/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_network.c // marketmaker // #define PSOCK_IDLETIMEOUT (2 * INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME + 600) struct psock { uint32_t lasttime,lastping; int32_t recvsock,sendsock,ispaired; uint16_t recvport,sendport; char sendaddr[128]; } *PSOCKS; uint16_t Numpsocks,Psockport = 10000; char *nanomsg_transportname(int32_t bindflag,char *str,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port) { sprintf(str,"tcp://%s:%u",bindflag == 0 ? ipaddr : "*",port); return(str); } int32_t LP_send(int32_t sock,char *msg,int32_t freeflag) { int32_t sentbytes,len,i; struct nn_pollfd pfd; if ( sock < 0 ) { printf("LP_send.(%s) to illegal socket\n",msg); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); return(-1); } len = (int32_t)strlen(msg) + 1; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { pfd.fd = sock; pfd.events = NN_POLLOUT; //portable_mutex_lock(&LP_networkmutex); if ( nn_poll(&pfd,1,1) > 0 ) { if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(sock,msg,len,0)) != len ) printf("LP_send sent %d instead of %d\n",sentbytes,len); //else printf("SENT.(%s)\n",msg); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); //portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_networkmutex); return(sentbytes); } //portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_networkmutex); usleep(1000); } printf("error LP_send sock.%d, pipeline timeout.(%s) %s\n",sock,msg,nn_strerror(nn_errno())); //if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(sock,msg,len,0)) != len ) // printf("LP_send sent %d instead of %d\n",sentbytes,len); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); return(-1); } uint32_t LP_swapsend(int32_t pairsock,struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,uint32_t nextbits,uint32_t crcs[2]) { uint8_t *buf; int32_t sentbytes,offset=0,i; buf = malloc(datalen + sizeof(msgbits) + sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid) + sizeof(bits256)*2); for (i=0; i<32; i++) buf[offset++] = swap->I.myhash.bytes[i]; for (i=0; i<32; i++) buf[offset++] = swap->I.otherhash.bytes[i]; offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid),&swap->I.req.quoteid); offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(msgbits),&msgbits); if ( datalen > 0 ) memcpy(&buf[offset],data,datalen), offset += datalen; if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(pairsock,buf,offset,0)) != offset ) { printf("sentbytes.%d vs offset.%d\n",sentbytes,offset); if ( sentbytes < 0 ) { } } //printf("sent %d bytes\n",sentbytes); //else printf("send.[%d] %x offset.%d datalen.%d [%llx]\n",sentbytes,msgbits,offset,datalen,*(long long *)data); free(buf); return(nextbits); } void LP_psockloop(void *_ptr) { int32_t i,n,nonz,iter,retval,size=0,sentbytes,sendsock = -1; uint32_t now; struct psock *ptr=0; void *buf=0; struct nn_pollfd pfd,*pfds; char keepalive[512];//,*myipaddr = _ptr; while ( 1 ) { now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( buf != 0 && ptr != 0 && sendsock >= 0 ) { if ( size > 0 ) { pfd.fd = ptr->sendsock; pfd.events = NN_POLLOUT; if ( nn_poll(&pfd,1,1) > 0 ) { if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(sendsock,buf,size,0)) > 0 ) { ptr->lasttime = now; printf("PSOCKS (%d %d %d) -> %d/%d bytes %s\n",ptr->recvsock,ptr->sendsock,sendsock,size,sentbytes,ptr->sendaddr); } else printf("send error to %s\n",ptr->sendaddr); if ( buf != 0 ) { if ( buf != keepalive ) nn_freemsg(buf); buf = 0; size = 0; ptr = 0; sendsock = -1; } } } } else if ( Numpsocks > 0 ) { pfds = calloc(Numpsocks,sizeof(*pfds) * 2); portable_mutex_lock(&LP_psockmutex); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { for (i=n=0; irecvsock; pfds[n].events = POLLIN; } else { if ( pfds[n].fd != ptr->recvsock ) { printf("unexpected fd.%d mismatched recvsock.