/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE 720 #define issue_NXTPOST(cmdstr) bitcoind_RPC(0,"curl",myinfo->NXTAPIURL,0,0,cmdstr) #define NXT_MSTYPE 5 #define NXT_ASSETTYPE 2 #define NXT_GENESISTIME 1385294400 cJSON *_issue_NXTjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *extra) { char cmd[4096],*jsonstr; cJSON *json = 0; //sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getAsset&asset=%s",assetidstr); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=%s",extra); //printf("_cmd.(%s)\n",cmd); if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } return(json); } char *_issue_getAsset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *assetidstr) { char cmd[4096],*jsonstr; //sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getAsset&asset=%s",assetidstr); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getAsset&asset=%s",assetidstr); //printf("_cmd.(%s)\n",cmd); jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST(cmd); //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); return(jsonstr); } char *_issue_getCurrency(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *assetidstr) { char cmd[4096]; //sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getAsset&asset=%s",assetidstr); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getCurrency¤cy=%s",assetidstr); //printf("_cmd.(%s)\n",cmd); return(issue_NXTPOST(cmd)); } char *_get_AEquotestr(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *str,uint64_t orderid) { char cmd[256]; sprintf(cmd,"requestType=get%sOrder&order=%llu",str,(long long)orderid); return(issue_NXTPOST(cmd)); } uint64_t _get_AEquote(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *str,uint64_t orderid) { char *jsonstr; cJSON *json; uint64_t nxt64bits = 0; if ( (jsonstr= _get_AEquotestr(myinfo,str,orderid)) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { nxt64bits = j64bits(json,"account"); free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } return(nxt64bits); } char *_get_MSoffers(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *str) { char cmd[512]; sprintf(cmd,"requestType=get%sOffers&account=%s",str,myinfo->myaddr.NXTADDR); return(issue_NXTPOST(cmd)); } char *issue_startForging(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *secret) { char cmd[4096]; sprintf(cmd,"requestType=startForging&secretPhrase=%s",secret); return(issue_NXTPOST(cmd)); } uint32_t get_blockutime(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint32_t blocknum) { cJSON *json; uint32_t timestamp = 0; char cmd[4096],*jsonstr; sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getBlock&height=%u",blocknum); if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (timestamp= juint(json,"timestamp")) != 0 ) timestamp += NXT_GENESISTIME; free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } return(timestamp); } uint32_t get_NXTheight(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint32_t *firsttimep) { static uint32_t last,lastheight,lastNXTtime; cJSON *json; uint32_t height = 0; char cmd[256],*jsonstr; if ( time(NULL) > last+10 ) { sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getState"); if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( firsttimep != 0 ) lastNXTtime = *firsttimep = (uint32_t)get_cJSON_int(json,"time"); height = (int32_t)get_cJSON_int(json,"numberOfBlocks"); if ( height > 0 ) height--; lastheight = height; free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } last = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else { height = lastheight; if ( firsttimep != 0 ) *firsttimep = lastNXTtime; } return(height); } char *issue_approveTransaction(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *fullhash,char *revealed,bits256 msghash,char *NXTACCTSECRET) { char cmd[4096],secret[8192],str[65]; escape_code(secret,NXTACCTSECRET); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=approveTransaction&secretPhrase=%s&transactionFullHash=%s&revealedSecret=%s&revealedSecretIsText=false&messageIsText=false&feeNQT=%d&deadline=%d&message=%s",secret,fullhash,revealed,0,DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE,bits256_str(str,msghash)); printf("submit approve.