/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "win/pthread.h" #include //static inline void sleep(unsigned ms) { Sleep(ms*1000); } #else #include #endif static int initflag; #ifndef __PNACL #define PNACL_message printf #else void PNACL_message(const char* format, ...); #endif void OS_init(); void *OS_filestr(long *allocsizep,char *fname); char *clonestr(char *); void CHROMEAPP_MAIN(void *arg); void *CHROMEAPP_NAME(void *arg) { if ( arg == 0 ) #ifdef __linux__ arg = 0; #else arg = 0; #endif while ( initflag == 0 ) usleep(1000000); PNACL_message("%s start.(%s)\n",CHROMEAPP_STR,(char *)arg); CHROMEAPP_MAIN(arg); return(0); } #ifdef __PNACL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb_var.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb_instance.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb_messaging.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb_var_array.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppb_var_dictionary.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/pp_errors.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppp_messaging.h" #include "includes/ppapi/c/ppp_instance.h" typedef int (*PSMainFunc_t)(int argc, char *argv[]); #if defined(WIN32) #define va_copy(d, s) ((d) = (s)) #endif #ifndef __PNACL /*int32_t PSGetInstanceId() { return(4); }*/ #endif typedef int (*HandleFunc)(struct PP_Var params,struct PP_Var* out_var,const char** error); typedef struct { const char* name; HandleFunc function; } FuncNameMapping; static PP_Instance g_instance = 0; static PPB_GetInterface g_get_browser_interface = NULL; static PPB_Messaging* g_ppb_messaging = NULL; PPB_Var* g_ppb_var = NULL; PPB_VarArray* g_ppb_var_array = NULL; PPB_VarDictionary* g_ppb_var_dictionary = NULL; int CHROMEAPP_HANDLER(struct PP_Var params,struct PP_Var *output,const char **out_error); static FuncNameMapping g_function_map[] = { { CHROMEAPP_STR, CHROMEAPP_HANDLER }, { NULL, NULL } }; struct PP_Var CStrToVar(const char* str) { return g_ppb_var->VarFromUtf8(str, (int32_t)strlen(str)); } char *VprintfToNewString(const char* format, va_list args) { va_list args_copy; int length; char *buffer; int result; va_copy(args_copy, args); length = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, args); buffer = (char*)malloc(length + 1); // +1 for NULL-terminator. result = vsnprintf(&buffer[0], length + 1, format, args_copy); if ( result != length ) { assert(0); return NULL; } return buffer; } char *PrintfToNewString(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; char *result; va_start(args, format); result = VprintfToNewString(format, args); va_end(args); return result; } struct PP_Var VprintfToVar(const char* format, va_list args) { struct PP_Var var; char *string = VprintfToNewString(format, args); var = g_ppb_var->VarFromUtf8(string, (int32_t)strlen(string)); free(string); return var; } static const char *VarToCStr(struct PP_Var var) { uint32_t length; char *new_str; const char *str = g_ppb_var->VarToUtf8(var, &length); if ( str == NULL ) return NULL; new_str = (char*)malloc(length + 1); memcpy(new_str, str, length); // str is NOT NULL-terminated. Copy using memcpy. new_str[length] = 0; return new_str; } struct PP_Var GetDictVar(struct PP_Var dict, const char* key) { struct PP_Var key_var = CStrToVar(key); struct PP_Var value = g_ppb_var_dictionary->Get(dict, key_var); g_ppb_var->Release(key_var); return value; } void PNACL_message(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); #ifdef __PNACL struct PP_Var var; var = VprintfToVar(format, args); g_ppb_messaging->PostMessage(g_instance, var); g_ppb_var->Release(var); #else printf(format,args); #endif va_end(args); } void PostMessage(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); #ifdef __PNACL struct PP_Var var; var = VprintfToVar(format, args); g_ppb_messaging->PostMessage(g_instance, var); g_ppb_var->Release(var); #else printf(format,args); #endif va_end(args); } /** * Given a message from JavaScript, parse it for functions and parameters. * * The format of the message is: * { * "cmd": , * "args": [, , ...] * } * * @param[in] message The message to parse. * @param[out] out_function The function name. * @param[out] out_params A PP_Var array. * @return 0 if successful, otherwise 1. */ static int ParseMessage(struct PP_Var message,const char **out_function,struct PP_Var *out_params) { if ( message.type != PP_VARTYPE_DICTIONARY ) return(1); struct PP_Var cmd_value = GetDictVar(message, "cmd"); *out_function = VarToCStr(cmd_value); g_ppb_var->Release(cmd_value); *out_params = GetDictVar(message, "args"); PNACL_message("Parse.