/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" const char *Hardcoded_coins[][3] = { { "BTC", "bitcoin", "0" }, { "BTCD", "BitcoinDark", "129" }, { "VPN", "VPNcoin", "129" }, { "LTC", "litecoin", "129" } , { "endmarker", "", "" } }; struct iguana_info *iguana_coinfind(const char *symbol) { int32_t i; for (i=0; isymbol,symbol) == 0 ) return(Coins[i]); } return(0); } struct iguana_info *iguana_coinadd(const char *symbol,cJSON *argjson) { struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t i = 0; if ( symbol == 0 ) { for (i=0; i %p\n",Coins[i]); return(Coins[i]); } return(0); printf("i.%d (%s) vs name.(%s)\n",i,Coins[i]->name,symbol); } } else { for (i=0; i= sizeof(Hardcoded_coins)/sizeof(*Hardcoded_coins) ) break; //printf("Hardcoded_coins[i][0] %s vs.(%s)\n",Hardcoded_coins[i][0],symbol); //if ( symbol[0] == 0 ) // getchar(); if ( strcmp("endmarker",Hardcoded_coins[i][0]) == 0 || strcmp(symbol,Hardcoded_coins[i][0]) == 0 ) { if ( Coins[i] == 0 ) Coins[i] = mycalloc('C',1,sizeof(*Coins[i])); coin = Coins[i]; if ( coin->chain == 0 ) { if ( i < sizeof(Hardcoded_coins)/sizeof(*Hardcoded_coins) ) strcpy(coin->name,Hardcoded_coins[i][1]); else if (argjson != 0 ) { if ( jstr(argjson,"name") != 0 ) safecopy(coin->name,jstr(argjson,"name"),sizeof(coin->name)); else strcpy(coin->name,symbol); } coin->chain = iguana_chainfind((char *)symbol,argjson,1); strcpy(coin->symbol,symbol); iguana_initcoin(coin,argjson); } return(coin); } } } return(0); } struct iguana_info *iguana_coinselect() { int32_t i; for (i=0; isymbol[0] != 0 && Coins[i]->bundlescount > 0 ) return(Coins[i]); } return(0); } void iguana_recvalloc(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t numitems) { //coin->blocks.ptrs = myrealloc('W',coin->blocks.ptrs,coin->blocks.ptrs==0?0:coin->blocks.maxbits * sizeof(*coin->blocks.ptrs),numitems * sizeof(*coin->blocks.ptrs)); coin->blocks.RO = myrealloc('W',coin->blocks.RO,coin->blocks.RO==0?0:coin->blocks.maxbits * sizeof(*coin->blocks.RO),numitems * sizeof(*coin->blocks.RO)); //printf("realloc waitingbits.%d -> %d\n",coin->blocks.maxbits,numitems); coin->blocks.maxbits = numitems; } static int _decreasing_double(const void *a,const void *b) { #define double_a (*(double *)a) #define double_b (*(double *)b) if ( double_b > double_a ) return(1); else if ( double_b < double_a ) return(-1); return(0); #undef double_a #undef double_b } static int32_t revsortds(double *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size) { qsort(buf,num,size,_decreasing_double); return(0); } double iguana_metric(struct iguana_peer *addr,uint32_t now,double decay) { int32_t duration; double metric = addr->recvblocks * addr->recvtotal; addr->recvblocks *= decay; addr->recvtotal *= decay; if ( now >= addr->ready && addr->ready != 0 ) duration = (now - addr->ready + 1); else duration = 1; if ( metric < SMALLVAL && duration > 300 ) metric = 0.001; else metric /= duration; return(metric); } int32_t iguana_peermetrics(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,ind,n; double *sortbuf,sum; uint32_t now; struct iguana_peer *addr,*slowest = 0; //printf("peermetrics\n"); sortbuf = mycalloc('s',coin->MAXPEERS,sizeof(double)*2); coin->peers.mostreceived = 0; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=n=0; iMAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; if ( addr->usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 || addr->ready == 0 ) continue; addr->pendblocks = 0; if ( addr->recvblocks > coin->peers.mostreceived ) coin->peers.mostreceived = addr->recvblocks; //printf("[%.0f %.0f] ",addr->recvblocks,addr->recvtotal); sortbuf[n*2 + 0] = iguana_metric(addr,now,1.); sortbuf[n*2 + 1] = i; n++; } if ( n > 0 ) { revsortds(sortbuf,n,sizeof(double)*2); portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); for (sum=i=0; iMAXPEERS ) { coin->peers.topmetrics[i] = sortbuf[i*2]; ind = (int32_t)sortbuf[i*2 +1]; coin->peers.ranked[i] = &coin->peers.active[ind]; if ( sortbuf[i*2] > SMALLVAL && (double)i/n > .8 && (time(NULL) - addr->ready) > 77 ) slowest = coin->peers.ranked[i]; //printf("(%.5f %s) ",sortbuf[i*2],coin->peers.ranked[i]->ipaddr); coin->peers.ranked[i]->rank = i + 1; sum += coin->peers.topmetrics[i]; } } coin->peers.numranked = n; portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); //printf("NUMRANKED.%d\n",n); if ( i > 0 ) { coin->peers.avemetric = (sum / i); if ( 0 && i >= 64 && slowest != 0 ) { printf("prune slowest peer.(%s) numranked.%d MAXPEERS.%d\n",slowest->ipaddr,n,coin->MAXPEERS); slowest->dead = 1; } } } myfree(sortbuf,coin->MAXPEERS * sizeof(double) * 2); return(coin->peers.mostreceived); } void *iguana_kviAddriterator(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,struct iguana_kvitem *item,uint64_t args,void *key,void *value,int32_t valuesize) { char ipaddr[64]; int32_t i; FILE *fp = (FILE *)(long)args; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_iAddr *iA = value; if ( fp != 0 && iA != 0 && iA->numconnects > 0 && iA->lastconnect > time(NULL)-IGUANA_RECENTPEER ) { for (i=0; ipeers.numranked; i++) if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 && addr->ipbits == iA->ipbits ) break; if ( i == coin->peers.numranked ) { expand_ipbits(ipaddr,iA->ipbits); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ipaddr); } } return(0); } uint32_t iguana_updatemetrics(struct iguana_info *coin) { char fname[512],tmpfname[512],oldfname[512],ipaddr[64]; int32_t i,j; struct iguana_peer *addr,*tmpaddr; FILE *fp; iguana_peermetrics(coin); sprintf(fname,"%s/%s_peers.txt",GLOBAL_CONFSDIR,coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(fname); sprintf(oldfname,"%s/%s_oldpeers.txt",GLOBAL_CONFSDIR,coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(oldfname); sprintf(tmpfname,"%s/%s/peers.txt",GLOBAL_TMPDIR,coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(tmpfname); if ( (fp= fopen(tmpfname,"w")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; ipeers.numranked; i++) { if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 && addr->relayflag != 0 && strcmp(addr->ipaddr,"") != 0 ) { for (j=0; jpeers.numranked; j++) { if ( i != j && (tmpaddr= coin->peers.ranked[j]) != 0 && (uint32_t)addr->ipbits == (uint32_t)tmpaddr->ipbits ) break; } if ( j == coin->peers.numranked ) { expand_ipbits(ipaddr,(uint32_t)addr->ipbits); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ipaddr); } } } if ( ftell(fp) > OS_filesize(fname) ) { printf("new peers.txt %ld vs (%s) %ld (%s)\n",ftell(fp),fname,(long)OS_filesize(fname),GLOBAL_CONFSDIR); fclose(fp); OS_renamefile(fname,oldfname); OS_copyfile(tmpfname,fname,1); } else fclose(fp); } else { printf("iguana_updatemetrics: couldnt create.(%s)\n",tmpfname); return(0); } return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } void iguana_emitQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 'E'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //printf("%s EMIT.%d[%d] emitfinish.%u\n",coin->symbol,ptr->hdrsi,bp->n,bp->emitfinish); queue_enqueue("emitQ",&emitQ,&ptr->DL,0); } void iguana_bundleQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t timelimit) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; if ( bp->queued == 0 && bp->emitfinish <= 1 && iguana_bundleready(coin,bp,0) == bp->n ) printf("bundle.