%d\n",pfds[n].fd,ptr->recvsock); break; } else if ( (pfds[n].revents & POLLIN) != 0 ) { printf("%s has pollin\n",ptr->sendaddr); if ( (size= nn_recv(ptr->recvsock,&buf,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) { ptr->lasttime = now; sendsock = ptr->sendsock; printf("[%s]\n",(char *)buf); break; } } } n++; if ( ptr->ispaired != 0 ) { if ( iter == 0 ) { pfds[n].fd = ptr->sendsock; pfds[n].events = POLLIN; } else { if ( pfds[n].fd != ptr->sendsock ) { printf("unexpected fd.%d mismatched sendsock.%d\n",pfds[n].fd,ptr->sendsock); break; } else if ( (pfds[n].revents & POLLIN) != 0 ) { printf("%s paired has pollin\n",ptr->sendaddr); if ( (size= nn_recv(ptr->sendsock,&buf,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) { ptr->lasttime = now; sendsock = ptr->recvsock; break; } } } n++; } } if ( iter == 0 ) { if ( (retval= nn_poll(pfds,n,10)) <= 0 ) { if ( retval != 0 ) printf("nn_poll retval.%d\n",retval); break; } } } portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_psockmutex); free(pfds); if ( sendsock < 0 ) { for (i=nonz=0; irecvsock,&buf,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) { printf("got %d bytes for %s\n",size,ptr->sendaddr); ptr->lasttime = now; sendsock = ptr->sendsock; break; } else*/ if ( now > ptr->lasttime+PSOCK_IDLETIMEOUT ) { printf("PSOCKS[%d] of %d (%u %u) lag.%d IDLETIMEOUT\n",i,Numpsocks,ptr->recvport,ptr->sendport,now - ptr->lasttime); if ( ptr->recvsock >= 0 ) nn_close(ptr->recvsock); if ( ptr->sendsock >= 0 ) nn_close(ptr->sendsock); portable_mutex_lock(&LP_psockmutex); if ( Numpsocks > 1 ) { PSOCKS[i] = PSOCKS[--Numpsocks]; memset(&PSOCKS[Numpsocks],0,sizeof(*ptr)); } else Numpsocks = 0; portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_psockmutex); break; } else if ( now > ptr->lastping+600 ) { ptr->lastping = now; sendsock = ptr->sendsock; printf("keep %s alive\n",ptr->sendaddr); sprintf(keepalive,"{\"method\":\"keepalive\",\"endpoint\":\"%s\"}",ptr->sendaddr); size = (int32_t)strlen(keepalive) + 1; buf = keepalive; break; } } } if ( nonz == 0 && i == Numpsocks ) usleep(100000); } } else usleep(100000); } } void LP_psockadd(int32_t ispaired,int32_t recvsock,uint16_t recvport,int32_t sendsock,uint16_t sendport,char *subaddr) { struct psock *ptr; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_psockmutex); PSOCKS = realloc(PSOCKS,sizeof(*PSOCKS) * (Numpsocks + 1)); ptr = &PSOCKS[Numpsocks++]; ptr->ispaired = ispaired; ptr->recvsock = recvsock; ptr->recvport = recvport; ptr->sendsock = sendsock; ptr->sendport = sendport; safecopy(ptr->sendaddr,subaddr,sizeof(ptr->sendaddr)); ptr->lasttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_psockmutex); } char *LP_psock(char *myipaddr,int32_t ispaired) { char pushaddr[128],subaddr[128]; uint16_t i,pushport,subport; int32_t timeout,maxsize,pullsock=-1,pubsock=-1; cJSON *retjson=0; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); pushport = Psockport++; subport = Psockport++; for (i=0; i<100; i++) { if ( pushport < 10000 ) pushport = 10001; if ( subport <= pushport ) subport = pushport + 1; pullsock = pubsock = -1; nanomsg_transportname(1,pushaddr,myipaddr,pushport), pushport += 2; nanomsg_transportname(1,subaddr,myipaddr,subport), subport += 2; if ( (pullsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,ispaired!=0?NN_PAIR:NN_PULL)) >= 0 && (pubsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,ispaired!=0?NN_PAIR:NN_PUB)) >= 0 ) { if ( nn_bind(pullsock,pushaddr) >= 0 && nn_bind(pubsock,subaddr) >= 0 ) { timeout = 1; nn_setsockopt(pubsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); maxsize = 1024 * 1024; nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVBUF,&maxsize,sizeof(maxsize)); if ( ispaired != 0 ) { nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); nn_setsockopt(pubsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVBUF,&maxsize,sizeof(maxsize)); nn_setsockopt(pubsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); } nanomsg_transportname(0,pushaddr,myipaddr,pushport); nanomsg_transportname(0,subaddr,myipaddr,subport); LP_psockadd(ispaired,pullsock,pushport,pubsock,subport,subaddr); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jaddstr(retjson,"LPipaddr",myipaddr); jaddstr(retjson,"connectaddr",subaddr); jaddnum(retjson,"connectport",subport); jaddnum(retjson,"ispaired",ispaired); jaddstr(retjson,"publicaddr",pushaddr); jaddnum(retjson,"publicport",pushport); printf("pushaddr.