/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define DPOW_BLACKLIST -100000 void dpow_bestmask_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint8_t nn_senderind,int8_t nn_bestk,uint64_t nn_bestmask,uint64_t nn_recvmask) { int32_t startscore; if ( nn_senderind < 0 || nn_senderind >= bp->numnotaries ) return; bp->notaries[nn_senderind].bestk = nn_bestk; bp->notaries[nn_senderind].bestmask = nn_bestmask; bp->notaries[nn_senderind].recvmask = nn_recvmask; startscore = bp->scores[nn_senderind]; if ( bp->bestk >= 0 ) { if ( nn_bestk < 0 ) bp->scores[nn_senderind] -= 10; else if ( nn_bestk != bp->bestk ) bp->scores[nn_senderind]--; else if ( nn_bestmask != bp->bestmask ) bp->scores[nn_senderind]--; else if ( bp->scores[nn_senderind] < 1 ) bp->scores[nn_senderind] = 1; else bp->scores[nn_senderind]++; if ( startscore > DPOW_BLACKLIST && bp->scores[nn_senderind] <= DPOW_BLACKLIST ) printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>> nn_senderind.%d %llx MIA, skip this node for now\n",nn_senderind,(long long)(1LL << nn_senderind)); } } uint64_t dpow_lastk_mask(struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t *lastkp) { int32_t j,m,k; uint64_t mask = bp->require0; *lastkp = -1; m = bp->require0; for (j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,j); if ( (bp->require0 == 0 || k != 0) && bp->scores[k] < DPOW_BLACKLIST ) continue; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].src.prev_hash) != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].dest.prev_hash) != 0 ) { bp->recvmask |= (1LL << k); mask |= (1LL << k); if ( ++m >= DPOW_M(bp) ) { *lastkp = k; break; } } } return(mask); } int32_t dpow_bestk(struct dpow_block *bp,uint64_t *maskp) { int8_t lastk; uint64_t mask; *maskp = 0; mask = dpow_lastk_mask(bp,&lastk); if ( lastk < 0 ) return(-1); *maskp = mask; return(lastk); } uint64_t dpow_ratifybest(uint64_t refmask,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t *lastkp) { int32_t j,m,k; uint64_t bestmask,mask = bp->require0; bestmask = 0; *lastkp = -1; m = bp->require0; for (j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,j); if ( (bp->require0 != 0 && k == 0) || (bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcutxo) != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].ratifydestutxo) != 0) ) { mask |= (1LL << k); if ( ++m == DPOW_M(bp) ) { *lastkp = k; bestmask = mask; } } } return(bestmask); } uint64_t dpow_maskmin(uint64_t refmask,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t *lastkp) { int32_t j,m,k; uint64_t bestmask,mask = bp->require0; bestmask = 0; *lastkp = -1; m = bp->require0; for (j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,j); if ( (bp->require0 == 0 || k != 0) && bp->scores[k] < DPOW_BLACKLIST ) continue; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].src.prev_hash) != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].dest.prev_hash) != 0 ) { mask |= (1LL << k); if ( ++m == DPOW_M(bp) ) { *lastkp = k; bestmask = mask; } } } bp->recvmask |= mask; if ( *lastkp >= 0 ) { for (mask=j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { if ( bp->notaries[j].src.siglens[*lastkp] > 0 ) mask |= (1LL << j); } bp->srcsigsmasks[*lastkp] |= mask; for (mask=j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { if ( bp->notaries[j].dest.siglens[*lastkp] > 0 ) mask |= (1LL << j); } bp->destsigsmasks[*lastkp] |= mask; } return(bestmask); } struct dpow_block *dpow_heightfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,int32_t height) { int32_t r,h,incr = 100000; struct dpow_block *bp = 0; if ( height > dp->maxblocks ) { dp->blocks = realloc(dp->blocks,sizeof(*dp->blocks) * (dp->maxblocks + incr)); memset(&dp->blocks[dp->maxblocks],0,sizeof(*dp->blocks) * incr); dp->maxblocks += incr; } if ( height < dp->maxblocks ) bp = dp->blocks!