/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #if ISNOTARYNODE struct dpow_nanoutxo { bits256 srcutxo,destutxo; uint64_t bestmask,recvmask; uint16_t srcvout,destvout; uint8_t sigs[2][76],siglens[2],bestk,pad; } PACKED; struct dpow_nanomsghdr { bits256 srchash,desthash; struct dpow_nanoutxo ratify,notarize; uint32_t channel,height,size,datalen,crc32,numipbits,ipbits[64]; char symbol[16]; uint8_t senderind,version0,version1,packet[]; } PACKED; uint64_t dpow_ratifybest(uint64_t refmask,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t *lastkp); struct dpow_block *dpow_heightfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,int32_t height); int32_t dpow_signedtxgen(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,int32_t myind,uint32_t sigchannel,int32_t src_or_dest,int32_t useratified); char *nanomsg_tcpname(char *str,char *ipaddr) { sprintf(str,"tcp://%s:7775",ipaddr); return(str); } static int _increasing_ipbits(const void *a,const void *b) { #define uint32_a (*(uint32_t *)a) #define uint32_b (*(uint32_t *)b) if ( uint32_b > uint32_a ) return(-1); else if ( uint32_b < uint32_a ) return(1); return(0); #undef uint32_a #undef uint32_b } int32_t dpow_addnotary(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *ipaddr) { char str[512]; uint32_t ipbits; int32_t i,n,retval = -1; if ( myinfo->dpowsock >= 0 && strcmp(ipaddr,myinfo->ipaddr) != 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->dpowmutex); n = myinfo->numdpowipbits; ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr); for (i=0; idpowipbits[i] ) break; if ( i == n && n < sizeof(myinfo->dpowipbits)/sizeof(*myinfo->dpowipbits) ) { myinfo->dpowipbits[n] = ipbits; retval = nn_connect(myinfo->dpowsock,nanomsg_tcpname(str,ipaddr)); for (i=0; i<=n; i++) printf("%08x ",myinfo->dpowipbits[i]); printf("->\n"); myinfo->numdpowipbits++; qsort(myinfo->dpowipbits,myinfo->numdpowipbits,sizeof(*myinfo->dpowipbits),_increasing_ipbits); for (i=0; inumdpowipbits; i++) printf("%08x ",myinfo->dpowipbits[i]); printf("addnotary.[%d] (%s) retval.%d (total %d)\n",n,ipaddr,retval,myinfo->numdpowipbits); } portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->dpowmutex); } return(retval); } void dpow_nanomsginit(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *ipaddr) { char str[512]; int32_t timeout,retval; if ( myinfo->ipaddr[0] == 0 ) { printf("need to set ipaddr before nanomsg\n"); return; } if ( myinfo->dpowsock < 0 && (myinfo->dpowsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_BUS)) >= 0 ) { if ( nn_bind(myinfo->dpowsock,nanomsg_tcpname(str,myinfo->ipaddr)) < 0 ) { printf("error binding to (%s)\n",nanomsg_tcpname(str,myinfo->ipaddr)); nn_close(myinfo->dpowsock); myinfo->dpowsock = -1; } timeout = 1000; nn_setsockopt(myinfo->dpowsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); myinfo->dpowipbits[0] = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(myinfo->ipaddr); myinfo->numdpowipbits = 1; } dpow_addnotary(myinfo,ipaddr); } int32_t dpow_crc32find(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,uint32_t crc32,uint32_t channel) { int32_t i,firstz = -1; for (i=0; icrcs)/sizeof(*dp->crcs); i++) { if ( dp->crcs[i] == crc32 ) { //printf("NANODUPLICATE.