/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "pangea777.h" char *pangea_typestr(uint8_t type) { static char err[64]; switch ( type ) { case 0xff: return("fold"); case CARDS777_START: return("start"); case CARDS777_ANTE: return("ante"); case CARDS777_SMALLBLIND: return("smallblind"); case CARDS777_BIGBLIND: return("bigblind"); case CARDS777_CHECK: return("check"); case CARDS777_CALL: return("call"); case CARDS777_BET: return("bet"); case CARDS777_RAISE: return("raise"); case CARDS777_FULLRAISE: return("fullraise"); case CARDS777_SENTCARDS: return("sentcards"); case CARDS777_ALLIN: return("allin"); case CARDS777_FACEUP: return("faceup"); case CARDS777_WINNINGS: return("won"); case CARDS777_RAKES: return("rakes"); case CARDS777_CHANGES: return("changes"); case CARDS777_SNAPSHOT: return("snapshot"); } sprintf(err,"unknown type.%d",type); return(err); } cJSON *pangea_handitem(int32_t *cardip,cJSON **pitemp,uint8_t type,uint64_t valA,uint64_t *bits64p,bits256 card,int32_t numplayers) { int32_t cardi,n,i,rebuy,busted; char str[128],hexstr[65],cardpubs[(CARDS777_MAXCARDS+1)*64+1]; cJSON *item,*array,*pitem = 0; item = cJSON_CreateObject(); *cardip = -1; switch ( type ) { case CARDS777_START: jaddnum(item,"handid",valA); init_hexbytes_noT(cardpubs,(void *)bits64p,(int32_t)((CARDS777_MAXCARDS+1) * sizeof(bits256))); jaddstr(item,"cardpubs",cardpubs); break; case CARDS777_RAKES: jaddnum(item,"hostrake",dstr(valA)); jaddnum(item,"pangearake",dstr(*bits64p)); break; case CARDS777_SNAPSHOT: jaddnum(item,"handid",valA); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i>4) & 0xffff); rebuy = (int32_t)((valA>>20) & 0xffff); if ( busted != 0 ) jaddnum(item,"busted",busted); if ( rebuy != 0 ) jaddnum(item,"rebuy",rebuy); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i= 0 && valA < numplayers ) jaddnum(item,"player",valA); jaddnum(item,"won",dstr(*bits64p)); if ( pitem == 0 ) pitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(pitem,"won",dstr(*bits64p)); break; case CARDS777_FACEUP: *cardip = cardi = (int32_t)(valA >> 8); if ( cardi >= 0 && cardi < 52 ) jaddnum(item,"cardi",cardi); else printf("illegal cardi.%d valA.%llu\n",cardi,(long long)valA); valA &= 0xff; if ( (int32_t)valA >= 0 && valA < numplayers ) jaddnum(item,"player",valA); else if ( valA == 0xff ) jaddnum(item,"community",cardi - numplayers*2); cardstr(str,card.bytes[1]); jaddnum(item,str,card.bytes[1]); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,card.bytes,sizeof(card)); jaddstr(item,"privkey",hexstr); break; default: if ( (int32_t)valA >= 0 && valA < numplayers ) jaddnum(item,"player",valA); jaddstr(item,"action",pangea_typestr(type)); if ( pitem == 0 ) pitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( *bits64p != 0 ) { jaddnum(item,"bet",dstr(*bits64p)); jaddnum(pitem,pangea_typestr(type),dstr(*bits64p)); } else jaddstr(pitem,"action",pangea_typestr(type)); break; } *pitemp = pitem; return(item); } int32_t pangea_parsesummary(uint8_t *typep,uint64_t *valAp,uint64_t *bits64p,bits256 *cardp,uint8_t *summary,int32_t len) { int32_t handid; uint16_t cardi_player; uint32_t changes=0; uint8_t player; *bits64p = 0; memset(cardp,0,sizeof(*cardp)); len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)typep,sizeof(*typep)); if ( *typep == 0 ) { printf("len.%d type.%d [%d]\n",len,*typep,summary[len-1]); return(-1); } if ( *typep == CARDS777_START || *typep == CARDS777_SNAPSHOT ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)&handid,sizeof(handid)), *valAp = handid; else if ( *typep == CARDS777_CHANGES ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)&changes,sizeof(changes)), *valAp = changes; else if ( *typep == CARDS777_RAKES ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)valAp,sizeof(*valAp)); else if ( *typep == CARDS777_FACEUP ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)&cardi_player,sizeof(cardi_player)), *valAp = cardi_player; else len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)&player,sizeof(player)), *valAp = player; if ( *typep == CARDS777_FACEUP ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],cardp->bytes,sizeof(*cardp)); else if ( *typep == CARDS777_START ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)bits64p,sizeof(bits256)*(CARDS777_MAXCARDS+1)); else if ( *typep == CARDS777_SNAPSHOT ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)bits64p,sizeof(*bits64p) * CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS); else if ( *typep == CARDS777_CHANGES ) len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)bits64p,sizeof(*bits64p) * (changes & 0xf)); else len += SuperNET_copybits(1,&summary[len],(void *)bits64p,sizeof(*bits64p)); return(len); } char *pangea_dispsummary(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct table_info *tp,int32_t verbose,uint8_t *summary,int32_t summarysize,bits256 tablehash,int32_t handid,int32_t numplayers) { int32_t i,cardi,n = 0,len = 0; uint8_t type; uint64_t valA,bits64[CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS + (CARDS777_MAXCARDS+1)*4]; bits256 card; cJSON *item,*json,*all,*cardis[52],*players[CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS],*pitem,*array = cJSON_CreateArray(); all = cJSON_CreateArray(); memset(cardis,0,sizeof(cardis)); memset(players,0,sizeof(players)); for (i=0; i= 0 && cardi < 52 ) { //printf("cardis[%d] <- %p\n",cardi,item); cardis[cardi] = item; } else jaddi(array,item); item = 0; } if ( pitem != 0 ) { jaddnum(pitem,"n",n), n++; if ( (int32_t)valA >= 0 && valA < numplayers ) jaddi(players[valA],pitem); else free_json(pitem), printf("illegal player.%llu\n",(long long)valA); pitem = 0; } } for (i=0; isummarysize; if ( type == 0 ) { printf("type.0\n"); getchar(); } //printf("summarysize.%d type.%d [%02x %02x]\n",dp->summarysize,type,*(uint8_t *)arg0,*(uint8_t *)arg1); tp->summarysize += SuperNET_copybits(0,&tp->summary[tp->summarysize],(void *)&type,sizeof(type)); //printf("-> %d\n",tp->summary[tp->summarysize-1]); tp->summarysize += SuperNET_copybits(0,&tp->summary[tp->summarysize],arg0,size0); tp->summarysize += SuperNET_copybits(0,&tp->summary[tp->summarysize],arg1,size1); //printf("startlen.%d summarysize.%d\n",startlen,tp->summarysize); len = pangea_parsesummary(&checktype,&valA,bits64,&card,tp->summary,startlen); if ( len != tp->summarysize || checktype != type || memcmp(&valA,arg0,size0) != 0 ) printf("pangea_summary parse error [%d] (%d vs %d) || (%d vs %d).%d || cmp.%d size0.%d size1.%d\n",startlen,len,tp->summarysize,checktype,type,tp->summary[startlen],memcmp(&valA,arg0,size0),size0,size1); if ( card.txid != 0 && memcmp(card.bytes,arg1,sizeof(card)) != 0 ) printf("pangea_summary: parse error card mismatch %llx != %llx\n",(long long)card.txid,*(long long *)arg1); else if ( card.txid == 0 && memcmp(arg1,bits64,size1) != 0 ) printf("pangea_summary: parse error bits64 %llx != %llx\n",(long long)bits64[0],*(long long *)arg0); /*if ( 1 && hn->client->H.slot == pangea_slotA(tp->table) ) { if ( (item= pangea_handitem(&cardi,&pitem,type,valA,bits64,card,tp->G.N)) != 0 ) { str = jprint(item,1); printf("ITEM.(%s)\n",str); free(str); } if ( pitem != 0 ) { str = jprint(pitem,1); printf("PITEM.(%s)\n",str); free(str); } }*/ if ( Debuglevel > 2 )//|| hn->client->H.slot == pangea_slotA(tp->table) ) printf("pangea_summary.%d %d | summarysize.%d crc.%u\n",type,*(uint8_t *)arg0,tp->summarysize,calc_crc32(0,tp->summary,tp->summarysize)); } void pangea_summary(PANGEA_HANDARGS) { char *otherhist,*handhist = 0; int32_t matched = 0; struct hand_info *hand = &tp->hand; if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) // ordering changes crc printf("player.%d [%d]: got summary.%d from %d memcmp.%d\n",tp->priv.myind,tp->summarysize,datalen,senderind,memcmp(data,tp->summary,datalen)); if ( datalen == tp->summarysize ) { if ( memcmp(tp->summary,data,datalen) == 0 ) { //printf("P%d: matched senderind.%d\n",priv->myslot,senderind); matched = 1; } else { if ( (handhist= pangea_dispsummary(myinfo,tp,1,tp->summary,tp->summarysize,tp->G.tablehash,tp->numhands-1,N)) != 0 ) { if ( (otherhist= pangea_dispsummary(myinfo,tp,1,data,datalen,tp->G.tablehash,tp->numhands-1,N)) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(handhist,otherhist) == 0 ) { //printf("P%d: matched B senderind.%d\n",priv->myslot,senderind); matched = 1; } else printf("\n[%s] MISMATCHED vs \n[%s]\n",handhist,otherhist); free(otherhist); } else printf("error getting otherhist\n"); free(handhist); } else printf("error getting handhist\n"); } } if ( matched != 0 ) hand->summaries |= (1LL << senderind); else { //printf("P%d: MISMATCHED senderind.%d\n",priv->myslot,senderind); hand->mismatches |= (1LL << senderind); } if ( senderind == 0 && tp->priv.myind != pangea_slotA(tp) ) pangea_sendcmd(myinfo,tp,"summary",-1,tp->summary,tp->summarysize,0,0); if ( (hand->mismatches | hand->summaries) == (1LL << N)-1 ) { if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("P%d: hand summary matches.%llx errors.%llx | size.%d\n",tp->priv.myind,(long long)hand->summaries,(long long)hand->mismatches,tp->summarysize); //if ( handhist == 0 && (handhist= pangea_dispsummary(sp,1,dp->summary,dp->summarysize,sp->tableid,dp->numhands-1,dp->N)) != 0 ) // printf("HAND.(%s)\n",handhist), free(handhist); if ( tp->priv.myind == 0 ) { hand->mismatches = hand->summaries = 0; pangea_anotherhand(myinfo,tp,PANGEA_PAUSE); } } }