/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" #define _iguana_hashfind(coin,ipbits) _iguana_hashset(coin,ipbits,-1) struct iguana_iAddr *iguana_iAddrhashfind(struct iguana_info *coin,uint64_t ipbits,int32_t createflag); int32_t iguana_validatehdr(char *symbol,struct iguana_msghdr *H) { int32_t i = 0,valid=0,len = -1; char cmdstr[16]; memcpy(cmdstr,H->command,sizeof(H->command)); cmdstr[0] = toupper((int32_t)cmdstr[0]); cmdstr[5] = toupper((int32_t)cmdstr[5]); cmdstr[6] = toupper((int32_t)cmdstr[6]); cmdstr[7] = toupper((int32_t)cmdstr[7]); if ( strcmp(symbol,"VPN") == 0 || strncmp("SuperNET",cmdstr,strlen("SuperNET")) == 0 ) valid = 1; else { for (i=0; Iguana_validcommands[i]!=0&&Iguana_validcommands[i][0]!=0; i++) if ( strcmp(H->command,Iguana_validcommands[i]) == 0 ) { valid = 1; break; } } if ( valid != 0 ) { iguana_rwnum(0,H->serdatalen,sizeof(H->serdatalen),(uint32_t *)&len); if ( len > IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) return(-1); } else return(-1); return(len); } struct iguana_peer *iguana_peeralive(struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t needalive) { if ( needalive == 0 || (addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0) ) return(addr); else return(0); } struct iguana_peer *iguana_peerfindipaddr(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr,int32_t needalive) { int32_t i; for (i=0; ipeers->active[i].ipaddr) == 0 ) return(iguana_peeralive(&coin->peers->active[i],needalive)); return(0); } struct iguana_peer *iguana_peerfindipbits(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t ipbits,int32_t needalive) { int32_t i; for (i=0; ipeers->active[i].ipbits ) return(iguana_peeralive(&coin->peers->active[i],needalive)); return(0); } struct iguana_iAddr *_iguana_hashset(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t ipbits,int32_t itemind) { struct iguana_iAddr *ptr = 0; int32_t allocsize; char str[65]; struct OS_memspace *mem = 0; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); expand_ipbits(str,ipbits); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),ptr); //printf("%p hashset.(%s) -> ptr.%p itemind.%d keylen.%ld %x\n",coin->iAddrs,str,ptr,itemind,sizeof(ipbits),ipbits); if ( itemind >= 0 ) { if ( ptr == 0 ) { allocsize = (int32_t)(sizeof(*ptr)); if ( mem != 0 ) ptr = iguana_memalloc(mem,allocsize,1); else ptr = mycalloc('t',1,allocsize); if ( ptr == 0 ) printf("fatal alloc errorA in hashset\n"), exit(-1); //printf("ptr.%p allocsize.%d key.%p keylen.%d itemind.%d\n",ptr,allocsize,key,keylen,itemind); ptr->hh.itemind = itemind; ptr->ipbits = ipbits; HASH_ADD(hh,coin->iAddrs,ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),ptr); { struct iguana_iAddr *tmp; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),tmp); if ( tmp != ptr ) printf("%s itemind.%d search error %p != %p\n",str,itemind,ptr,tmp); //else printf("%p added.(%s) ind.%d:%d %p tmp.%p %x\n",coin->iAddrs,str,itemind,ptr->hh.itemind,ptr,tmp,ipbits); } } else ptr->hh.itemind = itemind; } return(ptr); } struct iguana_iAddr *iguana_iAddrhashset(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_iAddr *iA,int32_t ind) { struct iguana_iAddr *tmp,*item; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); if ( iA == 0 || iA->ipbits == 0 ) { printf("null iA.%p or ipbits.%llx ind.%d status.%d\n",iA,iA!=0?(long long)iA->ipbits:0,iA!=0?iA->hh.itemind:0,iA!=0?iA->status:0); exit(-1); return(0); } portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); if ( (item= _iguana_hashfind(coin,(uint32_t)iA->ipbits)) == 0 ) { tmp = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*iA)); *tmp = *iA; iA = tmp; if ( ind <= 0 ) ind = coin->numiAddrs + 1; printf("coin->iAddrs.%p call set.(%x) ind.%d\n",coin->iAddrs,(uint32_t)iA->ipbits,ind); if ( (item= _iguana_hashset(coin,(uint32_t)iA->ipbits,ind)) != 0 && item->hh.itemind == coin->numiAddrs+1 ) { *item = *iA; iA = item; coin->numiAddrs++; } else printf("iguana_hashset error numiAddrs.%d ind.%d\n",coin->numiAddrs,iA->hh.itemind); } else { *item = *iA; iA = item; iA->hh.itemind = ind; } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); //printf("return iA.%p ind.%d %x\n",iA,iA->hh.itemind,iA->ipbits); return(iA); } struct iguana_iAddr *iguana_iAddrhashfind(struct iguana_info *coin,uint64_t ipbits,int32_t createflag) { int32_t ind; struct iguana_iAddr *item = 0; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); if ( ipbits != 0 ) { if ( (item= _iguana_hashfind(coin,(uint32_t)ipbits)) == 0 && createflag != 0 ) { ind = coin->numiAddrs + 1; _iguana_hashset(coin,(uint32_t)ipbits,ind); if ( (item= _iguana_hashfind(coin,(uint32_t)ipbits)) != 0 ) coin->numiAddrs++; } } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); return(item); } uint32_t iguana_rwiAddrind(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,struct iguana_iAddr *iA,uint32_t ind) { FILE *fp; char fname[512],hexstr[65],ipaddr[64]; uint32_t ipbits; int32_t i,n,m,retval = 0; struct iguana_iAddr tmp,*ptr; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); sprintf(fname,"%s/%s_peers.dat",GLOBAL_DBDIR,coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( rwflag < 0 || iA == 0 ) { coin->numiAddrs = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); n = (int32_t)(ftell(fp) / sizeof(*iA)); for (i=m=1; ipeers_mutex); ipbits = (uint32_t)tmp.ipbits; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),ptr); if ( ptr == 0 ) { ptr = mycalloc('t',1,sizeof(*ptr)); if ( ptr == 0 ) printf("fatal alloc errorB in hashset\n"), exit(-1); ptr->hh.itemind = m; ptr->ipbits = tmp.ipbits; HASH_ADD(hh,coin->iAddrs,ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),ptr); tmp.hh.itemind = m; tmp.status = 0; fseek(fp,m*sizeof(tmp),SEEK_SET); fwrite(&tmp,1,sizeof(tmp),fp); expand_ipbits(hexstr,ipbits); //printf("create rwiAddrind m.