/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef INCLUDE_DPOW_H #define INCLUDE_DPOW_H #define DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY 1000 #define DPOW_CHECKPOINTFREQ 10 #define DPOW_MINSIGS 7 #define DPOW_M(bp) ((bp)->minsigs) // (((bp)->numnotaries >> 1) + 1) #define DPOW_MODIND(bp,offset) (((((bp)->height / DPOW_CHECKPOINTFREQ) % (bp)->numnotaries) + (offset)) % (bp)->numnotaries) #define DPOW_VERSION 0x0404 #define DPOW_UTXOSIZE 10000 #define DPOW_MINOUTPUT 6000 #define DPOW_DURATION 300 #define DPOW_RATIFYDURATION (3600 * 24) #define DPOW_ENTRIESCHANNEL ('e' | ('n' << 8) | ('t' << 16) | ('r' << 24)) #define DPOW_BTCENTRIESCHANNEL (~DPOW_ENTRIESCHANNEL) #define DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL ('d' | ('P' << 8) | ('o' << 16) | ('W' << 24)) #define DPOW_SIGCHANNEL ('s' | ('i' << 8) | ('g' << 16) | ('s' << 24)) #define DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL (~DPOW_SIGCHANNEL) #define DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL ('t' | ('x' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('d' << 24)) #define DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL (~DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL) #define DPOW_FIFOSIZE 64 #define DPOW_MAXTX 8192 #define DPOW_THIRDPARTY_CONFIRMS 0 #define DPOW_KOMODOCONFIRMS 3 #define DPOW_BTCCONFIRMS 1 #define DPOW_MAXRELAYS 64 struct dpow_coinentry { bits256 prev_hash; uint8_t siglens[DPOW_MAXRELAYS],sigs[DPOW_MAXRELAYS][76]; int32_t prev_vout; }; struct dpow_utxoentry { bits256 srchash,desthash,commit,hashmsg; uint64_t recvmask,othermasks[DPOW_MAXRELAYS]; int32_t srcvout,destvout,height; int8_t bestk; uint8_t pubkey[33]; }; struct dpow_entry { bits256 commit,beacon; uint64_t masks[2][DPOW_MAXRELAYS],recvmask,othermask; int32_t height; int8_t bestk; uint8_t pubkey[33]; struct dpow_coinentry src,dest; }; struct dpow_sigentry { bits256 beacon; uint64_t mask; int32_t refcount; uint8_t senderind,lastk,siglen,sig[76],senderpub[33]; }; struct komodo_notaries { struct basilisk_relay RELAYS[DPOW_MAXRELAYS]; int32_t NUMRELAYS,RELAYID; }; struct dpow_hashheight { bits256 hash; int32_t height; }; struct dpow_checkpoint { struct dpow_hashheight blockhash,approved; bits256 miner; uint32_t blocktime,timestamp; }; struct dpow_block { bits256 hashmsg,desttxid,srctxid,beacon,commit; struct iguana_info *srccoin,*destcoin; char *opret_symbol; uint64_t destsigsmasks[DPOW_MAXRELAYS],srcsigsmasks[DPOW_MAXRELAYS]; uint64_t recvmask,bestmask; struct dpow_entry notaries[DPOW_MAXRELAYS]; uint32_t state,timestamp,waiting,sigcrcs[2],txidcrcs[2],utxocrcs[2]; int32_t height,numnotaries,completed,minsigs,duration,numratified,isratify; int8_t bestk; cJSON *ratified; uint8_t ratified_pubkeys[DPOW_MAXRELAYS][33]; char handles[DPOW_MAXRELAYS][32]; char signedtx[32768];//,rawtx[32768]; }; struct pax_transaction { UT_hash_handle hh; bits256 txid; uint64_t komodoshis,fiatoshis; int32_t marked,height,kmdheight; uint16_t vout; char symbol[16],coinaddr[64]; uint8_t rmd160[20],shortflag; }; struct dpow_info { char symbol[16],dest[16]; uint8_t minerkey33[33],minerid; uint64_t lastrecvmask; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint,last,destchaintip,srcfifo[DPOW_FIFOSIZE],destfifo[DPOW_FIFOSIZE]; struct dpow_hashheight approved[DPOW_FIFOSIZE],notarized[DPOW_FIFOSIZE]; bits256 srctx[DPOW_MAXTX],desttx[DPOW_MAXTX]; uint32_t SRCREALTIME,destupdated,srcconfirms,numdesttx,numsrctx,lastsplit,cancelratify,crcs[16]; int32_t maxblocks,SRCHEIGHT,SHORTFLAG; struct pax_transaction *PAX; portable_mutex_t mutex; struct dpow_block **blocks; }; #endif