/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" void iguana_initQ(queue_t *Q,char *name) { char *tst,*str = "need to init each Q when single threaded"; queue_enqueue(name,Q,queueitem(str),1); if ( (tst= queue_dequeue(Q,1)) != 0 ) free_queueitem(tst); } void iguana_initQs(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i; iguana_initQ(&coin->acceptQ,"acceptQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->hdrsQ,"hdrsQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->blocksQ,"blocksQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->priorityQ,"priorityQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->possibleQ,"possibleQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->cacheQ,"cacheQ"); iguana_initQ(&coin->recvQ,"recvQ"); for (i=0; ipeers.active[i].sendQ,"addrsendQ"); } void iguana_initpeer(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint64_t ipbits) { memset(addr,0,sizeof(*addr)); addr->ipbits = ipbits; addr->usock = -1; expand_ipbits(addr->ipaddr,(uint32_t)addr->ipbits); //addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); strcpy(addr->coinstr,coin->name); iguana_initQ(&addr->sendQ,"addrsendQ"); } void iguana_initcoin(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *argjson) { int32_t i; char dirname[1024]; sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s",GLOBALTMPDIR,coin->symbol), OS_portable_path(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"tmp/%s",coin->symbol), OS_portable_path(dirname); portable_mutex_init(&coin->peers_mutex); portable_mutex_init(&coin->blocks_mutex); //portable_mutex_init(&coin->scripts_mutex[0]); //portable_mutex_init(&coin->scripts_mutex[1]); iguana_meminit(&coin->blockMEM,"blockMEM",coin->blockspace,sizeof(coin->blockspace),0); iguana_initQs(coin); coin->bindsock = -1; OS_randombytes((unsigned char *)&coin->instance_nonce,sizeof(coin->instance_nonce)); coin->startutc = (uint32_t)time(NULL); while ( time(NULL) == coin->startutc ) usleep(1); coin->startmillis = OS_milliseconds(), coin->starttime = tai_now(coin->startmillis); coin->avetime = 1 * 100; //coin->R.maxrecvbundles = IGUANA_INITIALBUNDLES; for (i=0; ipeers.active[i].usock = -1; // validate blocks //for (i=0; ilatest.lhashes[i].bytes,&coin->latest.states[i],0,0); } bits256 iguana_genesis(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_chain *chain) { struct iguana_block block,*ptr; struct iguana_msgblock msg; bits256 hash2; char str[65],str2[65]; uint8_t buf[1024]; int32_t height; if ( chain->genesis_hex == 0 ) { printf("no genesis_hex for %s\n",coin->symbol); memset(hash2.bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); return(hash2); } decode_hex(buf,(int32_t)strlen(chain->genesis_hex)/2,(char *)chain->genesis_hex); hash2 = bits256_doublesha256(0,buf,sizeof(struct iguana_msgblockhdr)); iguana_rwblock(0,&hash2,buf,&msg); if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,chain->genesis_hashdata,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { bits256_str(str,hash2); printf("genesis mismatch? calculated %s vs %s\n",str,bits256_str(str2,*(bits256 *)chain->genesis_hashdata)); //hash2 = bits256_conv("00000ac7d764e7119da60d3c832b1d4458da9bc9ef9d5dd0d91a15f690a46d99"); //memset(hash2.bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); //return(hash2); } bits256_str(str,hash2); printf("genesis.(%s) len.%d hash.%s\n",chain->genesis_hex,(int32_t)sizeof(msg.H),str); iguana_blockconv(&block,&msg,hash2,0); //coin->latest.dep.numtxids = block.RO.txn_count = 1; block.RO.numvouts = 1; iguana_gotdata(coin,0,0); if ( (ptr= iguana_blockhashset("genesis0",coin,0,hash2,1)) != 0 ) { ptr->mainchain = 1; iguana_blockcopy(coin,ptr,&block); coin->blocks.RO[0] = block.RO; if ( (height= iguana_chainextend(coin,ptr)) == 0 ) { block = *ptr; coin->blocks.recvblocks = coin->blocks.issuedblocks = 1; } else printf("genesis block doesnt validate for %s ht.%d\n",coin->symbol,height); } else printf("couldnt hashset genesis\n"); if ( coin->blocks.hwmchain.height != 0 || fabs(coin->blocks.hwmchain.PoW - block.PoW) > SMALLVAL || memcmp(coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { printf("%s genesis values mismatch hwmheight.