/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef notyet #ifdef DEFINES_ONLY #ifndef crypto777_system777_h #define crypto777_system777_h #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "../includes/miniupnp/miniwget.h" //#include "../includes/miniupnp/miniupnpc.h" //#include "../includes/miniupnp/upnpcommands.h" //#include "../includes/miniupnp/upnperrors.h" #include "../includes/uthash.h" #include "../includes/cJSON.h" #include "../utils/utils777.c" #include "../utils/inet.c" #include "../includes/utlist.h" #include "../includes/nonportable.h" #include "../includes/portable777.h" #define SUPERNET_PORT 7777 #define LB_OFFSET 1 #define PUBGLOBALS_OFFSET 2 #define PUBRELAYS_OFFSET 3 #define SUPERNET_APIENDPOINT "tcp://" #define nn_errstr() nn_strerror(nn_errno()) extern int32_t Debuglevel; #ifndef MIN #define MIN(x,y) (((x)<=(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(x,y) (((x)>=(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif typedef int32_t (*ptm)(int32_t,char *args[]); // nonportable functions needed in the OS specific directory int32_t is_bundled_plugin(char *plugin); struct sendendpoints { int32_t push,rep,pub,survey; }; struct recvendpoints { int32_t pull,req,sub,respond; }; struct biendpoints { int32_t bus,pair; }; struct allendpoints { struct sendendpoints send; struct recvendpoints recv; struct biendpoints both; }; union endpoints { int32_t all[sizeof(struct allendpoints) / sizeof(int32_t)]; struct allendpoints socks; }; struct db777_entry { UT_hash_handle hh; uint32_t allocsize,valuelen,valuesize,keylen:30,linked:1,dirty:1; uint8_t value[]; }; struct db777 { void *db,*asyncdb; portable_mutex_t mutex; struct db777_entry *table; int32_t reqsock,valuesize,matrixentries; uint32_t start_RTblocknum; void **matrix; char *dirty; char compression[8],dbname[32],name[16],coinstr[16],flags; void *ctl,*env; char namestr[32],restoredir[512],argspecialpath[512],argsubdir[512],restorelogdir[512],argname[512],argcompression[512],backupdir[512]; uint8_t checkbuf[10000000]; }; struct env777 { char coinstr[16],subdir[64]; void *ctl,*env,*transactions; struct db777 dbs[16]; int32_t numdbs,needbackup,lastbackup,currentbackup,matrixentries; uint32_t start_RTblocknum; }; #define DEFAULT_APISLEEP 100 // milliseconds #define NUM_PLUGINTAGS 8192 struct applicant_info { uint64_t senderbits; uint32_t nonce; char startflag,lbendpoint[128],relayendpoint[128],globalendpoint[128]; }; struct SuperNET_info { char WEBSOCKETD[1024],NXTAPIURL[1024],NXTSERVER[1024],DBPATH[1024],DATADIR[1024],transport[16],BACKUPS[512],SERVICENXT[64]; char myipaddr[64],myNXTacct[64],myNXTaddr[64],NXTACCT[64],NXTADDR[64],NXTACCTSECRET[8192],SERVICESECRET[8192],userhome[512],hostname[512]; uint64_t my64bits; uint8_t myprivkey[32],mypubkey[32]; uint32_t myipbits,nonces[512],numnonces; struct applicant_info *responses; cJSON *peersjson; char lbendpoint[128],relayendpoint[128],globalendpoint[128]; int32_t usessl,ismainnet,Debuglevel,SuperNET_retval,APISLEEP,gatewayid,numgateways,readyflag,UPNP,iamrelay,disableNXT,NXTconfirms,automatch,PLUGINTIMEOUT,ppid,noncing,pullsock,telepathicdelay,peggy,idlegap,exchangeidle,recvtimeout; uint16_t port,serviceport,pangeaport; uint64_t tags[NUM_PLUGINTAGS][3]; struct kv777 *PM,*rawPM,*protocols,*alias,*services,*invoices,*NXTtxids,*NXTaccts; struct dKV777 *relays; cJSON *argjson; //#ifdef INSIDE_MGW // struct env777 *DBs; //#endif }; extern struct SuperNET_info SUPERNET; struct coins_info { int32_t num,readyflag,slicei; cJSON *argjson; struct coin777 **LIST; // this will be at the end of the plugins structure and will be called with all zeros to _init }; extern struct coins_info COINS; struct db777_info { char PATH[1024],RAMDISK[1024]; int32_t numdbs,readyflag; struct db777 *DBS[1024]; }; extern struct db777_info SOPHIA; #define MAX_MGWSERVERS 16 struct MGW_info { char PATH[1024],serverips[MAX_MGWSERVERS][64],bridgeipaddr[64],bridgeacct[64]; uint64_t srv64bits[MAX_MGWSERVERS],issuers[64]; int32_t M,numissuers,readyflag,port; union endpoints all; uint32_t numrecv,numsent; }; extern struct MGW_info MGW; #define MAX_RAMCHAINS 128 struct ramchain_info { char PATH[1024],coins[MAX_RAMCHAINS][16],pullnode[64]; double lastupdate[MAX_RAMCHAINS]; union endpoints all; int32_t num,readyflag,fastmode,verifyspends; // this will be at the end of the plugins structure and will be called with all zeros to _init }; extern struct ramchain_info RAMCHAINS; struct cashier_info { int32_t readyflag; }; extern struct cashier_info CASHIER; struct prices_info { int32_t readyflag; }; extern struct prices_info PRICES; #define DEFAULT_PEGGYDAYS 21 #define PEGGY_LOCK 1 #define PEGGY_REDEEM 2 struct teleport_info { uint64_t availablemilli; int32_t readyflag; }; extern struct teleport_info TELEPORT; struct InstantDEX_info { int32_t readyflag,numhist; struct txinds777_info *history; }; extern struct InstantDEX_info INSTANTDEX; #define MAX_SERVERNAME 128 struct relayargs { //char *(*commandprocessor)(struct relayargs *args,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len); char name[16],endpoint[MAX_SERVERNAME]; int32_t sock,type,bindflag,sendtimeout,recvtimeout; }; struct _relay_info { int32_t sock,num,mytype,desttype; struct endpoint connections[1 << CONNECTION_NUMBITS]; }; struct direct_connection { char handler[16]; struct endpoint epbits; int32_t sock; }; struct relay_info { struct _relay_info active; struct nn_pollfd pfd[16]; int32_t readyflag,subclient,lbclient,lbserver,servicesock,pubglobal,pubrelays,numservers; }; extern struct relay_info RELAYS; void expand_epbits(char *endpoint,struct endpoint epbits); struct endpoint calc_epbits(char *transport,uint32_t ipbits,uint16_t port,int32_t type); int upnpredirect(const char* eport, const char* iport, const char* proto, const char* description); void *myaligned_alloc(uint64_t allocsize); int32_t aligned_free(void *alignedptr); void *portable_thread_create(void *funcp,void *argp); void randombytes(unsigned char *x,long xlen); double milliseconds(void); void msleep(uint32_t milliseconds); #define portable_sleep(n) msleep((n) * 1000) int32_t getline777(char *line,int32_t max); char *bitcoind_RPC(char **retstrp,char *debugstr,char *url,char *userpass,char *command,char *args); uint16_t wait_for_myipaddr(char *ipaddr); void process_userinput(char *line); int32_t init_socket(char *suffix,char *typestr,int32_t type,char *_bindaddr,char *_connectaddr,int32_t timeout); int32_t shutdown_plugsocks(union endpoints *socks); int32_t nn_local_broadcast(int32_t pushsock,uint64_t instanceid,int32_t flags,uint8_t *retstr,int32_t len); //char *poll_local_endpoints(int32_t *lenp,int32_t pullsock); struct endpoint nn_directepbits(char *retbuf,char *transport,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port); int32_t nn_directsend(struct endpoint epbits,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len); void ensure_directory(char *dirname); uint32_t is_ipaddr(char *str); uint64_t calc_ipbits(char *ipaddr); void expand_ipbits(char *ipaddr,uint64_t ipbits); char *ipbits_str(uint64_t ipbits); char *ipbits_str2(uint64_t ipbits); struct sockaddr_in conv_ipbits(uint64_t ipbits); uint32_t conv_domainname(char *ipaddr,char *domain); int32_t ismyaddress(char *server); void set_endpointaddr(char *transport,char *endpoint,char *domain,uint16_t port,int32_t type); int32_t nn_portoffset(int32_t type); char *plugin_method(int32_t sock,char **retstrp,int32_t localaccess,char *plugin,char *method,uint64_t daemonid,uint64_t instanceid,char *origargstr,int32_t len,int32_t timeout,char *tokenstr); //char *nn_direct(char *ipaddr,uint8_t *data,int32_t len); //char *nn_publish(uint8_t *data,int32_t len,int32_t nostr); //char *nn_allrelays(uint8_t *data,int32_t len,int32_t timeoutmillis,char *localresult); char *nn_loadbalanced(uint8_t *data,int32_t len); char *relays_jsonstr(char *jsonstr,cJSON *argjson); struct daemon_info *find_daemoninfo(int32_t *indp,char *name,uint64_t daemonid,uint64_t instanceid); int32_t init_pingpong_queue(struct pingpong_queue *ppq,char *name,int32_t (*action)(),queue_t *destq,queue_t *errorq); int32_t process_pingpong_queue(struct pingpong_queue *ppq,void *argptr); uint8_t *replace_forwarder(char *pluginbuf,uint8_t *data,int32_t *datalenp); int32_t nn_socket_status(int32_t sock,int32_t timeoutmillis); char *nn_busdata_processor(uint8_t *msg,int32_t len); void busdata_init(int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout,int32_t firstiter); int32_t busdata_poll(); char *busdata_sync(uint32_t *noncep,char *jsonstr,char *broadcastmode,char *destNXTaddr); int32_t parse_ipaddr(char *ipaddr,char *ip_port); int32_t construct_tokenized_req(uint32_t *noncep,char *tokenized,char *cmdjson,char *NXTACCTSECRET,char *broadcastmode); int32_t validate_token(struct destbuf *forwarder,struct destbuf *pubkey,struct destbuf *NXTaddr,char *tokenizedtxt,int32_t strictflag); uint32_t busdata_nonce(int32_t *leveragep,char *str,char *broadcaststr,int32_t maxmillis,uint32_t nonce); int32_t nonce_leverage(char *broadcaststr); char *get_broadcastmode(cJSON *json,char *broadcastmode); cJSON *serviceprovider_json(); int32_t nn_createsocket(char *endpoint,int32_t bindflag,char *name,int32_t type,uint16_t port,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout); int32_t nn_lbsocket(int32_t maxmillis,int32_t port,uint16_t globalport,uint16_t relaysport); int32_t OS_init(); int32_t nn_settimeouts(int32_t sock,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout); int32_t is_duplicate_tag(uint64_t tag); void portable_OS_init(); void telepathic_PM(char *destNXT,char *PM); extern queue_t TelepathyQ; uint16_t parse_endpoint(int32_t *ip6flagp,char *transport,char *ipbuf,char *retbuf,char *endpoint,uint16_t default_port); cJSON *protocols_json(char *protocol); uint64_t millistamp(); uint32_t calc_timeslot(int32_t millidiff,int32_t timeres); int32_t _add_related(uint64_t *assetids,int32_t n,uint64_t refbaseid,uint64_t refrelid,int32_t exchangeid,uint64_t baseid,uint64_t relid); int32_t add_related(uint64_t *assetids,int32_t n,uint64_t supported[][2],long