/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define MAX_ELECTIONS 64 struct vote_info { bits256 commit,vote; uint64_t stake,repstake; int32_t repid; uint8_t sig[74],siglen; uint8_t pubkey[33],rmd160[20]; }; struct election_info { bits256 hash; char name[64]; uint32_t expiration,duration,numcandidates,numvotes; cJSON *ballot; struct vote_info *votes; } Elections[MAX_ELECTIONS]; int64_t basilisk_voter_stake(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *rmd160,struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *pubkey) { char coinaddr[64]; int64_t stake = 1; calc_rmd160_sha256(rmd160,pubkey,33); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,pubkey,33); // get stake of address return(stake); } int32_t basilisk_voter_process(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *rmd160,struct iguana_info *coin,struct election_info *ep,struct vote_info *vp) { int32_t i; if ( vp->stake == 0 ) vp->stake = 1; if ( bits256_nonz(vp->vote) != 0 ) { for (i=1; i<8; i++) if ( vp->vote.uints[i] != 0 ) break; if ( i == 8 ) return(vp->vote.uints[0]); else { for (i=0; i<20; i++) rmd160[i] = vp->vote.bytes[i + 4]; return(ep->numcandidates); } } return(-1); } int32_t basilisk_election_process(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int64_t *tally,struct iguana_info *coin,struct election_info *ep) { int32_t i,j,pending = 0; struct vote_info *vp; uint8_t rmd160[20]; for (i=0; inumvotes; i++) ep->votes[i].repstake = 0; for (i=0; inumvotes; i++) { vp = &ep->votes[i]; if ( basilisk_voter_process(myinfo,rmd160,coin,ep,vp) == ep->numcandidates && vp->repid < 0 ) { for (j=0; jnumvotes; j++) { if ( i != j && memcmp(rmd160,ep->votes[j].rmd160,20) == 0 ) { vp->repid = j; ep->votes[j].repstake += vp->stake; break; } } } } if ( tally != 0 ) { memset(tally,0,ep->numcandidates*sizeof(*tally)); for (i=0; inumvotes; i++) { vp = &ep->votes[i]; if ( vp->repid < 0 && vp->vote.uints[0] > 0 && vp->vote.uints[0] <= ep->numcandidates ) tally[vp->vote.uints[0]] += (vp->stake + vp->repstake); else if ( vp->repid < 0 ) pending++; } } return(pending); } cJSON *basilisk_voterjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct election_info *ep,struct vote_info *vp) { char coinaddr[64],sigstr[74*2+1]; int32_t i; uint8_t rmd160[20]; cJSON *item; item = cJSON_CreateObject(); basilisk_voter_process(myinfo,rmd160,coin,ep,vp); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,5,vp->pubkey,sizeof(vp->pubkey)); jaddstr(item,"coinaddr",coinaddr); jaddnum(item,"stake",dstr(vp->stake)); if ( vp->repstake != 0 ) jaddnum(item,"repstake",dstr(vp->repstake)); if ( bits256_nonz(vp->vote) != 0 ) { for (i=1; i<8; i++) if ( vp->vote.uints[i] != 0 ) break; if ( i == 8 ) { if ( vp->vote.uints[0] <= ep->numcandidates ) jaddnum(item,"vote",vp->vote.uints[0]); else jaddstr(item,"error","illegal vote"); } else { for (i=0; i<20; i++) rmd160[i] = vp->vote.bytes[i + 4]; bitcoin_address(coinaddr,5,rmd160,20); jaddstr(item,"delegated",coinaddr); } } else if ( bits256_nonz(vp->commit) != 0 ) jaddbits256(item,"commit",vp->commit); init_hexbytes_noT(sigstr,vp->sig,vp->siglen); jaddstr(item,"sig",sigstr); return(item); } cJSON *basilisk_electionjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct election_info *ep) { int32_t i; cJSON *array,*obj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(obj,"name",ep->name); jaddbits256(obj,"hash",ep->hash); jaddnum(obj,"expiration",ep->expiration); jaddnum(obj,"numcandidates",ep->numcandidates); jaddnum(obj,"numvotes",ep->numvotes); jadd(obj,"ballot",jduplicate(ep->ballot)); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; inumvotes; i++) jaddi(array,basilisk_voterjson(myinfo,coin,ep,&ep->votes[i])); jadd(obj,"votes",array); return(obj); } int32_t basilisk_electionsave(struct election_info *ep) { char fname[512],str[65],*ballotstr; int32_t n; FILE *fp; OS_ensure_directory("elections"); sprintf(fname,"elections/%s",bits256_str(str,ep->hash)); OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(ep,1,sizeof(*ep),fp) != sizeof(*ep) ) printf("error saving election.