(%s)\n",cmd); return(issue_NXTPOST(cmd)); } char *MGWassets[][3] = { { "12659653638116877017", "BTC", "8" }, { "17554243582654188572", "BTC", "8" }, // assetid, name, decimals { "4551058913252105307", "BTC", "8" }, { "6918149200730574743", "BTCD", "4" }, { "11060861818140490423", "BTCD", "4" }, { "16344939950195952527", "DOGE", "4" }, { "2303962892272487643", "DOGE", "4" }, { "6775076774325697454", "OPAL", "8" }, { "7734432159113182240", "VPN", "4" }, { "9037144112883608562", "VRC", "8" }, { "2881764795164526882", "LTC", "4" }, }; uint64_t is_MGWcoin(char *name) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(MGWassets)/sizeof(*MGWassets)); i++) if ( strcmp(MGWassets[i][1],name) == 0 ) return(calc_nxt64bits(MGWassets[i][0])); return(0); } char *is_MGWasset(uint64_t assetid) { int32_t i; char assetidstr[64]; expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetid); for (i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(MGWassets)/sizeof(*MGWassets)); i++) if ( strcmp(MGWassets[i][0],assetidstr) == 0 ) return(MGWassets[i][1]); return(0); } uint64_t NXT_assetid(char *name) { uint64_t assetid; if ( (assetid= is_MGWcoin(name)) != 0 ) return(assetid); else if ( is_decimalstr(name) > 0 ) return(calc_nxt64bits(name)); else return(0); } double NXT_price_volume(double *volumep,uint64_t baseamount,uint64_t relamount) { *volumep = (((double)baseamount + 0.000000009999999) / SATOSHIDEN); if ( baseamount > 0. ) return((double)relamount / (double)baseamount); else return(0.); } int32_t is_native_crypto(char *name) { int32_t i,n; if ( (n= (int32_t)strlen(name)) > 0 && n < 6 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (name[i] >= '0' && name[i] <= '9') || (name[i] >= 'A' && name[i] <= 'Z') ) continue; printf("(%s) is not native crypto\n",name); return(0); } printf("(%s) is native crypto\n",name); return(1); } return(0); } int32_t get_assettype(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t *numdecimalsp,char *assetidstr) { cJSON *json; char name[64],*jsonstr; uint64_t assetid; int32_t ap_type = -1; //struct assethash *ap,A; *numdecimalsp = -1; name[0] = 0; if ( is_native_crypto(assetidstr) > 0 ) { //printf("found native crypto.(%s) name.(%s)\n",assetidstr,name); ap_type = 0; *numdecimalsp = 8; return(0); } if ( is_decimalstr(assetidstr) > 0 && (assetid= calc_nxt64bits(assetidstr)) == NXT_ASSETID ) { //printf("found NXT_ASSETID.(%s)\n",assetidstr); ap_type = 0; *numdecimalsp = 8; return(0); } /*if ( (ap= find_asset(assetid)) != 0 ) { *numdecimalsp = ap->decimals; return(ap->type); }*/ memset(name,0,sizeof(name)); if ( (jsonstr= _issue_getAsset(myinfo,assetidstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( get_cJSON_int(json,"errorCode") == 0 ) { //printf("assetstr.(%s)\n",jsonstr); if ( extract_cJSON_str(name,16,json,"name") <= 0 ) *numdecimalsp = -1; else *numdecimalsp = (int32_t)get_cJSON_int(json,"decimals"); ap_type = NXT_ASSETTYPE; } //else printf("errorcode.%lld (%s)\n",(long long)get_cJSON_int(json,"errorCode"),jsonstr); free_json(json); } else printf("cant parse.(%s)\n",jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } else printf("couldnt getAsset.