/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" #include "exchanges/bitcoin.h" int32_t bitcoin_pubkeyspend(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,uint8_t pubkey[66]) { int32_t plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey); script[n++] = plen; memcpy(&script[n],pubkey,plen); n += plen; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_p2shspend(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,uint8_t rmd160[20]) { script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_HASH160; script[n++] = 0x14; memcpy(&script[n],rmd160,0x14); n += 0x14; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_EQUAL; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_revealsecret160(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,uint8_t secret160[20]) { script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_HASH160; script[n++] = 0x14; memcpy(&script[n],secret160,0x14); n += 0x14; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_EQUALVERIFY; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_standardspend(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,uint8_t rmd160[20]) { script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_DUP; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_HASH160; script[n++] = 0x14; memcpy(&script[n],rmd160,0x14); n += 0x14; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_EQUALVERIFY; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_checklocktimeverify(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,uint32_t locktime) { script[n++] = (locktime >> 24), script[n++] = (locktime >> 16), script[n++] = (locktime >> 8), script[n++] = locktime; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_DROP; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_MofNspendscript(uint8_t p2sh_rmd160[20],uint8_t *script,int32_t n,const struct vin_info *vp) { int32_t i,plen; script[n++] = 0x50 + vp->M; for (i=0; iN; i++) { if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(vp->signers[i].pubkey)) < 0 ) return(-1); script[n++] = plen; memcpy(&script[n],vp->signers[i].pubkey,plen); n += plen; } script[n++] = 0x50 + vp->N; script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIG; calc_rmd160_sha256(p2sh_rmd160,script,n); return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_p2shscript(uint8_t *script,int32_t n,const uint8_t *p2shscript,const int32_t p2shlen) { if ( p2shlen >= 0xfd ) { script[n++] = 0x4d; script[n++] = (p2shlen & 0xff); script[n++] = ((p2shlen >> 8) & 0xff); } else { script[n++] = 0x4c; script[n++] = p2shlen; } memcpy(&script[n],p2shscript,p2shlen), n += p2shlen; return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_changescript(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *changescript,int32_t n,uint64_t *changep,char *changeaddr,uint64_t inputsatoshis,uint64_t satoshis,uint64_t txfee) { uint8_t addrtype,rmd160[20]; int32_t len; *changep = 0; if ( inputsatoshis >= (satoshis + txfee) ) { *changep = inputsatoshis - (satoshis + txfee); if ( changeaddr != 0 && changeaddr[0] != 0 ) { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,changeaddr); if ( addrtype == coin->chain->pubtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(changescript,0,rmd160); else if ( addrtype == coin->chain->p2shtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(changescript,0,rmd160); else { printf("error with mismatched addrtype.%02x vs (%02x %02x)\n",addrtype,coin->chain->pubtype,coin->chain->p2shtype); return(-1); } return(len); } else printf("error no change address when there is change\n"); } return(-1); } int32_t bitcoin_scriptsig(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *script,int32_t n,const struct vin_info *vp,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx) { int32_t i,siglen,plen; if ( vp->N > 1 ) script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_NOP; for (i=0; iN; i++) { if ( (siglen= vp->signers[i].siglen) != 0 ) { script[n++] = siglen; memcpy(&script[n],vp->signers[i].sig,siglen), n += siglen; } } if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(vp->signers[0].pubkey)) > 0 && vp->type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC ) { script[n++] = plen; memcpy(&script[n],vp->signers[0].pubkey,plen), n += plen; } if ( vp->type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH ) { printf("add p2sh script to sig\n"); n = bitcoin_p2shscript(script,n,vp->p2shscript,vp->p2shlen); } return(n); } int32_t bitcoin_cltvscript(uint8_t p2shtype,char *ps2h_coinaddr,uint8_t p2sh_rmd160[20],uint8_t *script,int32_t n,char *senderaddr,char *otheraddr,uint8_t secret160[20],uint32_t locktime) { // OP_IF // OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG // OP_ELSE // OP_HASH160 secret160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG // standard spend // OP_ENDIF uint8_t rmd160A[20],rmd160B[20],addrtypeA,addrtypeB; bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtypeA,rmd160A,senderaddr); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtypeB,rmd160B,otheraddr); script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_IF; n = bitcoin_checklocktimeverify(script,n,locktime); n = bitcoin_standardspend(script,n,rmd160A); script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_ELSE; n = bitcoin_revealsecret160(script,n,secret160); n = bitcoin_standardspend(script,n,rmd160B); script[n++] = SCRIPT_OP_ENDIF; calc_rmd160_sha256(p2sh_rmd160,script,n); bitcoin_address(ps2h_coinaddr,p2shtype,p2sh_rmd160,20); return(n); } uint8_t iguana_addrtype(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t script_type) { if ( script_type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC || script_type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC || script_type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC ) return(coin->chain->pubtype); else return(coin->chain->p2shtype); } int32_t iguana_scriptgen(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *Mp,int32_t *nump,char *coinaddr,uint8_t *script,char *asmstr,uint8_t rmd160[20],uint8_t type,const struct vin_info *vp,int32_t txi) { uint8_t addrtype; char rmd160str[41],pubkeystr[256]; int32_t plen,i,m,n,flag = 0,scriptlen = 0; m = n = 0; if ( asmstr != 0 ) asmstr[0] = 0; addrtype = iguana_addrtype(coin,type); if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH ) { init_hexbytes_noT(rmd160str,rmd160,20); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,rmd160,20); } switch ( type ) { case IGUANA_SCRIPT_NULL: if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcpy(asmstr,txi == 0 ? "coinbase " : "PoSbase "); flag++; coinaddr[0] = 0; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC: case IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC: if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(vp->signers[0].pubkey)) < 0 ) return(0); init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,(uint8_t *)vp->signers[0].pubkey,plen); if ( asmstr != 0 ) { if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC ) strcpy(asmstr,"OP_DUP "); sprintf(asmstr + strlen(asmstr),"%s OP_CHECKSIG // %s",pubkeystr,coinaddr); } if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC ) script[scriptlen++] = 0x76; scriptlen = bitcoin_pubkeyspend(script,scriptlen,(uint8_t *)vp->signers[0].pubkey); //printf("[%02x] type.%d scriptlen.%d\n",vp->signers[0].pubkey[0],type,scriptlen); break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC: if ( asmstr != 0 ) sprintf(asmstr,"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 %s OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG // %s",rmd160str,coinaddr); scriptlen = bitcoin_standardspend(script,0,rmd160); break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH: if ( asmstr != 0 ) sprintf(asmstr,"OP_HASH160 %s OP_EQUAL // %s",rmd160str,coinaddr); scriptlen = bitcoin_p2shspend(script,0,rmd160); break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN: if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcpy(asmstr,"OP_RETURN "); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,(uint8_t *)&vp->spendscript[0],vp->spendlen); flag++; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_3of3: m = 3, n = 3; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_2of3: m = 2, n = 3; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of3: m = 1, n = 3; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_2of2: m = 2, n = 2; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of2: m = 1, n = 2; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of1: m = 1, n = 1; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_MSIG: m = vp->M, n = vp->N; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA: if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcpy(asmstr,"DATA ONLY"); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,(uint8_t *)&vp->spendscript[0],vp->spendlen); flag++; break; case IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE: if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcpy(asmstr,"STRANGE SCRIPT "); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,(uint8_t *)&vp->spendscript[0],vp->spendlen); flag++; break; default: break;//printf("unexpected script type.