/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ /** * - we need to include WinSock2.h header to correctly use windows structure * as the application is still using 32bit structure from mingw so, we need to * add the include based on checking * @author - fadedreamz@gmail.com * @remarks - #if (defined(_M_X64) || defined(__amd64__)) && defined(WIN32) * is equivalent to #if defined(_M_X64) as _M_X64 is defined for MSVC only */ #if defined(_M_X64) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #endif #define ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT 3 int32_t LP_socket(int32_t bindflag,char *hostname,uint16_t port) { int32_t opt,sock,result; char ipaddr[64],checkipaddr[64]; struct timeval timeout; struct sockaddr_in saddr; socklen_t addrlen,slen; addrlen = sizeof(saddr); struct hostent *hostent; /** * gethostbyname() is deprecated and cause crash on x64 windows * the solution is to implement similar functionality by using getaddrinfo() * it is standard posix function and is correctly supported in win32/win64/linux * @author - fadedreamz@gmail.com */ #if defined(_M_X64) struct addrinfo *addrresult = NULL; struct addrinfo *returnptr = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; struct sockaddr_in * sockaddr_ipv4; int retVal; int found = 0; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; #endif if ( parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname) != 0 ) port = parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname); #if defined(_M_X64) retVal = getaddrinfo(ipaddr, NULL, &hints, &addrresult); for (returnptr = addrresult; returnptr != NULL && found == 0; returnptr = returnptr->ai_next) { switch (returnptr->ai_family) { case AF_INET: sockaddr_ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) returnptr->ai_addr; // we want to break from the loop after founding the first ipv4 address found = 1; break; } } // if we iterate through the loop and didn't find anything, // that means we failed in the dns lookup if (found == 0) { printf("getaddrinfo(%s) returned error\n", hostname); freeaddrinfo(addrresult); return(-1); } #else hostent = gethostbyname(ipaddr); if ( hostent == NULL ) { printf("gethostbyname(%s) returned error: %d port.%d ipaddr.(%s)\n",hostname,errno,port,ipaddr); return(-1); } #endif saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); //#ifdef WIN32 // saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(""); //#else #if defined(_M_X64) saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = sockaddr_ipv4->sin_addr.s_addr; // graceful cleanup sockaddr_ipv4 = NULL; freeaddrinfo(addrresult); #else memcpy(&saddr.sin_addr.s_addr,hostent->h_addr_list[0],hostent->h_length); #endif expand_ipbits(checkipaddr,saddr.sin_addr.s_addr); if ( strcmp(ipaddr,checkipaddr) != 0 ) printf("bindflag.%d iguana_socket mismatch (%s) -> (%s)?\n",bindflag,checkipaddr,ipaddr); //#endif if ( (sock= socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != ETIMEDOUT ) printf("socket() failed: %s errno.%d", strerror(errno),errno); return(-1); } opt = 1; slen = sizeof(opt); //printf("set keepalive.%d\n",setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,slen)); #ifndef WIN32 if ( 1 )//&& bindflag != 0 ) { opt = 0; getsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,&slen); opt = 1; //printf("keepalive.%d\n",opt); } setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&opt,sizeof(opt)); #ifdef __APPLE__ setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_NOSIGPIPE,&opt,sizeof(opt)); #endif #endif if ( bindflag == 0 ) { printf("call connect sock.%d\n",sock); result = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&saddr,addrlen); printf("called connect result.%d\n",result); timeout.tv_sec = 2; timeout.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); if ( result != 0 ) { if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { //printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); } if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } timeout.tv_sec = 10; timeout.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); } else { while ( (result= bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&saddr,addrlen)) != 0 ) { if ( errno == EADDRINUSE ) { sleep(1); printf("ERROR BINDING PORT.%d. this is normal tcp timeout, unless another process is using port\n",port); fflush(stdout); sleep(3); printf("%s(%s) port.