// // obsolete.h // pnacl // // Created by jimbo laptop on 10/27/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 jl777. All rights reserved. // #ifndef pnacl_obsolete_h #define pnacl_obsolete_h if ( 0 ) { sleep(3); char *str,*jsonstr = clonestr("{\"plugin\":\"relay\",\"method\":\"busdata\"}"); uint32_t nonce; if ( (str= busdata_sync(&nonce,jsonstr,"allnodes",0)) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"busdata.(%s)\n",str); free(str); } else printf("null return from busdata sync.(%s)\n",jsonstr); getchar();exit(1); } int32_t nn_stripctrl(int32_t *clenp,uint8_t *ctrl,int32_t ctrlsize,uint8_t *buf) { int32_t clen,offset; offset = 1; if ( (clen= buf[0]) > 0 ) { if ( clen == 0xfd ) { clen = buf[1] | (buf[2] << 8); offset += 2; } printf("nn_stripctrl: clen.%d offset.%d\n",clen,offset); if ( clen > ctrlsize ) { printf("too much control data.%d vs %d, truncate\n",clen,(int32_t)sizeof(ctrl)); memcpy(ctrl,&buf[offset],ctrlsize); *clenp = ctrlsize; errno = MSG_CTRUNC; } else { memcpy(ctrl,&buf[offset],clen); *clenp = clen; } //printf("copied (%d).%d bytes of control from nbytes.%d\n",clen,offset-clen,(int32_t)nbytes); } else *clenp = 0; offset += clen; return(offset); } static bool nc_conn_ip_active(struct net_child_info *nci,const unsigned char *ip) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nci->conns->len; i++) { struct nc_conn *conn; conn = parr_idx(nci->conns, i); if (!memcmp(conn->peer.addr.ip, ip, 16)) return true; } return false; } static bool nc_conn_group_active(struct net_child_info *nci,const struct peer *peer) { // FIXME return false; unsigned int group_len = peer->group_len; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nci->conns->len; i++) { struct nc_conn *conn; conn = parr_idx(nci->conns, i); if ((group_len == conn->peer.group_len) && !memcmp(peer->group, conn->peer.group, group_len)) return true; } return false; } static struct nc_conn *nc_conn_new(const struct peer *peer) { struct nc_conn *conn; conn = calloc(1, sizeof(*conn)); if (!conn) return NULL; conn->fd = -1; peer_copy(&conn->peer, peer); bn_address_str(conn->addr_str, sizeof(conn->addr_str), conn->peer.addr.ip); return conn; } static void nc_conn_kill(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { assert(conn->dead == false); conn->dead = true; event_base_loopbreak(conn->nci->eb); } static void nc_conn_free(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (!conn) return; if (conn->write_q) { clist *tmp = conn->write_q; while (tmp) { struct buffer *buf; buf = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; free(buf->p); free(buf); } clist_free(conn->write_q); } if (conn->ev) { event_del(conn->ev); event_free(conn->ev); } if (conn->write_ev) { event_del(conn->write_ev); event_free(conn->write_ev); } if (conn->fd >= 0) close(conn->fd); free(conn->msg.data); memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); free(conn); } static bool nc_conn_start(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { char errpfx[64]; /* create socket */ printf("start connection.(%s)\n",conn->addr_str); conn->ipv4 = is_ipv4_mapped(conn->peer.addr.ip); conn->fd = socket(conn->ipv4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if ( conn->fd < 0 ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } /* set non-blocking */ int flags = fcntl(conn->fd,F_GETFL,0); if ( (flags < 0) || (fcntl(conn->fd,F_SETFL,flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket fcntl %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } struct sockaddr *saddr; struct sockaddr_in6 saddr6; struct sockaddr_in saddr4; socklen_t saddr_len; /* fill out connect(2) address */ if (conn->ipv4) { memset(&saddr4, 0, sizeof(saddr4)); saddr4.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&saddr4.sin_addr.s_addr,&conn->peer.addr.ip[12],4); saddr4.sin_port = htons(conn->peer.addr.port); saddr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr4; saddr_len = sizeof(saddr4); } else { memset(&saddr6, 0, sizeof(saddr6)); saddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&saddr6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,&conn->peer.addr.ip[0], 16); saddr6.sin6_port = htons(conn->peer.addr.port); saddr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr6; saddr_len = sizeof(saddr6); } // initiate TCP connection if ( connect(conn->fd,saddr,saddr_len) < 0 ) { if ( errno != EINPROGRESS ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket connect %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } } return true; } static bool nc_conn_got_header(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { parse_message_hdr(&conn->msg.hdr, conn->hdrbuf); unsigned int data_len = conn->msg.hdr.data_len; if (data_len > (16 * 1024 * 1024)) { free(conn->msg.data); conn->msg.data = NULL; return false; } conn->msg.data = malloc(data_len); /* switch to read-body state */ conn->msg_p = conn->msg.data; conn->expected = data_len; conn->reading_hdr = false; return true; } static bool nc_conn_got_msg(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (!message_valid(&conn->msg)) { fprintf(nci->plog, "llnet: %s invalid message\n",conn->addr_str); return false; } if (!nc_conn_message(nci,conn)) return false; free(conn->msg.data); conn->msg.data = NULL; /* switch to read-header state */ conn->msg_p = conn->hdrbuf; conn->expected = P2P_HDR_SZ; conn->reading_hdr = true; return true; } static void nc_conn_read_evt(int fd, short events, void *priv) { struct nc_conn *conn = priv; struct net_child_info *nci = conn->nci; ssize_t rrc = read(fd, conn->msg_p, conn->expected); if (rrc <= 0) { if (rrc < 0) fprintf(nci->plog, "llnet: %s read: %s\n",conn->addr_str,strerror(errno)); else fprintf(nci->plog, "llnet: %s read EOF\n", conn->addr_str); goto err_out; } conn->msg_p += rrc; conn->expected -= rrc; /* execute our state machine at most twice */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (conn->expected == 0) { if (conn->reading_hdr) { if (!nc_conn_got_header(nci,conn)) goto err_out; } else { if (!nc_conn_got_msg(nci,conn)) goto err_out; } } } return; err_out: nc_conn_kill(nci,conn); } static cstring *nc_version_build(struct net_child_info *nci) { struct msg_version mv; msg_version_init(&mv); mv.nVersion = PROTO_VERSION; mv.nServices = nci->blocks_fp != 0 ? NODE_NETWORK : 0; mv.nTime = (int64_t)time(NULL); mv.nonce = nci->instance_nonce; sprintf(mv.strSubVer,"/nano/"); mv.nStartingHeight = nci->db.best_chain ? nci->db.best_chain->height : 0; cstring *rs = ser_msg_version(&mv); msg_version_free(&mv); return rs; } static bool nc_conn_read_enable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (conn->ev) return true; conn->ev = event_new(conn->nci->eb, conn->fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST,(void *)nc_conn_read_evt, conn); if (!conn->ev) return false; if (event_add(conn->ev, NULL) != 0) { event_free(conn->ev); conn->ev = NULL; return false; } return true; } static bool nc_conn_read_disable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (!conn->ev) return true; event_del(conn->ev); event_free(conn->ev); conn->ev = NULL; return true; } static bool nc_conn_write_enable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (conn->write_ev) return true; conn->write_ev = event_new(conn->nci->eb, conn->fd,EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST,(void *)nc_conn_write_evt, conn); if (!conn->write_ev) return false; if (event_add(conn->write_ev, NULL) != 0) { event_free(conn->write_ev); conn->write_ev = NULL; return false; } return true; } static bool nc_conn_write_disable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (!conn->write_ev) return true; event_del(conn->write_ev); event_free(conn->write_ev); conn->write_ev = NULL; return true; } static void nc_conn_evt_connected(int fd, short events, void *priv) { struct nc_conn *conn = priv; struct net_child_info *nci = conn->nci; if ((events & EV_WRITE) == 0) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: %s connection timeout\n", conn->addr_str); goto err_out; } int err = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof(err); /* check success of connect(2) */ if ((getsockopt(conn->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &len) < 0) || (err != 0)) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: connect %s failed: %s\n",conn->addr_str, strerror(err)); goto err_out; } if (nci->debugging) fprintf(nci->plog, "net: connected to %s\n", conn->addr_str); conn->connected = true; /* clear event used for watching connect(2) */ event_free(conn->ev); conn->ev = NULL; /* build and send "version" message */ cstring *msg_data = nc_version_build(nci); bool rc = nc_conn_send(nci,conn, "version", msg_data->str, msg_data->len); cstr_free(msg_data, true); if (!rc) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: %s !conn_send\n", conn->addr_str); goto err_out; } /* switch to read-header state */ conn->msg_p = conn->hdrbuf; conn->expected = P2P_HDR_SZ; conn->reading_hdr = true; if (!nc_conn_read_enable(nci,conn)) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: %s read not enabled\n", conn->addr_str); goto err_out; } return; err_out: nc_conn_kill(nci,conn); } static void nc_conns_gc(struct net_child_info *nci, bool free_all) { clist *dead = NULL; unsigned int n_gc = 0; /* build list of dead connections */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nci->conns->len; i++) { struct nc_conn *conn = parr_idx(nci->conns, i); if (free_all || conn->dead) dead = clist_prepend(dead, conn); } /* remove and free dead connections */ clist *tmp = dead; while (tmp) { struct nc_conn *conn = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; parr_remove(nci->conns, conn); nc_conn_free(nci,conn); n_gc++; } clist_free(dead); if (nci->debugging) fprintf(nci->plog, "net: gc'd %u connections\n", n_gc); } static void nc_conns_open(struct net_child_info *nci) { if (nci->debugging) fprintf(nci->plog, "net: open connections (have %zu, want %zu more)\n",nci->conns->len,NC_MAX_CONN - nci->conns->len); printf("nc_conns_open\n"); while ((bp_hashtab_size(nci->peers->map_addr) > 0) && (nci->conns->len < NC_MAX_CONN)) { // delete peer from front of address list. it will be re-added before writing peer file, if successful struct peer *peer = peerman_pop(nci->peers); struct nc_conn *conn = nc_conn_new(peer); conn->nci = nci; peer_free(peer); free(peer); fprintf(stderr, "net: connecting to [%s]\n",conn->addr_str); if (nc_conn_ip_active(nci, conn->peer.addr.ip)) // are we already connected to this IP? { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: already connected to %s\n",conn->addr_str); goto err_loop; } if (nc_conn_group_active(nci, &conn->peer)) // are we already connected to this network group? { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: already grouped to %s\n",conn->addr_str); goto err_loop; } if (!nc_conn_start(nci,conn)) // initiate non-blocking connect(2) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: failed to start connection to %s\n",conn->addr_str); goto err_loop; } // add to our list of monitored event sources conn->ev = event_new(nci->eb, conn->fd, EV_WRITE,(void *)nc_conn_evt_connected, conn); if ( !conn->ev ) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: event_new failed on %s\n",conn->addr_str); goto err_loop; } struct timeval timeout = { net_conn_timeout, }; if (event_add(conn->ev, &timeout) != 0) { fprintf(nci->plog, "net: event_add failed on %s\n",conn->addr_str); goto err_loop; } parr_add(nci->conns, conn); // add to our list of active connections continue; err_loop: nc_conn_kill(nci,conn); } } static void nc_conns_process(struct net_child_info *nci) { nc_conns_gc(nci, false); nc_conns_open(nci); } static bool parse_kvstr(const char *s, char **key, char **value) { char *eql; eql = strchr(s, '='); if (eql) { uint32_t keylen = (uint32_t)((long)eql - (long)s); *key = strndup(s, keylen); *value = strdup(s + keylen + 1); } else { *key = strdup(s); *value = strdup(""); } /* blank keys forbidden; blank values permitted */ if (!strlen(*key)) { free(*key); free(*value); *key = NULL; *value = NULL; return false; } return true; } static bool read_config_file(struct net_child_info *nci,const char *cfg_fn) { FILE *cfg = fopen(cfg_fn, "r"); if (!cfg) return false; bool rc = false; char line[1024]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), cfg) != NULL) { char *key, *value; if (line[0] == '#') continue; while (line[0] && (isspace(line[strlen(line) - 1]))) line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; if (!parse_kvstr(line, &key, &value)) continue; bp_hashtab_put(nci->settings, key, value); } rc = ferror(cfg) == 0; fclose(cfg); return rc; } static bool do_setting(struct net_child_info *nci,const char *arg) { char *key, *value; if (!parse_kvstr(arg, &key, &value)) return false; bp_hashtab_put(nci->settings, key, value); // trigger special setting-specific behaviors if (!strcmp(key, "debug")) nci->debugging = true; else if (!strcmp(key, "config") || !strcmp(key, "c")) return read_config_file(nci,value); return true; } static bool preload_settings(struct net_child_info *nci) { unsigned int i; /* preload static settings */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(const_settings); i++) if (!do_setting(nci,const_settings[i])) return false; return true; } /*unsigned int arg; for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) { const char *argstr = argv[arg]; if ( do_setting(nci,argstr) == 0 ) return 1; }*/ /* * properly capture TERM and other signals */ static void nc_conn_write_evt(int fd, short events, void *priv) { struct nc_conn *conn = priv; struct iovec *iov = NULL; unsigned int iov_len = 0; struct net_child_info *nci = conn->nci; /* build list of outgoing data buffers */ nc_conn_build_iov(conn->write_q, conn->write_partial, &iov, &iov_len); printf("send data to network\n"); /* send data to network */ ssize_t wrc = mywritev(conn->fd, iov, iov_len); free(iov); if (wrc < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) goto err_out; return; } /* handle partially and fully completed buffers */ nc_conn_written(conn, wrc); /* thaw read, if write fully drained */ if (!conn->write_q) { nc_conn_write_disable(nci,conn); nc_conn_read_enable(nci,conn); } return; err_out: nc_conn_kill(nci,conn); } static void nc_conn_build_iov(clist *write_q, unsigned int partial,struct iovec **iov_, unsigned int *iov_len_) { *iov_ = NULL; *iov_len_ = 0; unsigned int i, iov_len = (uint32_t)clist_length(write_q); struct iovec *iov = calloc(iov_len, sizeof(struct iovec)); clist *tmp = write_q; i = 0; while (tmp) { struct buffer *buf = tmp->data; iov[i].iov_base = buf->p; iov[i].iov_len = buf->len; if (i == 0) { iov[0].iov_base += partial; iov[0].iov_len -= partial; } tmp = tmp->next; i++; } *iov_ = iov; *iov_len_ = iov_len; } static void nc_conn_written(struct nc_conn *conn, size_t bytes) { while (bytes > 0) { clist *tmp; struct buffer *buf; uint32_t left; tmp = conn->write_q; buf = tmp->data; left = (uint32_t)(buf->len - conn->write_partial); /* buffer fully written; free */ if (bytes >= left) { free(buf->p); free(buf); conn->write_partial = 0; conn->write_q = clist_delete(tmp, tmp); bytes -= left; } /* buffer partially written; store state */ else { conn->write_partial += bytes; break; } } } ssize_t mywritev(int fildes, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) { int i; int32_t bytes_written = 0; for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { int len = (int32_t)send(fildes,iov[i].iov_base,iov[i].iov_len,0); if (len < 0) { //DWORD err = GetLastError(); //errno = ewin_to_posix_error(err); bytes_written = -1; break; } bytes_written += len; } return bytes_written; } static bool nc_msg_version(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (conn->seen_version) return false; conn->seen_version = true; struct const_buffer buf = { conn->msg.data, conn->msg.hdr.data_len }; struct msg_version mv; bool rc = false; msg_version_init(&mv); if (!deser_msg_version(&mv, &buf)) goto out; if (nci->debugging) { char fromstr[64], tostr[64]; bn_address_str(fromstr, sizeof(fromstr), mv.addrFrom.ip); bn_address_str(tostr, sizeof(tostr), mv.addrTo.ip); fprintf(nci->plog, "net: %s version(%u, 0x%llx, %lld, To:%s, From:%s, %s, %u)\n", conn->addr_str, mv.nVersion, (unsigned long long) mv.nServices, (long long) mv.nTime, tostr, fromstr, mv.strSubVer, mv.nStartingHeight); } if (!(mv.nServices & NODE_NETWORK)) /* require NODE_NETWORK */ goto out; if (mv.nonce == nci->instance_nonce) /* connected to ourselves? */ goto out; conn->protover = (mv.nVersion < PROTO_VERSION) ? mv.nVersion : PROTO_VERSION; /* acknowledge version receipt */ if (!nc_conn_send(nci,conn, "verack", NULL, 0)) goto out; rc = true; out: msg_version_free(&mv); return rc; } static bool nc_conn_send(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn, const char *command,const void *data, size_t data_len) { /* build wire message */ cstring *msg = message_str(nci->chain->netmagic, command, data, (uint32_t)data_len); if (!msg) return false; /* buffer now owns message data */ struct buffer *buf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct buffer)); buf->p = msg->str; buf->len = msg->len; cstr_free(msg, false); /* if write q exists, write_evt will handle output */ if (conn->write_q) { conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q, buf); return true; } /* attempt optimistic write */ ssize_t wrc = write(conn->fd, buf->p, buf->len); if (wrc < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { free(buf->p); free(buf); return false; } conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q, buf); goto out_wrstart; } /* message fully sent */ if (wrc == buf->len) { free(buf->p); free(buf); return true; } /* message partially sent; pause read; poll for writable */ conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q, buf); conn->write_partial = (uint32_t)wrc; out_wrstart: nc_conn_read_disable(nci,conn); nc_conn_write_enable(nci,conn); return true; } static void init_daemon(struct net_child_info *nci,char *coin) { strcpy(nci->coin,coin); //init_log(nci); //init_blkdb(nci); //printf("utxo\n"); //bp_utxo_set_init(&nci->uset); //printf("init_blocks\n"); //init_blocks(nci); //printf("init_orphans\n"); init_orphans(nci); //readprep_blocks_file(nci); init_nci(nci); } int32_t iguana_verack(struct net_child_info *nci,struct bp_address *addr) { struct msg_getblocks gb; int32_t rc,numsent; time_t now,cutoff; cstring *s,*msg; if ( addr->seen_verack ) { printf("addr->seen_verack %d\n",addr->seen_verack); return(-1); } addr->seen_verack = 1; addr->nTime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->n_ok++; //peerman_add(conn->nci->peers, &conn->peer,true); if ( addr->protover >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION ) { msg = message_str(nci->chain->netmagic,"getaddr",NULL,0); if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(addr->usock,msg->str,msg->len,0)) != msg->len ) { cstr_free(msg,true); return -1; } cstr_free(msg,true); } else printf("protover.%d vs %d CADDR_TIME_VERSION\n",addr->protover,CADDR_TIME_VERSION); rc = 0; now = time(NULL); cutoff = now - (24 * 60 * 60); if ( nci->last_getblocks < cutoff ) { msg_getblocks_init(&gb); blkdb_locator(&nci->db,NULL,&gb.locator); s = ser_msg_getblocks(&gb); oldsend_getblocks(nci); msg = message_str(nci->chain->netmagic,"getblocks",s->str,(uint32_t)s->len); cstr_free(s,true); msg_getblocks_free(&gb); nci->last_getblocks = now; } return(rc); } static void init_peers(struct net_child_info *nci) { struct peer_manager *peers = 0; peers = peerman_read(setting(nci,"peers")); printf("init_peers.%p\n",peers); if (!peers) { PostMessage( "net: initializing empty peer list\n"); peers = peerman_seed(nci->chain->default_port,1,1);//setting(nci,"dns") != 0 ? true : false,nci->debugging); if ( !peerman_write(nci->chain,peers,setting(nci,"peers"),nci->debugging) ) { PostMessage( "net: failed to write peer list\n"); exit(1); } } char *addnode = setting(nci,"addnode"); if (addnode) peerman_addstr(nci->chain->default_port,peers,addnode,nci->debugging); peerman_sort(peers); if (nci->debugging) PostMessage( "net: have %u/%zu peers\n",bp_hashtab_size(peers->map_addr),clist_length(peers->addrlist)); nci->peers = peers; } static void init_nci(struct net_child_info *nci) { nci->read_fd = -1; nci->write_fd = -1; //nci->blocks_fd = -1; //init_peers(nci); nci->conns = parr_new(NC_MAX_CONN, NULL); //nci->eb = event_base_new(); nci->daemon_running = true; } void oldsend_getblocks(struct net_child_info *nci) { struct msg_getblocks gb; msg_getblocks_init(&gb); blkdb_locator(&nci->db, NULL, &gb.locator); cstring *s = ser_msg_getblocks(&gb); printf("oldsend_getblocks\n"); nc_conn_send(nci,0, "getblocks", s->str, s->len); cstr_free(s, true); msg_getblocks_free(&gb); } static bool nc_msg_inv(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { struct const_buffer buf = { conn->msg.data, conn->msg.hdr.data_len }; struct msg_vinv mv, mv_out; bool rc = false; msg_vinv_init(&mv); msg_vinv_init(&mv_out); if (!deser_msg_vinv(&mv, &buf)) goto out; if (nci->debugging && mv.invs && mv.invs->len == 1) { struct bp_inv *inv = parr_idx(mv.invs, 0); char hexstr[BU256_STRSZ]; bu256_hex(hexstr, &inv->hash); char typestr[32]; switch (inv->type) { case MSG_TX: strcpy(typestr, "tx"); break; case MSG_BLOCK: strcpy(typestr, "block"); break; default: sprintf(typestr, "unknown 0x%x", inv->type); break; } PostMessage( "net: %s inv %s %s\n",conn->addr_str, typestr, hexstr); } else if (nci->debugging && mv.invs) PostMessage( "net: %s inv (%zu sz)\n",conn->addr_str, mv.invs->len); if (!mv.invs || !mv.invs->len) goto out_ok; /* scan incoming inv's for interesting material */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < mv.invs->len; i++) { struct bp_inv *inv = parr_idx(mv.invs, i); switch (inv->type) { case MSG_BLOCK: if (!blkdb_lookup(&nci->db, &inv->hash) && !have_orphan(nci,&inv->hash)) msg_vinv_push(&mv_out, MSG_BLOCK, &inv->hash); break; case MSG_TX: default: break; } } /* send getdata, if they have anything we want */ if (mv_out.invs && mv_out.invs->len) { cstring *s = ser_msg_vinv(&mv_out); rc = nc_conn_send(nci,conn, "getdata", s->str, s->len); cstr_free(s, true); } out_ok: rc = true; out: msg_vinv_free(&mv); msg_vinv_free(&mv_out); return rc; } ssize_t fwritev(FILE *fp,const struct iovec *iov,int iovcnt) { int i; int32_t bytes_written = 0; fprintf(stderr,"fwritev.%d from %ld: ",iovcnt,(long)ftell(fp)); for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { int len = (int32_t)fwrite(iov[i].iov_base,1,iov[i].iov_len,fp); if ( len != iov[i].iov_len ) { printf("len.%d != %d iov[i].iov_len\n",len,(int32_t)iov[i].iov_len); //DWORD err = GetLastError(); //errno = ewin_to_posix_error(err); bytes_written = -1; break; } bytes_written += len; } fprintf(stderr,"%d bytes\n",bytes_written); return bytes_written; } static bool nc_msg_verack(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { if (conn->seen_verack) return false; conn->seen_verack = true; if (nci->debugging) PostMessage( "net: %s verack\n",conn->addr_str); /* * When a connection attempt is made, the peer is deleted * from the peer list. When we successfully connect, * the peer is re-added. Thus, peers are immediately * forgotten if they fail, on the first try. */ conn->peer.last_ok = time(NULL); conn->peer.n_ok++; conn->peer.addr.nTime = (uint32_t) conn->peer.last_ok; peerman_add(conn->nci->peers, &conn->peer, true); /* request peer addresses */ if ((conn->protover >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION) && (!nc_conn_send(nci,conn, "getaddr", NULL, 0))) return false; /* request blocks */ bool rc = true; time_t now = time(NULL); time_t cutoff = now - (24 * 60 * 60); if (conn->nci->last_getblocks < cutoff) { struct msg_getblocks gb; msg_getblocks_init(&gb); blkdb_locator(&nci->db, NULL, &gb.locator); cstring *s = ser_msg_getblocks(&gb); rc = nc_conn_send(nci,conn, "getblocks", s->str, s->len); cstr_free(s, true); msg_getblocks_free(&gb); conn->nci->last_getblocks = now; } return rc; } static bool nc_conn_send(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn, const char *command,const void *data, size_t data_len) { int32_t i; cstring *msg = message_str(nci->chain->netmagic, command, data, (uint32_t)data_len); for (i=0; i<msg->len; i++) printf("%02x ",msg->str[i] & 0xff); printf("nc_conn_send cmd.(%s) len.%d\n",command,(int32_t)msg->len); return(0); } static bool nc_msg_addr(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { struct const_buffer buf = { conn->msg.data, conn->msg.hdr.data_len }; struct msg_addr ma; bool rc = false; msg_addr_init(&ma); if (!deser_msg_addr(conn->protover, &ma, &buf)) goto out; unsigned int i; time_t cutoff = time(NULL) - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); if (nci->debugging) { unsigned int old = 0; for (i = 0; i < ma.addrs->len; i++) { struct bp_address *addr = parr_idx(ma.addrs, i); if (addr->nTime < cutoff) old++; } PostMessage( "net: %s addr(%zu addresses, %u old)\n",conn->addr_str, ma.addrs->len, old); } /* ignore ancient addresses */ if (conn->protover < CADDR_TIME_VERSION) goto out_ok; /* feed addresses to peer manager */ for (i = 0; i < ma.addrs->len; i++) { struct bp_address *addr = parr_idx(ma.addrs, i); if (addr->nTime > cutoff) peerman_add_addr(conn->nci->peers, addr, false); } out_ok: rc = true; out: msg_addr_free(&ma); return rc; } /*libevent stubs #define EV_READ 1 #define EV_WRITE 2 #define EV_PERSIST 4 struct event *event_new(struct event_base *evbase,int32_t fd,int32_t flags,void *funcp,void *conn) { return(0); } void event_base_loopbreak(struct event_base *evbase) {} void event_base_dispatch(struct event_base *evbase) {} void event_base_free(struct event_base *evbase) {} struct event_base *event_base_new() { return(0); } void event_del(struct event *ev) {} void event_free(struct event *ev) {} int32_t event_add(struct event *ev,struct timeval *tval) { return(-1); } // end stubs */ enum { NC_MAX_CONN = 8, }; //static unsigned int net_conn_timeout = 11; /* static void nc_conn_kill(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn); static bool nc_conn_read_enable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn); static bool nc_conn_read_disable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn); static bool nc_conn_write_enable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn); static bool nc_conn_write_disable(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn);*/ static bool nc_conn_message(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { char *command = conn->msg.hdr.command; /* verify correct network */ printf("got message.(%s)\n",command); if (memcmp(conn->msg.hdr.netmagic, nci->chain->netmagic, 4)) { PostMessage( "net: %s invalid network\n",conn->addr_str); return false; } /* incoming message: version */ //if ( !strncmp(command,"version",12) ) // return nc_msg_version(nci,conn); /* "version" must be first message */ if (!conn->seen_version) { PostMessage( "net: %s 'version' not first\n",conn->addr_str); return false; } /* incoming message: verack */ if (!strncmp(command,"verack",12)) return nc_msg_verack(nci,conn); /* "verack" must be second message */ if (!conn->seen_verack) { PostMessage( "net: %s 'verack' not second\n",conn->addr_str); return false; } /* incoming message: addr */ if (!strncmp(command, "addr", 12)) return nc_msg_addr(nci,conn); /* incoming message: inv */ else if (!strncmp(command, "inv", 12)) return nc_msg_inv(nci,conn); /* incoming message: block */ else if (!strncmp(command, "block", 12)) return nc_msg_block(nci,conn); if (nci->debugging) PostMessage( "net: %s unknown message %s\n",conn->addr_str,command); /* ignore unknown messages */ return true; } static void init_log(struct net_child_info *nci) { char *log_fn = setting(nci,"log"); if (!log_fn || !strcmp(log_fn, "-")) nci->plog = stdout; else { nci->plog = fopen(log_fn, "a"); if (!nci->plog) { perror(log_fn); exit(1); } } setvbuf(nci->plog, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ); } static void init_blkdb(struct net_child_info *nci) { if (!blkdb_init(&nci->db, nci->chain->netmagic, &nci->chain_genesis)) { PostMessage( "blkdb init failed\n"); exit(1); } char *blkdb_fn = 0;//setting(nci,"blkdb"); if (!blkdb_fn) return; if ((access(blkdb_fn, F_OK) == 0) && !blkdb_read(nci->chain->hastimestamp,&nci->db, blkdb_fn)) { PostMessage( "blkdb read failed\n"); exit(1); } if ( (nci->db.fp= fopen(blkdb_fn,"rb+")) == 0 ) nci->db.fp= fopen(blkdb_fn,"wb+"); if ( nci->db.fp == 0 ) { PostMessage( "blkdb file open failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } //nci->db.fd = open(blkdb_fn,O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE, 0666); //if (nci->db.fd < 0) { // PostMessage( "blkdb file open failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); // exit(1); //} } static void init_blocks(struct net_child_info *nci) { char blocks_fn[512]; sprintf(blocks_fn,"%s.blocks",nci->coin); if ( (nci->blocks_fp= fopen(blocks_fn,"rb+")) == 0 )// O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE, 0666); nci->blocks_fp = fopen(blocks_fn,"wb+"); if ( nci->blocks_fp == 0 ) { PostMessage( "blocks file open failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } fseek(nci->blocks_fp,0,SEEK_END); off64_t flen = ftell(nci->blocks_fp); printf("opened.(%s) flen.