%d\n",type); break; } if ( n > 0 ) { scriptlen = bitcoin_MofNspendscript(rmd160,script,0,vp); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->p2shtype,script,scriptlen); if ( asmstr != 0 ) { sprintf(asmstr,"%d ",m); for (i=0; isigners[i].pubkey)) > 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(asmstr + strlen(asmstr),(uint8_t *)vp->signers[i].pubkey,plen); if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcat(asmstr," "); } else if ( asmstr != 0 ) strcat(asmstr,"NOPUBKEY "); sprintf(asmstr + strlen(asmstr),"%d // M.%d of N.%d [",n,m,n); for (i=0; isigners[i].coinaddr,ispendlen > 0 ) init_hexbytes_noT(asmstr + strlen(asmstr),(uint8_t *)vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); *Mp = m, *nump = n; return(scriptlen); } int32_t _iguana_calcrmd160(struct iguana_info *coin,struct vin_info *vp) { static uint8_t zero_rmd160[20]; char hexstr[8192]; uint8_t sha256[32],*script,type; int32_t i,n,m,plen; vp->N = 1; vp->M = 1; type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); //char str[65]; printf("script.(%s).%d in %s len.%d plen.%d spendlen.%d cmp.%d\n",hexstr,vp->spendlen,bits256_str(str,vp->vin.prev_hash),vp->spendlen,bitcoin_pubkeylen(&vp->spendscript[1]),vp->spendlen,vp->spendscript[vp->spendlen-1] == SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG); if ( vp->spendlen == 0 ) { if ( zero_rmd160[0] == 0 ) { calc_rmd160_sha256(zero_rmd160,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); //vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); // e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 //calc_rmd160(0,zero_rmd160,sha256,sizeof(sha256)); // b472a266d0bd89c13706a4132ccfb16f7c3b9fcb init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,zero_rmd160,20); char str[65]; printf("iguana_calcrmd160 zero len %s -> %s\n",bits256_str(str,*(bits256 *)sha256),hexstr); } memcpy(vp->rmd160,zero_rmd160,sizeof(zero_rmd160)); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_NULL); } else if ( vp->spendscript[0] == SCRIPT_OP_RETURN ) type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN; else if ( vp->spendscript[0] == SCRIPT_OP_DUP && vp->spendscript[1] == SCRIPT_OP_HASH160 && vp->spendscript[2] == 20 && vp->spendscript[vp->spendscript[2]+3] == SCRIPT_OP_EQUALVERIFY && vp->spendscript[vp->spendscript[2]+4] == SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG ) { //printf("IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC plen.%d vs %d vp->spendlen\n",vp->spendscript[2]+4,vp->spendlen); // 76a9145f69cb73016264270dae9f65c51f60d0e4d6fd4488ac memcpy(vp->rmd160,&vp->spendscript[3],20); if ( (plen= vp->spendscript[2]+5) != vp->spendlen ) { return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE); while ( plen < vp->spendlen ) if ( vp->spendscript[plen++] != 0x61 ) // nop return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE); } return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC); } // 21035f1321ed17d387e4433b2fa229c53616057964af065f98bfcae2233c5108055eac else if ( vp->spendscript[0] == SCRIPT_OP_DUP && (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(&vp->spendscript[2])) > 0 && vp->spendscript[vp->spendlen-1] == SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG && vp->spendscript[0] == plen && vp->spendlen == plen+3 ) { memcpy(vp->signers[0].pubkey,&vp->spendscript[2],plen); calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->rmd160,vp->signers[0].pubkey,plen); //printf("found IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC\n"); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC); } else if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(&vp->spendscript[1])) > 0 && vp->spendscript[vp->spendlen-1] == SCRIPT_OP_CHECKSIG && vp->spendscript[0] == plen && vp->spendlen == plen+2 ) { memcpy(vp->signers[0].pubkey,&vp->spendscript[1],plen); calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->rmd160,vp->signers[0].pubkey,plen); //printf("found IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC\n"); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC); } else if ( vp->spendscript[0] == SCRIPT_OP_HASH160 && vp->spendscript[1] == 0x14 && vp->spendlen == 23 && vp->spendscript[22] == SCRIPT_OP_EQUAL ) { memcpy(vp->rmd160,vp->spendscript+2,20); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH); } else if ( vp->spendlen > 34 && vp->spendscript[vp->spendlen-1] == SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIG && (n= vp->spendscript[vp->spendlen-2]) >= 0x51 && n <= 0x60 && (m= vp->spendscript[0]) >= 0x51 && m <= n ) // m of n multisig { m -= 0x50, n -= 0x50; script = vp->spendscript+1; for (i=0; isigners[i].pubkey,script,plen); calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->signers[i].rmd160,vp->signers[i].pubkey,plen); bitcoin_address(vp->signers[i].coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,vp->signers[i].pubkey,plen); } if ( (int32_t)((long)script - (long)vp->spendscript) == vp->spendlen-2 ) { vp->N = n; vp->M = m; //printf("M.