/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" #include #include "../includes/openssl/ec.h" #include "../includes/openssl/ecdsa.h" #include "../includes/openssl/obj_mac.h" //#include "../includes/openssl/ripemd.h" //#include "../includes/openssl/sha.h" #define SCRIPT_OP_IF 0x63 #define SCRIPT_OP_ELSE 0x67 #define SCRIPT_OP_DUP 0x76 #define SCRIPT_OP_ENDIF 0x68 #define SCRIPT_OP_TRUE 0x51 #define SCRIPT_OP_NOP 0x61 #define SCRIPT_OP_2 0x52 #define SCRIPT_OP_3 0x53 #define SCRIPT_OP_EQUALVERIFY 0x88 #define SCRIPT_OP_HASH160 0xa9 #define SCRIPT_OP_EQUAL 0x87 #define SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG 0xac #define SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIG 0xae #define SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY 0xaf struct bp_key { EC_KEY *k; }; typedef struct cstring { char *str; size_t len,alloc; } cstring; static const char base58_chars[] = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static bool cstr_alloc_min_sz(cstring *s, size_t sz) { char *new_s; uint32_t al_sz,shift = 3; sz++; // NUL overhead if ( s->alloc && (s->alloc >= sz) ) return true; while ( (al_sz = (1 << shift)) < sz ) shift++; if ( (new_s= mycalloc('C',1,al_sz)) != 0 ) { if ( s->str != 0 ) { memcpy(new_s,s->str,s->len); myfree(s->str,s->alloc); } s->str = new_s; s->alloc = al_sz; s->str[s->len] = 0; return true; } return false; } cstring *cstr_new_sz(size_t sz) { cstring *s = mycalloc('C',1,sizeof(cstring)); if (!s) return NULL; if (!cstr_alloc_min_sz(s, sz)) { myfree(s,sizeof(cstring)); return NULL; } return s; } cstring *cstr_new_buf(const void *buf, size_t sz) { cstring *s = cstr_new_sz(sz); if (!s) return NULL; memcpy(s->str, buf, sz); s->len = sz; s->str[s->len] = 0; return s; } cstring *cstr_new(const char *init_str) { if ( !init_str || !*init_str ) return cstr_new_sz(0); size_t slen = strlen(init_str); return cstr_new_buf(init_str, slen); } void cstr_free(cstring *s, bool free_buf) { if (!s) return; if (free_buf) myfree(s->str,s->alloc); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); myfree(s,sizeof(*s)); } bool cstr_erase(cstring *s,size_t pos,ssize_t len) { if (pos == s->len && len == 0) return true; if (pos >= s->len) return false; size_t old_tail = s->len - pos; if ((len >= 0) && (len > old_tail)) return false; memmove(&s->str[pos], &s->str[pos + len], old_tail - len); s->len -= len; s->str[s->len] = 0; return true; } bool cstr_resize(cstring *s, size_t new_sz) { // no change if (new_sz == s->len) return true; // truncate string if (new_sz <= s->len) { s->len = new_sz; s->str[s->len] = 0; return true; } // increase string size if (!cstr_alloc_min_sz(s, new_sz)) return false; // contents of string tail undefined s->len = new_sz; s->str[s->len] = 0; return true; } bool cstr_append_buf(cstring *s, const void *buf, size_t sz) { if (!cstr_alloc_min_sz(s, s->len + sz)) return false; memcpy(s->str + s->len, buf, sz); s->len += sz; s->str[s->len] = 0; return true; } static inline bool cstr_append_c(cstring *s,char ch) { return cstr_append_buf(s,&ch,1); } void bu_reverse_copy(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t len) { uint32_t i; for (i=0; i> 24) & 0xff; vch2[1] = (data_len >> 16) & 0xff; vch2[2] = (data_len >> 8) & 0xff; vch2[3] = (data_len >> 0) & 0xff; bu_reverse_copy(vch2 + 4, data, data_len); BN_mpi2bn(vch2, vch2_len, vo); } cstring *bn_getvch(const BIGNUM *v) { cstring *s_be,*s_le; uint32_t le_sz,sz = BN_bn2mpi(v,NULL); if ( sz <= 4 ) // get MPI format size return cstr_new(NULL); // store bignum as MPI s_be = cstr_new_sz(sz); cstr_resize(s_be, sz); BN_bn2mpi(v,(uint8_t *) s_be->str); // copy-swap