%llu\n",blocks_fn,(long long)flen); if ( flen == (off64_t)-1 ) { PostMessage( "blocks file lseek64 failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ( flen == 0 ) init_block0(nci); } static void shutdown_daemon(struct net_child_info *nci) { if ( nci->blocks_fp != 0 ) fclose(nci->blocks_fp); bool rc = peerman_write(nci->chain,nci->peers,setting(nci,"peers"),nci->debugging); PostMessage( "net: %s %u/%zu peers\n",rc ? "wrote" : "failed to write",bp_hashtab_size(nci->peers->map_addr),clist_length(nci->peers->addrlist)); if ( nci->plog != stdout && nci->plog != stderr ) { fclose(nci->plog); nci->plog = NULL; } if ( setting(nci,"free") ) { shutdown_nci(nci); bp_hashtab_unref(nci->orphans); bp_hashtab_unref(nci->settings); blkdb_free(&nci->db); bp_utxo_set_free(&nci->uset); } } static bool nc_msg_block(struct net_child_info *nci,struct nc_conn *conn) { struct const_buffer buf = { conn->msg.data, conn->msg.hdr.data_len }; struct iovec iov[2]; char hexstr[BU256_STRSZ]; struct bp_block block; bool rc = false; bp_block_init(&block); if ( !deser_bp_block(nci->chain->hastimestamp,&block,&buf) ) goto out; bp_block_calc_sha256(&block); bu256_hex(hexstr,&block.sha256); if ( nci->debugging ) PostMessage("net: %s block %s\n",conn->addr_str,hexstr); if ( !bp_block_valid(&block) ) { PostMessage("net: %s invalid block %s\n",conn->addr_str,hexstr); goto out; } if ( blkdb_lookup(&nci->db,&block.sha256) || have_orphan(nci,&block.sha256) ) goto out_ok; iov[0].iov_base = &conn->msg.hdr; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(conn->msg.hdr); iov[1].iov_base = (void *)buf.p; iov[1].iov_len = conn->msg.hdr.data_len; printf("hdr.%d len.%d\n",(int32_t)sizeof(conn->msg.hdr),(int32_t)buf.len); size_t total_write = iov[0].iov_len + iov[1].iov_len; //off64_t fpos64 = lseek64(nci->blocks_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); //fseek(nci->blocks_fp, 0, SEEK_CUR); off64_t fpos64 = ftell(nci->blocks_fp); if ( fpos64 == (off64_t)-1 ) { PostMessage( "blocks: lseek64 failed %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto out; } //errno = 0; ssize_t bwritten = fwritev(nci->blocks_fp,iov,ARRAY_SIZE(iov)); if ( bwritten != total_write ) { PostMessage( "blocks: write failed %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto out; } if ( !process_block(nci,&block,fpos64) ) { PostMessage( "blocks: process-block failed\n"); goto out; } out_ok: rc = true; out: bp_block_free(&block); return rc; } static bool spend_tx(bool script_verf,struct bp_utxo_set *uset, const struct bp_tx *tx,unsigned int tx_idx, unsigned int height) { bool is_coinbase = (tx_idx == 0); struct bp_utxo *coin; int64_t total_in = 0, total_out = 0; unsigned int i; /* verify and spend this transaction's inputs */ if (!is_coinbase) { for (i = 0; i < tx->vin->len; i++) { struct bp_txin *txin; struct bp_txout *txout; txin = parr_idx(tx->vin, i); coin = bp_utxo_lookup(uset, &txin->prevout.hash); if (!coin || !coin->vout) return false; if (coin->is_coinbase && ((coin->height + COINBASE_MATURITY) > height)) return false; txout = NULL; if (txin->prevout.n >= coin->vout->len) return false; txout = parr_idx(coin->vout, txin->prevout.n); total_in += txout->nValue; if (script_verf && !bp_verify_sig(coin, tx, i, /* SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH */ 0, 0)) return false; if (!bp_utxo_spend(uset, &txin->prevout)) return false; } } for (i = 0; i < tx->vout->len; i++) { struct bp_txout *txout; txout = parr_idx(tx->vout, i); total_out += txout->nValue; } if (!is_coinbase) { if (total_out > total_in) return false; } /* copy-and-convert a tx into a UTXO */ coin = calloc(1, sizeof(*coin)); bp_utxo_init(coin); if (!bp_utxo_from_tx(coin, tx, is_coinbase, height)) return false; /* add unspent outputs to set */ bp_utxo_set_add(uset, coin); return true; } static bool spend_block(struct net_child_info *nci,const struct bp_block *block,unsigned int height) { struct bp_tx *tx; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < block->vtx->len; i++) { tx = parr_idx(block->vtx, i); if (!spend_tx(nci->script_verf,&nci->uset, tx, i, height)) { char hexstr[BU256_STRSZ]; bu256_hex(hexstr, &tx->sha256); PostMessage( "brd: spent_block tx fail %s\n", hexstr); return false; } } return true; } static bool process_block(struct net_child_info *nci,const struct bp_block *block,int64_t fpos) { struct blkdb_reorg reorg; struct blkinfo *bi = bi_new(); fprintf(stderr,"process_block sha256 %llx\n",*(long long *)&block->sha256); bu256_copy(&bi->hash, &block->sha256); bp_block_copy_hdr(&bi->hdr, block); bi->n_file = 0; bi->n_pos = fpos; if ( blkdb_add(&nci->db,bi,&reorg) == 0 ) { PostMessage( "brd: blkdb add fail fpos.%ld\n",(long)fpos); goto err_out; } /* FIXME: support reorg */ assert(reorg.conn == 1); assert(reorg.disconn == 0); if ( bu256_equal(&nci->db.best_chain->hash,&bi->hdr.sha256) ) // if best chain, mark TX's as spent { if ( spend_block(nci,block,bi->height) == 0 ) { char hexstr[BU256_STRSZ]; bu256_hex(hexstr, &bi->hdr.sha256); PostMessage("brd: block spend fail %u %s\n",bi->height, hexstr); // FIXME: bad record is now in blkdb goto err_out; } } return true; err_out: bi_free(bi); return false; } static bool read_block_msg(struct net_child_info *nci,struct p2p_message *msg, int64_t fpos) { struct const_buffer buf = { msg->data, msg->hdr.data_len }; struct bp_block block; bool rc = false; // unknown records are invalid printf("read_block_msg\n"); if ( strncmp(msg->hdr.command,"block",sizeof(msg->hdr.command)) ) { printf("invalid cmd.(%s) != block\n",msg->hdr.command); return false; } bp_block_init(&block); if ( deser_bp_block(nci->chain->hastimestamp,&block,&buf) == 0 ) { PostMessage( "brd: block deser fail\n"); goto out; } bp_block_calc_sha256(&block); if (!bp_block_valid(&block)) { PostMessage( "brd: block not valid\n"); goto out; } printf("call process_block\n"); rc = process_block(nci,&block,fpos); out: bp_block_free(&block); return rc; } static void read_blocks(struct net_child_info *nci) { //int fd = nci->blocks_fd; int32_t n = 0; FILE *fp = nci->blocks_fp; struct p2p_message msg = {}; bool read_ok = true; int64_t fpos = 0; printf("read_blocks from pos %ld\n",(long)ftell(fp)); while ( fread_message(fp,&msg,&read_ok) ) { printf("iter.%d netmagic.%x\n",n++,*(int32_t *)nci->chain->netmagic); if ( memcmp(msg.hdr.netmagic,nci->chain->netmagic,4) ) { PostMessage("blocks file: invalid network magic\n"); exit(1); } //strcpy(msg.hdr.command,"block"); if ( !read_block_msg(nci,&msg,fpos) ) exit(1); fpos += P2P_HDR_SZ; fpos += msg.hdr.data_len; fpos = ftell(fp); } printf("read_blocks finished loop\n"); if ( !read_ok ) { PostMessage("blocks file: read failed\n"); exit(1); } free(msg.data); } static void readprep_blocks_file(struct net_child_info *nci) { // if no blk index, but blocks are present, read and index all block data (several gigabytes) if ( nci->blocks_fp != 0 ) { rewind(nci->blocks_fp); if ( nci->db.fp == 0 ) read_blocks(nci); else { printf("seek to end\n"); // TODO: verify that blocks file offsets are present in blkdb //if ( lseek(nci->blocks_fd, 0, SEEK_END) == (off_t)-1 ) if ( fseek(nci->blocks_fp,0,SEEK_END) == (off_t)-1 ) { PostMessage( "blocks file: seek failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } } } static void init_orphans(struct net_child_info *nci) { nci->orphans = bp_hashtab_new_ext(bu256_hash, bu256_equal_,(bp_freefunc) bu256_free, (bp_freefunc) buffer_free); } static bool have_orphan(struct net_child_info *nci,const bu256_t *v) { return bp_hashtab_get(nci->orphans, v); } bool add_orphan(struct net_child_info *nci,const bu256_t *hash_in, struct const_buffer *buf_in) { if (have_orphan(nci,hash_in)) return false; bu256_t *hash = bu256_new(hash_in); if (!hash) { PostMessage( "OOM\n"); return false; } struct buffer *buf = buffer_copy(buf_in->p, buf_in->len); if (!buf) { bu256_free(hash); PostMessage( "OOM\n"); return false; } bp_hashtab_put(nci->orphans, hash, buf); return true; } struct nc_conn { bool dead; int fd; struct peer peer; char addr_str[64]; bool ipv4; bool connected; struct event *ev; struct net_child_info *nci; struct event *write_ev; clist *write_q; /* of struct buffer */ unsigned int write_partial; struct p2p_message msg; void *msg_p; unsigned int expected; bool reading_hdr; unsigned char hdrbuf[P2P_HDR_SZ]; bool seen_version; bool seen_verack; uint32_t protover; }; static bool process_block(struct net_child_info *nci,const struct bp_block *block, int64_t fpos); static bool have_orphan(struct net_child_info *nci,const bu256_t *v); static bool add_orphan(struct net_child_info *nci,const bu256_t *hash_in, struct const_buffer *buf_in); /*struct bp_hashtab *settings; //const struct chain_info *chain = NULL; bu256_t chain_genesis; uint64_t instance_nonce; bool debugging = false; FILE *plog = NULL; static const char *const_settings[] = { "net.connect.timeout=11", "addnode=", "peers=brd.peers", "dns=1", //"blkdb=brd.blkdb", "blocks=brd.blocks", //"log=brd.log", };*/ static void init_block0(struct net_child_info *nci) { if ( nci->blocks_fp != 0 ) { cstring *msg0 = message_str(nci->chain->netmagic,"block",nci->chain->genesis_hashdata,(int32_t)sizeof(nci->chain->genesis_hashdata)); ssize_t bwritten = fwrite(msg0->str,1,msg0->len,nci->blocks_fp); if ( bwritten != msg0->len ) { PostMessage( "blocks write0 failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } cstr_free(msg0,true); off64_t fpos64 = ftell(nci->blocks_fp); if ( fpos64 == (off64_t)-1 ) { PostMessage( "blocks lseek0 failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } PostMessage("blocks: genesis block written\n"); } } static void shutdown_nci(struct net_child_info *nci) { peerman_free(nci->peers); //nc_conns_gc(nci, true); assert(nci->conns->len == 0); //parr_free(nci->conns, true); //event_base_free(nci->eb); }int32_t iguana_send(struct iguana_info *coin,void *_conn,uint8_t *serialized,char *cmd,int32_t len) { return(nc_conn_send(coin,_conn,cmd,&serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],len)); int32_t numsent; struct nc_conn *conn = _conn; len = iguana_sethdr((void *)serialized,coin->chain->netmagic,cmd,&serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],len); if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(conn->addr.usock,serialized,len,0)) < 0 ) { printf("%s: numsent.%d vs len.%d errno.%d usock.%d\n",cmd,numsent,len,errno,conn->addr.usock); if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { printf("bad errno.%d\n",errno); return(-errno); } if ( 0 ) { /*struct buffer *buf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct buffer)); buf->p = malloc(len), memcpy(buf->p,serialized,len); buf->len = len; conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q,buf); nc_conn_read_disable(coin,conn); nc_conn_write_enable(coin,conn);*/ } } else if ( numsent < len ) { if ( 0 ) { /*conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q, buf); conn->write_partial = (uint32_t)numsent; buf->p = malloc(len), memcpy(buf->p,serialized,len); buf->len = len; conn->write_q = clist_append(conn->write_q,buf); nc_conn_read_disable(coin,conn); nc_conn_write_enable(coin,conn);*/ } //int32_t i; //for (i=0; i<numsent; i++) // printf("%02x ",serialized[i]); printf("Sent.%d of %d for %s\n",numsent,len,cmd); } printf("iguana send.%d\n",numsent); return(numsent); } /*struct net_child_info { struct peer_manager *peers; void *conns; struct event_base *eb; struct bp_hashtab *settings; struct wallet *cur_wallet; const struct chain_info *chain; bits256 chain_genesis; uint64_t instance_nonce; int32_t debugging; FILE *plog; struct iguana_blocks blocks; struct bp_hashtab *orphans; //struct bp_utxo_set uset; //int blocks_fd; FILE *blocks_fp; //bool script_verf; //bool daemon_running; // int32_t lbsock; char coin[16]; time_t last_getblocks; };*/ ///struct iguana_peer addrs[10]; while ( bestheight > 0 && bestheight > oldbestheight ) { prevhash = iguana_prevblockhash(blocks,new_best); if ( (prev= iguana_findblock(&space,blocks,prevhash)) != 0 && prev->height > 0 ) { new_best = prevhash; bestheight = prev->height; reorg_info->conn++; printf("connect.%d: newbest.%s oldheight.%d newheight.%d\n",reorg_info->conn,bits256_str(new_best),oldbestheight,bestheight); } else break; } // unlikely case: old best chain has greater height while ( oldbestheight > 0 && bestheight > 0 && oldbestheight > bestheight ) { old_best = iguana_prevblockhash(blocks,old_best); if ( (prev= iguana_findblock(&space,blocks,prevhash)) != 0 && prev->height > 0 ) { oldbestheight = prev->height; reorg_info->disconn++; printf("unlikely case: disconn.%d %s\n",reorg_info->disconn,bits256_str(old_best)); } else break; } // height matches, but we are still walking parallel chains while ( oldbestheight > 0 && bestheight > 0 && memcmp(old_best.bytes,new_best.bytes,sizeof(old_best)) != 0 ) { new_best = iguana_prevblockhash(blocks,new_best); bestheight = iguana_height(blocks,new_best); reorg_info->conn++; old_best = iguana_prevblockhash(blocks,old_best); oldbestheight = iguana_height(blocks,old_best); reorg_info->disconn++; printf("parallel case\n"); } /*bits256 iguana_PoW(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { int32_t h; bits256 sum; struct iguana_block *ptr,space; if ( height > 0 ) { h = (height / 1000); sum = coin->blocks.PoW[h]; h *= 1000; while ( ++h <= height ) { if ( (ptr= iguana_block(&space,coin,h)) != 0 ) sum = bits256_add(sum,bits256_from_compact(ptr->bits)); else { printf("error getting block[%u]\n",h); break; } } } else { iguana_block(&space,coin,0); sum = bits256_from_compact(space.bits); } return(sum); }*/ /*BIGNUM cur_work,test; bits256 x,sum; char ystr[512],xstr[512]; BN_init(&cur_work); BN_init(&test); u256_from_compact(&cur_work,0x1d00ffff); PoW_str(ystr,sizeof(ystr),&cur_work); printf("y.(%s) ",ystr); BN_add(&test,&cur_work,&cur_work); PoW_str(ystr,sizeof(ystr),&test); printf("sum.(%s) ",ystr); PoW_conv(&test,0x1d00ffff); PoW_str(xstr,sizeof(xstr),&test); x = bits256_from_compact(0x1d00ffff); sum = bits256_add(x,x); printf("xstr.(%s) x.(%s) sum.(%s)\n",xstr,bits256_str(x),bits256_lstr(sum)); getchar();*/ void u256_from_compact(BIGNUM *vo,uint32_t c); int32_t PoW_conv(BIGNUM *PoW,uint32_t nBits) { BN_init(PoW); u256_from_compact(PoW,nBits); return(0); } int32_t PoW_add(BIGNUM *sum,BIGNUM *a,BIGNUM *b) { if ( BN_add(sum,a,b) == 0 ) return(-1); return(0); } void PoW_free(BIGNUM *a) { BN_clear_free(a); } int32_t PoW_cmp(BIGNUM *test,BIGNUM *hwm) { return(BN_cmp(test,hwm)); } void PoW_str(char *str,int32_t maxlen,BIGNUM *v); /*static void nc_conns_gc(struct parr *conns,bool free_all) { struct nc_conn *conn; clist *dead = NULL; uint32_t i,n_gc = 0; // build list of dead connections for (i=0; i<conns->len; i++) { conn = parr_idx(conns,i); if ( free_all || conn->dead ) dead = clist_prepend(dead,conn); } // remove and free dead connections clist *tmp = dead; while ( tmp ) { struct nc_conn *conn = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; parr_remove(conns,conn); nc_conn_free(conn); n_gc++; } clist_free(dead); fprintf(stderr,"net: gc'd %u connections\n",n_gc); }*/ /*static struct nc_conn *nc_conn_new(const struct peer *peer) { struct nc_conn *conn; conn = calloc(1, sizeof(*conn)); if (!conn) return NULL; conn->fd = -1; peer_copy(&conn->peer, peer); bn_address_str(conn->addr_str, sizeof(conn->addr_str), conn->peer.addr.ip); return conn; }*/ /*static bool nc_conn_start(struct iguana_info *coin,struct nc_conn *conn) { char errpfx[64]; printf("start connection.(%s)\n",conn->addr_str); conn->ipv4 = 1;//is_ipv4_mapped(conn->peer.addr.ip); conn->fd = socket(conn->ipv4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if ( conn->fd < 0 ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } int flags = fcntl(conn->fd,F_GETFL,0); if ( (flags < 0) || (fcntl(conn->fd,F_SETFL,flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket fcntl %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } struct sockaddr *saddr; struct sockaddr_in6 saddr6; struct sockaddr_in saddr4; socklen_t saddr_len; if (conn->ipv4) { memset(&saddr4, 0, sizeof(saddr4)); saddr4.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&saddr4.sin_addr.s_addr,&conn->peer.addr.ip[12],4); saddr4.sin_port = htons(conn->peer.addr.port); saddr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr4; saddr_len = sizeof(saddr4); } else { memset(&saddr6, 0, sizeof(saddr6)); saddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&saddr6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,&conn->peer.addr.ip[0], 16); saddr6.sin6_port = htons(conn->peer.addr.port); saddr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr6; saddr_len = sizeof(saddr6); } // initiate TCP connection if ( connect(conn->fd,saddr,saddr_len) < 0 ) { if ( errno != EINPROGRESS ) { sprintf(errpfx, "socket connect %s", conn->addr_str); perror(errpfx); return false; } } return true; }*/ int32_t rc,lbsock=-1,timeout=1000,priority=1; uint8_t magic[4] = { 0xf9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xd9 }; if ( 0 ) { int32_t testsock,testsock2; char buf[512]; testsock2 = nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_CRYPTO); testsock = nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_CRYPTO); rc = nn_setsockopt(testsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_CRYPTO_MAGIC,magic,4); rc = nn_setsockopt(testsock2,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_CRYPTO_MAGIC,magic,4); nn_bind(testsock2,"crypto://"); nn_connect(testsock,"crypto://"); nn_send(testsock,"hello",6,0); nn_recv(testsock2,buf,sizeof(buf),0); printf("bind side got.(%s)\n",buf); nn_send(testsock2,"gotmsg",7,0); nn_recv(testsock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); printf("connect side got.(%s)\n",buf); getchar(); } //if ( (lbsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_CRYPTO)) >= 0 ) { rc = nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_CRYPTO_MAGIC,magic,4); printf("rc.%d from NN_CRYPTO_MAGIC\n",rc); rc = nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDPRIO,&priority,sizeof(priority)); rc = nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); rc = nn_setsockopt(lbsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); printf("rc.%d from NN_SNDPRIO\n",rc); //if ( nn_connect(lbsock,"crypto://") >= 0 ) //if ( nn_connect(lbsock,"tcp://") >= 0 ) { iguana_main("bitcoin","BTC",1); //NODE_NETWORK); getchar(); } } /*struct iguana_kvitem *iguana_kvitemptr(struct iguanakv *kv,void *value) { struct iguana_kvitem *item = 0; if ( kv != 0 && value != 0 ) { value = (void *)((long)value - (kv)->keysize); item = (void *)((long)value - ((long)item->keyvalue - (long)item)); } return(item); }*/ void iguana_savepeers(struct iguana_info *coin) { uint32_t peerind,itemind; struct iguana_peer *addr,space; char ipaddr[64]; for (peerind=1; peerind<=coin->latest.maxpeers; peerind++) { if ( iguana_RWmmap(0,&space,coin,coin->peers,peerind) == 0 ) { strcpy(ipaddr,space.ipaddr); //printf("peerind.%d -> (%s)\n",peerind,ipaddr); if ( (addr= iguana_kvread(coin,&space,&itemind,coin->peers,space.A.ip)) != 0 ) { if ( peerind == itemind ) { if ( iguana_RWmmap(1,addr,coin,coin->peers,peerind) != 0 ) printf("error RWmap.1 peerind.%d -> (%s)\n",peerind,ipaddr); } else printf("mismatched peerind.%d vs itemind.%d for (%s)\n",peerind,itemind,ipaddr); } } else printf("error reading peerind.%d\n",peerind); } iguana_syncmap(&coin->peers->state.M,0); } if ( strcmp("peers",kv->name) == 0 ) { struct iguana_peer *addr = (void *)sp->space; addr->seen_verack = 0; checkip[0] = 0; addr->peerind = itemind; if ( addr->ipaddr[0] != 0 ) { ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr); expand_ipbits(checkip,ipbits); } if ( addr->ipaddr[0] == 0 || strcmp(checkip,addr->ipaddr) != 0 ) { printf("bad record.(%s) vs (%s) %d vs %d\n",checkip,addr->ipaddr,addr->peerind,itemind); i = keysize; } else printf("add n.%d skipped.%d (%s) vs (%s).%x i.%d\n",n,skipped,addr->ipaddr,checkip,ipbits,i); } void *iguana_kvsavepeer(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,struct iguana_kvitem *item,uint64_t args,void *key,void *value,int32_t valuesize) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)args; struct iguana_peer *addr; uint32_t data[4],ipbits,flag = 0; if ( args != 0 && (addr= value) != 0 ) { printf("%p %s iterarg.%d verack.%d killed.%d\n",addr,addr->ipaddr,kv->iterarg,addr->seen_verack,addr->dead); if ( kv->iterarg == 0 && addr->seen_verack != 0 ) flag = 1; else if ( kv->iterarg == 1 && addr->dead != 0 ) flag = 1; else if ( kv->iterarg == 2 && (addr->seen_verack == 0 && addr->dead == 0) ) flag = 1; if ( flag != 0 ) { ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr); data[0] = ipbits; data[1] = addr->lastcontact; data[2] = addr->nStartingHeight; data[3] = addr->pingtime; if ( fwrite(data,1,sizeof(data),fp) != sizeof(data) ) { printf("Error saving key.[%x]\n",ipbits); return(key); } } } return(0); } long iguana_savepeers(struct iguana_info *coin) { FILE *fp; long retval = -1; int32_t iter; char fname[512],*str = "good"; for (iter=0; iter<3; iter++) { coin->peers->iterarg = iter; sprintf(fname,"%s.%s",coin->peers->name,str); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_kviterate(coin,coin->peers,(uint64_t)fp,iguana_kvsavepeer) == 0 ) { printf("save %ld to HDD\n",ftell(fp)); retval = ftell(fp); } else printf("error saving item at %ld\n",ftell(fp)); fclose(fp); } else printf("error creating(%s)\n",fname); if ( iter == 0 ) str = "errpeer"; else str = "newpeer"; } coin->updatedpeers = 0; return(retval); } /*void iguana_open_connection(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr) { int32_t i,n; struct iguana_peer addrs[10]; memset(addrs,0,sizeof(addrs)); n = iguana_connect(addrs,(int32_t)(sizeof(addrs)/sizeof(*addrs)),ipaddr,coin->chain->default_port); if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) // almost always n is just 1 iguana_addpeer(coin,&addrs[i]); return; } }*/ void iguana_updatepeer(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { printf("UPDATE PEER.(%s) total.%d relayers.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,coin->numpeers,coin->numrelayers); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->peers,addr->A.ip,addr,sizeof(*addr),(uint32_t *)&addr->peerind); coin->updatedpeers++; } void *iguana_kvpurgepeer(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,struct iguana_kvitem *item,uint64_t args,void *key,void *value,int32_t valuesize) { struct iguana_peer *addr; int32_t lag; if ( args != 0 && (addr= value) != 0 && addr->sendtime != 0 ) { if ( (lag= (kv->iteruarg - addr->sendtime)) == 0 ) lag = 1; if ( kv->iterarg == 0 || lag > kv->iterarg ) { kv->iterarg = lag; strcpy((char *)args,addr->ipaddr); } } return(0); } void *iguana_loop(void *_coin) { struct iguana_info *coin = _coin; while ( 1 ) { /*if ( 1 && (ipaddr= queue_dequeue(&coin->newpeersQ,1)) != 0 ) { iguana_open_connection(coin,ipaddr); printf("check newpeer.(%s)\n",ipaddr); free_queueitem(ipaddr); }*/ sleep(1); } return(0); } void shutdown_daemon(struct iguana_info *coin) { if ( coin->blocks.db != 0 ) { //iguana_kvsave(coin->blocks.db); iguana_kvfree(coin,coin->blocks.db); } } /*if ( coin->numpeers > 16 ) { coin->peers->iteruarg = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->peers->iterarg = 0; if ( iguana_kviterate(coin,coin->peers,(uint64_t)ipaddr,iguana_kvpurgepeer) == 0 ) printf("lag.%d (%s) peer purged\n",coin->peers->iterarg,ipaddr); else printf("error: lag.%d (%s) peer purged\n",coin->peers->iterarg,ipaddr); } */ //for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { fpos = n = m = fixed = skipped = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(sp->fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,fpos,SEEK_SET); while ( fread(sp->space,2,valuesize,fp) == valuesize ) { //printf("m.%d\n",m); itemind = m++; for (i=0; i<keysize; i++) if ( ((uint8_t *)sp->space)[kv->keyoffset + i] != 0 ) break; if ( i != keysize ) { if ( itemind != n ) { fseek(fp,fpos,SEEK_SET); memset((void *)((long)sp->space + valuesize),0,valuesize); fwrite((void *)((long)sp->space + valuesize),1,valuesize,fp); fseek(fp,(long)n * valuesize,SEEK_SET); fwrite(sp->space,1,valuesize,fp); fixed++; //printf("itemind.%d vs n.%d skipped.%d\n",itemind,n,skipped); itemind = n; } if ( iter == 1 ) { iguana_kvwrite(coin,kv,(void *)((long)sp->space + kv->keyoffset),sp->space,valuesize,&itemind); } n++; } skipped++; fseek(fp,(long)m * valuesize,SEEK_SET); } printf("iter.%d fixed.%d %s added %d items, skipped.%d keysize.%d keyoffset.%d valuesize.%d\n",iter,fixed,kv->name,n,skipped,kv->keysize,kv->keyoffset,kv->valuesize); fclose(fp); //getchar(); } } void iguana_killpeer(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { if ( addr->seen_verack != 0 ) { addr->dead = 1; addr->seen_verack = 0; coin->numrelayers -= addr->relayflag; coin->numpeers--; printf("KILL PEER.(%s) peerind.%u total.%d relayers.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->peerind,coin->numpeers,coin->numrelayers); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->peers,addr->A.ip,addr,sizeof(*addr),(uint32_t *)&addr->peerind); coin->updatedpeers++; } } /*for (j=0; j<addr->numreferrals; j++) if ( ipbits == addr->referrals[j] ) break; if ( j == addr->numreferrals ) { if ( addr->numreferrals < sizeof(addr->referrals)/sizeof(*addr->referrals) ) addr->referrals[addr->numreferrals++] = ipbits; iguana_possible_peer(coin,ipaddr); }*/ int32_t iguana_blockchain(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_msgblock *blk,uint8_t *serialized,bits256 hash2,int32_t checkpointi) { struct iguana_blocks *blocks; double PoW; struct iguana_block *prev,*check,space; int32_t i,height,firsttxidind; blocks = &coin->blocks; /*if ( (check= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( checkpointi >= 0 && check->height == coin->checktip_heights[checkpointi]+1 ) { coin->checkpointips[checkpointi] = hash2; coin->checktip_heights[checkpointi]++; coin->rawblocks++; printf("iguana_blockchain: duplicate block height.%d checkpointi.%d tipheight.%d rawblocks.%d\n",check->height,checkpointi,coin->checktip_heights[checkpointi],coin->rawblocks); } return(check->height); } for (i=0; i<coin->chain->numcheckpoints; i++) { if ( memcmp(coin->chain->checkpoints_data[i].bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { height = coin->chain->checkblocks[i]; coin->checktip_heights[i] = height; printf("checkpointi.%d height.%d rawblocks.%d\n",i,height,coin->rawblocks); iguana_addblock(coin,hash2,blk,height,-1,0.); // add to block map, orphans and all return(0); } if ( memcmp(coin->chain->checkpoints_data[i].bytes,blk->H.prev_block.bytes,sizeof(blk->H.prev_block)) == 0 ) { height = coin->chain->checkblocks[i] + 1; coin->checktip_heights[i] = height; coin->checkpointips[i] = hash2; coin->rawblocks++; printf("checkpointi.%d height.%d <- (%s) rawblocks.%d\n",i,height,bits256_str(hash2),coin->rawblocks); iguana_addblock(coin,hash2,blk,height,-1,0.); // add to block map, orphans and all return(0); } if ( memcmp(coin->checkpointips[i].bytes,blk->H.prev_block.bytes,sizeof(blk->H.prev_block)) == 0 ) { height = ++coin->checktip_heights[i]; coin->checkpointips[i] = hash2; coin->rawblocks++; printf("checkpointi.%d height.%d rawblocks.%d\n",i,height,coin->rawblocks); iguana_addblock(coin,hash2,blk,height,-1,0.); // add to block map, orphans and all return(0); } }*/ if ( (prev= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,blk->H.prev_block)) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"iguana_blockchain no prev block.(%s)\n",bits256_str(blk->H.prev_block)); return(-1); } else { height = prev->height + 1; PoW = (PoW_from_compact(blk->H.bits) + prev->PoW); firsttxidind = (prev->firsttxidind + prev->txn_count); if ( PoW <= coin->blocks.best_chain_work ) height = 0; } //printf("NEWHT.%d (%s) PoW %.15f prev.%d prevPoW %.15f\n",height,bits256_str(hash2),blk->PoW,prev->height,prev->PoW); iguana_addblock(coin,addr,hash2,blk,height,firsttxidind,PoW); // add to block map, orphans and all if ( height == 0 ) { printf("%s chain not best\n",bits256_str(hash2)); return(-1); } if ( memcmp(blocks->best_chain.bytes,blk->H.prev_block.bytes,sizeof(blocks->best_chain)) != 0 ) { printf("prev.(%s) doesnt connect to previous bestchain\n",bits256_str(blk->H.prev_block)); printf("mark as orphans from old bestchain.(%s) till it connects to mainchain\n",bits256_str(blocks->best_chain)); getchar(); } return(height); } int32_t iguana_possible_peer(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr) { struct iguana_peer *space,*addr,addrs[8]; uint32_t i,n,peerind = (uint32_t)-1; if ( strncmp("0.0.0",ipaddr,5) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 ) { memset(addrs,0,sizeof(addrs)); n = iguana_connect(addrs,(int32_t)(sizeof(addrs)/sizeof(*addrs)),ipaddr,coin->chain->default_port,0); if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<1; i++) // n is almost always 1 { strcpy(addrs[i].coinstr,coin->name); space = calloc(1,sizeof(*space)); peerind = -1; //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->netmutex); if ( (addr= iguana_kvread(coin,space,(uint32_t *)&peerind,coin->peers,ipaddr)) == 0 ) memcpy(space,&addrs[i],sizeof(*space)); else if ( addr->usock >= 0 || addr->pending != 0 ) break; peerind = -1; if ( iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->peers,ipaddr,space,sizeof(*space),(uint32_t *)&peerind) != 0 ) { //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->netmutex); //printf("%p %s ADD PEER.(%s) peerind.%u max.%u total.%d relayers.%d numkeys.%d\n",&addrs[i],space->coinstr,space->ipaddr,peerind,coin->latest.maxpeers,coin->numpeers,coin->numrelayers,coin->peers->numkeys); space->coin = coin; if ( coin->numthreads < 3 || (coin->numthreads < IGUANA_MAXPEERS/2 && iguana_metric(space) > coin->avemetric) || (coin->numthreads >= IGUANA_MAXPEERS/2 && coin->numthreads < IGUANA_MAXPEERS) ) { peerind = -1; //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->netmutex); if ( (addr= iguana_kvread(coin,space,(uint32_t *)&peerind,coin->peers,ipaddr)) != 0 ) { coin->numthreads++; //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->netmutex); addr->coin = coin; if ( coin->chain->numcheckpoints > 0 ) addr->checkpointi = (coin->nextcheckpointi++ % coin->chain->numcheckpoints); else addr->checkpointi = -1; portable_thread_create(iguana_startconnection,addr); } //else portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->netmutex); } //printf("possible.(%s)\n",ipaddr); } else { //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->netmutex); printf("error writing?\n"); } } } } return(0); } /*iguana_send_version(coin,addr,coin->myservices); if ( addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 ) { printf("connected and version sent to usock.