%-4d %08x %s status.%d\n",m,(uint32_t)tmp.ipbits,hexstr,tmp.status); m++; coin->numiAddrs = m; iguana_possible_peer(coin,hexstr); } else { expand_ipbits(hexstr,ipbits); //printf("peer.%d status.%d ipbits.%x\n",i,tmp.status,(uint32_t)ipbits); tmp.status = 0; fseek(fp,i * sizeof(tmp),SEEK_SET); if ( fwrite(&tmp,1,sizeof(tmp),fp) != sizeof(tmp) ) printf("error writing peer.%d\n",i); } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); } } fclose(fp); printf("i.%d m.%d numiAddrs.%d\n",i,m,coin->numiAddrs); } return(coin->numiAddrs); } if ( rwflag == 0 ) { memset(iA,0,sizeof(*iA)); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,ind * sizeof(*iA),SEEK_SET); if ( ftell(fp) == ind * sizeof(*iA) ) { if ( fread(iA,1,sizeof(*iA),fp) != sizeof(*iA) ) printf("iAddr: error loading.[%d]\n",ind); else { iA->status = 0; if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashset(coin,iA,ind)) != 0 ) { retval = iA->hh.itemind+1; //printf("r %p status.%d ipbits.%x ind.%d saved iA->ind.%d retval.%d\n",iA,iA->status,(uint32_t)iA->ipbits,ind,iA->hh.itemind,retval); } } } else printf("iAddr: error seeking.[%d] %ld vs %d\n",ind,ftell(fp),(int32_t)(ind * sizeof(*iA))); fclose(fp); } } else { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) == 0 ) { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_rwAddrind: couldnt create.(%s)\n",fname); return(-1); } } if ( fp != 0 ) { ipbits = (uint32_t)iA->ipbits; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits),ptr); if ( ptr != 0 && ptr->hh.itemind != ind ) { printf("mismatch iAddr ind.%d != %d\n",ptr->hh.itemind,ind); ind = ptr->hh.itemind; } if ( ind <= 0 ) ind = coin->numiAddrs++; fseek(fp,ind * sizeof(*iA),SEEK_SET); if ( ftell(fp) == ind * sizeof(*iA) ) { iA->hh.itemind = ind; if ( fwrite(iA,1,sizeof(*iA),fp) != sizeof(*iA) ) printf("iAddr: error saving.[%d]\n",ind); else { if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashset(coin,iA,ind)) != 0 ) { retval = iA->hh.itemind+1; expand_ipbits(ipaddr,iA->ipbits); //printf("%s status.%d lastkilled.%u ipbits.%x ind.%d saved iA->ind.%d retval.%d numiAddrs.%d\n",ipaddr,iA->status,iA->lastkilled,(uint32_t)ipbits,ind,iA->hh.itemind,retval,coin->numiAddrs); } } } else printf("iAddr: error seeking.[%d] %ld vs %d\n",ind,ftell(fp),(int32_t)(ind * sizeof(*iA))); fclose(fp); } else { printf("iguana_rwAddrind: couldnt create.(%s)\n",fname); return(-1); } } return(retval); } void iguana_iAconnected(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return; if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashfind(coin,addr->ipbits,1)) != 0 ) { iA->status = IGUANA_PEER_READY; if ( addr->height > iA->height ) iA->height = addr->height; iA->numconnects++; iA->lastconnect = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,iA,iA->hh.itemind) == 0 ) printf("iguana_iAconnected (%s) save error iA->ind.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,iA->hh.itemind); //else printf("iguana_iAconnected.(%s)\n",addr->ipaddr); } else printf("iguana_iAconnected error getting iA\n"); } void iguana_iAkill(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t markflag) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA; int32_t rank; char ipaddr[64]; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return; if ( addr->ipbits == 0 ) { printf("cant iAkill null ipbits\n"); return; } rank = addr->rank; strcpy(ipaddr,addr->ipaddr); if ( addr->usock >= 0 ) closesocket(addr->usock), addr->usock = -1; if ( coin->peers != 0 && addr == coin->peers->localaddr ) coin->peers->localaddr = 0; //printf("iAkill.(%s)\n",addr->ipaddr); if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashfind(coin,addr->ipbits,1)) != 0 ) { iA->status = IGUANA_PEER_KILLED; if ( addr->height > iA->height ) iA->height = addr->height; if ( markflag != 0 ) { iA->numkilled++; iA->lastkilled = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,iA,iA->hh.itemind) == 0 ) printf("killconnection (%s) save error\n",addr->ipaddr); } } else printf("killconnection cant get ind for ipaddr.%s\n",addr->ipaddr); memset(addr,0,sizeof(*addr)); addr->usock = -1; //if ( rank > 0 ) // iguana_possible_peer(coin,ipaddr); } int32_t iguana_socket(int32_t bindflag,char *hostname,uint16_t port) { int32_t opt,sock,result; char ipaddr[64],checkipaddr[64]; struct timeval timeout; struct sockaddr_in saddr; socklen_t addrlen,slen; addrlen = sizeof(saddr); struct hostent *hostent; if ( parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname) != 0 ) port = parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname); hostent = gethostbyname(ipaddr); if ( hostent == NULL ) { printf("gethostbyname(%s) returned error: %d port.%d ipaddr.(%s)\n",hostname,errno,port,ipaddr); return(-1); } saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&saddr.sin_addr.s_addr,hostent->h_addr_list[0],hostent->h_length); expand_ipbits(checkipaddr,saddr.sin_addr.s_addr); if ( strcmp(ipaddr,checkipaddr) != 0 ) printf("bindflag.%d iguana_socket mismatch (%s) -> (%s)?\n",bindflag,checkipaddr,ipaddr); if ( (sock= socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != ETIMEDOUT ) printf("socket() failed: %s errno.