/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // included from gecko.c /*int32_t gecko_hashstampsfind(struct hashstamp *stamps,int32_t max,struct gecko_sequence *seq,bits256 hash,uint32_t reftimestamp) { int32_t j,i = 0,foundflag = -1,gap = -1; uint32_t timestamp; if ( seq->stamps == 0 ) return(-1); if ( seq->stamps[seq->lasti].timestamp < reftimestamp && seq->lasti >= 3 ) i = seq->lasti - 3; for (; inumstamps; i++) { if ( (timestamp= seq->stamps[i].timestamp) == 0 || timestamp > reftimestamp ) { memset(stamps,0,sizeof(*stamps) * max); for (j=0; j=0; j++) stamps[j] = seq->stamps[i - j]; return(gap); } if ( foundflag < 0 && bits256_cmp(hash,seq->stamps[i].hash2) == 0 ) { seq->lasti = i; foundflag = i; gap = 0; } else if ( foundflag >= 0 ) gap++; } return(-1); } bits256 gecko_hashstampscalc(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *btcd,bits256 *btchashp,uint32_t reftimestamp) { struct hashstamp BTCDstamps[GECKO_MAXBTCDGAP],BTCstamps[GECKO_MAXBTCGAP]; bits256 btcdhash; btcdhash = *btchashp = GENESIS_PUBKEY; if ( gecko_hashstampsfind(BTCDstamps,GECKO_MAXBTCDGAP,&myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD,btcdhash,reftimestamp) < 0 ) { btcdhash = BTCDstamps[GECKO_MAXBTCDGAP >> 1].hash2; if ( gecko_hashstampsfind(BTCstamps,GECKO_MAXBTCGAP,&myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC,*btchashp,reftimestamp) < 0 ) *btchashp = BTCstamps[GECKO_MAXBTCGAP >> 1].hash2; } return(btcdhash); } // have local coin int32_t gecko_hashstampsreverse(struct iguana_info *coin,struct gecko_sequence *seq,int32_t firstpossible,int32_t max,struct iguana_block *block,uint32_t reftimestamp) { uint32_t timestamp; int32_t j,offset; while ( block != 0 && (timestamp= block->RO.timestamp) > reftimestamp ) block = iguana_blockfind("hashstamps",coin,block->RO.prev_block); if ( block == 0 ) return(-1); offset = (block->height - firstpossible); for (j=0; jstamps[offset].hash2 = block->RO.hash2; seq->stamps[offset].timestamp = block->RO.timestamp; seq->stamps[offset].height = block->height; if ( offset-- < 0 || (block= iguana_blockfind("revstamp",coin,block->RO.prev_block)) == 0 ) return(block == 0 ? -1 : j); } return(j); } int32_t gecko_hashstampset(struct iguana_info *coin,struct hashstamp *stamp,int32_t height) { struct iguana_block *block; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( height >= 0 && height < coin->bundlescount && (bp= coin->bundles[height / coin->chain->bundlesize]) != 0 ) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[height % coin->chain->bundlesize]) != 0 ) { stamp->hash2 = block->RO.hash2; stamp->timestamp = block->RO.timestamp; stamp->height = block->height; return(0); } } return(-1); } void gecko_ensure(struct gecko_sequence *seq,int32_t num) { int32_t oldmax,incr = 1000; if ( num >= seq->maxstamps ) { oldmax = seq->maxstamps; seq->maxstamps = ((num + 2*incr) / incr) * incr; seq->stamps = realloc(seq->stamps,sizeof(*seq->stamps) * seq->maxstamps); memset(&seq->stamps[oldmax],0,sizeof(*seq->stamps) * (seq->maxstamps - oldmax)); } } int32_t gecko_hashstampsupdate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct gecko_sequence *seq,int32_t firstpossible) { while ( (firstpossible + seq->numstamps) < coin->blocks.hwmchain.height ) { gecko_ensure(seq,seq->numstamps); if ( gecko_hashstampset(coin,&seq->stamps[seq->numstamps],firstpossible + seq->numstamps) < 0 ) break; else seq->numstamps++; } seq->longestchain = coin->longestchain; return(seq->numstamps); } int32_t gecko_sequpdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *symbol,uint32_t reftimestamp) { struct gecko_sequence *seq=0; int32_t max=0,firstpossible=0; struct iguana_info *coin; struct iguana_block *block; if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 && (coin->RELAYNODE != 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE != 0) ) { if ( strcmp(symbol,"BTCD") == 0 ) { seq = &myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD; firstpossible = GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTCD; } else if ( strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0 ) { seq = &myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC; firstpossible = GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTC; } else return(-1); //printf("basilisk update.%s %u lag.%d\n",symbol,reftimestamp,(uint32_t)time(NULL)-seq->lastupdate); if ( gecko_hashstampsupdate(coin,seq,firstpossible) > 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind("SEQupdate",coin,coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2)) != 0 ) gecko_hashstampsreverse(coin,seq,firstpossible,max,block,reftimestamp); return(0); } } return(-1); } int32_t iguana_rwhashstamp(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t zcash,uint8_t *serialized,struct hashstamp *stamp) { int32_t len = 0; len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(stamp->hash2),stamp->hash2.