%d (%s) numpings.%d\n",addr->usock,addr->ipaddr,addr->numpings); if ( coin->chain->numcheckpoints > 0 ) addr->checkpointi = (coin->nextcheckpointi++ % coin->chain->numcheckpoints); printf("%s uses checkpointi.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->checkpointi); //nexti = (coin->chain->numcheckpoints/IGUANA_MAXPEERS) * addr->checkpointi; iguana_advancechain(coin,addr,addr->checkpointi);//nexti++ % coin->chain->numcheckpoints); }*/ /*iguana_send_version(coin,addr,coin->myservices); if ( addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 ) { printf("connected and version sent to usock.%d (%s) numpings.%d\n",addr->usock,addr->ipaddr,addr->numpings); if ( coin->chain->numcheckpoints > 0 ) addr->checkpointi = (coin->nextcheckpointi++ % coin->chain->numcheckpoints); printf("%s uses checkpointi.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->checkpointi); //nexti = (coin->chain->numcheckpoints/IGUANA_MAXPEERS) * addr->checkpointi; iguana_advancechain(coin,addr,addr->checkpointi);//nexti++ % coin->chain->numcheckpoints); }*/ void iguana_pollconnection(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { /*if ( addr->last_getblocks < time(NULL) - (24 * 60 * 60) ) { memset(stophash.bytes,0,sizeof(stophash)); n = iguana_locator(coin,hashes,(int32_t)(sizeof(hashes)/sizeof(*hashes))); iguana_send_hashes(coin,addr->protover < GETHEADERS_VERSION ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",addr,stophash,hashes,n); printf("send %s to %s\n",addr->protover < GETHEADERS_VERSION ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",addr->ipaddr); addr->last_getblocks = time(NULL); }*/ } void iguana_checkpoint(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2,int32_t height) { struct iguana_block block; memset(&block,0,sizeof(block)); block.prev_block = hash2; block.height = (height + 1); //printf("write (%s) to %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),height+1); iguana_RWmmap(1,&block,coin,coin->blocks.db,height+1); //iguana_syncmap(coin->blocks.db,0); } int32_t iguana_addblockhash(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t *heightp,bits256 hash2,bits256 nexthash) { struct iguana_block *block,*next,space,nextspace; *heightp = -1; if ( (block= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,hash2)) != 0 ) { *heightp = block->height; if ( (next= iguana_findblock(coin,&nextspace,nexthash)) == 0 ) { iguana_checkpoint(coin,addr,nexthash,block->height + 1); //iguana_audit(coin); return(0); } else if ( next->height != block->height + 1 ) { printf("iguana_addblockhash: mismatched next height.%d vs height.%d+1\n",next->height,block->height); //iguana_audit(coin); return(-1); } else { //iguana_audit(coin); return(iguana_blockdata(coin,block)); } } //iguana_audit(coin); return(0); } int32_t iguana_advancecmp(bits256 hashes[2],int32_t n,int32_t cmpa,int32_t cmpb) { //printf("n.%d cmpa.%d cmpb.%d\n",n,cmpa,cmpb); if ( bits256_nonz(hashes[0]) != 0 && bits256_nonz(hashes[1]) == 0 && (cmpa == 0 || n < cmpa) && (cmpb == 0 || n < cmpb) ) return(1); //printf("failed cmp %d %d %d %d\n",bits256_nonz(hashes[0]) != 0,bits256_nonz(hashes[1]) == 0,(cmpa == 0 || n < cmpa),(cmpb == 0 || n < cmpb)); return(0); } /*void iguana_advancechain(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t checkpointi) { bits256 stophash,hashes[10]; int32_t islocal,n = 0; char *cmd = ""; memset(stophash.bytes,0,sizeof(stophash)); islocal = (strcmp("",addr->ipaddr) == 0); //printf("blockhash %d, blockhdr.%d block.%d height.%d\n",addr->maxblockhash_height,addr->maxblockhdr_height,addr->maxblock_height,addr->height); if ( (islocal != 0 || addr->protover < GETHEADERS_VERSION) && iguana_advancecmp(addr->maxblockhash,addr->maxblockhash_height,addr->maxblockhdr_height+500,addr->height+2000) != 0 ) { printf("request blockhashes islocal.%d\n",islocal); cmd = "getblocks"; addr->maxblockhash[1] = hashes[n++] = coin->blocks.hwmchain;//addr->maxblockhash[0]; } else if ( islocal != 0 && addr->protover >= GETHEADERS_VERSION && iguana_advancecmp(addr->maxblockhdr,addr->maxblockhdr_height,addr->maxblock_height+500,0) != 0 ) { cmd = "getheaders"; printf("request headers islocal.%d\n",islocal); addr->maxblockhdr[1] = hashes[n++] = addr->maxblockhdr[0]; } else if ( memcmp(coin->blocks.hwmchain.bytes,addr->maxblock[1].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) //if ( iguana_advancecmp(addr->maxblock,addr->maxblock_height,addr->height,0) != 0 ) { printf("request data\n"); addr->maxblock[0] = addr->maxblock[1] = coin->blocks.hwmchain; iguana_request_data(coin,addr,coin->blocks.hwmchain,MSG_BLOCK); return; } else { //printf("nothing to advance %s\n",addr->ipaddr); return; } n = iguana_locator(coin,hashes,(int32_t)(sizeof(hashes)/sizeof(*hashes))-1,checkpointi); iguana_send_hashes(coin,cmd,addr,stophash,hashes,n); }*/ // got functions void iguana_gotblockhash(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2,bits256 nexthash,int32_t i,int32_t n) { int32_t height; struct iguana_block space; bits256 hashes[2001]; /*if ( iguana_addblockhash(coin,addr,&height,hash2,nexthash) == 0 ) { //if ( height > (coin->blocks.hwmheight-10) ) // iguana_request_data(coin,addr,nexthash,MSG_BLOCK); } if ( height > addr->maxblockhash_height ) { addr->maxblockhash_height = height; addr->maxblockhash[0] = hash2; memset(addr->maxblockhash[1].bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); }*/ //if ( i > 0 ) //hashes[i-1] = hash2; iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); if ( i == n-1 ) { hashes[i] = nexthash; iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&nexthash,1,MSG_BLOCK); //iguana_request_data(coin,addr,hashes,n,MSG_BLOCK); bits256 stophash; memset(stophash.bytes,0,sizeof(stophash)); iguana_send_hashes(coin,"getblocks",addr,stophash,&nexthash,1); } height = iguana_height(coin,hash2); //printf("set gotblockhash.%s %d ht.%d -> %s from %s\n",bits256_str(hash2),height,iguana_height(coin,hash2),bits256_str2(nexthash),addr->ipaddr); //iguana_audit(coin); } int32_t iguana_gotblockhdr(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_msgblock *msg,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len,bits256 hash2,int32_t checkpointi) { int32_t n = 0,height = -1; struct iguana_block space,*block; //printf("got gotblockhdr.%s from %s, checkpointi.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),addr->ipaddr,checkpointi); if ( (block= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,hash2)) != 0 && block->height < coin->blocks.hwmheight ) return(block->height - coin->blocks.hwmheight); iguana_convblock(&space,msg,-1,0,0.); if ( (height= iguana_addblock(coin,addr,hash2,&space)) > 0 ) { n = iguana_lookahead(coin,addr,&hash2,height + 1); //printf("lookahead.%d\n",n); } /*if ( height+1+n > addr->maxblockhdr_height ) { printf("set new maxblockhdr.%d\n",height+1+n); addr->maxblockhdr_height = height+1+n; addr->maxblockhdr[0] = hash2; memset(addr->maxblockhdr[1].bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); }*/ //iguana_audit(coin); return(height); } int32_t iguana_queue_ramchain(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2,int32_t txind,int32_t numtx,struct iguana_msgtx *tx,bits256 txid) { int32_t height; addr->getdatamillis = 0; if ( addr != 0 && txind == 0 && (height= iguana_height(coin,hash2)) >= 0 )//&& height >= addr->maxblock_height ) { //printf("got ramchain tx.%s from %s height.%d txind.%d\n",bits256_str(txid),addr!=0?addr->ipaddr:"local",height,txind); /*printf("set new maxblock.%d\n",height); addr->maxblock_height = height; addr->maxblock[0] = hash2; memset(addr->maxblock[1].bytes,0,sizeof(hash2));*/ } return(0); } void iguana_gottxid(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2) { } int32_t iguana_addblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2,struct iguana_block *newblock) { int32_t h; //,firsttxidind,txn_count,hwm=0,equivalent = 0; //double PoW; struct iguana_block *block,space,prevspace; //height = newblock->height, firsttxidind = newblock->firsttxidind, PoW = newblock->PoW; //printf("iguana_addblock nBits.%x\n",newblock->bits); /*if ( (block= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( height >= 0 ) { if ( height != block->height ) printf("iguana_addblockhdr: height.%d mismatch vs %d\n",height,block->height); } else height = block->height; if ( firsttxidind > 0 ) { if ( firsttxidind != block->firsttxidind ) printf("iguana_addblockhdr: firsttxidind.%d mismatch vs %d\n",firsttxidind,block->firsttxidind); } else firsttxidind = block->firsttxidind; if ( PoW > SMALLVAL ) { if ( fabs(PoW - block->PoW) > SMALLVAL ) printf("iguana_addblockhdr: PoW.%.15f mismatch vs %.15f\n",PoW,block->PoW); } else PoW = block->PoW; if ( (flag= iguana_blockdata(coin,block)) == 0 ) { printf("write out block.(%s) to %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),height); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,hash2.bytes,newblock,sizeof(*newblock),(uint32_t *)&height); } else if ( flag > 0 ) { space2 = *block; space2.height = newblock->height; if ( memcmp(block,&space2,sizeof(*block)) != 0 ) printf("newblock is different from oldblock (%d %d %f) vs (%d %d %f)\n",newblock->height,newblock->firsttxidind,newblock->PoW,block->height,block->firsttxidind,block->PoW); else { equivalent = 1; } } //printf("newblock (%d %d %f) vs old (%d %d %f)\n",newblock->height,newblock->firsttxidind,newblock->PoW,block->height,block->firsttxidind,block->PoW); //iguana_audit(coin); } if ( memcmp(coin->chain->genesis_hashdata,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { PoW = height = txn_count = 0; prev = 0; firsttxidind = 1; hwm = 1; block = newblock; printf("adding genesis\n"); } else if ( (prev= iguana_findblock(coin,&prevspace,newblock->prev_block)) == 0 ) { printf("hash2.(%s) ",bits256_str(hash2)); fprintf(stderr,"iguana_blockchain no prev block.(%s)\n",bits256_str(newblock->prev_block)); getchar(); return(-1); } else { if ( height >= 0 && height != prev->height + 1 ) printf("iguana_addblock: height.%d != prev.%d+1\n",height,prev->height); height = prev->height + 1; PoW = prev->PoW; firsttxidind = prev->firsttxidind; txn_count = prev->txn_count; }*/ if ( (newblock->height= iguana_setchainvars(coin,addr,&newblock->firsttxidind,&newblock->PoW,hash2,newblock->prev_block,newblock->bits,newblock->txn_count)) != (uint32_t)-1 ) { if ( newblock->PoW > coin->blocks.hwmPoW ) { if ( newblock->height+1 > coin->blocks.maxblocks ) coin->blocks.maxblocks = (newblock->height + 1); h = newblock->height; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,hash2.bytes,newblock,(uint32_t *)&h); if ( addr != 0 && newblock->height > addr->height ) addr->height = newblock->height; coin->blocks.hwmheight = newblock->height; coin->blocks.hwmPoW = newblock->PoW; coin->blocks.hwmchain = hash2; coin->latest.blockhash = hash2; coin->latest.merkleroot = newblock->merkle_root; coin->latest.timestamp = newblock->timestamp; coin->latest.numblocks = coin->blocks.hwmheight+1; coin->latest.numtxidind = newblock->firsttxidind + newblock->txn_count; //iguana_syncmap(coin->blocks.db,0); //printf("%s height.%d PoW %f\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->height,block->PoW); if ( coin->initblocks != 0 ) printf("ADD %d:%d:%d <- (%s) n.%u max.%u PoW %f\n",h,iguana_height(coin,coin->blocks.hwmchain),newblock->height,bits256_str(coin->blocks.hwmchain),coin->blocks.hwmheight+1,coin->blocks.maxblocks,newblock->PoW); } } if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,coin->blocks.hwmchain.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { printf("ORPHAN.%s height.%d PoW %f vs best %f\n",bits256_str(hash2),newblock->height,newblock->PoW,coin->blocks.hwmPoW); newblock->height = -1; } //iguana_audit(coin); return(newblock->height); } /*int32_t iguana_locator(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *hashes,int32_t max) { int32_t i,n = 0; bits256 prevhash; hashes[n++] = coin->blocks.hwmchain; for (i=0; i<max&&n<10; i++) { prevhash = iguana_prevblockhash(coin,hashes[n-1]); if ( bits256_nonz(prevhash) != 0 ) hashes[n++] = prevhash; else break; } printf("iguana_locator n.%d\n",n); return(n); }*/ /*bits256 iguana_blockkey(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { struct iguana_block blocks[2]; int32_t i,n; bits256 hash2; memset(hash2.bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); n = (int32_t)(1 + (coin->blocks.db->keyoffset + coin->blocks.db->keysize) / sizeof(struct iguana_block)); if ( n > sizeof(blocks)/sizeof(*blocks) || coin->blocks.db->keysize != sizeof(bits256) ) return(hash2); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if ( iguana_block(coin,&blocks[i],block->height+i) == 0 ) return(hash2); memcpy(hash2.bytes,(void *)((long)&blocks[0] + coin->blocks.db->keyoffset),coin->blocks.db->keysize); return(hash2); }*/ int32_t iguana_blockdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { bits256 key = iguana_blockkey(coin,block); if ( block->height+1 >= (coin->blocks.db->state.M.allocsize / sizeof(*block)) || bits256_nonz(key) == 0 ) return(-1); else if ( block->height > 0 && (bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) == 0 || fabs(block->PoW) < SMALLVAL) ) { printf("iguana_blockdata height.%d \n",block->height); return(0); } if ( block->firsttxidind > 0 ) return(1); return(-1); } /*space = mycalloc(1,sizeof(*space)); if ( (addr= iguana_kvread(coin,space,(uint32_t *)&peerind,coin->peers,ipaddr)) == 0 ) { memcpy(space,&addrs[i],sizeof(*space)); addr = space; iguana_clear_addrstate(coin,addr); } else if ( addr->usock >= 0 || addr->pending != 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("%s usock.%d pending.%u dead.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->usock,addr->pending,addr->dead); break; } addr->lastcontact = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( coin->numthreads < IGUANA_MAXTHREADS )//&& (coin->numactive < 3 || (coin->numactive < IGUANA_MAXPEERS/2 && iguana_metric(space) > coin->avemetric) || (coin->numactive >= IGUANA_MAXPEERS/2 && coin->numactive < IGUANA_MAXPEERS)) ) { addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->coin = coin; peerind = -1; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->peers,ipaddr,addr,(uint32_t *)&peerind); portable_thread_create(iguana_startconnection,addr); } else*/ { int32_t valuesize; void *checkptr; valuesize = iguana_valuesize(coin,kv); memset(kv->state.space,0,kv->RAMvaluesize); checkptr = kv->state.space; if ( (kv->flags & IGUANA_MAPPED_ITEM) != 0 ) { value = (void *)((long)value + sizeof(UT_hash_handle)); checkptr = (void *)((long)checkptr + sizeof(UT_hash_handle)); } if ( iguana_RWmmap(0,kv->state.space,coin,kv,*itemindp) != 0 || memcmp(value,checkptr,valuesize) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_RWmmap data mismatch after kvwrite\n"); getchar(); } } /*init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,pk_script+1,pk_script[0]); //printf("(%s).%02x ",hexstr,pk_script[pk_script[0]]); if ( 1 && pk_script[1] == 4 ) { pk[0] = 2 + (pk_script[pk_script[0]] & 1); memcpy(pk+1,pk_script+2,32); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,pk,33); printf("data.(%s).%d ",hexstr,pk_script[0]); vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,pk,33); calc_rmd160(0,rmd160,sha256,sizeof(sha256)); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,rmd160,20); printf("rmd.(%s) ",hexstr); //decode_hex(rmd160,20,"e34498597d0d4d4be05db1bb7501da985e15aaa5"); btc_convrmd160(coinaddr,coin->chain->addr_pubkey,rmd160); printf("(%s)\n",coinaddr); }*/ /*int32_t iguana_possible_peer(struct iguana_info *coin,char *ipaddr) { struct iguana_peer *addr=0,addrs[8]; uint32_t i,n; #ifdef IGUANA_DISABLEPEERS if ( strcmp(ipaddr,"") != 0 ) return(0); #endif if ( strncmp("0.0.0",ipaddr,5) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 && strcmp("",ipaddr) != 0 ) { //printf("possible peer.(%s)\n",ipaddr); memset(addrs,0,sizeof(addrs)); n = iguana_connect(addrs,(int32_t)(sizeof(addrs)/sizeof(*addrs)),ipaddr,coin->chain->default_port,0); if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<1; i++) // n is almost always 1 { strcpy(addrs[i].coinstr,coin->name); addr = mycalloc('p',1,sizeof(*addr)); *addr = addrs[i]; iguana_clear_peerstate(coin,addr); queue_enqueue("connectionQ",&coin->peers.connectionQ,&addr->DL); return(0); } } } if ( addr != 0 ) myfree(addr,sizeof(*addr)); return(0); }*/ /*{ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { //printf("%p coinstr.(%s)\n",coin,coin->name); //if ( addr->ipv6 != 0 ) // err = iguana_connectsocket(1,addr,(struct sockaddr *)&addr->saddr6,sizeof(addr->saddr6)); //else err = iguana_connectsocket(1,addr,(struct sockaddr *)&addr->saddr4,sizeof(addr->saddr4)); if ( err < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"close connect %s: %s numpings.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,strerror(-err),addr->numpings); iguana_iAkill(coin,addr); } else { iguana_iAconnected(coin,addr); addr->ready = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } }*/ void iguana_clear_peerstate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { addr->usock = -1; addr->pingnonce = 0; addr->ready = addr->dead = addr->pending = 0; addr->startsend = addr->startrecv = 0; addr->bufsize = 0; addr->buf = 0; strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); strcpy(addr->coinstr,coin->name); //memset(&addr->DL,0,sizeof(addr->DL)); //memset(&addr->sendQ,0,sizeof(addr->sendQ)); //memset(&addr->msgcounts,0,sizeof(addr->msgcounts)); } /**/ /* void iguana_activate(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { int32_t i;//,peerind = -1; if ( coin->peers.numactive > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->peers.numactive; i++) if ( strcmp(coin->peers.active[i].ipaddr,addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) break; if ( i != coin->peers.numactive ) { printf("duplicate activation.%s rejected\n",addr->ipaddr); return; } } coin->peers.active[coin->peers.numactive] = *addr; myfree(addr,sizeof(*addr)); addr = &coin->peers.active[coin->peers.numactive++]; iguana_send_version(coin,addr,coin->myservices); printf("ACTIVE.%d peer.(%s) numthreads.%d\n",coin->peers.numactive,addr->ipaddr,coin->numthreads); //if ( strcmp(addr->ipaddr,"") == 0 ) // portable_thread_create(iguana_localhost,addr); } void iguana_connections(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,j,firsti,peerind; uint32_t ipbits; struct iguana_peer *addr; if ( coin->numthreads < IGUANA_MAXTHREADS && (addr= queue_dequeue(&coin->peers.connectionQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( addr->pending == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<sizeof(coin->peers.active)/sizeof(*coin->peers.active); i++) if ( strcmp(coin->peers.active[i].ipaddr,addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) break; if ( i == coin->peers.numactive ) { if ( coin->peers.numpending < sizeof(coin->peers.pending)/sizeof(*coin->peers.pending) ) { ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr); firsti = -1; for (i=0; i<sizeof(coin->peers.pending)/sizeof(*coin->peers.pending); i++) { if ( coin->peers.pending[i] == 0 ) firsti = i; else if ( coin->peers.pending[i] == ipbits ) break; } if ( i == sizeof(coin->peers.pending)/sizeof(*coin->peers.pending) ) { printf("PENDING.%-16s pending.%u ready.%u numpending.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->pending,addr->ready,coin->numiAddrs); coin->peers.pending[firsti] = ipbits; addr->pending = (uint32_t)time(NULL); strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); iguana_launch(coin,"connection",iguana_startconnection,addr,0); } } queue_enqueue("retryQ",&coin->peers.retryQ,&addr->DL); } } else { if ( addr->ready != 0 ) iguana_activate(coin,addr); else if ( addr->dead == 0 ) queue_enqueue("retryQ",&coin->peers.retryQ,&addr->DL); } } }*/ //printf("parsed.%d firstvout.%d+%d firstvin.%d+%d: %s got.%d %s v %d\n",coin->blocks.parsedblocks,block->firstvout,block->numvouts,block->firstvin,block->numvins,addr->ipaddr,block->height,bits256_str(block->hash2),coin->blocks.hwmheight); /*if ( block->height == coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) iguana_parseblock(coin,block,tx,numtx); else { printf("height.%d vs parsed.%d hwm.%d\n",block->height,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->blocks.hwmheight); iguana_addpending(coin,addr->ipbits,block,tx,numtx); }*/ int32_t iguana_polliter(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct pollfd fds[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; struct iguana_peer *addr,*addrs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; int32_t i,n,nonz,flag,timeout=10; memset(fds,0,sizeof(*fds)); memset(addrs,0,sizeof(*addrs)); flag = 0; for (i=n=nonz=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; fds[i].fd = -1; if ( addr->usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 || addr->ready == 0 ) { if ( addr->pending == 0 ) addrs[n++] = addr; continue; } if ( addr->startrecv == 0 ) { fds[i].fd = addr->usock; fds[i].events |= POLLIN; nonz++; } } if ( nonz != 0 && poll(fds,IGUANA_MAXPEERS,timeout) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; if ( addr->usock < 0 || addr->dead != 0 || addr->ready == 0 ) continue; //if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->ready > 0 ) // printf("%d/%d %d/%d startrecv.%u usock.%d dead.%d ready.%u\n",fds[i].events,fds[i].fd,POLLIN,POLLOUT,addr->startrecv,addr->usock,addr->dead,addr->ready); if ( addr->startrecv == 0 && (fds[i].revents & POLLIN) != 0 ) { void iguana_processmsg(void *ptr); flag++; strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); if ( 0 ) { addr->startrecv = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_launch("processmsg",iguana_processmsg,addr,0); } else iguana_processmsg(addr); } } } return(flag); } int32_t oldiguana_getdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { struct iguana_overlap *ov = &addr->OV; int32_t height,flag,elapsed,j,n = 0; bits256 hash2; double reqpsec,kbpsec; //printf("iguana_getdata.(%s) ov.%p %p\n",addr->ipaddr,ov,addr); //printf("addr height.%d vs parsed.%d\n",addr->height,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); if ( ov->overlap == 0 ) { if ( strcmp("",addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) ov->overlap = IGUANA_MAXOVERLAP/2; else ov->overlap = IGUANA_MAXOVERLAP/8; iguana_teststart(coin,addr); } if ( addr != 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->height >= coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { for (flag=0; flag<ov->overlap; flag++) { if ( addr->waiting[flag] == 0 ) { for (height=coin->blocks.parsedblocks; height<coin->longestchain&&height<coin->blocks.parsedblocks+IGUANA_MAXPENDING; height++) { if ( coin->recvblocks != 0 && coin->recvblocks[height] != 0 ) continue; if ( strcmp("",addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) { if ( height > coin->blocks.parsedblocks+IGUANA_MAXPENDING/2 ) { if ( n == 0 ) { hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); } return(n); } } else { if ( height < coin->blocks.parsedblocks+IGUANA_MAXPENDING/2 ) continue; } hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); for (j=0; j<IGUANA_MAXOVERLAP; j++) if ( memcmp(addr->waitinghash[j].bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) break; if ( j != sizeof(addr->waitinghash)/sizeof(*addr->waitinghash) ) continue; if ( height < coin->numwaitingbits && GETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height) == 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) != 0 ) { addr->waiting[flag] = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->waitinghash[flag] = hash2; if ( ov->numreqs++ >= ov->overlap ) { if ( ov->numreqs == ov->overlap ) ov->numreqs = ov->overlap; elapsed = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) - ov->teststart) + 1; reqpsec = (double)ov->numreqs / elapsed; kbpsec = (double)ov->reqrecv / (1024 * elapsed); dxblend(&ov->Rsec,reqpsec,0.99); dxblend(&ov->KBsec,kbpsec,0.99); if ( kbpsec*reqpsec >= (ov->Rsec * ov->KBsec) ) ov->faster++; else ov->slower++; if ( ((ov->faster + ov->slower) % 1000) == 0 ) printf("OV.%-2d i.%-2d +%-4d -%-4d | h.%d %u | %5.1f/sec %5.3f/kB vs %5.1f/sec %5.3f/kB %5.1f %s\n",ov->overlap,flag,ov->faster,ov->slower,height,addr->waiting[flag],ov->Rsec,ov->KBsec,reqpsec,kbpsec,reqpsec*kbpsec-ov->Rsec*ov->KBsec,addr->ipaddr); if ( time(NULL) > ov->teststart+60 || (ov->faster+ov->slower > ov->overlap*2 && ov->faster > 10*ov->slower) ) iguana_teststart(coin,addr); elapsed = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) - coin->starttime) + 1; reqpsec = (double)coin->totalpackets / elapsed; kbpsec = (double)coin->totalrecv / (1024 * elapsed); dxblend(&coin->Rsec,reqpsec,0.99); dxblend(&coin->KBsec,kbpsec,0.99); } n++; //printf("request.%d bit.%d\n",height,GETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height)); iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); SETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); break; } } } } } } if ( strcmp(addr->ipaddr,"") == 0 && n == 0 && coin->recvblocks != 0 && coin->recvblocks[height] == 0 ) { hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); } return(n); //printf("full.%d numactive.%d hwm.%d\n",coin->fullblocks,coin->numactive,coin->blocks.hwmheight); } void iguana_teststart(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { static uint32_t lastdisp; int32_t dir; struct iguana_overlap *ov = &addr->OV; dir = (ov->overlap - ov->prevoverlap); ov->prevoverlap = ov->overlap; if ( dir != 0 ) { if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+60 ) { lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("ov.%-2d M%4.1f-> %5.1f/sec %6.2f/kb M%4.1f |fast.%-3d vs slow.%-3d d.%-2d | ",ov->overlap,ov->prevmetric,ov->Rsec,ov->KBsec,ov->Rsec*ov->KBsec,ov->faster,ov->slower,dir); printf("all %5.1f/sec, %6.2fKB %s\n",coin->Rsec,coin->KBsec,addr->ipaddr); } if ( ov->faster > ov->slower ) { if ( (dir > 0 && ov->overlap < IGUANA_MAXOVERLAP) || (dir < 0 && ov->overlap > 1) ) ov->overlap += dir; //else printf("max overlap\n"); //printf("increase by dir.%d -> overlap.%d\n",dir,addr->overlap); } else if ( dir > 0 && ov->overlap > 1 ) { ov->overlap--; //printf("since slower, reduce overlap to overlap.%d\n",addr->overlap); } else if ( dir < 0 && ov->overlap < IGUANA_MAXOVERLAP ) { ov->overlap++; //printf("since faster, increase overlap to overlap.%d\n",addr->overlap); } //else printf("at lowest overlap, cant change\n"); ov->prevmetric = (ov->Rsec * ov->KBsec); ov->reqrecv = 0; ov->numreqs = -ov->overlap; ov->faster = ov->slower = 0; } else ov->overlap = 1; ov->teststart = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } void iguana_localhost(void *ptr) { struct iguana_info *coin; struct iguana_peer *addr = ptr; if ( addr != 0 && (coin= iguana_coin(addr->symbol)) != 0 ) { while ( addr->dead == 0 ) _iguana_processmsg(coin,addr); } } if ( (num= iguana_available(coin,availables)) > 0 ) { if ( (addr= availables[0]) != 0 ) { m = iguana_needed(coin,coin->need[0],IGUANA_MAXPENDING/2,0); n = iguana_needed(coin,coin->need[1],IGUANA_MAXPENDING/2,IGUANA_MAXPENDING/2); if ( strcmp(addr->ipaddr,"") == 0 || num == 1 ) { //printf("m.%d n.%d num.%d\n",m,n,num); for (i=0; i<m; i++) { height = coin->need[0][i]; //printf("%d ",height); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); SETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); } if ( num > 1 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { height = coin->need[1][i]; //printf("%d ",height); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); iguana_request_data(coin,availables[(i+1) % (num-1)],&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); SETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); } } } else { for (i=0; i<m; i++) { height = coin->need[0][i]; //printf("%d ",height); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); iguana_request_data(coin,availables[i % num],&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); SETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); } } if ( 0 && m+n > 0 ) printf("requests\n"); /*if ( m == 0 ) sleep(3); if ( m+n == 0 ) sleep(10);*/ return(m+n); } else printf("null available[0]\n"); } int32_t iguana_needed(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *need,int32_t max,int32_t offset) { int32_t nonz,m,height; if ( coin->recvblocks == 0 ) return(0); nonz = m = 0; memset(need,0,sizeof(*need) * max); if ( (time(NULL) - coin->parsetime) > 3 ) need[m++] = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; for (height=coin->blocks.parsedblocks+offset; height<coin->longestchain&&height<coin->blocks.parsedblocks+max+offset; height++) { if ( coin->recvblocks[height] != 0 ) nonz++; else if ( GETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height) == 0 ) need[m++] = height; } return(m); } int32_t iguana_available(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *availables[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]) { int32_t j,n; struct iguana_peer *addr; memset(availables,0,sizeof(*availables) * IGUANA_MAXPEERS); for (j=n=0; j<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; j++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[j]; if ( addr->height < coin->blocks.parsedblocks || addr == coin->localaddr ) continue; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->ready > 0 && iguana_updatewaiting(coin,addr) > 0 ) availables[n++] = addr; } return(n); } /*int32_t iguana_loadtx(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 *blockhashp,int32_t txind,int32_t numtx,struct iguana_msgtx *tx,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxsize) { int32_t len; bits256 txid; memset(tx,0,sizeof(*tx)); len = iguana_rwtx(0,data,tx,maxsize,&txid); if ( blockhashp != 0 ) { //printf("parse.(%s)\n",bits256_str(*blockhashp)); //if ( (blocknum= iguana_height(coin,*blockhashp)) >= 0 ) if ( iguana_queue_ramchain(coin,addr,*blockhashp,txind,numtx,tx,txid) > 0 ) return(len); //else printf("cant find blockhash.