[%d] is ready\n",bp->hdrsi); bp->queued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 'B'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr->timelimit = timelimit; coin->numbundlesQ++; if ( 0 && bp->hdrsi > 170 ) printf("%s %p bundle.%d[%d] ht.%d emitfinish.%u\n",coin->symbol,bp,ptr->hdrsi,bp->n,bp->bundleheight,bp->emitfinish); queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&bundlesQ,&ptr->DL,0); } void iguana_validateQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { /*struct iguana_helper *ptr; //if ( bp->validated <= 1 ) { ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 'V'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr->timelimit = 0; bp->validated = 1; //printf("VALIDATE Q %s bundle.%d[%d] utxofinish.%u balancefinish.%u\n",coin->symbol,ptr->hdrsi,bp->n,bp->utxofinish,bp->balancefinish); queue_enqueue("validateQ",&validateQ,&ptr->DL,0); }*/ } int32_t iguana_emitfinished(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t queueincomplete) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t i,n = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { if ( bp->emitfinish > 1 ) n++; else if ( bp->emitfinish == 0 && bp->queued == 0 ) iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); } } return(n); } int32_t iguana_utxofinished(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t i,n = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->utxofinish > 1 ) n++; } return(n); } int32_t iguana_convertfinished(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t i,n = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->converted > 1 ) n++; } return(n); } int32_t iguana_balancefinished(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t i,n = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->balancefinish > 1 ) n++; } return(n); } int32_t iguana_validated(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t i,n = 0; for (i=0; ibundlescount-1; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->validated > 1 ) n++; } return(n); } int32_t iguana_helperA(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t convertflag) { int32_t retval,num = 0; if ( bp == 0 ) { printf("iguana_helperA unexpected null bp\n"); return(-1); } //printf("validate incr.%d and gen utxo.[%d] utxofinish.%u Xspends.%p\n",incr,hdrsi,bp->utxofinish,bp->ramchain.Xspendinds); if ( strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) == 0 || iguana_bundlevalidate(coin,bp,0) == bp->n ) // { retval = 0; if ( bp->utxofinish > 1 || (retval= iguana_spendvectors(coin,bp,&bp->ramchain,0,bp->n,convertflag,0)) >= 0 ) { if ( retval > 0 ) { printf("GENERATED UTXO.%d for ht.%d duration %d seconds\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight,(uint32_t)time(NULL) - bp->startutxo); num++; } bp->utxofinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else printf("UTXO gen.[%d] utxo error\n",bp->hdrsi); } else { printf("error validating.[%d], restart iguana\n",bp->hdrsi); exit(-1); } return(num); } int32_t iguana_helperB(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t helperid,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t convertflag) { if ( bp == 0 ) { printf("iguana_helperB unexpected null bp\n"); return(-1); } if ( bp != coin->current ) { //iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&bp->ramchain,3); if ( convertflag == 0 ) { bp->converted = 1; iguana_convert(coin,helperid,bp,0,0); } bp->converted = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(1); } return(0); } int32_t iguana_utxogen(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t helperid,int32_t convertflag) { int32_t hdrsi,n,i,max,incr,num = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( coin->spendvectorsaved > 1 ) { printf("skip utxogen as spendvectorsaved.