%d try again: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( bindflag == 1 ) { closesocket(sock); return(-1); } sleep(13); //continue; } if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } if ( listen(sock,64) != 0 ) { printf("listen(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } #ifdef __APPLE__ //timeout.tv_sec = 0; //timeout.tv_usec = 30000; //setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 10000; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); #endif return(sock); } int32_t LP_socketsend(int32_t sock,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len) { int32_t numsent,remains,flags = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; #endif remains = len; while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(sock,serialized,remains,flags)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK ) { sleep(1); continue; } printf("(%s): numsent.%d vs remains.%d len.%d errno.%d (%s) usock.%d\n",serialized,numsent,remains,len,errno,strerror(errno),sock); return(-errno); } else if ( remains > 0 ) { remains -= numsent; serialized += numsent; if ( remains > 0 ) printf("%d LP_socket sent.%d remains.%d of len.%d\n",sock,numsent,remains,len); } //printf("numsent.%d vs remains.%d len.%d sock.%d\n",numsent,remains,len,sock); } return(len); } int32_t LP_socketrecv(int32_t sock,uint8_t *recvbuf,int32_t maxlen) { int32_t recvlen = -1; while ( 1 ) { if ( (recvlen= (int32_t)recv(sock,recvbuf,maxlen,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { //printf("%s recv errno.%d %s len.%d remains.%d\n",ipaddr,errno,strerror(errno),len,remains); //printf("EAGAIN for len %d, remains.%d\n",len,remains); sleep(1); } else return(-errno); } else break; } return(recvlen); } struct electrum_info { queue_t sendQ,pendingQ; int32_t bufsize,sock,*heightp; struct iguana_info *coin; uint32_t stratumid,lasttime,pending,*heighttimep; char ipaddr[64],symbol[16]; uint16_t port; uint8_t buf[]; } *Electrums[8192]; int32_t Num_electrums; // purge timedout /* if ( (retjson= electrum_address_listunspent(symbol,ep,&retjson,addr)) != 0 ) you can call it like the above, where symbol is the coin, ep is the electrum server info pointer, the 0 is a callback ptr where 0 means to block till it is done all the API calls have the same three args if the callback ptr is &retjson, then on completion it will put the cJSON *ptr into it, so to spawn a bunch of calls you need to call with symbol,ep,&retjsons[i],... default timeout is set to 2 seconds, not sure if that is enough, on each receive from any server, requests that are timeout are purged (and if a callback set, will just return and "error" timeout JSON a null value for ep will make it choose a random server for that coin */ struct electrum_info *electrum_server(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep) { struct electrum_info *rbuf[128],*recent_ep; uint32_t recent,mostrecent = 0; int32_t i,n = 0; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_electrummutex); if ( ep == 0 ) { //printf("find random electrum.%s from %d\n",symbol,Num_electrums); memset(rbuf,0,sizeof(rbuf)); recent_ep = 0; recent = (uint32_t)time(NULL) - 300; for (i=0; isymbol) == 0 && ep->sock >= 0 ) { if ( ep->lasttime > recent ) { rbuf[n++] = ep; if ( n == sizeof(rbuf)/sizeof(*rbuf) ) break; } else if ( ep->lasttime > mostrecent ) { mostrecent = ep->lasttime; recent_ep = ep; } } } ep = recent_ep; if ( n > 0 ) { i = (rand() % n); ep = rbuf[i]; } } else if ( Num_electrums < sizeof(Electrums)/sizeof(*Electrums) ) Electrums[Num_electrums++] = ep; else printf("Electrum server pointer buf overflow %d\n",Num_electrums); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_electrummutex); return(ep); } int32_t electrum_process_array(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,cJSON *array) { int32_t i,v,n,flag = 0; char str[65]; uint64_t value; bits256 txid; cJSON *item,*txobj; struct LP_transaction *tx; if ( array != 0 && coin != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; iheight <= 0 ) { tx->height = jint(item,"height"); //printf("%s %s >>>>>>>>>> set %s <- height %d\n",coin->symbol,coinaddr,bits256_str(str,txid),tx->height); } value = j64bits(item,"value"); v = jint(item,"tx_pos"); if ( jobj(item,"tx_pos") != 0 && jobj(item,"value") != 0 && v >= 0 && v < tx->numvouts ) { if ( tx->outpoints[v].value == 0 && value != tx->outpoints[v].value ) { printf("%s %s >>>>>>>>>> set %s/v%d <- %.8f vs %.8f\n",coin->symbol,coinaddr,bits256_str(str,txid),v,dstr(value),dstr(tx->outpoints[v].value)); tx->outpoints[v].value = value; } } if ( value != 0 && tx->height > 0 ) flag += LP_address_utxoadd(coin,coinaddr,txid,v,value,tx->height,-1); //printf("v.%d numvouts.