%d N.%d\n",m,n); } calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->rmd160,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); if ( n == 3 ) { if ( m == 3 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_3of3); else if ( m == 2 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_2of3); else if ( m == 1 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of3); } else if ( n == 2 ) { if ( m == 2 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_2of2); else if ( m == 1 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of2); } else if ( m == 1 && n == 1 ) return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_1of1); //printf("strange msig M.%d of N.%d\n",m,n); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_MSIG); } else if ( vp->spendlen == vp->spendscript[0]+1 ) { //printf("just data.%d\n",vp->spendlen); memcpy(vp->rmd160,zero_rmd160,sizeof(zero_rmd160)); return(IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA); } if ( type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN && type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA ) { if ( vp->spendlen > 0 && vp->spendlen < sizeof(hexstr)/2-1 ) { static FILE *fp; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); //char str[65]; printf("unparsed script.(%s).%d in %s len.%d\n",hexstr,vp->spendlen,bits256_str(str,vp->vin.prev_hash),vp->spendlen); if ( 1 && fp == 0 ) fp = fopen("unparsed.txt","w"); if ( fp != 0 ) fprintf(fp,"%s\n",hexstr), fflush(fp); } else sprintf(hexstr,"pkscript overflowed %ld\n",(long)sizeof(hexstr)); } calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->rmd160,vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen); return(type); } int32_t iguana_calcrmd160(struct iguana_info *coin,char *asmstr,struct vin_info *vp,uint8_t *pk_script,int32_t pk_scriptlen,bits256 debugtxid,int32_t vout,uint32_t sequence) { int32_t scriptlen; uint8_t script[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; memset(vp,0,sizeof(*vp)); vp->vin.prev_hash = debugtxid, vp->vin.prev_vout = vout; vp->spendlen = pk_scriptlen; vp->vin.sequence = sequence; memcpy(vp->spendscript,pk_script,pk_scriptlen); if ( (vp->type= _iguana_calcrmd160(coin,vp)) >= 0 ) { scriptlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&vp->M,&vp->N,vp->coinaddr,script,asmstr,vp->rmd160,vp->type,(const struct vin_info *)vp,vout); if ( vp->M == 0 && vp->N == 0 ) { vp->M = vp->N = 1; strcpy(vp->signers[0].coinaddr,vp->coinaddr); memcpy(vp->signers[0].rmd160,vp->rmd160,20); } if ( scriptlen != pk_scriptlen || (scriptlen != 0 && memcmp(script,pk_script,scriptlen) != 0) ) { if ( vp->type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN && vp->type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA && vp->type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE ) { int32_t i; printf("\n--------------------\n"); for (i=0; itype,scriptlen,pk_scriptlen); } } } return(vp->type); } //error memalloc mem.0x7f6fc6e4a2a8 alloc 1 used 2162688 totalsize.2162688 -> (nil) int32_t bitcoin_scriptget(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *hashtypep,uint32_t *sigsizep,uint32_t *pubkeysizep,uint32_t *suffixp,struct vin_info *vp,uint8_t *scriptsig,int32_t len,int32_t spendtype) { char asmstr[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE*3]; int32_t j,n,siglen,plen; j = n = 0; *suffixp = *pubkeysizep = 0; *hashtypep = SIGHASH_ALL; while ( (siglen= scriptsig[n]) >= 70 && siglen <= 73 && n+siglen < len && j < 16 ) { vp->signers[j].siglen = siglen; memcpy(vp->signers[j].sig,&scriptsig[n+1],siglen); if ( j == 0 ) *hashtypep = vp->signers[j].sig[siglen-1]; else if ( vp->signers[j].sig[siglen-1] != *hashtypep ) { //printf("SIGHASH.%d mismatch %d vs %d\n",j,vp->signers[j].sig[siglen-1],*hashtypep); break; } (*sigsizep) += siglen; //printf("sigsize %d [%02x]\n",*sigsizep,vp->signers[j].sig[siglen-1]); n += (siglen + 1); j++; if ( spendtype == 0 && j > 1 ) spendtype = IGUANA_SCRIPT_MSIG; } vp->numsigs = j; vp->type = spendtype; if ( j == 0 ) { *suffixp = len; vp->spendlen = len; return(vp->spendlen); } j = 0; while ( ((plen= scriptsig[n]) == 33 || plen == 65) && j < 16 && plen+n <= len ) { memcpy(vp->signers[j].pubkey,&scriptsig[n+1],plen); calc_rmd160_sha256(vp->signers[j].rmd160,vp->signers[j].pubkey,plen); if ( j == 0 ) memcpy(vp->rmd160,vp->signers[j].rmd160,20); n += (plen + 1); (*pubkeysizep) += plen; j++; } vp->numpubkeys = j; if ( n+2 < len && (scriptsig[n] == 0x4c || scriptsig[n] == 0x4d) ) { if ( scriptsig[n] == 0x4c ) vp->p2shlen = scriptsig[n+1], n += 2; else vp->p2shlen = ((uint32_t)scriptsig[n+1] + ((uint32_t)scriptsig[n+2] << 8)), n += 3; //printf("p2sh opcode.