%u\n",coin->spendvectorsaved); return(0); } incr = IGUANA_NUMHELPERS; if ( 1 || coin->PREFETCHLAG > 0 ) // data issues on slow systems incr = 1; max = coin->bundlescount; if ( coin->bundles[max-1] != 0 && coin->bundles[max-1]->emitfinish <= 1 ) max--; if ( helperid < incr ) { for (hdrsi=helperid; hdrsibundles[hdrsi],convertflag); } while ( (n= iguana_utxofinished(coin)) < max ) { //printf("helperid.%d utxofinished.%d vs %d\n",helperid,n,max); sleep(IGUANA_NUMHELPERS+3); } if ( helperid < incr ) { for (hdrsi=helperid; hdrsibundles[hdrsi],convertflag); } while ( (n= iguana_convertfinished(coin)) < max ) { //printf("helperid.%d convertfinished.%d vs max %d bundlescount.%d\n",helperid,n,max,coin->bundlescount); sleep(IGUANA_NUMHELPERS+3); } if ( helperid == 0 ) { if ( iguana_balancefinished(coin) < max && iguana_spendvectorsaves(coin) == 0 ) { if ( 1 || coin->origbalanceswritten <= 1 ) hdrsi = 0; else hdrsi = coin->origbalanceswritten; for (i=0; ibundles[i]) != 0 && bp != coin->current ) iguana_volatilesalloc(coin,&bp->ramchain,i < hdrsi); for (; hdrsibundles[hdrsi]) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_balancegen(coin,0,bp,0,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,0) == 0 ) bp->balancefinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } if ( max != coin->origbalanceswritten ) { coin->balanceflush = max; while ( coin->balanceflush != 0 ) sleep(3); } else printf("skip flush when max.%d and orig.%d\n",max,coin->origbalanceswritten); } if ( 1 ) { for (i=0; ibundles[i]) != 0 ) { iguana_volatilespurge(coin,&bp->ramchain); iguana_volatilesmap(coin,&bp->ramchain); } } } //printf("helper.%d check validates\n",helperid); incr = IGUANA_NUMHELPERS; if ( helperid < incr ) { for (hdrsi=helperid; hdrsibundles[hdrsi]) == 0 ) break; if ( iguana_bundlevalidate(coin,bp,0) != bp->n ) { printf("validate.[%d] error. refresh page or restart iguana and it should regenerate\n",bp->hdrsi); exit(-1); } //else printf("helperid.%d validated.[%d]\n",helperid,hdrsi); } } /*while ( iguana_validated(coin) < max || iguana_utxofinished(coin) < max || iguana_balancefinished(coin) < max ) { printf("helperid.%d waiting for spendvectorsaved.%u v.%d u.%d b.%d vs max.%d\n",helperid,coin->spendvectorsaved,iguana_validated(coin),iguana_utxofinished(coin),iguana_balancefinished(coin),max); sleep(IGUANA_NUMHELPERS+3); }*/ if ( helperid == 0 ) { coin->spendvectorsaved = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //printf("UTXOGEN spendvectorsaved <- %u\n",coin->spendvectorsaved); } else { while ( coin->spendvectorsaved <= 1 ) sleep(IGUANA_NUMHELPERS+3); } //printf("helper.%d helperdone\n",helperid); return(num); } void iguana_helper(void *arg) { cJSON *argjson=0; int32_t iter,i,n,j,polltimeout,type,helperid=rand(),flag,allcurrent,idle=0; struct iguana_helper *ptr; struct iguana_info *coin; struct OS_memspace MEM,*MEMB; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( arg != 0 && (argjson= cJSON_Parse(arg)) != 0 ) helperid = juint(argjson,"helperid"); if ( IGUANA_NUMHELPERS < 2 ) type = 3; else type = (1 << (helperid % 2)); if ( argjson != 0 ) free_json(argjson); printf("HELPER.%d started arg.(%s) type.%d\n",helperid,(char *)(arg!