/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define EXCHANGE_NAME "btc38" #define UPDATE btc38 ## _price #define SUPPORTS btc38 ## _supports #define SIGNPOST btc38 ## _signpost #define TRADE btc38 ## _trade #define ORDERSTATUS btc38 ## _orderstatus #define CANCELORDER btc38 ## _cancelorder #define OPENORDERS btc38 ## _openorders #define TRADEHISTORY btc38 ## _tradehistory #define BALANCES btc38 ## _balances #define PARSEBALANCE btc38 ## _parsebalance #define WITHDRAW btc38 ## _withdraw #define EXCHANGE_AUTHURL "http://www.btc38.com/trade/t_api" #define CHECKBALANCE btc38 ## _checkbalance double UPDATE(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,struct exchange_quote *quotes,int32_t maxdepth,double commission,cJSON *argjson) { char url[1024],lrel[16],lbase[16]; strcpy(lrel,rel), strcpy(lbase,base); tolowercase(lrel), tolowercase(lbase); if ( strcmp(lbase,"cny") == 0 && strcmp(lrel,"btc") == 0 ) sprintf(url,"http://api.btc38.com/v1/depth.php?c=%s&mk_type=%s","btc","cny"); else sprintf(url,"http://api.btc38.com/v1/depth.php?c=%s&mk_type=%s",lbase,lrel); return(exchanges777_standardprices(exchange,commission,base,rel,url,quotes,0,0,maxdepth,0)); } int32_t SUPPORTS(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *_base,char *_rel,cJSON *argjson) { char *cnypairs[] = { "BTC", "LTC", "DOGE", "XRP", "BTS", "STR", "NXT", "BLK", "BC", "VPN", "BILS", "BOST", "PPC", "APC", "ZCC", "XPM", "DGC", "MEC", "WDC", "QRK", "BEC", "ANC", "UNC", "RIC", "SRC", "TAG" }; char *btcpairs[] = { "TMC", "LTC", "DOGE", "XRP", "BTS", "XEM", "VPN", "XCN", "VOOT", "SYS", "NRS", "NAS", "SYNC", "MED", "EAC" }; int32_t i; char base[64],rel[64]; strcpy(base,_base), strcpy(rel,_rel); touppercase(base), touppercase(rel); if ( strlen(base) > 5 || strlen(rel) > 5 ) return(0); if ( strcmp(base,"BTC") == 0 && strcmp(rel,"CNY") == 0 ) return(1); else if ( strcmp(base,"CNY") == 0 && strcmp(rel,"BTC") == 0 ) return(-1); else if ( strcmp(base,"BTC") == 0 ) { for (i=0; iapikey,exchange->userid,exchange->apisecret,(long long)nonce); //printf("MD5.(%s)\n",buf); calc_md5(digest,buf,(int32_t)strlen(buf)); sprintf(cmdbuf,"key=%s&time=%llu&md5=%s%s",exchange->apikey,(long long)nonce,digest,payload); sprintf(url,"%s/%s",EXCHANGE_AUTHURL,path); if ( dotrade == 0 ) data = exchange_would_submit(payload,hdr1,hdr2,hdr3,hdr4); else if ( (data= curl_post(&exchange->cHandle,url,0,cmdbuf,hdr1,hdr2,hdr3,hdr4)) != 0 ) json = cJSON_Parse(data); if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = data; else if ( data != 0 ) free(data); return(json); } /* $ Stamp = $ date-> getTimestamp (); type, 1 for the purchase of Entry, 2 entry order to sell, can not be empty / the type of the order $ Mdt = "_ public here to write here write here to write user ID_ private _" $ stamp.; $ Mdt = md5 ($ mdt); $ Data = array ("key" => "here to write public", "time" => $ stamp, "md5" => $ mdt, "type" => 1, "mk_type" => "cny", "Price" => "0.0001", "amount" => "100", "coinname" => "XRP"); // $ Data_string = json_encode ($ data); $ Ch = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.btc38.com/trade/t_api/submitOrder.php'); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $ data); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); */ /* static CURL *cHandle; char *data,*path,url[1024],cmdbuf[8192],buf[512],digest[33],market[16],base[64],rel[64],coinname[16],fmtstr[512],*pricefmt,*volfmt = "%.3f"; cJSON *json,*resultobj; uint64_t nonce,txid = 0; if ( _base != 0 && _rel != 0 ) { strcpy(base,_base), strcpy(rel,_rel); touppercase(base), touppercase(rel); if ( btc38_supports(base,rel) == 0 ) { *retstrp = clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid contract pair\"}"); return(0); } } nonce = exchange_nonce(exchange); sprintf(buf,"%s_%s_%s_%llu",exchange->apikey,exchange->userid,exchange->apisecret,(long long)nonce); //printf("MD5.(%s)\n",buf); calc_md5(digest,buf,(int32_t)strlen(buf)); *retstrp = 0; if ( dir == 0 ) { path = "getMyBalance.php"; sprintf(cmdbuf,"key=%s&time=%llu&md5=%s",exchange->apikey,(long long)nonce,digest); } else { if ( (data= curl_post(&cHandle,url,0,cmdbuf,0,0,0,0)) != 0 ) { //printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(data)) != 0 ) { if ( juint(json,"success") > 0 && (resultobj= cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"return")) != 0 ) { if ( (txid= get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(resultobj,"order_id"))) == 0 ) { if ( get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(resultobj,"remains")) == 0 ) txid = _crc32(0,cmdbuf,strlen(cmdbuf)); } } free_json(json); } } else fprintf(stderr,"submit err cmd.(%s)\n",cmdbuf); if ( retstrp != 0 && data != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(data)) == 0 ) { json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result",data); data = jprint(json,1); } else free_json(json); //printf("btc38 returning.