(%s)\n",bits256_str(*blockhashp)); } iguana_purgetx(tx,0); return(len); }*/ /*for (i=0; i<sizeof(addr->waiting)/sizeof(*addr->waiting); i++) { if ( addr->waiting[i] != 0 && time(NULL) > (addr->waiting[i] + 60) ) { if ( (height= iguana_height(coin,addr->waitinghash[i])) >= 0 ) { printf("i.%d of %ld ipbits.%x timeout.%s height.%d\n",i,sizeof(addr->waiting)/sizeof(*addr->waiting),addr->ipbits,addr->ipaddr,height); CLEARBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); } addr->waiting[i] = 0; addr->waitinghash[i] = bits256_zero; } if ( addr->waiting[i] == 0 ) n++; }*/ void *iguana_kvmetriciterator(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,struct iguana_kvitem *item,uint64_t args,void *key,void *value,int32_t valuesize) { struct iguana_peer *addr = value; double *sortbuf = (double *)args; if ( addr->numpings > 0 && addr->pingsum > SMALLVAL && item->hh.itemind < kv->numkeys ) { //printf("%p (%s).%d ind.%d msgs.%d pings.%d %.0fms [%.3f] last.%u lag.%d S.%llu R.%llu\n",sortbuf,addr->ipaddr,addr->usock,item->itemind,addr->numpackets,addr->numpings,addr->pingtime,addr->pingsum/addr->numpings,addr->lastcontact,kv->iteruarg - addr->lastcontact,(long long)addr->totalsent,(long long)addr->totalrecv); sortbuf = &sortbuf[item->hh.itemind << 1]; sortbuf[0] = iguana_metric(addr); sortbuf[1] = item->hh.itemind; } return(0); } int32_t iguana_sendrequests(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addrs[],int32_t n,int32_t *blocks,int32_t m) { int32_t i,height; bits256 hash2; if ( n > 0 && m > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<m; i++) { height = blocks[i]; hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); iguana_request_data(coin,addrs[i % n],&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK); SETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height); } return(m); } return(0); } int32_t iguana_getdata(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t reqs[IGUANA_READAHEAD],height,i,j,m,readahead,offset,numpeers,limit,n = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr,*addrs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; if ( coin->R.waitingbits == 0 || coin->R.recvblocks == 0 ) return(0); capacity = iguana_capacity(coin,&numpeers,addrs); if ( numpeers == 0 ) return(0); if ( capacity < numpeers ) capacity = numpeers; else if ( capacity > IGUANA_READAHEAD ) capacity = IGUANA_READAHEAD; readahead = (coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.parsedblocks) / numpeers; for (j=m=0; j<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; j++) { //if ( coin->numwaiting > IGUANA_MAXWAITING ) makes it worse // break; if ( coin->peers.numranked == 0 ) addr = &coin->peers.active[j]; else { if ( j >= coin->peers.numranked ) break; if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[j]) == 0 ) continue; } if ( addr->recvblocks == 0 ) limit = 1; else { if ( addr == coin->peers.localaddr ) limit = IGUANA_BUNDLESIZE; else limit = addr->rank <= 0 ? 1 : (IGUANA_BUNDLESIZE / sqrt(addr->rank)); if ( limit < 1 ) limit = 1; } height = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; if ( readahead < 1 ) readahead = 1; if ( readahead > IGUANA_READAHEAD ) readahead = IGUANA_READAHEAD; if ( addr->rank >= 0 && addr->ready > 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->height > 0 ) { m++; //printf("%s: addrht.%d %s p.%d getbit.%d rank.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->height,addr->ipaddr,height,GETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height),addr->rank); for (i=n=0; i<100000&&n<limit; i++) { offset = (((addr->rank > 0) ? addr->rank-1 : m)) * readahead; height = (coin->blocks.parsedblocks + offset + i); if ( height > coin->blocks.hwmheight || height > addr->height ) { //printf("%s: height.%d > hwm.%d || addr %d\n",addr->ipaddr,height,coin->blocks.hwmheight,addr->height); break; } if ( coin->R.numwaiting > IGUANA_MAXWAITING && height > coin->blocks.parsedblocks+100 ) break; if ( iguana_waitstart(coin,height,addr) == 0 ) { //printf("%-15s request block.%-6d parsed.%-6d offset.%-4d rank.%-3d numpeers.%d numwaiting.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,height,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,offset,addr->rank,numpeers,coin->R.numwaiting); n++; } } } } return(n); } /*else if ( time(NULL) > coin->parsetime+1 ) { coin->parsetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("backstop.%d %s\n",coin->blocks.parsedblocks,bits256_str(iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks))); iguana_waitclear(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); iguana_waitstart(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,0); iguana_updatewaiting(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks+1,100); } //else printf("ptr.%p height.%d\n",ptr,height);*/ /*if ( coin->blocks.parsedblocks > initialheight ) initialheight = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; if ( coin->longestchain > initialheight ) initialheight = coin->longestchain; iguana_recvinit(coin,coin->R.numwaitingbits);*/ //height = (coin->blocks.hwmheight / IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT) * IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT; //iguana_queuehdrs(coin,height,iguana_blockhash(coin,height)); int32_t iguana_rwunspentind(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,struct iguana_unspent *U,uint32_t unspentind) { if ( rwflag == 0 ) { memset(U,0,sizeof(*U)); if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->unspents,0,U,&unspentind) != 0 ) return(0); else printf("error getting unspents[%u] when %d\n",unspentind,coin->latest.numunspents); } else if ( iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->unspents,0,U,&unspentind) != 0 ) return(0); return(-1); } void iguana_requests(void *arg) { int32_t flag,i,j,n; double sum; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_info *coin,**coins = arg; n = (int32_t)coins[0]; coins++; printf("iguana_requests N.%d\n",n); while ( 1 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (coin= coins[i]) != 0 ) { //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->blocks.mutex); //if ( iguana_avail(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,10000) < 10000 ) else printf("skip getting data max packets allocated %s\n",mbstr(sum)); //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->blocks.mutex); } } if ( flag == 0 ) usleep((uint32_t)coin->sleeptime + 1); } } else { if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 && time(NULL) > coin->backstop ) { int32_t i; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_peer *addr; i = (rand() % coin->peers.numranked); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); addr = coin->peers.ranked[i]; if ( addr != 0 && memcmp(hash2.bytes,addr->backstop.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { iguana_waitclear(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); if ( addr != 0 ) { iguana_waitstart(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,addr); printf("%s BACKSTOP.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); coin->backstop = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } } /*if ( iguana_waitstart(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,addr) == 0 ) { printf("backstop request.%d to %s\n",coin->blocks.parsedblocks,addr->ipaddr); addr->backstop = hash2; }*/ //printf("%s skip %d vs %d ptr.%p\n",addr->ipaddr,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->numwaitingbits,ptr); } bits256 iguana_histo(struct iguana_info *coin) { double sum = 0.; int32_t i; bits256 seed; for (i=0; i<0x100; i++) sum += coin->R.histo[i]; sum /= i; memset(seed.bytes,0,sizeof(seed)); if ( sum > 0. ) { for (i=0; i<0x100; i++) { printf("%.2f ",coin->R.histo[i]/sum); if ( coin->R.histo[i] > sum ) SETBIT(seed.bytes,i); } } printf("histo.(%s)\n",bits256_str(seed)); return(seed); } struct iguana_state { //char name[16]; uint8_t sha256[256 >> 3]; struct sha256_vstate state; //struct iguana_mappedptr M; struct iguana_space MEM; //queue_t writeQ; portable_mutex_t ; void *table; //FILE *fp; uint8_t *space; //uint64_t maxitems; //uint32_t itemsize,flags; }; /*struct iguana_overlap { double KBsec,Rsec,prevmetric; uint64_t reqrecv; uint32_t teststart; int32_t numreqs,overlap,faster,slower,prevoverlap; };*/ int32_t iguana_capacity(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *nump,struct iguana_peer *addrs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]) { struct iguana_peer *addr; int32_t i,n,capacity = 0; for (i=n=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; //if ( addr->usock >= 0 ) // printf("%s ht.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->height); if ( addr->ready > 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->height > coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { capacity += addr->capacity; addrs[n++] = addr; } } *nump = n; return(capacity); } int32_t iguana_getdata(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t reqs[IGUANA_READAHEAD],height,i,j,m,readahead,offset,numpeers,limit,n = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr,*addrs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; if ( coin->R.waitingbits == 0 || coin->R.recvblocks == 0 ) return(0); for (i=numpeers=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) if ( coin->peers.active[i].usock < 0 ) numpeers++; if ( numpeers == 0 ) return(0); readahead = (coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.parsedblocks) / numpeers; for (j=m=0; j<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; j++) { //if ( coin->numwaiting > IGUANA_MAXWAITING ) makes it worse // break; if ( coin->peers.numranked == 0 ) addr = &coin->peers.active[j]; else { if ( j >= coin->peers.numranked ) break; if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[j]) == 0 ) continue; } if ( addr->recvblocks == 0 ) limit = 1; else { if ( addr == coin->peers.localaddr ) limit = IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW; else limit = addr->rank <= 0 ? 1 : (IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW / sqrt(addr->rank)); if ( limit < 1 ) limit = 1; } height = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; if ( readahead < 1 ) readahead = 1; if ( readahead > IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW ) readahead = IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW; if ( addr->rank >= 0 && addr->ready > 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->height > 0 ) { m++; //printf("%s: addrht.%d %s p.%d getbit.%d rank.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->height,addr->ipaddr,height,GETBIT(coin->waitingbits,height),addr->rank); for (i=n=0; i<100000&&n<limit; i++) { offset = (((addr->rank > 0) ? addr->rank-1 : m)) * readahead; height = (coin->blocks.parsedblocks + offset + i); if ( height > coin->blocks.hwmheight || height > addr->height ) { //printf("%s: height.%d > hwm.%d || addr %d\n",addr->ipaddr,height,coin->blocks.hwmheight,addr->height); break; } //if ( coin->R.numwaiting > IGUANA_MAXWAITING && height > coin->blocks.parsedblocks+100 ) // break; if ( iguana_waitstart(coin,height,addr) != 0 ) { addr->capacity--; //printf("%-15s request block.%-6d parsed.%-6d offset.%-4d rank.%-3d numpeers.%d numwaiting.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,height,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,offset,addr->rank,numpeers,coin->R.numwaiting); n++; } } } } return(n); } int32_t newiguana_getdata(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t reqs[IGUANA_READAHEAD],height,i,j,count,capacity,numpeers,n = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr,*addrs[IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; if ( coin->R.waitingbits == 0 || coin->R.recvblocks == 0 ) return(0); capacity = iguana_capacity(coin,&numpeers,addrs); if ( numpeers == 0 ) return(0); if ( capacity < numpeers ) capacity = numpeers; else if ( capacity > IGUANA_READAHEAD ) capacity = IGUANA_READAHEAD; if ( iguana_avail(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,IGUANA_READAHEAD) == IGUANA_READAHEAD ) n = iguana_updatewaiting(coin,reqs,capacity,coin->blocks.parsedblocks + (coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.parsedblocks)/2); else n = iguana_updatewaiting(coin,reqs,IGUANA_READAHEAD,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); count = 0; height = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; //printf("capacity.%d reqs.%d numpeers.%d\n",capacity,n,numpeers); if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { height = reqs[i]; if ( coin->R.numwaiting > IGUANA_MAXWAITING )//&& height > coin->blocks.parsedblocks+100 ) break; for (j=0; j<numpeers; j++) { if ( (addr= addrs[(i+j) % numpeers]) != 0 && addr->capacity > 0 && addr->height >= height ) { count += iguana_waitstart(coin,height,addr); break; } } if ( j == numpeers ) { //printf("leftover.%d n.%d\n",i,n); if ( (addr= addrs[(i+j) % numpeers]) != 0 && addr->height >= height ) count += iguana_waitstart(coin,height,addr); break; } } } //for (i=0; i<numpeers; i++) // iguana_waitstart(coin,height+IGUANA_READAHEAD*(i+1),addrs[i]); return(count); } /*{ if ( (flag= iguana_processhdrs(coin,blocks,n)) >= 0 ) { if ( flag == 0 ) { } printf("gotheaders flag.%d n.%d (%s) %d vs %d \n",flag,n,bits256_str(blocks[n-1].hash2),iguana_height(coin,blocks[n-1].hash2),coin->blocks.hwmheight); if ( n > 0 && iguana_height(coin,blocks[n-1].hash2) > coin->blocks.hwmheight-1000 ) iguana_send_hashes(coin,strcmp(coin->name,"bitcoin") != 0 ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",addr,bits256_zero,&blocks[n-1].hash2,1); } printf("%s gotheaders.%d height.%d flag.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,n,coin->blocks.hwmheight,flag); //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->blocks.mutex); }*/ //#define IGUANA_OVERLAP 64 //#define IGUANA_MAXWAITING (2 * IGUANA_MAXPEERS * IGUANA_OVERLAP) //#define IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW 1000 //#define IGUANA_READAHEAD (IGUANA_EXPIREWINDOW) #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS limit = 1; if ( addr->ipbits != 0 && addr->pendhdrs < limit && (hashstr= queue_dequeue(&coin->R.hdrsQ,1)) != 0 ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),hashstr); iguana_send_hashes(coin,strcmp(coin->name,"bitcoin") != 0 ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",addr,bits256_zero,&hash2,1); queue_enqueue("pendinghdrsQ",&coin->R.pendinghdrsQ[0],(void *)((long)hashstr - sizeof(struct queueitem)),0); //printf("dequeue hdrsQ.(%s) -> %s pendinghdrsQ\n",hashstr,addr->ipaddr); addr->hdrmillis = milliseconds(); addr->pendhdrs++; flag++; } if ( addr->recvblocks == 0 ) limit = 1; else limit = IGUANA_MAXPENDING; if ( addr->ipbits != 0 && addr->pendblocks < limit && (hashstr= queue_dequeue(&coin->blocksQ,1)) != 0 ) { //printf("dequeued.(%s) for %s\n",hashstr,addr->ipaddr); decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),hashstr); if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,coin->chain->genesis_hashdata,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { iguana_request_data(coin,addr,&hash2,1,MSG_BLOCK,0); addr->pendblocks++; flag++; } free_queueitem(hashstr); } #endif void newiguana_updatehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,j,hdri,flag,iter; char *hashstr; struct iguana_hdrs *hdrs; bits256 hash2; portable_mutex_lock(&coin->R.hdrsmutex); if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) == 0 ) return; iguana_requesthdrs(coin,0); return; hdri = (coin->blocks.hwmheight / IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT); hdrs = &coin->R.hdrs[hdri]; if ( time(NULL) > coin->R.lasthdrtime+3 && coin->blocks.hwmheight < coin->longestchain-500 ) { for (iter=flag=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( flag == 0 && (hashstr= queue_dequeue(&coin->R.pendinghdrsQ[iter],1)) != 0 ) { //printf("timeout found pending.(%s)\n",hashstr); flag++; decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),hashstr); for (j=0; j<2; j++) iguana_send_hashes(coin,strcmp(coin->name,"bitcoin") != 0 ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",0,bits256_zero,&hash2,1); //queue_enqueue("resubmit",&coin->R.pendinghdrsQ[iter ^ 1],(void *)((long)hashstr - sizeof(struct queueitem)),0); coin->R.lasthdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); break; } } if ( hdrs->blocks == 0 && coin->peers.numranked > 2 ) { hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,hdri * IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT); printf("hdrs backstop %d %s\n",hdri * IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT,bits256_str(hash2)); for (j=0; j<3; j++) iguana_send_hashes(coin,strcmp(coin->name,"bitcoin") != 0 ? "getblocks" : "getheaders",coin->peers.ranked[j],bits256_zero,&hash2,1); coin->R.lasthdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } if ( coin->blocks.hwmheight > 100000 && coin->R.savedhdrs < coin->blocks.hwmheight-501 ) coin->R.savedhdrs = iguana_savehdrs(coin); //printf("hdri.%d height.%d n.%d %p coin->R.savedhdrs.%u\n",hdri,hdrs->height,hdrs->n,hdrs->blocks,coin->R.savedhdrs); if ( hdrs->blocks != 0 && (hdrs->height + hdrs->n) > coin->blocks.hwmheight ) iguana_processhdrs(coin,hdrs->blocks,hdrs->n); for (i=0; i<hdri; i++) { hdrs = &coin->R.hdrs[i]; if ( coin->blocks.hwmheight >= (hdrs->height + hdrs->n) ) { if ( hdrs->blocks != 0 ) { myfree(hdrs->blocks,hdrs->n * sizeof(*hdrs->blocks)); hdrs->blocks = 0; } if ( hdrs->conflictblocks != 0 ) { myfree(hdrs->conflictblocks,hdrs->n * sizeof(*hdrs->conflictblocks)); hdrs->conflictblocks = 0; } } } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->R.hdrsmutex); } void iguana_gotheadersM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_block *blocks,int32_t n) { int32_t i,iter,flag; char hexstr[65],*hashstr; addr->lastrequest = bits256_zero; addr->recvhdrs++; if ( addr->pendhdrs > 0 ) addr->pendhdrs--; coin->R.lasthdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_processhdrs(coin,blocks,n); return; //printf("hdrs.(%s) n.%d from %s\n",bits256_str(blocks[0].hash2),n,addr->ipaddr); portable_mutex_lock(&coin->R.hdrsmutex); for (i=0; i<coin->R.numhdrs; i++) { if ( memcmp(coin->R.hdrs[i].hash2.bytes,blocks[0].prev_block.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,blocks[0].prev_block.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); for (iter=flag=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( flag == 0 && (hashstr= queue_dequeue(&coin->R.pendinghdrsQ[iter],1)) != 0 ) { if( strcmp(hashstr,hexstr) == 0 ) { free_queueitem(hashstr); //printf("found pending.(%s) hdri.%d\n",hexstr,(coin->blocks.hwmheight / IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT)); flag++; break; } queue_enqueue("requeue",&coin->R.pendinghdrsQ[iter ^ 1],(void *)((long)hashstr - sizeof(struct queueitem)),0); } } if ( coin->R.hdrs[i].blocks == 0 ) { coin->R.hdrs[i].blocks = blocks; coin->R.hdrs[i].n = n; printf("got headers for %d[%d] from %s\n",coin->R.hdrs[i].height,n,addr->ipaddr); if ( addr != 0 && coin->R.hdrs[i].height+n > addr->height ) addr->height = coin->R.hdrs[i].height+n; } else if ( coin->R.hdrs[i].n == n && memcmp(coin->R.hdrs[i].blocks,blocks,n*sizeof(*blocks)) == 0 ) { coin->R.hdrs[i].duplicates++; printf("duplicate.%d blocks for height.%d n.%d\n",coin->R.hdrs[i].duplicates,coin->R.hdrs[i].height,n); myfree(blocks,sizeof(*blocks) * n); } else { if ( coin->R.hdrs[i].conflictblocks != 0 ) { myfree(coin->R.hdrs[i].conflictblocks,coin->R.hdrs[i].conflictblocksn * sizeof(struct iguana_block)); } coin->R.hdrs[i].conflicts++; printf("conflict.%d blocks for height.%d n.%d\n",coin->R.hdrs[i].conflicts,coin->R.hdrs[i].height,n); coin->R.hdrs[i].conflictblocks = blocks; coin->R.hdrs[i].conflictblocksn = n; } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->R.hdrsmutex); return; } } printf("got unexpected hdrs[%d] prev %s\n",n,bits256_str(blocks[0].prev_block)); myfree(blocks,sizeof(*blocks) * n); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->R.hdrsmutex); } void iguana_connections(void *arg) { FILE *fp; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)]; struct iguana_info *coin,**coins = arg; int32_t i,j,r,n,iter,flag; uint32_t now,lastrank; char fname[512]; struct iguana_peer *addr; n = (int32_t)coins[0]; lastrank = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coins++; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { coin = coins[i]; for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { sprintf(fname,"%s_%s.txt",coin->symbol,(iter == 0) ? "peers" : "hdrs"); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"r")) != 0 ) iguana_parseline(coin,iter,fp); fclose(fp); } //iguana_recvinit(coin,coin->R.numwaitingbits); } while ( 1 ) { if ( time(NULL) > lastrank+60 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers.mutex); iguana_peermetrics(coins[i]); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers.mutex); } lastrank = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=flag=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (coin= coins[i]) != 0 ) { r = rand(); for (j=0; j<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; j++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[(j + r) % IGUANA_MAXPEERS]; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->ipbits != 0 ) { if ( addr->dead == 0 && addr->ready > 0 ) { if ( now > addr->lastblockrecv+60 && addr->pendblocks > 0 ) addr->pendblocks--; if ( now > coin->peers.lastpeer+300 ) iguana_queue_send(coin,addr,serialized,"getaddr",0,0,0); } //printf("%s pend.(%d %d) dead.%u ready.%u relay.%d millis.%.0f hwm.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->pendhdrs,addr->pendblocks,addr->dead,addr->ready,addr->relayflag,addr->hdrmillis,coin->blocks.hwmheight); } } if ( now > coin->peers.lastpeer+300 ) { printf("lastpeer %u vs now.%u, startpeers\n",coin->peers.lastpeer,now); coin->peers.lastpeer = now; } } iguana_shutdownpeers(coin,0); // closes dead peers to free up open spots } if ( flag == 0 ) usleep(10000); } } && ((packet= queue_dequeue(&addr->sendQ,0)) != 0 || (packet= queue_dequeue(&coin->sendQ,0)) != 0) ) { //printf("%d %s: usock.%d dead.%u ready.%u\n",i,addr->ipaddr,addr->usock,addr->dead,addr->ready); flag++; if ( (packet->addr != 0 && packet->addr != addr) || (packet->getdatablock > 0 && packet->getdatablock < coin->blocks.parsedblocks) || coin->R.recvblocks[packet->getdatablock] != 0 ) { if ( coin->R.recvblocks[packet->getdatablock] == 0 ) printf("peerloop: (%s).%d packetaddr.%p != %p || packet->getdatablock %d < %d coin->blocks.parsedblocks recv[%p]\n",packet->serialized+4,packet->datalen,packet->addr,addr,packet->getdatablock,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->R.recvblocks[packet->getdatablock]); myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); } else { if ( 1 && addr != coin->peers.localaddr ) { if ( ) { addr->startsend = (uint32_t)time(NULL); strcpy(addr->symbol,coin->symbol); strcpy(addr->coinstr,coin->name); iguana_launch("send_data",iguana_issue,packet,IGUANA_SENDTHREAD); } else printf("need to wait for pending sends %d\n",iguana_numthreads(1<<IGUANA_SENDTHREAD)); } else //if ( addr != 0 ) { iguana_send(coin,addr,packet->serialized,packet->datalen); if ( packet->getdatablock > 0 ) iguana_setwaitstart(coin,packet->getdatablock); myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); } } void iguana_queuehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2) { char hashstr[65]; //int32_t hdrsi; init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->R.hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); //printf("try to queue hdr.(%s) height.%d vs %d\n",hashstr,height,coin->blocks.hwmheight); /*if ( (height % IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT) == 0 && height+1 >= coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { hdrsi = (height / IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT); if ( (height == 0 || coin->R.hdrs[hdrsi].height == 0) && coin->R.hdrs[hdrsi].duplicates == 0 ) { coin->R.hdrs[hdrsi].hash2 = hash2; coin->R.hdrs[hdrsi].height = height; if ( hdrsi >= coin->R.numhdrs ) coin->R.numhdrs = hdrsi + 1; //printf("queued hdr.(%s)\n",hashstr); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->R.hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); } }*/ } int32_t iguana_queue_send(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint8_t *serialized,char *cmd,int32_t len,int32_t getdatablock,int32_t forceflag) { struct iguana_packet *packet; int32_t datalen; if ( addr == 0 ) { printf("iguana_queue_send null addr\n"); getchar(); return(-1); } datalen = iguana_sethdr((void *)serialized,coin->chain->netmagic,cmd,&serialized[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],len); if ( strcmp("getaddr",cmd) == 0 && time(NULL) < addr->lastgotaddr+300 ) return(0); if ( strcmp("version",cmd) == 0 ) return(iguana_send(coin,addr,serialized,datalen)); packet = mycalloc('S',1,sizeof(struct iguana_packet) + datalen); packet->datalen = datalen; packet->addr = addr; if ( 1 && (packet->getdatablock = getdatablock) == 0 && strcmp((char *)&serialized[4],"getdata") == 0 ) { printf("no need to request genesis\n"); getchar(); } memcpy(packet->serialized,serialized,datalen); //printf("%p queue send.(%s) %d to (%s) %x\n",packet,serialized+4,datalen,addr->ipaddr,addr->ipbits); queue_enqueue("sendQ",addr != 0 ? &addr->sendQ : &coin->sendQ,&packet->DL,0); //printf("queue send.(%s) datalen.%d addr.%p %s [%d]\n",cmd,len,addr,addr!=0?addr->ipaddr:"",getdatablock); if ( addr == 0 || (addr->dead == 0 && addr->ipbits != 0) ) { if ( addr == 0 && getdatablock == 0 ) addr = iguana_choosepeer(coin); if ( addr == coin->peers.localaddr || (getdatablock == 0 && strcmp(cmd,"getdata") != 0) ) forceflag = 1; if ( forceflag != 0 ) { if ( getdatablock >= coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) len = iguana_send(coin,addr!=0?addr:iguana_choosepeer(coin),serialized,datalen); else len = -1; } else { packet = mycalloc('S',1,sizeof(struct iguana_packet) + datalen); packet->datalen = datalen; packet->addr = addr; if ( 1 && (packet->getdatablock = getdatablock) == 0 && strcmp((char *)&serialized[4],"getdata") == 0 ) { printf("no need to request genesis\n"); getchar(); } memcpy(packet->serialized,serialized,datalen); //printf("%p queue send.(%s) %d to (%s) %x\n",packet,serialized+4,datalen,addr->ipaddr,addr->ipbits); queue_enqueue("sendQ",addr != 0 ? &addr->sendQ : &coin->sendQ,&packet->DL,0); } } else printf("cant send.(%s) len.%d datalen.%d to null addr or dead.%u\n",&serialized[4],len,datalen,addr->dead); return(len); } while ( (packet= queue_dequeue(&addr->sendQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( packet->getdatablock > 0 && packet->getdatablock < coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { packet->addr = 0; printf("recycle pending sendQ block.%d\n",packet->getdatablock); queue_enqueue("shutdown_sendQ",&coin->blocksQ,&packet->DL,0); } else myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); } void iguana_dedicatedrecv(void *arg) { struct iguana_info *coin = 0; uint8_t *buf; int32_t bufsize; struct iguana_peer *addr = arg; if ( addr == 0 || (coin= iguana_coin(addr->symbol)) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_dedicatedrecv nullptrs addr.%p coin.%p\n",addr,coin); return; } printf("DEDICATED RECV %s\n",addr->ipaddr); bufsize = IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE; buf = mycalloc('r',1,bufsize); while ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && coin->peers.shuttingdown == 0 ) _iguana_processmsg(coin,addr,buf,bufsize); myfree(buf,bufsize); } if ( packet->getdatablock > 0 && (packet->getdatablock < coin->blocks.parsedblocks || coin->R.recvblocks[packet->getdatablock] != 0) ) { printf("discard sendQ for getdatablock.%d parsed.%d\n",packet->getdatablock,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); return(1); void iguana_issue(void *ptr) { uint32_t ipbits; char ipaddr[64]; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_info *coin=0; struct iguana_packet *packet = ptr; if ( (addr= packet->addr) == 0 || (coin= iguana_coin(addr->symbol)) == 0 || addr->dead != 0 ) { printf("iguana_issue: addr %p coin.%p dead.%u\n",addr,coin,addr->dead); return; } ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(addr->ipaddr); expand_ipbits(ipaddr,ipbits); if ( strcmp(ipaddr,addr->ipaddr) == 0 ) { if ( packet->getdatablock == 0 ) iguana_send(coin,addr,packet->serialized,packet->datalen); else if ( packet->getdatablock > 0 && packet->getdatablock >= coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { //printf("req block.%d to (%s) numthreads.%d\n",packet->getdatablock,packet->addr->ipaddr,iguana_numthreads(1 << IGUANA_SENDTHREAD)); iguana_send(coin,addr,packet->serialized,packet->datalen); iguana_setwaitstart(coin,packet->getdatablock); } } else printf("iguana_issue: ipaddr mismatch.(%s) != (%s)\n",ipaddr,addr->ipaddr), getchar(); //printf("finished sending %d to (%s) numthreads.%d\n",packet->datalen,packet->addr->ipaddr,iguana_numthreads(-1)); addr->startsend = 0; myfree(packet,sizeof(*packet) + packet->datalen); } uint64_t iguana_validaterecv(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *nump,char *fname) { struct iguana_pending *ptr; struct iguana_block space; struct iguana_msgtx *tx; int32_t n = 0; struct iguana_mappedptr M; struct iguana_memspace RSPACE; uint64_t allocated = 0; memset(&M,0,sizeof(M)); memset(&RSPACE,0,sizeof(RSPACE)); if ( (ptr= iguana_mappedptr(0,&M,0,0,fname)) != 0 ) { RSPACE.ptr = M.fileptr; RSPACE.used = 0; RSPACE.size = M.allocsize; printf("process.(%s) %ld\n",fname,(long)M.allocsize); n = 0; while ( ptr != 0 && ((long)ptr - (long)RSPACE.ptr)+ptr->next < (RSPACE.size - sizeof(*ptr)) ) { //printf("ptr diff.%d next.%d\n",(int32_t)((long)ptr - (long)RSPACE.ptr),ptr->next); if ( (tx= iguana_validpending(coin,ptr,&space)) != 0 ) { //printf("%d: ht.%-6d size.%d next.