%d", strerror(errno),errno); return(-1); } opt = 1; slen = sizeof(opt); //printf("set keepalive.%d\n",setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,slen)); if ( 1 )//&& bindflag != 0 ) { if ( 1 ) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 30000; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); } opt = 0; getsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,&slen); opt = 1; //printf("keepalive.%d\n",opt); } else setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&opt,sizeof(opt)); #ifdef __APPLE__ setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_NOSIGPIPE,&opt,sizeof(opt)); #endif if ( bindflag == 0 ) { result = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&saddr,addrlen); if ( result != 0 ) { if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { //printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); } if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } else { while ( (result= bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&saddr,addrlen)) != 0 ) { if ( errno == EADDRINUSE ) { sleep(1); printf("ERROR BINDING PORT.%d. this is normal tcp timeout, unless another process is using port\n",port); sleep(3); printf("%s(%s) port.%d try again: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( bindflag == 1 ) { closesocket(sock); return(-1); } sleep(13); //continue; } if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } if ( listen(sock,64) != 0 ) { printf("listen(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } return(sock); } int32_t iguana_send(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len) { int32_t numsent,remains,usock,r,i; char *cmdstr = (char *)&serialized[4]; if ( addr == 0 && coin->peers != 0 ) { r = rand(); for (i=0; ipeers->active[(i + r) % IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->msgcounts.verack > 0 ) break; } } if ( addr == 0 ) return(-1); usock = addr->usock; if ( usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { return(-1); } remains = len; if ( strncmp(cmdstr+1,"uperNET",strlen("uperNET")) == 0 || strncmp(cmdstr+1,"uperNet",strlen("uperNet")) == 0 ) { //for (i=0; i>>>>>> send.(%s) crc.%x %d bytes to %s:%u supernet.%d\n",cmdstr,calc_crc32(0,serialized,len),len,addr->ipaddr,addr->A.port,addr->supernet); } else if ( addr->msgcounts.verack == 0 && (strcmp(cmdstr,"version") != 0 && strcmp(cmdstr,"ConnectTo") != 0 && strcmp(cmdstr,"verack") != 0) != 0 ) { //printf("skip.(%s) since no verack yet\n",cmdstr); return(-1); } if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"ping") == 0 ) addr->sendmillis = OS_milliseconds(); if ( len > IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) printf("sending too big! %d\n",len); while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( coin->peers != 0 && coin->peers->shuttingdown != 0 ) return(-1); if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(usock,serialized,remains,MSG_NOSIGNAL)) < 0 ) { printf("send errno.%d %s\n",errno,strerror(errno)); if ( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) { printf("%s: %s numsent.%d vs remains.%d len.%d errno.%d (%s) usock.%d\n",serialized+4,addr->ipaddr,numsent,remains,len,errno,strerror(errno),addr->usock); printf("bad errno.%d %s zombify.%p\n",errno,strerror(errno),&addr->dead); addr->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(-errno); } //else usleep(*sleeptimep), *sleeptimep *= 1.1; } else if ( remains > 0 ) { remains -= numsent; serialized += numsent; if ( remains > 0 ) printf("iguana sent.%d remains.%d of len.%d\n",numsent,remains,len); } } addr->totalsent += len; //printf(" (%s) sent.%d bytes to %s\n",cmdstr,len,addr->ipaddr);// getchar(); return(len); } int32_t iguana_queue_send(struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t delay,uint8_t *serialized,char *cmd,int32_t len) { struct iguana_packet *packet; int32_t datalen; if ( addr == 0 ) { printf("iguana_queue_send null addr\n"); exit(-1); return(-1); } if ( (datalen= iguana_sethdr((void *)serialized,addr->netmagic,cmd,&serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],len)) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( strcmp("getaddr",cmd) == 0 && time(NULL) < addr->lastgotaddr+300 ) return(0); packet = mycalloc('S',1,sizeof(struct iguana_packet) + datalen); packet->datalen = datalen; packet->addr = addr; if ( delay != 0 ) { if ( delay > IGUANA_MAXDELAY_MILLIS ) delay = IGUANA_MAXDELAY_MILLIS; packet->embargo = tai_now(); packet->embargo.millis += delay; } memcpy(packet->serialized,serialized,datalen); //printf("%p queue send.(%s) %d to (%s)\n",packet,serialized+4,datalen,addr->ipaddr); queue_enqueue("sendQ",&addr->sendQ,&packet->DL,0); return(datalen); } int32_t iguana_recv(char *ipaddr,int32_t usock,uint8_t *recvbuf,int32_t len) { int32_t recvlen,remains = len; while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (recvlen= (int32_t)recv(usock,recvbuf,remains,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { //printf("%s recv errno.%d %s len.%d remains.%d\n",ipaddr,errno,strerror(errno),len,remains); //printf("EAGAIN for len %d, remains.