%d %.15f %.15f %s\n",coin->name,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->blocks.hwmchain.PoW,block.PoW,bits256_str(str,coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2)); getchar(); } int32_t bundlei = -2; static const bits256 zero; iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,0,hash2,zero,1); _iguana_chainlink(coin,iguana_blockfind("genesis",coin,hash2)); return(hash2); } int32_t iguana_savehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin) { char fname[512],shastr[65],tmpfname[512],str2[65],str[65],oldfname[512]; bits256 sha256all; FILE *fp; struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t hdrsi,n,retval = 0; n = coin->blocks.hwmchain.height + 1; sprintf(oldfname,"confs/%s_oldhdrs.txt",coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(oldfname); sprintf(tmpfname,"%s/%s/hdrs.txt",GLOBALTMPDIR,coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(tmpfname); sprintf(fname,"confs/%s_hdrs.txt",coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp= fopen(tmpfname,"w")) != 0 ) { fprintf(fp,"%d\n",n); for (hdrsi=0; hdrsibundlescount; hdrsi++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi]) != 0 && bp->numhashes >= bp->n ) { shastr[0] = 0; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->allhash) == 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(shastr,sha256all.bytes,bp->hashes[0].bytes,sizeof(*bp->hashes) * coin->chain->bundlesize); bp->allhash = sha256all; } else { sha256all = bp->allhash; bits256_str(shastr,bp->allhash); } fprintf(fp,"%d %s %s %s\n",bp->bundleheight,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0]),shastr,bits256_str(str2,bp->hashes[1])); } else break; } //printf("compare hdrs.txt %ld vs (%s) %ld\n",ftell(fp),fname,(long)OS_filesize(fname)); if ( ftell(fp) > OS_filesize(fname) ) { printf("new hdrs.txt %ld vs (%s) %ld\n",ftell(fp),fname,(long)OS_filesize(fname)); fclose(fp); OS_renamefile(fname,oldfname); OS_copyfile(tmpfname,fname,1); } else fclose(fp); } else { printf("iguana_savehdrs: couldnt create.(%s)\n",tmpfname); return(-1); } return(retval); } void iguana_parseline(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t iter,FILE *fp) { int32_t i,j,k,m,c,height,flag,bundlei; char checkstr[1024],line[1024]; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_bundle *bp; bits256 allhash,hash2,hash1,zero,lastbundle; struct iguana_block *block; memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero)); lastbundle = zero; if ( coin->MAXPEERS > IGUANA_MAXPEERS ) coin->MAXPEERS = IGUANA_MAXPEERS; if ( iter == 1 ) { int32_t i; FILE *fp; char fname[512]; struct iguana_blockRO blockRO; sprintf(fname,"blocks.%s",coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<100000000; i++) { if ( fread(&blockRO,1,sizeof(blockRO),fp) != sizeof(blockRO) ) break; if ( i > (coin->blocks.maxbits - 1000) ) iguana_recvalloc(coin,i + 100000); coin->blocks.RO[i] = blockRO; char str[65]; if ( bits256_nonz(blockRO.hash2) > 0 ) printf("init.%d %s\n",i,bits256_str(str,blockRO.hash2)); } fclose(fp); printf("validate.%d blocks that were read in\n",i); } } m = flag = 0; allhash = zero; while ( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) > 0 ) { j = (int32_t)strlen(line) - 1; line[j] = 0; //printf("parse line.(%s) maxpeers.%d\n",line,coin->MAXPEERS); if ( iter == 0 ) { if ( m < coin->MAXPEERS-3 )//&& m < 77.7 ) { if ( 0 && m == 0 ) { addr = &coin->peers.active[m++]; iguana_initpeer(coin,addr,(uint32_t)calc_ipbits("")); //printf("call initpeer.(%s)\n",addr->ipaddr); iguana_launch(coin,"connection",iguana_startconnection,addr,IGUANA_CONNTHREAD); } #ifndef IGUANA_DISABLEPEERS addr = &coin->peers.active[m++]; iguana_initpeer(coin,addr,(uint32_t)calc_ipbits(line)); //printf("call initpeer.(%s)\n",addr->ipaddr); iguana_launch(coin,"connection",iguana_startconnection,addr,IGUANA_CONNTHREAD); #endif } } else { for (k=height=0; k= '0' && c <= '9' ) height = (height * 10) + (line[k] - '0'); else break; } if ( line[k] == ' ' ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),line+k+1); if ( line[k+1 + 65] != 0 ) { if ( height > (coin->blocks.maxbits - 1000) ) iguana_recvalloc(coin,height + 100000); decode_hex(allhash.bytes,sizeof(allhash),line+k+1 + 64 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(checkstr,allhash.bytes,sizeof(allhash)); //printf("parseline: k.