%d\n",n,ptr->block.height,ptr->allocsize,ptr->next); iguana_freetx(tx,ptr->numtx); allocated += ptr->allocsize; n++; coin->R.recvblocks[ptr->block.height] = ptr; } else { printf("n.%d ht.%d: tx doesnt validate\n",n,ptr->block.height); } if ( ptr->next != 0 ) ptr = (void *)((long)ptr + ptr->next); else break; } if ( n == 0 ) iguana_closemap(&M); } *nump = n; return(allocated); } for (i=maxi=skipped=total=0; skipped<10; i++) { if ( coin->R.maprecvdata == 0 ) break; sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/recv.%d",coin->symbol,i), iguana_compatible_path(fname); if ( (allocated= iguana_validaterecv(coin,&n,fname)) != 0 ) combined += allocated, total += n, skipped = 0, maxi = i; else if ( skipped++ > 10 ) break; } /*for (i=0; i<n; i++) { coin = coins[1 + i]; sprintf(dirname,"DB/%s",coin->symbol); ensure_directory(dirname); sprintf(dirname,"tmp/%s",coin->symbol); ensure_directory(dirname); }*/ //iguana_launch("peers",iguana_connections,coins,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); //iguana_launch("requests",iguana_requests,coins,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); //portable_mutex_t hdrsmutex; struct iguana_hdrs *hdrs; uint32_t savedhdrs,lasthdrtime,numhdrs; struct iguana_hdrs { bits256 hash2; struct iguana_block *blocks,*conflictblocks; int32_t n,conflictblocksn,height,conflicts,duplicates; }; bits256 iguana_unspentmap(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t *spendindp,uint32_t *txidindp,char *txidstr,uint32_t unspentind) { struct iguana_unspent U; memset(&U,0,sizeof(U)); if ( iguana_rwunspentind(coin,0,&U,unspentind) == 0 ) { *txidindp = U.txidind; *spendindp = U.spendind; if ( txidstr != 0 ) return(iguana_txidstr(coin,0,0,txidstr,U.txidind)); } else printf("error getting unspents[%u] when %d\n",unspentind,coin->latest.numunspents), getchar(); return(bits256_zero); } int32_t iguana_inittxid(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { char txidstr[513]; bits256 checktxid; uint32_t txidind,spendind; struct iguana_txid *tx = value; if ( key != 0 && value != 0 && itemind > 0 ) { //printf("inittxid.(%s) itemind.%d (%d %d)\n",bits256_str(tx->txid),itemind,tx->firstvout,tx->firstvin); checktxid = iguana_unspentmap(coin,&spendind,&txidind,txidstr,tx->firstvout); if ( memcmp(checktxid.bytes,key,sizeof(checktxid)) != 0 || txidind != itemind ) { printf("checktxid.%s miscompares to %s, txidind.%d vs itemind.%d\n",txidstr,bits256_str(tx->txid),txidind,itemind); getchar(); return(-1); } if ( spendind >= coin->latest.numspends ) { //struct iguana_unspent U; //iguana_rwunspentind(coin,0,&U,tx->firstvout); //U.spendind = 0; //iguana_rwunspentind(coin,1,&U,tx->firstvout); printf("spendind.%d vs %d overflow in txid.%s txidind.%d U%d autocleared\n",spendind,coin->latest.numspends,txidstr,tx->firstvout,tx->firstvout); } //printf("txidind.%d: 1st.(%d %d)\n",txidind,tx->firstvout,tx->firstvin); } return(0); } /*if ( flag != 0 && height > 0 ) { if ( coin->latest.numtxids != lastblock.L.firsttxidind + lastblock.txn_count && iguana_kvtruncate(coin,coin->txids,lastblock.L.firsttxidind + lastblock.txn_count) < 0 ) err |= 1; if ( coin->latest.numunspents != lastblock.L.firstvout + lastblock.numvouts && iguana_kvtruncate(coin,coin->unspents,lastblock.L.firstvout + lastblock.numvouts) < 0 ) err |= 2; if ( coin->latest.numspends != lastblock.L.firstvin + lastblock.numvins && iguana_kvtruncate(coin,coin->spends,lastblock.L.firstvin + lastblock.numvins) < 0 ) err |= 4; if ( coin->latest.numpkhashes != lastblock.L.numpkinds && iguana_kvtruncate(coin,coin->pkhashes,lastblock.L.numpkinds) < 0 ) err |= 8; } else { printf("reset counters flag.%d height.%d\n",flag,height); //getchar(); } if ( err != 0 ) return(-err);*/ checktxid = iguana_txidstr(coin,0,0,txidstr,txidind); if ( memcmp(checktxid.bytes,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid)) != 0 ) { int32_t i; printf("error kvwrite/read of txid.%s vs %s txidind.%d\n",bits256_str(txid),bits256_str2(checktxid),txidind); for (i=-10; i<10; i++) { iguana_rwtxidind(coin,0,&tx,txidind+i); printf("txidind.%d %s\n",txidind+i,bits256_str(tx.txid)); } getchar(); return(0); } checkind = iguana_txidind(coin,&checkfirstvout,&checkfirstvin,txid); if ( checkind != txidind || checkfirstvout != firstvout || checkfirstvin != firstvin ) { printf("error kvwrite/read of txidind.%d:%d %s firstvout.%d vs %d firstvin.%d vs %d\n",txidind,checkind,bits256_str(txid),firstvout,checkfirstvout,checkfirstvin,firstvin); getchar(); return(0); } int32_t iguana_recvinit(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t initialheight) { //int32_t maxi,total; uint64_t allocated,combined = 0; //portable_mutex_init(&coin->R.RSPACE.mutex); //memset(&coin->R.RSPACE,0,sizeof(coin->R.RSPACE)); //coin->R.RSPACE.size = 1024*1024*128; //coin->R.RSPACE.counter = total != 0 ? maxi+1 : 0; return(0); } int32_t iguana_initpkhash(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { int64_t balance; uint64_t credits,debits; int32_t numutxo; uint32_t unspents[64]; struct iguana_pkhash *P = value; if ( key != 0 && value != 0 && itemind > 0 ) { if ( (balance= iguana_balance(coin,&credits,&debits,&numutxo,unspents,sizeof(unspents)/sizeof(*unspents),P,itemind)) < 0 ) { printf("iguana_balance error pkind.%d %.8f vs %.8f\n",itemind,dstr(balance),dstr(P->balance)); getchar(); return(-1); } coin->latest.credits += credits; coin->latest.debits += debits; } return(0); } /* int64_t iguana_balance(struct iguana_info *coin,uint64_t *creditsp,uint64_t *debitsp,int32_t *nump,uint32_t *unspents,long max,struct iguana_pkhash *P,uint32_t pkind) { uint32_t unspentind,spendind,lastunspentind,lastspendind,flag,n = 0; int64_t credits,debits,net = 0; struct iguana_unspent U; struct iguana_spend S; *creditsp = *debitsp = net = credits = debits = lastunspentind = lastspendind = flag = 0; unspentind = P->firstunspentind; while ( unspentind > 0 ) { lastunspentind = unspentind; if ( iguana_rwunspentind(coin,0,&U,unspentind) == 0 ) { credits += U.value; if ( U.spendind == 0 ) { net += U.value; if ( n < max && unspents != 0 ) unspents[n] = unspentind; } n++; if ( unspentind != P->lastunspentind && U.nextunspentind > 0 && U.nextunspentind > unspentind && U.nextunspentind < coin->latest.numunspents ) unspentind = U.nextunspentind; else { if ( U.nextunspentind == 0 ) // cleared during unspents init { P->lastunspentind = unspentind = lastunspentind; flag++; } break; } } else return(-1); } if ( unspentind == P->lastunspentind ) { if ( (spendind= P->firstspendind) >= coin->latest.numspends ) { P->firstspendind = P->lastspendind = spendind = 0; flag++; } while ( spendind > 0 ) { lastspendind = spendind; if ( iguana_rwspendind(coin,0,&S,spendind) == 0 ) { if ( S.unspentind > 0 && S.unspentind < coin->latest.numunspents && iguana_rwunspentind(coin,0,&U,S.unspentind) == 0 ) { debits += U.value; if ( spendind != P->lastspendind && S.nextspendind > 0 && S.nextspendind > spendind && S.nextspendind < coin->latest.numspends ) spendind = S.nextspendind; } else S.nextspendind = 0; if ( S.nextspendind == 0 ) // cleared during spends init { P->lastspendind = spendind = lastspendind; flag++; break; } } else return(-1); } if ( flag != 0 ) { if ( iguana_rwpkind(coin,1,P,pkind) < 0 ) printf("error "); printf("pkind.%d autofix\n",pkind); P->balance = (credits - debits); } if ( net != (credits - debits) ) printf("iguana_balance: total mismatch %.8f != %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",dstr(net),dstr(credits)-dstr(debits),dstr(credits),dstr(debits)); *nump = n; *creditsp = credits; *debitsp = debits; return(net); } else printf("iguana_balance error: unspentind.%u != last.%u\n",unspentind,P->lastunspentind); *nump = 0; return(-1); }*/ int32_t iguana_processhdrs(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_block *blocks,int32_t n) { bits256 hash2; int32_t i,flag=0,startheight = -1,height = -1; struct iguana_block space,*block; if ( startheight >= 0 ) { printf("%s received headers %d [%d] %s\n",addr->ipaddr,startheight,n,bits256_str(blocks[0].hash2)); if ( startheight+n < coin->blocks.hwmheight ) return(-1); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (height= startheight+i) < coin->blocks.hwmheight ) continue; if ( (block= iguana_findblock(coin,&space,blocks[i].hash2)) == 0 || height > coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { if ( (height= iguana_addblock(coin,blocks[i].hash2,&blocks[i])) > 0 ) { iguana_gotdata(coin,0,blocks[i].height,blocks[i].hash2); flag++; } } else printf("height.%d:%d %s block.%p flag.%d\n",height,blocks[i].height,bits256_str(blocks[i].hash2),block,flag); } if ( flag != 0 ) { //iguana_queuehdrs(coin,blocks[n-1].height,blocks[n-1].hash2,1); //iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,coin->blocks.hwmheight + 1); } } iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,coin->blocks.hwmheight + 1); return(flag); } /*int32_t iguana_updatewaiting(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t starti,int32_t max) { int32_t i,height,gap,n = 0; uint32_t now; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); height = starti; for (i=0; i<max; i++,height++) { gap = (height - coin->blocks.parsedblocks); if ( gap >= 0 ) gap = sqrt(gap); if ( gap < 1 ) gap = 1; if ( height < coin->R.numwaitingbits && coin->R.recvblocks[height] == 0 && now > (coin->R.waitstart[height] + gap) ) { //printf("restart height.%d width.%d widthready.%d %s\n",height,coin->width,coin->widthready,bits256_str(iguana_blockhash(coin,height))); iguana_waitclear(coin,height); iguana_waitstart(coin,height); } //else printf("%d %d %p %u\n",height,coin->R.numwaitingbits,coin->R.recvblocks[height],coin->R.waitstart[height]); } //printf("height.%d max.%d\n",starti,max); height = starti; for (i=0; i<max; i++,height++) if ( coin->R.recvblocks[height] != 0 ) n++; return(n); }*/ /*void iguana_queuehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2,int32_t forceflag) { char hashstr[65]; if ( memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { printf("trying to queue null hash\n"); getchar(); } if ( height < 0 ) forceflag = 1; if ( (forceflag != 0 && height > coin->blocks.hwmheight-coin->chain->bundlesize) || (height/coin->chain->bundlesize) > (coin->R.topheight/coin->chain->bundlesize) ) { printf("queue hdrs height.%d %s\n",height,bits256_str(hash2)); coin->R.pendingtopheight = coin->R.topheight; coin->R.pendingtopstart = (uint32_t)time(NULL); init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); } }*/ /*if ( block->height >= coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { memset(&space,0,sizeof(space)); if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,&space,(uint32_t *)&block->height) != 0 ) iguana_mergeblock(&space,block); else printf("iguana_gotblock: cant read block.%d\n",block->height); iguana_recvblock(coin,addr,&space,txarray,numtx,data,datalen); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,&space,(uint32_t *)&space.height); } // else printf("orphan %d block.%s from gotblockM\n",block->height,bits256_str(block->hash2)); iguana_waitclear(coin,block->height);*/ //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->blocks.mutex); /*if ( 1 && coin->R.pendingtopheight == 0 ) { for (checkpointi=coin->blocks.hwmheight/coin->chain->bundlesize; checkpointi<coin->R.numcheckpoints; checkpointi++) if ( memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,coin->R.checkpoints[checkpointi].prevhash2.bytes,sizeof(coin->R.checkpoints[checkpointi])) != 0 ) iguana_queuehdrs(coin,coin->R.checkpoints[checkpointi].height,coin->R.checkpoints[checkpointi].prevhash2,1); coin->R.pendingtopheight = 1; printf("issued initial gethdrs from %d\n",(coin->blocks.hwmheight/coin->chain->bundlesize)*coin->chain->bundlesize); //getchar(); } if ( coin->R.topheight < 0 ) coin->R.topheight = 0; if ( coin->blocks.hwmheight < 0 ) coin->blocks.hwmheight = 0; if ( coin->R.topheight < coin->blocks.hwmheight ) coin->R.topheight = coin->blocks.hwmheight; if ( coin->R.topheight == 0 || coin->R.topheight >= coin->R.pendingtopheight+coin->chain->bundlesize || time(NULL) > (coin->R.lasthdrtime + 60) ) { memset(hash2.bytes,0,sizeof(hash2)); if ( coin->R.pendingtopheight != coin->R.topheight ) { height = (coin->R.topheight/coin->chain->bundlesize) * coin->chain->bundlesize; hash2 = coin->R.checkpoints[height / coin->chain->bundlesize].prevhash2; printf("request new header %d vs %d %u %s\n",height,coin->R.topheight,coin->R.pendingtopstart,bits256_str(hash2)); if ( memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); } if ( memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,1); if ( coin->blocks.hwmheight < coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) coin->blocks.parsedblocks = coin->blocks.hwmheight; height = coin->blocks.parsedblocks; hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); if ( iguana_choosepeer(coin) != 0 ) printf("hwmchain request new header %d vs %d %u\n",coin->R.pendingtopheight,coin->R.topheight,coin->R.pendingtopstart); } coin->R.lasthdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { iguana_queuehdrs(coin,height,hash2,1); return(1); } } if ( coin->newhdrs != 0 ) { coin->newhdrs = 0; height = coin->blocks.hwmheight; iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,height + 1); if ( coin->blocks.hwmheight > height ) return(1); }*/ /*for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( (req= queue_dequeue(&addr->pendblocksQ[iter ^ 1],0)) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(&req->hash2,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { if ( (*heightp= req->height) >= 0 && req->checkpointi >= 0 ) { printf("FOUND.(%s) height.%d\n",bits256_str(req->hash2),req->height); if ( deleteflag == 0 ) queue_enqueue("pendblocksQ",&addr->pendblocksQ[iter ^ 1],&req->DL,0); return(&coin->R.checkpoints[req->checkpointi]); } else printf("height.%d checkpointi.%d\n",req->height,req->checkpointi); } printf("requeue.%p\n",req); queue_enqueue("pendblocksQ",&addr->pendblocksQ[iter ^ 1],&req->DL,0); } } return(0);*/ void iguana_queuebundle(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bundle) { int32_t i; printf("queue bundle.%p %s height.%d num.%d waitingbits.%d\n",bundle,bits256_str(bundle->prevhash2),bundle->height,bundle->num,coin->R.numwaitingbits); for (i=0; i<bundle->num; i++) { //printf("bundle[i.%d] %d %s\n",i,bundle->height + 1 + i,bits256_str(bundle->blocks[i].hash2)); if ( iguana_recvblock(coin,bundle->height + 1 + i) == 0 ) { coin->R.blockhashes[bundle->height + 1 + i] = bundle->blocks[i].hash2; //iguana_queueblock(coin,bundle->height + 1 + i,bundle->blocks[i].hash2,0); } } } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundleheight(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *heightp,bits256 hash2,bits256 prev_block,int32_t deleteflag) { //int32_t i,j,miscompare = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bundle; *heightp = -1; /* for (i=0; i<coin->R.numbundles; i++) { if ( i*coin->chain->bundlesize > coin->longestchain ) { // printf("i.%d %d < longestchain.%d\n",i,i*coin->chain->bundlesize,coin->longestchain); break; } bundle = &coin->R.bundles[i]; if ( bundle->height >= 0 && bundle->blocks != 0 ) { if ( bundle->recvstart == 0 ) continue; // printf("bundlei.%d recvstart.%u finish.%u\n",i,bundle->recvstart,bundle->recvfinish); if ( memcmp(bundle->prevhash2.bytes,prev_block.bytes,sizeof(prev_block)) == 0 ) { *heightp = bundle->height + 1; return(bundle); } for (j=0; j<bundle->num; j++) { if ( memcmp(bundle->blocks[j].hash2.bytes,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *heightp = bundle->height + 1 + j; //printf("height.%d j.%d (%s) vs (%s) bundle.%d\n",*heightp,j,bits256_str(bundle->blocks[j].hash2),bits256_str2(hash2),bundle->height); return(bundle); } else miscompare++;//, printf("%x ",(uint32_t)bundle->blocks[j].hash2.uints[7]); } } //else printf("skip bundle.%d %p\n",bundle->height,bundle->blocks); } printf("cant find.(%s) miscompares.%d %x\n",bits256_str(hash2),miscompare,(uint32_t)hash2.uints[7]);*/ return(0); } /* static bits256 lasthash2; struct iguana_blockreq *req; int32_t height; addr->lastrequest = bits256_zero; addr->recvhdrs++; if ( addr->pendhdrs > 0 ) addr->pendhdrs--; coin->R.lasthdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( memcmp(lasthash2.bytes,blockhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(lasthash2)) != 0 ) { if ( n <= 2 ) { printf("gotblockhashes[%d] %s pend.%d\n",n,bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),addr->pendhdrs); lasthash2 = blockhashes[0]; } } if ( n > 2 ) { if ( n > coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("warning: %s gotheaders.%d is too many vs. %d\n",coin->symbol,n,coin->chain->bundlesize); req = mycalloc('r',1,sizeof(*req)); req->hash2 = blockhashes[0]; req->blockhashes = blockhashes; req->n = n; iguana_bundleheight(coin,&height,blockhashes[0],bits256_zero,0); if ( req->height >= 0 ) { req->bundlei = (req->height / coin->chain->bundlesize); //printf("blocksQ.%s height.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),height); //queue_enqueue("blocksQ",&coin->blocksQ,&req->DL,0); } else { req->bundlei = -1; //printf("priorityQ.%s height.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),height); //queue_enqueue("priorityQ",&coin->priorityQ,&req->DL,0); } printf("blocksQ.%s height.%d req->height.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),height,req->height); queue_enqueue("blocksQ",&coin->blocksQ,&req->DL,0); } else myfree(blockhashes,n * sizeof(*blockhashes)); } int32_t h,i,height; uint32_t now; bits256 prevhash2; //char hashstr[65]; struct iguana_blockreq *req; struct iguana_bundle *bundle; iguana_gotdata(coin,addr,block->height,block->hash2); now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); bundle = iguana_bundleheight(coin,&height,block->hash2,block->prev_block,1); //printf("%s got block.%d height.%d\n",addr!=0?addr->ipaddr:"local",block->height,height); if ( (req= queue_dequeue(&addr->pendingQ,0)) != 0 ) // should only have depth 1! { if ( memcmp(req->hash2.bytes,block->hash2.bytes,sizeof(req->hash2)) == 0 ) { if ( req->blockhashes != 0 ) { iguana_gotdata(coin,addr,block->height,block->hash2); iguana_bundleinit(coin,block->height-1,block->prev_block); if ( (bundle= iguana_bundle(coin,block->prev_block)) != 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&bundle->mutex); if ( bundle->blocks == 0 ) { bundle->blockhashes = req->blockhashes; bundle->num = req->n; bundle->bundlei = (block->height / coin->chain->bundlesize); bundle->firsthash2 = block->hash2; bundle->lasthash2 = req->blockhashes[req->n-1]; bundle->height = block->height - 1; bundle->blocks = mycalloc('B',req->n,sizeof(*bundle->blocks)); bundle->blocks[0] = *block; prevhash2 = block->prev_block; for (i=0; i<req->n; i++) { height = (bundle->height + 1 + i); bundle->blocks[i].prev_block = prevhash2; bundle->blocks[i].hash2 = req->blockhashes[i]; prevhash2 = req->blockhashes[i]; if ( (height % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 0 ) iguana_bundleinit(coin,height,req->blockhashes[i]); } printf("initialized bundlei.%d %d\n",bundle->bundlei,bundle->height); } portable_mutex_unlock(&bundle->mutex); } else printf("couldnt find matching bundle for %s\n",bits256_str(block->prev_block)); myfree(req->blockhashes,req->n * sizeof(*req->blockhashes)); myfree(req,sizeof(*req)); } else printf("unexpected missing blockhashes.%p\n",req->blockhashes); } else printf("unexpected hash2 mismatch with height.%d\n",block->height); } else { if ( bundle == 0 ) { printf("cant find bundle.(%s)\n",bits256_str(block->hash2)); return; } if ( height > bundle->height && height <= bundle->height+bundle->num ) { h = height - bundle->height - 1; portable_mutex_lock(&bundle->mutex); if ( bundle->numvalid < bundle->num && bundle->txdata[h] == 0 ) { bundle->blocks[h] = *block; if ( iguana_recvblockptr(coin,height) == &bundle->txdata[h] && bundle->txdata[h] == 0 ) { bundle->txdata[h] = txarray, bundle->numtxs[h] = numtx; coin->blocks.numblocks++; //if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) printf("GOT.%d | received.%d total.%d | %.2f minutes\n",height,coin->blocks.recvblocks,coin->blocks.numblocks,(double)(now - coin->starttime)/60.); txarray = 0; if ( ++bundle->numvalid == bundle->num ) { bundle->recvfinish = now; bundle->lastduration = (bundle->recvfinish - bundle->recvstart); dxblend(&coin->R.avetime,bundle->lastduration,.9); if ( bundle->lastduration < coin->R.avetime ) coin->R.faster++; else coin->R.slower++; if ( coin->R.faster > 3*coin->R.slower || coin->R.slower > 3*coin->R.faster ) { dir = (coin->R.maxrecvbundles - coin->R.prevmaxrecvbundles); if ( coin->R.slower >= coin->R.faster ) dir = -dir; if ( dir > 0 ) dir = 1; else if ( coin->R.maxrecvbundles > 2 ) dir = -1; else dir = 0; printf("(%d vs %f) faster.%d slower.%d -> dir.%d apply -> %d\n",bundle->lastduration,coin->R.avetime,coin->R.faster,coin->R.slower,dir,coin->R.maxrecvbundles + dir); coin->R.prevmaxrecvbundles = coin->R.maxrecvbundles; coin->R.maxrecvbundles += dir; coin->R.slower = coin->R.faster = 0; } coin->R.finishedbundles++; printf("submit emit.%d height.%d\n",bundle->bundlei,bundle->height); queue_enqueue("emitQ",&coin->emitQ,&bundle->DL,0); } else { if ( coin->R.waitstart[height] > 0 ) { if ( bundle->firstblocktime == 0 ) bundle->firstblocktime = now; bundle->durationsum += (now - coin->R.waitstart[height] + 1); bundle->aveduration = (bundle->durationsum / bundle->numvalid); } } } else printf("recvblockptr error? height.%d %p %p h.%d\n",height,iguana_recvblockptr(coin,height),&bundle->txdata[h],h); } else if ( (rand() % 1000) == 0 ) printf("interloper! already have txs[%d] for bundlei.%d\n",h,bundle!=0?bundle->height:-1); portable_mutex_unlock(&bundle->mutex); } else printf("height.%d outside range of bundlei.%d %d\n",height,bundle!=0?bundle->height:-1,bundle!=0?bundle->height:-1); } //iguana_waitclear(coin,block->height); if ( 1 && (rand() % 1000) == 0 ) printf("%-15s pend.(%d %d) got block.%-6d recvblocks %-8.0f recvtotal %-10.0f\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->pendhdrs,addr->pendblocks,block->height,addr->recvblocks,addr->recvtotal); } if ( txarray != 0 ) iguana_freetx(txarray,numtx); myfree(block,sizeof(*block)); }*/ /* if ( (bp= iguana_bundleinit(coin,-1,blocks[0].prev_block)) != 0 ) { if ( n > coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("warning: %s gotheaders.%d is too many vs. %d\n",coin->symbol,n,coin->chain->bundlesize); portable_mutex_lock(&bundle->mutex); if ( bundle->blocks == 0 ) { bundle->num = n; bundle->blocks = blocks; bundle->firsthash2 = blocks[0].hash2; bundle->lasthash2 = blocks[n-1].hash2; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { blocks[i].height = (bundle->height + i + 1); iguana_gotdata(coin,addr,blocks[i].height,blocks[i].hash2); if ( (blocks[i].height % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 0 ) iguana_bundleinit(coin,blocks[i].height,blocks[i].hash2); } printf("%s set bundle.%d %s\n",addr->ipaddr,bundle->height,bits256_str(blocks[0].prev_block)); } portable_mutex_unlock(&bundle->mutex); } else printf("ERROR iguana_gotheaders got bundle.(%s) n.%d that cant be found?\n",bits256_str(blocks[0].prev_block),n); }*/ int32_t iguana_updatehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t flag = 0; int32_t i,j,m,height,run,flag = 0; uint32_t now; struct iguana_bundle *bundle; if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) == 0 ) return(flag); now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); run = -1; for (i=0; i<coin->R.numbundles; i++) { if ( i*coin->chain->bundlesize > coin->longestchain ) break; bundle = &coin->R.bundles[i]; if ( bundle->blocks != 0 ) { if ( bundle->recvstart == 0 ) { if ( (coin->R.startedbundles - coin->R.finishedbundles) < coin->R.maxrecvbundles ) { iguana_queuebundle(coin,bundle); bundle->recvstart = now; coin->R.startedbundles++; printf("startbundle.%d (%d - %d)\n",bundle->height,coin->R.startedbundles,coin->R.finishedbundles); flag++; } } else if ( bundle->recvfinish == 0 ) { for (j=m=0; j<bundle->num; j++) { height = bundle->height+j+1; if ( iguana_recvblock(coin,height) != 0 ) m++; else if ( coin->R.waitstart[height] > 0 ) { duration = (now - coin->R.waitstart[height]); if ( duration > 60 || (duration > 10 && bundle->numvalid > 13 && duration > 3.*bundle->aveduration) ) { if ( now > bundle->lastdisp+15 ) printf("height.%d in bundle.%d duration.%d vs ave %.3f\n",height,bundle->height,duration,bundle->aveduration); iguana_waitclear(coin,height); iguana_waitstart(coin,height,bundle->blocks[j].hash2,1); } } else if ( bundle->firstblocktime > 0 && (now - bundle->firstblocktime) > 60 ) { if ( now > bundle->lastdisp+15 ) printf("height.%d in bundle.%d ave %.3f\n",height,bundle->height,bundle->aveduration); iguana_waitclear(coin,height); iguana_waitstart(coin,height,bundle->blocks[j].hash2,1); bundle->firstblocktime = now; } } if ( 0 && now > bundle->lastdisp+15 ) { printf("bundle.%d (%d %d) elapsed.%d (%d - %d) %d | %.2f minutes\n",bundle->bundlei,bundle->height,m,(int32_t)(now - bundle->recvstart),coin->R.startedbundles,coin->R.finishedbundles,coin->R.maxrecvbundles,(double)(now - coin->starttime)/60.); bundle->lastdisp = now; } } else if ( run == i-1 ) run++; } } //iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,0); return(flag); }*/ /*struct iguana_block *iguana_block(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *space,int32_t height) { if ( height <= coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,space,(uint32_t *)&height) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(space->hash2) != 0 ) return(space); if ( height < coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { printf("height.%d null blockhash? prev.%s\n",height,bits256_str(space->prev_block)); getchar(); } return(0); } else printf("error doing RWmmap\n"); } //printf("iguana_block hwmheight.%d vs height.%d\n",coin->blocks.hwmheight,height); return(0); } struct iguana_block *iguana_findblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *space,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block *block = 0; uint32_t itemind; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) != 0 ) { block = iguana_kvread(coin,coin->blocks.db,hash2.bytes,space,&itemind); //printf("iguana_findblock block.%p itemind.%d\n",block,itemind); if ( block == 0 || itemind != block->height ) { if ( block != 0 && block->height != itemind ) { printf("iguana_findblock (%s) error itemind.%d vs %d block.%p\n",bits256_str(hash2),itemind,block!=0?block->height:-1,block); getchar(); } return(0); } } return(block); }*/ struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundlefindprev(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *heightp,bits256 prevhash2) { struct iguana_block *block; *heightp = -1; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,prevhash2)) != 0 ) { *heightp = block->hh.itemind; if ( block->bundle == 0 ) { if ( *heightp == 0 ) block->bundle = coin->B[0]; else block->bundle = coin->B[(block->hh.itemind - 1) / coin->chain->bundlesize]; } return(block->bundle); } else return(0); } /*int32_t iguana_bundleset(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t origheight,bits256 hash2) { int32_t bundlei,blocki,height = origheight; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; //printf("bundleset.(%d %s)\n",height,bits256_str(hash2)); if ( (height % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 0 && height > 0 ) { iguana_blockhashset(coin,origheight,hash2,0); return(0); } if ( (bundlei= iguana_bundlei(coin,&blocki,height)) >= 0 && bundlei >= 0 && (bp= coin->B[bundlei]) != 0 ) { if ( height > bp->height && height < bp->height+bp->num ) { if ( iguana_blockhashset(coin,origheight,hash2,bp) != 0 ) { return(0); } printf("iguana_bundleset error setting bundle height.%d %s\n",height,bits256_str(hash2)); } else printf("iguana_bundleset illegal height.%d for bundle.%d\n",height,bp->height); } else printf("iguana_bundleset illegal height.%d bundlei.%d blocki.%d bp.%p\n",height,bundlei,blocki,bp); return(-1); }*/ /*int32_t iguana_bundlei(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *blockip,int32_t height) { int32_t bundlei; *blockip = -1; if ( height <= 0 || height > coin->R.numwaitingbits ) return(-1); height--; *blockip = (height % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( (bundlei= (height / coin->chain->bundlesize)) < IGUANA_MAXBUNDLES ) return(bundlei); else return(-1); } void **iguana_recvblockptr(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *blockip,int32_t height) { int32_t bundlei; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( (bundlei= iguana_bundlei(coin,blockip,height)) >= 0 ) { if ( (bp= coin->B[bundlei]) != 0 ) return(&bp->txdata[*blockip]); } return(0); }*/ /*struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundleinit(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2) { int32_t bundlei,blocki; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; if ( height < 0 || (height % coin->chain->bundlesize) != 0 ) { printf("bundleinit error: height.%d %s\n",height,bits256_str(hash2)); return(bp); } portable_mutex_lock(&coin->bundles_mutex); if ( (bundlei= iguana_bundlei(coin,&blocki,height+1)) >= 0 ) { if ( (bp= coin->B[bundlei]) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->prevhash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->prevhash2) > 0 ) { printf("bundleinit[%d]: %d hash conflict have %s, got %s\n",bp->bundlei,bp->height,bits256_str(bp->prevhash2),bits256_str2(hash2)); //getchar(); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->bundles_mutex); return(0); } bp->prevhash2 = hash2; iguana_blockhashset(coin,height,hash2,1); printf("bundleinit: set starting hash.(%s) for %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),bp->height); } } } else { bp = mycalloc('b',1,sizeof(*bp)); coin->B[bundlei] = bp; // cant change values once set to nonzero bp->prevhash2 = hash2; bp->bundlei = bundlei; bp->hasheaders = coin->chain->hasheaders; bp->num = coin->chain->bundlesize; bp->height = (bundlei * coin->chain->bundlesize); bp->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 ) { iguana_blockhashset(coin,height,hash2,1); printf("created bundle.