=0 ? dp->blocks[height] : 0; if ( bp == 0 && height < DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY ) { r = (rand() % DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY); for (h=0; hblocks[height]) != 0 ) return(bp); } } return(bp); } int32_t dpow_voutratify(struct dpow_block *bp,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t m,uint8_t pubkeys[][33],int32_t numratified) { uint64_t satoshis; uint32_t locktime = 0; uint32_t numvouts; int32_t i,len = 0; numvouts = numratified + 1; len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],&numvouts); satoshis = DPOW_UTXOSIZE; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(satoshis),&satoshis); serialized[len++] = 35; serialized[len++] = 33; decode_hex(&serialized[len],33,CRYPTO777_PUBSECPSTR), len += 33; serialized[len++] = CHECKSIG; satoshis = DPOW_MINOUTPUT; for (i=0; ihashmsg,&bp->height,bp->srccoin->symbol,bp,src_or_dest); else opretlen = dpow_rwopret(1,opret,&bp->hashmsg,&bp->height,bp->srccoin->symbol,bp,src_or_dest); if ( opretlen < 0 ) { printf("negative opretlen src_or_dest.%d\n",src_or_dest); return(-1); } opretlen = dpow_opreturnscript(data,opret,opretlen); if ( opretlen < 0xfd ) serialized[len++] = opretlen; else { serialized[len++] = 0xfd; serialized[len++] = opretlen & 0xff; serialized[len++] = (opretlen >> 8) & 0xff; } memcpy(&serialized[len],data,opretlen), len += opretlen; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(locktime),&locktime); return(len); } bits256 dpow_notarytx(char *signedtx,int32_t *numsigsp,int32_t isPoS,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,int32_t usesigs,int32_t src_or_dest,uint8_t pubkeys[][33],int32_t numratified) { uint32_t k,j,m,numsigs,version,sequenceid = 0xffffffff; bits256 zero; int32_t n,siglen,len; uint8_t serialized[32768],*sig; struct dpow_entry *ep; struct dpow_coinentry *cp; signedtx[0] = 0; *numsigsp = 0; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); len = numsigs = 0; version = 1; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(version),&version); if ( isPoS != 0 ) len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->timestamp),&bp->timestamp); m = DPOW_M(bp); len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],(uint32_t *)&m); for (j=m=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,j); if ( ((1LL << k) & bestmask) != 0 ) { if ( pubkeys != 0 && numratified > 0 ) { if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[k].ratifydestutxo),bp->notaries[k].ratifydestutxo.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[k].ratifydestvout),&bp->notaries[k].ratifydestvout); } else { len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcutxo),bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcutxo.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcvout),&bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcvout); } } else { ep = &bp->notaries[k]; cp = (src_or_dest != 0) ? &bp->notaries[k].dest : &bp->notaries[k].src; if ( bits256_nonz(cp->prev_hash) == 0 ) { printf("null prevhash k.%d j.%d src_or_dest.%d\n",k,j,src_or_dest); return(zero); } len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(cp->prev_hash),cp->prev_hash.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(cp->prev_vout),&cp->prev_vout); siglen = cp->siglens[bestk]; sig = cp->sigs[bestk]; } if ( usesigs != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],(uint32_t *)&siglen); if ( siglen > 0 && siglen <= sizeof(cp->sigs[bestk]) ) { memcpy(&serialized[len],sig,siglen); len += siglen; numsigs++; } } else serialized[len++] = 0; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(sequenceid),&sequenceid); //printf("height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d <- i.%d j.%d\n",height,height % numnotaries,m,i,j); m++; if ( m == DPOW_M(bp) && k == bestk ) break; } } if ( pubkeys != 0 && numratified > 0 ) { if ( (n= dpow_voutratify(bp,&serialized[len],m,pubkeys,numratified)) < 0 ) return(zero); len += n; } else { if ( (n= dpow_voutstandard(bp,&serialized[len],m,src_or_dest)) < 0 ) { printf("error dpow_voutstandard m.%d src_or_dest.%d\n",m,src_or_dest); return(zero); } len += n; } init_hexbytes_noT(signedtx,serialized,len); //printf("notarytx.(%s) opretlen.