(%s)\n",assetidstr); if ( ap_type < 0 ) { if ( (jsonstr= _issue_getCurrency(myinfo,assetidstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( get_cJSON_int(json,"errorCode") == 0 ) { if ( extract_cJSON_str(name,16,json,"name") <= 0 ) *numdecimalsp = -1; else *numdecimalsp = (int32_t)get_cJSON_int(json,"decimals"); ap_type = NXT_MSTYPE; } free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } } /*memset(&A,0,sizeof(A)); A.assetid = assetid; A.minvol = A.mult = calc_decimals_mult(*numdecimalsp); A.decimals = *numdecimalsp; A.type = ap_type; strcpy(A.name,name); create_asset(assetid,&A);*/ return(ap_type); } uint64_t calc_decimals_mult(int32_t decimals) { int32_t i; uint64_t mult = 1; for (i=7-decimals; i>=0; i--) mult *= 10; return(mult); } uint64_t assetmult(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t *is_MSp,char *assetidstr) { int32_t ap_type,decimals; uint64_t mult = 0; ap_type = get_assettype(myinfo,&decimals,assetidstr); if ( decimals >= 0 && decimals <= 8 ) mult = calc_decimals_mult(decimals); *is_MSp = (ap_type == NXT_MSTYPE); return(mult); } int32_t assetdecimals(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *assetidstr) { int32_t ap_type,decimals = 0; ap_type = get_assettype(myinfo,&decimals,assetidstr); if ( ap_type == 0 ) return(8); return(decimals); } uint64_t min_asset_amount(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint64_t assetid) { char assetidstr[64]; int32_t tmp; if ( assetid == NXT_ASSETID ) return(1); expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetid); return(assetmult(myinfo,&tmp,assetidstr)); } int32_t get_assetdecimals(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint64_t assetid) { char assetidstr[64]; if ( assetid == NXT_ASSETID ) return(8); expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetid); return(assetdecimals(myinfo,assetidstr)); } uint64_t get_assetmult(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t *is_MSp,uint64_t assetid) { char assetidstr[64]; expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetid); return(assetmult(myinfo,is_MSp,assetidstr)); } double get_minvolume(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint64_t assetid) { int32_t tmp; return(dstr(get_assetmult(myinfo,&tmp,assetid))); } int64_t get_asset_quantity(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int64_t *unconfirmedp,char *NXTaddr,char *assetidstr) { char cmd[2*MAX_JSON_FIELD],*jsonstr; struct destbuf assetid; int32_t i,n,iter; cJSON *array,*item,*obj,*json; int64_t quantity,qty = 0; uint64_t assetidbits; quantity = *unconfirmedp = 0; if ( is_decimalstr(assetidstr) > 0 ) assetidbits = calc_nxt64bits(assetidstr); else return(0); if ( assetidbits == NXT_ASSETID ) { sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getBalance&account=%s",NXTaddr); if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { qty = get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"balanceNQT")); *unconfirmedp = get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"unconfirmedBalanceNQT")); printf("(%s)\n",jsonstr); free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } return(qty); } sprintf(cmd,"requestType=getAccount&account=%s",NXTaddr); if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { qty = 0; array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,iter==0?"assetBalances":"unconfirmedAssetBalances"); if ( is_cJSON_Array(array) != 0 ) { n = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { item = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array,i); if ( (obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item,"asset")) == 0 ) printf("check for mscoin\n"), getchar(); copy_cJSON(&assetid,obj); //printf("i.%d of %d: %s(%s)\n",i,n,assetid,cJSON_Print(item)); if ( strcmp(assetid.buf,assetidstr) == 0 ) { qty = get_cJSON_int(item,iter==0?"balanceQNT":"unconfirmedBalanceQNT"); break; } } } if ( iter == 0 ) quantity = qty; else *unconfirmedp = qty; } free_json(json); } free(jsonstr); } return(quantity); } uint64_t calc_asset_qty(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t *is_MSp,uint64_t *availp,uint64_t *priceNQTp,int32_t checkflag,uint64_t assetid,double price,double vol) { char assetidstr[64]; uint64_t ap_mult,priceNQT,quantityQNT = 0; int64_t unconfirmed,balance; *priceNQTp = *availp = 0; if ( assetid != NXT_ASSETID ) { expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetid); if ( (ap_mult= get_assetmult(myinfo,is_MSp,assetid)) != 0 ) { //price = (double)get_satoshi_obj(srcitem,"priceNQT") / ap_mult; //vol = (double)get_satoshi_obj(srcitem,"quantityQNT") * ((double)ap_mult / SATOSHIDEN); priceNQT = (price * ap_mult + (ap_mult/2)/SATOSHIDEN); quantityQNT = (vol * SATOSHIDEN) / ap_mult; balance = get_asset_quantity(myinfo,&unconfirmed,myinfo->myaddr.NXTADDR,assetidstr); //printf("%s balance %.8f unconfirmed %.8f vs price %llu qty %llu for asset.