%d %d height.%d m.%d bundlesize.%d (%s) check.(%s)\n",k,line[k],height,m,coin->chain->bundlesize,&line[k+1+65],checkstr);// + strlen(line+k+1)]); if ( strncmp(checkstr,line+k+1 + 64 + 1,64) == 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(checkstr,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)); if ( strlen(line+k+1 + 2*64 + 2) == sizeof(hash1)*2 ) decode_hex(hash1.bytes,sizeof(hash1),line+k+1 + 2*64 + 2); else memset(hash1.bytes,0,sizeof(hash1)); //char str[65],str2[65]; printf(">>>> bundle.%d got (%s)/(%s) allhash.(%s)\n",height,bits256_str(str,hash1),checkstr,bits256_str(str2,allhash)); if ( (bp= iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,height,hash2,allhash,0)) != 0 ) { bp->bundleheight = height; if ( bits256_nonz(hash1) != 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset("inithash1",coin,height+1,hash1,1)) != 0 ) { iguana_bundlehashadd(coin,bp,1,block); block->mainchain = 1; } } if ( height == 0 && coin->current == 0 ) coin->current = coin->bundles[0] = bp; lastbundle = hash2; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind("parse",coin,hash2)) != 0 ) block->mainchain = 1, block->height = height; bp->emitfinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + 1; if ( iguana_bundleload(coin,&bp->ramchain,bp,2) != 0 ) { if ( coin->current != 0 && coin->current->hdrsi+1 == bp->hdrsi ) coin->current = bp; } else { char str[65]; init_hexbytes_noT(str,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)); bp->emitfinish = 0; iguana_blockQ("init",coin,bp,0,hash2,1); //printf("init reqhdrs.%d\n",bp->bundleheight); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(str),1); } } } } } } } if ( bits256_nonz(lastbundle) > 0 ) { char hashstr[65]; init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,lastbundle.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); printf("req lastbundle.(%s)\n",hashstr); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); } if ( iter == 1 ) { for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( coin->bundles[i] == 0 || coin->bundles[i]->utxofinish <= 1 ) break; } if ( i < coin->bundlescount-1 ) { printf("spendvectors.[%d] missing, will regen all of them\n",i); for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { //iguana_purgevolatiles(coin,&coin->bundles[i]->ramchain); coin->bundles[i]->startutxo = coin->bundles[i]->utxofinish = 0; } } if ( coin->balanceswritten > 0 ) coin->balanceswritten = iguana_volatileinit(coin); if ( coin->balanceswritten > 0 ) { for (i=0; ibalanceswritten; i++) iguana_validateQ(coin,coin->bundles[i]); } if ( coin->balanceswritten < coin->bundlescount ) { for (i=coin->balanceswritten; ibundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->queued == 0 ) { printf("%d ",i); iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); } } printf("iguana_bundleQ\n"); } coin->origbalanceswritten = coin->balanceswritten; } } void iguana_ramchainpurge(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { iguana_ramchain_free(coin,ramchain,1); } void iguana_bundlepurge(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { int32_t i; static const bits256 zero; iguana_ramchainpurge(coin,bp,&bp->ramchain); if ( bp->speculative != 0 ) { for (i=0; in; i++) if ( bp->speculativecache[i] != 0 ) { myfree(bp->speculativecache[i],*(int32_t *)bp->speculativecache[i]); bp->speculativecache[i] = 0; } myfree(bp->speculative,sizeof(*bp->speculative) * bp->numspec); } bp->numspec = 0; bp->speculative = 0; memset(bp->hashes,0,sizeof(bp->hashes)); memset(bp->issued,0,sizeof(bp->issued)); bp->prevbundlehash2 = bp->nextbundlehash2 = bp->allhash = zero; } void iguana_blockpurge(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { if ( block->req != 0 ) { printf("purge req inside block\n"); myfree(block->req,block->req->allocsize); } free(block); } void