%d %.8f (%s)\n",jint(item,"tx_pos"),tx->numvouts,dstr(tx->outpoints[jint(item,"tx_pos")].value),jprint(item,0)); } } } return(flag); } cJSON *electrum_submit(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *method,char *params,int32_t timeout) { // queue id and string and callback char stratumreq[16384]; uint32_t expiration; struct stritem *sitem; if ( ep == 0 ) ep = electrum_server(symbol,0); if ( ep != 0 && retjsonp != 0 ) { *retjsonp = 0; if ( strcmp(method,"getrawmempool") == 0 ) { *retjsonp = cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"unsupported method\"}"); return(*retjsonp); } sprintf(stratumreq,"{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\": %u, \"method\":\"%s\", \"params\": %s }\n",ep->stratumid,method,params); ep->buf[0] = 0; sitem = (struct stritem *)queueitem(stratumreq); sitem->expiration = timeout; sitem->DL.type = ep->stratumid++; sitem->retptrp = (void **)retjsonp; queue_enqueue("sendQ",&ep->sendQ,&sitem->DL); expiration = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + timeout + 1; while ( *retjsonp == 0 && time(NULL) <= expiration ) usleep(10000); if ( *retjsonp == 0 ) { printf("unexpected timeout with null retjson: %s %s\n",method,params); *retjsonp = cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"timeout\"}"); } return(*retjsonp); } else printf("couldnt find electrum server for (%s %s) or no retjsonp.%p\n",method,params,retjsonp); return(0); } cJSON *electrum_noargs(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *method,int32_t timeout) { cJSON *retjson; if ( retjsonp == 0 ) retjsonp = &retjson; return(electrum_submit(symbol,ep,retjsonp,method,"[]",timeout)); } cJSON *electrum_strarg(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *method,char *arg,int32_t timeout) { char params[16384]; cJSON *retjson; if ( strlen(arg) < sizeof(params) ) { if ( retjsonp == 0 ) retjsonp = &retjson; sprintf(params,"[\"%s\"]",arg); return(electrum_submit(symbol,ep,retjsonp,method,params,timeout)); } else return(0); } cJSON *electrum_intarg(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *method,int32_t arg,int32_t timeout) { char params[64]; cJSON *retjson; if ( retjsonp == 0 ) retjsonp = &retjson; sprintf(params,"[\"%d\"]",arg); return(electrum_submit(symbol,ep,retjsonp,method,params,timeout)); } cJSON *electrum_hasharg(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *method,bits256 arg,int32_t timeout) { char params[128],str[65]; cJSON *retjson; if ( retjsonp == 0 ) retjsonp = &retjson; sprintf(params,"[\"%s\"]",bits256_str(str,arg)); return(electrum_submit(symbol,ep,retjsonp,method,params,timeout)); } //" "--blockchain.numblocks.subscribe", "--blockchain.address.get_proof", "--blockchain.utxo.get_address", cJSON *electrum_version(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.version",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_banner(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.banner",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_donation(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.donation_address",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_peers(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.peers.subscribe",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_features(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.features",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_headers_subscribe(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp) { return(electrum_noargs(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.headers.subscribe",ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_script_getbalance(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *script) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.scripthash.get_balance",script,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_script_gethistory(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *script) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.scripthash.get_history",script,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_script_getmempool(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *script) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool",script,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_script_listunspent(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *script) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.scripthash.listunspent",script,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_script_subscribe(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *script) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.scripthash.subscribe",script,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_address_subscribe(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *addr) { cJSON *retjson; if ( (retjson= electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.address.subscribe",addr,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)) != 0 ) { printf("subscribe.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); } return(retjson); } cJSON *electrum_address_gethistory(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *addr) { cJSON *retjson; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); retjson = electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.address.get_history",addr,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT); printf("history.