%d: %s coin->B[%d] <- %p\n",height,bits256_str(hash2),bundlei,bp); } } } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->bundles_mutex); return(bp); }*/ int32_t iguana_waitstart(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2,int32_t priority) { if ( height < 0 || iguana_recvblock(coin,height) == 0 ) return(iguana_queueblock(coin,height,hash2,priority)); else if ( height < coin->maxblockbits ) printf("iguana_waitstart ignore height.%d < %d, %p GETBIT.%d\n",height,coin->maxblockbits,iguana_recvblock(coin,height),GETBIT(coin->R.waitingbits,height)); return(0); } int32_t iguana_waitclear(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { if ( height < coin->maxblockbits ) { //printf("%d waitclear.%d parsed.%d\n",coin->R.numwaiting,height,coin->blocks.recvblocks); if ( coin->R.numwaiting > 0 ) coin->R.numwaiting--; coin->R.waitstart[height] = 0; CLEARBIT(coin->R.waitingbits,height); return(0); } return(-1); } int32_t iguana_updatewaiting(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t starti,int32_t max) { int32_t i,height,gap,n = 0; uint32_t now; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); height = starti; iguana_waitclear(coin,height); iguana_waitstart(coin,height,coin->R.blockhashes[height],1); for (i=0; i<max; i++,height++) { gap = (height - coin->blocks.recvblocks); if ( gap >= 0 ) gap = sqrt(gap); if ( gap < 13 ) gap = 13; if ( height < coin->maxblockbits && iguana_recvblock(coin,height) == 0 && now > (coin->R.waitstart[height] + gap) && memcmp(bits256_zero.bytes,coin->R.blockhashes[height].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) { //printf("restart height.%d width.%d widthready.%d %s\n",height,coin->width,coin->widthready,bits256_str(coin->R.blockhashes[height])); iguana_waitclear(coin,height); iguana_waitstart(coin,height,coin->R.blockhashes[height],0); } //else printf("%d %d %p %u\n",height,coin->maxblockbits,coin->R.recvblocks[height],coin->R.waitstart[height]); } //printf("height.%d max.%d\n",starti,max); height = starti; for (i=0; i<max; i++,height++) if ( iguana_recvblock(coin,height) != 0 ) n++; return(n); } uint32_t iguana_issuereqs(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t width,w; coin->width = width = 4*sqrt(coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.recvblocks); if ( coin->width < 0 ) width = 500; coin->widthready = 0; coin->width = 5000; //printf("width.%d\n",width); while ( iguana_recvblock(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks) != 0 ) { coin->blocks.recvblocks++; //printf("RECV.%d\n",coin->blocks.recvblocks); } while ( width < (coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.recvblocks) ) { w = iguana_updatewaiting(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks,width); //printf("w%d ",w); if ( width == coin->width ) coin->widthready = w; //else break; width <<= 1; if ( width >= coin->longestchain-coin->blocks.recvblocks ) width = coin->longestchain-coin->blocks.recvblocks-1; if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 && width > (coin->width<<2) ) printf("coin->width.%d higher width.%d all there, w.%d\n",coin->width,width,w); } return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } int32_t iguana_connectsocket(int32_t blockflag,struct iguana_peer *A,struct sockaddr *addr,socklen_t addr_len) { int32_t opt,flags; struct timeval timeout; //,val = 65536*2 if ( A->usock >= 0 ) { printf("iguana_connectsocket: (%s) already has usock.%d\n",A->ipaddr,A->usock); return(-1); } if ( A->ipv6 != 0 ) A->usock = socket(AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); else A->usock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if ( A->usock >= 0 ) { //setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,&val,sizeof(val)); //setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&val,sizeof(val)); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 1000; setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); opt = 1; setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void*)&opt,sizeof(opt)); //retval = setsockopt(A->usock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_NOSIGPIPE,&opt,sizeof(opt)); //printf("nosigpipe retval.%d\n",retval); if ( blockflag != 0 || ((flags= fcntl(A->usock,F_GETFL,0)) >= 0 && fcntl(A->usock,F_SETFL,flags|O_NONBLOCK) >= 0) ) { if ( connect(A->usock,addr,addr_len) >= 0 || errno == EINPROGRESS ) return(A->usock); else fprintf(stderr,"usock %s connect -> errno.%d\n",A->ipaddr,errno); }// else fprintf(stderr,"usock %s fcntl -> flags.%d errno.%d",ipaddr,flags,errno); } else fprintf(stderr,"usock %s -> errno.%d\n",A->ipaddr,errno); return(-errno); } int32_t iguana_connect(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addrs,int32_t maxaddrs,char *ipaddr,uint16_t default_port,int32_t connectflag) { struct sockaddr *addr; struct sockaddr_in6 saddr6; struct sockaddr_in saddr4; uint32_t ipbits; struct addrinfo hints,*res; socklen_t addr_len; struct addrinfo *ai; int32_t retval = -1,status,n = 0; addrs[n].usock = -1; memset(&hints,0,sizeof(hints)); memset(&saddr6,0,sizeof(saddr6)); memset(&saddr4,0,sizeof(saddr4)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; //printf("getaddrinfo\n"); if ( getaddrinfo(ipaddr,NULL,&hints,&res)) { printf("cant get addrinfo for (%s)\n",ipaddr); return(-1); } for (ai=res; ai!=NULL&&n<maxaddrs; ai=ai->ai_next) { if ( ai->ai_family == AF_INET6 ) { struct sockaddr_in6 *saddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr; memcpy(&addrs[n].A.ip,&saddr->sin6_addr,16); memset(&saddr6,0,sizeof(saddr6)); saddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&saddr6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,&addrs[n].A.ip[0],16); saddr6.sin6_port = htons(default_port); addrs[n].ipv6 = 1; addr = (struct sockaddr *)&saddr6; addr_len = sizeof(saddr6); } else if ( ai->ai_family == AF_INET ) { struct sockaddr_in *saddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr; memset(&addrs[n].A.ip[0],0,10); memset(&addrs[n].A.ip[10],0xff,2); memcpy(&addrs[n].A.ip[12],&saddr->sin_addr,4); memset(&saddr4,0,sizeof(saddr4)); saddr4.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&saddr4.sin_addr.s_addr,&addrs[n].A.ip[12],4); saddr4.sin_port = htons(default_port); addrs[n].ipv6 = 0; addr = (struct sockaddr *)&saddr4; addr_len = sizeof(saddr4); } else return(-1); addrs[n].A.nTime = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) - (24 * 60 * 60)); addrs[n].A.port = default_port; strcpy(addrs[n].ipaddr,ipaddr); addrs[n].A.nServices = 0; n++; if ( connectflag != 0 ) { ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr); addrs[n].usock = -1; addrs[n].ipbits = ipbits; strcpy(addrs[n].ipaddr,ipaddr); //printf("call connectsocket\n"); if ( (addrs[n].usock= iguana_connectsocket(connectflag > 1,&addrs[n],addr,addr_len)) < 0 ) { status = IGUANA_PEER_KILLED; printf("refused PEER STATUS.%d for %s usock.%d\n",status,ipaddr,retval); iguana_iAkill(coin,&addrs[n],1); if ( iguana_rwipbits_status(coin,1,ipbits,&status) == 0 ) printf("error updating status.%d for %s\n",status,ipaddr); } else { status = IGUANA_PEER_READY; printf("CONNECTED! PEER STATUS.%d for %s usock.%d\n",status,ipaddr,addrs[n].usock); iguana_iAconnected(coin,&addrs[n]); if ( iguana_rwipbits_status(coin,1,ipbits,&status) == 0 ) printf("error updating status.%d for %s\n",status,ipaddr); else retval = addrs[n].usock; } break; } } freeaddrinfo(res); return(retval); } /*if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"r")) != 0 ) { if ( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) > 0 ) { line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; if ( atoi(line) > coin->blocks.hashblocks ) { //printf("skip save since %s has %d\n",fname,atoi(line)); fclose(fp); return(0); } } fclose(fp); }*/ /*struct iguana_bundle { struct queueitem DL; portable_mutex_t mutex; char fname[512]; struct iguana_mappedptr M; void *txdata[_IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT]; int32_t numtxs[_IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT]; struct iguana_counts presnapshot,postsnapshot; int32_t bundlei,height,num,hasheaders,numvalid,havehashes; uint32_t starttime,emitstart,emitfinish,lastdisp; bits256 prevhash2,firsthash2,lasthash2; //double durationsum,aveduration; //struct iguana_block *blocks; };*/ /*struct iguana_recv { //uint8_t compressed[IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE],decompressed[IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE],checkbuf[IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE]; long srcdatalen,compressedtotal; //uint64_t histo[0x100]; struct iguana_memspace RSPACE,*oldRSPACE; int32_t numold; int64_t packetsallocated,packetsfreed; int32_t numwaiting,maprecvdata; uint8_t *waitingbits; uint32_t numwaitingbits,*waitstart; //struct iguana_pending **recvblocks; int32_t topheight,pendingtopheight; uint32_t pendingtopstart,numbundles,lasthdrtime,startedbundles,finishedbundles; bits256 tophash2; //int32_t prevmaxrecvbundles,maxrecvbundles,faster,slower; double avetime; }; struct iguana_pending { int32_t next,numtx,datalen,origdatalen; struct iguana_block block; uint32_t allocsize,ipbits; uint8_t data[]; };*/ //struct iguana_recv R; //struct iguana_bundle *B[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLES]; //struct iguana_blockhashes pendings[1024]; /* int32_t height; height = iguana_blockheight(coin,blockhashes[0]); if ( n > 2 && iguana_needhdrs(coin) > 0 ) { //printf("got blockhashes[%d] %s height.%d\n",n,bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),height); if ( height >= 0 ) { for (j=0; j<n && j<coin->chain->bundlesize && height+j<coin->longestchain; j++) { iguana_bundleset(coin,height+j,blockhashes[j]); iguana_gotdata(coin,0,height+j,blockhashes[j],j,n); } } else { iguana_queueblock(coin,-1,blockhashes[0],1); for (i=0; i<coin->numpendings; i++) if ( memcmp(coin->pendings[i].blockhashes[0].bytes,blockhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) break; if ( i == coin->numpendings ) { if ( coin->numpendings < sizeof(coin->pendings)/sizeof(*coin->pendings) ) { coin->pendings[coin->numpendings].blockhashes = blockhashes; coin->pendings[coin->numpendings].n = n; coin->pendings[coin->numpendings].starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->numpendings++; printf("ADD to numpendings.%d priority.(%s) n.%d\n",coin->numpendings,bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),n); blockhashes = 0; } else printf("updatebundles: overflowed pendings\n"); } } }*/ /* if ( iguana_bundlefindprev(coin,&height,blocks[0].prev_block) != 0 && height >= 0 ) { //printf(">>>>>> found %s height.%d n.%d\n",bits256_str(blocks[0].prev_block),height,n); height++; for (i=0; i<n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize && height<coin->longestchain; i++,height++) { //printf("i.%d height.%d\n",i,height); iguana_bundleset(coin,height,blocks[i].hash2); iguana_gotdata(coin,req->addr,height,blocks[i].hash2,i,n); if ( height >= coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { if ( height == coin->blocks.hwmheight ) (*newhwmp)++; if ( (block= iguana_block(coin,height)) != 0 ) iguana_mergeblock(block,&blocks[i]); else printf("unexpected null block at height.%d\n",height), getchar(); } else { // verify it doesnt trigger reorg (and is recent enough!) } } } else printf("unexpected bundlefind error %s height.%d\n",bits256_str(blocks[0].prev_block),height), getchar(); */ /* int32_t height; //printf("%s got block.(%s) height.%d\n",req->addr!=0?req->addr->ipaddr:"local",bits256_str(block->hash2),height); if ( (height= iguana_bundleheight(coin,block)) > 0 ) { if ( (ptrp= iguana_blockptrptr(coin,&blocki,height)) != 0 ) { if ( (*ptrp) == 0 ) { //printf("height.%d tx.%p blocki.%d txarray.%p[%d] (%p[%d] %p[%d])\n",height,&txarray[0],blocki,txarray,numtx,txarray[0].vouts,txarray[0].tx_out,txarray[0].vins,txarray[0].tx_in); (*ptrp) = (void *)txarray; bp->numtxs[blocki] = numtx; if ( bp->emitstart == 0 && ++bp->numvalid >= bp->num ) { bp->emitstart = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_emittxdata(coin,bp); //printf("queue txarray.%p[%d]\n",txarray,numtx); //queue_enqueue("emitQ",&coin->emitQ,&bp->DL,0); } //txarray = 0; } } else printf("cant get ptrp.%d\n",height), getchar(); iguana_gotdata(coin,req->addr,height,block->hash2,0,0); if ( bp != 0 && iguana_bundleready(coin,height-1) <= 0 ) { printf("check for pendings.%d height.%d\n",coin->numpendings,height); if ( height == coin->blocks.hwmheight ) (*newhwmp)++; for (i=0; i<coin->numpendings; i++) if ( memcmp(coin->pendings[i].blockhashes[0].bytes,block->hash2.bytes,sizeof(block->hash2)) == 0 ) { blockhashes = coin->pendings[i].blockhashes; n = coin->pendings[i].n; printf("pending[%d].%d bundlesets[%d] %d %s\n",i,coin->numpendings,n,height,bits256_str(blockhashes[0])); for (j=0; j<n && j<coin->chain->bundlesize && height+j<coin->longestchain; j++) { iguana_bundleset(coin,height+j,blockhashes[j]); iguana_gotdata(coin,0,height+j,blockhashes[j],j,n); } myfree(blockhashes,n * sizeof(*blockhashes)); coin->pendings[i] = coin->pendings[--coin->numpendings]; break; } // queue tx for processing } else { // probably new block //printf("couldnt find.(%s)\n",bits256_str(block->hash2)); } }*/ //if ( height >= 0 ) // coin->blocks.ptrs[height] = block; //printf("found.%s -> %s %d %p inputht.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),bits256_str(block->hash2),block->hh.itemind,block,height); if ( height < 0 || block->hh.itemind == height ) { if ( (int32_t)block->hh.itemind < 0 ) { //printf("found.%s -> %d %p set height.%d matches.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->hh.itemind,block,height,block->matches); if ( height >= 0 && block->matches == 0 ) block->hh.itemind = height, block->matches = 1; else block = 0; } if ( block != 0 ) { if ( block->matches < 100 ) block->matches++; //_iguana_blocklink(coin,block); } } else if ( block->matches == 0 && block->hh.itemind == (uint32_t)-1 ) { if ( height >= 0 ) { if ( (rand() % 10000) == 0 ) printf("set %s.itemind <- %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),height); block->hh.itemind = height; block->matches = 1; } else { printf("matches.%d itemind.%d when height.%d\n",block->matches,block->hh.itemind,height); block = 0; } } else { /*if ( block->matches < 100 ) { block->matches >>= 1; if ( block->matches == 0 ) { //printf("collision with (%s) itemind.%d vs %d | matches.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->hh.itemind,height,block->matches); block->hh.itemind = -1; for (i=0; i<1; i++) iguana_queueblock(coin,-1,block->hash2,1); block = 0; //coin->blocks.recvblocks = 0; } } else block = 0;*/ } /*int32_t iguana_blockheight(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t height; if ( (height= iguana_itemheight(coin,block->hash2)) < 0 ) { if ( (height= iguana_itemheight(coin,block->prev_block)) < 0 ) { iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,block->hash2,1); iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,block->prev_block,1); } else { height++; iguana_blockhashset(coin,height,block->hash2,1); } } else iguana_blockhashset(coin,height,block->hash2,1); // increments matches return(height); }*/ if ( (height= iguana_itemheight(coin,blockhashes[0])) >= 0 ) { if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) > 0 && iguana_havetxdata(coin,h) == 0 ) iguana_queueblock(coin,height,blockhashes[0],1); } else if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) > 0 && iguana_havetxdata(coin,h) == 0 ) iguana_queueblock(coin,-1,blockhashes[0],1); //printf("check.%s height.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),height); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( height >= 0 ) h = height++; permblock = iguana_blockhashset(coin,h,blockhashes[i],1); if ( h >= 0 && permblock != 0 ) { if ( iguana_blockptr(coin,h) == 0 ) { coin->blocks.ptrs[h] = permblock; { int32_t j,m; for (j=m=0; j<coin->longestchain; j++) if ( iguana_blockptr(coin,j) != 0 ) m++; printf("set (%s) <- %d %p m.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[i]),h,permblock,m); } } if ( permblock->hh.itemind != h ) permblock->hh.itemind = h; } if ( i == coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,blockhashes[i].bytes,sizeof(blockhashes[i])); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); } //else //if ( h >= 0 ) printf("unexpected missing permblock for h.%d\n",h); // iguana_queueblock(coin,-1,blockhashes[i],0); } for (i=m=run=0; i<num&&i<_IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT; i++) { if ( (height= iguana_heightwt(coin,&wt,blockhashes[i])) >= 0 ) { if ( run == i && (i == 0 || height == height0+i) ) run++; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,blockhashes[i])) != 0 && block == blocks[i] && block->mainchain == 0 ) { if ( block->hh.itemind != height && wt > block->matches ) { printf("%p[%d] <- %d matches.%d wt.%d vs matches.%d\n",block,block->hh.itemind,height,block->matches,wt,block->matches); if ( block->matches < 100 ) { block->matches = 1; block->hh.itemind = height; } else printf("height conflict for %s\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[i])); } } else blocks[i] = 0; if ( i == 0 ) height0 = height; height -= i; if ( m > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<m; j++) { if ( heightwts[j][0] == height ) { heightwts[j][1] += wt; //printf("matches j.%d m.%d wt.%d -> %d\n",j,m,wt,heightwts[j][1]); break; } } } else j = 0; if ( j == m ) { heightwts[m][0] = height; heightwts[m][1] = wt; m++; } } printf("i.%d j.%d m.%d height.%d wt.%d %s\n",i,j,m,height,wt,bits256_str(blockhashes[0])); } nlinks = plinks = 0; if ( m > 0 ) { if ( m == 1 && height0 >= 0 ) { wt = (heightwts[0][1] / num) + 2; for (i=0; i<num; i++) if ( blocks[i] == 0 ) break; if ( i == num ) { //printf("height0.%d\n",height0); if ( (prev= iguana_blockptr(coin,height0 - 1)) != 0 ) { if ( prev->hh.next == 0 || prev->matches < wt ) prev->hh.next = blocks[0]; } for (i=plinks=nlinks=0; i<num; i++) { next = (i < num) ? blocks[i+1] : iguana_blockptr(coin,height0 + num); if ( (block= blocks[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (int32_t)block->hh.itemind < 0 || block->matches < wt ) { block->hh.itemind = height0 + i; block->matches = (wt < 100) ? wt : 100; SETBIT(coin->havehash,height0 + i); //iguana_blockhashset(coin,height0 + i,blockhashes[i],(wt < 100) ? wt : 100); } if ( (block->hh.prev == 0 || block->matches < wt) && block->hh.prev != prev ) block->hh.prev = prev, plinks++; if ( (block->hh.next == 0 || block->matches < wt) && block->hh.next != next ) block->hh.next = next, nlinks++; if ( block->matches < 100 ) block->matches++; } else printf("recvblockhashes: blocks[%d] null\n",i); prev = block; } if ( next != 0 && (next->hh.prev == 0 || next->matches < wt) ) next->hh.prev = prev; } else printf("recvblockhashes: i.%d != num.%d\n",i,num); } if ( height0 >= 0 && 0 ) { for (i=0; i<m; i++) printf("(h%d %d) ",heightwts[i][0],heightwts[i][1]); printf("%s m.%d run.%d wt.%d height0.%d plinks.%d nlinks.%d\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),m,run,wt,height0,plinks,nlinks); } } else printf("recvblockhashes: m.%d height0.%d %s[%d]\n",m,height0,bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),num); prev = 0; for (i=m=0; i<num; i++) { if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,blockhashes[i],1)) != 0 ) { next = (i < num) ? iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,blockhashes[i+1],1) : 0; if ( (height= iguana_heightwt(coin,&wt,prev,block,next)) >= 0 ) { if ( i == 0 ) height0 = height, block0 = block; m++; //printf("height %d, wt %d itemind.%d matches.%d\n",height,wt,block->hh.itemind,block->matches); if ( (int32_t)block->hh.itemind < 0 || block->matches*3 < wt ) { SETBIT(coin->havehash,height); block->hh.itemind = height; block->matches = (wt/3) + 1; } if ( prev != 0 && ((int32_t)prev->hh.itemind < 0 || prev->matches*3 < wt) ) { SETBIT(coin->havehash,height - 1); prev->hh.itemind = height - 1; prev->matches = (wt/3) + 1; } if ( next != 0 && ((int32_t)next->hh.itemind < 0 || next->matches*3 < wt) ) { SETBIT(coin->havehash,height + 1); next->hh.itemind = height + 1; next->matches = (wt/3) + 1; } } } prev = block; } if ( m >= coin->chain->bundlesize && height0 >= 0 && block != 0 ) { printf("gothdr.%d oldgothdr.%d %p %d <- %p\n",height0,block->gothdrs,coin->blocks.ptrs[height0],coin->blocks.ptrs[height0]!=0?coin->blocks.ptrs[height0]->hh.itemind:0,block); coin->blocks.ptrs[height0] = block; block->gothdrs = 1; } int32_t i,m,height,wt,height0 = -1; struct iguana_block *block,*next,*prev,*block0 = 0; int32_t iguana_blockmetric(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *wtp,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t height = -1; int64_t wt; if ( block->mainchain != 0 && block->height >= 0 ) { height = block->height; wt = ((int64_t)coin->blocks.hwmheight - block->height) * 10000; if ( wt > (1 << 28)/_IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT ) wt = (1 << 28) / _IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT; (*wtp) += (int32_t)wt; } else if ( block->height >= 0 ) { height = block->height; (*wtp) += 10; } else if ( (int32_t)block->hh.itemind >= 0 ) { height = block->hh.itemind; (*wtp) += block->matches; } return(height); } int32_t iguana_heightwt(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *wtp,struct iguana_block *prev,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_block *next) { int32_t heightwts[3][2],height,i,n = 0; *wtp = 0; height = -1; memset(heightwts,0,sizeof(heightwts)); if ( block != 0 ) { if ( (heightwts[1][0]= iguana_blockmetric(coin,&heightwts[1][1],block)) >= 0 ) n++; //printf("%s itemind.%d matches.%d ht.%d metric.%d n.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->hh.itemind,block->matches,heightwts[1][0],heightwts[1][1],n); if ( prev != 0 )//|| (prev= block->hh.prev) != 0 ) { if ( (heightwts[0][0]= iguana_blockmetric(coin,&heightwts[0][1],prev)) >= 0 ) { //printf("heightwts(%d + 1) vs %d\n",heightwts[0][0],heightwts[1][0]); if ( heightwts[0][0]+1 == heightwts[1][0] ) n++; else n--, heightwts[0][0] = -1; } //printf("%s itemind.%d matches.%d ht.%d metric.%d n.%d\n",bits256_str(prev->hash2),prev->hh.itemind,prev->matches,heightwts[0][0],heightwts[0][1],n); } if ( next != 0 )//(next= block->hh.prev) != 0 && next != block ) { if ( (heightwts[2][0]= iguana_blockmetric(coin,&heightwts[2][1],next)) >= 0 ) { if ( heightwts[2][0]-1 == heightwts[1][0] ) n++; else n--, heightwts[2][0] = -1; } //printf("%s itemind.%d matches.%d ht.%d metric.%d n.%d\n",bits256_str(next->hash2),next->hh.itemind,next->matches,heightwts[2][0],heightwts[2][1],n); } if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<3; i++) if ( heightwts[i][0] >= 0 ) (*wtp) += heightwts[i][1]; (*wtp) *= n; height = heightwts[1][0]; } } //else printf("cant find.(%s)\n",bits256_str(hash2)); return(height); } /*n = 0; if ( 0 && n == 0 && time(NULL) > coin->hdrstime+30 ) { height = (coin->blocks.hashblocks / coin->chain->bundlesize) * coin->chain->bundlesize; while ( height < (coin->longestchain - coin->chain->bundlesize - 1) ) { if ( (hdrs= iguana_addhdr(coin,block->hash2,bits256_zero)) != 0 && hdrs->block.gothdrs == 0 ) { flag++; //printf("REQ HDR.(%s) %d\n",bits256_str(block->hash2),height); printf("%d ",height); n++; init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,hdrs->bundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); } height += coin->chain->bundlesize; } coin->hdrstime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( n > 0 ) printf("REQ EXTRA HDRS\n");*/ if ( offset == 0 ) printf("unhandled case offset.0\n"); else { struct iguana_block *block; if ( bits256_nonz(hdrs->bundlehash2) == 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,blockhashes[0])) != 0 ) hdrs->bundlehash2 = block->prev_block; } } struct iguana_block *iguana_updatehdrs(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *newhwmp,struct iguana_block *block,bits256 prevhash2,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_bundlereq *hdrs; int32_t i,offset,height; if ( (hdrs= iguana_addhdr(coin,&offset,0,prevhash2,hash2)) != 0 && hdrs->bundleheight >= 0 ) { iguana_blockset(coin,hdrs->bundleheight,hdrs->bundlehash2); height = (hdrs->bundleheight + offset); if ( block != 0 ) { block->hh.itemind = height; hdrs->block = *block; prevhash2 = block->prev_block, hash2 = block->hash2; if ( height > 0 ) iguana_blockset(coin,height - 1,prevhash2); if ( height <= coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { if ( height < coin->blocks.hwmheight || coin->blocks.dirty == 0 ) coin->blocks.dirty = height; (*newhwmp)++; } } if ( hdrs->hashes != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<hdrs->n; i++) if ( memcmp(block->hash2.bytes,hdrs->hashes[i].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) break; printf("got block.(%s) height.%d i.%d\n",bits256_str(block->hash2),height,i); for (; i<hdrs->n; i++,height++) iguana_blockset(coin,height,hdrs->hashes[i]); } else printf("no blockhashes.%d\n",hdrs->bundleheight); } else printf("cant find hdrs.%s %s %d\n",bits256_str(prevhash2),bits256_str2(hash2),hdrs==0?-1:hdrs->bundleheight), getchar(); return(iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)); } struct iguana_block *iguana_blockset(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block *block; int32_t offset,h,flag; struct iguana_bundlereq *hdrs; //printf("blockset.%d %s\n",height,bits256_str(hash2)); if ( height < 0 ) getchar(); iguana_blockhashset(coin,height,hash2,100); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { SETBIT(coin->havehash,height); block->hh.itemind = height; coin->blocks.ptrs[height] = block; //printf("SETBIT.%d %s %p\n",hdrs->bundleheight,bits256_str(hdrs->bundlehash2),permblock); } if ( (height % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 0 ) { if ( 0 && (hdrs= iguana_addhdr(coin,&offset,1,hash2,bits256_zero)) != 0 ) { if ( hdrs->bundleheight != height && hdrs->bundleheight >= 0 ) { printf("bundleheight.%d -> EXTENDED HDRS.%d %s\n",hdrs->bundleheight,height,bits256_str(hash2)); hdrs->bundleheight = height; } } } if ( height >= 0 && bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 ) { if ( coin->chain->hasheaders == 0 && (height % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 1 && iguana_havetxdata(coin,height) == 0 ) iguana_queueblock(coin,height,hash2,1); } return(block); } //tmp = iguana_updatehdrs(coin,newhwmp,block,block->prev_block,block->hash2); if ( (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->prev_block)) != 0 && (int32_t)prev->hh.itemind >= 0 ) { //printf("recv blockset.%s %d\n",bits256_str(block->hash2),prev->hh.itemind+1); permblock = iguana_blockset(coin,prev->hh.itemind+1,block->hash2); //permblock = iguana_blockhashset(coin,prev->hh.itemind+1,block->hash2,1); } else if ( (permblock= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->hash2)) == 0 ) printf("cant find block prev.%s\n",bits256_str(block->prev_block)); if ( tmp != 0 && permblock == 0 ) permblock = tmp; /*struct iguana_block *block; int32_t flag = 0; while ( coin->blocks.issuedblocks < coin->blocks.hashblocks && coin->blocks.issuedblocks < coin->blocks.recvblocks+coin->chain->bundlesize*IGUANA_INITIALBUNDLES ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,coin->blocks.issuedblocks)) != 0 && bits256_nonz(block->hash2) != 0 ) iguana_queueblock(coin,coin->blocks.issuedblocks,block->hash2,0); coin->blocks.issuedblocks++; flag++; } return(flag);*/ /*int32_t iguana_reqblocks(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t n,height,flag = 0; struct iguana_block *block; if ( queue_size(&coin->priorityQ) == 0 ) { coin->pcount++; if ( coin->pcount > 1 && (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks)) != 0 && coin->blocks.recvblocks < coin->blocks.issuedblocks && bits256_nonz(block->hash2) > 0 ) flag += (iguana_queueblock(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks,block->hash2,1) > 0); } else coin->pcount = 0; if ( queue_size(&coin->blocksQ) == 0 ) { coin->bcount++; n = 0; if ( coin->bcount > 100 && time(NULL) > coin->recvtime+3 ) { for (height=coin->blocks.recvblocks+1; height<coin->blocks.issuedblocks&&n<coin->chain->bundlesize; height++) { if ( (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks)) != 0 && bits256_nonz(block->hash2) > 0 ) { //if ( (height % 100) == 0 ) printf("RETRY BLOCK.%d\n",height); flag += (iguana_queueblock(coin,height,block->hash2,0) > 0); n++; } } //coin->recvtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } else coin->bcount = 0; return(flag); } { bundlei = (height / coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( GETBIT(coin->emitbits,bundlei) == 0 && iguana_bundleready(coin,height) > 0 ) { req->bundleheight = bundlei * coin->chain->bundlesize; SETBIT(coin->emitbits,bundlei); req->type = 'E'; printf("Q emit.%d\n",req->bundleheight); queue_enqueue("emitQ",&coin->emitQ,&req->DL,0); } }*/ hash2 = iguana_bundleihash2(coin,bp,bundlei); if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,block->hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *hdrsp = bp; *bundleip = bundlei; if ( bundlei == 0 ) { if ( (prevbp= iguana_bundlesearch(coin,&prevbundlei,block->bundlehash2,block->prev_block,IGUANA_SEARCHNEXT)) != 0 ) { if ( prevbundlei == prevbp->n+1 ) { bp->prevbundlehash2 = prevbp->bundlehash2; prevbp->nextbundlehash2 = block->hash2; //printf("prev BUNDLES LINKED! (%d <-> %d) (%s <-> %s)\n",prevbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight,bits256_str(prevbp->bundlehash2),bits256_str2(bp->bundlehash2)); if ( prevbp->bundleheight != bp->bundleheight-coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("WARNING gap in bundleheight %d != %d bundlesize\n",prevbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight-coin->chain->bundlesize); } else printf("prevbundlei.