/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "../crypto777/OS_portable.h" #include "SuperNET.h" void SuperNET_rpcloop(void *args) { struct supernet_info *myinfo = args; int32_t recvlen,bindsock,postflag,sock,remains,jsonflag,numsent,len; socklen_t clilen; char remoteaddr[64],jsonbuf[8192],*buf,*retstr,*space;//,*retbuf; ,n,i,m struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; uint32_t ipbits,i; uint16_t port; int32_t size = 1024 * 1024 * 2; port = SUPERNET_PORT; bindsock = iguana_socket(1,"",port); printf("SuperNET_rpcloop bind sock.%d\n",port,bindsock); space = calloc(1,size); while ( bindsock >= 0 ) { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); //printf("ACCEPT (%s:%d) on sock.%d\n","",port,bindsock); sock = accept(bindsock,(struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr,&clilen); if ( sock < 0 ) { //printf("iguana_rpcloop ERROR on accept usock.%d\n",sock); continue; } memcpy(&ipbits,&cli_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,sizeof(ipbits)); expand_ipbits(remoteaddr,ipbits); memset(jsonbuf,0,sizeof(jsonbuf)); remains = (int32_t)(sizeof(jsonbuf) - 1); buf = jsonbuf; recvlen = 0; retstr = 0; while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (len= (int32_t)recv(sock,buf,remains,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { printf("EAGAIN for len %d, remains.%d\n",len,remains); usleep(10000); } break; } else { if ( len > 0 ) { remains -= len; recvlen += len; buf = &buf[len]; retstr = SuperNET_rpcparse(myinfo,space,size,&jsonflag,&postflag,jsonbuf,remoteaddr); break; } else usleep(10000); } } if ( retstr != 0 ) { i = 0; if ( postflag == 0 && jsonflag == 0 ) retstr = SuperNET_htmlresponse(space,size,&remains,1,retstr,1); else remains = (int32_t)strlen(retstr); printf("RETBUF.(%s)\n",retstr); while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(sock,&retstr[i],remains,MSG_NOSIGNAL)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) { //printf("%s: %s numsent.%d vs remains.%d len.%d errno.%d (%s) usock.%d\n",retstr,ipaddr,numsent,remains,recvlen,errno,strerror(errno),sock); break; } } else if ( remains > 0 ) { remains -= numsent; i += numsent; if ( remains > 0 ) printf("iguana sent.%d remains.%d of len.%d\n",numsent,remains,recvlen); } } if ( retstr != space ) free(retstr); } //printf("done response sock.%d\n",sock); closesocket(sock); } } /* struct endpoint find_epbits(struct relay_info *list,uint32_t ipbits,uint16_t port,int32_t type) { int32_t i; struct endpoint epbits; memset(&epbits,0,sizeof(epbits)); if ( list != 0 && list->num > 0 ) { if ( type >= 0 ) type = nn_portoffset(type); for (i=0; inum&&i<(int32_t)(sizeof(list->connections)/sizeof(*list->connections)); i++) if ( list->connections[i].ipbits == ipbits && (port == 0 || port == list->connections[i].port) && (type < 0 || type == list->connections[i].nn) ) return(list->connections[i]); } return(epbits); } int32_t add_relay(struct relay_info *list,struct endpoint epbits) { list->connections[list->num % (sizeof(list->connections)/sizeof(*list->connections))] = epbits, list->num++; if ( list->num > (sizeof(list->connections)/sizeof(*list->connections)) ) printf("add_relay warning num.