/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "bitcoin.h" cJSON *instantdex_statemachinejson(struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap); char *bitcoind_passthru(char *coinstr,char *serverport,char *userpass,char *method,char *params) { return(bitcoind_RPC(0,coinstr,serverport,userpass,method,params)); } int32_t bitcoin_pubkeylen(const uint8_t *pubkey) { if ( pubkey[0] == 2 || pubkey[0] == 3 ) return(33); else if ( pubkey[0] == 4 ) return(65); else return(-1); } int32_t bitcoin_addr2rmd160(uint8_t *addrtypep,uint8_t rmd160[20],char *coinaddr) { bits256 hash; uint8_t *buf,_buf[25]; int32_t len; memset(rmd160,0,20); *addrtypep = 0; buf = _buf; if ( (len= bitcoin_base58decode(buf,coinaddr)) >= 4 ) { // validate with trailing hash, then remove hash hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,buf,len - 4); *addrtypep = *buf; memcpy(rmd160,buf+1,20); if ( (buf[len - 4]&0xff) == hash.bytes[31] && (buf[len - 3]&0xff) == hash.bytes[30] &&(buf[len - 2]&0xff) == hash.bytes[29] &&(buf[len - 1]&0xff) == hash.bytes[28] ) { //printf("coinaddr.(%s) valid checksum\n",coinaddr); return(20); } else { //char hexaddr[64]; //btc_convaddr(hexaddr,coinaddr); //for (i=0; ichain->pubtype && addrtype != coin->chain->p2shtype ) return(-1); else if ( bitcoin_address(checkaddr,addrtype,rmd160,sizeof(rmd160)) != checkaddr || strcmp(checkaddr,coinaddr) != 0 ) return(-1); return(0); } int32_t bitcoin_priv2wif(char *wifstr,bits256 privkey,uint8_t addrtype) { uint8_t data[128]; bits256 hash; int32_t i; memcpy(data,privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)); data[32] = 1; data[0] = addrtype; hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,data,33); for (i=0; i<4; i++) data[33+i] = hash.bytes[31-i]; if ( bitcoin_base58encode(wifstr,data,33+4) == 0 ) return(-1); char str[65]; printf("(%s) -> wif.(%s) addrtype.%02x\n",bits256_str(str,privkey),wifstr,addrtype); return((int32_t)strlen(wifstr)); } int32_t bitcoin_wif2priv(uint8_t *addrtypep,bits256 *privkeyp,char *wifstr) { int32_t len = -1; bits256 hash; uint8_t buf[64]; if ( (len= bitcoin_base58decode(buf,wifstr)) >= 4 ) { // validate with trailing hash, then remove hash hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,buf,len - 4); *addrtypep = *buf; memcpy(privkeyp,buf+1,32); if ( (buf[len - 4]&0xff) == hash.bytes[31] && (buf[len - 3]&0xff) == hash.bytes[30] &&(buf[len - 2]&0xff) == hash.bytes[29] &&(buf[len - 1]&0xff) == hash.bytes[28] ) { //printf("coinaddr.(%s) valid checksum\n",coinaddr); return(32); } } return(-1); } int32_t iguana_parsevoutobj(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxsize,struct iguana_msgvout *vout,cJSON *voutobj) { int32_t len = 0; cJSON *skey; char *hexstr; memset(vout,0,sizeof(*vout)); vout->value = jdouble(voutobj,"value") * SATOSHIDEN; if ( (skey= jobj(voutobj,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 ) { if ( (hexstr= jstr(skey,"hex")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr) >> 1; decode_hex(serialized,len,hexstr); vout->pk_script = serialized; vout->pk_scriptlen = len; } } return(len); } int32_t iguana_parsevinobj(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxsize,struct iguana_msgvin *vin,cJSON *vinobj) { int32_t n,len = 0; char *hexstr,*spendstr = 0; cJSON *scriptjson; memset(vin,0,sizeof(*vin)); vin->prev_vout = -1; vin->sequence = juint(vinobj,"sequence"); if ( (hexstr= jstr(vinobj,"coinbase")) == 0 ) { vin->prev_hash = jbits256(vinobj,"txid"); vin->prev_vout = jint(vinobj,"vout"); if ( (scriptjson= jobj(vinobj,"scriptSig")) != 0 ) hexstr = jstr(scriptjson,"hex"); if ( (scriptjson= jobj(vinobj,"scriptPub")) != 0 ) spendstr = jstr(scriptjson,"hex"); } if ( hexstr != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr) >> 1; decode_hex(serialized,len,hexstr); vin->vinscript = serialized; vin->scriptlen = len; serialized = &serialized[len]; } //else printf("iguana_parsevinobj: hex script missing (%s)\n",jprint(vinobj,0)); if ( spendstr != 0 ) { n = (int32_t)strlen(spendstr) >> 1; decode_hex(serialized,n,spendstr); vin->spendscript = serialized; vin->spendlen = n; len += n; } return(len); } cJSON *iguana_voutjson(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_msgvout *vout,int32_t txi,bits256 txid) { // 035f1321ed17d387e4433b2fa229c53616057964af065f98bfcae2233c5108055e OP_CHECKSIG char scriptstr[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE+1],asmstr[2*IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE+1]; int32_t i,m,n,scriptlen,asmtype; struct vin_info *vp; uint8_t space[8192]; cJSON *addrs,*skey,*json = cJSON_CreateObject(); vp = calloc(1,sizeof(*vp)); jaddnum(json,"value",dstr(vout->value)); jaddnum(json,"n",txi); //"scriptPubKey":{"asm":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 5f69cb73016264270dae9f65c51f60d0e4d6fd44 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG","reqSigs":1,"type":"pubkeyhash","addresses":["RHyh1V9syARTf2pyxibz7v27D5paBeWza5"]} if ( vout->pk_script != 0 && vout->pk_scriptlen*2+1 < sizeof(scriptstr) ) { memset(vp,0,sizeof(*vp)); if ( (asmtype= iguana_calcrmd160(coin,asmstr,vp,vout->pk_script,vout->pk_scriptlen,txid,txi,0xffffffff)) >= 0 ) { skey = cJSON_CreateObject(); scriptlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&m,&n,vp->coinaddr,space,asmstr,vp->rmd160,asmtype,vp,txi); if ( asmstr[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(skey,"asm",asmstr); addrs = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( vp->N == 1 ) { if ( asmtype == 2 ) { jaddnum(skey,"reqSigs",1); jaddstr(skey,"type","pubkeyhash"); } if ( vp->coinaddr[0] != 0 ) jaddistr(addrs,vp->coinaddr); } else { jaddnum(skey,"reqSigs",vp->M); for (i=0; iN; i++) { //btc_convrmd160(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,V.signers[i].pubkey); jaddistr(addrs,vp->signers[i].coinaddr); } } jadd(skey,"addresses",addrs); init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,vout->pk_script,vout->pk_scriptlen); if ( scriptstr[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(skey,"hex",scriptstr); jadd(json,"scriptPubKey",skey); } } return(json); } void