%d\n",len,remains); sleep(1); } else return(-errno); } else { if ( recvlen > 0 ) { remains -= recvlen; //int32_t i; for (i=0; ichain->netmagic,H->command,buf,len) > 0 && memcmp(&checkH,H,sizeof(checkH)) == 0 ) { if ( strcmp(H->command,"block") == 0 || strcmp(H->command,"tx") == 0 ) { if ( addr->RAWMEM.ptr == 0 ) iguana_meminit(&addr->RAWMEM,addr->ipaddr,0,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE * 2,0); if ( addr->TXDATA.ptr == 0 ) iguana_meminit(&addr->TXDATA,"txdata",0,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE * 2,0); if ( addr->HASHMEM.ptr == 0 ) iguana_meminit(&addr->HASHMEM,"HASHPTRS",0,256,0);//IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*16,0); //printf("Init %s memory %p %p %p\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->RAWMEM.ptr,addr->TXDATA.ptr,addr->HASHMEM.ptr); } if ( iguana_msgparser(coin,addr,&addr->RAWMEM,&addr->TXDATA,&addr->HASHMEM,H,buf,len) < 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("%p addr->dead.%d or parser break at %u\n",&addr->dead,addr->dead,(uint32_t)time(NULL)); addr->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else { addr->numpackets++; addr->totalrecv += len; coin->totalrecv += len, coin->totalpackets++; //printf("next iter.(%s) numreferrals.%d numpings.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->numreferrals,addr->numpings); } } else { int z; for (z=0; zipaddr,len,calc_crc32(0,buf,len)); } } void _iguana_processmsg(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t usock,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint8_t *_buf,int32_t maxlen) { int32_t len,recvlen; void *buf = _buf; struct iguana_msghdr H; if ( (coin->peers != 0 && coin->peers->shuttingdown != 0) || addr->dead != 0 ) return; memset(&H,0,sizeof(H)); if ( (recvlen= (int32_t)iguana_recv(addr->ipaddr,usock,(uint8_t *)&H,sizeof(H))) == sizeof(H) ) { if ( (coin->peers != 0 && coin->peers->shuttingdown != 0) || addr->dead != 0 ) return; { iguana_rwnum(0,H.serdatalen,sizeof(H.serdatalen),(uint32_t *)&len); //printf("%08x got.(%s) recvlen.%d from %s | usock.%d ready.%u dead.%u len.%d\n",(uint32_t)addr->ipbits,H.command,recvlen,addr->ipaddr,addr->usock,addr->ready,addr->dead,len); } if ( (len= iguana_validatehdr(coin->symbol,&H)) >= 0 ) { if ( len > 0 ) { if ( len > IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) { printf("buffer %d too small for %d\n",IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,len); return; } if ( len > maxlen ) buf = mycalloc('p',1,len); if ( (recvlen= iguana_recv(addr->ipaddr,usock,buf,len)) < 0 ) { printf("recv error on (%s) len.%d errno.%d (%s)\n",H.command,len,-recvlen,strerror(-recvlen)); if ( buf != _buf ) myfree(buf,len); addr->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return; } } iguana_parsebuf(coin,addr,&H,buf,len); if ( buf != _buf ) myfree(buf,len); return; } int32_t i; for (i=0; iipaddr,len); //addr->dead = 1; } // printf("%s recv error on hdr errno.%d (%s) -> zombify\n",addr->ipaddr,-recvlen,strerror(-recvlen)); #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS addr->dead = 1; #endif } void iguana_gotdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t height) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA; if ( addr != 0 && height > addr->height && height < coin->longestchain ) { if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashfind(coin,addr->ipbits,0)) != 0 && iA->height < height ) iA->height = height; //iguana_set_iAddrheight(coin,addr->ipbits,height); addr->height = height; } if ( height > 0 && height > coin->longestchain ) coin->longestchain = (height + coin->longestchain + 1) >> 1; } int32_t iguana_iAddrheight(struct iguana_info *coin,uint64_t ipbits) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashfind(coin,ipbits,0)) != 0 ) return(iA->height); return(0); } void iguana_startconnection(void *arg) { int32_t i,n; uint16_t port; char ipaddr[64]; struct iguana_peer *addr = arg; struct iguana_info *coin = 0; if ( addr == 0 || (coin= iguana_coinfind(addr->symbol)) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_startconnection nullptrs addr.%p (%s) coin.%p\n",addr,addr!=0?addr->symbol:"",coin); return; } if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 || coin->peers == 0 ) return; addr->addrind = (int32_t)(((long)addr - (long)&coin->peers->active[0]) / sizeof(*addr)); if ( addr->usock >= 0 ) { printf("%s usock.%d skip connection\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->usock); return; } if ( strcmp(coin->name,addr->coinname) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_startconnection.%s:%04x mismatched coin.%p (%s) vs (%s)\n",addr->ipaddr,coin->chain->portp2p,coin,coin->symbol,addr->coinname); return; } //printf("iguana_startconnection.%s:%04x (%s)\n",addr->ipaddr,coin->chain->portp2p,addr->coinstr); if ( strcmp("",addr->ipaddr) == 0 )//&& (coin->myservices & NODE_NETWORK) != 0 ) { iguana_iAkill(coin,addr,0); printf("avoid self-loopback\n"); return; } //printf("startconnection.(%s) pending.%u usock.%d addrind.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->pending,addr->usock,addr->addrind); addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (port= (uint16_t)(addr->ipbits >> 32)) == 0 ) port = coin->chain->portp2p; if ( addr->usock < 0 ) addr->usock = iguana_socket(0,addr->ipaddr,port); if ( addr->usock < 0 || (coin->peers != 0 && coin->peers->shuttingdown != 0) ) { strcpy(ipaddr,addr->ipaddr); //printf("%s refused PEER KILLED. slot.%d for %s:%d usock.