num,int32_t exchangeid,uint64_t baseid,uint64_t relid); int32_t add_NXT_assetids(uint64_t *assetids,int32_t n,uint64_t assetid); int32_t add_exchange_assetid(uint64_t *assetids,int32_t n,uint64_t baseid,uint64_t relid,int32_t exchangeid); int32_t add_exchange_assetids(uint64_t *assetids,int32_t n,uint64_t refassetid,uint64_t baseid,uint64_t relid,int32_t exchangeid,char *symbolmap[][8],int32_t numsymbols); double prices777_baseprice(uint32_t timestamp,int32_t basenum); #define MAXTIMEDIFF 60 #endif #else #ifndef crypto777_system777_c #define crypto777_system777_c #ifndef crypto777_system777_h #define DEFINES_ONLY #include "../common/system777.c" #undef DEFINES_ONLY #endif struct nn_clock { uint64_t last_tsc; uint64_t last_time; } Global_timer; void msleep(uint32_t milliseconds) { void nn_sleep (int milliseconds); nn_sleep(milliseconds); } typedef void (portable_thread_func)(void *); /* double milliseconds() { uint64_t nn_clock_now (struct nn_clock *self); return(nn_clock_now(&Global_timer)); }*/ struct nn_thread { portable_thread_func *routine; void *arg; void *handle; }; void nn_thread_init (struct nn_thread *self,portable_thread_func *routine,void *arg); void nn_thread_term (struct nn_thread *self); /*static uint64_t _align16(uint64_t ptrval) { if ( (ptrval & 15) != 0 ) ptrval += 16 - (ptrval & 15); return(ptrval); } void *myaligned_alloc(uint64_t allocsize) { void *ptr,*realptr; uint64_t tmp; realptr = calloc(1,allocsize + 16 + sizeof(realptr)); tmp = _align16((long)realptr + sizeof(ptr)); memcpy(&ptr,&tmp,sizeof(ptr)); memcpy((void *)((long)ptr - sizeof(realptr)),&realptr,sizeof(realptr)); printf("aligned_alloc(%llu) realptr.%p -> ptr.%p, diff.%ld\n",(long long)allocsize,realptr,ptr,((long)ptr - (long)realptr)); return(ptr); } int32_t aligned_free(void *ptr) { void *realptr; long diff; if ( ((long)ptr & 0xf) != 0 ) { printf("misaligned ptr.%p being aligned_free\n",ptr); return(-1); } memcpy(&realptr,(void *)((long)ptr - sizeof(realptr)),sizeof(realptr)); diff = ((long)ptr - (long)realptr); if ( diff < (long)sizeof(ptr) || diff > 32 ) { printf("ptr %p and realptr %p too far apart %ld\n",ptr,realptr,diff); return(-2); } //printf("aligned_free: ptr %p -> realptr %p %ld\n",ptr,realptr,diff); free(realptr); return(0); }*/ void *portable_thread_create(void *funcp,void *argp) { //void nn_thread_term(struct nn_thread *self); void nn_thread_init(struct nn_thread *self,portable_thread_func *routine,void *arg); struct nn_thread *ptr; ptr = (struct nn_thread *)malloc(sizeof(*ptr)); nn_thread_init(ptr,(portable_thread_func *)funcp,argp); return(ptr); } /* struct queueitem *queueitem(char *str) { struct queueitem *item = calloc(1,sizeof(struct queueitem) + strlen(str) + 1); strcpy((char *)((long)item + sizeof(struct queueitem)),str); return(item); } struct queueitem *queuedata(void *data,int32_t datalen) { struct queueitem *item = calloc(1,sizeof(struct queueitem) + datalen); memcpy((char *)((long)item + sizeof(struct queueitem)),data,datalen); return(item); } void free_queueitem(void *itemptr) { free((void *)((long)itemptr - sizeof(struct queueitem))); } void lock_queue(queue_t *queue) { if ( queue->initflag == 0 ) { portable_mutex_init(&queue->mutex); queue->initflag = 1; } portable_mutex_lock(&queue->mutex); } void queue_enqueue(char *name,queue_t *queue,struct queueitem *item) { if ( queue->list == 0 && name != 0 && name[0] != 0 ) safecopy(queue->name,name,sizeof(queue->name)); if ( item == 0 ) { printf("FATAL type error: queueing empty value\n");//, getchar(); return; } lock_queue(queue); DL_APPEND(queue->list,item); portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); //printf("name.