iguana_addscript(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *dest,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,char *fieldname) { char *scriptstr,scriptbuf[8192+256]; int32_t len; cJSON *scriptobj; if ( scriptlen < 0 ) return; if ( scriptlen > sizeof(scriptbuf) ) len = (scriptlen << 1) + 256, scriptstr = malloc(len); else scriptstr = scriptbuf, len = sizeof(scriptbuf); init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,script,scriptlen); if ( strcmp(fieldname,"coinbase") == 0 ) jaddstr(dest,"coinbase",scriptstr); else { scriptobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(scriptobj,"hex",scriptstr); iguana_expandscript(coin,scriptstr,len,script,scriptlen); if ( scriptstr[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(scriptobj,"asm",scriptstr); if ( scriptstr != scriptbuf ) free(scriptstr); jadd(dest,fieldname,scriptobj); } } cJSON *iguana_vinjson(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_msgvin *vin) { char str[65]; int32_t vout; cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); vout = vin->prev_vout; jaddnum(json,"sequence",vin->sequence); if ( vout < 0 && bits256_nonz(vin->prev_hash) == 0 ) iguana_addscript(coin,json,vin->vinscript,vin->scriptlen,"coinbase"); else { jaddstr(json,"txid",bits256_str(str,vin->prev_hash)); jaddnum(json,"vout",vout); if ( vin->scriptlen > 0 ) iguana_addscript(coin,json,vin->vinscript,vin->scriptlen,"scriptSig"); if ( vin->spendlen > 0 ) iguana_addscript(coin,json,vin->spendscript,vin->spendlen,"scriptPub"); } return(json); } int32_t iguana_vinparse(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *serialized,struct iguana_msgvin *msg) { int32_t len = 0; len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->prev_hash),msg->prev_hash.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->prev_vout),&msg->prev_vout); len += iguana_rwvarint32(rwflag,&serialized[len],&msg->scriptlen); if ( msg->scriptlen > IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { printf("iguana_vinparse illegal scriptlen.%d\n",msg->scriptlen); return(-1); } if ( rwflag == 0 ) { msg->vinscript = &serialized[len]; len += msg->scriptlen; } else { if ( msg->scriptlen > 0 ) { memcpy(&serialized[len],msg->vinscript,msg->scriptlen); len += msg->scriptlen; } } len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->sequence),&msg->sequence); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; char str[65]; for (i=0; iscriptlen; i++) printf("%02x",msg->vinscript[i]); printf(" prev_hash.(%s) vout.%d [%p] scriptlen.%d rwflag.%d\n",bits256_str(str,msg->prev_hash),msg->prev_vout,msg->vinscript,msg->scriptlen,rwflag); } return(len); } int32_t iguana_voutparse(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *serialized,struct iguana_msgvout *msg) { int32_t len = 0; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->value),&msg->value); len += iguana_rwvarint32(rwflag,&serialized[len],&msg->pk_scriptlen); if ( msg->pk_scriptlen > IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { printf("iguana_voutparse illegal scriptlen.%d\n",msg->pk_scriptlen); return(-1); } if ( rwflag == 0 ) msg->pk_script = &serialized[len]; else memcpy(&serialized[len],msg->pk_script,msg->pk_scriptlen); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; ipk_scriptlen; i++) printf("%02x",msg->pk_script[i]); printf(" [%p] scriptlen.%d rwflag.%d %.8f\n",msg->pk_script,msg->pk_scriptlen,rwflag,dstr(msg->value)); } len += msg->pk_scriptlen; return(len); } // {"result":{"txid":"867ab5071349ef8d0dcd03a43017b6b440c9533cb26a8a6870127e7884ff96f6","version":1,"time":1404960685,"locktime":0,"vin":[{"coinbase":"510103","sequence":4294967295}],"vout":[{"value":80.00000000,"n":0,"scriptPubKey":{"asm":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 5f69cb73016264270dae9f65c51f60d0e4d6fd44 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG","reqSigs":1,"type":"pubkeyhash","addresses":["RHyh1V9syARTf2pyxibz7v27D5paBeWza5"]}}],"blockhash":"000000000c4682089c916de89eb080a877566494d4009c0089baf35fe94de22f","confirmations":930039} //{"version":1,"timestamp":1404960685,"vins":[{"sequence":4294967295,"coinbase":"510103"}],"numvins":1,"vouts":[{"value":80,"n":0,"scriptPubKey":{"asm":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 5f69cb73016264270dae9f65c51f60d0e4d6fd44 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG","reqSigs":1,"type":"pubkeyhash","addrs":["RHyh1V9syARTf2pyxibz7v27D5paBeWza5"],"hex":"76a9145f69cb73016264270dae9f65c51f60d0e4d6fd4488ac"}}],"numvouts":1,"locktime":0,"size":92,"txid":"867ab5071349ef8d0dcd03a43017b6b440c9533cb26a8a6870127e7884ff96f6","tag":"3968374231439324584"} int32_t iguana_rwmsgtx(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,cJSON *json,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxsize,struct iguana_msgtx *msg,bits256 *txidp,char *vpnstr) { int32_t i,n,len = 0; uint8_t *txstart = serialized; char txidstr[65]; cJSON *array=0; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->version),&msg->version); if ( json != 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"version",msg->version); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); } //printf("version.%d\n",msg->version); if ( coin->chain->hastimestamp != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->timestamp),&msg->timestamp); //char str[65]; printf("version.%d timestamp.%08x %u %s\n",msg->version,msg->timestamp,msg->timestamp,utc_str(str,msg->timestamp)); if ( json != 0 ) jaddnum(json,"timestamp",msg->timestamp); } //for (i=len; itx_in); //printf(" tx_in.%08x\n",msg->tx_in); if ( rwflag == 0 ) { if ( len + sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin)*msg->tx_in > maxsize ) { printf("len.%d + tx_in.%d > maxsize.%d\n",len,msg->tx_in,maxsize); return(-1); } maxsize -= (sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin) * msg->tx_in); msg->vins = (struct iguana_msgvin *)&serialized[maxsize]; memset(msg->vins,0,sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin) * msg->tx_in); } for (i=0; itx_in; i++) { if ( (n= iguana_vinparse(coin,rwflag,&serialized[len],&msg->vins[i])) < 0 ) return(-1); //printf("vin.%d n.%d len.