(%s) for %s\n",pushaddr,subaddr); break; } if ( pullsock >= 0 ) nn_close(pullsock); if ( pubsock >= 0 ) nn_close(pubsock); } } if ( Psockport > 60000 ) Psockport = 10000; if ( i == 100 ) jaddstr(retjson,"error","cant find psock ports"); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } /* LP_pushaddr_get makes transparent the fact that most nodes cannot bind()! The idea is to create an LP node NN_PAIR sock that the LP node binds to and client node connects to. Additionally, the LP node creates an NN_PULL that other nodes can NN_PUSH to and returns this address in pushaddr/retval for the client node to register with. The desired result is that other than the initial LP node, all the other nodes do a normal NN_PUSH, requiring no change to the NN_PUSH/NN_PULL logic. Of course, the initial LP node needs to autoforward all packets from the public NN_PULL to the NN_PUB similar to LP_pushaddr_get, create an NN_PAIR for DEX atomic data, can be assumed to have a max lifetime of 2*INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME both are combined in LP_psock_get */ int32_t nn_tests(int32_t pullsock,char *pushaddr,int32_t nnother) { int32_t sock,n,timeout,retval = -1; char msg[512],*retstr; printf("nn_tests.(%s)\n",pushaddr); if ( (sock= nn_socket(AF_SP,nnother)) >= 0 ) { if ( nn_connect(sock,pushaddr) < 0 ) printf("connect error %s\n",nn_strerror(nn_errno())); else { sleep(1); timeout = 1; nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); sprintf(msg,"{\"method\":\"nn_tests\",\"ipaddr\":\"%s\"}",pushaddr); n = LP_send(sock,msg,0); LP_pullsock_check(&retstr,"",-1,pullsock,0.); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sent %d bytes -> %d (%s)\n",n,pullsock,retstr!=0?retstr:""); if ( retstr != 0 ) { free(retstr); retval = 0; } } nn_close(sock); } return(retval); } int32_t LP_initpublicaddr(uint16_t *mypullportp,char *publicaddr,char *myipaddr,uint16_t mypullport,int32_t ispaired) { int32_t nntype,pullsock,timeout,maxsize; char bindaddr[128],connectaddr[128]; *mypullportp = mypullport; if ( ispaired == 0 ) { if ( LP_canbind != 0 ) nntype = LP_COMMAND_RECVSOCK; else nntype = NN_SUB; } else nntype = NN_PAIR; if ( LP_canbind != 0 ) { nanomsg_transportname(0,publicaddr,myipaddr,mypullport); nanomsg_transportname(1,bindaddr,myipaddr,mypullport); } else { *mypullportp = 0; while ( *mypullportp == 0 ) { if ( (*mypullportp= LP_psock_get(connectaddr,publicaddr,ispaired)) != 0 ) break; sleep(10); printf("try to get publicaddr again\n"); } } if ( (pullsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,nntype)) >= 0 ) { timeout = 1; nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); if ( nntype == NN_PAIR ) nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); maxsize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVBUF,&maxsize,sizeof(maxsize)); if ( LP_canbind == 0 ) { if ( nn_connect(pullsock,connectaddr) < 0 ) { printf("bind to %s error for %s: %s\n",connectaddr,publicaddr,nn_strerror(nn_errno())); exit(-1); } else printf("nntype.%d NN_SUB.%d connect to %s\n",nntype,NN_SUB,connectaddr); if ( nntype == NN_SUB ) nn_setsockopt(pullsock,NN_SUB,NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE,"",0); while ( 1 ) { int32_t size; void *buf; if ( (size= nn_recv(pullsock,&buf,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) printf("SUBPULL.(%s)\n",(char *)buf); } } else { if ( nn_bind(pullsock,bindaddr) < 0 ) { printf("bind to %s error for %s: %s\n",bindaddr,publicaddr,nn_strerror(nn_errno())); exit(-1); } } } if ( 0 && ispaired == 0 && nn_tests(pullsock,publicaddr,LP_COMMAND_SENDSOCK) < 0 ) { printf("command socket didnt work\n"); exit(-1); } return(pullsock); }