/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ struct dpow_entry *dpow_notaryfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t *senderindp,uint8_t *senderpub) { int32_t i; *senderindp = -1; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( memcmp(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,senderpub,33) == 0 ) { //printf("matches notary.%d\n",i); *senderindp = i; return(&bp->notaries[i]); } } return(0); } void dpow_utxo2entry(struct dpow_block *bp,struct dpow_entry *ep,struct dpow_utxoentry *up) { int32_t i; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) bp->notaries[i].othermask |= up->othermasks[i]; ep->commit = up->commit; ep->height = up->height; ep->recvmask = up->recvmask; ep->bestk = up->bestk; ep->src.prev_hash = up->srchash; ep->dest.prev_hash = up->desthash; ep->src.prev_vout = up->srcvout; ep->dest.prev_vout = up->destvout; } void dpow_entry2utxo(struct dpow_utxoentry *up,struct dpow_block *bp,struct dpow_entry *ep) { int32_t i; up->commit = bp->commit; up->hashmsg = bp->hashmsg; up->height = bp->height; up->recvmask = bp->recvmask; up->bestk = bp->bestk; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) up->othermasks[i] = bp->notaries[i].recvmask; for (i=0; i<33; i++) up->pubkey[i] = ep->pubkey[i]; up->commit = ep->commit; up->height = ep->height; up->recvmask = ep->recvmask; up->bestk = ep->bestk; up->srchash = ep->src.prev_hash; up->desthash = ep->dest.prev_hash; up->srcvout = ep->src.prev_vout; up->destvout = ep->dest.prev_vout; } void dpow_utxosync(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint64_t recvmask,int32_t myind,bits256 srchash) { uint32_t i,j,r; int32_t len; struct dpow_utxoentry U; uint8_t utxodata[sizeof(U)+2]; if ( (bp->recvmask ^ recvmask) != 0 ) { if ( ((1LL << myind) & recvmask) == 0 ) { i = myind; //printf("utxosync bp->%llx != %llx, myind.%d\n",(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)recvmask,myind); } else { r = (rand() % bp->numnotaries); for (j=0; jrecvmask) != 0 && ((1LL << i) & recvmask) == 0 ) break; } //printf("utxosync bp->%llx != %llx, random pick.%d\n",(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)recvmask,i); } memset(&U,0,sizeof(U)); dpow_entry2utxo(&U,bp,&bp->notaries[i]); //char str[65],str2[65]; //printf("send.(%s %s)\n",bits256_str(str,bp->notaries[i].dest.prev_hash),bits256_str(str2,bp->notaries[i].src.prev_hash)); if ( (len= dpow_rwutxobuf(1,utxodata,&U,bp)) > 0 ) dpow_send(myinfo,dp,bp,srchash,bp->hashmsg,DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL,bp->height,utxodata,len,bp->utxocrcs); } } void dpow_sync(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint64_t refmask,int32_t myind,bits256 srchash,uint32_t channel,int32_t src_or_dest) { int8_t lastk; uint64_t mask; mask = dpow_maskmin(refmask,bp,&lastk); //dpow_utxosync(myinfo,bp,mask,myind,srchash); if ( bp->notaries[myind].masks[lastk] == 0 ) dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,(src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin,bp,lastk,mask,myind,src_or_dest != 0 ? DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL : DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,src_or_dest); } int32_t dpow_datahandler(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,uint32_t channel,uint32_t height,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { bits256 txid,commit,srchash; struct dpow_block *bp = 0; uint32_t flag = 0; int32_t src_or_dest,senderind,i,myind = -1; char str[65],str2[65]; struct dpow_sigentry dsig; struct dpow_entry *ep; struct dpow_coinentry *cp; struct dpow_utxoentry U; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( (bp= dpow_heightfind(myinfo,dp,height)) == 0 ) { if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 && height > 0 ) printf("couldnt find height.%d | if you just started notary dapp this is normal\n",height); return(-1); } dpow_notaryfind(myinfo,bp,&myind,dp->minerkey33); if ( myind < 0 ) { printf("couldnt find myind height.%d | this means your pubkey for this node is not registered and needs to be ratified by majority vote of all notaries\n",height); return(-1); } for (i=0; i<32; i++) srchash.bytes[i] = dp->minerkey33[i+1]; if ( channel == DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL ) { src_or_dest = 1; coin = (src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin; memset(&U,0,sizeof(U)); if ( dpow_rwutxobuf(0,data,&U,bp) < 0 ) { printf("error from rwutxobuf\n"); return(0); } if ( bits256_cmp(U.hashmsg,bp->hashmsg) != 0 ) { printf("unexpected mismatch hashmsg.