%08x\n",crc32); return(-1); } else if ( firstz < 0 && dp->crcs[i] == 0 ) firstz = i; } if ( firstz < 0 ) firstz = (rand() % (sizeof(dp->crcs)/sizeof(*dp->crcs))); return(firstz); } void dpow_nanoutxoset(struct dpow_nanoutxo *np,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t isratify) { int32_t i; if ( isratify != 0 ) { np->srcutxo = bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifysrcutxo; np->srcvout = bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifysrcvout; np->destutxo = bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifydestutxo; np->destvout = bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifydestvout; np->bestmask = bp->ratifybestmask; np->recvmask = bp->ratifyrecvmask; np->bestk = bp->ratifybestk; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if ( (np->siglens[i]= bp->ratifysiglens[i]) > 0 ) memcpy(np->sigs[i],bp->ratifysigs[i],np->siglens[i]); } } else { np->srcutxo = bp->notaries[bp->myind].src.prev_hash; np->srcvout = bp->notaries[bp->myind].src.prev_vout; np->destutxo = bp->notaries[bp->myind].dest.prev_hash; np->destvout = bp->notaries[bp->myind].dest.prev_vout; np->bestmask = bp->bestmask; np->recvmask = bp->recvmask; if ( (np->bestk= bp->bestk) >= 0 ) { if ( (np->siglens[0]= bp->notaries[bp->myind].src.siglens[bp->bestk]) > 0 ) memcpy(np->sigs[0],bp->notaries[bp->myind].src.sigs[bp->bestk],np->siglens[0]); if ( (np->siglens[1]= bp->notaries[bp->myind].dest.siglens[bp->bestk]) > 0 ) memcpy(np->sigs[1],bp->notaries[bp->myind].dest.sigs[bp->bestk],np->siglens[1]); } } } void dpow_ratify_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint8_t senderind,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,uint64_t recvmask,bits256 srcutxo,uint16_t srcvout,bits256 destutxo,uint16_t destvout,uint8_t siglens[2],uint8_t sigs[2][76]) { int32_t i,bestmatches = 0,matches = 0; //char str[65],str2[65]; //printf("senderind.%d num.%d %s %s\n",senderind,bp->numnotaries,bits256_str(str,srcutxo),bits256_str(str2,destutxo)); if ( senderind >= 0 && senderind < bp->numnotaries && bits256_nonz(srcutxo) != 0 && bits256_nonz(destutxo) != 0 ) { bp->notaries[senderind].ratifysrcutxo = srcutxo; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifysrcvout = srcvout; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifydestutxo = destutxo; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifydestvout = destvout; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifybestmask = bestmask; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifyrecvmask = recvmask; bp->notaries[senderind].ratifybestk = bestk; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if ( (bp->notaries[senderind].ratifysiglens[i]= siglens[i]) != 0 ) { memcpy(bp->notaries[senderind].ratifysigs[i],sigs[i],siglens[i]); if ( bestk == bp->pendingbestk && bestmask == bp->pendingbestmask ) bp->ratifysigmasks[i] |= (1LL << senderind); else bp->ratifysigmasks[i] &= ~(1LL << senderind); } } bp->ratifyrecvmask |= (1LL << senderind) | (1LL << bp->myind); bp->ratifybestmask = dpow_ratifybest(bp->ratifyrecvmask,bp,&bp->ratifybestk); if ( bp->ratifybestk >= 0 ) { bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifybestmask = bp->ratifybestmask; bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifyrecvmask = bp->ratifyrecvmask; bp->notaries[bp->myind].ratifybestk = bp->ratifybestk; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( bp->ratifybestk >= 0 && bp->notaries[i].ratifybestk == bp->ratifybestk && bp->notaries[i].ratifybestmask == bp->ratifybestmask ) { matches++; if ( ((1LL << i) & bp->ratifybestmask) != 0 ) bestmatches++; } } if ( bestmatches >= bp->minsigs ) { if ( bp->pendingratifybestk != bp->ratifybestk || bp->pendingratifybestmask != bp->ratifybestmask ) { printf("new PENDING BESTK (%d %llx)\n",bp->ratifybestk,(long long)bp->ratifybestmask); bp->pendingratifybestk = bp->ratifybestk; bp->pendingratifybestmask = bp->ratifybestmask; dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->destcoin,bp,bp->ratifybestk,bp->ratifybestmask,bp->myind,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,1,1); dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->srccoin,bp,bp->ratifybestk,bp->ratifybestmask,bp->myind,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,0,1); } } } printf("numips.