%d\n",i,n,len); len += n; if ( len > maxsize ) { printf("invalid tx_in.%d len.%d vs maxsize.%d\n",msg->tx_in,len,maxsize); return(-1); } if ( array != 0 ) jaddi(array,iguana_vinjson(coin,&msg->vins[i])); } if ( array != 0 ) { jadd(json,"vin",array); jaddnum(json,"numvins",msg->tx_in); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); } //for (i=len; itx_out); //printf(" txout.%d\n",msg->tx_out); if ( rwflag == 0 ) { if ( len + sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout)*msg->tx_out > maxsize ) { printf("len.%d + tx_in.%d > maxsize.%d\n",len,msg->tx_in,maxsize); return(-1); } maxsize -= (sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout) * msg->tx_out); msg->vouts = (struct iguana_msgvout *)&serialized[maxsize]; memset(msg->vouts,0,sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout) * msg->tx_out); } for (i=0; itx_out; i++) { if ( (n= iguana_voutparse(rwflag,&serialized[len],&msg->vouts[i])) < 0 ) return(-1); len += n; if ( len > maxsize ) { printf("invalid tx_out.%d len.%d vs maxsize.%d\n",msg->tx_out,len,maxsize); return(-1); } if ( array != 0 ) jaddi(array,iguana_voutjson(coin,&msg->vouts[i],i,*txidp)); } if ( array != 0 ) { jadd(json,"vout",array); jaddnum(json,"numvouts",msg->tx_out); } len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(msg->lock_time),&msg->lock_time); //printf("lock_time.%08x\n",msg->lock_time); if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"VPN") == 0 ) { uint16_t ddosflag = 0; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(ddosflag),&ddosflag); for (i=0; serialized[len]!=0&&lenlock_time); jaddnum(json,"size",len); jaddbits256(json,"txid",*txidp); //printf("TX.(%s) %p\n",jprint(json,0),json); } msg->allocsize = len; return(len); } bits256 iguana_parsetxobj(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *txstartp,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxsize,struct iguana_msgtx *msg,cJSON *txobj) // json -> serialized + (msg,V) { int32_t i,numvins,numvouts,len = 0; cJSON *array=0; bits256 txid; char vpnstr[64]; memset(msg,0,sizeof(*msg)); vpnstr[0] = 0; if ( (msg->version= juint(txobj,"version")) == 0 ) msg->version = 1; if ( coin->chain->hastimestamp != 0 ) { if ( (msg->timestamp= juint(txobj,"timestamp")) == 0 ) msg->timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( (array= jarray(&numvins,txobj,"vin")) != 0 ) { msg->tx_in = numvins; if ( len + sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin)*msg->tx_in > maxsize ) return(msg->txid); maxsize -= (sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin) * msg->tx_in); msg->vins = (struct iguana_msgvin *)&serialized[maxsize]; if ( msg->tx_in > 0 && msg->tx_in*sizeof(struct iguana_msgvin) < maxsize ) { for (i=0; itx_in; i++) len += iguana_parsevinobj(coin,&serialized[len],maxsize,&msg->vins[i],jitem(array,i)); } } if ( (array= jarray(&numvouts,txobj,"vout")) != 0 ) { msg->tx_out = numvouts; if ( len + sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout)*msg->tx_out > maxsize ) return(msg->txid); maxsize -= (sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout) * msg->tx_out); msg->vouts = (struct iguana_msgvout *)&serialized[maxsize]; if ( msg->tx_out > 0 && msg->tx_out*sizeof(struct iguana_msgvout) < maxsize ) { for (i=0; itx_out; i++) len += iguana_parsevoutobj(coin,&serialized[len],maxsize,&msg->vouts[i],jitem(array,i)); } } msg->lock_time = juint(txobj,"locktime"); msg->txid = jbits256(txobj,"txid"); *txstartp = len; if ( (msg->allocsize= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,0,&serialized[len],maxsize-len,msg,&txid,vpnstr)) < 0 ) { memset(txid.bytes,0,sizeof(txid)); printf("error parsing txobj\n"); msg->allocsize = 0; } //char str[65]; printf("json -> %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid)); return(txid); } char *iguana_rawtxbytes(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *json,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx) { int32_t n; char *txbytes = 0,vpnstr[64]; uint8_t *serialized; serialized = malloc(IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE); vpnstr[0] = 0; //char str[65]; printf("%d of %d: %s\n",i,msg.txn_count,bits256_str(str,tx.txid)); if ( (n= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,json,serialized,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,msgtx,&msgtx->txid,vpnstr)) > 0 ) { txbytes = malloc(n*2+1); init_hexbytes_noT(txbytes,serialized,n); } free(serialized); return(txbytes); } int32_t bitcoin_verifyvins(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *signedtxidp,char **signedtx,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxsize,struct vin_info *V,int32_t sighashsingle) { bits256 txid,sigtxid,revsigtxid; uint8_t *sig,*pubkey; struct vin_info *vp; char txidstr[128],bigstr[2560],coinaddr[64],vpnstr[64],str[65]; uint32_t suffixlen,sigsize,pubkeysize; int32_t n2,i,j,k,plen,vini=0,flag,numvins,hashtype,retval,siglen,asmtype,numvouts; numvouts = msgtx->tx_out; vpnstr[0] = 0; *signedtx = 0; memset(signedtxidp,0,sizeof(*signedtxidp)); numvins = msgtx->tx_in; retval = -numvins; for (vini=0; vinivins[vini].vinscript; vp = &V[vini]; sig = &msgtx->vins[vini].vinscript[1]; siglen = msgtx->vins[vini].vinscript[0]; vp->vin = msgtx->vins[vini]; flag = 0; for (k=0; k<2; k++) { asmtype = (k == 0) ? IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC : IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC; if ( bitcoin_scriptget(coin,&hashtype,&sigsize,&pubkeysize,&suffixlen,vp,msgtx->vins[vini].vinscript,msgtx->vins[vini].scriptlen,asmtype) < 0 ) { printf("cant get script for (%s).v%d\n",bits256_str(str,vp->vin.prev_hash),vp->vin.prev_vout); continue; } if ( sighashsingle != 0 && vini == 0 ) { msgtx->tx_out = 1; hashtype = SIGHASH_SINGLE; } else msgtx->tx_out = numvouts; msgtx->vins[vini].spendscript = vp->spendscript; msgtx->vins[vini].spendlen = vp->spendlen; msgtx->vins[vini].sequence = vp->sequence; for (j=0; jN; j++) { pubkey = vp->signers[j].pubkey; if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey)) < 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(vp->signers[j].privkey) > 0 ) { pubkey = vp->signers[j].pubkey; bitcoin_pubkey33(pubkey,vp->signers[j].privkey); plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey); } if ( plen < 0 ) { printf("nopubkey for j.