%s vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,U.hashmsg),bits256_str(str2,bp->hashmsg)); return(0); } if ( (ep= dpow_notaryfind(myinfo,bp,&senderind,U.pubkey)) != 0 ) { dpow_utxo2entry(bp,ep,&U); if ( ((1LL << senderind) & bp->recvmask) == 0 ) { dpow_utxosync(myinfo,dp,bp,0,myind,srchash); bp->recvmask |= (1LL << senderind); } dpow_sync(myinfo,dp,bp,ep->recvmask,myind,srchash,channel,src_or_dest); flag = 1; } if ( 0 && flag == 0 && bp != 0 ) printf("ep.%p sender.%d UTXO.%d hashmsg.(%s) txid.(%s) v%d %llx\n",ep,senderind,height,bits256_str(str,U.hashmsg),bits256_str(str2,src_or_dest!=0?U.desthash:U.srchash),src_or_dest!=0?U.destvout:U.srcvout,(long long)bp->recvmask); } else if ( channel == DPOW_SIGCHANNEL || channel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) { if ( dpow_rwsigentry(0,data,&dsig) < 0 ) { printf("rwsigentry error\n"); return(0); } if ( channel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) { src_or_dest = 1; coin = bp->destcoin; cp = &bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].dest; } else { src_or_dest = 0; coin = bp->srccoin; cp = &bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].src; printf("got %s channel.%x from %d\n",coin->symbol,channel,dsig.senderind); } if ( dsig.senderind >= 0 && dsig.senderind < DPOW_MAXRELAYS ) { if ( dsig.lastk < bp->numnotaries && dsig.senderind < bp->numnotaries && (ep= dpow_notaryfind(myinfo,bp,&senderind,dsig.senderpub)) != 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,commit.bytes,dsig.beacon.bytes,sizeof(dsig.beacon)); if ( memcmp(dsig.senderpub,bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].pubkey,33) == 0 ) { //if ( ep->masks[dsig.lastk] == 0 ) { ep->masks[src_or_dest][dsig.lastk] = dsig.mask; cp->siglens[dsig.lastk] = dsig.siglen; memcpy(cp->sigs[dsig.lastk],dsig.sig,dsig.siglen); ep->beacon = dsig.beacon; if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) { bp->destsigsmasks[dsig.lastk] |= (1LL << dsig.senderind); if ( bp->bestk >= 0 && bp->bestk == dsig.lastk && (bp->bestmask & bp->destsigsmasks[dsig.lastk]) == bp->bestmask ) { dpow_sigscheck(myinfo,dp,bp,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,myind,1); } } else { bp->srcsigsmasks[dsig.lastk] |= (1LL << dsig.senderind); if ( bp->bestk >= 0 && bp->bestk == dsig.lastk && (bp->bestmask & bp->srcsigsmasks[dsig.lastk]) == bp->bestmask ) { dpow_sigscheck(myinfo,dp,bp,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,myind,0); } } printf(" (%d %llx) <<<<<<<< %s from.%d got lastk.%d %llx/%llx siglen.%d >>>>>>>>>\n",bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,coin->symbol,dsig.senderind,dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask,(long long)bp->destsigsmasks[dsig.lastk],dsig.siglen); dpow_sync(myinfo,dp,bp,dsig.mask,myind,srchash,channel,src_or_dest); flag = 1; } } else printf("%s pubkey mismatch for senderind.%d %llx vs %llx\n",coin->symbol,dsig.senderind,*(long long *)dsig.senderpub,*(long long *)bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].pubkey); } else printf("%s illegal lastk.%d or senderind.%d or senderpub.%llx\n",coin->symbol,dsig.lastk,dsig.senderind,*(long long *)dsig.senderpub); } else printf("couldnt find senderind.%d height.%d channel.%x\n",dsig.senderind,height,channel); //if ( 0 && bp != 0 ) printf("%s SIG.%d sender.%d lastk.%d mask.%llx siglen.%d recv.%llx\n",coin->symbol,height,dsig.senderind,dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask,dsig.siglen,(long long)bp->recvmask); } else if ( channel == DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL || channel == DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL ) { src_or_dest = (channel == DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL); coin = (src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin; printf("handle txid channel.%x\n",channel); //printf("bp.%p datalen.%d\n",bp,datalen); for (i=0; i<32; i++) srchash.bytes[i] = data[i]; txid = bits256_doublesha256(0,&data[32],datalen-32); init_hexbytes_noT(bp->signedtx,&data[32],datalen-32); printf("signedtx.(%s)\n",bp->signedtx); if ( bits256_cmp(txid,srchash) == 0 ) { printf("verify (%s) it is properly signed! set ht.