%s | price_vol.(%f * %f) * (%lld / %llu)\n",NXTaddr,dstr(balance),dstr(unconfirmed),(long long)priceNQT,(long long)quantityQNT,assetidstr,price,vol,(long long)SATOSHIDEN,(long long)ap_mult); //getchar(); if ( checkflag != 0 && (balance < quantityQNT || unconfirmed < quantityQNT) ) { printf("balance %.8f < qty %.8f || unconfirmed %.8f < qty %llu\n",dstr(balance),dstr(quantityQNT),dstr(unconfirmed),(long long)quantityQNT); return(0); } *priceNQTp = priceNQT; *availp = unconfirmed; } else printf("%llu null apmult\n",(long long)assetid); } else { *is_MSp = 0; *priceNQTp = price * SATOSHIDEN; quantityQNT = vol; } return(quantityQNT); } int32_t NXT_assetpolarity(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *name) { int32_t ap_type,decimals; if ( (ap_type= get_assettype(myinfo,&decimals,name)) == NXT_ASSETTYPE || ap_type == NXT_MSTYPE ) return(1); else return(0); } uint64_t set_NXTtx(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct NXT_tx *tx,uint64_t assetidbits,int64_t amount,uint64_t other64bits,int32_t feebits) { char assetidstr[64]; int32_t decimals; uint64_t fee = 0; struct NXT_tx U; memset(&U,0,sizeof(U)); U.senderbits = myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits; U.recipientbits = other64bits; U.assetidbits = assetidbits; if ( feebits >= 0 ) { fee = (amount >> feebits); if ( fee == 0 ) fee = 1; } if ( assetidbits != NXT_ASSETID ) { expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,assetidbits); U.type = get_assettype(myinfo,&decimals,assetidstr); //U.subtype = ap->subtype; U.U.quantityQNT = amount - fee; } else U.U.amountNQT = amount - fee; U.feeNQT = 0; U.deadline = DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE; printf("set_NXTtx(%llu -> %llu) %.8f of %llu\n",(long long)U.senderbits,(long long)U.recipientbits,dstr(amount),(long long)assetidbits); *tx = U; return(fee); } cJSON *gen_NXT_tx_json(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *fullhash,struct NXT_tx *utx,char *reftxid,double myshare) { cJSON *json = 0; char secret[8192],cmd[MAX_JSON_FIELD],destNXTaddr[64],assetidstr[64],*retstr; if ( utx->senderbits == myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits ) { expand_nxt64bits(destNXTaddr,utx->recipientbits); cmd[0] = 0; if ( utx->type == 0 && utx->subtype == 0 ) sprintf(cmd,"requestType=sendMoney&amountNQT=%lld",(long long)(utx->U.amountNQT*myshare)); else { expand_nxt64bits(assetidstr,utx->assetidbits); if ( utx->type == 2 && utx->subtype == 1 ) sprintf(cmd,"requestType=transferAsset&asset=%s&quantityQNT=%lld",assetidstr,(long long)(utx->U.quantityQNT*myshare)); else if ( utx->type == 5 && utx->subtype == 3 ) sprintf(cmd,"requestType=transferCurrency¤cy=%s&units=%lld",assetidstr,(long long)(utx->U.quantityQNT*myshare)); else { printf("unsupported type.%d subtype.%d\n",utx->type,utx->subtype); return(0); } } if ( utx->comment[0] != 0 ) strcat(cmd,"&messageIsText=true&message="),strcat(cmd,utx->comment); if ( reftxid != 0 && reftxid[0] != 0 && cmd[0] != 0 ) strcat(cmd,"&referencedTransactionFullHash="),strcat(cmd,reftxid); if ( cmd[0] != 0 ) { escape_code(secret,myinfo->secret); sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&deadline=%u&feeNQT=%lld&secretPhrase=%s&recipient=%s&broadcast=false",utx->deadline,(long long)utx->feeNQT,secret,destNXTaddr); if ( reftxid != 0 && reftxid[0] != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&referencedTransactionFullHash=%s",reftxid); //printf("generated cmd.(%s) reftxid.(%s)\n",cmd,reftxid); retstr = issue_NXTPOST(cmd); if ( retstr != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(retstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( jstr(json,"fullHash") != 0 ) strcpy(fullhash,jstr(json,"fullHash")); // printf("Parsed.(%s)\n",cJSON_Print(json)); } free(retstr); } } } else printf("cant gen_NXT_txjson when sender.%llu is not me.%llu\n",(long long)utx->senderbits,(long long)myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits); return(json); } int32_t calc_raw_NXTtx(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *fullhash,char *utxbytes,char *sighash,uint64_t assetidbits,int64_t amount,uint64_t other64bits) { int32_t retval = -1; struct NXT_tx U; cJSON *json; utxbytes[0] = sighash[0] = 0; set_NXTtx(myinfo,&U,assetidbits,amount,other64bits,0); json = gen_NXT_tx_json(myinfo,fullhash,&U,0,1.); if ( json != 0 ) { if ( extract_cJSON_str(utxbytes,1024,json,"transactionBytes") > 0 && extract_cJSON_str(sighash,1024,json,"signatureHash") > 0 ) { retval = 0; printf("generated utx.(%s) sighash.(%s)\n",utxbytes,sighash); } free_json(json); } return(retval); } #define EXCHANGE_NAME "nxtae" #define UPDATE nxtae ## _price #define SUPPORTS nxtae ## _supports #define SIGNPOST nxtae ## _signpost #define TRADE nxtae ## _trade #define ORDERSTATUS nxtae ## _orderstatus #define CANCELORDER nxtae ## _cancelorder #define OPENORDERS nxtae ## _openorders #define TRADEHISTORY nxtae ## _tradehistory #define BALANCES nxtae ## _balances #define PARSEBALANCE nxtae ## _parsebalance #define WITHDRAW nxtae ## _withdraw #define CHECKBALANCE nxtae ## _checkbalance #define ALLPAIRS nxtae ## _allpairs #define FUNCS nxtae ## _funcs #define BASERELS nxtae ## _baserels static char *BASERELS[][2] = { {"btc","nxt"}, {"btcd","nxt"}, {"ltc","nxt"}, {"vrc","nxt"}, {"doge","nxt"}, {"opal","nxt"} }; char *ALLPAIRS(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { return(jprint(exchanges777_allpairs(BASERELS,(int32_t)(sizeof(BASERELS)/sizeof(*BASERELS))),1)); } int32_t SUPPORTS(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,cJSON *argjson) { int32_t polarity; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (polarity= baserel_polarity(BASERELS,(int32_t)(sizeof(BASERELS)/sizeof(*BASERELS)),base,rel)) == 0 ) { if ( strcmp(rel,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(rel,"nxt") == 0 || (is_decimalstr(rel) != 0 && calc_nxt64bits(rel) == NXT_ASSETID) ) return(NXT_assetpolarity(myinfo,base)); else if ( strcmp(base,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(base,"nxt") == 0 || (is_decimalstr(base) != 0 && calc_nxt64bits(rel) == NXT_ASSETID) ) return(-NXT_assetpolarity(myinfo,rel)); } return(polarity); } cJSON *inner_json(double price,double vol,uint32_t timestamp,uint64_t quoteid,uint64_t nxt64bits,uint64_t qty,uint64_t pqt,uint64_t baseamount,uint64_t relamount) { cJSON *inner = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddnum(inner,"price",price); jaddnum(inner,"volume",vol); jadd64bits(inner,"quoteid",quoteid); jadd64bits(inner,"offerNXT",nxt64bits); jaddnum(inner,"timestamp",timestamp); jadd64bits(inner,"quantityQNT",qty); jadd64bits(inner,"priceNQT",pqt); jadd64bits(inner,"baseamount",baseamount); jadd64bits(inner,"relamount",relamount); return(inner); } double UPDATE(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,struct exchange_quote *bidasks,int32_t maxdepth,double commission,cJSON *argjson,int32_t invert) { int32_t flip,i,n,is_MS; uint64_t baseamount,relamount,qty,pqt,ap_mult,baseid; char url[1024],*str,*cmd,*field; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); uint32_t timestamp; cJSON *json,*bids,*asks,*srcobj,*item,*array; double price,vol,hbla = 0.; if ( NXT_ASSETID != stringbits("NXT") || (strcmp(rel,"nxt") != 0 && strcmp(rel,"NXT") != 0 && strcmp(rel,"5527630") != 0) ) { printf("NXT_ASSETID.%llu != %llu stringbits rel.