(%s) append.%p list.%p\n",name,item,queue->list); } void *queue_dequeue(queue_t *queue,int32_t offsetflag) { struct queueitem *item = 0; lock_queue(queue); if ( queue->list != 0 ) { item = queue->list; DL_DELETE(queue->list,item); //printf("name.(%s) dequeue.%p list.%p\n",queue->name,item,queue->list); } portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); if ( item != 0 && offsetflag != 0 ) return((void *)((long)item + sizeof(struct queueitem))); else return(item); } void *queue_delete(queue_t *queue,struct queueitem *copy,int32_t copysize) { struct queueitem *item = 0; lock_queue(queue); if ( queue->list != 0 ) { DL_FOREACH(queue->list,item) { if ( memcmp((void *)((long)item + sizeof(struct queueitem)),(void *)((long)item + sizeof(struct queueitem)),copysize) == 0 ) { DL_DELETE(queue->list,item); return(item); } } //printf("name.(%s) dequeue.%p list.%p\n",queue->name,item,queue->list); } portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); return(0); } void *queue_free(queue_t *queue) { struct queueitem *item = 0; lock_queue(queue); if ( queue->list != 0 ) { DL_FOREACH(queue->list,item) { DL_DELETE(queue->list,item); free(item); } //printf("name.(%s) dequeue.%p list.%p\n",queue->name,item,queue->list); } portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); return(0); } void *queue_clone(queue_t *clone,queue_t *queue,int32_t size) { struct queueitem *ptr,*item = 0; lock_queue(queue); if ( queue->list != 0 ) { DL_FOREACH(queue->list,item) { ptr = calloc(1,sizeof(*ptr)); memcpy(ptr,item,size); queue_enqueue(queue->name,clone,ptr); } //printf("name.(%s) dequeue.%p list.%p\n",queue->name,item,queue->list); } portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); return(0); } int32_t queue_size(queue_t *queue) { int32_t count = 0; struct queueitem *tmp; lock_queue(queue); DL_COUNT(queue->list,tmp,count); portable_mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); return count; }*/ int32_t init_pingpong_queue(struct pingpong_queue *ppq,char *name,int32_t (*action)(),queue_t *destq,queue_t *errorq) { ppq->name = name; ppq->destqueue = destq; ppq->errorqueue = errorq; ppq->action = action; ppq->offset = 1; return(queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[0]) + queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[1])); // init mutex side effect } // seems a bit wastefull to do all the two iter queueing/dequeuing with threadlock overhead // however, there is assumed to be plenty of CPU time relative to actual blockchain events // also this method allows for adding of parallel threads without worry int32_t process_pingpong_queue(struct pingpong_queue *ppq,void *argptr) { int32_t iter,retval,freeflag = 0; void *ptr; //printf("%p process_pingpong_queue.%s %d %d\n",ppq,ppq->name,queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[0]),queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[1])); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( (ptr= queue_dequeue(&ppq->pingpong[iter],ppq->offset)) != 0 ) { if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("%s pingpong[%d].