# amCharts Export
Version: 1.4.20
## Description
This plugin adds export capabilities to all amCharts products - charts and maps.
It allows annotating and exporting chart or related data to various bitmap,
vector, document or data formats, such as PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, JSON, XLSX and
many more.
## Important notice
Please note that due to security measures implemented in modern browsers, some
or all export options might not work if the web page is loaded locally (via
file:///) or contain images loaded from different host than the web page itself.
## Usage
### 1) Include the minified version of file of this plugin as well as the
bundled CSS file. I.e.:
Or if you'd rather use amCharts CDN:
(this needs to go after all the other amCharts includes)
### 2) Enable `export` with default options:
AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
"export": {
"enabled": true
} );
### ... OR set your own custom options:
AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
"export": {
"enabled": true,
"menu": [ {
"class": "export-main",
"menu": [ {
"label": "Download",
"menu": [ "PNG", "JPG", "CSV" ]
}, {
"label": "Annotate",
"action": "draw",
"menu": [ {
"class": "export-drawing",
"menu": [ "PNG", "JPG" ]
} ]
} ]
} ]
} );
## Loading external libraries needed for operation of this plugin
The plugin relies on a number of different libraries, to export images, draw
annotations or generate download files.
Those libraries need to be loaded for the plugin to work properly.
There are two ways to load them. Choose the one that is right:
### 1) Automatic (preferred)
All libraries required for plugin operation are included withing plugins */libs*
The plugin will automatically try to look in chart's [`path`](http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#path)
property. If your plugin files are located within plugins folder under amcharts
(as is the case with the default distributions), you don't need to do anything -
the libraries will load on-demand.
If you are using relative url, note that it is relative to the web page you are
displaying your chart on, not the export.js library.
In case you've moved the libs folder you need to tell the plugin where it is
`"libs": { "path": "../libs/" }`
### 2) Manual
You can also load all those JavaScript libraries by `