iguana_blockspurge(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_block *block,*tmp; if ( 1 && coin->blocks.hash != 0 ) { HASH_ITER(hh,coin->blocks.hash,block,tmp) { HASH_DEL(coin->blocks.hash,block); iguana_blockpurge(coin,block); } coin->blocks.hash = 0; } if ( coin->blocks.RO != 0 ) { myfree(coin->blocks.RO,coin->blocks.maxbits * sizeof(*coin->blocks.RO)); coin->blocks.RO = 0; } coin->blocks.maxbits = coin->blocks.maxblocks = coin->blocks.initblocks = coin->blocks.hashblocks = coin->blocks.issuedblocks = coin->blocks.recvblocks = coin->blocks.emitblocks = coin->blocks.parsedblocks = coin->blocks.dirty = 0; memset(&coin->blocks.hwmchain,0,sizeof(coin->blocks.hwmchain)); } void iguana_coinpurge(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,saved; struct iguana_bundle *bp; char *hashstr; struct iguana_bundlereq *req; struct iguana_blockreq *breq; struct iguana_helper *ptr; saved = coin->active, coin->active = 0; coin->started = 0; while ( coin->idletime == 0 && coin->emitbusy > 0 ) { printf("coinpurge.%s waiting for idle %lu emitbusy.%d\n",coin->symbol,time(NULL),coin->emitbusy); sleep(1); } coin->RTgenesis = 0; while ( (ptr= queue_dequeue(&bundlesQ,0)) != 0 ) myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); if ( 1 ) { while ( (hashstr= queue_dequeue(&coin->hdrsQ,1)) != 0 ) free_queueitem(hashstr); while ( (breq= queue_dequeue(&coin->blocksQ,0)) != 0 ) myfree(breq,sizeof(*breq)); while ( (breq= queue_dequeue(&coin->priorityQ,0)) != 0 ) myfree(breq,sizeof(*breq)); while ( (req= queue_dequeue(&coin->cacheQ,0)) != 0 ) myfree(req,req->allocsize); while ( (req= queue_dequeue(&coin->recvQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( req->blocks != 0 ) myfree(req->blocks,sizeof(*req->blocks) * req->n), req->blocks = 0; if ( req->hashes != 0 ) myfree(req->hashes,sizeof(*req->hashes) * req->n), req->hashes = 0; myfree(req,req->allocsize); } } iguana_RTramchainfree(coin); coin->bundlescount = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount; i++) if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) iguana_bundlepurge(coin,bp); coin->current = coin->lastpending = 0; memset(coin->bundles,0,sizeof(coin->bundles)); iguana_blockspurge(coin); coin->active = saved; } struct iguana_info *iguana_coinstart(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t initialheight,int32_t mapflags) { FILE *fp; char fname[512],*symbol; int32_t iter; coin->sleeptime = 10000; symbol = coin->symbol; if ( iguana_peerslotinit(coin,&coin->internaladdr,IGUANA_MAXPEERS,calc_ipbits("")) < 0 ) { printf("iguana_coinstart: error creating peerslot\n"); return(0); } if ( initialheight < coin->chain->bundlesize*10 ) initialheight = coin->chain->bundlesize*10; iguana_recvalloc(coin,initialheight); if ( coin->longestchain == 0 ) coin->longestchain = 1; memset(&coin->blocks.hwmchain,0,sizeof(coin->blocks.hwmchain)); coin->blocks.hwmchain.height = 0; printf("MYSERVICES.%llx\n",(long long)coin->myservices); if ( (coin->myservices & NODE_NETWORK) != 0 && coin->peers.acceptloop == 0 && coin->peers.localaddr == 0 ) { coin->peers.acceptloop = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); if ( OS_thread_create(coin->peers.acceptloop,NULL,(void *)iguana_acceptloop,(void *)coin) != 0 ) { free(coin->peers.acceptloop); coin->peers.acceptloop = 0; printf("error launching accept thread for port.%u\n",coin->chain->portp2p); } } //coin->firstblock = coin->blocks.parsedblocks + 1; iguana_genesis(coin,coin->chain); for (iter=coin->peers.numranked>8; iter<2; iter++) { sprintf(fname,"confs/%s_%s.txt",coin->symbol,(iter == 0) ? "peers" : "hdrs"); OS_compatible_path(fname); printf("parsefile.%d %s\n",iter,fname); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"r")) != 0 ) { iguana_parseline(coin,iter,fp); fclose(fp); } printf("done parsefile.%d\n",iter); } #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS coin->peers.peersloop = iguana_launch("peersloop",iguana_peersloop,coin,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); #endif printf("started.%s %p active.%d\n",coin->symbol,coin->started,coin->active); return(coin); }