) == 0 ) { _marketmaker_fiatupdate(baseid,price); mask |= (1LL << baseid); } else if ( fabs(price*PAXPRICES[0] - PAXPRICES[baseid]) > SMALLVAL ) printf("DUPLICATE PRICE? %s %.8f vs %.8f\n",name+4,price*PAXPRICES[0],PAXPRICES[baseid]); } } } } } printf("pax mask.%x\n",(uint32_t)mask); return((uint32_t)mask); } void marketmaker_cancel(struct mmpending_order *ptr) { char *retstr; cJSON *retjson; if ( ptr->pending != 0 && ptr->cancelstarted == 0 ) { ptr->cancelstarted = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (retstr= DEX_cancelorder(ptr->exchange,ptr->orderid)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { printf("cancel %s (%s/%s) %.8f vol %.8f dir.%d -> (%s)\n",ptr->exchange,ptr->base,ptr->rel,ptr->price,ptr->volume,ptr->dir,jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); ptr->pending = 0; ptr->canceled = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } free(retstr); } } } void marketmaker_queue(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume,cJSON *retjson) { struct mmpending_order *ptr; char *orderid; //DEX_trade.({"success":true,"message":"","result":{"uuid":"d5faa9e4-660d-436f-a257-2c6a40442d8c"},"tag":"11271578410079391025"} if ( is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,"success")) != 0 && jobj(retjson,"result") != 0 ) retjson = jobj(retjson,"result"); printf("QUEUE.%s %s/%s dir.%d %.8f %.6f (%s)\n",exchange,base,rel,dir,price,volume,jprint(retjson,0)); Pending_orders = realloc(Pending_orders,(1 + Num_Pending) * sizeof(*Pending_orders)); ptr = &Pending_orders[Num_Pending++]; memset(ptr,0,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->price = price; ptr->volume = volume; ptr->dir = dir; ptr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); strcpy(ptr->exchange,exchange); strcpy(ptr->base,base); strcpy(ptr->rel,rel); if ( (orderid= jstr(retjson,"OrderUuid")) != 0 || (orderid= jstr(retjson,"uuid")) != 0 ) strcpy(ptr->orderid,orderid); else strcpy(ptr->orderid,"0"); } void marketmaker_pendingupdate(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel) { char *retstr; cJSON *retjson,*obj; int32_t i; struct mmpending_order *ptr; for (i=0; iexchange) != 0 || strcmp(base,ptr->base) != 0 || strcmp(rel,ptr->rel) != 0 ) continue; if ( ptr->completed == 0 && (retstr= DEX_orderstatus(exchange,ptr->orderid)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s status.(%s)\n",ptr->orderid,retstr); if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { obj = jobj(retjson,"result"); if ( is_cJSON_Array(obj) != 0 ) obj = jitem(retjson,0); if ( jdouble(obj,"QuantityRemaining") == 0. || is_cJSON_True(jobj(obj,"IsOpen")) == 0 ) { //{"Uuid":null,"OrderUuid":"e7b0789c-0c4e-413b-a768-3d5734d9cbe5","Exchange":"BTC-KMD","OrderType":"LIMIT_SELL","Quantity":877.77700000,"QuantityRemaining":462.50512234,"Limit":0.00011770,"CommissionPaid":0.00012219,"Price":0.04887750,"PricePerUnit":0.00011769,"Opened":"2017-02-20T13:16:22.29","Closed":null,"CancelInitiated":false,"ImmediateOrCancel":false,"IsConditional":false,"Condition":"NONE","ConditionTarget":null} printf("uuid.(%s) finished.