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); electrum_process_array(coin,addr,retjson); return(retjson); } cJSON *electrum_address_getmempool(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *addr) { cJSON *retjson; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); retjson = electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.address.get_mempool",addr,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT); //printf("MEMPOOL.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); electrum_process_array(coin,addr,retjson); return(retjson); } cJSON *electrum_address_listunspent(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *addr) { cJSON *retjson=0; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); //printf("electrum listunspent last.(%s lag %d)\n",coin->lastunspent,(int32_t)(time(NULL) - coin->unspenttime)); if ( strcmp(coin->lastunspent,addr) != 0 || time(NULL) > coin->unspenttime+10 ) { if ( (retjson= electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.address.listunspent",addr,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s %s LISTUNSPENT.(%s)\n",symbol,addr,jprint(retjson,0)); if ( electrum_process_array(coin,addr,retjson) != 0 ) LP_postutxos(coin->symbol,addr); safecopy(coin->lastunspent,addr,sizeof(coin->lastunspent)); coin->unspenttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } else retjson = LP_address_utxos(coin,addr,1); return(retjson); } cJSON *electrum_address_getbalance(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *addr) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.address.get_balance",addr,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_addpeer(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *endpoint) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"server.add_peer",endpoint,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_sendrawtransaction(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,char *rawtx) { return(electrum_strarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.transaction.broadcast",rawtx,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_estimatefee(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,int32_t numblocks) { return(electrum_intarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.estimatefee",numblocks,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_getheader(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,int32_t n) { return(electrum_intarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.block.get_header",n,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_getchunk(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,int32_t n) { return(electrum_intarg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.block.get_chunk",n,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } cJSON *electrum_transaction(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,bits256 txid) { char str[65]; printf("%s TRANSACTION.(%s)\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) != 0 ) return(electrum_hasharg(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.transaction.get",txid,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); else return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null txid\"}")); } cJSON *electrum_getmerkle(char *symbol,struct electrum_info *ep,cJSON **retjsonp,bits256 txid,int32_t height) { char params[128],str[65]; sprintf(params,"[\"%s\", %d]",bits256_str(str,txid),height); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null txid\"}")); return(electrum_submit(symbol,ep,retjsonp,"blockchain.transaction.get_merkle",params,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)); } void electrum_test() { cJSON *retjson; bits256 hash; struct electrum_info *ep = 0; char *addr,*script,*symbol = "BTC"; while ( Num_electrums == 0 ) { sleep(1); printf("Num_electrums %p -> %d\n",&Num_electrums,Num_electrums); } printf("found electrum server\n"); if ( (retjson= electrum_version(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_version %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_banner(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_banner %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_donation(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_donation %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_features(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_features %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_estimatefee(symbol,ep,0,6)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_estimatefee %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); decode_hex(hash.bytes,sizeof(hash),"0000000000000000005087f8845f9ed0282559017e3c6344106de15e46c07acd"); if ( (retjson= electrum_getheader(symbol,ep,0,3)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_getheader %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); //if ( (retjson= electrum_getchunk(symbol,ep,0,3)) != 0 ) // printf("electrum_getchunk %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); decode_hex(hash.bytes,sizeof(hash),"b967a7d55889fe11e993430921574ec6379bc8ce712a652c3fcb66c6be6e925c"); if ( (retjson= electrum_getmerkle(symbol,ep,0,hash,403000)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_getmerkle %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_transaction(symbol,ep,0,hash)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_transaction %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); addr = "14NeevLME8UAANiTCVNgvDrynUPk1VcQKb"; if ( (retjson= electrum_address_gethistory(symbol,ep,0,addr)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_address_gethistory %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_address_getmempool(symbol,ep,0,addr)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_address_getmempool %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_address_getbalance(symbol,ep,0,addr)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_address_getbalance %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_address_listunspent(symbol,ep,0,addr)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_address_listunspent %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_addpeer(symbol,ep,0,"electrum.be:50001")) != 0 ) printf("electrum_addpeer %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_sendrawtransaction(symbol,ep,0,"0100000001b7e6d69a0fd650926bd5fbe63cc8578d976c25dbdda8dd61db5e05b0de4041fe000000006b483045022100de3ae8f43a2a026bb46f6b09b890861f8aadcb16821f0b01126d70fa9ae134e4022000925a842073484f1056c7fc97399f2bbddb9beb9e49aca76835cdf6e9c91ef3012103cf5ce3233e6d6e22291ebef454edff2b37a714aed685ce94a7eb4f83d8e4254dffffffff014c4eaa0b000000001976a914b598062b55362952720718e7da584a46a27bedee88ac00000000")) != 0 ) printf("electrum_sendrawtransaction %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( 0 ) { script = "76a914b598062b55362952720718e7da584a46a27bedee88ac"; if ( (retjson= electrum_script_gethistory(symbol,ep,0,script)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_script_gethistory %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_script_getmempool(symbol,ep,0,script)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_script_getmempool %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_script_getbalance(symbol,ep,0,script)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_script_getbalance %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_script_listunspent(symbol,ep,0,script)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_script_listunspent %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_script_subscribe(symbol,ep,0,script)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_script_subscribe %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); } if ( (retjson= electrum_headers_subscribe(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_headers %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_peers(symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_peers %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); if ( (retjson= electrum_address_subscribe(symbol,ep,0,addr)) != 0 ) printf("electrum_address_subscribe %s\n",jprint(retjson,1)); } struct electrum_info *LP_electrum_info(int32_t *alreadyp,char *symbol,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port,int32_t bufsize) { struct electrum_info *ep=0; int32_t i; struct stritem *sitem; char name[512],*str = "init string"; *alreadyp = 0; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_electrummutex); for (i=0; isymbol,ep->ipaddr,ep->port,symbol,ipaddr,port); if ( strcmp(ep->ipaddr,ipaddr) == 0 && ep->port == port && strcmp(ep->symbol,symbol) == 0 ) { *alreadyp = 1; printf("%s.(%s:%u) already an electrum server\n",symbol,ipaddr,port); break; } ep = 0; } portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_electrummutex); if ( ep == 0 ) { ep = calloc(1,sizeof(*ep) + bufsize); ep->sock = LP_socket(0,ipaddr,port); safecopy(ep->symbol,symbol,sizeof(ep->symbol)); safecopy(ep->ipaddr,ipaddr,sizeof(ep->ipaddr)); ep->port = port; ep->bufsize = bufsize; ep->coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); ep->lasttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); sprintf(name,"%s_%s_%u_electrum_sendQ",symbol,ipaddr,port); queue_enqueue(name,&ep->sendQ,queueitem(str)); if ( (sitem= queue_dequeue(&ep->sendQ)) == 0 && strcmp(sitem->str,str) != 0 ) printf("error with string sendQ sitem.%p (%s)\n",sitem,sitem==0?0:sitem->str); sprintf(name,"%s_%s_%u_electrum_pendingQ",symbol,ipaddr,port); queue_enqueue(name,&ep->pendingQ,queueitem(str)); if ( (sitem= queue_dequeue(&ep->pendingQ)) == 0 && strcmp(sitem->str,str) != 0 ) printf("error with string pendingQ sitem.