/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "../iguana/iguana777.h" bits256 bits256_doublesha256(char *hashstr,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { bits256 hash,hash2; int32_t i; vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,data,datalen); vcalc_sha256(0,hash2.bytes,hash.bytes,sizeof(hash)); for (i=0; i b.ulongs[i] ) return(1); else if ( a.ulongs[i] < b.ulongs[i] ) return(-1); } return(0); } bits256 bits256_lshift(bits256 x) { int32_t i,carry,prevcarry = 0; uint64_t mask = (1LL << 63); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { carry = ((mask & x.ulongs[i]) != 0); x.ulongs[i] = (x.ulongs[i] << 1) | prevcarry; prevcarry = carry; } return(x); } bits256 bits256_from_compact(uint32_t c) { uint32_t nbytes,nbits,i; bits256 x; memset(x.bytes,0,sizeof(x)); nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF; nbits = (8 * (nbytes - 3)); x.ulongs[0] = c & 0xFFFFFF; for (i=0; i sizeof(buf) ) { printf("calc_OP_HASH160 overflow len.%d vs %d\n",len,(int32_t)sizeof(buf)); return; } decode_hex(buf,len,pubkey); vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,buf,len); calc_rmd160(0,hash160,sha256,sizeof(sha256)); if ( 0 ) { int i; for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",hash160[i]); printf("<- (%s)\n",pubkey); } if ( hexstr != 0 ) init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,hash160,20); } double _dxblend(double *destp,double val,double decay) { double oldval; if ( (oldval = *destp) != 0. ) return((oldval * decay) + ((1. - decay) * val)); else return(val); } double dxblend(double *destp,double val,double decay) { double newval,slope; if ( isnan(*destp) != 0 ) *destp = 0.; if ( isnan(val) != 0 ) return(0.); if ( *destp == 0 ) { *destp = val; return(0); } newval = _dxblend(destp,val,decay); if ( newval < SMALLVAL && newval > -SMALLVAL ) { // non-zero marker for actual values close to or even equal to zero if ( newval < 0. ) newval = -SMALLVAL; else newval = SMALLVAL; } if ( *destp != 0. && newval != 0. ) slope = (newval - *destp); else slope = 0.; *destp = newval; return(slope); } /*queue_t TerminateQ; int32_t TerminateQ_queued; void iguana_terminator(void *arg) { struct iguana_thread *t; uint32_t lastdisp = 0; int32_t terminated = 0; printf("iguana_terminator\n"); while ( 1 ) { if ( (t= queue_dequeue(&TerminateQ,0)) != 0 ) { printf("terminate.%p\n",t); iguana_terminate(t); terminated++; continue; } sleep(1); if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+60 ) { lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("TerminateQ %d terminated of %d queued\n",terminated,TerminateQ_queued); } } }*/ int32_t iguana_numthreads(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t mask) { int32_t i,sum = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i++) if ( ((1 << i) & mask) != 0 ) sum += (coin->Launched[i] - coin->Terminated[i]); return(sum); } void iguana_launcher(void *ptr) { struct iguana_thread *t = ptr; struct iguana_info *coin; coin = t->coin; t->funcp(t->arg); coin->Terminated[t->type % (sizeof(coin->Terminated)/sizeof(*coin->Terminated))]++; queue_enqueue("TerminateQ",&coin->TerminateQ,&t->DL,0); } void iguana_terminate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_thread *t) { int32_t retval; retval = pthread_join(t->handle,NULL); if ( retval != 0 ) printf("error.%d terminating t.%p thread.%s\n",retval,t,t->name); myfree(t,sizeof(*t)); } struct iguana_thread *iguana_launch(struct iguana_info *coin,char *name,iguana_func funcp,void *arg,uint8_t type) { int32_t retval; struct iguana_thread *t; t = mycalloc('Z',1,sizeof(*t)); strcpy(t->name,name); t->coin = coin; t->funcp = funcp; t->arg = arg; t->type = (type % (sizeof(coin->Terminated)/sizeof(*coin->Terminated))); coin->Launched[t->type]++; retval = OS_thread_create(&t->handle,NULL,(void *)iguana_launcher,(void *)t); if ( retval != 0 ) printf("error launching %s\n",t->name); while ( (t= queue_dequeue(&coin->TerminateQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( (rand() % 100000) == 0 ) printf("terminated.%d launched.%d terminate.%p\n",coin->Terminated[t->type],coin->Launched[t->type],t); iguana_terminate(coin,t); } return(t); } char hexbyte(int32_t c) { c &= 0xf; if ( c < 10 ) return('0'+c); else if ( c < 16 ) return('a'+c-10); else return(0); } int32_t _unhex(char c) { if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) return(c - '0'); else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) return(c - 'a' + 10); else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) return(c - 'A' + 10); return(-1); } int32_t is_hexstr(char *str,int32_t n) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; str[i]!