%d\n",coin->symbol,addr->addrind,ipaddr,coin->chain->portp2p,addr->usock); iguana_iAkill(coin,addr,1); } else { addr->ready = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->ipbits = calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr); addr->dead = 0; addr->pending = 0; addr->height = iguana_iAddrheight(coin,addr->ipbits); strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); strcpy(addr->coinname,coin->name); if ( coin->peers != 0 ) { coin->peers->lastpeer = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=n=0; ipeers->active[i].usock > 0 ) n++; coin->peers->numconnected++; if ( strcmp("",addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) coin->peers->localaddr = addr; else if ( coin->peers->numranked == 0 ) coin->peers->ranked[0] = addr; } else n = 0; iguana_iAconnected(coin,addr); //printf("%s.PEER CONNECTED.%d:%d of max.%d! %s:%d usock.%d\n",coin->symbol,coin->peers->numconnected,n,coin->MAXPEERS,addr->ipaddr,coin->chain->portp2p,addr->usock); #ifdef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS //iguana_launch("recv",iguana_dedicatedrecv,addr,IGUANA_RECVTHREAD); iguana_dedicatedloop(SuperNET_MYINFO(0),coin,addr); #endif } } void iguana_peerkill(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_peer *addr; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 || coin->peers == 0 ) return; if ( coin->peers->numranked > 0 && (addr= coin->peers->ranked[coin->peers->numranked-1]) != 0 ) { printf("mark rank.%d as dead.(%s)\n",coin->peers->numranked,addr->ipaddr); addr->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } struct iguana_peer *iguana_peerslot(struct iguana_info *coin,uint64_t ipbits,int32_t forceflag) { int32_t i; struct iguana_peer *addr; char ipaddr[64]; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 || coin->peers == 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; ipeers->active[i].ipbits ) return(forceflag!=0 ? &coin->peers->active[i] : 0); expand_ipbits(ipaddr,ipbits); #ifdef IGUANA_DISABLEPEERS if ( strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 ) return(0); #endif //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); for (i=0; iMAXPEERS || forceflag != 0 ) { addr = &coin->peers->active[i]; addr->addrind = i; if ( addr->usock >= 0 || addr->pending != 0 || addr->ipbits == ipbits || strcmp(ipaddr,addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) { //printf("i.%d skip.(%s) usock.%d pending.%d ipbits.%llx lag.%ld\n",i,addr->ipaddr,addr->usock,addr->pending,(long long)addr->ipbits,time(NULL)-addr->pending); continue; } portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); if ( addr->ipbits == 0 ) { iguana_initpeer(coin,addr,ipbits); //addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); return(addr); } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); } } return(0); } void iguana_launchpeer(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr) { struct iguana_peer *addr; uint32_t ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr); if ( coin == 0 ) { printf("iguana_launchpeer: null coin?\n"); } if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return; if ( (addr= iguana_peerslot(coin,ipbits,0)) != 0 ) iguana_launch(coin,"connection",iguana_startconnection,addr,IGUANA_CONNTHREAD); } void *iguana_iAddriterator(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_iAddr *iA) { struct iguana_peer *addr = 0; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 ) return(0); if ( iA != 0 && iA->ipbits != 0 && iguana_numthreads(coin,1 << IGUANA_CONNTHREAD) < IGUANA_MAXCONNTHREADS && iA->status == IGUANA_PEER_ELIGIBLE ) { //printf("%x\n",iA->ipbits); //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); if ( (addr= iguana_peerslot(coin,iA->ipbits,0)) != 0 ) { addr->ipbits = iA->ipbits; //printf("pend.%d status.%d possible peer.(%s).%x threads %d %d %d %d\n",addr->pending,iA->status,addr->ipaddr,(uint32_t)addr->ipbits,iguana_numthreads(coin,0),iguana_numthreads(coin,1),iguana_numthreads(coin,2),iguana_numthreads(coin,3)); if ( addr->pending == 0 && iA->status != IGUANA_PEER_CONNECTING && (iA->status != IGUANA_PEER_KILLED || time(NULL) > iA->lastkilled+600) ) { //printf("call rwIaddrInd\n"); if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,iA,iA->hh.itemind) > 0 ) { //printf("iA.%p iguana_startconnection.(%s) status.%d pending.%d\n",iA,addr->ipaddr,iA->status,addr->pending); iA->status = IGUANA_PEER_CONNECTING; addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_launch(coin,"connection",iguana_startconnection,addr,IGUANA_CONNTHREAD); } else { addr->ipbits = 0; printf("error rwiAddrind.%d\n",iA->hh.itemind); } } } else printf("%s no open peer slots left\n",coin->symbol); } //else if ( iA != 0 ) // printf("iA->ipbits %d, %d iguana_numthreads(coin,1 << IGUANA_CONNTHREAD) status.%d\n",iA->ipbits,iguana_numthreads(coin,1 << IGUANA_CONNTHREAD),iA->status); //else printf("connector null iA\n"); return(0); } uint32_t iguana_possible_peer(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr) { char checkaddr[64]; uint64_t ipbits; uint32_t now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); int32_t i,n; struct iguana_iAddr *iA; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 || coin->peers == 0 ) return(0); if ( ipaddr != 0 && ipaddr[0] != 0 && coin->peers != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(ipaddr,"") == 0 || strcmp(ipaddr,"") == 0 ) return(0); for (i=n=0; ipeers->active[i].ipaddr) == 0 ) { printf("%s possible peer.(%s) %x already there\n",coin->symbol,ipaddr,(uint32_t)coin->peers->active[i].ipbits); return(0); } //printf("Q possible.