=0?arg:0),type); memset(&MEM,0,sizeof(MEM)); MEMB = mycalloc('b',IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE,sizeof(*MEMB)); sleep(2); while ( 1 ) { //iguana_jsonQ(); cant do this here flag = 0; allcurrent = 2; polltimeout = 100; for (i=0; ispendvectorsaved == 1 ) iguana_utxogen(coin,helperid,0); else if ( coin->spendvectorsaved > 1 ) { for (j=helperid; jbundlescount-1; j+=IGUANA_NUMHELPERS) if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) iguana_bundlevalidate(coin,bp,0); } } } n = queue_size(&bundlesQ); for (iter=0; itercoin; if ( (bp= ptr->bp) != 0 && coin != 0 ) { if ( coin->polltimeout < polltimeout ) polltimeout = coin->polltimeout; if ( coin->current != 0 && coin->current->hdrsi != coin->bundlescount-1 ) allcurrent = 0; //printf("[%d] bundleQ size.%d lag.%ld\n",bp->hdrsi,queue_size(&bundlesQ),time(NULL) - bp->nexttime); coin->numbundlesQ--; if ( coin->started != 0 && (bp->nexttime == 0 || time(NULL) > bp->nexttime) && coin->active != 0 ) { flag += iguana_bundleiters(ptr->coin,&MEM,MEMB,bp,ptr->timelimit,IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG); } else { //printf("skip.[%d] nexttime.%u lag.%ld coin->active.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->nexttime,time(NULL)-bp->nexttime,coin->active); allcurrent--; iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); } } else //if ( coin->active != 0 ) printf("helper missing param? %p %p %u\n",ptr->coin,bp,ptr->timelimit); myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); } else break; } /*n = queue_size(&validateQ) / IGUANA_NUMHELPERS + 1; printf("vQ is n.%d\n",n); for (iter=0; iterbp) != 0 && (coin= ptr->coin) != 0 && coin->active != 0 ) { printf("helper.%d validate.[%d] %d vs %d\n",helperid,bp->hdrsi,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize,(coin->longestchain-1)/coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize >= (coin->longestchain-1)/coin->chain->bundlesize ) flag += iguana_bundlevalidate(coin,bp,0); else { usleep(10000); printf("requeue vQ.[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi); iguana_validateQ(coin,bp); } } else if ( coin->active != 0 ) printf("helper validate missing param? %p %p\n",ptr->coin,ptr->bp); myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); flag++; }*/ if ( queue_size(&bundlesQ) > 1 ) allcurrent = 0; if ( flag != 0 ) usleep(polltimeout * 100 + 1); else if ( allcurrent > 0 ) { //printf("bundlesQ allcurrent\n"); usleep(polltimeout * 10000); } else usleep(polltimeout * 1000); } } void iguana_coinloop(void *arg) { struct iguana_info *coin,**coins = arg; struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t flag,i,n,bundlei; bits256 zero; char str[2065]; uint32_t now; n = (int32_t)(long)coins[0]; coins++; printf("begin coinloop[%d]\n",n); coin = coins[0]; iguana_launchpeer(coin,""); memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); while ( 1 ) { flag = 0; for (i=0; iMAXPEERS > IGUANA_MAXPEERS ) coin->MAXPEERS = IGUANA_MAXPEERS; if ( coin->MAXPEERS < IGUANA_MINPEERS ) coin->MAXPEERS = IGUANA_MAXPEERS; #ifdef __PNACL__ if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ) continue; if ( coin->MAXPEERS > 64 ) coin->MAXPEERS = 64; #endif if ( coin->started == 0 && coin->active != 0 ) { iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,0,0,0); iguana_coinstart(coin,coin->initialheight,coin->mapflags); printf("init.(%s) maxpeers.%d maxrecvcache.%s services.%llx MAXMEM.%s polltimeout.%d cache.%d pend.