%d > %ld\n",list->num,(long)(sizeof(list->connections)/sizeof(*list->connections))); return(list->num); } int32_t nn_add_lbservers(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint16_t port,uint16_t globalport,uint16_t relaysport,int32_t priority,int32_t sock,char servers[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t num) { int32_t i; char endpoint[512],pubendpoint[512]; struct endpoint epbits; uint32_t ipbits; if ( num > 0 && servers != 0 && nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDPRIO,&priority,sizeof(priority)) >= 0 ) { for (i=0; i= 0 ) { printf("+R%s ",endpoint); add_relay(&myinfo->active,epbits); } if ( myinfo->subclient >= 0 ) { if ( myinfo->iamrelay != 0 ) { epbits = calc_epbits("tcp",ipbits,relaysport,NN_PUB); expand_epbits(pubendpoint,epbits); if ( nn_connect(myinfo->subclient,pubendpoint) >= 0 ) printf("+P%s ",pubendpoint); } epbits = calc_epbits("tcp",ipbits,globalport,NN_PUB); expand_epbits(pubendpoint,epbits); if ( nn_connect(myinfo->subclient,pubendpoint) >= 0 ) printf("+P%s ",pubendpoint); } } } printf("added priority.%d\n",priority); priority++; } else printf("error setting priority.%d (%s)\n",priority,nn_errstr()); return(priority); } int32_t _lb_socket(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint16_t port,uint16_t globalport,uint16_t relaysport,int32_t maxmillis,char servers[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t num,char backups[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t numbacks,char failsafes[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t numfailsafes) { int32_t lbsock,timeout,retrymillis,priority = 1; if ( (lbsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_REQ)) >= 0 ) { retrymillis = (maxmillis / 30) + 1; printf("!!!!!!!!!!!! lbsock.%d !!!!!!!!!!!\n",lbsock); if ( nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL,&retrymillis,sizeof(retrymillis)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); else if ( nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX,&maxmillis,sizeof(maxmillis)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); timeout = SUPERNET_NETWORKTIMEOUT; if ( 1 && nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_SOL_SOCKET NN_RCVTIMEO socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); timeout = 100; if ( 1 && nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_SOL_SOCKET NN_SNDTIMEO socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); if ( num > 0 ) priority = nn_add_lbservers(myinfo,port,globalport,relaysport,priority,lbsock,servers,num); if ( numbacks > 0 ) priority = nn_add_lbservers(myinfo,port,globalport,relaysport,priority,lbsock,backups,numbacks); if ( numfailsafes > 0 ) priority = nn_add_lbservers(myinfo,port,globalport,relaysport,priority,lbsock,failsafes,numfailsafes); } else printf("error getting req socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); //printf("myinfo->lb.num %d\n",myinfo->lb.num); return(lbsock); } int32_t nn_lbsocket(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t maxmillis,int32_t port,uint16_t globalport,uint16_t relaysport) { char Cservers[32][MAX_SERVERNAME],Bservers[32][MAX_SERVERNAME],failsafes[4][MAX_SERVERNAME]; int32_t n,m,lbsock,numfailsafes = 0; printf("redo lbsocket()\n"), exit(-1); //strcpy(failsafes[numfailsafes++],""); //strcpy(failsafes[numfailsafes++],""); // n = crackfoo_servers(Cservers,sizeof(Cservers)/sizeof(*Cservers),port); // m = badass_servers(Bservers,sizeof(Bservers)/sizeof(*Bservers),port); lbsock = _lb_socket(myinfo,port,globalport,relaysport,maxmillis,Bservers,m,Cservers,n*0,failsafes,numfailsafes); return(lbsock); } void add_standard_fields(char *request) { cJSON *json; uint64_t tag; if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(request)) != 0 ) { if ( get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"NXT")) == 0 ) { randombytes((void *)&tag,sizeof(tag)); sprintf(request + strlen(request) - 1,",\"NXT\":\"%s\",\"tag\":\"%llu\"}",myinfo->NXTADDR,(long long)tag); if ( myinfo->iamrelay != 0 && (myinfo->hostname[0] != 0 || myinfo->ipaddr[0] != 0) ) sprintf(request + strlen(request) - 1,",\"iamrelay\":\"%s\"}",myinfo->hostname[0]!