/********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Gregory Maxwell * * Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying * * file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.* **********************************************************************/ #ifndef SECP256K1_MODULE_RANGEPROOF_MAIN #define SECP256K1_MODULE_RANGEPROOF_MAIN #include "modules/rangeproof/pedersen_impl.h" #include "modules/rangeproof/borromean_impl.h" #include "modules/rangeproof/rangeproof_impl.h" void secp256k1_pedersen_context_initialize(secp256k1_context_t* ctx) { secp256k1_pedersen_context_build(&ctx->pedersen_ctx, &ctx->error_callback); } /* Generates a pedersen commitment: *commit = blind * G + value * G2. The commitment is 33 bytes, the blinding factor is 32 bytes.*/ int secp256k1_pedersen_commit(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, unsigned char *commit, unsigned char *blind, uint64_t value) { secp256k1_gej_t rj; secp256k1_ge_t r; secp256k1_scalar_t sec; int sz; int overflow; int ret = 0; ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_gen_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_pedersen_context_is_built(&ctx->pedersen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(commit != NULL); ARG_CHECK(blind != NULL); secp256k1_scalar_set_b32(&sec, blind, &overflow); if (!overflow) { secp256k1_pedersen_ecmult(&ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx, &ctx->pedersen_ctx, &rj, &sec, value); if (!secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(&rj)) { secp256k1_ge_set_gej(&r, &rj); sz = 33; ret = secp256k1_eckey_pubkey_serialize(&r, commit, &sz, 1); } secp256k1_gej_clear(&rj); secp256k1_ge_clear(&r); } secp256k1_scalar_clear(&sec); return ret; } /** Takes a list of n pointers to 32 byte blinding values, the first negs of which are treated with positive sign and the rest * negative, then calculates an additional blinding value that adds to zero. */ int secp256k1_pedersen_blind_sum(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, unsigned char *blind_out, const unsigned char * const *blinds, int n, int npositive) { secp256k1_scalar_t acc; secp256k1_scalar_t x; int i; int overflow; ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(blind_out != NULL); ARG_CHECK(blinds != NULL); secp256k1_scalar_set_int(&acc, 0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { secp256k1_scalar_set_b32(&x, blinds[i], &overflow); if (overflow) { return 0; } if (i >= npositive) { secp256k1_scalar_negate(&x, &x); } secp256k1_scalar_add(&acc, &acc, &x); } secp256k1_scalar_get_b32(blind_out, &acc); secp256k1_scalar_clear(&acc); secp256k1_scalar_clear(&x); return 1; } /* Takes two list of 33-byte commitments and sums the first set and subtracts the second and verifies that they sum to excess. */ int secp256k1_pedersen_verify_tally(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, const unsigned char * const *commits, int pcnt, const unsigned char * const *ncommits, int ncnt, int64_t excess) { secp256k1_gej_t accj; secp256k1_ge_t add; int i; ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(!pcnt || (commits != NULL)); ARG_CHECK(!ncnt || (ncommits != NULL)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_pedersen_context_is_built(&ctx->pedersen_ctx)); secp256k1_gej_set_infinity(&accj); if (excess) { uint64_t ex; int neg; /* Take the absolute value, and negate the result if the input was negative. */ neg = secp256k1_sign_and_abs64(&ex, excess); secp256k1_pedersen_ecmult_small(&ctx->pedersen_ctx, &accj, ex); if (neg) { secp256k1_gej_neg(&accj, &accj); } } for (i = 0; i < ncnt; i++) { if (!secp256k1_eckey_pubkey_parse(&add, ncommits[i], 33)) { return 0; } secp256k1_gej_add_ge_var(&accj, &accj, &add, NULL); } secp256k1_gej_neg(&accj, &accj); for (i = 0; i < pcnt; i++) { if (!secp256k1_eckey_pubkey_parse(&add, commits[i], 33)) { return 0; } secp256k1_gej_add_ge_var(&accj, &accj, &add, NULL); } return secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(&accj); } void secp256k1_rangeproof_context_initialize(secp256k1_context_t* ctx) { secp256k1_rangeproof_context_build(&ctx->rangeproof_ctx, &ctx->error_callback); } int secp256k1_rangeproof_info(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, int *exp, int *mantissa, uint64_t *min_value, uint64_t *max_value, const unsigned char *proof, int plen) { int offset; uint64_t scale; ARG_CHECK(exp != NULL); ARG_CHECK(mantissa != NULL); ARG_CHECK(min_value != NULL); ARG_CHECK(max_value != NULL); offset = 0; scale = 1; (void)ctx; return secp256k1_rangeproof_getheader_impl(&offset, exp, mantissa, &scale, min_value, max_value, proof, plen); } int secp256k1_rangeproof_rewind(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, unsigned char *blind_out, uint64_t *value_out, unsigned char *message_out, int *outlen, const unsigned char *nonce, uint64_t *min_value, uint64_t *max_value, const unsigned char *commit, const unsigned char *proof, int plen) { ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(commit != NULL); ARG_CHECK(proof != NULL); ARG_CHECK(min_value != NULL); ARG_CHECK(max_value != NULL); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_gen_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_pedersen_context_is_built(&ctx->pedersen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_rangeproof_context_is_built(&ctx->rangeproof_ctx)); return secp256k1_rangeproof_verify_impl(&ctx->ecmult_ctx, &ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx, &ctx->pedersen_ctx, &ctx->rangeproof_ctx, blind_out, value_out, message_out, outlen, nonce, min_value, max_value, commit, proof, plen); } int secp256k1_rangeproof_verify(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, uint64_t *min_value, uint64_t *max_value, const unsigned char *commit, const unsigned char *proof, int plen) { ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(commit != NULL); ARG_CHECK(proof != NULL); ARG_CHECK(min_value != NULL); ARG_CHECK(max_value != NULL); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_pedersen_context_is_built(&ctx->pedersen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_rangeproof_context_is_built(&ctx->rangeproof_ctx)); return secp256k1_rangeproof_verify_impl(&ctx->ecmult_ctx, NULL, &ctx->pedersen_ctx, &ctx->rangeproof_ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, min_value, max_value, commit, proof, plen); } int secp256k1_rangeproof_sign(const secp256k1_context_t* ctx, unsigned char *proof, int *plen, uint64_t min_value, const unsigned char *commit, const unsigned char *blind, const unsigned char *nonce, int exp, int min_bits, uint64_t value){ ARG_CHECK(ctx != NULL); ARG_CHECK(proof != NULL); ARG_CHECK(plen != NULL); ARG_CHECK(commit != NULL); ARG_CHECK(blind != NULL); ARG_CHECK(nonce != NULL); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_ecmult_gen_context_is_built(&ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_pedersen_context_is_built(&ctx->pedersen_ctx)); ARG_CHECK(secp256k1_rangeproof_context_is_built(&ctx->rangeproof_ctx)); return secp256k1_rangeproof_sign_impl(&ctx->ecmult_ctx, &ctx->ecmult_gen_ctx, &ctx->pedersen_ctx, &ctx->rangeproof_ctx, proof, plen, min_value, commit, blind, nonce, exp, min_bits, value); } #endif