(%d -> %d)\n",coin->symbol,coin->MAXPEERS,mbstr(str,coin->MAXRECVCACHE),(long long)coin->myservices,mbstr(str,coin->MAXMEM),coin->polltimeout,coin->enableCACHE,coin->startPEND,coin->endPEND); coin->chain->minconfirms = coin->minconfirms; coin->started = coin; coin->startutc = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (bp= iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,0,*(bits256 *)coin->chain->genesis_hashdata,zero,1)) != 0 ) bp->bundleheight = 0; } now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->idletime = 0; if ( coin->started != 0 && coin->active != 0 ) { if ( coin->peers.numranked > 4 && coin->isRT == 0 && now > coin->startutc+77 && coin->numsaved >= (coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize)*coin->chain->bundlesize && coin->blocks.hwmchain.height >= coin->longestchain-30 ) { fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> %s isRT blockrecv.%d vs longest.%d\n",coin->symbol,coin->blocksrecv,coin->longestchain); coin->isRT = 1; if ( coin->polltimeout > 100 ) coin->polltimeout = 100; if ( coin->MAXPEERS > IGUANA_MINPEERS ) coin->MAXPEERS = IGUANA_MINPEERS; } if ( coin->isRT != 0 && coin->current != 0 && coin->numverified >= coin->current->hdrsi ) { //static int32_t saved; //if ( saved++ == 0 ) // iguana_coinflush(coin,1); } if ( coin->bindsock >= 0 ) { if ( coin->peers.numranked < (7*coin->MAXPEERS/8) && now > coin->lastpossible ) { //fprintf(stderr,"possible\n"); if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 && (now % 60) == 0 ) iguana_send_ping(coin,coin->peers.ranked[rand() % coin->peers.numranked]); coin->lastpossible = iguana_possible_peer(coin,0); // tries to connect to new peers } } else { if ( coin->peers.numranked < ((7*coin->MAXPEERS)>>3) && now > coin->lastpossible ) { if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 && (now % 60) == 0 ) iguana_send_ping(coin,coin->peers.ranked[rand() % coin->peers.numranked]); coin->lastpossible = iguana_possible_peer(coin,0); // tries to connect to new peers } } if ( now > coin->peers.lastmetrics+10 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"metrics\n"); coin->peers.lastmetrics = iguana_updatemetrics(coin); // ranks peers } if ( coin->longestchain+10000 > coin->blocks.maxbits ) iguana_recvalloc(coin,coin->longestchain + 100000); flag += iguana_processrecv(coin); } coin->idletime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } if ( flag == 0 && coin->isRT == 0 ) usleep(coin->polltimeout*1000 + (coin->peers.numranked == 0)*1000000); else if ( coin->current != 0 && coin->current->hdrsi == coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize ) usleep(coin->polltimeout*1000 + 90000 + (coin->peers.numranked == 0)*1000000); else usleep(coin->polltimeout*1000); } } void iguana_coinargs(char *symbol,int64_t *maxrecvcachep,int32_t *minconfirmsp,int32_t *maxpeersp,int32_t *initialheightp,uint64_t *servicesp,int32_t *maxrequestsp,int32_t *maxbundlesp,cJSON *json) { if ( (*maxrecvcachep= j64bits(json,"maxrecvcache")) != 0 ) *maxrecvcachep *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024L; *minconfirmsp = juint(json,"minconfirms"); *maxpeersp = juint(json,"maxpeers"); *maxrequestsp = juint(json,"maxrequests"); *maxbundlesp = juint(json,"maxbundles"); if ( (*initialheightp= juint(json,"initialheight")) == 0 ) *initialheightp = (strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0) ? 400000 : 100000; *servicesp = j64bits(json,"services"); } struct iguana_info *iguana_setcoin(char *symbol,void *launched,int32_t maxpeers,int64_t maxrecvcache,uint64_t services,int32_t initialheight,int32_t maphash,int32_t minconfirms,int32_t maxrequests,int32_t maxbundles,cJSON *json) { struct iguana_chain *iguana_createchain(cJSON *json); struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t j,m,mult,maxval,mapflags; char dirname[512]; cJSON *peers; mapflags = IGUANA_MAPRECVDATA | maphash*IGUANA_MAPTXIDITEMS | maphash*IGUANA_MAPPKITEMS | maphash*IGUANA_MAPBLOCKITEMS | maphash*IGUANA_MAPPEERITEMS; printf("setcoin.