%d vini.%d plen.%d [%02x]\n",j,vini,plen,pubkey[0]); continue; } } bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,pubkey,plen); n2 = iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,0,serialized,maxsize,msgtx,&txid,vpnstr); if ( n2 > 0 ) { n2 += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[n2],sizeof(hashtype),&hashtype); //printf("hashtype.%d [%02x]\n",hashtype,sig[siglen-1]); revsigtxid = bits256_doublesha256(txidstr,serialized,n2); for (i=0; isigners[j].privkey) != 0 ) { siglen = bitcoin_sign(vp->signers[j].sig,sizeof(vp->signers[j].sig),sigtxid.bytes,sizeof(sigtxid),vp->signers[j].privkey); sig = vp->signers[j].sig; sig[siglen++] = hashtype; vp->signers[j].siglen = siglen; msgtx->vins[vini].vinscript = calloc(1,siglen*2+256); // fix this memleak! msgtx->vins[vini].scriptlen = bitcoin_scriptsig(coin,msgtx->vins[vini].vinscript,0,(const struct vin_info *)vp,msgtx); //for (i=0; isigners[j].pubkey,bitcoin_pubkeylen(vp->signers[j].pubkey)) < 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(bigstr,serialized,n2); printf("(%s) doesnt verify hash2.%s\n",bigstr,bits256_str(str,sigtxid)); *signedtx = iguana_rawtxbytes(coin,0,msgtx); *signedtxidp = msgtx->txid; printf("SIG.%d ERROR %s\n",vini,*signedtx); } else { cJSON *txobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); *signedtx = iguana_rawtxbytes(coin,txobj,msgtx); *signedtxidp = msgtx->txid; //printf("SIG.%d VERIFIED %s (%s)\n",vini,*signedtx,jprint(txobj,1)); flag = 1; break; } } else printf("bitcoin_verifyvins: vini.%d n2.%d\n",vini,n2); } if ( flag > 0 ) { retval++; break; } if ( vp->type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC && vp->type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC ) break; } } return(retval); } int32_t bitcoin_verifytx(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *signedtxidp,char **signedtx,char *rawtxstr,struct vin_info *V) { int32_t len,maxsize,numvins,retval = -1; uint8_t *serialized,*serialized2; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; bits256 txid; char vpnstr[64]; len = (int32_t)strlen(rawtxstr); maxsize = len + 32768; serialized = calloc(1,maxsize), serialized2 = calloc(1,maxsize); len >>= 1; vpnstr[0] = 0; decode_hex(serialized,len,rawtxstr); memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); if ( iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,0,0,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,&txid,vpnstr) > 0 ) { numvins = msgtx.tx_in; if ( bitcoin_verifyvins(coin,signedtxidp,signedtx,&msgtx,serialized2,maxsize,V,0) == 0 ) retval = 0; else printf("bitcoin_verifytx: bitcoin_verifyvins error\n"); } else printf("bitcoin_verifytx: error iguana_rwmsgtx\n"); free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(retval); } char *bitcoin_json2hex(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,cJSON *txjson) { int32_t txstart; uint8_t *serialized; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; char *txbytes = 0; serialized = malloc(IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*1.5); *txidp = iguana_parsetxobj(coin,&txstart,serialized,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*1.5,&msgtx,txjson); if ( msgtx.allocsize > 0 ) { txbytes = malloc(msgtx.allocsize*2 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(txbytes,&serialized[txstart],msgtx.allocsize); } else printf("bitcoin_txtest: zero msgtx allocsize.(%s)\n",jprint(txjson,0)); free(serialized); return(txbytes); } cJSON *bitcoin_hex2json(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx,char *txbytes) { int32_t n,len; char vpnstr[64]; struct iguana_msgtx M; uint8_t *serialized; cJSON *txobj; txobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( msgtx == 0 ) { msgtx = &M; memset(msgtx,0,sizeof(M)); } len = (int32_t)strlen(txbytes) >> 1; serialized = malloc(len + 32768); decode_hex(serialized,len,txbytes); vpnstr[0] = 0; memset(txidp,0,sizeof(*txidp)); printf("B bitcoin_hex2json len.%d\n",len); if ( (n= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,0,txobj,serialized,len + 32768,msgtx,txidp,vpnstr)) <= 0 ) { printf("error from rwmsgtx\n"); free_json(txobj); txobj = 0; } free(serialized); return(txobj); } cJSON *bitcoin_createtx(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t locktime) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( locktime == 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"version",1); jaddnum(json,"locktime",0); } else { jaddnum(json,"version",4); jaddnum(json,"locktime",locktime); } if ( coin->chain->hastimestamp != 0 ) jaddnum(json,"timestamp",time(NULL)); jadd(json,"vin",cJSON_CreateArray()); jadd(json,"vout",cJSON_CreateArray()); return(json); } cJSON *bitcoin_addoutput(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *txobj,uint8_t *paymentscript,int32_t len,uint64_t satoshis) { char *hexstr; cJSON *item,*skey,*vouts = jduplicate(jobj(txobj,"vout")); jdelete(txobj,"vout"); item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(item,"value",dstr(satoshis)); skey = cJSON_CreateObject(); hexstr = malloc(len*2 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,paymentscript,len); jaddstr(skey,"hex",hexstr); //printf("addoutput.