=0?myinfo->hostname:myinfo->myipaddr); } free_json(json); } } char *nn_loadbalanced(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t len) { char *msg,*jsonstr = 0; int32_t sendlen,i,lbsock,recvlen = 0; if ( (lbsock= myinfo->lbclient) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid load balanced socket\"}")); for (i=0; i<10; i++) if ( (nn_socket_status(lbsock,1) & NN_POLLOUT) != 0 ) break; if ( myinfo->Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("sock.%d NN_LBSEND.(%s)\n",lbsock,data); //fprintf(stderr,"send to network\n"); if ( (sendlen= nn_send(lbsock,data,len,0)) == len ) { for (i=0; i<10; i++) if ( (nn_socket_status(lbsock,1) & NN_POLLIN) != 0 ) break; if ( (recvlen= nn_recv(lbsock,&msg,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) { if ( myinfo->Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("LBRECV.(%s)\n",msg); jsonstr = clonestr((char *)msg); nn_freemsg(msg); } else { printf("nn_loadbalanced got recvlen.%d %s\n",recvlen,nn_errstr()); jsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"lb recv error, probably timeout\"}"); } } else printf("got sendlen.%d instead of %d %s\n",sendlen,len,nn_errstr()), jsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"lb send error\"}"); return(jsonstr); } cJSON *relay_json(struct relay_info *list) { cJSON *json,*array; char endpoint[512]; int32_t i; if ( list == 0 || list->num == 0 ) return(0); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; inum&&i<(int32_t)(sizeof(list->connections)/sizeof(*list->connections)); i++) { expand_epbits(endpoint,list->connections[i]); jaddistr(array,endpoint); } json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jadd(json,"endpoints",array); //cJSON_AddItemToObject(json,"type",cJSON_CreateString(nn_typestr(list->mytype))); //cJSON_AddItemToObject(json,"dest",cJSON_CreateString(nn_typestr(list->desttype))); jaddnum(json,"total",list->num); return(json); } char *relays_jsonstr(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *jsonstr,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *json; if ( myinfo->iamrelay != 0 && myinfo->ipaddr[0] != 0 ) { json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"relay",myinfo->ipaddr); if ( myinfo->active.num > 0 ) jadd(json,"relays",relay_json(&myinfo->active)); return(jprint(json,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"get relay list from relay\"}")); } int32_t init_SUPERNET_pullsock(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout) { char bindaddr[64],*transportstr; int32_t iter; myinfo->pullsock = -1; if ( (myinfo->pullsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PULL)) < 0 ) { printf("error creating pullsock %s\n",nn_strerror(nn_errno())); return(-1); } printf("got pullsock.%d\n",myinfo->pullsock); if ( nn_settimeouts(myinfo->pullsock,sendtimeout,recvtimeout) < 0 ) { printf("error settime pullsock timeouts %s\n",nn_strerror(nn_errno())); return(-1); } printf("PULLsock.%d\n",myinfo->pullsock); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { transportstr = (iter == 0) ? "ipc" : "inproc"; sprintf(bindaddr,"%s://SuperNET.agents",transportstr); if ( nn_bind(myinfo->pullsock,bindaddr) < 0 ) { printf("error binding pullsock to (%s) %s\n",bindaddr,nn_strerror(nn_errno())); return(-1); } } return(0); } void busdata_init(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout,int32_t firstiter) { char endpoint[512]; int32_t i; myinfo->servicesock = myinfo->pubglobal = myinfo->pubrelays = myinfo->lbserver = -1; endpoint[0] = 0; if ( (myinfo->subclient= nn_createsocket(myinfo,endpoint,0,"NN_SUB",NN_SUB,0,sendtimeout,recvtimeout)) >= 0 ) { myinfo->pfd[myinfo->numservers++].fd = myinfo->subclient, printf("numservers.