%d RATIFY.%d matches.%d bestmatches.%d bestk.%d %llx recv.%llx sigmasks.(%llx %llx)\n",myinfo->numdpowipbits,bp->minsigs,matches,bestmatches,bp->ratifybestk,(long long)bp->ratifybestmask,(long long)bp->ratifyrecvmask,(long long)bp->ratifysigmasks[1],(long long)bp->ratifysigmasks[0]); } } void dpow_notarize_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint8_t senderind,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,uint64_t recvmask,bits256 srcutxo,uint16_t srcvout,bits256 destutxo,uint16_t destvout,uint8_t siglens[2],uint8_t sigs[2][76]) { int32_t i,bestmatches = 0,matches = 0; if ( senderind >= 0 && senderind < bp->numnotaries && bits256_nonz(srcutxo) != 0 && bits256_nonz(destutxo) != 0 ) { bp->notaries[senderind].src.prev_hash = srcutxo; bp->notaries[senderind].src.prev_vout = srcvout; bp->notaries[senderind].dest.prev_hash = destutxo; bp->notaries[senderind].dest.prev_vout = destvout; bp->notaries[senderind].bestmask = bestmask; bp->notaries[senderind].recvmask = recvmask; if ( (bp->notaries[senderind].bestk= bestk) >= 0 ) { if ( (bp->notaries[senderind].src.siglens[bestk]= siglens[0]) != 0 ) { memcpy(bp->notaries[senderind].src.sigs[bestk],sigs[0],siglens[0]); if ( bestk == bp->bestk && bestmask == bp->bestmask ) bp->srcsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << senderind); else bp->srcsigsmasks[bestk] &= ~(1LL << senderind); } if ( (bp->notaries[senderind].dest.siglens[bestk]= siglens[1]) != 0 ) { memcpy(bp->notaries[senderind].dest.sigs[bestk],sigs[1],siglens[1]); if ( bestk == bp->bestk && bestmask == bp->bestmask ) bp->destsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << senderind); else bp->destsigsmasks[bestk] &= ~(1LL << senderind); } } bp->recvmask |= (1LL << senderind) | (1LL << bp->myind); bp->bestmask = dpow_maskmin(bp->recvmask,bp,&bp->bestk); if ( bp->bestk >= 0 ) { for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( bp->bestk >= 0 && bp->notaries[i].bestk == bp->bestk && bp->notaries[i].bestmask == bp->bestmask ) { matches++; if ( ((1LL << i) & bp->bestmask) != 0 ) bestmatches++; } } if ( bestmatches >= bp->minsigs ) { if ( bp->pendingbestk != bp->bestk || bp->pendingbestmask != bp->bestmask ) { printf("new PENDING BESTK (%d %llx)\n",bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask); bp->pendingbestk = bp->bestk; bp->pendingbestmask = bp->bestmask; dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->destcoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,bp->myind,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,1,0); dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,bp->myind,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,0,0); } } } printf("numips.%d NOTARIZE.%d matches.%d bestmatches.%d bestk.%d %llx recv.%llx sigmasks.(%llx %llx) senderind.