(%s) cmd.(%s)\n",*out_function,VarToCStr(*out_params)); if ( cmd_value.type != PP_VARTYPE_STRING ) return(1); if ( out_params->type != PP_VARTYPE_ARRAY ) return(1); return(0); } static HandleFunc GetFunctionByName(const char* function_name) { FuncNameMapping* map_iter = g_function_map; for (; map_iter->name; ++map_iter) { if (strcmp(map_iter->name, function_name) == 0) return map_iter->function; } return NULL; } /** * Handle as message from JavaScript on the worker thread. * * @param[in] message The message to parse and handle. */ static void HandleMessage(struct PP_Var message) { const char *function_name,*error; struct PP_Var params,result_var; if ( ParseMessage(message, &function_name, ¶ms) != 0 ) { PNACL_message("Error: Unable to parse message"); return; } HandleFunc function = GetFunctionByName(function_name); if ( function == 0 ) { PNACL_message("Error: Unknown function \"%s\"", function_name); // Function name wasn't found. return; } // Function name was found, call it. int result = (*function)(params, &result_var, &error); if ( result != 0 ) { if ( error != NULL ) { PNACL_message("Error: \"%s\" failed: %s.", function_name, error); free((void*)error); } else PNACL_message("Error: \"%s\" failed.", function_name); return; } // Function returned an output dictionary. Send it to JavaScript. g_ppb_messaging->PostMessage(g_instance, result_var); g_ppb_var->Release(result_var); } #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 256 // A mutex that guards |g_queue|. static pthread_mutex_t g_queue_mutex; // A condition variable that is signalled when |g_queue| is not empty. static pthread_cond_t g_queue_not_empty_cond; /** A circular queue of messages from JavaScript to be handled. * * If g_queue_start < g_queue_end: * all elements in the range [g_queue_start, g_queue_end) are valid. * If g_queue_start > g_queue_end: * all elements in the ranges [0, g_queue_end) and * [g_queue_start, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) are valid. * If g_queue_start == g_queue_end, and g_queue_size > 0: * all elements in the g_queue are valid. * If g_queue_start == g_queue_end, and g_queue_size == 0: * No elements are valid. */ static struct PP_Var g_queue[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]; static int g_queue_start = 0; // The index of the head of the queue static int g_queue_end = 0; // The index of the tail of the queue, non-inclusive. static int g_queue_size = 0; // NOTE: this function assumes g_queue_mutex lock is held. @return non-zero if the queue is empty static int IsQueueEmpty() { return g_queue_size == 0; } // NOTE: this function assumes g_queue_mutex lock is held. @return non-zero if the queue is full static int IsQueueFull() { return g_queue_size == MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; } void InitializeMessageQueue() { pthread_mutex_init(&g_queue_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&g_queue_not_empty_cond, NULL); } int EnqueueMessage(struct PP_Var message) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_queue_mutex); // We shouldn't block the main thread waiting for the queue to not be full, so just drop the message. if ( IsQueueFull() != 0) { PNACL_message("EnqueueMessage: full Q, drop message\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_queue_mutex); return(0); } g_queue[g_queue_end] = message; g_queue_end = (g_queue_end + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; g_queue_size++; pthread_cond_signal(&g_queue_not_empty_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_queue_mutex); return 1; } struct PP_Var DequeueMessage() { struct PP_Var message; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_queue_mutex); while ( IsQueueEmpty() != 0 ) pthread_cond_wait(&g_queue_not_empty_cond, &g_queue_mutex); message = g_queue[g_queue_start]; g_queue_start = (g_queue_start + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; g_queue_size--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_queue_mutex); return(message); } /** * A worker thread that handles messages from JavaScript. * @param[in] user_data Unused. * @return unused. */ void *HandleMessageThread(void *user_data) { while ( 1 ) { struct PP_Var message = DequeueMessage(); HandleMessage(message); g_ppb_var->Release(message); } } #include #include #include #include #include #undef mount #undef umount static PP_Bool Instance_DidCreate(PP_Instance instance,uint32_t argc,const char* argn[],const char* argv[]) { int nacl_io_init_ppapi(PP_Instance