(%s)\n",ptr->orderid,jprint(retjson,0)); ptr->completed = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr->pending = 0; } free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } } } void marketmaker_pendinginit(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel) { char *retstr,*orderid,*pairstr,relbase[64]; cJSON *retjson,*array,*item; int32_t i,j,n,dir; struct mmpending_order *ptr; sprintf(relbase,"%s-%s",rel,base); if ( (retstr= DEX_openorders(exchange)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); if ( is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,"success")) != 0 && (array= jarray(&n,retjson,"result")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; iexchange) != 0 || strcmp(base,ptr->base) != 0 || strcmp(rel,ptr->rel) != 0 ) continue; if ( strcmp(ptr->orderid,orderid) == 0 ) { ptr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr->completed = 0; printf("%s pending\n",orderid); break; } } if ( j == Num_Pending ) { if ( jstr(item,"OrderType") != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(jstr(item,"OrderType"),"LIMIT_BUY") == 0 ) dir = 1; else if ( strcmp(jstr(item,"OrderType"),"LIMIT_SELL") == 0 ) dir = -1; else dir = 0; if ( dir != 0 ) marketmaker_queue(exchange,base,rel,dir,jdouble(item,"Limit"),jdouble(item,"QuantityRemaining"),item); else printf("no dir (%s) (%s)\n",jprint(item,0),jstr(item,"OrderType")); } } } } } free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } } double marketmaker_filled(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel,double *buyvolp,double *sellvolp,double *pendingbidsp,double *pendingasksp) { double pricesum = 0.,volsum = 0.; struct mmpending_order *ptr; int32_t i; *pendingbidsp = *pendingasksp = 0.; for (i=0; iexchange) != 0 || strcmp(base,ptr->base) != 0 || strcmp(rel,ptr->rel) != 0 ) continue; if ( ptr->completed != 0 ) { if ( ptr->reported == 0 ) { if ( ptr->dir > 0 ) (*buyvolp) += ptr->volume; else if ( ptr->dir < 0 ) (*sellvolp) += ptr->volume; pricesum += ptr->volume * ptr->price; volsum += ptr->volume; ptr->reported = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("REPORT dir.%d vol %.8f\n",ptr->dir,ptr->volume); } } else if ( ptr->pending != 0 ) // alternative is error or cancelled { if ( ptr->dir > 0 ) (*pendingbidsp) += ptr->volume; else if ( ptr->dir < 0 ) (*pendingasksp) += ptr->volume; } } if ( volsum != 0. ) pricesum /= volsum; return(pricesum); } int32_t marketmaker_prune(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t polarity,double bid,double ask,double separation) { int32_t i,n = 0; struct mmpending_order *ptr; for (i=0; iexchange) != 0 || strcmp(base,ptr->base) != 0 || strcmp(rel,ptr->rel) != 0 ) continue; if ( ptr->pending != 0 && ptr->cancelstarted == 0 ) { if ( polarity != 0 ) { if ( ((ptr->dir*polarity > 0 && ptr->price < bid-separation) || (ptr->dir*polarity < 0 && ptr->price > ask+separation)) ) { printf("polarity.%d dir.%d price.%f bid.%f ask.%f\n",polarity,ptr->dir,ptr->price,bid,ask); marketmaker_cancel(ptr), n++; } } /*else {,*prunebid=0,*pruneask=0; double lowbid=0.,highask=0. if ( ptr->dir > 0 && (lowbid == 0. || ptr->price < lowbid) ) { lowbid = ptr->price; prunebid = ptr; } else if ( ptr->dir < 0 && (highask == 0. || ptr->price > highask) ) { highask = ptr->price; pruneask = ptr; } }*/ } } /*if ( polarity == 0 ) { if ( prunebid != 0 && fabs(prunebid->price - bid) > separation ) marketmaker_cancel(prunebid), n++; if ( pruneask != 0 && fabs(pruneask->price - ask) > separation ) marketmaker_cancel(pruneask), n++; }*/ return(n); } void marketmaker_volumeset(double *bidincrp,double *askincrp,double incr,double buyvol,double pendingbids,double sellvol,double pendingasks,double maxexposure) { *bidincrp = *askincrp = incr; //if ( pendingbids >= pendingasks+maxexposure ) // *bidincrp = 0.; //else if ( pendingasks >= pendingbids+maxexposure ) // *askincrp = 0.; if ( *bidincrp > 0. && pendingbids + *bidincrp > maxexposure ) *bidincrp = (maxexposure - *bidincrp); if ( *askincrp > 0. && pendingasks + *askincrp > maxexposure ) *askincrp = (maxexposure - *askincrp); if ( *bidincrp < 0. ) *bidincrp = 0.; if ( *askincrp < 0. ) *askincrp = 0.; } int32_t marketmaker_spread(char *exchange,char *base,char *rel,double bid,double bidvol,double ask,double askvol,double separation) { int32_t nearflags[2],i,n = 0; struct mmpending_order *ptr; cJSON *retjson,*vals; char *retstr,postdata[1024],url[128]; double vol,spread_ratio; memset(nearflags,0,sizeof(nearflags)); if ( strcmp("DEX",exchange) != 0 ) { for (i=0; iexchange) != 0 || strcmp(base,ptr->base) != 0 || strcmp(rel,ptr->rel) != 0 ) continue; if ( ptr->pending != 0 && ptr->cancelstarted == 0 ) { if ( bid > SMALLVAL && bidvol > SMALLVAL && ptr->dir > 0 && fabs(bid - ptr->price) < separation ) { //printf("bid %.8f near %.8f\n",bid,ptr->price); nearflags[0]++; } if ( ask > SMALLVAL && askvol > SMALLVAL && ptr->dir < 0 && fabs(ask - ptr->price) < separation ) { //printf("%.8f near %.8f\n",ask,ptr->price); nearflags[1]++; } } } } //printf("spread.%s (%.8f %.6f) (%.8f %.6f)\n",exchange,bid,bidvol,ask,askvol); if ( bid > SMALLVAL && bidvol > SMALLVAL && nearflags[0] == 0 ) { if ( strcmp("DEX",exchange) == 0 && strcmp(base,"KMD") == 0 && strcmp(rel,"BTC") == 0 ) { if ( ask > SMALLVAL && askvol > SMALLVAL ) { /*li.profit = jdouble(vals,"profit"); li.refprice = jdouble(vals,"refprice"); li.bid = jdouble(vals,"bid"); li.ask = jdouble(vals,"ask"); if ( (li.minvol= jdouble(vals,"minvol")) <= 0. ) li.minvol = (strcmp("BTC",base) == 0) ? 0.0001 : 0.001; if ( (li.maxvol= jdouble(vals,"maxvol")) < li.minvol ) li.maxvol = li.minvol;*/ //curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"tradebot\",\"method\":\"liquidity\",\"targetcoin\":\"MVP\",\"vals\":{\"rel\":\"USD\",\"bid\":0.09,\"ask\":0.11,\"maxvol\":100}}" vals = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(vals,"rel","BTC"); jaddnum(vals,"bid",bid); jaddnum(vals,"ask",ask); vol = bidvol > askvol ? askvol : bidvol; jaddnum(vals,"maxvol",vol); jaddnum(vals,"minvol",vol*0.1 > 100 ? 100 : vol * 0.1); sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"tradebot\",\"method\":\"liquidity\",\"targetcoin\":\"%s\",\"vals\":%s}",base,jprint(vals,1)); //printf("(%s)\n",postdata); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_RPC(0,"tradebot",url,0,"liqudity",postdata,0)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",postdata,retstr); free(retstr); } spread_ratio = .5 * ((ask - bid) / (bid + ask)); for (i=0; i SMALLVAL ) { vals = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(vals,"rel",CURRENCIES[i]); jaddnum(vals,"bid",PAXPRICES[i] * (1. - spread_ratio)); jaddnum(vals,"ask",PAXPRICES[i] * (1. + spread_ratio)); jaddnum(vals,"maxvol",vol * PAXPRICES[i]); jaddnum(vals,"minvol",MAX(1,(int32_t)(vol * 0.01 * PAXPRICES[i]))); sprintf(url,"%s/?",IGUANA_URL); sprintf(postdata,"{\"agent\":\"tradebot\",\"method\":\"liquidity\",\"targetcoin\":\"%s\",\"vals\":%s}","KMD",jprint(vals,1)); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_RPC(0,"tradebot",url,0,"liqudity",postdata,0)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",postdata,retstr); free(retstr); } } //break; } } else printf("unsupported ask only for DEX %s/%s\n",base,rel); } else if ( (retstr= DEX_trade(exchange,base,rel,1,bid,bidvol)) != 0 ) { //printf("DEX_trade.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { marketmaker_queue(exchange,base,rel,1,bid,bidvol,retjson); free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } //else printf("skip bid %s %.8f vol %f\n",exchange,bid,bidvol); } if ( ask > SMALLVAL && askvol > SMALLVAL && nearflags[1] == 0 && strcmp("DEX",exchange) != 0 ) { if ( (retstr= DEX_trade(exchange,base,rel,-1,ask,askvol)) != 0 ) { //printf("DEX_trade.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { marketmaker_queue(exchange,base,rel,-1,ask,askvol,retjson); free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } } //else printf("skip ask %s %.8f vol %f\n",exchange,bid,bidvol); return(n); } double marketmaker_updateprice(char *name,char *base,char *rel,double theoretical,double *incrp) { static uint32_t counter; cJSON *fiatjson; double USD_average=0.,usdprice=0.,CMC_average=0.,avebid=0.,aveask=0.,val,changes[3],highbid=0.,lowask=0.; if ( (val= get_theoretical(&avebid,&aveask,&highbid,&lowask,&CMC_average,changes,name,base,rel,&USD_average)) != 0. ) { if ( theoretical == 0. ) { theoretical = val; if ( *incrp > 2 ) { *incrp = (int32_t)*incrp; *incrp += 0.777; } } else theoretical = (theoretical + val) * 0.5; if ( (counter++ % 12) == 0 ) { if ( USD_average > SMALLVAL && CMC_average > SMALLVAL && theoretical > SMALLVAL ) { usdprice = USD_average * (theoretical / CMC_average); printf("USD %.4f <- (%.6f * (%.8f / %.8f))\n",usdprice,USD_average,theoretical,CMC_average); PAXPRICES[0] = usdprice; if ( (fiatjson= yahoo_allcurrencies()) != 0 ) { marketmaker_fiatupdate(fiatjson); free_json(fiatjson); } } } LP_priceupdate(base,rel,theoretical,avebid,aveask,highbid,lowask,PAXPRICES); } return(theoretical); } void marketmaker(double minask,double maxbid,char *baseaddr,char *reladdr,double start_BASE,double start_REL,double profitmargin,double maxexposure,double ratioincr,char *exchange,char *name,char *base,char *rel) { char *retstr; double bid,ask,start_DEXbase,start_DEXrel,DEX_base = 0.,DEX_rel = 0.,balance_base=0.,balance_rel=0.,mmbid,mmask,aveprice,incr,pendingbids,pendingasks,buyvol,sellvol,bidincr,askincr,filledprice,avebid=0.,aveask=0.,highbid=0.,lowask=0.,theoretical = 0.; uint32_t lasttime = 0; incr = maxexposure * ratioincr; buyvol = sellvol = 0.; start_DEXbase = dex_balance(base,baseaddr); start_DEXrel = dex_balance(rel,reladdr); while ( 1 ) { if ( time(NULL) > lasttime+60 ) { if ( (theoretical= marketmaker_updateprice(name,base,rel,theoretical,&incr)) != 0. ) { if ( lasttime == 0 ) maxexposure /= theoretical; } if ( strcmp(exchange,"bittrex") == 0 ) { balance_base = bittrex_balance(base,""); balance_rel = bittrex_balance(rel,""); DEX_base = dex_balance(base,baseaddr); DEX_rel = dex_balance(rel,reladdr); } else printf("add support for %s balance\n",exchange); lasttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } marketmaker_pendingupdate(exchange,base,rel); if ( theoretical > SMALLVAL && avebid > SMALLVAL && aveask > SMALLVAL ) { aveprice = (avebid + aveask) * 0.5; // if order is filled, theoretical <- filled (theoretical + price)/2 if ( (filledprice= marketmaker_filled(exchange,base,rel,&buyvol,&sellvol,&pendingbids,&pendingasks)) != 0. ) theoretical = (theoretical + filledprice) * 0.5; buyvol = sellvol = 0; if ( (balance_base + DEX_base) < (start_BASE + start_DEXbase) ) sellvol += ((start_BASE + start_DEXbase) - (balance_base + DEX_base)); else buyvol += ((balance_base + DEX_base) - (start_BASE + start_DEXbase)); if ( (balance_rel + DEX_rel) < (start_REL + start_DEXrel) ) buyvol += ((start_REL + start_DEXrel) - (balance_rel + DEX_rel)) / theoretical; else sellvol += ((balance_rel + DEX_rel) - (start_REL + start_DEXrel)) / theoretical; mmbid = theoretical - theoretical*profitmargin; mmask = theoretical + theoretical*profitmargin; // if any existing order exceeds double margin distance, cancel marketmaker_prune(exchange,base,rel,1,mmbid - theoretical*profitmargin,mmask + theoretical*profitmargin,0.); // if new prices crosses existing order, cancel old order first marketmaker_prune(exchange,base,rel,-1,mmbid,mmask,0.); //printf("(%.8f %.8f) ",mmbid,mmask); if ( (1) ) { if ( mmbid >= lowask || (maxbid > SMALLVAL && mmbid > maxbid) ) //mmbid < highbid || { printf("clear mmbid %.8f lowask %.8f maxbid %.8f\n",mmbid,lowask,maxbid); mmbid = 0.; } if ( mmask <= highbid || (minask > SMALLVAL && mmask < minask) ) // mmask > lowask || mmask = 0.; } marketmaker_volumeset(&bidincr,&askincr,incr,buyvol,pendingbids,sellvol,pendingasks,maxexposure); printf("AVE.(%.8f %.8f) hbla %.8f %.8f bid %.8f ask %.8f theory %.8f buys.(%.6f %.6f) sells.(%.6f %.6f) incr.(%.6f %.6f) balances.(%.8f + %.8f, %.8f + %.8f) test %f\n",avebid,aveask,highbid,lowask,mmbid,mmask,theoretical,buyvol,pendingbids,sellvol,pendingasks,bidincr,askincr,balance_base,DEX_base,balance_rel,DEX_rel,(aveask - avebid)/aveprice); if ( (retstr= DEX_swapstatus()) != 0 ) printf("%s\n",retstr), free(retstr); printf("%s %s %s, %s %s %s\n",base,DEX_baseaddr,DEX_balance("DEX",base,DEX_baseaddr),rel,DEX_reladdr,DEX_balance("DEX",rel,DEX_reladdr)); if ( (aveask - avebid)/aveprice > profitmargin ) bid = highbid * (1 - profitmargin), ask = lowask * (1 + profitmargin); else bid = avebid - profitmargin*aveprice, ask = avebid + profitmargin*aveprice; marketmaker_spread("DEX",base,rel,bid,incr,ask,incr,profitmargin*aveprice*0.5); if ( (pendingbids + buyvol) > (pendingasks + sellvol) && (pendingbids + buyvol) > bidincr ) { bidincr *= ((double)(pendingasks + sellvol) / ((pendingbids + buyvol) + (pendingasks + sellvol))); printf("bidincr %f buy.(%f + %f) sell.