%d\n",signedtx,opretlen); *numsigsp = numsigs; return(bits256_doublesha256(0,serialized,len)); } cJSON *dpow_vins(struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,int32_t usesigs,int32_t src_or_dest,int32_t useratified) { int32_t k,j,m=0; bits256 txid; uint16_t vout; uint8_t script[35]; char scriptstr[256]; cJSON *vins=0,*item; struct dpow_entry *ep; struct dpow_coinentry *cp; vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,j); if ( ((1LL << k) & bestmask) != 0 ) { ep = &bp->notaries[k]; if ( useratified != 0 ) { if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) { txid = bp->notaries[k].ratifydestutxo; vout = bp->notaries[k].ratifydestvout; } else { txid = bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcutxo; vout = bp->notaries[k].ratifysrcvout; } } else { cp = (src_or_dest != 0) ? &bp->notaries[k].dest : &bp->notaries[k].src; txid = cp->prev_hash; vout = cp->prev_vout; } if ( bits256_nonz(cp->prev_hash) != 0 ) { item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddbits256(item,"txid",txid); jaddnum(item,"vout",vout); script[0] = 33; memcpy(script+1,ep->pubkey,33); script[34] = CHECKSIG; init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,script,35); jaddstr(item,"scriptPubKey",scriptstr); jaddi(vins,item); //printf("height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d <- i.%d j.%d\n",height,height % numnotaries,m,i,j); m++; if ( m == DPOW_M(bp) && k == bestk ) break; } else { free_json(vins); return(0); } } } return(vins); } void dpow_rawtxsign(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,char *rawtx,cJSON *vins,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,int32_t myind,int32_t src_or_dest) { int32_t j,m=0,retval=-1; char *jsonstr,*signedtx,*rawtx2,*sigstr; cJSON *signobj,*sobj,*txobj2,*item,*vin; bits256 srchash; struct dpow_entry *ep; struct dpow_coinentry *cp; if ( bestk < 0 ) return; for (j=0; jminerkey33[j+1]; m = 0; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; cp = (src_or_dest != 0) ? &bp->notaries[myind].dest : &bp->notaries[myind].src; if ( (jsonstr= dpow_signrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx,vins)) != 0 ) { if ( (signobj= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( ((signedtx= jstr(signobj,"hex")) != 0 || (signedtx= jstr(signobj,"result")) != 0) && (rawtx2= dpow_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,signedtx)) != 0 ) { if ( (txobj2= cJSON_Parse(rawtx2)) != 0 ) { if ( (vin= jarray(&m,txobj2,"vin")) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j 32 ) { //printf("bestk.%d %llx %s height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d myind.%d MINE.(%s) j.%d\n",bestk,(long long)bestmask,(src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin->symbol : bp->srccoin->symbol,bp->height,DPOW_MODIND(bp,0),j,myind,jprint(item,0),j); cp->siglens[bestk] = (int32_t)strlen(sigstr) >> 1; if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) bp->destsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << myind); else bp->srcsigsmasks[bestk] |= (1LL << myind); decode_hex(cp->sigs[bestk],cp->siglens[bestk],sigstr); ep->masks[src_or_dest][bestk] = bestmask; ep->beacon = bp->beacon; dpow_sigsend(myinfo,dp,bp,myind,bestk,bestmask,srchash,src_or_dest != 0 ? DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL : DPOW_SIGCHANNEL); retval = 0; break; } // else printf("notmine.(%s)\n",jprint(item,0)); } } else printf("no vin[] (%s)\n",jprint(txobj2,0)); free_json(txobj2); } else printf("cant parse.(%s)\n",rawtx2); free(rawtx2); } //else printf("error decoding (%s) %s\n",signedtx==0?"":signedtx,jsonstr); free_json(signobj); } else printf("error parsing.(%s)\n",jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } } int32_t dpow_signedtxgen(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,int8_t bestk,uint64_t bestmask,int32_t myind,uint32_t deprec,int32_t src_or_dest,int32_t useratified) { int32_t j,m,numsigs,retval=-1; char rawtx[32768],*jsonstr,*rawtx2,*signedtx,*sigstr; cJSON *item,*sobj,*vins,*vin,*txobj2,*signobj; bits256 txid,srchash,zero; struct dpow_entry *ep; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( bestk < 0 ) return(-1); for (j=0; jminerkey33[j+1]; printf("signedtxgen src_or_dest.