%02x %02x %02x scriptlen.%d\n",scriptsig[n],scriptsig[n+1],scriptsig[n+2],vp->p2shlen); if ( vp->p2shlen < IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE && n+vp->p2shlen <= len ) { memcpy(vp->p2shscript,&scriptsig[n],vp->p2shlen); n += vp->p2shlen; vp->type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH; } else vp->p2shlen = 0; } if ( n < len ) *suffixp = (len - n); /*if ( len == 0 ) { // txid.(eccf7e3034189b851985d871f91384b8ee357cd47c3024736e5676eb2debb3f2).v1 decode_hex(vp->rmd160,20,"010966776006953d5567439e5e39f86a0d273bee");//3564a74f9ddb4372301c49154605573d7d1a88fe"); vp->type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_76A988AC; }*/ vp->spendlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&vp->M,&vp->N,vp->coinaddr,vp->spendscript,asmstr,vp->rmd160,vp->type,(const struct vin_info *)vp,vp->vin.prev_vout); //printf("type.%d asmstr.(%s) spendlen.%d\n",vp->type,asmstr,vp->spendlen); return(vp->spendlen); } int32_t iguana_vinscriptparse(struct iguana_info *coin,struct vin_info *vp,uint32_t *sigsizep,uint32_t *pubkeysizep,uint32_t *p2shsizep,uint32_t *suffixp,uint8_t *vinscript,int32_t scriptlen) { int32_t hashtype; *sigsizep = *pubkeysizep = *p2shsizep = *suffixp = 0; if ( bitcoin_scriptget(coin,&hashtype,sigsizep,pubkeysizep,suffixp,vp,vinscript,scriptlen,0) < 0 ) { printf("iguana_vinscriptparse: error parsing vinscript?\n"); return(-1); } if ( vp->type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_P2SH ) { *p2shsizep = vp->p2shlen + 1 + (vp->p2shlen >= 0xfd)*2; //printf("P2SHSIZE.%d\n",*p2shsizep); } return(hashtype); } char *iguana_scriptget(struct iguana_info *coin,char *scriptstr,char *asmstr,int32_t max,int32_t hdrsi,uint32_t unspentind,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint8_t *rmd160,int32_t type,uint8_t *pubkey33) { int32_t scriptlen; uint8_t script[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; struct vin_info V,*vp = &V; memset(vp,0,sizeof(*vp)); scriptstr[0] = asmstr[0] = 0; if ( pubkey33 != 0 && bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey33) > 0 ) memcpy(vp->signers[0].pubkey,pubkey33,33); scriptlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&vp->M,&vp->N,vp->coinaddr,script,asmstr,rmd160,type,(const struct vin_info *)vp,vout); init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,script,scriptlen); return(scriptstr); } #ifdef later uint32_t iguana_ramchain_pubkeyoffset(struct iguana_info *coin,RAMCHAIN_FUNC,int32_t createflag,uint32_t *pkindp,uint32_t *scriptoffsetp,uint8_t *pubkey,uint8_t rmd160[20]) { uint32_t pkind; int32_t plen; struct iguana_kvitem *ptr; if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain,'P',rmd160)) == 0 ) { if ( createflag != 0 ) { //printf("from pubkeyoffset\n"); pkind = iguana_ramchain_addpkhash(coin,RAMCHAIN_ARG,rmd160,0,0,0); //int32_t i; for (i=0; i<33; i++) // printf("%02x",pubkey[i]); //printf(" pkind.%d created from pubkeyoffset\n",pkind); *pkindp = pkind + 1; } else return(0); } else pkind = ptr->hh.itemind; if ( P[pkind].pubkeyoffset == 0 ) { plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey); if ( plen > 0 ) { if ( *scriptoffsetp == 0 ) *scriptoffsetp++ = 0; P[pkind].pubkeyoffset = *scriptoffsetp, *scriptoffsetp += plen; // printf(" plen.%d -> new offset.%d\n",plen,*scriptoffsetp); memcpy(&Kspace[P[pkind].pubkeyoffset],pubkey,plen); } else { //int32_t i; for (i=0; iscriptoffset]; uint32_t poffset; int32_t totalsize,sigslen,plen,stacksize=0,p2shlen=0,scriptlen = 0; if ( s->scriptoffset == 0 ) { //printf("iguana_vinscriptdecode: null scriptoffset\n"); return(0); } len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&metascript[len],(void *)&totalsize); *metalenp = 0; if ( s->rawmode != 0 ) { *metalenp = 0; if ( totalsize < IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { //printf("rawmode.%d\n",totalsize); memcpy(_script,&metascript[len],totalsize); return(totalsize); } printf("illegal rawmode vinscript totalsize.%d\n",totalsize); return(-1); } if ( totalsize > IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { fprintf(stderr,"totalsize too big %d\n",totalsize); return(0); } // expand metascript!! totalsize += len; len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&metascript[len],(void *)&sigslen); //printf("totalsize %d, len %d sigslen %d numpubs.%d p2sh.