%d != prevhdrs->n %d\n",prevbundlei,prevbp->n+1); } } else if ( bundlei == bp->n ) { if ( (nextbp= iguana_bundlesearch(coin,&nextbundlei,block->bundlehash2,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHPREV)) != 0 ) { if ( nextbundlei == 0 ) { bp->nextbundlehash2 = nextbp->bundlehash2; nextbp->prevbundlehash2 = block->hash2; //printf("next BUNDLES LINKED! (%d <-> %d) (%s <-> %s)\n",nextbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight,bits256_str(nextbp->bundlehash2),bits256_str2(bp->bundlehash2)); if ( nextbp->bundleheight != bp->bundleheight+coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("WARNING gap in bundleheight != bundlesize\n"); } else printf("nextbundlei.%d != nextbp->n %d\n",nextbundlei,nextbp->n); } } } else printf("hdrs.%d [%d] unexpected hash2 mismatch for %s != %s\n",bp->bundleheight,bundlei,bits256_str(block->hash2),bits256_str2(hash2)); /*int32_t iguana_havehash(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { return(GETBIT(coin->havehash,height) != 0); }*/ if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bundleip,block->hash2)) == 0 ) { if ( (prevbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&prevbundlei,block->prev_block)) == 0 ) { for (j=0; j<coin->bundlescount; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) { if ( bp->blockhashes != 0 && bp->n > 0 && (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) != 0 ) { return(bp); } } } return(0); } else if ( prevbundlei == prevbp->n ) { printf("prev AUTOCREATE.%s\n",bits256_str(block->hash2)); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,block->hash2,bits256_zero); } } || (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bundleip,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,hash2,searchmask)) != 0 ) return(bp); } if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bundleip,hash2)) != 0 ) return(bp); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) == 0 ) iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,hash2,1); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(block->bundlehash2) > 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&tmp,block->bundlehash2)) != 0 ) return(iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,hash2,searchmask)); } } for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (block= iguana_recvblockhdr(coin,&bp,&bundlei,&blocks[i],newhwmp)) != 0 && bp != 0 ) { iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,bundlei,blocks[i].hash2); } else printf("got hdrs[%d] no block.%p\n",i,block); } printf("recv'd %d hdrs\n",n); if ( n == coin->chain->bundlesize+1 && iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bundlei,blocks[n - 1].hash2,0) == 0 ) { printf("AUTO EXTEND3.%s[%d]\n",bits256_str(blocks[n - 1].hash2),n); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,blocks[n - 1].hash2,bits256_zero); } //struct iguana_blockhashes { bits256 *blockhashes; int32_t n; uint32_t starttime; }; void iguana_freetx(struct iguana_msgtx *tx,int32_t n) { int32_t i,j; struct iguana_msgtx *origtx = tx; return; for (j=0; j<n; j++,tx++) { //Tx_freed++, Tx_freesize += tx->allocsize; if ( tx->vins != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<tx->tx_in; i++) if ( tx->vins[i].script != 0 ) myfree(tx->vins[i].script,tx->vins[i].scriptlen); myfree(tx->vins,tx->tx_in * sizeof(*tx->vins)); } if ( tx->vouts != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<tx->tx_out; i++) if ( tx->vouts[i].pk_script != 0 ) myfree(tx->vouts[i].pk_script,tx->vouts[i].pk_scriptlen); myfree(tx->vouts,tx->tx_out * sizeof(*tx->vouts)); } } myfree(origtx,sizeof(*origtx) * n); } /* struct iguana_rawtx { bits256 txid; uint16_t numvouts,numvins; uint8_t rmd160[20]; }; int32_t iguana_emittx(struct iguana_info *coin,FILE *fp,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_msgtx *tx,int32_t txi,uint32_t *numvoutsp,uint32_t *numvinsp,int64_t *outputp) { int32_t blocknum,i; int64_t reward; uint16_t s; struct iguana_rawtx rawtx; uint8_t rmd160[20],buf[64]; struct iguana_msgvin *vin; blocknum = block->hh.itemind; memset(&rawtx,0,sizeof(rawtx)); rawtx.txid = tx->txid; rawtx.numvouts = tx->tx_out, rawtx.numvins = tx->tx_in; if ( (blocknum == 91842 || blocknum == 91880) && txi == 0 && strcmp(coin->name,"bitcoin") == 0 ) rawtx.txid.ulongs[0] ^= blocknum; //printf("%d: tx.%p %p[numvouts.%d] %p[numvins.%d]\n",block->hh.itemind,tx,tx->vouts,tx->tx_out,tx->vins,tx->tx_in); if ( fwrite(&rawtx,1,sizeof(rawtx),fp) == sizeof(rawtx) ) { for (i=0; i<rawtx.numvouts; i++) { iguana_calcrmd160(coin,rmd160,tx->vouts[i].pk_script,tx->vouts[i].pk_scriptlen,rawtx.txid); memcpy(buf,&tx->vouts[i].value,sizeof(tx->vouts[i].value)); memcpy(&buf[sizeof(tx->vouts[i].value)],rmd160,sizeof(rmd160)); if ( fwrite(buf,1,sizeof(rmd160)+sizeof(tx->vouts[i].value),fp) == sizeof(rmd160)+sizeof(tx->vouts[i].value) ) { (*numvoutsp)++; (*outputp) += tx->vouts[i].value; } else printf("error writing txi.%d vout.%d\n",txi,i); } for (i=0; i<rawtx.numvins; i++) { vin = &tx->vins[i]; if ( bits256_nonz(vin->prev_hash) == 0 ) { if ( i == 0 && (int32_t)vin->prev_vout < 0 ) { reward = iguana_miningreward(coin,blocknum); //printf("reward %.8f\n",dstr(reward)); (*outputp) += reward; } else printf("unexpected prevout.%d\n",vin->prev_vout), getchar(); continue; } memcpy(buf,vin->prev_hash.bytes,sizeof(vin->prev_hash)); s = vin->prev_vout; memcpy(&buf[sizeof(vin->prev_hash)],&s,sizeof(s)); //printf("do spend.%s\n",bits256_str(vin->prev_hash)); if ( fwrite(buf,1,sizeof(bits256)+sizeof(s),fp) == sizeof(bits256)+sizeof(s) ) (*numvinsp)++; else printf("error writing txi.%d vin.%d\n",txi,i); } return(0); } else printf("error writing txi.%d blocknum.%d\n",txi,blocknum); return(-1); } void iguana_emittxarray(struct iguana_info *coin,FILE *fp,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,int32_t numtx) { uint32_t i,numvouts,numvins; int64_t credits; long fpos,endpos; if ( fp != 0 && block != 0 ) { //printf("%d/%d: txarray.%p, numtx.%d bp.%p\n",block->hh.itemind,block->hh.itemind,txarray,numtx,bp); fpos = ftell(fp); credits = numvouts = numvins = 0; for (i=0; i<numtx; i++) iguana_emittx(coin,fp,block,&txarray[i],i,&numvouts,&numvins,&credits); endpos = ftell(fp); fseek(fp,fpos,SEEK_SET); block->L.supply = credits; block->txn_count = numtx; block->numvouts = numvouts, block->numvins = numvins; block->L.numtxids = numtx, block->L.numunspents = numvouts, block->L.numspends = numvins; if ( fwrite(block,1,sizeof(*block),fp) != sizeof(*block) ) printf("iguana_emittxarray: error writing block.%d\n",block->height); fseek(fp,endpos,SEEK_SET); } } int32_t iguana_maptxdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_mappedptr *M,struct iguana_bundle *bp,char *fname) { void *fileptr = 0; int32_t i; uint32_t *offsets; struct iguana_block *block; if ( (fileptr= iguana_mappedptr(0,M,0,0,fname)) != 0 ) { offsets = fileptr; for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) { if ( block->txdata != 0 ) { if ( block->mapped == 0 ) { printf("[%d].%d free txdata.%d %p\n",bp->hdrsi,i,((struct iguana_bundlereq *)block->txdata)->allocsize,block->txdata); myfree(block->txdata,((struct iguana_bundlereq *)block->txdata)->allocsize); block->txdata = 0; block->mapped = 0; } } if ( i < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { block->txdata = (void *)((long)fileptr + offsets[i]); block->mapped = 1; } } else if ( i < coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("iguana_maptxdata cant find block[%d]\n",i); } return(i < coin->chain->bundlesize ? i : coin->chain->bundlesize); } printf("error mapping (%s)\n",fname); return(-1); } void iguana_emittxdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *emitbp) { FILE *fp; char fname[512];uint32_t offsets[_IGUANA_HDRSCOUNT+1]; //uint8_t extra[256]; struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,*tx; struct iguana_bundlereq *req; struct iguana_mappedptr M; int32_t i,bundleheight,height,numtx,n; long len; struct iguana_block *block; return; if ( emitbp == 0 ) return; sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/txdata.%d",coin->symbol,emitbp->bundleheight); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { bundleheight = emitbp->bundleheight; for (i=n=0; i<emitbp->n&&i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) if ( (block= emitbp->blocks[i]) != 0 && block->txdata != 0 && block->mapped == 0 ) n++; if ( n != emitbp->n && n != coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("iguana_emittxdata: WARNING n.%d != bundlesize.%d bundlesize.%d\n",n,emitbp->n,coin->chain->bundlesize); memset(offsets,0,sizeof(offsets)); if ( (len= fwrite(offsets,sizeof(*offsets),n+1,fp)) != n+1 ) printf("%s: error writing blank offsets len.%ld != %d\n",fname,len,n+1); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { offsets[i] = (uint32_t)ftell(fp); height = (bundleheight + i); if ( (block= emitbp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (req= block->txdata) != 0 && (numtx= block->txn_count) > 0 ) { if ( 0 && fwrite(req->serialized,1,req->n,fp) != req->n ) printf("error writing serialized data.%d\n",req->n); if ( 0 && (txarray= iguana_gentxarray(coin,&len2,block,req->serialized,req->n,extra)) != 0 ) { tx = txarray; for (j=0; j<numtx; j++,tx++) printf("(%p[%d] %p[%d]) ",tx->vouts,tx->tx_out,tx->vins,tx->tx_in); printf("emit.%d txarray.%p[%d]\n",i,txarray,numtx); iguana_emittxarray(coin,fp,block,txarray,numtx); iguana_freetx(txarray,numtx); } } else printf("emittxdata: unexpected missing txarray[%d]\n",i); } else printf("emittxdata: error with recvblockptr[%d]\n",emitbp->bundleheight + i); } offsets[i] = (uint32_t)ftell(fp); rewind(fp); if ( (len= fwrite(offsets,sizeof(*offsets),n+1,fp)) != n+1 ) printf("%s: error writing offsets len.%ld != %d\n",fname,len,n+1); fclose(fp), fp = 0; memset(&M,0,sizeof(M)); //if ( iguana_maptxdata(coin,&M,emitbp,fname) != n ) // printf("emit error mapping n.%d height.%d\n",n,bundleheight); //else { //if ( emitbp->blockhashes != 0 ) // myfree(emitbp->blockhashes,sizeof(*emitbp->blockhashes) * emitbp->n); //emitbp->blockhashes = 0; } } }*/ //static uint64_t Tx_allocated,Tx_allocsize,Tx_freed,Tx_freesize; /*int64_t iguana_MEMallocated(struct iguana_info *coin) { int64_t total = coin->TMPallocated; if ( Tx_allocsize > Tx_freesize ) total += (Tx_allocsize - Tx_freesize); //total += coin->R.RSPACE.openfiles * coin->R.RSPACE.size; //total += iguana_packetsallocated(coin); return(total); }*/ static int32_t _sort_by_bits256(struct iguana_kvitem *a,struct iguana_kvitem *b) { return(bits256_cmp(*(bits256 *)a->keyvalue,*(bits256 *)b->keyvalue)); } static int32_t _sort_by_revbits256(struct iguana_kvitem *a,struct iguana_kvitem *b) { return(bits256_revcmp(*(bits256 *)a->keyvalue,*(bits256 *)b->keyvalue)); } static int32_t _sort_by_rmd160(struct iguana_kvitem *a,struct iguana_kvitem *b) { return(rmd160_cmp(a->keyvalue,b->keyvalue)); } static int32_t _sort_by_revrmd160(struct iguana_kvitem *a,struct iguana_kvitem *b) { return(rmd160_revcmp(a->keyvalue,b->keyvalue)); } // HASH_SORT(coin->blocks.hash,_sort_by_txid); /* if ( bp->type == 'Q' ) { req = (struct iguana_bundlereq *)ptr; //printf("START.%p save tmp txdata %p [%d].%d datalen.%d %p\n",req,req->argbp,req->argbp!=0?req->argbp->hdrsi:-1,req->argbundlei,req->datalen,req->data); if ( fp != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(req->data,1,req->datalen,fp) != req->datalen ) printf("error writing [%d].%d datalen.%d\n",req->argbp!=0?req->argbp->hdrsi:-1,req->argbundlei,req->datalen); } //Tx_freed++; //Tx_freesize += req->allocsize; if ( req->data != 0 ) myfree(req->data,req->datalen); if ( req->blocks != 0 ) myfree(req->blocks,sizeof(*req->blocks)); myfree(req,req->allocsize); } else if ( bp->type == 'E' ) { fflush(fp); //myallocated(0,0); //iguana_emittxdata(bp->coin,bp); //myallocated(0,0); } else { printf("iguana_helper: unsupported type.%c %d %p\n",bp->type,bp->type,bp); }*/ for (j=0; j<numdirs; j++) { finished = 0; if ( (dir= iguana_peerdirptrHT(coin,&num,inds[j][0],inds[j][1],1)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if ( (itembp= iguana_bundlesearch(coin,&bundlei,dir[i].hash2)) != 0 ) { //printf("dir[i.%d] j.%d %s %d[%d] %u\n",i,j,bits256_str(str,dir[i].hash2),itembp->hdrsi,bundlei,itembp->emitfinish); if ( itembp->emitfinish != 0 ) finished++; } } if ( finished == num ) iguana_peerfilecloseHT(coin,inds[j][0],inds[j][1]); else printf("peerdir.(%d %d) finished.%d of %d\n",inds[j][0],inds[j][1],finished,num); } else printf("cant get peerdirptr.(%d %d)\n",inds[j][0],inds[j][1]); } int32_t iguana_bundlesaveHT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_memspace *memB,struct iguana_bundle *bp) // helper thread { void *ptrs[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE]; uint32_t inds[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE][2]; struct iguana_fileitem *dir; struct iguana_bundle *itembp; int32_t addrind,bundlei,finished,fileind,i,j,maxrecv,num,flag,numdirs=0; struct iguana_txdatabits txdatabits; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain; uint64_t estimatedsize = 0; struct iguana_block *block; memset(ptrs,0,sizeof(ptrs)), memset(inds,0,sizeof(inds)); flag = maxrecv = 0; for (i=0; i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) { txdatabits = block->txdatabits; if ( memcmp(block->hash2.bytes,coin->chain->genesis_hashdata,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) ptrs[i] = coin->chain->genesis_hashdata, flag++; else if ( (ptrs[i]= iguana_peerfileptrHT(coin,txdatabits,1)) != 0 ) { if ( block->recvlen > maxrecv ) maxrecv = block->recvlen; estimatedsize += block->recvlen; flag++; } else { printf("peerfileptr[%d] (%d %d %d %d) null bp.%p %d\n",i,txdatabits.addrind,txdatabits.filecount,txdatabits.fpos,txdatabits.datalen,bp,bp->hdrsi); if ( 1 ) { CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); bp->issued[i] = 0; memset(&block->txdatabits,0,sizeof(block->txdatabits)); block = 0; } } addrind = txdatabits.addrind, fileind = txdatabits.filecount; if ( numdirs > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<numdirs; j++) { if ( inds[j][0] == addrind && inds[j][1] == fileind ) break; } } else j = 0; if ( j == numdirs ) { inds[j][0] = addrind; inds[j][1] = fileind; numdirs++; } } } if ( flag == i ) { iguana_meminit(mem,"bundleHT",0,estimatedsize + IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,0); iguana_meminit(memB,"ramchainB",0,maxrecv + IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,0); printf(">>>>>>>>> start MERGE.(%ld %ld) numdirs.%d i.%d flag.%d estimated.%ld maxrecv.%d\n",(long)mem->totalsize,(long)memB->totalsize,numdirs,i,flag,(long)estimatedsize,maxrecv); if ( (ramchain= iguana_bundlemergeHT(coin,mem,memB,ptrs,i,bp)) != 0 ) { iguana_ramchainsave(coin,mem,ramchain); iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); bp->emitfinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else bp->emitfinish = 0; iguana_mempurge(mem); iguana_mempurge(memB); } else { printf(">>>>> bundlesaveHT error: numdirs.%d i.%d flag.%d\n",numdirs,i,flag); bp->emitfinish = 0; } return(flag); } int32_t iguana_peerfilecloseHT(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t addrind,uint32_t filecount) { char fname[512]; int32_t i,n = 0; struct iguana_mappedptr *M; return(0); iguana_peerfilename(coin,fname,addrind,filecount); printf("PEERFILECLOSE.%s\n",fname); //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers.filesM_mutex); if ( coin->peers.filesM != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->peers.numfilesM; i++) { M = &coin->peers.filesM[i]; if ( strcmp(fname,M->fname) == 0 && M->fileptr != 0 ) { printf("[%d] closemap.(%s)\n",i,fname); iguana_closemap(M); M->closetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); n++; } } } //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers.filesM_mutex); return(n); } void *_iguana_txdataptrHT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_mappedptr *M,char *fname,struct iguana_txdatabits txdatabits) { int32_t len; uint8_t *rawptr; uint32_t starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( M->fileptr != 0 ) { while ( M->allocsize < (txdatabits.fpos + txdatabits.datalen + sizeof(uint32_t)) ) { iguana_closemap(M); if ( iguana_mappedptr(0,M,0,0,fname) == 0 || M->allocsize < (txdatabits.fpos + txdatabits.datalen + sizeof(uint32_t)) ) { if ( time(NULL) > starttime+3 ) { printf("too small (%s) %llu vs %ld\n",fname,(long long)M->allocsize,(txdatabits.fpos + txdatabits.datalen + sizeof(uint32_t))); return(0); } else sleep(1); } } rawptr = (void *)((long)M->fileptr + txdatabits.fpos); memcpy(&len,rawptr,sizeof(len)); if ( len == IGUANA_MARKER ) { memcpy(&len,&rawptr[sizeof(len)],sizeof(len)); //printf("found marker %s[%u] numblocks.%d\n",fname,(int32_t)txdatabits.fpos,len); if ( txdatabits.isdir != 0 ) return(&rawptr[sizeof(uint32_t)*2]); else printf("isdir notset with IGUANA_MARKER.%x\n",IGUANA_MARKER); } else if ( len == txdatabits.datalen && len < IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) { if ( txdatabits.isdir == 0 ) return(&rawptr[sizeof(uint32_t)]); else printf("isdir set without IGUANA_MARKER.%x\n",IGUANA_MARKER); } else printf("txdataptr.%s: len.%d error [%d %d %d %d] (%d %d)\n",fname,len,txdatabits.datalen,txdatabits.addrind,txdatabits.fpos,txdatabits.filecount,len == txdatabits.datalen,len < IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE);//, getchar(); } //else printf("txdataptr.%s %p %ld vs %ld\n",M->fname,M->fileptr,M->allocsize,(txdatabits.fpos + txdatabits.datalen + sizeof(uint32_t))); return(0); } #define IGUANA_MARKER 0x07770777 void iguana_peerfilename(struct iguana_info *coin,char *fname,uint32_t addrind,uint32_t filecount) { sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/peer%d.%d",coin->symbol,addrind,filecount); } struct iguana_txdatabits iguana_calctxidbits(uint32_t addrind,uint32_t filecount,uint32_t fpos,uint32_t datalen) { struct iguana_txdatabits bits; if ( (bits.addrind= addrind) != addrind ) printf("iguana_calctxidbits: addrind overflow.%d\n",addrind), exit(-1); if ( (bits.filecount= filecount) != filecount ) printf("iguana_calctxidbits: filecount overflow.%d\n",filecount), exit(-1); if ( (bits.fpos= fpos) != fpos ) printf("iguana_calctxidbits: fpos overflow.%d\n",fpos), exit(-1); if ( (bits.datalen= datalen) != datalen ) printf("iguana_calctxidbits: datalen overflow.%d\n",datalen), exit(-1); return(bits); } void *iguana_peerfileptrHT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_txdatabits txdatabits,int32_t createflag) { char fname[512]; int32_t i,oldesti,oldest,duration,datalen; uint64_t fpos; struct iguana_mappedptr *M = 0; void *ptr = 0; fpos = txdatabits.fpos, datalen = txdatabits.datalen; oldesti = -1; oldest = 0; iguana_peerfilename(coin,fname,txdatabits.addrind,txdatabits.filecount); //portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers.filesM_mutex); if ( coin->peers.filesM != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->peers.numfilesM; i++) { M = &coin->peers.filesM[i]; if ( strcmp(fname,M->fname) == 0 ) { if ( M->fileptr != 0 && (ptr= _iguana_txdataptrHT(coin,M,fname,txdatabits)) != 0 ) { //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers.filesM_mutex); //printf("peerfileptr.(%s) %d %d -> %p\n",fname,txdatabits.addrind,txdatabits.filecount,ptr); return(ptr); } else if ( M->closetime != 0 ) { duration = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) - M->closetime); if ( duration > oldest ) oldest = duration, oldesti = i; } } } M = 0; } if ( createflag != 0 ) { if ( oldesti >= 0 && oldest > 60 ) { M = &coin->peers.filesM[oldesti]; printf("oldesti.%d oldest.%d remove.(%s) recycle slot.%d\n",oldesti,oldest,M->fname,i); iguana_removefile(M->fname,0); memset(M,0,sizeof(*M)); } if ( M == 0 ) { coin->peers.filesM = myrealloc('m',coin->peers.filesM,coin->peers.filesM==0?0:coin->peers.numfilesM * sizeof(*coin->peers.filesM),(coin->peers.numfilesM+1) * sizeof(*coin->peers.filesM)); M = &coin->peers.filesM[coin->peers.numfilesM]; coin->peers.numfilesM++; //if ( (coin->peers.numfilesM % 10) == 0 ) printf("iguana_peerfileptr realloc filesM.%d\n",coin->peers.numfilesM); } if ( iguana_mappedptr(0,M,0,0,fname) != 0 ) { ptr = _iguana_txdataptrHT(coin,M,fname,txdatabits); printf("mapped.(%s) size.%ld %p\n",fname,(long)M->allocsize,ptr); } else printf("iguana_peerfileptr error mapping.(%s)\n",fname); } //portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers.filesM_mutex); return(ptr); } struct iguana_fileitem *iguana_peerdirptrHT(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *nump,uint32_t addrind,uint32_t filecount,int32_t createflag) { char fname[512]; FILE *fp; uint32_t dirpos,marker; struct iguana_txdatabits txdatabits; *nump = 0; if ( filecount >= coin->peers.active[addrind].filecount ) return(0); iguana_peerfilename(coin,fname,addrind,filecount); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,-sizeof(int32_t) * 3,SEEK_END); fread(nump,1,sizeof(*nump),fp); fread(&dirpos,1,sizeof(dirpos),fp); fread(&marker,1,sizeof(marker),fp); if ( marker == IGUANA_MARKER && (dirpos + sizeof(uint32_t) * 5 + *nump * sizeof(struct iguana_fileitem)) == ftell(fp) ) { txdatabits = iguana_calctxidbits(addrind,filecount,dirpos,(int32_t)(*nump * sizeof(struct iguana_fileitem))); fclose(fp); txdatabits.isdir = 1; return(iguana_peerfileptrHT(coin,txdatabits,1)); } else //if ( marker == IGUANA_MARKER ) printf("marker.%x vs %x: dirpos.%d num.%d -> %ld vs %ld\n",marker,IGUANA_MARKER,dirpos,*nump,dirpos + sizeof(uint32_t) * 4 + *nump * sizeof(struct iguana_fileitem),ftell(fp)); fclose(fp); } else printf("cant open dir.(%s)\n",fname); return(0); } struct iguana_txdatabits iguana_peerfilePT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 hash2,struct iguana_txdatabits txdatabits,int32_t datalen) { char fname[512]; int32_t marker; uint32_t dirpos; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 || addr->fp == 0 || ftell(addr->fp)+datalen >= IGUANA_PEERFILESIZE-IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE || addr->numfilehash2 >= addr->maxfilehash2 ) //if ( addr->fp == 0 ) { if ( addr->fp != 0 ) { dirpos = (uint32_t)ftell(addr->fp); marker = IGUANA_MARKER; fwrite(&marker,1,sizeof(marker),addr->fp); fwrite(&addr->numfilehash2,1,sizeof(addr->numfilehash2),addr->fp); fwrite(addr->filehash2,addr->numfilehash2,sizeof(*addr->filehash2),addr->fp); fwrite(&addr->numfilehash2,1,sizeof(addr->numfilehash2),addr->fp); fwrite(&dirpos,1,sizeof(dirpos),addr->fp); fwrite(&marker,1,sizeof(marker),addr->fp); fclose(addr->fp); //iguana_flushQ(coin,addr); //fflush(addr->fp); } iguana_peerfilename(coin,fname,addr->addrind,++addr->filecount); txdatabits.filecount = addr->filecount; addr->fp = fopen(fname,"wb"); addr->numfilehash2 = 0; } if ( addr->fp == 0 ) { printf("error creating fileind.%d %s\n",addr->filecount,addr->ipaddr); exit(1); } if ( addr->numfilehash2 < addr->maxfilehash2 ) { if ( addr->filehash2 == 0 ) addr->filehash2 = mycalloc('f',addr->maxfilehash2,sizeof(*addr->filehash2)); addr->filehash2[addr->numfilehash2].hash2 = hash2; addr->filehash2[addr->numfilehash2].txdatabits = txdatabits; addr->numfilehash2++; } return(txdatabits); } int32_t iguana_ramchainspend(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,uint32_t spendind,uint32_t spent_txidind,uint16_t spent_vout,int32_t updateflag) { struct iguana_pkhash *p; struct iguana_unspent *u; struct iguana_account *acct; int32_t unspentind,pkind; if ( spent_txidind < ramchain->numtxids ) { unspentind = (spent_txidind + spent_vout); u = &ramchain->U[unspentind]; if ( (pkind= u->pkind) < ramchain->numpkinds && pkind >= 0 ) { if ( updateflag != 0 ) { p = &ramchain->P[pkind]; if ( ramchain->pkextras[pkind].firstspendind == 0 ) ramchain->pkextras[pkind].firstspendind = spendind; acct = &ramchain->accounts[pkind]; ramchain->S[spendind].prevspendind = acct->lastspendind; acct->lastspendind = spendind; if ( ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind != 0 ) { printf("double spend u.%d has spendind.%d when s.%d refers to it\n",unspentind,ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind,spendind); return(-1); } ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind = spendind; } return(1); } } return(0); } int32_t iguana_ramchainspends(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,int32_t updateflag) { struct iguana_spend *s; int32_t j,spendind,retval,spent_txidind,spent_vout,needtxidinds = 0; spendind = 0; for (j=0; j<ramchain->numspends; j++,spendind++) { s = &ramchain->S[spendind]; spent_txidind = (s->unspentind >> 16) & 0xffff; spent_vout = (s->unspentind & 0xffff); if ( (retval= iguana_ramchainspend(coin,ramchain,spendind,spent_txidind,spent_vout,updateflag)) < 0 ) return(-1); needtxidinds += retval; } return(needtxidinds); } int32_t iguana_ramchainload(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { int32_t i,j; uint32_t unspentind,spendind,txidind,pkind,needtxidinds = 0; struct iguana_txid *tx; struct iguana_pkhash *p; struct iguana_unspent *u; struct iguana_account *acct; txidind = unspentind = spendind = pkind = 0; for (pkind=0; pkind<ramchain->numpkinds; pkind++) { p = &ramchain->P[pkind]; iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->pkhashes,0,p->rmd160,sizeof(p->rmd160),pkind); } for (i=0; i<ramchain->numtxids; i++,txidind++) { tx = &ramchain->T[txidind]; iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->txids,0,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(bits256),txidind); for (j=0; j<tx->numvouts; j++,unspentind++) { u = &ramchain->U[unspentind]; acct = &ramchain->accounts[u->pkind]; u->prevunspentind = acct->lastunspentind; acct->lastunspentind = unspentind; if ( u->txidind != txidind ) { printf("txidind.%d u->txidind.%d mismatch\n",txidind,u->txidind); return(-1); } acct->balance += u->value; } } if ( (needtxidinds= iguana_ramchainspends(coin,ramchain,0)) == 0 ) { if ( (needtxidinds= iguana_ramchainspends(coin,ramchain,1)) != 0 ) printf("ramchainspends unexpected error\n"); } return(needtxidinds); } int32_t iguana_ramchainload(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { int32_t i,j; uint32_t unspentind,spendind,txidind,pkind,needtxidinds = 0; struct iguana_txid *tx; struct iguana_pkhash *p; struct iguana_unspent *u; struct iguana_account *acct; txidind = unspentind = spendind = 0; for (i=0; i<ramchain->numtxids; i++,txidind++) { tx = &ramchain->T[txidind]; iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->txids,0,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(bits256),txidind); for (j=0; j<tx->numvouts; j++,unspentind++) { } } if ( (needtxidinds= iguana_ramchainspends(coin,ramchain,0)) == 0 ) { if ( (needtxidinds= iguana_ramchainspends(coin,ramchain,1)) != 0 ) printf("ramchainspends unexpected error\n"); } return(needtxidinds); } int32_t iguana_ramchainspend(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,uint32_t spendind,uint32_t spent_txidind,uint16_t spent_vout,int32_t updateflag) { struct iguana_pkhash *p; struct iguana_unspent *u; struct iguana_account *acct; int32_t unspentind,pkind; if ( spent_txidind < ramchain->numtxids ) { unspentind = (spent_txidind + spent_vout); u = &ramchain->U[unspentind]; if ( (pkind= u->pkind) < ramchain->numpkinds && pkind >= 0 ) { if ( updateflag != 0 ) { p = &ramchain->P[pkind]; if ( ramchain->pkextras[pkind].firstspendind == 0 ) ramchain->pkextras[pkind].firstspendind = spendind; acct = &ramchain->accounts[pkind]; ramchain->S[spendind].prevspendind = acct->lastspendind; acct->lastspendind = spendind; if ( ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind != 0 ) { printf("double spend u.%d has spendind.%d when s.%d refers to it\n",unspentind,ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind,spendind); return(-1); } ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind = spendind; } return(1); } } return(0); } uint32_t oldiguana_rwiAddrind(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,struct iguana_iAddr *iA,uint32_t ind) { uint32_t tmpind; char ipaddr[64]; struct iguana_iAddr checkiA; if ( rwflag == 0 ) { memset(iA,0,sizeof(*iA)); if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->iAddrs,0,iA,&ind) != 0 ) { //printf("read[%d] %x -> status.%d\n",ind,iA->ipbits,iA->status); return(ind); } else printf("error getting pkhash[%u] when %d\n",ind,coin->numiAddrs); } else { expand_ipbits(ipaddr,iA->ipbits); tmpind = ind; if ( iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->iAddrs,&iA->ipbits,iA,&tmpind) != 0 ) { if ( tmpind != ind ) printf("warning: tmpind.%d != ind.%d for %s\n",tmpind,ind,ipaddr); //printf("iA[%d] wrote status.%d\n",ind,iA->status); if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->iAddrs,0,&checkiA,&tmpind) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(&checkiA,iA,sizeof(checkiA)) != 0 ) printf("compare error tmpind.%d != ind.%d\n",tmpind,ind); } return(iA->ipbits); } else printf("error kvwrite (%s) ind.%d tmpind.%d\n",ipaddr,ind,tmpind); } printf("iA[%d] error rwflag.%d\n",ind,rwflag); return(0); } struct iguana_peer *iguana_choosepeer(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,j,r,iter; struct iguana_peer *addr; r = rand(); portable_mutex_lock(&coin->peers_mutex); if ( coin->MAXPEERS == 0 ) coin->MAXPEERS = IGUANA_MAXPEERS; if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<coin->peers.numranked; j++) { i = (j + r) % coin->MAXPEERS; if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 && addr->pendblocks < coin->MAXPENDING && addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 ) { portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); return(addr); } } } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->peers_mutex); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { for (i=0; i<coin->MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[(i + r) % coin->MAXPEERS]; if ( addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && (iter == 1 || addr->pendblocks < coin->MAXPENDING) ) return(addr); } } return(0); } void iguana_shutdownpeers(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t forceflag) { #ifndef IGUANA_DEDICATED_THREADS int32_t i,skip,iter; struct iguana_peer *addr; if ( forceflag != 0 ) coin->peers.shuttingdown = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (iter=0; iter<60; iter++) { skip = 0; for (i=0; i<coin->MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; if ( addr->ipbits == 0 || addr->usock < 0 || (forceflag == 0 && addr->dead == 0) ) continue; if ( addr->startsend != 0 || addr->startrecv != 0 ) { skip++; continue; } iguana_iAkill(coin,addr,0); } if ( skip == 0 ) break; sleep(1); printf("iguana_shutdownpeers force.