(%s)\n",ipaddr); queue_enqueue("possibleQ",&coin->possibleQ,queueitem(ipaddr),1); return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } else if ( iguana_pendingaccept(coin) != 0 ) return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); else if ( (ipaddr= queue_dequeue(&coin->possibleQ,1)) == 0 ) return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); #ifdef IGUANA_DISABLEPEERS if ( strcmp(ipaddr,"") != 0 ) { free_queueitem(ipaddr); return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } #endif ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr); //printf("check possible peer.(%s)\n",ipaddr); if ( iguana_peerslot(coin,(uint32_t)ipbits,0) != 0 ) return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); for (i=n=0; ipeers->active[i].ipaddr) == 0 ) { //printf("(%s) already active\n",ipaddr); free_queueitem(ipaddr); return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } else if ( coin->peers->active[i].ipaddr[0] != 0 ) n++; } if ( n >= coin->MAXPEERS-(coin->MAXPEERS>>3)-1 || coin->peers->numranked >= coin->MAXPEERS ) return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); if ( strncmp("0.0.0",ipaddr,5) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 ) { for (i=0; ipaddr[i]!=0; i++) if ( ipaddr[i] == ':' ) { ipaddr[i] = 0; break; } if ( (ipbits= calc_ipbits(ipaddr)) != 0 ) { expand_ipbits(checkaddr,ipbits); if ( strcmp(checkaddr,ipaddr) == 0 ) { //printf("valid ipaddr.(%s) MAXPEERS.%d\n",ipaddr,coin->MAXPEERS); if ( (iA= iguana_iAddrhashfind(coin,ipbits,1)) != 0 ) { if ( iA->status != IGUANA_PEER_CONNECTING && iA->status != IGUANA_PEER_READY && iA->status != IGUANA_PEER_ELIGIBLE ) { if ( (iA->lastconnect == 0 || iA->lastkilled == 0) || (iA->numconnects > 0 && iA->lastconnect > (now - IGUANA_RECENTPEER)) || iA->lastkilled < now-600 ) { iA->status = IGUANA_PEER_ELIGIBLE; if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,iA,iA->hh.itemind) == 0 ) printf("error updating status for (%s) ind.%d\n",ipaddr,iA->hh.itemind); iguana_iAddriterator(coin,iA); } else printf("ignore.(%s) lastconnect.%u lastkilled.%u numconnects.%d\n",ipaddr,iA->lastconnect,iA->lastkilled,iA->numconnects); } //else printf("skip.(%s) ind.%d status.%d\n",ipaddr,iA->hh.itemind,iA->status); } else printf("cant find (%s) which should have been created\n",ipaddr); } else printf("reject ipaddr.(%s) vs checkaddr.(%s)\n",ipaddr,checkaddr); } } free_queueitem(ipaddr); return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } void iguana_processmsg(void *ptr) { struct iguana_info *coin; uint8_t buf[32768]; struct iguana_peer *addr = ptr; if ( addr == 0 || (coin= iguana_coinfind(addr->symbol)) == 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("iguana_processmsg cant find addr.%p symbol.%s\n",addr,addr!=0?addr->symbol:0); return; } _iguana_processmsg(coin,addr->usock,addr,buf,sizeof(buf)); addr->startrecv = 0; } int32_t iguana_pollsendQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { struct iguana_packet *packet; if ( (packet= queue_dequeue(&addr->sendQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( 0 && (addr->supernet != 0 || strcmp((char *)&packet->serialized[4],"SuperNET") == 0) ) printf("%s: send.(%s).%d usock.%d dead.%u ready.%u supernet.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,packet->serialized+4,packet->datalen,addr->usock,addr->dead,addr->ready,addr->supernet); if ( strcmp((char *)&packet->serialized[4],"getdata") == 0 ) { printf("unexpected getdata for %s\n",addr->ipaddr); myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); } else if ( packet->embargo.x == 0 || tai_diff(packet->embargo,tai_now()) >= -SMALLVAL ) { iguana_send(coin,addr,packet->serialized,packet->datalen); myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); return(1); } else { //printf("embargo.x %llu %f\n",(long long)packet->embargo.x,tai_diff(packet->embargo,tai_now())); queue_enqueue("embargo",&addr->sendQ,&packet->DL,0); } } return(0); } int32_t iguana_pollrecv(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint8_t *buf,int32_t bufsize) { #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); if ( coin->peers != 0 && addr != coin->peers->localaddr ) { addr->startrecv = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_launch("processmsg",iguana_processmsg,addr,IGUANA_RECVTHREAD); } else #endif _iguana_processmsg(coin,addr->usock,addr,buf,bufsize); return(1); } #ifdef IGUANA_PEERALLOC void *iguana_peeralloc(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t datalen) { struct OS_memspace *mem; long i,iter; int32_t j,diff,size,bestfit; void *ptr; //printf("iguana_peeralloc.%s\n",addr->ipaddr); while ( 1 ) { bestfit = -1; for (iter=0; iter<3; iter++) { for (i=0; iSEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT); i++) { mem = addr->SEROUT[i]; if ( mem->threadsafe != 0 ) portable_mutex_lock(&mem->mutex); if ( iter < 2 && mem->availptrs > 0 ) { for (j=0; jnumptrs; j++) { if ( mem->allocsizes[j] == 0 ) { size = mem->maxsizes[j]; if ( size >= datalen ) { diff = (size - datalen); if ( diff == 0 || (iter == 1 && diff == bestfit) ) { mem->allocsizes[j] = datalen; mem->availptrs--; //printf("%s availptrs.%d size.%d j.%d diff.%d bestfit.%d %p.%d max.%d\n",mem->name,mem->availptrs,size,j,diff,bestfit,mem->ptrs[j],size,mem->maxsizes[j]); if ( mem->threadsafe != 0 ) portable_mutex_unlock(&mem->mutex); return(mem->ptrs[j]); } else if ( iter == 0 && diff < (datalen >> 3) && diff < 4096 ) bestfit = diff; } } } } else if ( iter == 2 && (ptr= iguana_memalloc(mem,datalen,0)) != 0 ) { if ( mem->threadsafe != 0 ) portable_mutex_unlock(&mem->mutex); ///printf("alloc iter.2\n"); return(ptr); } if ( mem->threadsafe != 0 ) portable_mutex_unlock(&mem->mutex); //printf("iter.