instance, PPB_GetInterface get_interface); static pthread_t g_handle_message_thread; static pthread_t chromeapp_thread; long allocsize; g_instance = instance; // By default, nacl_io mounts / to pass through to the original NaCl // filesystem (which doesn't do much). Let's remount it to a memfs // filesystem. OS_init(); InitializeMessageQueue(); pthread_create(&g_handle_message_thread, NULL, &HandleMessageThread, NULL); pthread_create(&chromeapp_thread,NULL,&CHROMEAPP_NAME,OS_filestr(&allocsize,CHROMEAPP_CONF)); nacl_io_init_ppapi(instance,g_get_browser_interface); umount("/"); mount("", "/memfs", "memfs", 0, ""); mount("", /* source */ "/", /* target */ "html5fs", /* filesystemtype */ 0, /* mountflags */ "type=PERSISTENT,expected_size=10000000000"); /* data */ mount("", /* source. Use relative URL */ "/http", /* target */ "httpfs", /* filesystemtype */ 0, /* mountflags */ ""); /* data */ PNACL_message("finished DidCreate %s\n",CHROMEAPP_STR); initflag = 1; return PP_TRUE; } static void Instance_DidDestroy(PP_Instance instance) { } static void Instance_DidChangeView(PP_Instance instance,PP_Resource view_resource) { } static void Instance_DidChangeFocus(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool has_focus) { } static PP_Bool Instance_HandleDocumentLoad(PP_Instance instance,PP_Resource url_loader) { // NaCl modules do not need to handle the document load function. return PP_FALSE; } static void Messaging_HandleMessage(PP_Instance instance,struct PP_Var message) { if ( message.type != PP_VARTYPE_DICTIONARY ) // Special case for jspipe input handling { PNACL_message("Got unexpected message type: %d\n", message.type); return; } struct PP_Var pipe_var = CStrToVar("pipe"); struct PP_Var pipe_name = g_ppb_var_dictionary->Get(message, pipe_var); g_ppb_var->Release(pipe_var); if ( pipe_name.type == PP_VARTYPE_STRING ) // Special case for jspipe input handling { char file_name[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(file_name, PATH_MAX, "/dev/%s", VarToCStr(pipe_name)); int fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); g_ppb_var->Release(pipe_name); if ( fd < 0 ) { PNACL_message("Warning: opening %s failed.", file_name); goto done; } //if ( ioctl(fd, NACL_IOC_HANDLEMESSAGE, &message) != 0 ) // PNACL_message("Error: ioctl on %s failed: %s", file_name, strerror(errno)); close(fd); goto done; } g_ppb_var->AddRef(message); if ( !EnqueueMessage(message) ) { g_ppb_var->Release(message); PNACL_message("Warning: dropped message because the queue was full."); } done: g_ppb_var->Release(pipe_name); } #define GET_INTERFACE(var, type, name) \ var = (type*)(get_browser(name)); \ if (!var) { \ printf("Unable to get interface " name "\n"); \ return PP_ERROR_FAILED; \ } //PP_EXPORT int32_t PPP_InitializeModule(PP_Module a_module_id,PPB_GetInterface get_browser) { g_get_browser_interface = get_browser; GET_INTERFACE(g_ppb_messaging, PPB_Messaging, PPB_MESSAGING_INTERFACE); GET_INTERFACE(g_ppb_var, PPB_Var, PPB_VAR_INTERFACE); GET_INTERFACE(g_ppb_var_array, PPB_VarArray, PPB_VAR_ARRAY_INTERFACE); GET_INTERFACE(g_ppb_var_dictionary, PPB_VarDictionary, PPB_VAR_DICTIONARY_INTERFACE); return PP_OK; } //PP_EXPORT const void *PPP_GetInterface(const char* interface_name) { if ( strcmp(interface_name,PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE) == 0 ) { static PPP_Instance instance_interface = { &Instance_DidCreate, &Instance_DidDestroy, &Instance_DidChangeView, &Instance_DidChangeFocus, &Instance_HandleDocumentLoad, }; return &instance_interface; } else if ( strcmp(interface_name, PPP_MESSAGING_INTERFACE) == 0 ) { static PPP_Messaging messaging_interface = { &Messaging_HandleMessage }; return &messaging_interface; } return NULL; } //PP_EXPORT void PPP_ShutdownModule() { } #define CHECK_PARAM_COUNT(name, expected) \ if (GetNumParams(params) != expected) { \ *out_error = PrintfToNewString(#name " takes " #expected " parameters." \ " Got %d", GetNumParams(params)); \ return 1; \ } #define PARAM_STRING(index, var) \ char* var; \ uint32_t var##_len; \ if (GetParamString(params, index, &var, &var##_len, out_error)) { \ return 1; \ } #define CREATE_RESPONSE(name) CreateResponse(output, name, out_error) #define RESPONSE_STRING(var) AppendResponseString(output, var, out_error) #define RESPONSE_INT(var) AppendResponseInt(output, var, out_error) #define MAX_PARAMS 4 static char* g_ParamStrings[MAX_PARAMS]; /** * Get the number of parameters. * @param[in] params The parameter array. * @return uint32_t The number of parameters in the array. */ static uint32_t