%d\n",totalsize,len,sigslen,s->numpubkeys,s->p2sh); if ( sigslen > 0 && sigslen < 74*16 ) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&metascript[len],(void *)&stacksize); if ( ramchain->sigsfileptr != 0 && stacksize < ramchain->sigsfilesize ) memcpy(&_script[scriptlen],(void *)((long)ramchain->sigsfileptr + ramchain->sigsfilesize - stacksize),sigslen); else { diff = (long)Kstackend - (long)Kspace; if ( stacksize < diff ) memcpy(&_script[scriptlen],&Kspace[diff - stacksize],sigslen); } scriptlen += sigslen; } if ( s->numpubkeys > 0 ) { for (i=0; inumpubkeys; i++) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&metascript[len],(void *)&poffset); if ( poffset > ramchain->H.data->scriptspace-33 ) { printf("illegal poffset.%d/%d\n",poffset,ramchain->H.data->scriptspace); return(-1); } //printf("poffset[%d] of %d poffset %x\n",i,s->numpubkeys,poffset); pubkey = &Kspace[poffset]; if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(pubkey)) <= 0 ) { /*int32_t j; for (j=0; jnumpubkeys,s->numsigs);*/ *metalenp = len; return(scriptlen); } else { _script[scriptlen++] = plen; //printf("plen.%d\n",i); memcpy(&_script[scriptlen],pubkey,plen), scriptlen += plen; } } } if ( s->p2sh != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&metascript[len],(void *)&p2shlen); if ( p2shlen > 0 && p2shlen < IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { if ( p2shlen <= 75 ) _script[scriptlen++] = 0x4c, _script[scriptlen++] = p2shlen; else _script[scriptlen++] = 0x4d, _script[scriptlen++] = p2shlen & 0xff, _script[scriptlen++] = (p2shlen>>8) & 0xff; //printf("p2shlen.%d\n",p2shlen); memcpy(&_script[scriptlen],&metascript[len],p2shlen), scriptlen += p2shlen, len += p2shlen; } } if ( (suffixlen= (totalsize - len)) != 0 ) { if ( suffixlen < 0 || suffixlen >= IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) printf("suffixlen.%d totalsize.%d vs len.%d\n",suffixlen,totalsize,len); else memcpy(&_script[scriptlen],&metascript[len],suffixlen), scriptlen += suffixlen, len += suffixlen; } *metalenp = len - 1 - (len>=0xfd ? 2 : 0); return(scriptlen); } int32_t iguana_vinscriptencode(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *metalenp,uint8_t *Kstackend,uint32_t stacksize,uint8_t *Kspace,uint32_t scriptoffset,struct iguana_spend *s,uint8_t *sigsbuf,int32_t sigslen,uint32_t *poffsets,uint8_t *p2shscript,int32_t p2shlen,uint8_t *suffix,int32_t suffixlen) { int32_t i,len = 0; long diff; uint8_t metascript[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; uint32_t origoffset = scriptoffset; *metalenp = 0; //printf("vinencode[%d] <- stacksize.%d sigslen.%d numsigs.%d numpubs.%d p2shlen.%d suffixlen.%d\n",scriptoffset,stacksize,sigslen,s->numsigs,s->numpubkeys,p2shlen,suffixlen); if ( sigslen == 0 && s->numpubkeys == 0 && p2shlen == 0 && suffixlen == 0 ) { printf("spendencode: null script??\n"); return(0); } len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&metascript[len],(void *)&sigslen); if ( sigslen > 0 ) { diff = (long)Kstackend - (long)Kspace; if ( diff < stacksize ) { printf("vinscriptencode error diff.%ld < stacksize.%u\n",diff,stacksize); return(0); } memcpy(&Kspace[diff - stacksize],sigsbuf,sigslen); //printf("Kspace.%p Kstackend.%p diff.%ld stacksize.%d sigsbuf.%p sigslen.%d [%02x]\n",Kspace,Kstackend,diff,stacksize,sigsbuf,sigslen,Kspace[diff - stacksize + sigslen - 1]); for (i=0; i %p stacksize.%d\n",len,&Kspace[diff - stacksize],stacksize); } if ( s->numpubkeys > 0 ) { //printf("metalen.%d\n",len); for (i=0; inumpubkeys; i++) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&metascript[len],&poffsets[i]); //printf("EMIT pubkey poffsets.[%x] len.%d\n",poffsets[0],len); } } if ( p2shlen != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&metascript[len],(void *)&p2shlen); memcpy(&metascript[len],p2shscript,p2shlen), len += p2shlen; } if ( suffixlen > 0 && suffixlen < IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { //printf("[%d] <- SUFFIX.(%02x) len.%d\n",len,suffix[0],suffixlen); memcpy(&metascript[len],suffix,suffixlen), len += suffixlen; } scriptoffset += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&Kspace[scriptoffset],(void *)&len); memcpy(&Kspace[scriptoffset],metascript,len); //for (i=0; i 0 && vinscriptlen < IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); if ( rawflag == 0 ) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); s->sighash = iguana_vinscriptparse(coin,&V,&sigsize,&pubkeysize,&p2shsize,&suffixlen,vinscript,vinscriptlen); //for (i=0; i<33; i++) // printf("%02x",V.signers[0].pubkey[i]); //printf(" parsed pubkey0\n"); //for (i=0; i<20; i++) // printf("%02x",V.signers[0].rmd160[i]); //printf(" parsed rmd160_0\n"); memset(sigsbuf,0,sizeof(sigsbuf)); memset(poffsets,0,sizeof(poffsets)); for (i=sigslen=0; i 0 ) { sigsbuf[sigslen++] = V.signers[i].siglen; memcpy(&sigsbuf[sigslen],V.signers[i].sig,V.signers[i].siglen); sigslen += V.signers[i].siglen; } } for (i=0; ipkind,&ramchain->H.scriptoffset,V.signers[i].pubkey,V.signers[i].rmd160)) == 0 ) { //printf("addspend: error couldnt get pubkeyoffset\n"); return(-1); } //else printf("poffset[%d] <- 0x%x (%02x %02x)\n",i,poffsets[i],Kspace[poffsets[i]],Kspace[poffsets[i]+32]); } } s->numsigs = V.numsigs; s->numpubkeys = V.numpubkeys; if ( p2shsize != 0 ) s->p2sh = 1; suffix = &vinscript[vinscriptlen-suffixlen]; if ( sigslen+V.numsigs+V.numpubkeys+suffixlen != 0 ) { ramchain->H.stacksize += sigslen; s->scriptoffset = ramchain->H.scriptoffset; len = iguana_vinscriptencode(coin,&metalen,&Kspace[ramchain->H.data->scriptspace],ramchain->H.stacksize,Kspace,ramchain->H.scriptoffset,s,sigsbuf,sigslen,poffsets,V.p2shscript,V.p2shlen,suffix,suffixlen); } else printf("sigslen.