(%s %s)\n",hexstr,jprint(skey,0)); free(hexstr); jadd(item,"scriptPubkey",skey); jaddi(vouts,item); jadd(txobj,"vout",vouts); return(txobj); } cJSON *bitcoin_addinput(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *txobj,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint32_t sequenceid,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,uint8_t *redeemscript,int32_t p2shlen) { cJSON *item,*vins; char p2shscriptstr[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE*2+1]; vins = jduplicate(jobj(txobj,"vin")); jdelete(txobj,"vin"); item = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( script != 0 && scriptlen > 0 ) iguana_addscript(coin,item,script,scriptlen,"scriptPubKey"); if ( redeemscript != 0 && p2shlen > 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(p2shscriptstr,redeemscript,p2shlen); jaddstr(item,"redeemScript",p2shscriptstr); } jaddbits256(item,"txid",txid); jaddnum(item,"vout",vout); jaddnum(item,"sequence",sequenceid); jaddi(vins,item); jadd(txobj,"vin",vins); printf("addvin -> (%s)\n",jprint(txobj,0)); return(txobj); } struct bitcoin_unspent *iguana_bestfit(struct iguana_info *coin,struct bitcoin_unspent *unspents,int32_t numunspents,uint64_t value,int32_t mode) { int32_t i; uint64_t above,below,gap,atx_value; struct bitcoin_unspent *vin,*abovevin,*belowvin; abovevin = belowvin = 0; for (above=below=i=0; ivalue; //printf("(%.8f vs %.8f)\n",dstr(atx_value),dstr(value)); if ( atx_value == value ) return(vin); else if ( atx_value > value ) { gap = (atx_value - value); if ( above == 0 || gap < above ) { above = gap; abovevin = vin; } } else if ( mode == 0 ) { gap = (value - atx_value); if ( below == 0 || gap < below ) { below = gap; belowvin = vin; } } } if ( (vin= (abovevin != 0) ? abovevin : belowvin) == 0 && mode == 1 ) vin = unspents; return(vin); } struct bitcoin_spend *iguana_spendset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,int64_t amount,int64_t txfee,char *account) { int32_t i,mode,numunspents,maxinputs = 1024; struct bitcoin_unspent *ptr,*up; struct bitcoin_unspent *ups; struct bitcoin_spend *spend; double balance; int64_t remains,smallest = 0; if ( (ups= iguana_unspentsget(myinfo,coin,0,&balance,&numunspents,coin->chain->minconfirms,account)) == 0 ) return(0); spend = calloc(1,sizeof(*spend) + sizeof(*spend->inputs) * maxinputs); spend->txfee = txfee; remains = txfee + amount; spend->satoshis = remains; ptr = spend->inputs; for (i=0; i=0; mode--) if ( (up= iguana_bestfit(coin,ups,numunspents,remains,mode)) != 0 ) break; if ( up != 0 ) { if ( smallest == 0 || up->value < smallest ) { smallest = up->value; memcpy(spend->change160,up->rmd160,sizeof(spend->change160)); } spend->input_satoshis += up->value; spend->inputs[spend->numinputs++] = *up; if ( spend->input_satoshis >= spend->satoshis ) { // numinputs 1 -> (1.00074485 - spend 0.41030880) = net 0.59043605 vs amount 0.40030880 change 0.40030880 -> txfee 0.01000000 vs chainfee 0.01000000 spend->change = (spend->input_satoshis - spend->satoshis) - txfee; printf("numinputs %d -> (%.8f - spend %.8f) = change %.8f -> txfee %.8f vs chainfee %.8f\n",spend->numinputs,dstr(spend->input_satoshis),dstr(spend->satoshis),dstr(spend->change),dstr(spend->input_satoshis - spend->change - spend->satoshis),dstr(txfee)); break; } remains -= up->value; } else break; } if ( spend->input_satoshis >= spend->satoshis ) { spend = realloc(spend,sizeof(*spend) + sizeof(*spend->inputs) * spend->numinputs); return(spend); } else { free(spend); return(0); } } void iguana_addinputs(struct iguana_info *coin,struct bitcoin_spend *spend,cJSON *txobj,uint32_t sequence) { int32_t i; for (i=0; inuminputs; i++) { spend->inputs[i].sequence = sequence; bitcoin_addinput(coin,txobj,spend->inputs[i].txid,spend->inputs[i].vout,spend->inputs[i].sequence,spend->inputs[i].spendscript,spend->inputs[i].spendlen,spend->inputs[i].p2shscript,spend->inputs[i].p2shlen); } } cJSON *iguana_signtx(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,char **signedtxp,struct bitcoin_spend *spend,cJSON *txobj) { int32_t i,j; char *rawtxstr; struct vin_info V; bits256 txid; for (i=0; inuminputs; i++) // N times less efficient, but for small number of inputs ok { if ( *signedtxp != 0 ) { if ( txobj != 0 ) free_json(txobj); txobj = bitcoin_hex2json(coin,&txid,0,*signedtxp); free(*signedtxp); } if ( (rawtxstr= bitcoin_json2hex(coin,&txid,txobj)) != 0 ) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); for (j=0; jinputs[i].privkeys)/sizeof(*spend->inputs[i].privkeys); j++) { if ( bits256_nonz(spend->inputs[i].privkeys[j]) != 0 ) V.signers[j].privkey = spend->inputs[i].privkeys[j]; } if ( spend->inputs[i].spendlen > 0 ) { memcpy(V.spendscript,spend->inputs[i].spendscript,spend->inputs[i].spendlen); V.spendlen = spend->inputs[i].spendlen; } V.sequence = spend->inputs[i].sequence; //printf("json2hex.(%s)\n",rawtxstr); bitcoin_verifytx(coin,txidp,signedtxp,rawtxstr,&V); //printf("json2hex.(%s)\n",rawtxstr); free(rawtxstr); } else break; } if ( *signedtxp != 0 && i != spend->numinputs ) free(*signedtxp), *signedtxp = 0; return(txobj); } int32_t iguana_validatesigs(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_msgvin *vin) { // multiple coins // ro -> vouts collision, purgeable // return(0); } #ifdef testing char *bitcoin_cltvtx(struct iguana_info *coin,char *changeaddr,char *senderaddr,char *senders_otheraddr,char *otheraddr,uint32_t locktime,uint64_t satoshis,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint64_t inputsatoshis,bits256 privkey) { uint64_t change; char *rawtxstr,*signedtx; struct vin_info V; bits256 cltxid,signedtxid; int32_t cltvlen,len; uint32_t timestamp; char ps2h_coinaddr[65]; cJSON *txobj; uint8_t p2sh_rmd160[20],cltvscript[1024],paymentscript[64],rmd160[20],secret160[20],addrtype; timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,secret160,senders_otheraddr); cltvlen = bitcoin_cltvscript(coin->chain->p2shtype,ps2h_coinaddr,p2sh_rmd160,cltvscript,0,senderaddr,otheraddr,secret160,locktime); txobj = bitcoin_createtx(coin,locktime); len = bitcoin_p2shspend(paymentscript,0,p2sh_rmd160); bitcoin_addoutput(coin,txobj,paymentscript,len,satoshis); bitcoin_addinput(coin,txobj,txid,vout,locktime); if ( inputsatoshis > (satoshis + 10000) ) { change = inputsatoshis - (satoshis + 10000); if ( changeaddr != 0 && changeaddr[0] != 0 ) { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,changeaddr); if ( addrtype == coin->chain->pubtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(paymentscript,0,rmd160); else if ( addrtype == coin->chain->p2shtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(paymentscript,0,rmd160); else { printf("error with mismatched addrtype.%02x vs (%02x %02x)\n",addrtype,coin->chain->pubtype,coin->chain->p2shtype); return(0); } bitcoin_addoutput(coin,txobj,paymentscript,len,change); } else { printf("error no change address when there is change\n"); return(0); } } rawtxstr = bitcoin_json2hex(coin,&cltxid,txobj); char str[65]; printf("CLTV.