(%f + %f)\n",bidincr,pendingbids,buyvol,pendingasks,sellvol); if ( bidincr < 0.1*incr ) bidincr = 0.1*incr; if ( bidincr > 1. ) bidincr = (int32_t)bidincr + 0.777; } if ( (pendingbids + buyvol) < (pendingasks + sellvol) && (pendingasks + sellvol) > askincr ) { askincr *= (double)(pendingbids + buyvol) / ((pendingbids + buyvol) + (pendingasks + sellvol)); if ( askincr < 0.1*incr ) askincr = 0.1*incr; if ( askincr > 1. ) askincr = (int32_t)askincr + 0.777; } //printf("mmbid %.8f %.6f, mmask %.8f %.6f\n",mmbid,bidincr,mmask,askincr); marketmaker_spread(exchange,base,rel,mmbid,bidincr,mmask,askincr,profitmargin*aveprice*0.5); sleep(60); } } } #include "LP_nativeDEX.c" /*MERK d6071f9b03d1428b648d51ae1268f1605d97f44422ed55ad0335b13fa655f61a ht.518777 -> {"pos":1,"merkle":["526f8be81718beccc16a541a2c550b612123218d80fa884d9f080f18284e2bd8", "f68b03a7b6e418c9b306d8d8b21917ae5a584696f9b0b8cb0741733d7097fdfd"],"block_height":518777} root.(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) MERK c007e9c1881a83be453cb6ed3d1bd3bda85efd3b5ce60532c2e20ae3f8a82543 ht.518777 -> {"pos":2,"merkle":["fdff0962fb95120a86a07ddf1ec784fcc5554a2d0a3791a8db2083d593920501", "8c116e974c842ad3ad8b3ddbd71da3debb150e3fe692f5bd628381bc167311a7"],"block_height":518777} root.(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)*/ /*526f8be81718beccc16a541a2c550b612123218d80fa884d9f080f18284e2bd8 d6071f9b03d1428b648d51ae1268f1605d97f44422ed55ad0335b13fa655f61a c007e9c1881a83be453cb6ed3d1bd3bda85efd3b5ce60532c2e20ae3f8a82543 fdff0962fb95120a86a07ddf1ec784fcc5554a2d0a3791a8db2083d593920501*/ /*0: 526f8be81718beccc16a541a2c550b612123218d80fa884d9f080f18284e2bd8 1: d6071f9b03d1428b648d51ae1268f1605d97f44422ed55ad0335b13fa655f61a 2: c007e9c1881a83be453cb6ed3d1bd3bda85efd3b5ce60532c2e20ae3f8a82543 3: fdff0962fb95120a86a07ddf1ec784fcc5554a2d0a3791a8db2083d593920501 4: 8c116e974c842ad3ad8b3ddbd71da3debb150e3fe692f5bd628381bc167311a7 5: f68b03a7b6e418c9b306d8d8b21917ae5a584696f9b0b8cb0741733d7097fdfd 6: a87ee259560f20b20182760c0e7cc7896d44381f0ad58a2e755a2b6b895b01ec*/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 -> [0, 5] 2 -> [3, 4] if odd -> right, else left then /= 2 */ /*void testmerk() { bits256 tree[256],roothash,txid; int32_t i; char str[65]; memset(tree,0,sizeof(tree)); decode_hex(tree[0].bytes,32,"526f8be81718beccc16a541a2c550b612123218d80fa884d9f080f18284e2bd8"); decode_hex(tree[1].bytes,32,"d6071f9b03d1428b648d51ae1268f1605d97f44422ed55ad0335b13fa655f61a"); decode_hex(tree[2].bytes,32,"c007e9c1881a83be453cb6ed3d1bd3bda85efd3b5ce60532c2e20ae3f8a82543"); decode_hex(tree[3].bytes,32,"fdff0962fb95120a86a07ddf1ec784fcc5554a2d0a3791a8db2083d593920501"); roothash = iguana_merkle(tree,4); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if ( bits256_nonz(tree[i]) == 0 ) break; printf("%d: %s\n",i,bits256_str(str,tree[i])); } memset(tree,0,sizeof(tree)); decode_hex(tree[0].bytes,32,"526f8be81718beccc16a541a2c550b612123218d80fa884d9f080f18284e2bd8"); decode_hex(tree[1].bytes,32,"f68b03a7b6e418c9b306d8d8b21917ae5a584696f9b0b8cb0741733d7097fdfd"); decode_hex(txid.bytes,32,"d6071f9b03d1428b648d51ae1268f1605d97f44422ed55ad0335b13fa655f61a"); roothash = validate_merkle(1,txid,tree,2); printf("validate 1: %s\n",bits256_str(str,roothash)); memset(tree,0,sizeof(tree)); decode_hex(tree[0].bytes,32,"fdff0962fb95120a86a07ddf1ec784fcc5554a2d0a3791a8db2083d593920501"); decode_hex(tree[1].bytes,32,"8c116e974c842ad3ad8b3ddbd71da3debb150e3fe692f5bd628381bc167311a7"); decode_hex(txid.bytes,32,"c007e9c1881a83be453cb6ed3d1bd3bda85efd3b5ce60532c2e20ae3f8a82543"); roothash = validate_merkle(2,txid,tree,2); printf("validate 2: %s\n",bits256_str(str,roothash)); }*/ void LP_main(void *ptr) { char *passphrase; double profitmargin; uint16_t port; cJSON *argjson = ptr; if ( (passphrase= jstr(argjson,"passphrase")) != 0 ) { profitmargin = jdouble(argjson,"profitmargin"); LP_profitratio += profitmargin; if ( (port= juint(argjson,"rpcport")) < 1000 ) port = LP_RPCPORT; LPinit(port,LP_RPCPORT+1,LP_RPCPORT+2,LP_RPCPORT+3,passphrase,jint(argjson,"client"),jstr(argjson,"userhome"),argjson); } } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char dirname[512],*base,*rel,*name,*exchange,*apikey,*apisecret,*blocktrail,*retstr,*baseaddr,*reladdr,*passphrase; struct electrum_info *ep; double profitmargin,maxexposure,incrratio,start_rel,start_base,minask,maxbid,incr; cJSON *retjson,*loginjson; int32_t i,already; OS_init(); if ( (0) ) { ep = LP_electrum_info(&already,"BTC","",50001,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE * 10); if ( ep != 0 && OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_dedicatedloop,(void *)ep) != 0 ) { printf("error launching LP_dedicatedloop (%s:%u)\n",ep->ipaddr,ep->port); exit(-1); } else printf("launched.(%s:%u)\n",ep->ipaddr,ep->port); electrum_test(); } sprintf(dirname,"%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/SWAPS",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/PRICES",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); #ifdef FROM_JS argc = 2; retjson = cJSON_Parse("{\"client\":1,\"passphrase\":\"test\"}"); printf("calling LP_main(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); LP_main(retjson); emscripten_set_main_loop(LP_fromjs_iter,5,0); #else if ( argc > 1 && (retjson= cJSON_Parse(argv[1])) != 0 ) { if ( (passphrase= jstr(retjson,"passphrase")) == 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"passphrase","test"); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_main,(void *)retjson) != 0 ) { printf("error launching LP_main (%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); exit(-1); } //else printf("(%s) launched.(%s)\n",argv[1],passphrase); incr = 100.; while ( (1) ) sleep(1); profitmargin = jdouble(retjson,"profitmargin"); minask = jdouble(retjson,"minask"); maxbid = jdouble(retjson,"maxbid"); maxexposure = jdouble(retjson,"maxexposure"); incrratio = jdouble(retjson,"lotratio"); start_base = jdouble(retjson,"start_base"); start_rel = jdouble(retjson,"start_rel"); apikey = jstr(retjson,"apikey"); apisecret = jstr(retjson,"apisecret"); base = jstr(retjson,"base"); name = jstr(retjson,"name"); rel = jstr(retjson,"rel"); blocktrail = jstr(retjson,"blocktrail"); exchange = jstr(retjson,"exchange"); PAXACTIVE = juint(retjson,"paxactive"); if ( profitmargin < 0. || maxexposure <= 0. || incrratio <= 0. || apikey == 0 || apisecret == 0 || base == 0 || name == 0 || rel == 0 || exchange == 0 || blocktrail == 0 ) { printf("illegal parameter (%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); exit(-1); } if ( (retstr= iguana_walletpassphrase(passphrase,999999)) != 0 ) { printf("(%s/%s) login.(%s)\n",base,rel,retstr); if ( (loginjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( PAXACTIVE != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) { if ( ((1<