MPI to little endian, sans 32-bit size prefix le_sz = sz - 4; s_le = cstr_new_sz(le_sz); cstr_resize(s_le, le_sz); bu_reverse_copy((uint8_t *)s_le->str,(uint8_t *)s_be->str + 4, le_sz); cstr_free(s_be,true); return s_le; } cstring *base58_encode(const void *data_, size_t data_len) { uint8_t swapbuf[data_len + 1]; uint32_t i,c; BN_CTX *ctx; BIGNUM bn58,bn0,bn,dv,rem; cstring *rs,*rs_swap; const uint8_t *data = data_; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_init(&bn58), BN_init(&bn0), BN_init(&bn), BN_init(&dv), BN_init(&rem); BN_set_word(&bn58,58), BN_set_word(&bn0,0); bu_reverse_copy(swapbuf,data,data_len); swapbuf[data_len] = 0; bn_setvch(&bn,swapbuf,sizeof(swapbuf)); rs = cstr_new_sz(data_len * 138 / 100 + 1); while ( BN_cmp(&bn,&bn0) > 0 ) { if ( !BN_div(&dv,&rem,&bn,&bn58,ctx) ) { cstr_free(rs,true); rs = NULL; goto out; } BN_copy(&bn, &dv); c = (int32_t)BN_get_word(&rem); cstr_append_c(rs,base58_chars[c]); } for (i=0; ilen); cstr_resize(rs_swap, rs->len); bu_reverse_copy((uint8_t *)rs_swap->str,(uint8_t *)rs->str,rs->len); cstr_free(rs,true); rs = rs_swap; out: BN_clear_free(&bn58); BN_clear_free(&bn0); BN_clear_free(&bn); BN_clear_free(&dv); BN_clear_free(&rem); BN_CTX_free(ctx); return rs; } /*void bu_Hash(unsigned char *md256, const void *data, size_t data_len) { unsigned char md1[32]; SHA256(data,data_len,md1); SHA256(md1,32,md256); } void bu_Hash4(unsigned char *md32, const void *data, size_t data_len) { unsigned char md256[32]; bu_Hash(md256,data,data_len); memcpy(md32,md256,4); }*/ cstring *base58_encode_check(uint8_t addrtype,bool have_addrtype,const void *data,size_t data_len) { uint8_t i,buf[64]; bits256 hash; cstring *s_enc;//,*s = cstr_new_sz(data_len + 1 + 4); buf[0] = addrtype; memcpy(buf+1,data,data_len); hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,buf,(int32_t)data_len+1); //bu_Hash4(md32,buf,(int32_t)data_len+1); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { buf[data_len+i+1] = hash.bytes[31-i]; //printf("(%02x %02x) ",hash.bytes[31-i],md32[i]); } //printf("hash4 cmp\n"); s_enc = base58_encode(buf,data_len+5); /*if ( 0 ) { if ( have_addrtype ) cstr_append_c(s,addrtype); cstr_append_buf(s,data,data_len); hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,(uint8_t *)s->str,(int32_t)s->len); cstr_append_buf(s,hash.bytes,4); //bu_Hash4(md32, s->str, s->len); //cstr_append_buf(s, md32, 4); s_enc = base58_encode(s->str, s->len); cstr_free(s,true); }*/ return s_enc; } cstring *base58_decode(const char *s_in) { uint32_t leading_zero,be_sz; const char *p,*p1; BIGNUM bn58,bn,bnChar; BN_CTX *ctx; cstring *tmp_be,*tmp,*ret = NULL; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_init(&bn58), BN_init(&bn), BN_init(&bnChar); BN_set_word(&bn58,58), BN_set_word(&bn,0); while ( isspace((uint32_t)*s_in) ) s_in++; for (p=s_in; *p; p++) { p1 = strchr(base58_chars,*p); if ( !p1 ) { while (isspace((uint32_t)*p)) p++; if ( *p != '\0' ) goto out; break; } BN_set_word(&bnChar,(int32_t)(p1 - base58_chars)); if (!BN_mul(&bn, &bn, &bn58, ctx)) goto out; if (!BN_add(&bn, &bn, &bnChar)) goto out; } tmp = bn_getvch(&bn); if ( (tmp->len >= 2) && (tmp->str[tmp->len - 1] == 0) && ((uint8_t)tmp->str[tmp->len - 2] >= 0x80)) cstr_resize(tmp, tmp->len - 1); leading_zero = 0; for (p=s_in; *p==base58_chars[0]; p++) leading_zero++; be_sz = (uint32_t)tmp->len + (uint32_t)leading_zero; tmp_be = cstr_new_sz(be_sz); cstr_resize(tmp_be, be_sz); memset(tmp_be->str, 0, be_sz); bu_reverse_copy((uint8_t *)tmp_be->str + leading_zero,(uint8_t *)tmp->str,tmp->len); cstr_free(tmp,true); ret = tmp_be; out: BN_clear_free(&bn58); BN_clear_free(&bn); BN_clear_free(&bnChar); BN_CTX_free(ctx); return ret; } cstring *base58_decode_check(uint8_t *addrtype,const char *s_in) { bits256 hash; cstring *s = base58_decode(s_in); if ( s != 0 ) { if ( s->len >= 4 ) { // validate with trailing hash, then remove hash hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,(uint8_t *)s->str,(int32_t)s->len - 4); //bu_Hash4(md32,s->str,s->len - 4); if ( (s->str[s->len - 4]&0xff) == hash.bytes[31] && (s->str[s->len - 3]&0xff) == hash.bytes[30] &&(s->str[s->len - 2]&0xff) == hash.bytes[29] &&(s->str[s->len - 1]&0xff) == hash.bytes[28] ) { cstr_resize(s,s->len - 4); if ( addrtype ) // if addrtype requested, remove from front of data string { *addrtype = (uint8_t)s->str[0]; cstr_erase(s,0,1); } return(s); } else { int32_t i; for (i=0; ilen; i++) printf("%02x ",s->str[i]&0xff); char str[65]; printf(" s->len.%ld\n>>>>>>>> matched %02x %02x %02x %02x vs %02x %02x %02x %02x (%s) (%s)\n",s->len,s->str[s->len - 4]&0xff,s->str[s->len - 3]&0xff,s->str[s->len - 2]&0xff,s->str[s->len - 1]&0xff,hash.bytes[31],hash.bytes[30],hash.bytes[29],hash.bytes[28],bits256_str(str,hash),s_in); } } cstr_free(s,true); } return(NULL); } /* Generate a private key from just the secret parameter */ static int EC_KEY_regenerate_key(EC_KEY *eckey, BIGNUM *priv_key) { int ok = 0; BN_CTX *ctx = NULL; EC_POINT *pub_key = NULL; if (!eckey) return 0; const EC_GROUP *group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey); if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) goto err; pub_key = EC_POINT_new(group); if (pub_key == NULL) goto err; if (!EC_POINT_mul(group, pub_key, priv_key, NULL, NULL, ctx)) goto err; EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey,priv_key); EC_KEY_set_public_key(eckey,pub_key); ok = 1; err: if (pub_key) EC_POINT_free(pub_key); if (ctx != NULL) BN_CTX_free(ctx); return(ok); } int32_t bp_key_init(struct bp_key *key) { memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); key->k = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1); if (!key->k) return false; return true; } void bp_key_free(struct bp_key *key) { if (key->k) { EC_KEY_free(key->k); key->k = NULL; } } bool bp_key_generate(struct bp_key *key) { if (!key->k) return false; if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(key->k)) return false; if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key->k)) return false; EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->k, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); return true; } bool bp_privkey_set(struct bp_key *key, const void *privkey_, size_t pk_len) { const unsigned char *privkey = privkey_; if (!d2i_ECPrivateKey(&key->k, &privkey, pk_len)) return false; if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key->k)) return false; EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->k, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); return true; } bool bp_pubkey_set(struct bp_key *key, const void *pubkey_, size_t pk_len) { const unsigned char *pubkey = pubkey_; if (!o2i_ECPublicKey(&key->k, &pubkey, pk_len)) return false; if (pk_len == 33) EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->k, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); return true; } bool bp_key_secret_set(struct bp_key *key, const void *privkey_, size_t pk_len) { bp_key_free(key); if (!privkey_ || pk_len != 32) return false; const unsigned char *privkey = privkey_; BIGNUM *bn = BN_bin2bn(privkey, 32, BN_new()); if (!bn) return false; key->k = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1); if (!key->k) goto err_out; if (!EC_KEY_regenerate_key(key->k, bn)) goto