(%s) in %p\n",data,data); *retstrp = data; } else if ( data != 0 ) free(data); return(txid); */ cJSON *BALANCES(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { return(SIGNPOST(&exchange->cHandle,1,0,exchange,"","getMyBalance.php")); } char *PARSEBALANCE(struct exchange_info *exchange,double *balancep,char *coinstr,cJSON *argjson) { char field[128],*str,*itemstr = 0; cJSON *obj; double lockbalance,imma; *balancep = 0.; strcpy(field,coinstr); tolowercase(field); strcat(field,"_balance"); if ( argjson != 0 && (str= jstr(argjson,field)) != 0 ) { *balancep = jdouble(argjson,field); strcpy(field,coinstr), tolowercase(field), strcat(field,"_balance_lock"); lockbalance = jdouble(argjson,field); strcpy(field,coinstr), tolowercase(field), strcat(field,"_balance_imma"); imma = jdouble(argjson,field); obj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(obj,"balance",*balancep); jaddnum(obj,"locked_balance",lockbalance); jaddnum(obj,"imma_balance",imma); itemstr = jprint(obj,1); } if ( itemstr == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find coin balance\"}")); return(itemstr); } #include "checkbalance.c" uint64_t TRADE(int32_t dotrade,char **retstrp,struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume,cJSON *argjson) { char payload[1024],market[16],coinname[16],fmtstr[512],*pricefmt,*extra,*volfmt = "%.3f"; cJSON *json,*resultobj; uint64_t txid = 0; if ( (extra= *retstrp) != 0 ) *retstrp = 0; if ( (dir= cny_flip(market,coinname,base,rel,dir,&price,&volume)) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"btc38_trade illegal base.(%s) or rel.(%s)\n",base,rel); return(0); } if ( strcmp(market,"cny") == 0 ) pricefmt = "%.5f"; else pricefmt = "%.6f"; //sprintf(fmtstr,"key=%%s&time=%%llu&md5=%%s&type=%%s&mk_type=%%s&coinname=%%s&price=%s&amount=%s",pricefmt,volfmt); //sprintf(payload,fmtstr,exchange->apikey,(long long)nonce,digest,dir>0?"1":"2",market,coinname,price,volume); sprintf(fmtstr,"&type=%%s&mk_type=%%s&coinname=%%s&price=%s&amount=%s",pricefmt,volfmt); sprintf(payload,fmtstr,dir>0?"1":"2",market,coinname,price,volume); if ( CHECKBALANCE(retstrp,dotrade,exchange,dir,base,rel,price,volume,argjson) == 0 && (json= SIGNPOST(&exchange->cHandle,dotrade,retstrp,exchange,payload,"submitOrder.php")) != 0 ) { if ( juint(json,"success") > 0 && (resultobj= jobj(json,"return")) != 0 ) { if ( (txid= j64bits(resultobj,"order_id")) == 0 ) { if ( j64bits(resultobj,"remains") == 0 ) txid = calc_crc32(0,payload,strlen(payload)); } } free_json(json); if ( retstrp != 0 && *retstrp != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(*retstrp)) == 0 ) { json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result",*retstrp); free(*retstrp); *retstrp = jprint(json,1); } else free_json(json); } } return(txid); } char *CANCELORDER(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t quoteid,cJSON *argjson) { char payload[1024],*rel,*retstr = 0; cJSON *json; if ( (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) == 0 ) rel = "cny"; sprintf(payload,"&mk_type=%s&order_id=%llu",rel,(long long)quoteid); if ( (json= SIGNPOST(&exchange->cHandle,1,&retstr,exchange,payload,"cancelOrder.php")) != 0 ) { free_json(json); } return(retstr); // return standardized cancelorder } char *OPENORDERS(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { char payload[1024],*base,*rel,*retstr = 0; cJSON *json; if ( (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) == 0 ) rel = "cny"; sprintf(payload,"&mk_type=%s",rel); if ( (base= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 ) sprintf(payload + strlen(payload),"&coinname=%s",base); if ( (json= SIGNPOST(&exchange->cHandle,1,&retstr,exchange,payload,"getOrderList.php")) != 0 ) { free_json(json); } return(retstr); // return standardized open orders } char *TRADEHISTORY(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"btc38 doesnt seem to have trade history api!\"}")); } char *WITHDRAW(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,double amount,char *destaddr,cJSON *argjson) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"btc38 doesnt seem to have withdraw api!\"}")); } char *ORDERSTATUS(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t quoteid,cJSON *argjson) { char *status,*retstr; status = OPENORDERS(exchange,argjson); if ( (retstr= exchange_extractorderid(0,status,quoteid,"order_id")) != 0 ) { free(status); return(retstr); } free(status); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"order not pending\"}")); } struct exchange_funcs btc38_funcs = EXCHANGE_FUNCS(btc38,EXCHANGE_NAME); #undef UPDATE #undef SUPPORTS #undef SIGNPOST #undef TRADE #undef ORDERSTATUS #undef CANCELORDER #undef OPENORDERS #undef TRADEHISTORY #undef BALANCES #undef PARSEBALANCE #undef WITHDRAW #undef EXCHANGE_NAME #undef EXCHANGE_AUTHURL #undef CHECKBALANCE