%s\n",(long long)NXT_ASSETID,(long long)stringbits("NXT"),rel);//, getchar(); return(0); } baseid = NXT_assetid(base); ap_mult = get_assetmult(myinfo,&is_MS,baseid); bids = cJSON_CreateArray(), asks = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (flip=0; flip<2; flip++) { /*{ "offer": "16959774565785265980", "expirationHeight": 1000000, "accountRS": "NXT-QFAF-GR4F-RBSR-AXW2G", "limit": "9000000", "currency": "5775213290661997199", "supply": "0", "account": "9728792749189838093", "height": 348856, "rateNQT": "650" }*/ if ( is_MS == 0 ) { if ( flip == 0 ) cmd = "getBidOrders", field = "bidOrders", array = bids; else cmd = "getAskOrders", field = "askOrders", array = asks; sprintf(url,"requestType=%s&asset=%llu&limit=%d",cmd,(long long)baseid,maxdepth); } else { if ( flip == 0 ) cmd = "getBuyOffers", field = "offers", array = bids; else cmd = "getSellOffers", field = "offers", array = asks; sprintf(url,"requestType=%s¤cy=%llu&limit=%d",cmd,(long long)baseid,maxdepth); } if ( (str= issue_NXTPOST(url)) != 0 ) { //printf("{%s}\n",str); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(str)) != 0 ) { if ( (srcobj= jarray(&n,json,field)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n && i<maxdepth; i++) { /* "quantityQNT": "79", "priceNQT": "13499000000", "transactionHeight": 480173, "accountRS": "NXT-FJQN-8QL2-BMY3-64VLK", "transactionIndex": 1, "asset": "15344649963748848799", "type": "ask", "account": "5245394173527769812", "order": "17926122097022414596", "height": 480173 */ item = cJSON_GetArrayItem(srcobj,i); if ( is_MS == 0 ) qty = j64bits(item,"quantityQNT"), pqt = j64bits(item,"priceNQT"); else qty = j64bits(item,"limit"), pqt = j64bits(item,"rateNQT"); baseamount = (qty * ap_mult), relamount = (qty * pqt); price = NXT_price_volume(&vol,baseamount,relamount); //printf("(%llu %llu) %f %f mult.%llu qty.%llu pqt.%llu baseamount.%lld relamount.%lld\n",(long long)prices->baseid,(long long)prices->relid,price,vol,(long long)prices->ap_mult,(long long)qty,(long long)pqt,(long long)baseamount,(long long)relamount); timestamp = get_blockutime(myinfo,juint(item,"height")); item = inner_json(price,vol,timestamp,j64bits(item,is_MS == 0 ? "order" : "offer"),j64bits(item,"account"),qty,pqt,baseamount,relamount); cJSON_AddItemToArray(array,item); } } free_json(json); } free(str); } else printf("cant get.(%s)\n",url); } json = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json,"bids",bids); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json,"asks",asks); if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("invert.%d NXTAE.(%s)\n",invert,jprint(json,0)); hbla = exchanges777_json_orderbook(exchange,commission,base,rel,bidasks,maxdepth,json,0,"bids","asks",0,0,invert); free_json(json); return(hbla); } uint64_t submit_triggered_nxtae(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t dotrade,char **retjsonstrp,int32_t is_MS,char *bidask,uint64_t assetid,uint64_t qty,uint64_t NXTprice,char *triggerhash,char *comment,char *otherNXT,uint32_t triggerheight,char *refhash) { int32_t deadline = 1 + 20; uint64_t txid = 0; struct destbuf errstr; char cmd[4096],secret[8192],*jsonstr; cJSON *json; if ( retjsonstrp != 0 ) *retjsonstrp = 0; if ( triggerheight != 0 ) deadline = DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE; escape_code(secret,myinfo->secret); if ( dotrade == 0 ) strcpy(secret,"<secret>"); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=%s&secretPhrase=%s&feeNQT=%u&deadline=%d",bidask,secret,0,deadline); sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&%s=%llu&%s=%llu",is_MS!=0?"units":"quantityQNT",(long long)qty,is_MS!=0?"currency":"asset",(long long)assetid); if ( NXTprice != 0 ) { if ( is_MS != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&rateNQT=%llu",(long long)NXTprice); else sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&priceNQT=%llu",(long long)NXTprice); } if ( otherNXT != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&recipient=%s",otherNXT); if ( refhash != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&referencedTransactionFullHash=%s",refhash); if ( triggerhash != 0 && triggerhash[0] != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&phased=true&phasingFinishHeight=%u&phasingVotingModel=4&phasingQuorum=1&phasingLinkedFullHash=%s",triggerheight,triggerhash); if ( comment != 0 && comment[0] != 0 ) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd),"&message=%s",comment); if ( dotrade == 0 ) { if ( retjsonstrp != 0 ) { strcat(cmd,"&broadcast=false"); *retjsonstrp = issue_NXTPOST(cmd); } return(0); } if ( (jsonstr= issue_NXTPOST(cmd)) != 0 ) { printf("NXT.(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); _stripwhite(jsonstr,' '); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { copy_cJSON(&errstr,cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"error")); if ( errstr.buf[0] == 0 ) copy_cJSON(&errstr,cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"errorDescription")); if ( errstr.buf[0] != 0 ) { printf("submit_triggered_bidask.(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr); if ( retjsonstrp != 0 ) *retjsonstrp = clonestr(errstr.buf); } else txid = get_API_nxt64bits(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"transaction")); } free(jsonstr); } return(txid); } char *NXT_phasedxfer(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *othercoin,char *othercoinaddr,char *otherNXT,uint64_t assetid,double volume,char *comment) { uint8_t NXT_rmd160[20],addrtype; int32_t is_MS,triggerheight,dotrade = 0; char onetimecoinaddr[64],triggerhash[41],*cmd,*signedtx = 0; uint64_t ap_mult; if ( (triggerheight= get_NXTheight(myinfo,0)) != 0 ) { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,NXT_rmd160,onetimecoinaddr); init_hexbytes_noT(triggerhash,NXT_rmd160,20); triggerheight += DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE; if ( (ap_mult= get_assetmult(myinfo,&is_MS,assetid)) == 0 ) return(0); else { if ( assetid == 0 || assetid == NXT_ASSETID ) cmd = "sendMoney"; else if ( is_MS == 0 ) cmd = "transferAsset"; else cmd = "transferCurrency"; submit_triggered_nxtae(myinfo,dotrade,&signedtx,is_MS,cmd,assetid,(volume * SATOSHIDEN) / ap_mult,0,triggerhash,comment,otherNXT,triggerheight,0); return(signedtx); } } else return(0); } char *fill_nxtae(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t dotrade,uint64_t *txidp,int32_t dir,double price,double volume,uint64_t baseid,uint64_t relid) { uint64_t txid,assetid,avail,qty,priceNQT,ap_mult; int32_t is_MS; char retbuf[512],*errstr,*cmdstr; if ( baseid == NXT_ASSETID ) dir = -dir, assetid = relid; else if ( relid == NXT_ASSETID ) assetid = baseid; else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"NXT AE order without NXT\"}")); if ( (ap_mult= get_assetmult(myinfo,&is_MS,assetid)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"assetid not found\"}")); qty = calc_asset_qty(myinfo,&is_MS,&avail,&priceNQT,0,assetid,price,volume); if ( is_MS == 0 ) cmdstr = dir > 0 ? "placeBidOrder" : "placeAskOrder"; else cmdstr = dir > 0 ? "currencyBuy" : "currencySell"; txid = submit_triggered_nxtae(myinfo,dotrade,&errstr,is_MS,cmdstr,assetid,qty,priceNQT,0,0,0,0,0); if ( errstr != 0 ) sprintf(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"%s\"}",errstr), free(errstr); else sprintf(retbuf,"{\"result\":\"success\",\"txid\":\"%llu\"}",(long long)txid); if ( txidp != 0 ) *txidp = txid; return(clonestr(retbuf)); } uint64_t TRADE(int32_t dotrade,char **retstrp,struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume,cJSON *argjson) { uint64_t baseid,relid; char *retstr; uint64_t txid = 0; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (baseid= NXT_assetid(base)) != 0 && (relid= NXT_assetid(rel)) != 0 ) { retstr = fill_nxtae(myinfo,dotrade,&txid,dir,price,volume,baseid,relid); if ( retstrp != 0 ) *retstrp = retstr; else free(retstr); } return(txid); } char *PARSEBALANCE(struct exchange_info *exchange,double *balancep,char *coinstr,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *item; char extra[256]; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( strcmp(coinstr,"NXT") == 0 ) { if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccount")) != 0 ) { jadd(item,"NXT",item); jaddstr(item,"result","success"); *balancep = dstr(j64bits(item,"balanceNQT")); return(jprint(item,1)); } } else if ( NXT_assetpolarity(myinfo,coinstr) != 0 ) { sprintf(extra,"getAccountAssets&asset=%s",coinstr); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,extra)) != 0 ) { if ( jstr(item,"assetid") != 0 ) { jaddstr(item,"result","success"); return(jprint(item,1)); } free_json(item); } } else { sprintf(extra,"getAccountCurrencies¤cy=%s",coinstr); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,extra)) != 0 ) { if ( jstr(item,"currency") != 0 ) { jaddstr(item,"result","success"); return(jprint(item,1)); } free_json(item); } } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant get coin balance\"}")); } cJSON *BALANCES(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *item,*retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccountAssets")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"assets",item); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccountCurrencies")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"currencies",item); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccount")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"NXT",item); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); return(retjson); } char *ORDERSTATUS(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t quoteid,cJSON *argjson) { uint64_t nxt64bits; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (nxt64bits= _get_AEquote(myinfo,"Bid",quoteid)) == 0 ) return(_get_AEquotestr(myinfo,"Ask",quoteid)); else return(_get_AEquotestr(myinfo,"Bid",quoteid)); } char *CANCELORDER(struct exchange_info *exchange,uint64_t orderid,cJSON *argjson) { uint64_t nxt64bits; char cmd[4096],secret[8192],*str = "Bid",*retstr = 0; struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (nxt64bits= _get_AEquote(myinfo,str,orderid)) == 0 ) str = "Ask", nxt64bits = _get_AEquote(myinfo,str,orderid); if ( nxt64bits == myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits ) { escape_code(secret,myinfo->secret); sprintf(cmd,"requestType=cancel%sOrder&secretPhrase=%s&feeNQT=%d&deadline=%d&order=%llu",str,secret,0,DEFAULT_NXT_DEADLINE,(long long)orderid); retstr = issue_NXTPOST(cmd); //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,retstr); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant cancel orderid\"}"); return(retstr); } char *OPENORDERS(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { cJSON *item,*retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); struct supernet_info *myinfo = SuperNET_MYINFO(0); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getBuyOffers")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"buyoffers",item); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getSellOffers")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"selloffers",item); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccountCurrentBidOrders")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"bidorders",item); if ( (item= _issue_NXTjson(myinfo,"getAccountCurrentAskOrders")) != 0 ) jadd(retjson,"sellorders",item); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *TRADEHISTORY(struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *argjson) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"nxtae tradehistory here\"}")); } char *WITHDRAW(struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,double amount,char *destaddr,cJSON *argjson) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"MGW withdraw here\"}")); } struct exchange_funcs nxtae_funcs = EXCHANGE_FUNCS(nxtae,EXCHANGE_NAME); #include "exchange_undefs.h"