%s\n",symbol); coin = iguana_coinadd(symbol,json); if ( (coin->MAXPEERS= maxpeers) <= 0 ) coin->MAXPEERS = (strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0) ? 128 : 64; if ( (coin->MAXRECVCACHE= maxrecvcache) == 0 ) coin->MAXRECVCACHE = IGUANA_MAXRECVCACHE; if ( (coin->MAXPENDINGREQUESTS= maxrequests) <= 0 ) coin->MAXPENDINGREQUESTS = (strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0) ? IGUANA_MAXPENDINGREQUESTS : IGUANA_PENDINGREQUESTS; coin->myservices = services; coin->initialheight = initialheight; coin->mapflags = mapflags; mult = (strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0) ? 8 : 8; maxval = IGUANA_MAXPENDBUNDLES; coin->MAXMEM = juint(json,"RAM"); if ( jobj(json,"prefetchlag") != 0 ) coin->PREFETCHLAG = jint(json,"prefetchlag"); else if ( strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) == 0 ) coin->PREFETCHLAG = 13; else coin->PREFETCHLAG = -1; if ( (coin->MAXSTUCKTIME= juint(json,"maxstuck")) == 0 ) coin->MAXSTUCKTIME = _IGUANA_MAXSTUCKTIME; if ( coin->MAXMEM == 0 ) coin->MAXMEM = IGUANA_DEFAULTRAM; //if ( strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) == 0 && coin->MAXMEM < 4 ) // maxval = (int32_t)coin->MAXMEM; coin->MAXMEM *= (1024L * 1024 * 1024); #ifdef __PNACL__ maxval = 1;// * (strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0) + 8; //if ( mult > 1 ) // mult /= 2; #endif if ( (coin->startPEND= juint(json,"startpend")) == 0 ) { if ( strcmp("BTCD",coin->symbol) == 0 ) coin->startPEND = 500; else coin->startPEND = IGUANA_MAXPENDBUNDLES*mult; } if ( coin->startPEND > maxval*mult ) coin->startPEND = maxval*mult; else if ( coin->startPEND < 2 ) coin->startPEND = 2; coin->MAXBUNDLES = coin->startPEND; if ( (coin->endPEND= juint(json,"endpend")) == 0 ) { if ( strcmp("BTCD",coin->symbol) == 0 ) coin->endPEND = 500; else coin->endPEND = IGUANA_MINPENDBUNDLES*mult; } if ( coin->endPEND > maxval*mult ) coin->endPEND = maxval*mult; else if ( coin->endPEND < 2 ) coin->endPEND = 2; #ifdef __PNACL__ //coin->startPEND = coin->endPEND = 1; #endif coin->enableCACHE = 0;//(strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0); if ( jobj(json,"cache") != 0 ) coin->enableCACHE = juint(json,"cache"); if ( (coin->polltimeout= juint(json,"poll")) <= 0 ) coin->polltimeout = IGUANA_DEFAULT_POLLTIMEOUT; coin->active = juint(json,"active"); if ( (coin->minconfirms = minconfirms) == 0 ) coin->minconfirms = (strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0) ? 3 : 10; printf("ensure directories maxval.%d mult.%d start.%d end.%d\n",maxval,mult,coin->startPEND,coin->endPEND); sprintf(dirname,"%s/ro",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/ro/%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s/validated",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s/accounts",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s/spends",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s/vouts",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( coin->VALIDATEDIR[0] != 0 ) { sprintf(dirname,"%s",coin->VALIDATEDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s",coin->VALIDATEDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); } sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s",GLOBAL_TMPDIR,symbol), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( coin->chain == 0 && (coin->chain= iguana_createchain(json)) == 0 ) { printf("cant initialize chain.