%s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,cltxid),rawtxstr); memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); V.signers[0].privkey = privkey; bitcoin_verifytx(coin,&signedtxid,&signedtx,rawtxstr,&V); free(rawtxstr); if ( signedtx != 0 ) printf("signed CLTV.%s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,signedtxid),signedtx); else printf("error generating signedtx\n"); free_json(txobj); return(signedtx); } #endif char *refstr = "01000000\ 01\ eccf7e3034189b851985d871f91384b8ee357cd47c3024736e5676eb2debb3f2\ 01000000\ 8c\ 4930460221009e0339f72c793a89e664a8a932df073962a3f84eda0bd9e02084a6a9567f75aa022100bd9cbaca2e5ec195751efdfac164b76250b1e21302e51ca86dd7ebd7020cdc0601410450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6\ ffffffff\ 01\ 605af40500000000\ 19\ 76a914097072524438d003d23a2f23edb65aae1bb3e46988ac\ 00000000"; cJSON *bitcoin_txtest(struct iguana_info *coin,char *rawtxstr,bits256 txid) { struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; char str[65],str2[65]; bits256 checktxid,blockhash,signedtxid; cJSON *retjson,*txjson; uint8_t *serialized,*serialized2; uint32_t firstvout; struct vin_info *V; char vpnstr[64],*txbytes,*signedtx; int32_t n,txstart,height,n2,maxsize,len; rawtxstr = refstr; len = (int32_t)strlen(rawtxstr); maxsize = len + 32768; serialized = calloc(1,maxsize); serialized2 = calloc(1,maxsize); len >>= 1; V = 0; vpnstr[0] = 0; memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); if ( len < maxsize ) { decode_hex(serialized,len,rawtxstr); txjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (n= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,0,txjson,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,&txid,vpnstr)) < 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest len.%d: n.%d from (%s)\n",len,n,rawtxstr); free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"cant parse txbytes\"}")); } V = calloc(msgtx.tx_in,sizeof(*V)); { //char *pstr; int32_t plen; decode_hex(V[0].signers[0].privkey.bytes,sizeof(V[0].signers[0].privkey),"18E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725"); //pstr = "0450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6"; //plen = (int32_t)strlen(pstr); //decode_hex(V[0].signers[0].pubkey,plen,pstr); } if ( bitcoin_verifytx(coin,&signedtxid,&signedtx,rawtxstr,V) != 0 ) printf("bitcoin_verifytx error\n"); jadd(retjson,"result",txjson); if ( (firstvout= iguana_unspentindfind(coin,&height,txid,0,coin->bundlescount-1)) != 0 ) { if ( height >= 0 ) { blockhash = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); jaddnum(retjson,"height",height); jaddnum(retjson,"confirmations",coin->longestchain - height); jaddbits256(retjson,"blockhash",blockhash); } } //printf("retjson.(%s) %p\n",jprint(retjson,0),retjson); memset(checktxid.bytes,0,sizeof(checktxid)); if ( (n2= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,0,serialized2,maxsize,&msgtx,&checktxid,vpnstr)) < 0 || n != n2 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: n.%d vs n2.%d\n",n,n2); free(serialized), free(serialized2), free(V); return(retjson); } if ( bits256_cmp(checktxid,txid) != 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: txid.%s vs check.%s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,checktxid)); } checktxid = iguana_parsetxobj(coin,&txstart,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,jobj(retjson,"result")); if ( bits256_cmp(checktxid,txid) != 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: txid.%s vs check2.%s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,checktxid)); } if ( msgtx.allocsize != 0 ) { txbytes = malloc(msgtx.allocsize*2 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(txbytes,&serialized[txstart],msgtx.allocsize); if ( strcmp(txbytes,rawtxstr) != 0 ) printf("bitcoin_txtest: reconstruction error: %s != %s\n",rawtxstr,txbytes); else printf("reconstruction PASSED\n"); free(txbytes); } else printf("bitcoin_txtest: zero msgtx allocsize\n"); free(serialized), free(serialized2), free(V); return(retjson); } free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"testing bitcoin txbytes\"}")); } uint64_t bitcoin_parseunspent(struct iguana_info *coin,struct bitcoin_unspent *unspent,double minconfirms,char *account,cJSON *item) { uint8_t addrtype; char *hexstr,*wifstr,coinaddr[64],args[128]; memset(unspent,0,sizeof(*unspent)); if ( jstr(item,"address") != 0 ) { safecopy(coinaddr,jstr(item,"address"),sizeof(coinaddr)); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&unspent->addrtype,unspent->rmd160,coinaddr); sprintf(args,"[\"%s\"]",coinaddr); wifstr = bitcoind_RPC(0,coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"dumpprivkey",args); if ( wifstr != 0 ) { bitcoin_wif2priv(&addrtype,&unspent->privkeys[0],wifstr); //printf("wifstr.(%s) -> %s\n",wifstr,bits256_str(str,unspent->privkeys[0])); free(wifstr); } else fprintf(stderr,"error (%s) cant find privkey\n",coinaddr); } if ( (account == 0 || jstr(item,"account") == 0 || strcmp(account,jstr(item,"account")) == 0) && (minconfirms <= 0 || juint(item,"confirmations") >= minconfirms-SMALLVAL) ) { if ( (hexstr= jstr(item,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 ) { unspent->spendlen = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr) >> 1; if ( unspent->spendlen < sizeof(unspent->spendscript) ) decode_hex(unspent->spendscript,unspent->spendlen,hexstr); } unspent->txid = jbits256(item,"txid"); unspent->value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(item,"amount"); unspent->vout = jint(item,"vout"); //char str[65]; printf("(%s) -> %s %.8f scriptlen.%d\n",jprint(item,0),bits256_str(str,unspent->txid),dstr(unspent->value),unspent->scriptlen); } else printf("skip.(%s) minconfirms.%f\n",jprint(item,0),minconfirms); return(unspent->value); } struct bitcoin_unspent *iguana_unspentsget(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char **retstrp,double *balancep,int32_t *numunspentsp,double minconfirms,char *account) { char params[128],*retstr; uint64_t value,total = 0; struct bitcoin_unspent *unspents=0; cJSON *utxo; int32_t i,n; if ( account != 0 && account[0] == 0 ) account = 0; *numunspentsp = 0; if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = 0; sprintf(params,"%.0f, 99999999",minconfirms); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"listunspent",params)) != 0 ) { //printf("sss unspents.