%d (%d %llx)\n",src_or_dest,bestk,(long long)bestmask); if ( (vins= dpow_vins(coin,bp,bestk,bestmask,1,src_or_dest,bp->numratified)) != 0 ) { txid = dpow_notarytx(rawtx,&numsigs,coin->chain->isPoS,bp,bestk,bestmask,0,src_or_dest,bp->numratified!=0?bp->ratified_pubkeys:0,useratified); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) != 0 && rawtx[0] != 0 ) // send tx to share utxo set { if ( useratified != 0 ) { if ( (jsonstr= dpow_signrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx,vins)) != 0 ) { if ( (signobj= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( ((signedtx= jstr(signobj,"hex")) != 0 || (signedtx= jstr(signobj,"result")) != 0) && (rawtx2= dpow_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,signedtx)) != 0 ) { if ( (txobj2= cJSON_Parse(rawtx2)) != 0 ) { if ( (vin= jarray(&m,txobj2,"vin")) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j 32 ) { bp->ratifysiglens[src_or_dest] = (int32_t)strlen(sigstr) >> 1; decode_hex(bp->ratifysigs[src_or_dest],bp->ratifysiglens[src_or_dest],sigstr); } } } } } } } } else dpow_rawtxsign(myinfo,dp,coin,bp,rawtx,vins,bestk,bestmask,myind,src_or_dest); } else printf("signedtxgen zero txid or null rawtx\n"); free_json(vins); } else if ( (bestmask & bp->recvmask) != bestmask ) printf("signedtxgen error generating vins bestk.%d %llx recv.%llx need to recv %llx\n",bestk,(long long)bestmask,(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)(bestmask & ~bp->recvmask)); return(retval); } void dpow_sigscheck(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t myind,int32_t src_or_dest) { bits256 txid,srchash,zero,signedtxid; struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t j,len,numsigs; char *retstr=0,str[65],str2[65]; uint8_t txdata[32768]; uint32_t channel; coin = (src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); channel = (src_or_dest != 0) ? DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL : DPOW_SIGCHANNEL; printf("dpow_sigscheck myind.%d src_dest.%d state.%x coin.%s\n",myind,src_or_dest,bp->state,coin->symbol); if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff && coin != 0 ) { signedtxid = dpow_notarytx(bp->signedtx,&numsigs,coin->chain->isPoS,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,1,src_or_dest,bp->numratified!=0?bp->ratified_pubkeys:0,bp->numratified); printf("src_or_dest.%d bestk.%d %llx %s numsigs.%d signedtx.(%s)\n",src_or_dest,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,bits256_str(str,signedtxid),numsigs,bp->signedtx); bp->state = 1; if ( bits256_nonz(signedtxid) != 0 && numsigs == DPOW_M(bp) ) { if ( (retstr= dpow_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,bp->signedtx)) != 0 ) { printf("sendrawtransaction.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( is_hexstr(retstr,0) == sizeof(txid)*2 ) { decode_hex(txid.bytes,sizeof(txid),retstr); if ( bits256_cmp(txid,signedtxid) == 0 ) { if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) { bp->desttxid = txid; dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,myind,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,0,0); } else bp->srctxid = txid; len = (int32_t)strlen(bp->signedtx) >> 1; decode_hex(txdata+32,len,bp->signedtx); for (j=0; jhashmsg,(src_or_dest != 0) ? DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL : DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL,bp->height,txdata,len+32); bp->state = src_or_dest != 0 ? 1000 : 0xffffffff; printf("complete statemachine.%s ht.%d state.%d (%x %x)\n",coin->symbol,bp->height,bp->state,bp->hashmsg.uints[0],txid.uints[0]); } else printf("sendtxid mismatch got %s instead of %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,signedtxid)); } free(retstr); retstr = 0; } else { printf("NULL return from sendrawtransaction. abort\n"); bp->state = 0xffffffff; } } } }