%d numsigs.%d numpubs.%d suffixlen.%d\n",sigslen,V.numsigs,V.numpubkeys,suffixlen); } else { metalen = sigslen = 0; s->sighash = s->numsigs = s->numpubkeys = s->p2sh = 0; suffix = vinscript; suffixlen = vinscriptlen; //for (i=0; iscriptoffset = ramchain->H.scriptoffset; s->rawmode = 1; ramchain->H.scriptoffset += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&Kspace[s->scriptoffset],(void *)&vinscriptlen); memcpy(&Kspace[ramchain->H.scriptoffset],vinscript,vinscriptlen); ramchain->H.scriptoffset += vinscriptlen; } } //printf("checklen.%d scriptoffset.%d\n",checklen,ramchain->H.scriptoffset); if ( (decodelen= iguana_vinscriptdecode(coin,ramchain,&checkmetalen,_script,&Kspace[ramchain->H.data->scriptspace],Kspace,s)) != vinscriptlen || (vinscript != 0 && memcmp(_script,vinscript,vinscriptlen) != 0) || checkmetalen != metalen ) { //static uint64_t counter; //if ( counter++ < 100 ) { for (i=0; iH.stacksize -= sigslen; return(-1); } //else s->coinbase = 1;//, printf("vin reconstructed metalen.%d vinlen.%d\n",metalen,checklen); ramchain->H.scriptoffset += len; return(metalen); } int32_t iguana_scriptspaceraw(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *scriptspacep,int32_t *sigspacep,int32_t *pubkeyspacep,struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,int32_t txn_count) { uint32_t i,j,sigspace,suffixlen,scriptspace,pubkeyspace,p2shspace,p2shsize,sigsize,pubkeysize,type,scriptlen; //struct iguana_spend256 *s; struct iguana_unspent20 *u; struct iguana_msgtx *tx; struct vin_info V; uint8_t rmd160[20],scriptdata[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; char asmstr[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE*2+1]; return(1); for (i=sigspace=scriptspace=pubkeyspace=p2shspace=0; itx_out; j++) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); type = iguana_calcrmd160(coin,asmstr,&V,tx->vouts[j].pk_script,tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen,tx->txid,j,0xffffffff); if ( type != 0 ) // IGUANA_SCRIPT_NULL { memcpy(rmd160,V.rmd160,sizeof(rmd160)); memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); scriptlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&V.M,&V.N,V.coinaddr,scriptdata,asmstr,rmd160,type,(const struct vin_info *)&V,j); if ( (scriptlen != tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen || (scriptdata != 0 && memcmp(scriptdata,tx->vouts[j].pk_script,scriptlen) != 0)) ) //tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen > sizeof(u->script) && { scriptspace += tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen; //printf("type.%d scriptspace.%d <= %d + 2\n",type,scriptspace,tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen); } } } for (j=0; jtx_in; j++) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); iguana_vinscriptparse(coin,&V,&sigsize,&pubkeysize,&p2shsize,&suffixlen,tx->vins[j].vinscript,tx->vins[j].scriptlen); pubkeyspace += pubkeysize; p2shspace += p2shsize; //if ( tx->vins[j].scriptlen > sizeof(s->vinscript) ) sigspace += tx->vins[j].scriptlen; } } *scriptspacep = scriptspace + p2shspace, *sigspacep = sigspace, *pubkeyspacep = pubkeyspace; return(scriptspace + sigspace); } int32_t iguana_ramchain_scriptspace(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *sigspacep,int32_t *pubkeyspacep,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { RAMCHAIN_DECLARE; int32_t j,scriptlen; struct vin_info V; uint32_t sequence,p2shspace,altspace,sigspace,pubkeyspace,spendind,unspentind,p2shsize,pubkeysize,sigsize,scriptspace,suffixlen; struct iguana_txid *tx; struct iguana_ramchaindata *rdata; uint8_t *scriptdata; _iguana_ramchain_setptrs(RAMCHAIN_PTRS,ramchain->H.data); *sigspacep = *pubkeyspacep = altspace = 0; return(1); if ( (rdata= ramchain->H.data) == 0 || ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { printf("iguana_ramchain_scriptspace cant iterate without data and requires simple ramchain\n"); return(-1); } sigspace = pubkeyspace = p2shspace = 0; scriptspace = 1; for (ramchain->H.txidind=rdata->firsti; ramchain->H.txidindnumtxids; ramchain->H.txidind++) { tx = &T[ramchain->H.txidind]; for (j=0; jnumvouts; j++) { if ( (unspentind= ramchain->H.unspentind++) < rdata->numunspents ) if ( U[unspentind].scriptlen != 0 ) scriptspace += U[unspentind].scriptlen + 3; } for (j=0; jnumvins; j++) {break; if ( (spendind= ramchain->H.spendind++) < rdata->numspends ) { sequence = S[spendind].sequenceid; scriptlen = S[spendind].vinscriptlen; if ( S[spendind].scriptoffset != 0 && S[spendind].scriptoffset+scriptlen < ramchain->H.data->scriptspace ) { scriptdata = &Kspace[S[spendind].scriptoffset]; altspace += scriptlen; if ( scriptdata != 0 ) { memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); iguana_vinscriptparse(coin,&V,&sigsize,&pubkeysize,&p2shsize,&suffixlen,scriptdata,scriptlen); p2shspace += p2shsize; sigspace += sigsize; pubkeyspace += pubkeysize; sigspace += suffixlen; // fprintf(stderr,"(%d %d %d %d).%d ",sigsize,pubkeysize,p2shsize,suffixlen,scriptlen); } //else fprintf(stderr,"(none)" ); } } } //altspace += tx->numvins * 16 + 128; // for metascripts //scriptspace += tx->numvins * 16 + 128; // for metascripts //fprintf(stderr,"scriptspace.%u altspace.%u, ",scriptspace,altspace); } *sigspacep = sigspace, *pubkeyspacep = pubkeyspace; //printf("altspace.%d numvouts.%d numvins.%d scriptspace.%d p2shspace.%d sigspace.%d pubkeyspace.%d\n",altspace,tx->numvouts,tx->numvins,scriptspace,p2shspace,sigspace,pubkeyspace); return(scriptspace + p2shspace); } uint32_t iguana_ramchain_scriptencode(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *Kspace,uint32_t *offsetp,int32_t type,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,uint32_t *pubkeyoffsetp) { uint32_t uoffset,starti,offset = *offsetp,pubkeyoffset = *pubkeyoffsetp; int32_t plen; if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_AC ) { starti = (type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC); plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen(script + starti); /*if ( plen <= 0 ) { char buf[1025]; buf[0] = 0; for (i=0; i<33; i++) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"%02x",script[1+i]); printf("%s pubkey -> pubkeyoffset.%d offset.%d plen.%d\n",buf,pubkeyoffset,offset,plen); }*/ if ( plen > 0 ) { if ( pubkeyoffset == 0 ) { if ( offset == 0 ) offset = 1; *pubkeyoffsetp = pubkeyoffset = offset; memcpy(&Kspace[pubkeyoffset],script + starti,plen); offset += plen; *offsetp = offset; return(0); } if ( memcmp(script + starti,&Kspace[pubkeyoffset],plen) != 0 ) { /*for (i=-1; i<=plen; i++) printf("%02x",script[1+i]); printf(" script arg\n"); for (i=0; iH.scriptoffset; if ( type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE && type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA && type != IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN && scriptlen > 0 && script != 0 ) { if ( Kspace != 0 && ramchain->H.scriptoffset+scriptlen+3 <= ramchain->H.data->scriptspace-ramchain->H.stacksize ) { if ( (u->scriptoffset= iguana_ramchain_scriptencode(coin,Kspace,&ramchain->H.scriptoffset,type,script,scriptlen,&pubkeyoffset)) > 0 || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC ) { fprintf(stderr,"new offset.%d from scriptlen.%d pubkeyoffset.%d\n",ramchain->H.scriptoffset,scriptlen,pubkeyoffset); } //printf("[%d] u%d offset.%u len.%d\n",hdrsi,unspentind,u->scriptoffset,scriptlen); } else printf("[%d] u%d Kspace.%p scriptspace overflow! %d + %d vs space.%d - stack.%d\n",hdrsi,unspentind,Kspace,ramchain->H.scriptoffset,scriptlen,ramchain->H.data->scriptspace,ramchain->H.stacksize); checkscript = iguana_ramchain_scriptdecode(&metalen,&checklen,Kspace,u->type,_script,u->scriptoffset,P[pkind].pubkeyoffset < ramchain->H.scriptoffset ? P[pkind].pubkeyoffset : 0); if ( checklen != scriptlen || (script != 0 && checkscript != 0 && memcmp(checkscript,script,scriptlen) != 0) ) { //printf("create script mismatch len.%d vs %d or cmp error.%d\n",scriptlen,checklen,(script!=0&&checkscript!=0)?memcmp(checkscript,script,scriptlen):0); type = IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE; } //else printf("RO spendscript match.%d\n",scriptlen); } if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_DATA || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_OPRETURN || type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_STRANGE ) { if ( script != 0 && scriptlen > 0 ) { u->scriptoffset = origoffset; origoffset += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&Kspace[origoffset],(void *)&scriptlen); memcpy(&Kspace[origoffset],script,scriptlen); ramchain->H.scriptoffset = origoffset + scriptlen; } } else if ( type == IGUANA_SCRIPT_76AC && pubkeyoffset != 0 && P[pkind].pubkeyoffset == 0 ) P[pkind].pubkeyoffset = pubkeyoffset;*/ #endif