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(stamp->timestamp),&stamp->timestamp); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(stamp->height),&stamp->height); //len += iguana_rwblockhdr(rwflag,zcash,&serialized[len],(void *)stamp->RO); return(len); } cJSON *gecko_sequencejson(uint8_t zcash,struct gecko_sequence *seq,int32_t startheight,int32_t firstpossible) { int32_t i,n,len=0,datalen,num = 0; cJSON *item; uint8_t *data; char strbuf[8192],*hexstr=0; if ( startheight < firstpossible ) startheight = firstpossible; if ( (i= (startheight - firstpossible) ) < 0 || i >= seq->numstamps ) return(0); item = cJSON_CreateObject(); n = (seq->numstamps - i); datalen = (int32_t)(n * sizeof(*seq->stamps)); data = calloc(n,sizeof(*seq->stamps)); for (; inumstamps && numstamps[i].timestamp == 0 ) break; len += iguana_rwhashstamp(1,zcash,&data[len],&seq->stamps[i]); } jaddnum(item,"start",startheight); jaddnum(item,"num",num); jaddnum(item,"lastupdate",seq->lastupdate); jaddnum(item,"longest",seq->longestchain); basilisk_addhexstr(&hexstr,item,strbuf,sizeof(strbuf),data,datalen); if ( hexstr != 0 ) free(hexstr); return(item); } void gecko_seqresult(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *retstr) { struct iguana_info *btcd; struct hashstamp stamp; struct gecko_sequence *seq = 0; cJSON *resultjson; uint8_t *allocptr = 0,space[8192],*data = 0; int32_t ind,startheight,datalen,lastupdate,longestchain,i,num,firstpossible,len = 0; char *hexstr; if ( (btcd= iguana_coinfind("BTCD")) != 0 && (resultjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( jstr(resultjson,"BTCD") != 0 ) seq = &myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD, firstpossible = GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTCD; else if ( jstr(resultjson,"BTC") != 0 ) seq = &myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC, firstpossible = GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTC; if ( seq != 0 ) { startheight = jint(resultjson,"start"); if ( (ind= startheight-firstpossible) < 0 ) { free_json(resultjson); return; } num = jint(resultjson,"num"); lastupdate = jint(resultjson,"lastupdate"); longestchain = jint(resultjson,"longest"); hexstr = jstr(resultjson,"data"); printf("got startheight.%d num.%d lastupdate.%d longest.%d (%s)\n",startheight,num,lastupdate,longestchain,hexstr!=0?hexstr:""); if ( hexstr != 0 && (data= get_dataptr(BASILISK_HDROFFSET,&allocptr,&datalen,space,sizeof(space),hexstr)) != 0 ) { gecko_ensure(seq,ind + num); for (i=0; ichain->zcash,&data[len],&stamp); // verify blockheader seq->stamps[ind] = stamp; } } if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); } free_json(resultjson); } } char *basilisk_respond_hashstamps(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *CMD,void *addr,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,cJSON *valsobj,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,bits256 prevhash,int32_t from_basilisk) { int32_t startheight; struct iguana_info *btcd; cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (btcd= iguana_coinfind("BTCD")) != 0 ) { if ( (startheight= juint(valsobj,"BTCD")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"BTCD",gecko_sequencejson(btcd->chain->zcash,&myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD,startheight,GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTCD)); else if ( (startheight= juint(valsobj,"BTC")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"BTC",gecko_sequencejson(btcd->chain->zcash,&myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC,startheight,GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTC)); } return(jprint(retjson,1)); }*/ /* done = 3; if ( btcd->RELAYNODE != 0 || btcd->VALIDATENODE != 0 ) { if ( (now= (uint32_t)time(NULL)) > myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD.lastupdate+10 ) { if ( gecko_sequpdate(myinfo,"BTCD",now) >= 0 ) done &= ~1; myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD.lastupdate = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } if ( (now= (uint32_t)time(NULL)) > myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC.lastupdate+30 ) { if ( gecko_sequpdate(myinfo,"BTC",now) >= 0 ) done &= ~2; myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC.lastupdate = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( done != 3 ) { valsobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( btcd->RELAYNODE == 0 && btcd->VALIDATENODE == 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"e"); jaddnum(valsobj,"BTCD",myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTCD.numstamps+GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTCD); basilisk_standardservice("SEQ",myinfo,GENESIS_PUBKEY,valsobj,0,0); flag++; } if ( (done & 2) == 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"f"); free_json(valsobj); valsobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(valsobj,"BTC",myinfo->dPOW.SEQ.BTC.numstamps+GECKO_FIRSTPOSSIBLEBTC); basilisk_standardservice("SEQ",myinfo,GENESIS_PUBKEY,valsobj,0,0); flag++; } free_json(valsobj); } */