%ld bestfit.%d\n",iter,bestfit); } } printf("iguana_peeralloc: cant find memory. wait and hope...\n"); sleep(5); } return(0); } int64_t iguana_peerallocated(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { int32_t i; int64_t total = 0; for (i=0; iSEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT); i++) if ( addr->SEROUT[i] != 0 ) total += iguana_memallocated(addr->SEROUT[i]); return(total); } int64_t iguana_peerfree(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,void *ptr,int32_t datalen) { struct OS_memspace *mem; long offset,i; int64_t avail = -1; //printf("iguana_peerfree.%p %d\n",ptr,datalen); for (i=0; iSEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT); i++) { mem = addr->SEROUT[i]; offset = ((long)ptr - (long)mem->ptr); if ( offset >= 0 && offset+datalen < mem->totalsize ) { if ( iguana_memfree(mem,ptr,datalen) < 0 || (avail= iguana_peerallocated(coin,addr)) < 0 ) { printf("iguana_peerfree: corrupted mem avail.%lld ptr.%p %d\n",(long long)avail,ptr,datalen); exit(-1); } return(avail); } } printf("iguana_peerfree: cant find ptr.%p %d\n",ptr,datalen); return(-1); } #else void *iguana_peeralloc(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t datalen) { addr->allocated += datalen; return(calloc(1,datalen)); } int64_t iguana_peerfree(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,void *ptr,int32_t datalen) { addr->freed += datalen; free(ptr); return(1); } int64_t iguana_peerallocated(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { return(addr->allocated - addr->freed); } #endif int32_t iguana_voutsfname(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t roflag,char *fname,int32_t slotid) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s%s/vouts/%04d.vouts",GLOBAL_DBDIR,roflag!=0?"ro/":"",coin->symbol,slotid); return((int32_t)strlen(fname)); } int32_t iguana_vinsfname(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t roflag,char *fname,int32_t slotid) { if ( roflag != 0 ) sprintf(fname,"%s/ro/%s/purgeable/%04d.vins",coin->VALIDATEDIR,coin->symbol,slotid); else sprintf(fname,"%s/%s/%04d.vins",coin->VALIDATEDIR,coin->symbol,slotid); return((int32_t)strlen(fname)); } int32_t iguana_peerslotinit(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t slotid,uint64_t ipbits) { char fname[1024]; memcpy(addr->netmagic,coin->chain->netmagic,4); addr->ipbits = ipbits; addr->addrind = slotid; iguana_voutsfname(coin,0,fname,addr->addrind); if ( (addr->voutsfp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) != 0 ) fseek(addr->voutsfp,0,SEEK_END); else if ( (addr->voutsfp= fopen(fname,"wb+")) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_peerslotinit cant create.(%s)\n",fname); return(-1); } if ( coin->MAXPEERS == 1 || coin->VALIDATENODE != 0 || coin->RELAYNODE != 0 ) { iguana_vinsfname(coin,0,fname,addr->addrind); if ( (addr->vinsfp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) != 0 ) fseek(addr->vinsfp,0,SEEK_END); else if ( (addr->vinsfp= fopen(fname,"wb+")) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_peerslotinit cant create.(%s)\n",fname); return(-1); } } return(0); } void iguana_dedicatedloop(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { //static uint32_t lastping; struct pollfd fds; struct iguana_bundlereq *req; uint8_t *buf; uint32_t ipbits; int32_t bufsize,flag,run,timeout = coin->polltimeout == 0 ? 10 : coin->polltimeout; if ( coin->virtualchain != 0 || coin->peers == 0 ) return; if ( iguana_peerslotinit(coin,addr,(int32_t)(((long)addr - (long)&coin->peers->active[0]) / sizeof(*addr)),calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr)) < 0 ) { printf("error creating peer's files\n"); return; } instantdex_peerhas_clear(coin,addr); #ifdef IGUANA_PEERALLOC int32_t i; int64_t remaining; struct OS_memspace *mem[sizeof(addr->SEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT)]; for (i=0; iSEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT); i++) { mem[i] = mycalloc('s',1,sizeof(*mem[i])); addr->SEROUT[i] = mem[i]; mem[i]->totalsize = IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE; mem[i]->ptr = mycalloc('P',1,mem[i]->totalsize); mem[i]->used = 0; strcpy(mem[i]->name,addr->ipaddr); //mem[i]->threadsafe = 1; iguana_memreset(mem[i]); } #endif //addr->pubkey = GENESIS_PUBKEY; ipbits = (uint32_t)addr->ipbits; vcalc_sha256(0,addr->iphash.bytes,(uint8_t *)&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits)); //char str[65]; printf("start dedicatedloop.%s addrind.%d %s\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->addrind,bits256_str(str,addr->iphash)); addr->maxfilehash2 = IGUANA_MAXFILEITEMS; bufsize = IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE; if ( addr->blockspace == 0 ) addr->blockspace = mycalloc('r',1,bufsize + 8192); buf = mycalloc('r',1,bufsize); if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"VPN") == 0 ) { addr->msgcounts.verack++; iguana_send_VPNversion(coin,addr,coin->myservices); } else { iguana_send_version(coin,addr,coin->myservices); //printf("send version myservices.%llu to (%s)\n",(long long)coin->myservices,addr->ipaddr); } //sleep(1+(rand()%5)); run = 0; while ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && coin->peers->shuttingdown == 0 ) { if ( (req= queue_dequeue(&coin->cacheQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( req->datalen != 0 ) { //char str[65]; printf("CACHE.