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( (utxo= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { n = 0; if ( (*numunspentsp= cJSON_GetArraySize(utxo)) > 0 ) { unspents = calloc(*numunspentsp,sizeof(*unspents)); for (i=0; i<*numunspentsp; i++) { value = bitcoin_parseunspent(coin,&unspents[n],minconfirms,account,jitem(utxo,i)); //printf("i.%d n.%d value %.8f\n",i,n,dstr(value)); if ( value != 0 ) { total += value; n++; } } } //printf("numunspents.%d -> %d total %.8f\n",*numunspentsp,n,dstr(total)); *numunspentsp = n; free_json(utxo); } else printf("error parsing.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = retstr; else free(retstr); } *balancep = dstr(total); return(unspents); } #define EXCHANGE_NAME "bitcoin" #define UPDATE bitcoin ## _price #define SUPPORTS bitcoin ## _supports #define SIGNPOST bitcoin ## _signpost #define TRADE bitcoin ## _trade #define ORDERSTATUS bitcoin ## _orderstatus #define CANCELORDER bitcoin ## _cancelorder #define OPENORDERS bitcoin ## _openorders #define TRADEHISTORY bitcoin ## _tradehistory #define BALANCES bitcoin ## _balances #define PARSEBALANCE bitcoin ## _parsebalance #define WITHDRAW bitcoin ## _withdraw #define CHECKBALANCE bitcoin ## _checkbalance #define ALLPAIRS bitcoin ## _allpairs #define FUNCS bitcoin ## _funcs #define BASERELS bitcoin ## _baserels static char *BASERELS[][2] = { {"btcd","btc"}, {"nxt","btc"}, {"asset","btc"} }; #include "exchange_supports.h" double UPDATE(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,struct exchange_quote *bidasks,int32_t maxdepth,double commission,cJSON *argjson,int32_t invert) { cJSON *retjson,*bids,*asks; double hbla; bids = cJSON_CreateArray(); asks = cJSON_CreateArray(); instantdex_offerfind(SuperNET_MYINFO(0),exchange,bids,asks,0,base,rel,1); //printf("bids.(%s) asks.(%s)\n",jprint(bids,0),jprint(asks,0)); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(retjson,"bids",bids); cJSON_AddItemToObject(retjson,"asks",asks); hbla = exchanges777_json_orderbook(exchange,commission,base,rel,bidasks,maxdepth,retjson,0,"bids","asks",0,0,invert); free_json(retjson); return(hbla); } char *PARSEBALANCE(struct exchange_info *exchange,double *balancep,char *coinstr,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *item; *balancep = 0; if ( (item= jobj(argjson,coinstr)) != 0 ) { *balancep = jdouble(item,"balance"); return(jprint(item,0)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no item for specified coin\"}")); } cJSON *BALANCES(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { double balance; char *retstr; int32_t i,numunspents,minconfirms; struct iguana_info *coin; struct supernet_info *myinfo; struct bitcoin_unspent *unspents; cJSON *item,*retjson,*utxo; retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); for (i=0; ichain->serverport[0] != 0 ) { balance = 0.; minconfirms = juint(argjson,"minconfirms"); if ( minconfirms < coin->minconfirms ) minconfirms = coin->minconfirms; if ( (unspents= iguana_unspentsget(myinfo,coin,&retstr,&balance,&numunspents,minconfirms,0)) != 0 ) { item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(retjson,"balance",balance); if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( (utxo= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { jadd(item,"unspents",utxo); jaddnum(item,"numunspents",numunspents); } free(retstr); } free(unspents); jadd(retjson,coin->symbol,item); } } } return(retjson); } int32_t is_valid_BTCother(char *other) { if ( iguana_coinfind(other) != 0 ) return(1); else if ( strcmp(other,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(other,"nxt") == 0 ) return(1); else if ( is_decimalstr(other) > 0 ) return(1); else return(0); } uint64_t TRADE(int32_t dotrade,char **retstrp,struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume,cJSON *argjson) { char *str,*retstr,coinaddr[64]; uint64_t txid = 0; cJSON *json=0; struct instantdex_accept *ap; struct supernet_info *myinfo; uint8_t pubkey[33]; struct iguana_info *other; myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); //printf("TRADE with myinfo.%p\n",myinfo); if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = 0; if ( strcmp(base,"BTC") == 0 || strcmp(base,"btc") == 0 ) { base = rel; rel = "BTC"; dir = -dir; volume *= price; price = 1. / price; } if ( is_valid_BTCother(base) != 0 && (strcmp(rel,"BTC") == 0 || strcmp(rel,"btc") == 0) ) { if ( dotrade == 0 ) { if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = clonestr("{\"result\":\"would issue new trade\"}"); } else { if ( (other= iguana_coinfind(base)) != 0 ) { bitcoin_pubkey33(pubkey,myinfo->persistent_priv); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,other->chain->pubtype,pubkey,sizeof(pubkey)); jaddstr(argjson,base,coinaddr); } else if ( strcmp(base,"NXT") == 0 || (is_decimalstr(base) > 0 && strlen(base) > 13) ) { printf("NXT is not yet\n"); return(0); } else return(0); json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"base",base); jaddstr(json,"rel","BTC"); jaddnum(json,dir > 0 ? "maxprice" : "minprice",price); jaddnum(json,"volume",volume); jaddstr(json,"BTC",myinfo->myaddr.BTC); jaddnum(json,"minperc",jdouble(argjson,"minperc")); //printf("trade dir.