(%s)\n",jstr(json,0)); strcpy(coin->name,"illegalcoin"); coin->symbol[0] = 0; return(0); } else iguana_chainparms(coin->chain,json); if ( jobj(json,"RELAY") != 0 ) coin->RELAYNODE = juint(json,"RELAY"); else coin->RELAYNODE = 1; if ( jobj(json,"VALIDATE") != 0 ) coin->VALIDATENODE = juint(json,"VALIDATE"); else coin->VALIDATENODE = 1; if ( jobj(json,"validatedir") != 0 ) safecopy(coin->VALIDATEDIR,jstr(json,"validatedir"),sizeof(coin->VALIDATEDIR)); else strcpy(coin->VALIDATEDIR,GLOBAL_VALIDATEDIR); if ( (peers= jarray(&m,json,"peers")) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j %d) MAXMEM.%s enablecache.%d VALIDATEDIR.(%s)\n",coin->startPEND,coin->endPEND,mbstr(str,coin->MAXMEM),coin->enableCACHE,coin->VALIDATEDIR); return(coin); } int32_t iguana_launchcoin(char *symbol,cJSON *json) { int32_t maxpeers,maphash,initialheight,minconfirms,maxrequests,maxbundles; int64_t maxrecvcache; uint64_t services; struct iguana_info **coins,*coin; if ( symbol == 0 ) return(-1); printf("launchcoin.%s\n",symbol); if ( (coin= iguana_coinadd(symbol,json)) == 0 ) return(-1); if ( coin->launched == 0 ) { if ( juint(json,"GBavail") < 8 ) maphash = IGUANA_MAPHASHTABLES; else maphash = 0; iguana_coinargs(symbol,&maxrecvcache,&minconfirms,&maxpeers,&initialheight,&services,&maxrequests,&maxbundles,json); coins = mycalloc('A',1+1,sizeof(*coins)); if ( (coin= iguana_setcoin(symbol,coins,maxpeers,maxrecvcache,services,initialheight,maphash,minconfirms,maxrequests,maxbundles,json)) != 0 ) { coins[0] = (void *)((long)1); coins[1] = coin; printf("launch coinloop for.%s services.%llx\n",coin->symbol,(long long)services); coin->launched = iguana_launch(coin,"iguana_coinloop",iguana_coinloop,coins,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); coin->active = 1; return(1); } else { printf("launchcoin: couldnt initialize.(%s)\n",symbol); myfree(coins,sizeof(*coins) * 2); return(-1); } } return(0); } void iguana_coins(void *arg) { struct iguana_info **coins,*coin; char *jsonstr,*symbol; cJSON *array,*item,*json; int32_t i,n,maxpeers,maphash,initialheight,minconfirms,maxrequests,maxbundles; int64_t maxrecvcache; uint64_t services; struct vin_info V; memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); if ( (jsonstr= arg) != 0 && (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (array= jarray(&n,json,"coins")) == 0 ) { if ( (symbol= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 && strncmp(symbol,"BTC",3) == 0 ) { coins = mycalloc('A',1+1,sizeof(*coins)); if ( (coins[1]= iguana_setcoin(symbol,coins,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,json)) != 0 ) { _iguana_calcrmd160(coins[1],&V); coins[0] = (void *)((long)1); iguana_coinloop(coins); } else { printf("iguana_coins: couldnt initialize.(%s)\n",symbol); return; } } else printf("no coins[] array in JSON.(%s) only BTCD and BTC can be quicklaunched\n",jsonstr); free_json(json); return; } coins = mycalloc('A',n+1,sizeof(*coins)); if ( juint(json,"GBavail") < 8 ) maphash = IGUANA_MAPHASHTABLES; else maphash = 0; for (i=0; i 8 ) { printf("skip strange coin.(%s)\n",symbol); continue; } iguana_coinargs(symbol,&maxrecvcache,&minconfirms,&maxpeers,&initialheight,&services,&maxrequests,&maxbundles,item); coins[1 + i] = coin = iguana_setcoin(symbol,coins,maxpeers,maxrecvcache,services,initialheight,maphash,minconfirms,maxrequests,maxbundles,item); if ( coin == 0 ) { printf("iguana_coins: couldnt initialize.(%s)\n",symbol); return; } } coins[0] = (void *)((long)n); iguana_coinloop(coins); } } char *busdata_sync(uint32_t *noncep,char *jsonstr,char *broadcastmode,char *destNXTaddr) { printf("busdata_sync.(%s)\n",jsonstr); return(0); }