%d signedtxid to %s\n",coin->symbol,height,bits256_str(str,txid)); if ( src_or_dest != 0 ) { bp->desttxid = txid; bp->state = 1000; dp->destupdated = 0; dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,myind,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,0); //dpow_sigscheck(myinfo,dp,bp,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,myind,0); } else { bp->srctxid = txid; printf("set state COMPLETED\n"); bp->state = 0xffffffff; } } else { init_hexbytes_noT(bp->signedtx,data,datalen); printf("txidchannel txid %s mismatch %s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,srchash),bp->signedtx); bp->signedtx[0] = 0; } } else printf("unhandled channel.%x\n",channel); return(0); } int32_t dpow_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,uint32_t txidchannel,bits256 srchash,int32_t myind) { struct dpow_entry *ep; int32_t i,k,len,src_or_dest,sendutxo = 0; uint8_t data[sizeof(struct dpow_entry)+2]; struct dpow_utxoentry U; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; if ( bp->state < 1000 ) { src_or_dest = 1; if ( (bp->bestk= dpow_bestk(bp,&bp->bestmask)) >= 0 ) { sendutxo = 0; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { k = DPOW_MODIND(bp,i); if ( k == myind ) continue; if ( ((1LL << k) & bp->recvmask) != 0 && (bp->notaries[k].recvmask & (1LL << myind)) == 0 ) { //printf("other notary.%d doesnt have our.%d utxo yet\n",k,myind); sendutxo = 1; break; } } if ( ep->masks[src_or_dest][bp->bestk] == 0 ) dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,(src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,myind,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,src_or_dest); else if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) dpow_sigsend(myinfo,dp,bp,myind,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,srchash,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL); } else sendutxo = 1; if ( sendutxo != 0 ) { memset(&U,0,sizeof(U)); dpow_entry2utxo(&U,bp,&bp->notaries[myind]); if ( (len= dpow_rwutxobuf(1,data,&U,bp)) > 0 ) dpow_send(myinfo,dp,bp,srchash,bp->hashmsg,DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL,bp->height,data,len,bp->utxocrcs); } if ( bp->bestk >= 0 && ep->masks[src_or_dest][bp->bestk] == 0 ) dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,(src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,myind,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,src_or_dest); else if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) dpow_sigsend(myinfo,dp,bp,myind,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,srchash,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL); } else if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { src_or_dest = 0; if ( bp->bestk >= 0 && ep->masks[src_or_dest][bp->bestk] == 0 ) dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,dp,(src_or_dest != 0) ? bp->destcoin : bp->srccoin,bp,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,myind,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,src_or_dest); //else dpow_sigsend(myinfo,bp,myind,bp->bestk,bp->bestmask,srchash,sigchannel); } if ( (rand() % 10) == 0 || bp->isratify != 0 ) { uint64_t sigsmask,srcmask; if ( bp->bestk < 0 ) sigsmask = srcmask = 0; else sigsmask = bp->destsigsmasks[bp->bestk], srcmask = bp->srcsigsmasks[bp->bestk]; printf("[%d] %s isratify.%d ht.%d FSM.%08x masks.%llx best.(%d %llx) sigsmask.%llx %llx src.%llx\n",myind,src_or_dest != 0 ? bp->destcoin->symbol : bp->srccoin->symbol,bp->isratify,bp->height,bp->state,(long long)bp->recvmask,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,(long long)sigsmask,(long long)(sigsmask & bp->bestmask),(long long)srcmask); } if ( bp->state < 1000 && bp->bestk >= 0 && (bp->destsigsmasks[bp->bestk] & bp->bestmask) == bp->bestmask ) { dpow_sigscheck(myinfo,dp,bp,DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL,myind,1); } else if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff && bp->bestk >= 0 && (bp->srcsigsmasks[bp->bestk] & bp->bestmask) == bp->bestmask ) { dpow_sigscheck(myinfo,dp,bp,DPOW_SIGCHANNEL,myind,0); } return(bp->state); } uint32_t dpow_statemachineiterate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t myind,int32_t src_or_dest) { int32_t j,incr; char *opret_symbol,coinaddr[64]; uint32_t channel,sigchannel,txidchannel; bits256 srchash,zero; if ( 0 && bp->numnotaries > 8 ) incr = sqrt(bp->numnotaries) + 1; else incr = 1; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); channel = DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->desttxid) == 0 ) { sigchannel = DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL; txidchannel = DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL; opret_symbol = ""; } else { sigchannel = DPOW_SIGCHANNEL; txidchannel = DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL; opret_symbol = dp->symbol; } bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,dp->minerkey33,33); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashmsg) == 0 && bp->height >= DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY ) return(0); for (j=0; jminerkey33[j+1]; bp->bestk = dpow_bestk(bp,&bp->bestmask); if ( bp->state < 7 ) { dpow_utxosync(myinfo,dp,bp,0,myind,srchash); bp->state++; } else { dpow_update(myinfo,dp,bp,txidchannel,srchash,myind); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->srctxid) != 0 ) bp->state = 0xffffffff; } return(bp->state); } int32_t dpow_checkutxo(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,int32_t *voutp,char *coinaddr) { int32_t haveutxo,completed; bits256 signedtxid; cJSON *addresses; char *rawtx,*sendtx; if ( (haveutxo= dpow_haveutxo(myinfo,coin,txidp,voutp,coinaddr)) <= 10 && time(NULL) > dp->lastsplit+bp->duration ) { addresses = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(addresses,coinaddr); if ( (rawtx= iguana_utxoduplicates(myinfo,coin,dp->minerkey33,DPOW_UTXOSIZE,strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ? 50 : 10,&completed,&signedtxid,0,addresses)) != 0 ) { if ( (sendtx= dpow_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx)) != 0 ) { printf("sendrawtransaction.(%s)\n",sendtx); free(sendtx); } free(rawtx); } free_json(addresses); dp->lastsplit = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( bits256_nonz(*txidp) == 0 ) return(-1); return(haveutxo); } void dpow_statemachinestart(void *ptr) { void **ptrs = ptr; struct supernet_info *myinfo; struct dpow_info *dp; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint; int32_t i,destprevvout0,srcprevvout0,numratified=0,kmdheight,myind = -1; uint8_t pubkeys[64][33]; cJSON *ratified=0,*item; struct iguana_info *src,*dest; char *jsonstr,*handle,*hexstr,str[65],str2[65],srcaddr[64],destaddr[64]; bits256 zero,srchash,destprevtxid0,srcprevtxid0; struct dpow_block *bp; struct dpow_entry *ep = 0; uint32_t duration,minsigs,starttime; memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero)); srcprevtxid0 = destprevtxid0 = zero; srcprevvout0 = destprevvout0 = -1; myinfo = ptrs[0]; dp = ptrs[1]; minsigs = (uint32_t)(long)ptrs[2]; duration = (uint32_t)(long)ptrs[3]; jsonstr = ptrs[4]; kmdheight = -1; memcpy(&checkpoint,&ptrs[5],sizeof(checkpoint)); printf("statemachinestart %s->%s %s ht.%d minsigs.%d duration.%d start.%u\n",dp->symbol,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash),checkpoint.blockhash.height,minsigs,duration,checkpoint.timestamp); src = iguana_coinfind(dp->symbol); dest = iguana_coinfind(dp->dest); if ( strcmp(src->symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) kmdheight = checkpoint.blockhash.height; else if ( strcmp(dest->symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) kmdheight = dest->longestchain; if ( (bp= dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height]) == 0 ) { bp = calloc(1,sizeof(*bp)); bp->minsigs = minsigs; if ( (bp->duration= duration) == DPOW_RATIFYDURATION ) bp->isratify = 1; bp->srccoin = src; bp->destcoin = dest; bp->opret_symbol = dp->symbol; if ( jsonstr != 0 && (ratified= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (numratified= cJSON_GetArraySize(ratified)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; iratified_pubkeys[i],33,hexstr); safecopy(bp->handles[i],handle,sizeof(bp->handles[i])); if ( i == 0 ) { destprevtxid0 = jbits256(item,"destprevtxid0"); destprevvout0 = jint(item,"destprevvout0"); srcprevtxid0 = jbits256(item,"srcprevtxid0"); srcprevvout0 = jint(item,"srcprevvout0"); } } else { printf("break loop hexstr.%p handle.%p\n",hexstr,handle); break; } } if ( i == numratified ) { bp->numratified = numratified; bp->ratified = ratified; printf("numratified.%d %s\n",numratified,jprint(ratified,0)); } else { printf("i.%d numratified.