%d\n",myinfo->numdpowipbits,bp->minsigs,matches,bestmatches,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)(bp->bestk>=0?bp->destsigsmasks[bp->bestk]:0),(long long)(bp->bestk>=0?bp->srcsigsmasks[bp->bestk]:0),senderind); } } void dpow_nanoutxoget(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,struct dpow_nanoutxo *np,int32_t isratify,int8_t senderind) { if ( isratify != 0 ) { dpow_ratify_update(myinfo,dp,bp,senderind,np->bestk,np->bestmask,np->recvmask,np->srcutxo,np->srcvout,np->destutxo,np->destvout,np->siglens,np->sigs); } else { dpow_notarize_update(myinfo,dp,bp,senderind,np->bestk,np->bestmask,np->recvmask,np->srcutxo,np->srcvout,np->destutxo,np->destvout,np->siglens,np->sigs); } //dpow_bestmask_update(myinfo,dp,bp,nn_senderind,nn_bestk,nn_bestmask,nn_recvmask); } void dpow_send(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash,uint32_t channel,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { struct dpow_nanomsghdr *np; int32_t i,size,sentbytes = 0; uint32_t crc32; crc32 = calc_crc32(0,data,datalen); //if ( (firstz= dpow_crc32find(myinfo,crc32,channel)) >= 0 ) { //dp->crcs[firstz] = crc32; size = (int32_t)(sizeof(*np) + datalen); np = calloc(1,size); // endian dependent! np->numipbits = myinfo->numdpowipbits; np->senderind = bp->myind; memcpy(np->ipbits,myinfo->dpowipbits,myinfo->numdpowipbits * sizeof(*myinfo->dpowipbits)); for (i=0; inumipbits; i++) printf("%08x ",np->ipbits[i]); printf(" dpow_send.(%d) size.%d numipbits.%d myind.%d\n",datalen,size,np->numipbits,bp->myind); dpow_nanoutxoset(&np->notarize,bp,0); dpow_nanoutxoset(&np->ratify,bp,1); np->size = size; np->datalen = datalen; np->crc32 = crc32; np->srchash = srchash; np->desthash = desthash; np->channel = channel; np->height = msgbits; strcpy(np->symbol,dp->symbol); np->version0 = DPOW_VERSION & 0xff; np->version1 = (DPOW_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff; memcpy(np->packet,data,datalen); sentbytes = nn_send(myinfo->dpowsock,np,size,0); free(np); //printf("NANOSEND ht.%d channel.%08x (%d) crc32.%08x datalen.%d\n",np->height,np->channel,size,np->crc32,datalen); } } void dpow_ipbitsadd(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint32_t *ipbits,int32_t numipbits,int32_t fromid) { int32_t i,j,matched,missing,n; char ipaddr[64]; if ( numipbits < 1 || numipbits >= 64 ) return; n = myinfo->numdpowipbits; matched = missing = 0; for (i=0; idpowipbits[j] ) { matched++; ipbits[i] = 0; break; } if ( j == n ) missing++; } printf("from.%d RECV numips.%d numdpowipbits.%d matched.%d missing.%d\n",fromid,numipbits,n,matched,missing); if ( (numipbits == 1 || missing < matched || matched > (myinfo->numdpowipbits>>1)) && missing > 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) printf("ignore\n"); } void dpow_nanomsg_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { int32_t i,n=0,size,firstz = -1; uint32_t crc32; struct dpow_nanomsghdr *np; struct dpow_info *dp; struct dpow_block *bp; while ( (size= nn_recv(myinfo->dpowsock,&np,NN_MSG,0)) >= 0 ) { if ( size >= 0 ) { if ( np->version0 == (DPOW_VERSION & 0xff) && np->version1 == ((DPOW_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff) ) { //printf("v.%02x %02x datalen.%d size.%d %d vs %d\n",np->version0,np->version1,np->datalen,size,np->datalen,(int32_t)(size - sizeof(*np))); if ( np->datalen == (size - sizeof(*np)) ) { crc32 = calc_crc32(0,np->packet,np->datalen); dp = 0; for (i=0; inumdpows; i++) { if ( strcmp(np->symbol,myinfo->DPOWS[i].symbol) == 0 ) { dp = &myinfo->DPOWS[i]; break; } } if ( dp != 0 && crc32 == np->crc32 )//&& (firstz= dpow_crc32find(myinfo,dp,crc32,np->channel)) >= 0 ) { dpow_ipbitsadd(myinfo,np->ipbits,np->numipbits,np->senderind); //char str[65]; printf("%s RECV ht.%d ch.%08x (%d) crc32.%08x:%08x datalen.%d:%d firstz.