%d\n",myinfo->numservers); nn_setsockopt(myinfo->subclient,NN_SUB,NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE,"",0); } else printf("error creating subclient\n"); myinfo->lbclient = nn_lbsocket(myinfo,SUPERNET_NETWORKTIMEOUT,SUPERNET_PORT + LB_OFFSET,myinfo->port + PUBGLOBALS_OFFSET,myinfo->port + PUBRELAYS_OFFSET); printf("LBclient.%d port.%d\n",myinfo->lbclient,SUPERNET_PORT + LB_OFFSET); sprintf(endpoint,"%s://%s:%u",myinfo->transport,myinfo->ipaddr,myinfo->serviceport); if ( (myinfo->servicesock= nn_createsocket(myinfo,endpoint,1,"NN_REP",NN_REP,myinfo->serviceport,sendtimeout,recvtimeout)) >= 0 ) myinfo->pfd[myinfo->numservers++].fd = myinfo->servicesock, printf("numservers.%d\n",myinfo->numservers); else printf("error creating servicesock\n"); for (i=0; inumservers; i++) myinfo->pfd[i].events = NN_POLLIN | NN_POLLOUT; printf("myinfo->iamrelay %d, numservers.%d ipaddr.(%s://%s) port.%d serviceport.%d\n",myinfo->iamrelay,myinfo->numservers,myinfo->transport,myinfo->ipaddr,myinfo->port,myinfo->serviceport); } void SuperNET_init(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *jsonstr) { char *str; if ( jsonstr != 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,jsonstr)) != 0 ) free(str); busdata_init(myinfo,10,1,0); init_SUPERNET_pullsock(myinfo,10,10); }*/ int32_t Supernet_lineparse(char *key,int32_t keymax,char *value,int32_t valuemax,char *src) { int32_t a,b,c,n = 0; key[0] = value[0] = 0; while ( (c= src[n]) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ) n++; while ( (c= src[n]) != ':' && c != 0 ) { *key++ = c; if ( ++n >= keymax-1 ) { *key = 0; printf("lineparse overflow key.(%s)\n",src); return(-1); } } *key = 0; if ( src[n] != ':' ) return(n); n++; while ( (c= src[n]) == ' ' || c == '\t' ) n++; while ( (c= src[n]) != 0 && c != '\r' && c != '\n' ) { if ( c == '%' && (a= src[n+1]) != 0 && (b= src[n+2]) != 0 ) c = ((unhex(a) << 4) | unhex(b)), n += 2; *value++ = c; n++; if ( n >= valuemax-1 ) { *value = 0; printf("lineparse overflow.(%s)\n",src); return(-1); } } *value = 0; if ( src[n] != 0 ) { n++; while ( (c= src[n]) == '\r' || c == '\n' ) n++; } return(n); } cJSON *SuperNET_urlconv(char *value,int32_t bufsize,char *urlstr) { int32_t i,n,totallen,datalen,len = 0; cJSON *json,*array; char key[8192],*data; json = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); totallen = (int32_t)strlen(urlstr); while ( 1 ) { for (i=len; urlstr[i]!=0; i++) if ( urlstr[i] == '\r' || urlstr[i] == '\n' ) break; if ( i == len && (urlstr[len] == '\r' || urlstr[len] == '\n') ) { len++; continue; } urlstr[i] = 0; if ( (n= Supernet_lineparse(key,sizeof(key),value,bufsize,&urlstr[len])) > 0 ) { if ( value[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(json,key,value); else jaddistr(array,key); len += (n + 1); if ( strcmp(key,"Content-Length") == 0 && (datalen= atoi(value)) > 0 ) { data = &urlstr[totallen - datalen]; data[-1] = 0; //printf("post.(%s) (%c)\n",data,data[0]); jaddstr(json,"POST",data); } } else break; } jadd(json,"lines",array); return(json); } char *SuperNET_rpcparse(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *retbuf,int32_t bufsize,int32_t *jsonflagp,int32_t *postflagp,char *urlstr,char *remoteaddr) { cJSON *tokens,*argjson,*json = 0; char urlmethod[16],*data,url[1024],*retstr,*token = 0; int32_t i,j,n; //printf("rpcparse.(%s)\n",urlstr); for (i=0; i 0 ) { jaddstr(argjson,"agent",jstri(tokens,0)); if ( n > 1 ) jaddstr(argjson,"method",jstri(tokens,1)); for (i=2; i (%s) postflag.%d (%s)\n",urlstr,cJSON_Print(json),*postflagp,jprint(argjson,0)); return(retstr); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt process packet\"}")); }