#!/bin/bash # We don't add BEER/PIZZA to iguana so skip them, more skips can be added, mauybe this can be pulled as a prarm from assetchains.json? declare -a skip=("BEER" "PIZZA") coins/kmd_7776 ./wp_7776 # external coins. coins/btc_7776 coins/chips_7776 coins/game_7776 # Unlock wallet. Does it have the be here exactly? Or can we call this somewhere else? # Loop through assetchains.json and build the path to the approptiate coins file and run it. ~/komodo/src/listassetchains | while read chain; do if [[ " ${skip[@]} " =~ " ${chain} " ]]; then pointless=0 else coin="coins/$(echo $chain | awk '{print tolower($0)}')_7776" $coin fi done # Add VRSC manually as its not listed in the assetchains.json coins/vrsc_7776 coins/hush_7776 coins/emc2_7776 coins/gin_7776