=0&&(i %d hex.(%s) [n*2+1: %d] [n*2: %d %c] len.%ld\n",n,hex[0],bytes[0],hex,hex[n*2+1],hex[n*2],hex[n*2],(long)strlen(hex)); #ifdef __APPLE__ getchar(); #endif bytes++; hex++; adjust = 1; } else adjust = 0; if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i>4) & 0xf); hexbytes[i*2 + 1] = hexbyte(message[i] & 0xf); //printf("i.%d (%02x) [%c%c]\n",i,message[i],hexbytes[i*2],hexbytes[i*2+1]); } hexbytes[len*2] = 0; //printf("len.%ld\n",len*2+1); return((int32_t)len*2+1); } void touppercase(char *str) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return; for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) str[i] = toupper(((int32_t)str[i])); } long _stripwhite(char *buf,int accept) { int32_t i,j,c; if ( buf == 0 || buf[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=j=0; buf[i]!=0; i++) { buf[j] = c = buf[i]; if ( c == accept || (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != '\b') ) j++; } buf[j] = 0; return(j); } char *clonestr(char *str) { char *clone; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) { printf("warning cloning nullstr.%p\n",str); #ifdef __APPLE__ while ( 1 ) sleep(1); #endif str = (char *)""; } clone = (char *)malloc(strlen(str)+16); strcpy(clone,str); return(clone); } int32_t safecopy(char *dest,char *src,long len) { int32_t i = -1; if ( dest != 0 ) memset(dest,0,len); if ( src != 0 && dest != 0 ) { for (i=0; i= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ) escaped[j++] = c; else { sprintf(esc,"%%%02X",c); //sprintf(esc,"\\\\%c",c); strcpy(escaped + j,esc); j += strlen(esc); } } escaped[j] = 0; //printf("escape_code: (%s) -> (%s)\n",str,escaped); } int32_t is_zeroes(char *str) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return(1); for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) if ( str[i] != '0' ) return(0); return(1); } int64_t conv_floatstr(char *numstr) { double val,corr; val = atof(numstr); corr = (val < 0.) ? -0.50000000001 : 0.50000000001; return((int64_t)(val * SATOSHIDEN + corr)); } int32_t has_backslash(char *str) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) if ( str[i] == '\\' ) return(1); return(0); } static int _increasing_double(const void *a,const void *b) { #define double_a (*(double *)a) #define double_b (*(double *)b) if ( double_b > double_a ) return(-1); else if ( double_b < double_a ) return(1); return(0); #undef double_a #undef double_b } int32_t sortds(double *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size) { qsort(buf,num,size,_increasing_double); return(0); } /*int32_t iguana_sortbignum(void *buf,int32_t size,uint32_t num,int32_t structsize,int32_t dir) { int32_t retval = 0; if ( dir > 0 ) { if ( size == 32 ) qsort(buf,num,structsize,_increasing_bits256); else if ( size == 20 ) qsort(buf,num,structsize,_increasing_rmd160); else retval = -1; } else { if ( size == 32 ) qsort(buf,num,structsize,_decreasing_bits256); else if ( size == 20 ) qsort(buf,num,structsize,_decreasing_rmd160); else retval = -1; } if ( retval < 0 ) printf("iguana_sortbignum only does bits256 and rmd160 for now\n"); return(retval); } */ void tolowercase(char *str) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return; for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) str[i] = tolower(((int32_t)str[i])); } int32_t is_decimalstr(char *str) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) if ( str[i] < '0' || str[i] > '9' ) return(0); return(i); } int32_t unstringbits(char *buf,uint64_t bits) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<8; i++,bits>>=8) if ( (buf[i]= (char)(bits & 0xff)) == 0 ) break; buf[i] = 0; return(i); } uint64_t stringbits(char *str) { uint64_t bits = 0; if ( str == 0 ) return(0); int32_t i,n = (int32_t)strlen(str); if ( n > 8 ) n = 8; for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) bits = (bits << 8) | (str[i] & 0xff); //printf("(%s) -> %llx %llu\n",str,(long long)bits,(long long)bits); return(bits); } char *unstringify(char *str) { int32_t i,j,n; if ( str == 0 ) return(0); else if ( str[0] == 0 ) return(str); n = (int32_t)strlen(str); if ( str[0] == '"' && str[n-1] == '"' ) str[n-1] = 0, i = 1; else i = 0; for (j=0; str[i]!