err_out; if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key->k)) return false; EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->k, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); BN_clear_free(bn); return true; err_out: bp_key_free(key); BN_clear_free(bn); return false; } bool bp_privkey_get(const struct bp_key *key, void **privkey, size_t *pk_len) { if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key->k)) return false; size_t sz = i2d_ECPrivateKey(key->k, 0); unsigned char *orig_mem, *mem = mycalloc('b',1,sz); orig_mem = mem; i2d_ECPrivateKey(key->k, &mem); *privkey = orig_mem; *pk_len = sz; return true; } bool bp_pubkey_get(const struct bp_key *key, void **pubkey, size_t *pk_len) { if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key->k)) return false; size_t sz = i2o_ECPublicKey(key->k, 0); unsigned char *orig_mem, *mem = mycalloc('b',1,sz); orig_mem = mem; i2o_ECPublicKey(key->k, &mem); *pubkey = orig_mem; *pk_len = sz; return true; } bool bp_key_secret_get(void *p, size_t len, const struct bp_key *key) { if (!p || len < 32 || !key) return false; /* zero buffer */ memset(p, 0, len); /* get bignum secret */ const BIGNUM *bn = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key->k); if (!bn) return false; int nBytes = BN_num_bytes(bn); /* store secret at end of buffer */ int n = BN_bn2bin(bn, p + (len - nBytes)); if (n != nBytes) return false; return true; } /*void get_shared_secret( unsigned char bytes[ 32 ], const EC_KEY* p_key ) { const EC_POINT* p_pub = EC_KEY_get0_public_key( p_key ); const BIGNUM* p_priv = EC_KEY_get0_private_key( p_pub_impl->p_key ); ECDH_compute_key( &bytes[ 0 ], 32, p_pub, p_pub_impl->p_key, 0 ); }*/ bool bp_sign(EC_KEY *key, const void *data, size_t data_len,void **sig_, size_t *sig_len_) { size_t sig_sz = ECDSA_size(key); void *sig = mycalloc('b',1, sig_sz); unsigned int sig_sz_out = (int32_t)sig_sz; *sig_len_ = 0; int src = ECDSA_sign(0, data, (int32_t)data_len, sig, &sig_sz_out, key); if (src != 1) { myfree(sig,sig_sz); return false; } *sig_ = sig; *sig_len_ = sig_sz_out; return true; } bool bp_verify(EC_KEY *key, const void *data, size_t data_len,const void *sig_, size_t sig_len) { const unsigned char *sig = sig_; ECDSA_SIG *esig; bool b = false; esig = ECDSA_SIG_new(); if (!esig) goto out; if (!d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&esig, &sig, sig_len)) goto out_free; b = ECDSA_do_verify(data,(int32_t) data_len, esig, key) == 1; out_free: ECDSA_SIG_free(esig); out: return b; } int32_t btc_getpubkey(char pubkeystr[67],uint8_t pubkeybuf[33],struct bp_key *key) { void *pubkey = 0; size_t len = 0; bp_pubkey_get(key,&pubkey,&len); //printf("btc_getpubkey len.%ld %p\n",len,pubkey); if ( pubkey != 0 ) { if ( pubkeystr != 0 ) { if ( len < 34 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,pubkey,(int32_t)len); memcpy(pubkeybuf,pubkey,len); } else printf("btc_getpubkey error len.%d\n",(int32_t)len), len = -1; } } else len = -1; return((int32_t)len); } /*int32_t btc_convrmd160(char *coinaddr,uint8_t addrtype,uint8_t rmd160[20]) { cstring *btc_addr; if ( (btc_addr= base58_encode_check(addrtype,true,rmd160,20)) != 0 ) { strcpy(coinaddr,btc_addr->str); cstr_free(btc_addr,true); return(0); } return(-1); }*/ int32_t btc_coinaddr(char *coinaddr,uint8_t addrtype,char *pubkeystr) { uint8_t rmd160[20]; char hashstr[41]; calc_OP_HASH160(hashstr,rmd160,pubkeystr); return(bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,rmd160,20) != 0); //return(btc_convrmd160(coinaddr,addrtype,rmd160)); } int32_t btc_convaddr(char *hexaddr,char *addr58) { uint8_t addrtype; cstring *cstr; if ( (cstr= base58_decode_check(&addrtype,(const char *)addr58)) != 0 ) { sprintf(hexaddr,"%02x",addrtype); init_hexbytes_noT(hexaddr+2,(void *)cstr->str,cstr->len); cstr_free(cstr,true); return(0); } return(-1); } int32_t btc_addr2univ(uint8_t *addrtypep,uint8_t rmd160[20],char *coinaddr) { char hexstr[512]; uint8_t hex[21]; if ( btc_convaddr(hexstr,coinaddr) == 0 ) { decode_hex(hex,21,hexstr); *addrtypep = hex[0]; memcpy(rmd160,hex+1,20); return(0); } return(-1); } int32_t btc_priv2wif(char *wifstr,uint8_t privkey[32],uint8_t addrtype) { uint8_t tmp[128]; char hexstr[67]; cstring *btc_addr; memcpy(tmp,privkey,32); tmp[32] = 1; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,tmp,32); if ( (btc_addr= base58_encode_check(addrtype,true,tmp,33)) != 0 ) { strcpy(wifstr,btc_addr->str); cstr_free(btc_addr,true); } //printf("-> (%s) -> wif.(%s) addrtype.%02x\n",hexstr,wifstr,addrtype); return(0); } int32_t btc_wif2priv(uint8_t *addrtypep,uint8_t privkey[32],char *wifstr) { cstring *cstr; int32_t len = -1; if ( (cstr= base58_decode_check(addrtypep,(const char *)wifstr)) != 0 ) { if ( cstr->str[cstr->len-1] == 0x01 ) cstr->len--; if ( cstr->len == sizeof(bits256) ) { memcpy(privkey,cstr->str,cstr->len); len = (int32_t)cstr->len; if ( 1 ) { char tmp[138]; btc_priv2wif(tmp,privkey,*addrtypep); printf("addrtype.%02x wifstr.(%llx) privlen.%d\n",*addrtypep,*(long long *)privkey,len); } } cstr_free(cstr,true); } return(len); } int32_t btc_setprivkey(struct bp_key *key,char *wifstr) { uint8_t privkey[512],privkeytype; int32_t len; len = btc_wif2priv(&privkeytype,privkey,wifstr); if ( len < 0 || bp_key_init(key) == 0 || bp_key_secret_set(key,privkey,len) == 0 ) { printf("error setting privkey\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } void btc_freekey(void *key) { bp_key_free(key); myfree(key,sizeof(struct bp_key)); } int32_t btc_priv2pub(uint8_t pubkey[33],uint8_t privkey[32]) { size_t len; void *pub = 0; struct bp_key key; if ( bp_key_init(&key) != 0 && bp_key_secret_set(&key,privkey,32) != 0 ) { bp_pubkey_get(&key,&pub,&len); bp_key_free(&key); if ( len == 33 ) memcpy(pubkey,pub,33); if ( pub != 0 ) myfree(pub,len); return(0); } bp_key_free(&key); return(-1); } int32_t btc_pub2rmd(uint8_t rmd160[20],uint8_t pubkey[33]) { char pubkeystr[67],hashstr[41]; init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,pubkey,33); calc_OP_HASH160(hashstr,rmd160,pubkeystr); return(0); } int32_t create_MofN(uint8_t addrtype,char *redeemScript,char *scriptPubKey,char *p2shaddr,char *pubkeys[],int32_t M,int32_t N) { cstring *btc_addr; uint8_t pubkey[33],tmpbuf[24],hex[4096]; int32_t i,n = 0; hex[n++] = 0x50 + M; for (i=0; i>4) & 0xf); redeemScript[i*2 + 1] = hexbyte(hex[i] & 0xf); //fprintf(stderr,"%02x",hex[i]); } //fprintf(stderr," n.%d\n",n); redeemScript[n*2] = 0; calc_OP_HASH160(0,tmpbuf+2,redeemScript); //printf("op160.(%s)\n",redeemScript); tmpbuf[0] = SCRIPT_OP_HASH160; tmpbuf[1] = 20; tmpbuf[22] = SCRIPT_OP_EQUAL; init_hexbytes_noT(scriptPubKey,tmpbuf,23); p2shaddr[0] = 0; if ( (btc_addr= base58_encode_check(addrtype,true,tmpbuf+2,20)) != 0 ) { if ( strlen(btc_addr->str) < 36 ) strcpy(p2shaddr,btc_addr->str); cstr_free(btc_addr,true); } return(n); } int32_t btc_pub65toaddr(char *coinaddr,uint8_t addrtype,char pubkey[131],uint8_t *pk) { int32_t retval = -1; char pubkeystr[67]; uint8_t *ptr; size_t len; EC_KEY *key; key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1); if ( key != 0 ) { if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(key)) { printf("generate error\n"); return(-1); } if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key)) { printf("key