%d (%s/%s) %.6f vol %.8f\n",dir,base,"BTC",price,volume); if ( (str= instantdex_createaccept(myinfo,&ap,exchange,base,"BTC",price,volume,-dir,dir > 0 ? "BTC" : base,INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits,0,jdouble(argjson,"minperc"))) != 0 && ap != 0 ) retstr = instantdex_checkoffer(myinfo,&txid,exchange,ap,json), free(str); else printf("null return queueaccept\n"); if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = retstr; } } return(txid); } char *ORDERSTATUS(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t orderid,cJSON *argjson) { struct instantdex_accept *ap; struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap; cJSON *retjson; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); if ( (swap= instantdex_statemachinefind(myinfo,exchange,orderid,1)) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"result",instantdex_statemachinejson(swap)); else if ( (ap= instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,0,0,orderid,"*","*",1)) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"result",instantdex_acceptjson(ap)); else if ( (swap= instantdex_historyfind(myinfo,exchange,orderid)) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"result",instantdex_historyjson(swap)); else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt find orderid"); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *CANCELORDER(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t orderid,cJSON *argjson) { struct instantdex_accept *ap = 0; cJSON *retjson; struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap=0; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (ap= instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,0,0,orderid,"*","*",1)) != 0 ) { ap->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); jadd(retjson,"orderid",instantdex_acceptjson(ap)); jaddstr(retjson,"result","killed orderid, but might have pending"); } else if ( (swap= instantdex_statemachinefind(myinfo,exchange,orderid,1)) != 0 ) { jadd(retjson,"orderid",instantdex_statemachinejson(swap)); jaddstr(retjson,"result","killed statemachine orderid, but might have pending"); } return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *OPENORDERS(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *retjson,*bids,*asks; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); bids = cJSON_CreateArray(); asks = cJSON_CreateArray(); instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,bids,asks,0,"*","*",1); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jadd(retjson,"bids",bids); jadd(retjson,"asks",asks); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *TRADEHISTORY(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { struct bitcoin_swapinfo PAD,*swap; cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); memset(&PAD,0,sizeof(PAD)); queue_enqueue("historyQ",&exchange->historyQ,&PAD.DL,0); while ( (swap= queue_dequeue(&exchange->historyQ,0)) != 0 && swap != &PAD ) { jaddi(retjson,instantdex_historyjson(swap)); queue_enqueue("historyQ",&exchange->historyQ,&swap->DL,0); } return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *WITHDRAW(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,double amount,char *destaddr,cJSON *argjson) { //struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(argjson); // invoke conversion or transfer! return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"what does it mean to withdraw bitcoins that are in your wallet\"}")); } struct exchange_funcs bitcoin_funcs = EXCHANGE_FUNCS(bitcoin,EXCHANGE_NAME); #include "exchange_undefs.h" #include "../../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" #include "../../includes/iguana_apideclares.h" char *_setVsigner(struct iguana_info *coin,struct vin_info *V,int32_t ind,char *pubstr,char *wifstr) { uint8_t addrtype; decode_hex(V->signers[ind].pubkey,(int32_t)strlen(pubstr)/2,pubstr); bitcoin_wif2priv(&addrtype,&V->signers[ind].privkey,wifstr); if ( addrtype != coin->chain->pubtype ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid wifA\"}")); else return(0); } int32_t bitcoin_txaddspend(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *txobj,char *destaddress,double destamount) { uint8_t outputscript[128],addrtype,rmd160[20]; int32_t scriptlen; if ( bitcoin_validaddress(coin,destaddress) == 0 && destamount > 0. ) { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,destaddress); scriptlen = bitcoin_standardspend(outputscript,0,rmd160); bitcoin_addoutput(coin,txobj,outputscript,scriptlen,destamount * SATOSHIDEN); return(0); } else return(-1); } P2SH_SPENDAPI(iguana,spendmsig,activecoin,vintxid,vinvout,destaddress,destamount,destaddress2,destamount2,M,N,pubA,wifA,pubB,wifB,pubC,wifC) { struct vin_info V; uint8_t p2sh_rmd160[20],serialized[2096],spendscript[32]; int32_t spendlen; char msigaddr[64],*retstr; cJSON *retjson,*txobj; struct iguana_info *active; bits256 signedtxid; char *signedtx; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; if ( (active= iguana_coinfind(activecoin)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"activecoin isnt active\"}")); if ( M > N || N > 3 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"illegal M or N\"}")); memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); txobj = bitcoin_createtx(active,0); if ( destaddress[0] != 0 && destamount > 0. ) bitcoin_txaddspend(active,txobj,destaddress,destamount); if ( destaddress2[0] != 0 && destamount2 > 0. ) bitcoin_txaddspend(active,txobj,destaddress2,destamount2); if ( pubA[0] != 0 && (retstr= _setVsigner(active,&V,0,pubA,wifA)) != 0 ) return(retstr); if ( N >= 2 && pubB[0] != 0 && (retstr= _setVsigner(active,&V,1,pubB,wifC)) != 0 ) return(retstr); if ( N == 3 && pubC[0] != 0 && (retstr= _setVsigner(active,&V,2,pubC,wifC)) != 0 ) return(retstr); V.M = M, V.N = N, V.type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH; V.p2shlen = bitcoin_MofNspendscript(p2sh_rmd160,V.p2shscript,0,&V); spendlen = bitcoin_p2shspend(spendscript,0,p2sh_rmd160); bitcoin_addinput(active,txobj,vintxid,vinvout,0xffffffff,spendscript,spendlen,V.p2shscript,V.p2shlen); bitcoin_address(msigaddr,active->chain->p2shtype,V.p2shscript,V.p2shlen); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( bitcoin_verifyvins(active,&signedtxid,&signedtx,&msgtx,serialized,sizeof(serialized),&V,0) == 0 ) { jaddstr(retjson,"result","msigtx"); if ( signedtx != 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"signedtx",signedtx), free(signedtx); jaddbits256(retjson,"txid",signedtxid); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt sign tx"); jaddstr(retjson,"msigaddr",msigaddr); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } #include "../../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"