GetNumParams(struct PP_Var params) { return g_ppb_var_array->GetLength(params); } /** * Create a response PP_Var to send back to JavaScript. * @param[out] response_var The response PP_Var. * @param[in] cmd The name of the function that is being executed. * @param[out] out_error An error message, if this call failed. */ static void CreateResponse(struct PP_Var* response_var, const char* cmd, const char** out_error) { PP_Bool result; struct PP_Var dict_var = g_ppb_var_dictionary->Create(); struct PP_Var cmd_key = CStrToVar("cmd"); struct PP_Var cmd_value = CStrToVar(cmd); result = g_ppb_var_dictionary->Set(dict_var, cmd_key, cmd_value); g_ppb_var->Release(cmd_key); g_ppb_var->Release(cmd_value); if (!result) { g_ppb_var->Release(dict_var); *out_error = PrintfToNewString("Unable to set \"cmd\" key in result dictionary"); return; } struct PP_Var args_key = CStrToVar("args"); struct PP_Var args_value = g_ppb_var_array->Create(); result = g_ppb_var_dictionary->Set(dict_var, args_key, args_value); g_ppb_var->Release(args_key); g_ppb_var->Release(args_value); if (!result) { g_ppb_var->Release(dict_var); *out_error = PrintfToNewString("Unable to set \"args\" key in result dictionary"); return; } *response_var = dict_var; } /** * Append a PP_Var to the response dictionary. * @param[in,out] response_var The response PP_var. * @param[in] value The value to add to the response args. * @param[out] out_error An error message, if this call failed. */ static void AppendResponseVar(struct PP_Var* response_var, struct PP_Var value, const char** out_error) { struct PP_Var args_value = GetDictVar(*response_var, "args"); uint32_t args_length = g_ppb_var_array->GetLength(args_value); PP_Bool result = g_ppb_var_array->Set(args_value, args_length, value); if (!result) { // Release the dictionary that was there before. g_ppb_var->Release(*response_var); // Return an error message instead. *response_var = PP_MakeUndefined(); *out_error = PrintfToNewString("Unable to append value to result"); return; } } /** * Append a string to the response dictionary. * @param[in,out] response_var The response PP_var. * @param[in] value The value to add to the response args. * @param[out] out_error An error message, if this call failed. */ static void AppendResponseString(struct PP_Var* response_var, const char* value, const char** out_error) { struct PP_Var value_var = CStrToVar(value); AppendResponseVar(response_var, value_var, out_error); g_ppb_var->Release(value_var); } /** * Get a parameter at |index| as a string. * @param[in] params The parameter array. * @param[in] index The index in |params| to get. * @param[out] out_string The output string. * @param[out] out_string_len The length of the output string. * @param[out] out_error An error message, if this operation failed. * @return int 0 if successful, otherwise 1. */ static int GetParamString(struct PP_Var params, uint32_t index, char** out_string, uint32_t* out_string_len, const char** out_error) { if (index >= MAX_PARAMS) { *out_error = PrintfToNewString("Param index %u >= MAX_PARAMS (%d)", index, MAX_PARAMS); return 1; } struct PP_Var value = g_ppb_var_array->Get(params, index); if (value.type != PP_VARTYPE_STRING) { *out_error = PrintfToNewString("Expected param at index %d to be a string not.%d", index,value.type); return 1; } uint32_t length; const char* var_str = g_ppb_var->VarToUtf8(value, &length); char* string = (char*)malloc(length + 1); memcpy(string, var_str, length); string[length] = 0; /* Put the allocated string in g_ParamStrings. This keeps us from leaking * each parameter string, without having to do manual cleanup in every * Handle* function below. */ free(g_ParamStrings[index]); g_ParamStrings[index] = string; *out_string = string; *out_string_len = length; return 0; } int CHROMEAPP_HANDLER(struct PP_Var params,struct PP_Var *output,const char **out_error) { char *CHROMEAPP_JSON(char *); char *retstr; PNACL_message("inside Handle_%s\n",CHROMEAPP_STR); CHECK_PARAM_COUNT(CHROMEAPP_STR, 1); PARAM_STRING(0,jsonstr); retstr = CHROMEAPP_JSON(jsonstr); CREATE_RESPONSE(CHROMEAPP_STR); RESPONSE_STRING(retstr); return 0; } int example_main() { PNACL_message("Started %s example main.\n",CHROMEAPP_STR); while ( 1 ) { sleep(777); } return 0; } PSMainFunc_t PSUserMainGet() { return(example_main); } #else int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char *jsonstr; if ( argc < 2 ) jsonstr = 0; else jsonstr = (char *)argv[1]; initflag = 1; OS_init(); printf("%s main\n",CHROMEAPP_STR); CHROMEAPP_NAME(jsonstr); return 0; } #endif