check error0\n"); return(-1); } pubkeystr[0] = 0; const EC_GROUP *group = EC_KEY_get0_group(key); EC_POINT *pkey = EC_POINT_new(group); EC_POINT_hex2point(group,pubkey,pkey,NULL); if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key)) { printf("key check error\n"); return(-1); } retval = EC_KEY_set_public_key(key,pkey); if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key)) { printf("key check error2\n"); return(-1); } len = i2o_ECPublicKey(key,0); ptr = mycalloc('b',1,len); i2o_ECPublicKey(key,&ptr); printf("btc_getpubkey len.%ld %p\n",(long)len,ptr); EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key,POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); EC_KEY_free(key); } return(retval); } int32_t iguana_ver(uint8_t *sig,int32_t siglen,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,bits256 pub) { struct bp_key key; uint8_t pubkey[33]; memcpy(pubkey+1,pub.bytes,sizeof(pub)); if ( bp_key_init(&key) != 0 ) { for (pubkey[0]=2; pubkey[0]<=3; pubkey[0]++) { if ( bp_pubkey_set(&key,pubkey,33) != 0 ) { if ( bp_verify(key.k,data,datalen,sig,siglen) != 0 ) { printf("verified.[%d]\n",pubkey[0]); return(0); } } } } return(-1); } int32_t iguana_sig(uint8_t *sig,int32_t maxsize,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,bits256 privkey) { struct bp_key key; void *sigptr = NULL; size_t siglen = 0; if ( bp_key_init(&key) != 0 && bp_key_secret_set(&key,privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)) != 0 ) { if ( bp_sign(key.k,data,datalen,&sigptr,&siglen) != 0 ) { if ( siglen < maxsize && sigptr != 0 ) { memcpy(sig,sigptr,siglen); free(sigptr); return((int32_t)siglen); } } } return(-1); } /*char *iguana_txsign(struct iguana_info *coin,struct cointx_info *refT,int32_t redeemi,char *redeemscript,char sigs[][256],int32_t n,uint8_t privkey[32],int32_t privkeyind) { char hexstr[16384]; bits256 hash2; uint8_t data[4096],sigbuf[512]; struct bp_key key; struct cointx_info *T; int32_t i,len; void *sig = NULL; size_t siglen = 0; struct cointx_input *vin; if ( bp_key_init(&key) != 0 && bp_key_secret_set(&key,privkey,32) != 0 ) { if ( (T= calloc(1,sizeof(*T))) == 0 ) return(0); *T = *refT; vin = &T->inputs[redeemi]; for (i=0; inuminputs; i++) strcpy(T->inputs[i].sigs,"00"); strcpy(vin->sigs,redeemscript); vin->sequence = (uint32_t)-1; T->nlocktime = 0; //disp_cointx(&T); emit_cointx(&hash2,data,sizeof(data),T,oldtx_format,SIGHASH_ALL); //printf("HASH2.(%llx)\n",(long long)hash2.txid); if ( bp_sign(&key,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),&sig,&siglen) != 0 ) { memcpy(sigbuf,sig,siglen); sigbuf[siglen++] = SIGHASH_ALL; init_hexbytes_noT(sigs[privkeyind],sigbuf,(int32_t)siglen); strcpy(vin->sigs,"00"); for (i=0; isigs + strlen(vin->sigs),"%02x%s",(int32_t)strlen(sigs[i])>>1,sigs[i]); //printf("(%s).%ld ",sigs[i],strlen(sigs[i])); } } len = (int32_t)(strlen(redeemscript)/2); if ( len >= 0xfd ) sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4d%02x%02x",len & 0xff,(len >> 8) & 0xff); else sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4c%02x",len); sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"%s",redeemscript); //printf("after A.(%s) othersig.(%s) siglen.%02lx -> (%s)\n",hexstr,othersig != 0 ? othersig : "",siglen,vin->sigs); //printf("vinsigs.(%s) %ld\n",vin->sigs,strlen(vin->sigs)); _emit_cointx(hexstr,sizeof(hexstr),T,oldtx_format); //disp_cointx(&T); free(T); return(clonestr(hexstr)); } else printf("error signing\n"); free(T); } return(0); }*/ cJSON *iguana_pubkeyjson(struct iguana_info *coin,char *pubkeystr) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(json); }