%p parse[%d] %s %s\n",req,req->recvlen,req->H.command,bits256_str(str,req->zblock.RO.hash2)); iguana_parsebuf(coin,addr,&req->H,req->serializeddata,req->recvlen); } else printf("CACHE error no datalen\n"); coin->cachefreed++; myfree(req,req->allocsize); continue; } flag = 0; memset(&fds,0,sizeof(fds)); fds.fd = addr->usock; fds.events |= (POLLOUT | POLLIN); if ( poll(&fds,1,timeout) > 0 && (fds.revents & POLLOUT) != 0 ) { flag += iguana_pollsendQ(coin,addr); if ( addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("%s is dead\n",addr->ipaddr); break; } } if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( (fds.revents & POLLIN) != 0 ) { flag += iguana_pollrecv(coin,addr,buf,bufsize); if ( addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("%s is dead\n",addr->ipaddr); break; } } if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( coin->active != 0 && (fds.revents & POLLOUT) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_pollQsPT(coin,addr) > 0 ) { //printf("pollQ!\n"); flag++; } if ( addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("%s is dead\n",addr->ipaddr); break; } } } if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( run++ > 1000 ) { //printf("sleep\n"); usleep(100000); } else if ( addr->rank != 1 ) usleep(coin->polltimeout*5000 + 1*(rand() % (coin->polltimeout*3000))); else usleep(10000 + coin->backlog); } else run >>= 2; } if ( flag != 0 ) run = 0; /*else if ( 0 && addr->supernet != 0 && time(NULL) > lastping+SUPERNET_PINGGAP ) { iguana_send_supernet(addr,SUPERNET_GETPEERSTR,0); lastping = (uint32_t)time(NULL); }*/ if ( addr->persistent_peer != 0 ) { if ( addr->usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { if ( addr->usock >= 0 ) closesocket(addr->usock); addr->usock = -1; while ( addr->usock < 0 ) { printf("persistent peer.(%s) disconnected... reconnect\n",addr->ipaddr); sleep(addr->persistent_peer); if ( (addr->A.port= (uint16_t)(addr->ipbits >> 32)) == 0 ) addr->A.port = coin->chain->portp2p; addr->usock = iguana_socket(0,addr->ipaddr,addr->A.port); } } } else if ( coin->isRT != 0 && addr->rank > coin->MAXPEERS && (rand() % 10) == 0 ) { //printf("isRT and low rank.%d ",addr->rank); addr->dead = 1; } } //printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> finish %s dedicatedloop.%s\n",coin->symbol,addr->ipaddr); if ( addr->vinsfp != 0 ) fclose(addr->vinsfp), addr->vinsfp = 0; if ( addr->voutsfp != 0 ) fclose(addr->voutsfp), addr->voutsfp = 0; iguana_iAkill(coin,addr,addr->dead != 0); myfree(buf,bufsize); if ( addr->filehash2 != 0 ) myfree(addr->filehash2,addr->maxfilehash2*sizeof(*addr->filehash2)), addr->filehash2 = 0; iguana_mempurge(&addr->RAWMEM); iguana_mempurge(&addr->TXDATA); iguana_mempurge(&addr->HASHMEM); #ifdef IGUANA_PEERALLOC while ( (remaining= iguana_peerallocated(coin,addr)) > 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("waiting for helperQ to flush peer mem %s\n",mbstr(str,remaining)); sleep(5); } for (i=0; iSEROUT)/sizeof(*addr->SEROUT); i++) { if ( addr->SEROUT[i] != 0 ) { if ( addr->SEROUT[i]->ptr != 0 ) myfree(addr->SEROUT[i]->ptr,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE); myfree(addr->SEROUT[i],sizeof(*addr->SEROUT[i])); } } #endif coin->peers->numconnected--; } void iguana_dedicatedglue(void *arg) { struct iguana_info *coin = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr = arg; if ( addr == 0 || (coin= iguana_coinfind(addr->symbol)) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_dedicatedglue nullptrs addr.%p coin.%p\n",addr,coin); return; } iguana_dedicatedloop(SuperNET_MYINFO(0),coin,addr); } void iguana_peersloop(void *ptr) { #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS struct pollfd fds[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; struct iguana_info *coin = ptr; struct iguana_peer *addr; uint8_t *bufs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; int32_t i,j,n,r,nonz,flag,bufsizes[IGUANA_MAXPEERS],timeout=1; memset(fds,0,sizeof(fds)); memset(bufs,0,sizeof(bufs)); memset(bufsizes,0,sizeof(bufsizes)); while ( coin->peers != 0 ) { while ( coin->peers->shuttingdown != 0 ) { printf("peers shuttingdown\n"); sleep(3); } flag = 0; r = (rand() % coin->MAXPEERS); for (j=n=nonz=0; jMAXPEERS; j++) { i = (j + r) % coin->MAXPEERS; addr = &coin->peers->active[i]; fds[i].fd = -1; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->ready != 0 && (addr->startrecv+addr->startsend) != 0 ) { fds[i].fd = addr->usock; fds[i].events = (addr->startrecv != 0) * POLLIN | (addr->startsend != 0) * POLLOUT; nonz++; } } if ( nonz != 0 && poll(fds,coin->MAXPEERS,timeout) > 0 ) { for (j=0; jMAXPEERS; j++) { i = (j + r) % coin->MAXPEERS; addr = &coin->peers->active[i]; if ( addr->usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 || addr->ready == 0 ) continue; if ( addr->startrecv == 0 && (fds[i].revents & POLLIN) != 0 && iguana_numthreads(1 << IGUANA_RECVTHREAD) < IGUANA_MAXRECVTHREADS ) { if ( bufs[i] == 0 ) bufsizes[i] = IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE, bufs[i] = mycalloc('r',1,bufsizes[i]); flag += iguana_pollrecv(coin,addr,bufs[i],bufsizes[i]); } if ( addr->startsend == 0 && (fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) != 0 && iguana_numthreads(1 << IGUANA_SENDTHREAD) < IGUANA_MAXSENDTHREADS ) { if ( iguana_pollsendQ(coin,addr) == 0 ) flag += iguana_poll(coin,addr); else flag++; } } } if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( 0 && time(NULL) > lastping+1 && addr->supernet != 0 ) iguana_send_supernet(coin,addr,SUPERNET_GETPEERSTR,0); usleep(1000); } } #endif }