%d\n",i,numratified); free_json(ratified); } } } bp->bestk = -1; dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height] = bp; bp->beacon = rand256(0); vcalc_sha256(0,bp->commit.bytes,bp->beacon.bytes,sizeof(bp->beacon)); if ( checkpoint.blockhash.height >= DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY && dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY] != 0 ) { printf("purge %s.%d\n",dp->dest,checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY); free(dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY]); dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY] = 0; } } bitcoin_address(srcaddr,src->chain->pubtype,dp->minerkey33,33); bitcoin_address(destaddr,dest->chain->pubtype,dp->minerkey33,33); if ( kmdheight >= 0 ) { bp->numnotaries = komodo_notaries(pubkeys,kmdheight); for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { //for (j=0; j<33; j++) // printf("%02x",pubkeys[i][j]); //printf(" <= pubkey[%d]\n",i); memcpy(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,pubkeys[i],33); if ( memcmp(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,dp->minerkey33,33) == 0 ) { myind = i; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; } } if ( myind < 0 || ep == 0 ) { printf("minerkey33-> "); for (i=0; i<33; i++) printf("%02x",dp->minerkey33[i]); printf(" statemachinestart this node %s %s is not official notary numnotaries.%d\n",srcaddr,destaddr,bp->numnotaries); free(ptr); return; } } else { printf("statemachinestart no kmdheight.%d\n",kmdheight); free(ptr); return; } printf(" myind.%d myaddr.(%s %s)\n",myind,srcaddr,destaddr); if ( myind == 0 && bits256_nonz(destprevtxid0) != 0 && bits256_nonz(srcprevtxid0) != 0 && destprevvout0 >= 0 && srcprevvout0 >= 0 ) { ep->dest.prev_hash = destprevtxid0; ep->dest.prev_vout = destprevvout0; ep->src.prev_hash = srcprevtxid0; ep->src.prev_vout = srcprevvout0; printf("Use override utxo %s/v%d %s/v%d\n",bits256_str(str,destprevtxid0),destprevvout0,bits256_str(str2,srcprevtxid0),srcprevvout0); } else { if ( dpow_checkutxo(myinfo,dp,bp,bp->destcoin,&ep->dest.prev_hash,&ep->dest.prev_vout,destaddr) < 0 ) { printf("dont have %s %s utxo, please send funds\n",dp->dest,destaddr); free(ptr); return; } if ( dpow_checkutxo(myinfo,dp,bp,bp->srccoin,&ep->src.prev_hash,&ep->src.prev_vout,srcaddr) < 0 ) { printf("dont have %s %s utxo, please send funds\n",dp->symbol,srcaddr); free(ptr); return; } } bp->recvmask |= (1LL << myind); bp->notaries[myind].othermask |= (1LL << myind); dp->checkpoint = checkpoint; bp->height = checkpoint.blockhash.height; bp->timestamp = checkpoint.timestamp; bp->hashmsg = checkpoint.blockhash.hash; while ( bp->isratify == 0 && dp->destupdated == 0 ) { if ( dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height > checkpoint.blockhash.height ) { printf("abort ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height); return; } sleep(1); } if ( (starttime= checkpoint.timestamp) == 0 ) starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("isratify.%d DPOW.%s statemachine checkpoint.%d %s start.%u\n",bp->isratify,src->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash),checkpoint.timestamp); for (i=0; iminerkey33[i+1]; dpow_utxosync(myinfo,dp,bp,0,myind,srchash); while ( time(NULL) < starttime+bp->duration && src != 0 && dest != 0 && bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { sleep(2); if ( dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height > checkpoint.blockhash.height ) { if ( bp->isratify == 0 ) { printf("abort ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height); break; } else { bp->bestk = -1; bp->bestmask = 0; bp->height = ((dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height / 10) % (DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY/10)) * 10; printf("new rotation ht.%d\n",bp->height); } } if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { //printf("dp->ht.%d ht.%d DEST.%08x %s\n",dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height,checkpoint.blockhash.height,deststate,bits256_str(str,srchash.hash)); bp->state = dpow_statemachineiterate(myinfo,dp,dest,bp,myind,1); } if ( dp->cancelratify != 0 && bp->isratify != 0 ) { printf("abort pending ratify\n"); break; } } printf("state machine ht.%d completed state.%x %s.%s %s.%s recvmask.%llx\n",bp->height,bp->state,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,bp->desttxid),dp->symbol,bits256_str(str2,bp->srctxid),(long long)bp->recvmask); dp->lastrecvmask = bp->recvmask; free(ptr); }