(%s) to %s\n",ep->name,fname); else { if ( fwrite(&ep->numvotes,1,sizeof(ep->numvotes),fp) != sizeof(ep->numvotes) ) printf("error saving numvotes.%d to %s\n",ep->numvotes,fname); else if ( ep->numvotes > 0 ) { if ( fwrite(ep->votes,sizeof(*ep->votes),ep->numvotes,fp) != ep->numvotes ) printf("error saving votes.%d for %s to %s\n",ep->numvotes,ep->name,fname); else { if ( (ballotstr= jprint(ep->ballot,0)) != 0 ) { n = (int32_t)strlen(ballotstr) + 1; if ( fwrite(&n,1,sizeof(n),fp) != sizeof(n) ) printf("error saving n.%d for (%s) to %s\n",n,ballotstr,fname); else if ( fwrite(ballotstr,1,n,fp) != n ) printf("error saving election.(%s) to %s\n",ballotstr,fname); free(ballotstr); } } } } fclose(fp); return(0); } return(-1); } struct vote_info *basilisk_vote_find(struct election_info *ep,struct vote_info *vote) { int32_t i; for (i=0; inumvotes; i++) { if ( memcmp(ep->votes[i].pubkey,vote->pubkey,33) == 0 ) return(&ep->votes[i]); } return(0); } struct election_info *basilisk_election_find(int32_t createflag,bits256 hash) { int32_t i; uint32_t now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=0; i Elections[i].expiration ) { basilisk_electionsave(&Elections[i]); memset(&Elections[i],0,sizeof(Elections[i])); } if ( bits256_nonz(hash) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(Elections[i].hash) == 0 ) return(&Elections[i]); else if ( bits256_cmp(Elections[i].hash,hash) == 0 ) return(0); } } return(0); } int32_t basilisk_vote_extract(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *coinaddr,struct vote_info *vote,cJSON *item) { char str[65],str2[65],str3[65]; uint8_t *sig,*pubkey; int32_t action,siglen,plen; bits256 data,hash; memset(vote,0,sizeof(*vote)); if ( get_dataptr(0,&sig,&siglen,vote->sig,sizeof(vote->sig),jstr(item,"sig")) != 0 ) { vote->siglen = siglen; action = juint(item,"action"); if ( get_dataptr(0,&pubkey,&plen,vote->pubkey,sizeof(vote->pubkey),jstr(item,"pubkey")) != 0 ) { bitcoin_address(coinaddr,5,pubkey,33); data = jbits256(item,"data"); if ( bitcoin_verify(myinfo->ctx,vote->sig,vote->siglen,data,vote->pubkey,33) == 0 ) { if ( (action & 0xff) == 'c' ) { vote->commit = data; printf("%s commits to %s\n",coinaddr,bits256_str(str,data)); return(action); } else if ( (action & 0xff) == 'r' ) { if ( bits256_nonz(vote->commit) != 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,data.bytes,sizeof(data)); if ( bits256_cmp(hash,vote->commit) == 0 ) { printf("%s vote %s -> %s matches commit %s\n",coinaddr,bits256_str(str,data),bits256_str(str2,hash),bits256_str(str3,vote->commit)); vote->vote = data; // error check vote return(action); } else { printf("%s vote %s -> %s doesnt match commit %s\n",coinaddr,bits256_str(str,data),bits256_str(str2,hash),bits256_str(str3,vote->commit)); return(-2); } } } } else return(-1); } } return(-1); } char *basilisk_respond_VOT(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *CMD,void *addr,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,cJSON *valsobj,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,bits256 hash,int32_t from_basilisk) { int32_t i,duration,winner,pending,action,numcandidates; char coinaddr[64],*symbol,*votemethod,*ballotstr; cJSON *item,*array,*electionobj,*ballot,*retjson; struct election_info *ep; struct vote_info vote,*vp; struct iguana_info *coin; int64_t *tally,max; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (symbol= jstr(valsobj,"coin")) == 0 ) symbol = "BTCD"; coin = iguana_coinfind(symbol); if ( (votemethod= jstr(valsobj,"votemethod")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(votemethod,"create") == 0 ) { if ( (ballot= jarray(&numcandidates,valsobj,"ballot")) != 0 && numcandidates > 0 ) { if ( (duration= juint(valsobj,"duration")) == 0 ) duration = 3600; ballotstr = jprint(ballot,0); vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,(uint8_t *)ballotstr,(int32_t)strlen(ballotstr)); free(ballotstr); if ( (ep= basilisk_election_find(1,hash)) != 0 ) { ep->hash = hash; ep->duration = duration; ep->expiration = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + duration; ep->ballot = jduplicate(ballot); ep->numcandidates = numcandidates; safecopy(ep->name,jstr(valsobj,"name"),sizeof(ep->name)); if ( (electionobj= basilisk_electionjson(myinfo,coin,ep)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jadd(retjson,"election",electionobj); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt create election object"); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt allocate election slot"); } } else if ( strcmp(votemethod,"list") == 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; inumcandidates+1,sizeof(*tally)); pending = basilisk_election_process(myinfo,tally,coin,ep); if ( pending != 0 ) jaddnum(retjson,"pending",pending); jadd(retjson,"election",basilisk_electionjson(myinfo,coin,ep)); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); max = 0; winner = -1; for (i=1; i<=ep->numcandidates; i++) { if ( tally[i] > max ) { max = tally[i]; winner = i; } jaddinum(array,dstr(tally[i])); } jadd(retjson,"tally",array); if ( winner > 0 ) { item = jitem(ep->ballot,winner-1); jadd(retjson,"winner",item); } free(tally); } else if ( strcmp(votemethod,"ratify") == 0 ) { // record ratification of tally } else if ( (action= basilisk_vote_extract(myinfo,coinaddr,&vote,valsobj)) > 0 ) { vp = basilisk_vote_find(ep,&vote); if ( strcmp(votemethod,"vote") == 0 ) { if ( vp == 0 ) { ep->votes = realloc(ep->votes,sizeof(*ep->votes) + (ep->numvotes + 1)); vote.repid = -1; vote.stake = basilisk_voter_stake(myinfo,vote.rmd160,coin,vote.pubkey); ep->votes[ep->numvotes++] = vote; jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); } else if ( action == 'c' ) { *vp = vote; jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); } else if ( action == 'r' ) { *vp = vote; jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","illegal vote action"); } else if ( strcmp(votemethod,"verify") == 0 ) { if ( vp == 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"error","cant find voter"); else if ( action == 'c' ) { if ( bits256_cmp(vote.commit,vp->commit) == 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); else jaddstr(retjson,"error","mismatched commit"); jaddbits256(retjson,"oldcommit",vp->commit); jaddbits256(retjson,"newcommit",vote.commit); } else if ( action == 'r' ) { if ( bits256_cmp(vote.vote,vp->vote) == 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); else jaddstr(retjson,"error","mismatched vote"); jaddbits256(retjson,"oldvote",vp->vote); jaddbits256(retjson,"newvote",vote.vote); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","illegal vote action"); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","illegal vote method"); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt extract vote info"); } } return(jprint(retjson,1)); }