=0; i++) { if ( str[i] == '\\' && (str[i+1] == 't' || str[i+1] == 'n' || str[i+1] == 'b' || str[i+1] == 'r') ) i++; else if ( str[i] == '\\' && str[i+1] == '"' ) str[j++] = '"', i++; else str[j++] = str[i]; } str[j] = 0; return(str); } void reverse_hexstr(char *str) { int i,n; char *rev; n = (int32_t)strlen(str); rev = (char *)malloc(n + 1); for (i=0; i= out_len) return -ENOBUFS; out [io] = '\0'; return io; } /* NXT address converter, Ported from original javascript (nxtchg) To C by Jones */ int32_t gexp[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 5, 10, 20, 13, 26, 17, 7, 14, 28, 29, 31, 27, 19, 3, 6, 12, 24, 21, 15, 30, 25, 23, 11, 22, 9, 18, 1}; int32_t glog[] = {0, 0, 1, 18, 2, 5, 19, 11, 3, 29, 6, 27, 20, 8, 12, 23, 4, 10, 30, 17, 7, 22, 28, 26, 21, 25, 9, 16, 13, 14, 24, 15}; int32_t cwmap[] = {3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12, 8, 9, 10, 11}; char alphabet[] = "23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; int32_t gmult(int32_t a,int32_t b) { if ( a == 0 || b == 0 ) return 0; int32_t idx = (glog[a] + glog[b]) % 31; return gexp[idx]; } int32_t letterval(char letter) { int32_t ret = 0; if ( letter < '9' ) ret = letter - '2'; else { ret = letter - 'A' + 8; if ( letter > 'I' ) ret--; if ( letter > 'O' ) ret--; } return ret; } uint64_t RS_decode(char *rs) { int32_t code[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int32_t i,p = 4; if ( strncmp("NXT-",rs,4) != 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; i<17; i++) { code[cwmap[i]] = letterval(rs[p]); p++; if ( rs[p] == '-' ) p++; } uint64_t out = 0; for (i=12; i>=0; i--) out = out * 32 + code[i]; return out; } int32_t RS_encode(char *rsaddr,uint64_t id) { int32_t a,code[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int32_t inp[32],out[32],i,j,fb,pos = 0,len = 0; char acc[64]; rsaddr[0] = 0; memset(inp,0,sizeof(inp)); memset(out,0,sizeof(out)); memset(acc,0,sizeof(acc)); expand_nxt64bits(acc,id); //sprintf(acc,"%llu",(long long)id); for (a=0; *(acc+a) != '\0'; a++) len++; if ( len == 20 && *acc != '1' ) { printf("error (%s) doesnt start with 1",acc); return(-1); } for (i=0; i= 32) { inp[newlen++] = divide >> 5; divide &= 31; } else if ( newlen > 0 ) inp[newlen++] = 0; } len = newlen; out[pos++] = divide; } while ( newlen != 0 ); for (i=0; i<13; i++) // copy to code in reverse, pad with 0's code[i] = (--pos >= 0 ? out[i] : 0); int32_t p[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; for (i=12; i>=0; i--) { fb = code[i] ^ p[3]; p[3] = p[2] ^ gmult(30, fb); p[2] = p[1] ^ gmult(6, fb); p[1] = p[0] ^ gmult(9, fb); p[0] = gmult(17, fb); } code[13] = p[0]; code[14] = p[1]; code[15] = p[2]; code[16] = p[3]; strcpy(rsaddr,"NXT-"); j=4; for (i=0; i<17; i++) { rsaddr[j++] = alphabet[code[cwmap[i]]]; if ( (j % 5) == 3 && j < 20 ) rsaddr[j++] = '-'; } rsaddr[j] = 0; return(0); } void calc_base64_encodestr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { nn_base64_encode(msg,len,hexstr,64); } void calc_base64_decodestr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { nn_base64_decode((void *)msg,len,(void *)hexstr,1024); } void sha256_sha256(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { bits256_doublesha256(hexstr,msg,len); } void rmd160ofsha256(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { uint8_t sha256[32]; vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,(void *)msg,len); calc_rmd160(hexstr,buf,sha256,sizeof(sha256)); } void calc_md2str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { bits128 x; calc_md2(hexstr,buf,msg,len); decode_hex(buf,sizeof(x),hexstr); memcpy(buf,x.bytes,sizeof(x)); } void calc_md4str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { bits128 x; calc_md4(hexstr,buf,msg,len); decode_hex(buf,sizeof(x),hexstr); memcpy(buf,x.bytes,sizeof(x)); } void calc_md5str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { bits128 x; calc_md5(hexstr,msg,len); decode_hex(buf,sizeof(x),hexstr); memcpy(buf,x.bytes,sizeof(x)); } void calc_crc32str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { uint32_t crc = calc_crc32(0,msg,len); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,(uint8_t *)&crc,sizeof(crc)); } void calc_NXTaddr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { uint8_t mysecret[32]; uint64_t nxt64bits; nxt64bits = conv_NXTpassword(mysecret,buf,msg,len); RS_encode(hexstr,nxt64bits); } void calc_curve25519_str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len) { bits256 x = curve25519(*(bits256 *)msg,curve25519_basepoint9()); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,x.bytes,sizeof(x)); }