%p (%s)\n",sitem,sitem==0?0:sitem->str); electrum_server(symbol,ep); } return(ep); } int32_t LP_recvfunc(struct electrum_info *ep,char *str,int32_t len) { cJSON *strjson,*errjson,*resultjson,*paramsjson; char *method; int32_t i,n,height; uint32_t idnum=0; struct stritem *stritem; struct queueitem *tmp,*item = 0; ep->lasttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (strjson= cJSON_Parse(str)) != 0 ) { resultjson = jobj(strjson,"result"); //printf("strjson.(%s)\n",jprint(strjson,0)); if ( (method= jstr(strjson,"method")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"blockchain.headers.subscribe") == 0 ) { //printf("%p headers.(%s)\n",strjson,jprint(strjson,0)); if ( (paramsjson= jarray(&n,strjson,"params")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; icoin,resultjson); }*/ } if ( resultjson != 0 ) { if ( (height= jint(resultjson,"block_height")) > 0 && ep->heightp != 0 && ep->heighttimep != 0 ) { *(ep->heightp) = height; *(ep->heighttimep) = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("%s ELECTRUM >>>>>>>>> set height.%d\n",ep->symbol,height); } } idnum = juint(strjson,"id"); portable_mutex_lock(&ep->pendingQ.mutex); if ( ep->pendingQ.list != 0 ) { DL_FOREACH_SAFE(ep->pendingQ.list,item,tmp) { stritem = (struct stritem *)item; if ( item->type == idnum ) { //printf("matched idnum.%d result.%p\n",idnum,resultjson); DL_DELETE(ep->pendingQ.list,item); *((cJSON **)stritem->retptrp) = (resultjson != 0 ? jduplicate(resultjson) : strjson); resultjson = strjson = 0; free(item); break; } if ( stritem->expiration < ep->lasttime ) { DL_DELETE(ep->pendingQ.list,item); printf("expired (%s)\n",stritem->str); errjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(errjson,"id",item->type); jaddstr(errjson,"error","timeout"); *((cJSON **)stritem->retptrp) = errjson; free(item); } } } portable_mutex_unlock(&ep->pendingQ.mutex); if ( strjson != 0 ) free_json(strjson); } return(item != 0); } void LP_dedicatedloop(void *arg) { struct pollfd fds; int32_t i,len,flag,timeout = 10; struct iguana_info *coin; cJSON *retjson; struct stritem *sitem; struct electrum_info *ep = arg; if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(ep->symbol)) != 0 ) ep->heightp = &coin->height, ep->heighttimep = &coin->heighttime; if ( (retjson= electrum_headers_subscribe(ep->symbol,ep,0)) != 0 ) free_json(retjson); printf("LP_dedicatedloop ep.%p sock.%d for %s:%u num.%d %p %s ht.%d\n",ep,ep->sock,ep->ipaddr,ep->port,Num_electrums,&Num_electrums,ep->symbol,*ep->heightp); while ( ep->sock >= 0 ) { flag = 0; memset(&fds,0,sizeof(fds)); fds.fd = ep->sock; fds.events |= (POLLOUT | POLLIN); if ( poll(&fds,1,timeout) > 0 && (fds.revents & POLLOUT) != 0 && ep->pending == 0 && (sitem= queue_dequeue(&ep->sendQ)) != 0 ) { ep->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( LP_socketsend(ep->sock,(uint8_t *)sitem->str,(int32_t)strlen(sitem->str)) <= 0 ) { printf("%s:%u is dead\n",ep->ipaddr,ep->port); closesocket(ep->sock); ep->sock = -1; break; } if ( sitem->expiration != 0 ) sitem->expiration += (uint32_t)time(NULL); else sitem->expiration = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT; /*portable_mutex_lock(&ep->pendingQ.mutex); if ( ep->pendingQ.list != 0 ) { printf("list %p\n",ep->pendingQ.list); DL_FOREACH_SAFE(ep->pendingQ.list,item,tmp) { printf("item.%p\n",item); if ( item->type == 0xffffffff ) { printf("%p purge %s",item,((struct stritem *)item)->str); DL_DELETE(ep->pendingQ.list,item); free(item); } } } DL_APPEND(ep->pendingQ.list,&sitem->DL); portable_mutex_unlock(&ep->pendingQ.mutex);*/ printf("%p SENT.(%s) to %s:%u\n",sitem,sitem->str,ep->ipaddr,ep->port); queue_enqueue("pendingQ",&ep->pendingQ,&sitem->DL); flag++; } if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( (fds.revents & POLLIN) != 0 ) { if ( (len= LP_socketrecv(ep->sock,ep->buf,ep->bufsize)) > 0 ) { ep->pending = 0; LP_recvfunc(ep,(char *)ep->buf,len); flag++; } } if ( flag == 0 ) usleep(100000); } } printf("close %s:%u\n",ep->ipaddr,ep->port); if ( Num_electrums > 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&LP_electrummutex); for (i=0; isymbol,ipaddr,port,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE * 10); if ( already == 0 ) { if ( ep != 0 && OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_dedicatedloop,(void *)ep) != 0 ) { printf("error launching LP_dedicatedloop %s.(%s:%u)\n",coin->symbol,ep->ipaddr,ep->port); jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt launch electrum thread"); } else { printf("launched.(%s:%u)\n",ep->ipaddr,ep->port); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); coin->electrum = ep; } } else { jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jaddstr(retjson,"status","already there"); } //printf("(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); return(retjson); }