%d\n",bits256_str(str,np->srchash),np->height,np->channel,size,np->crc32,crc32,np->datalen,(int32_t)(size - sizeof(*np)),firstz); if ( i == myinfo->numdpows ) printf("received nnpacket for (%s)\n",np->symbol); else { if ( (bp= dpow_heightfind(myinfo,dp,np->height)) != 0 ) { if ( np->senderind >= 0 && np->senderind < bp->numnotaries ) { dpow_nanoutxoget(myinfo,dp,bp,&np->notarize,0,np->senderind); dpow_nanoutxoget(myinfo,dp,bp,&np->ratify,1,np->senderind); dpow_datahandler(myinfo,dp,bp,np->senderind,np->channel,np->height,np->packet,np->datalen); } } //dp->crcs[firstz] = crc32; } } } //else printf("ignore np->datalen.%d %d (size %d - %ld)\n",np->datalen,(int32_t)(size-sizeof(*np)),size,sizeof(*np)); } if ( np != 0 ) nn_freemsg(np); } if ( size == 0 || n++ > 100 ) break; } if ( 0 && n != 0 ) printf("nanoupdates.%d\n",n); } #else void dpow_nanomsginit(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *ipaddr) { } uint32_t dpow_send(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash,uint32_t channel,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { return(0); } void dpow_nanomsg_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { } #endif int32_t dpow_rwcoinentry(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *serialized,struct dpow_coinentry *src,struct dpow_coinentry *dest,int8_t *bestkp) { int8_t bestk; struct dpow_coinentry *ptr; int32_t siglen,iter,len = 0; len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(src->prev_hash),src->prev_hash.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(src->prev_vout),(uint32_t *)&src->prev_vout); len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(dest->prev_hash),dest->prev_hash.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(dest->prev_vout),(uint32_t *)&dest->prev_vout); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(*bestkp),(uint32_t *)bestkp); if ( (bestk= *bestkp) >= 0 ) { for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { ptr = (iter == 0) ? src : dest; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(ptr->siglens[bestk]),(uint32_t *)&ptr->siglens[bestk]); if ( (siglen= ptr->siglens[bestk]) > 0 ) { if ( rwflag != 0 ) memcpy(&serialized[len],ptr->sigs[bestk],siglen); else memcpy(ptr->sigs[bestk],&serialized[len],siglen); len += siglen; } } } return(len); } int32_t dpow_rwcoinentrys(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *serialized,struct dpow_entry notaries[DPOW_MAXRELAYS],uint8_t numnotaries,int8_t bestk) { int32_t i,len = 0; for (i=0; i>>>>>>>>>>>> dpow_sendcoinentrys (%d %llx) <- %llx\n",bp->height,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,(long long)bp->recvmask); data[len++] = bp->bestk; data[len++] = bp->numnotaries; len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&data[len],sizeof(bp->hashmsg),bp->hashmsg.bytes); len += dpow_rwcoinentrys(1,&data[len],bp->notaries,bp->numnotaries,bp->bestk); dpow_send(myinfo,dp,bp,zero,bp->hashmsg,DPOW_ENTRIESCHANNEL,bp->height,data,len); return(len); } int32_t dpow_opreturnscript(uint8_t *script,uint8_t *opret,int32_t opretlen) { int32_t offset = 0; script[offset++] = 0x6a; if ( opretlen >= 0x4c ) { if ( opretlen > 0xff ) { script[offset++] = 0x4d; script[offset++] = opretlen & 0xff; script[offset++] = (opretlen >> 8) & 0xff; } else { script[offset++] = 0x4c; script[offset++] = opretlen; } } else script[offset++] = opretlen; memcpy(&script[offset],opret,opretlen); return(opretlen + offset); } int32_t dpow_rwopret(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *opret,bits256 *hashmsg,int32_t *heightmsgp,char *src,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t src_or_dest) { int32_t i,opretlen = 0; bits256 beacon,beacons[DPOW_MAXRELAYS]; opretlen += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(*hashmsg),hashmsg->bytes); opretlen += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(*heightmsgp),(uint32_t *)heightmsgp); if ( src_or_dest == 0 ) { //char str[65]; printf("src_or_dest.