%p action.%p\n",ppq->name,iter,ptr,ppq->action); retval = (*ppq->action)(&ptr,argptr); if ( retval == 0 ) queue_enqueue(ppq->name,&ppq->pingpong[iter ^ 1],ptr,0); else if ( ptr != 0 ) { if ( retval < 0 ) { if ( Debuglevel > 0 ) printf("%s iter.%d errorqueue %p vs %p\n",ppq->name,iter,ppq->errorqueue,&ppq->pingpong[0]); if ( ppq->errorqueue == &ppq->pingpong[0] ) queue_enqueue(ppq->name,&ppq->pingpong[iter ^ 1],ptr,0); else if ( ppq->errorqueue != 0 ) queue_enqueue(ppq->name,ppq->errorqueue,ptr,0); else freeflag = 1; } else if ( ppq->destqueue != 0 ) { if ( Debuglevel > 0 ) printf("%s iter.%d destqueue %p vs %p\n",ppq->name,iter,ppq->destqueue,&ppq->pingpong[0]); if ( ppq->destqueue == &ppq->pingpong[0] ) queue_enqueue(ppq->name,&ppq->pingpong[iter ^ 1],ptr,0); else if ( ppq->destqueue != 0 ) queue_enqueue(ppq->name,ppq->destqueue,ptr,0); else freeflag = 1; } if ( freeflag != 0 ) { if ( ppq->offset == 0 ) free(ptr); else free_queueitem(ptr); } } } } return(queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[0]) + queue_size(&ppq->pingpong[0])); } uint16_t wait_for_myipaddr(char *ipaddr) { uint16_t port = 0; printf("need a portable way to find IP addr\n"); //getchar(); return(port); } int32_t ismyaddress(char *server) { char ipaddr[64]; uint32_t ipbits; if ( strncmp(server,"tcp://",6) == 0 ) server += 6; else if ( strncmp(server,"ws://",5) == 0 ) server += 5; if ( (ipbits= is_ipaddr(server)) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(server,SUPERNET.myipaddr) == 0 || calc_ipbits(SUPERNET.myipaddr) == ipbits ) { printf("(%s) MATCHES me (%s)\n",server,SUPERNET.myipaddr); return(1); } } else { if ( SUPERNET.hostname[0] != 0 && strcmp(SUPERNET.hostname,server) == 0 ) return(1); else if ( (ipbits= conv_domainname(ipaddr,server)) != 0 || SUPERNET.my64bits == ipbits ) return(1); else if ( (strcmp(SUPERNET.myipaddr,ipaddr) == 0 || strcmp(SUPERNET.hostname,ipaddr) == 0) ) return(1); } //printf("(%s) is not me (%s)\n",server,SUPERNET.myipaddr); return(0); } int32_t nn_local_broadcast(int32_t sock,uint64_t instanceid,int32_t flags,uint8_t *retstr,int32_t len) { int32_t i,sendlen,errs = 0; if ( sock >= 0 ) { for (i=0; i<10; i++) if ( (nn_socket_status(sock,1) & NN_POLLOUT) != 0 ) break; if ( (sendlen= nn_send(sock,(char *)retstr,len,0)) <= 0 ) errs++, printf("sending to socket.%d sendlen.%d len.%d (%s) [%s]\n",sock,sendlen,len,nn_strerror(nn_errno()),retstr); else if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) printf("nn_local_broadcast SENT.(%s) len.%d sendlen.%d vs strlen.%ld instanceid.%llu -> sock.%d\n",retstr,len,sendlen,(long)strlen((char *)retstr),(long long)instanceid,sock); } return(errs); } int32_t plugin_result(char *retbuf,cJSON *json,uint64_t tag) { char *error,*result; error = cJSON_str(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"error")); result = cJSON_str(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"result")); if ( error != 0 || result != 0 ) { sprintf(retbuf,"{\"result\":\"completed\",\"tag\":\"%llu\"}",(long long)tag); return(1); } return(0); } double estimate_completion(double startmilli,int32_t processed,int32_t numleft) { double elapsed,rate; if ( processed <= 0 ) return(0.); elapsed = (milliseconds() - startmilli); rate = (elapsed / processed); if ( rate <= 0. ) return(0.); //printf("numleft %d rate %f\n",numleft,rate); return(numleft * rate); } void clear_alloc_space(struct alloc_space *mem,int32_t alignflag) { memset(mem->ptr,0,mem->size); mem->used = 0; mem->alignflag = alignflag; } void rewind_alloc_space(struct alloc_space *mem,int32_t flags) { if ( (flags & 1) != 0 ) clear_alloc_space(mem,1); else mem->used = 0; mem->alignflag = ((flags & ~1) != 0); } struct alloc_space *init_alloc_space(struct alloc_space *mem,void *ptr,long size,int32_t flags) { if ( mem == 0 ) mem = calloc(1,size + sizeof(*mem)), ptr = mem->space; mem->size = size; mem->ptr = ptr; rewind_alloc_space(mem,flags); return(mem); } void *memalloc(struct alloc_space *mem,long size,int32_t clearflag) { void *ptr = 0; if ( (mem->used + size) > mem->size ) { printf("alloc: (mem->used %ld + %ld size) %ld > %ld mem->size\n",mem->used,size,(mem->used + size),mem->size); while ( 1 ) portable_sleep(1); } ptr = (void *)((long)mem->ptr + mem->used); mem->used += size; if ( clearflag != 0 ) memset(ptr,0,size); if ( mem->alignflag != 0 && (mem->used & 0xf) != 0 ) mem->used += 0x10 - (mem->used & 0xf); return(ptr); } uint64_t millistamp() { return(time(NULL)*1000 + ((uint64_t)milliseconds() % 1000)); } uint32_t calc_timeslot(int32_t millidiff,int32_t timeres) { return(((uint32_t)(millistamp() + (timeres>>1) + millidiff) / timeres)); } #define GENESISACCT "1739068987193023818" // NXT-MRCC-2YLS-8M54-3CMAJ #define GENESISPUBKEYSTR "1259ec21d31a30898d7cd1609f80d9668b4778e3d97e941044b39f0c44d2e51b" #define GENESISPRIVKEYSTR "88a71671a6edd987ad9e9097428fc3f169decba3ac8f10da7b24e0ca16803b70" #define GENESIS_SECRET "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." void portable_OS_init() { uint64_t conv_NXTpassword(unsigned char *mysecret,unsigned char *mypublic,uint8_t *pass,int32_t passlen); char hexstr[65]; bits256 privkey,pubkey; uint64_t nxt64bits=0; extern bits256 GENESIS_PUBKEY,GENESIS_PRIVKEY; void SaM_PrepareIndices(); decode_hex(GENESIS_PUBKEY.bytes,sizeof(GENESIS_PUBKEY),GENESISPUBKEYSTR); decode_hex(GENESIS_PRIVKEY.bytes,sizeof(GENESIS_PRIVKEY),GENESISPRIVKEYSTR); printf("decoded genesis 123\n"); nxt64bits = conv_NXTpassword(privkey.bytes,pubkey.bytes,(void *)GENESIS_SECRET,(int32_t)strlen(GENESIS_SECRET)); char pubkeystr[67]; uint8_t pub[33]; hexstr[0]= 0; btc_priv2pub(pub,GENESIS_PRIVKEY.bytes); init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,pub,33); printf("pubkey.%s %llx\n",pubkeystr,*(long long *)pub); printf("%s conv_NXTpassword %llu\n",__TIME__,(long long)nxt64bits); if ( nxt64bits != calc_nxt64bits(GENESISACCT) ) printf("GENESIS_ACCT mismatch %llu != %llu\n",(long long)nxt64bits,(long long)calc_nxt64bits(GENESISACCT)); if ( memcmp(GENESIS_PUBKEY.bytes,pubkey.bytes,sizeof(pubkey)) != 0 ) printf("GENESIS_PUBKEY mismatch %llu != %llu\n",(long long)GENESIS_PUBKEY.txid,(long long)pubkey.txid); if ( memcmp(GENESIS_PRIVKEY.bytes,privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)) != 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)); //printf("%s GENESIS_PRIVKEY mismatch %llu != %llu\n",hexstr,(long long)GENESIS_PRIVKEY.txid,(long long)privkey.txid); } printf("%s GENESIS_PRIVKEY %llx GENESIS_PUBKEY %llx\n",hexstr,(long long)GENESIS_PRIVKEY.txid,(long long)GENESIS_PUBKEY.txid); OS_init(); curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); //init the curl session SaM_PrepareIndices(); } #endif #endif #endif