%d opreturn add %s\n",src_or_dest,bits256_str(str,bp->desttxid)); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->desttxid) == 0 ) return(-1); opretlen += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(bp->desttxid),bp->desttxid.bytes); if ( rwflag != 0 ) { if ( src != 0 ) { for (i=0; src[i]!=0; i++) opret[opretlen++] = src[i]; } opret[opretlen++] = 0; } else { if ( src != 0 ) { for (i=0; opret[opretlen]!=0; i++) src[i] = opret[opretlen++]; src[i] = 0; } opretlen++; } } else if ( 0 ) { memset(beacons,0,sizeof(beacons)); for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( ((1LL << i) & bp->bestmask) != 0 ) beacons[i] = bp->notaries[i].beacon; } vcalc_sha256(0,beacon.bytes,beacons[0].bytes,sizeof(*beacons) * bp->numnotaries); opretlen += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(beacon),beacon.bytes); } return(opretlen); } int32_t dpow_rwutxobuf(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *data,struct dpow_utxoentry *up,struct dpow_block *bp) { uint8_t numnotaries; uint64_t othermask; int32_t i,len = 0; len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->hashmsg),up->hashmsg.bytes); len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->srchash),up->srchash.bytes); len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->desthash),up->desthash.bytes); if ( bits256_nonz(up->srchash) == 0 || bits256_nonz(up->desthash) == 0 ) { printf("dpow_rwutxobuf null src.%d or dest.%d\n",bits256_nonz(up->srchash),bits256_nonz(up->desthash)); return(-1); } len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->commit),up->commit.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->recvmask),(uint8_t *)&up->recvmask); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->height),(uint8_t *)&up->height); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->srcvout),&up->srcvout); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->destvout),&up->destvout); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(up->bestk),&up->bestk); if ( rwflag != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<33; i++) data[len++] = up->pubkey[i]; data[len++] = bp->numnotaries; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(*up->othermasks),(uint8_t *)&up->othermasks[(int32_t)i]); } else { for (i=0; i<33; i++) up->pubkey[i] = data[len++]; numnotaries = data[len++]; if ( numnotaries <= bp->numnotaries ) { for (i=0; inotaries[(int32_t)i].othermask |= othermask; } } else return(-1); } return(len); } int32_t dpow_rwsigentry(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *data,struct dpow_sigentry *dsig) { int32_t i,len = 0; if ( rwflag != 0 ) { data[len++] = dsig->senderind; data[len++] = dsig->lastk; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(dsig->mask),(uint8_t *)&dsig->mask); data[len++] = dsig->siglen; memcpy(&data[len],dsig->sig,dsig->siglen), len += dsig->siglen; for (i=0; ibeacon); i++) data[len++] = dsig->beacon.bytes[i]; for (i=0; i<33; i++) data[len++] = dsig->senderpub[i]; } else { memset(dsig,0,sizeof(*dsig)); dsig->senderind = data[len++]; if ( dsig->senderind < 0 || dsig->senderind >= DPOW_MAXRELAYS ) return(-1); dsig->lastk = data[len++]; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(dsig->mask),(uint8_t *)&dsig->mask); dsig->siglen = data[len++]; memcpy(dsig->sig,&data[len],dsig->siglen), len += dsig->siglen; for (i=0; ibeacon); i++) dsig->beacon.bytes[i] = data[len++]; for (i=0; i<33; i++) dsig->senderpub[i] = data[len++]; } return(len); } void dpow_sigsend(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t myind,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,bits256 srchash,uint32_t sigchannel) { struct dpow_sigentry dsig; int32_t i,len; uint8_t data[4096]; struct dpow_entry *ep; if ( ((1LL << myind) & bestmask) == 0 ) return; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; if ( bestk >= 0 ) { if ( sigchannel == DPOW_SIGCHANNEL ) bp->srcsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << myind); else bp->destsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << myind); } //printf("ht.%d sigsend.%s: myind.%d bestk.%d %llx >>>>>> best.(%d %llx) recv.%llx sigs.%llx\n",bp->height,sigchannel == DPOW_SIGCHANNEL ? bp->srccoin->symbol : bp->destcoin->symbol,myind,bestk,(long long)bestmask,bestk,(long long)(bestk>=0?bestmask:0),(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)(bestk>=0?bp->destsigsmasks[bestk]:0)); memset(&dsig,0,sizeof(dsig)); for (i=0; i<33; i++) dsig.senderpub[i] = dp->minerkey33[i]; dsig.lastk = bestk; dsig.mask = bestmask; dsig.senderind = myind; dsig.beacon = bp->beacon; if ( sigchannel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) { dsig.siglen = ep->dest.siglens[bestk]; memcpy(dsig.sig,ep->dest.sigs[bestk],ep->dest.siglens[bestk]); } else { dsig.siglen = ep->src.siglens[bestk]; memcpy(dsig.sig,ep->src.sigs[bestk],ep->src.siglens[bestk]); } memcpy(dsig.senderpub,dp->minerkey33,33); len = dpow_rwsigentry(1,data,&dsig); dpow_send(myinfo,dp,bp,srchash,bp->hashmsg,sigchannel,bp->height,data,len); } uint32_t komodo_assetmagic(char *symbol,uint64_t supply) { uint8_t buf[512]; int32_t len = 0; len = iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[len],sizeof(supply),(void *)&supply); strcpy((char *)&buf[len],symbol); len += strlen(symbol); return(calc_crc32(0,buf,len)); } int32_t komodo_shortflag(char *symbol) { int32_t i,shortflag = 0; if ( symbol[0] == '-' ) { shortflag = 1; for (i=0; symbol[i+1]!=0; i++) symbol[i] = symbol[i+1]; symbol[i] = 0; } return(shortflag); } uint16_t komodo_assetport(uint32_t magic,int32_t shortflag) { return(8000 + shortflag*7777 + (magic % 7777)); } uint16_t komodo_port(char *symbol,uint64_t supply,uint32_t *magicp,int32_t *shortflagp) { *magicp = komodo_assetmagic(symbol,supply); *shortflagp = komodo_shortflag(symbol); return(komodo_assetport(*magicp,*shortflagp)); } #define MAX_CURRENCIES 32 extern char CURRENCIES[][8]; void komodo_assetcoins() { uint16_t extract_userpass(char *serverport,char *userpass,char *coinstr,char *userhome,char *coindir,char *confname); int32_t i,j,shortflag; uint32_t magic; cJSON *json; uint16_t port; long filesize; char *userhome,confstr[16],jsonstr[512],magicstr[9],path[512]; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( (userhome= OS_filestr(&filesize,"userhome.txt")) == 0 ) userhome = "root"; else { while ( userhome[strlen(userhome)-1] == '\r' || userhome[strlen(userhome)-1] == '\n' ) userhome[strlen(userhome)-1] = 0; } for (i=0; iFULLNODE = -1; coin->chain->rpcport = port + 1; coin->chain->pubtype = 60; coin->chain->p2shtype = 85; coin->chain->wiftype = 188; sprintf(confstr,"%s.conf",CURRENCIES[i]); sprintf(path,"%s/.komodo/%s",userhome,CURRENCIES[i]); extract_userpass(coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,CURRENCIES[i],coin->chain->userhome,path,confstr); } printf("(%s %u) ",CURRENCIES[i],port); } printf("ports\n"); }