%d skipped.%d\n",forceflag,skip); } if ( forceflag != 0 ) coin->peers.shuttingdown = 0; #endif } uint32_t iguana_ipbits2ind(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_iAddr *iA,uint32_t ipbits,int32_t createflag) { char ipaddr[64]; struct iguana_kvitem *item; struct iguana_iAddr *tmp; expand_ipbits(ipaddr,ipbits); //printf("ipbits.%x %s to ind\n",ipbits,ipaddr); memset(iA,0,sizeof(*iA)); if ( (item= iguana_hashfind(coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,sizeof(ipbits))) == 0 ) //if ( iguana_kvread(coin,coin->iAddrs,&ipbits,iA,&ind) == 0 ) { if ( createflag == 0 ) return(0); tmp = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*iA)); *tmp = *iA; iA->ind = coin->numiAddrs; iA->ipbits = ipbits; if ( (item= iguana_hashset(coin->iAddrs,0,&iA->ipbits,sizeof(iA->ipbits),iA->ind)) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_addr: cant save.(%s)\n",ipaddr); return(0); } else { coin->numiAddrs++; if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,iA,iA->ind) == 0 ) printf("error iAddr.%d: created %x %s\n",iA->ind,ipbits,ipaddr); } } else *iA = *(struct iguana_iAddr *)item->keyvalue; return(iA->ind); } int32_t iguana_set_iAddrheight(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t ipbits,int32_t height) { struct iguana_iAddr iA; uint32_t ind; if ( (ind= iguana_ipbits2ind(coin,&iA,ipbits,1)) > 0 ) { iA.ipbits = ipbits; if ( (ind= iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,0,&iA,ind)) > 0 && height > iA.height ) { iA.height = height; iA.ipbits = ipbits; iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,&iA,ind); } } return(iA.height); } uint32_t iguana_rwipbits_status(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,uint32_t ipbits,int32_t *statusp) { struct iguana_iAddr iA; uint32_t ind; if ( (ind= iguana_ipbits2ind(coin,&iA,ipbits,1)) > 0 ) { if ( (ind= iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,0,&iA,ind)) > 0 ) { if ( rwflag == 0 ) *statusp = iA.status; else { iA.status = *statusp; iA.ipbits = ipbits; printf("%p status.%d ipbits.%x iA.%d saved iA->ind.%d\n",&iA,iA.status,iA.ipbits,ind,iA.ind); //printf("set status.%d for ind.%d\n",iA.status,ind); if ( iguana_rwiAddrind(coin,1,&iA,ind) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_iAconnected (%x) save error\n",iA.ipbits); return(0); } } return(ind); } else printf("iguana_rwiAstatus error getting iA[%d]\n",ind); } else printf("error ipbits status\n"); return(0); } int32_t iguana_ramchainspends(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,int32_t updateflag) { struct iguana_spend *s; int32_t j,spendind,retval,needtxidinds = 0; spendind = 0; for (j=0; j<ramchain->numspends; j++,spendind++) { s = &ramchain->S[spendind]; if ( (retval= iguana_ramchainspend(coin,ramchain,spendind,s->spendtxidind,s->vout,updateflag)) < 0 ) return(-1); needtxidinds += retval; } return(needtxidinds); } if ( bundlei >= coin->chain->bundlesize ) return(block); if ( (block->bundlei= bundlei) == 0 ) { iguana_hash2set(coin,"bundlehash2",&bp->blockhashes[0],block->hash2); //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,bp->bundlehash2,1); if ( bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) > 0 ) { //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,-1,block->prev_block,1); for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (prevbp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && prevbp->n >= coin->chain->bundlesize ) { cmphash2 = iguana_bundleihash2(coin,prevbp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1); if ( memcmp(cmphash2.bytes,block->prev_block.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) { //printf("found prev_block\n"); iguana_hash2set(coin,"bp setprev",&bp->prevbundlehash2,prevbp->blockhashes[0]); iguana_hash2set(coin,"prevbp setnext",&prevbp->nextbundlehash2,bp->blockhashes[0]); //printf("prev BUNDLES LINKED! (%d <-> %d) (%s <-> %s)\n",prevbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight,bits256_str(prevbp->bundlehash2),bits256_str2(bp->bundlehash2)); if ( prevbp->bundleheight != bp->bundleheight-coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("WARNING gap in bundleheight %d != %d bundlesize\n",prevbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight-coin->chain->bundlesize); break; } } } } } else if ( bundlei == 1 ) { if ( iguana_hash2set(coin,"firstblockhash2",&bp->blockhashes[1],block->hash2) < 0 ) return(0); if ( bp->blockhashes != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) > 0 ) iguana_hash2set(coin,"b blockhashes[0]",&bp->blockhashes[0],block->prev_block); iguana_hash2set(coin,"b blockhashes[1]",&bp->blockhashes[1],block->hash2); } } else if ( bundlei == bp->n-1 ) { if ( (nextbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&nextbundlei,hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) != 0 ) { if ( nextbundlei == 0 ) { iguana_hash2set(coin,"bp setnext",&bp->nextbundlehash2,nextbp->blockhashes[0]); iguana_hash2set(coin,"next setprev",&nextbp->prevbundlehash2,bp->blockhashes[0]); char str[65],str2[65]; bits256_str(str,bp->blockhashes[0]), bits256_str(str2,nextbp->blockhashes[0]); printf("next BUNDLES LINKED! (%d <-> %d) (%s <-> %s)\n",bp->bundleheight,nextbp->bundleheight,str,str2); if ( nextbp->bundleheight != bp->bundleheight+coin->chain->bundlesize ) printf("WARNING gap in bundleheight %d != %d bundlesize\n",nextbp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight+coin->chain->bundlesize); } else printf("nextbundlei.%d != 0 nextbp->n %d\n",nextbundlei,nextbp->n); } //iguana_hash2set(coin,"lastblockhash2",&bp->lastblockhash2,block->hash2); } } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundlescan(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_bundle *bp,bits256 hash2,int32_t searchmask) { int32_t i; *bundleip = -2; if ( (searchmask & IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE) != 0 ) { // bloom filter here //printf("%s vs %s: %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),bits256_str2(bp->bundlehash2),memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->bundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2))); if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->blockhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *bundleip = 0; //printf("found blockhash[0]\n"); return(bp); } if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->blockhashes[1].bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *bundleip = 1; //printf("found blockhash[1]\n"); return(bp); } for (i=2; i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->blockhashes[i].bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *bundleip = i; return(bp); } } } if ( (searchmask & IGUANA_SEARCHPREV) != 0 && memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->prevbundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *bundleip = -1; return(bp); } if ( (searchmask & IGUANA_SEARCHNEXT) != 0 && memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->nextbundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { *bundleip = bp->n; return(bp); } return(0); } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundlefind(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *bundleip,bits256 hash2,int32_t adjust) { int32_t i,searchmask; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; // struct iguana_block *block; *bundleip = -2; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 ) { if ( adjust == 0 ) searchmask = IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE; else searchmask = IGUANA_SEARCHNOLAST; //if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 && (bp= block->bp) != 0 && (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,hash2,searchmask)) != 0 ) // return(bp); for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,hash2,searchmask)) != 0 ) return(bp); } } } //printf("iguana_hdrsfind: cant find %s\n",bits256_str(hash2)); return(0); } int32_t iguana_bundlecheck(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t priorityflag) { int32_t i,qsize,remains,incomplete,lasti,n = 0; struct iguana_block *block; bits256 hash2; double threshold; uint64_t datasize =0; //printf("bp.%p bundlecheck.%d emit.%d\n",bp,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bp->emitfinish); if ( bp != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { remains = bp->n - bp->numrecv; qsize = queue_size(&coin->priorityQ); if ( bp->numrecv > coin->chain->bundlesize*.98 ) { priorityflag = 1; if ( bp->numrecv > coin->chain->bundlesize-3 ) threshold = bp->avetime; else threshold = bp->avetime * 2; } else threshold = bp->avetime * 5; lasti = -1; for (i=0; i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { hash2 = iguana_bundleihash2(coin,bp,i); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 ) continue; if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) == 0 ) block = bp->blocks[i] = iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2); if ( block != 0 && block->ipbits != 0 ) { //char str[65]; if ( block->recvlen != 0 ) datasize += block->recvlen; if ( block->hdrsi != bp->ramchain.hdrsi ) block->hdrsi = bp->ramchain.hdrsi; if ( block->bundlei != i ) block->bundlei = i; /* printf("%s %d[%d] != %d[%d]\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),block->hdrsi,block->bundlei,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,i); CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); //memset(&bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits,0,sizeof(bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits)); bp->issued[i] = milliseconds(); iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i,bp->blocks[i]->hash2,1); bp->blocks[i] = 0; } else if ( block->bundlei != i ) { printf("%s %d[%d] != %d[%d]\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),block->hdrsi,block->bundlei,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,i); CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); //memset(&bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits,0,sizeof(bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits)); bp->issued[i] = milliseconds(); iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i,bp->blocks[i]->hash2,1); bp->blocks[i] = 0; } else */ n++; } else if ( priorityflag != 0 && qsize == 0 )//&& (bp->issued[i] == 0 || milliseconds() > (bp->issued[i] + threshold)) ) { //if ( (rand() % 1000) == 0 ) // printf("priorityQ submit threshold %.3f [%d].%d\n",threshold,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,i); if ( bp->blocks[i] == 0 || bp->blocks[i]->ipbits == 0 ) { //CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); bp->issued[i] = 0;//milliseconds(); //if ( i < 2 ) // iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i,hash2,1); //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i,hash2,1); //bp->blocks[i] = 0; } lasti = i; } else lasti = i; } //if ( n == coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) //if ( n > 490 ) // printf("bp.%d %d %d n.%d\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bp->ramchain.bundleheight,lasti,n); bp->numrecv = n; bp->datasize = datasize; if ( n > 0 ) { bp->estsize = ((uint64_t)datasize * coin->chain->bundlesize) / n; //printf("estsize %d datasize.%d hdrsi.%d numrecv.%d\n",(int32_t)bp->estsize,(int32_t)datasize,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,n); } if ( n == coin->chain->bundlesize ) { printf("check %d blocks in hdrs.%d\n",n,bp->ramchain.hdrsi); for (i=incomplete=0; i<n-1; i++) { if ( memcmp(bp->blocks[i]->hash2.bytes,bp->blocks[i+1]->prev_block.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->blocks[i]->prev_block) > 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->blocks[i+1]->prev_block) > 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->blocks[i+1]->hash2) > 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65],str3[65]; bits256_str(str,bp->blocks[i]->hash2); bits256_str(str2,bp->blocks[i+1]->prev_block); bits256_str(str3,bp->blocks[i+1]->hash2); printf("%s ->%d %d<- %s %s ",str,i,i+1,str2,str3); printf("broken chain in hdrs.%d %d %p <-> %p %d\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,i,bp->blocks[i],bp->blocks[i+1],i+1); CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); //memset(&bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits,0,sizeof(bp->blocks[i]->txdatabits)); //memset(&bp->blocks[i+1]->txdatabits,0,sizeof(bp->blocks[i+1]->txdatabits)); bp->issued[i] = bp->issued[i+1] = milliseconds(); //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i,bp->blocks[i]->hash2,1); //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,i+1,bp->blocks[i+1]->hash2,1); bp->blocks[i] = bp->blocks[i+1] = 0; break; } else incomplete++; } } printf("i.%d n.%d incomplete.%d\n",i,n,incomplete); if ( i == n-1 && incomplete == 0 ) { //if ( bp->blockhashes != 0 ) //{ for (i=0; i<n; i++) iguana_hash2set(coin,"check blocks",&bp->blockhashes[i],bp->blocks[i]->hash2); // iguana_hash2set(coin,"check blockhashes[0]",&bp->blockhashes[0],bp->bundlehash2); // iguana_hash2set(coin,"check firsthash2",&bp->blockhashes[1],bp->firstblockhash2); //} iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,0,iguana_bundleihash2(coin,bp,0)); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,iguana_bundleihash2(coin,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1)); if ( bp->emitfinish <= 1 ) iguana_emitQ(coin,bp); if ( bp->emitfinish == 0 ) bp->emitfinish = 1; coin->numpendings--; return(1); } } } return(0); } /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" // peer context, ie massively multithreaded -> bundlesQ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_bundlereq(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,int32_t type,int32_t datalen) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; int32_t allocsize; allocsize = (uint32_t)sizeof(*req) + datalen; req = mycalloc(type,1,allocsize); req->allocsize = allocsize; req->datalen = datalen; req->addr = addr; req->coin = coin; req->type = type; return(req); } void iguana_gotblockM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_txblock *txdata,struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,uint8_t *data,int32_t recvlen) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; int32_t i,z,fpos,bundlei; FILE *fp; char fname[1024]; if ( 0 ) { for (i=0; i<txdata->space[0]; i++) if ( txdata->space[i] != 0 ) break; if ( i != txdata->space[0] ) { for (i=0; i<txdata->space[0]; i++) printf("%02x ",txdata->space[i]); printf("extra\n"); } } req = iguana_bundlereq(coin,addr,'B',0); if ( addr != 0 ) { if ( addr->pendblocks > 0 ) addr->pendblocks--; addr->lastblockrecv = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->recvblocks += 1.; addr->recvtotal += recvlen; if ( (txdata= iguana_blockramchainPT(coin,addr,txdata,txarray,txdata->block.txn_count,data,recvlen)) != 0 ) { //fpos = (addr->fp != 0) ? ftell(addr->fp) : 0; //txdatabits = iguana_calctxidbits(addr->addrind,addr->filecount,(uint32_t)fpos,txdata->datalen); //txdatabits = iguana_peerfilePT(coin,addr,txdata->block.hash2,txdatabits,txdata->datalen); fpos = 0; if ( (bundlei= iguana_peerfname(coin,fname,addr->ipbits,txdata->block.hash2)) < 0 ) { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) coin->peers.numfiles++; } else { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) == 0 ) { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { z = -1; coin->peers.numfiles++; for (i=0; i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) fwrite(&z,1,sizeof(z),fp); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(fname,"rb+"); } } if ( fp != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); fpos = (int32_t)ftell(fp); } } if ( fp != 0 ) { txdata->block.bundlei = bundlei; //printf("fpos.%d: bundlei.%d datalen.%d\n",fpos,bundlei,txdata->datalen); fwrite(&bundlei,1,sizeof(bundlei),fp); fwrite(&txdata->block.hash2,1,sizeof(txdata->block.hash2),fp); fwrite(&txdata->datalen,1,sizeof(txdata->datalen),fp); fwrite(txdata,1,txdata->datalen,fp); if ( bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { fseek(fp,bundlei * sizeof(bundlei),SEEK_SET); //printf("bundlei[%d] <- fpos.%d\n",bundlei,fpos); fwrite(&fpos,1,sizeof(fpos),fp); } else printf("error saving with bundlei.%d vs %d\n",bundlei,coin->chain->bundlesize); fclose(fp); //for (i=0; i<txdata->numpkinds; i++) // printf("%016lx ",*(long *)((struct iguana_pkhash *)((long)txdata + txdata->pkoffset))[i].rmd160); //printf("create.(%s) %d ",fname,bundlei,coin->peers.numfiles); //printf("bundlei.%d datalen.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d\n",bundlei,txdata->datalen,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numexternaltxids); { struct iguana_txblock *checktxdata; struct iguana_memspace checkmem; int32_t checkbundlei; memset(&checkmem,0,sizeof(checkmem)); iguana_meminit(&checkmem,"checkmem",0,txdata->block.recvlen + 4096,0); if ( 0 && (checktxdata= iguana_peertxdata(coin,&checkbundlei,fname,&checkmem,addr->ipbits,txdata->block.hash2)) != 0 ) { printf("check datalen.%d bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d\n",checktxdata->datalen,checkbundlei,checktxdata->numtxids,checktxdata->numunspents,checktxdata->numspends,checktxdata->numpkinds,checktxdata->numexternaltxids); } } } req->datalen = txdata->datalen; } } coin->recvcount++; coin->recvtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); req->block = txdata->block; req->addr = addr; req->block.txn_count = req->numtx = txdata->block.txn_count; queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&coin->bundlesQ,&req->DL,0); } void iguana_gottxidsM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 *txids,int32_t n) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; printf("got %d txids from %s\n",n,addr->ipaddr); req = iguana_bundlereq(coin,addr,'T',0); req->hashes = txids, req->n = n; queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&coin->bundlesQ,&req->DL,0); } void iguana_gotunconfirmedM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_msgtx *tx,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; char str[65]; bits256_str(str,tx->txid); printf("%s unconfirmed.%s\n",addr->ipaddr,str); req = iguana_bundlereq(coin,addr,'U',datalen); req->datalen = datalen; memcpy(req->serialized,data,datalen); //iguana_freetx(tx,1); queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&coin->bundlesQ,&req->DL,0); } void iguana_gotheadersM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_block *blocks,int32_t n) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; if ( addr != 0 ) { addr->recvhdrs++; if ( addr->pendhdrs > 0 ) addr->pendhdrs--; //printf("%s blocks[%d] ht.%d gotheaders pend.%d %.0f\n",addr->ipaddr,n,blocks[0].height,addr->pendhdrs,milliseconds()); } req = iguana_bundlereq(coin,addr,'H',0); req->blocks = blocks, req->n = n; queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&coin->bundlesQ,&req->DL,0); } void iguana_gotblockhashesM(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 *blockhashes,int32_t n) { struct iguana_bundlereq *req; if ( addr != 0 ) { addr->recvhdrs++; if ( addr->pendhdrs > 0 ) addr->pendhdrs--; } req = iguana_bundlereq(coin,addr,'S',0); req->hashes = blockhashes, req->n = n; //printf("bundlesQ blockhashes.%p[%d]\n",blockhashes,n); queue_enqueue("bundlesQ",&coin->bundlesQ,&req->DL,0); } // main context, ie single threaded struct iguana_block *iguana_recvblockhdr(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle **bpp,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_block *origblock,int32_t *newhwmp) { struct iguana_bundle *prevbp,*bp = 0; int32_t j,prevbundlei; struct iguana_block *block; char str[65]; (*bpp) = 0; *bundleip = -2; if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,origblock->hash2,1)) == 0 ) { printf("error getting block for %s\n",bits256_str(str,origblock->hash2)); return(0); } block->prev_block = origblock->prev_block; if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bundleip,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) == 0 ) { if ( (prevbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&prevbundlei,block->prev_block,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) == 0 ) { printf("cant find prev.%s either\n",bits256_str(str,block->prev_block)); for (j=0; j<coin->bundlescount; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) != 0 ) { (*bpp) = bp; char str[65]; bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("FOUND.%s in bundle.[%d:%d] %d\n",str,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,*bundleip,bp->ramchain.bundleheight + *bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,*bundleip,block->hash2); return(block); } } } char str[65]; bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("CANTFIND.%s\n",str); return(block); } else { (*bpp) = prevbp; char str[65]; //printf("found bp.%p prevbundlei.%d\n",prevbp,prevbundlei); if ( prevbundlei >= 0 && prevbundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { *bundleip = prevbundlei + 1; if ( prevbundlei == 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,block->prev_block,1); if ( prevbp != 0 ) { //bits256_str(str,block->hash2); //printf("prev FOUND.%s in bundle.[%d:%d] %d\n",str,prevbp->ramchain.hdrsi,*bundleip,prevbp->ramchain.bundleheight + *bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,prevbp,*bundleip,block->hash2); } } if ( 0 && prevbundlei == coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { bits256 zero; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("prev AUTOCREATE.%s\n",str); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,block->hash2,zero); } return(block); } } else { //char str[65],str2[65]; (*bpp) = bp; //printf("blockadd.%s %s %d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bits256_str(str2,origblock->hash2),*bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,*bundleip,block->hash2); if ( *bundleip > 0 && bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) > 0 ) iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,(*bundleip) - 1,block->prev_block); } return(block); } struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,bits256 *blockhashes,int32_t num) { struct iguana_bundle *bp,*newbp; bits256 zero; int32_t i,j,newbundlei,missing,bundlei = -2,bundleheight = -1; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bundlei,blockhashes[1],IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) != 0 ) { if ( bp->blockhashes == 0 ) { //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,bp->bundlehash2,1); bundleheight = bp->ramchain.bundleheight; if ( num > coin->chain->bundlesize+1 ) num = coin->chain->bundlesize+1; //printf("GOT blockhashes.%s[%d] %d %p hdrsi.%d bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,blockhashes[1]),num,bundleheight,bp->blockhashes,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bundlei); memcpy(bp->blockhashes,blockhashes,num * sizeof(*blockhashes)); bp->n = num; bp->ramchain.bundleheight = bundleheight; if ( bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < bp->n ) { j = 1; if ( bundlei != 1 ) { /*if ( bundlei == 0 ) { for (i=1; i<num-1; i++) blockhashes[i] = blockhashes[i+1]; memset(blockhashes[i].bytes,0,sizeof(bits256)); } else*/ printf("UNEXPECTED >>>>>>>>> hdrsi.%d bundlei.%d j.%d\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bundlei,j); return(req); } for (; j<bp->n && bundlei<=coin->chain->bundlesize; bundlei++,j++) { //printf("%d: bundlei.%d %s j.%d\n",bundlei % coin->chain->bundlesize,bundlei,bits256_str(str,blockhashes[j]),j); if ( bundlei == coin->chain->bundlesize ) { if ( (newbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&newbundlei,blockhashes[j],IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) == 0 ) { //iguana_blockQ(coin,newbp,0,blockhashes[j],1); if ( j < bp->n-1 ) { newbp = iguana_bundlecreate(coin,blockhashes[j],blockhashes[j+1]); //iguana_blockQ(coin,newbp,1,blockhashes[j+1],1); } else newbp = iguana_bundlecreate(coin,blockhashes[j],zero); if ( newbp != 0 ) { char str[65]; if ( bp->ramchain.bundleheight >= 0 ) newbp->ramchain.bundleheight = (bp->ramchain.bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize); init_hexbytes_noT(str,blockhashes[j].bytes,sizeof(bits256)); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(str),1); } } } else if ( 1 && iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,bundlei,blockhashes[j]) == 0 ) break; } } //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,1,blockhashes[1],1); //if ( bp->n < coin->chain->bundlesize ) // iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bp->n-1,blockhashes[bp->n-1],1); //else iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,blockhashes[coin->chain->bundlesize-1],1); } else { if ( num > 2 ) { for (i=missing=0; i<num && i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { if ( iguana_bundlescan(coin,&bundlei,bp,blockhashes[i],IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE) == 0 ) { missing++; } } if ( missing != 0 ) { //printf("GOT MISMATCHED %d blockhashes.%s[%d] missing.%d of %d\n",bp->ramchain.bundleheight,bits256_str(blockhashes[1]),num,missing,bp->n); return(req); } if ( num > bp->n && bp->n <= coin->chain->bundlesize ) { /*myfree(bp->blockhashes,sizeof(*bp->blockhashes) * bp->n); bp->blockhashes = mycalloc('h',num,sizeof(*blockhashes)); printf("replace blockhashes.%s[%d] %d %p\n",bits256_str(blockhashes[0]),num,bp->ramchain.bundleheight,bp->blockhashes); memcpy(bp->blockhashes,blockhashes,num * sizeof(*blockhashes)); i = bp->n, bp->n = num; for (; i<num; i++) iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,i,blockhashes[i]);*/ return(req); } char str[65]; bits256_str(str,blockhashes[1]); if ( bp->ramchain.bundleheight >= 0 && (rand() % 1000) == 0 ) printf("GOT duplicate.%s[%d] bheight.%d\n",str,num,bp->ramchain.bundleheight); } } if ( (num= bp->n) > coin->chain->bundlesize ) num = coin->chain->bundlesize; } else { if ( num > coin->chain->bundlesize+1 ) num = coin->chain->bundlesize+1; //for (i=1; i<num; i++) // iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,blockhashes[i],1); if ( num > 2 ) { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,blockhashes[1]); //printf("recvblockhashes cant find %s num.%d\n",str,num); //iguana_blockQ(coin,0,-1,blockhashes[1],1); //iguana_bundlecreate(coin,blockhashes[1],blockhashes[2]); if ( 0 && num == coin->chain->bundlesize+1 && iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bundlei,blockhashes[num - 1],IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE) == 0 ) { bits256 zero; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); bits256_str(str,blockhashes[num - 1]); printf("AUTO EXTEND2.%s[%d]\n",str,num); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,blockhashes[num - 1],zero); } } } return(req); } struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhdrs(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,struct iguana_block *blocks,int32_t n,int32_t *newhwmp) { int32_t i,j; struct iguana_block *block; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( blocks == 0 ) return(req); if ( n > coin->chain->bundlesize+1 ) n = coin->chain->bundlesize+1; // blockhashes = mycalloc('h',n+1,sizeof(*blockhashes)); // iguana_hash2set(coin,"recvhdrs0",&bp->blockhashes[0],blocks->prev_block); //for (i=0; i<n; i++) // iguana_hash2set(coin,"recvhdrs0",&bp->blockhashes[i+1],blocks[i].hash2); n++; for (j=0; j<coin->bundlescount; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(blocks[0].prev_block.bytes,bp->blockhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) { // iguana_hash2set(coin,"recvhdrs0",&bp->blockhashes[0],blocks->prev_block); //for (i=0; i<n; i++) // iguana_hash2set(coin,"recvhdrs0",&bp->blockhashes[i+1],blocks[i].hash2); if ( bp->blockhashes == 0 ) { bp->n = n < coin->chain->bundlesize ? n : coin->chain->bundlesize; for (i=1; i<bp->n; i++) { iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockhdrs[i]",&bp->blockhashes[i],blocks[i].hash2); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->blockhashes[i])) != 0 ) iguana_copyblock(coin,block,&blocks[i-1]); } /*iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,bp->bundlehash2,1); iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,1,blockhashes[1],1); if ( bp->n < coin->chain->bundlesize ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,n-1,blockhashes[n-1],1); else iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,blockhashes[coin->chain->bundlesize-1],1);*/ break; } else { //printf("free duplicate blockhashes\n"); // myfree(blockhashes,n*sizeof(*blockhashes)); } } } } return(req); } struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,struct iguana_block *origblock,int32_t numtx,int32_t datalen,int32_t *newhwmp) { struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t bundlei; struct iguana_block *block; double duration = 0.; if ( (block= iguana_recvblockhdr(coin,&bp,&bundlei,origblock,newhwmp)) != 0 ) { iguana_copyblock(coin,block,origblock); //printf("recvblock.(%s) bp.%p bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bp,bundlei); if ( bp != 0 && datalen > 0 ) { //printf("iguana_recvblock (%s) %d[%d] bit.%d recv.%d %02x %02x\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bundlei,GETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei),bp->numrecv,bp->recv[0],bp->recv[bp->n/8]); SETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei); if ( bp->issued[bundlei] > 0 ) { duration = (int32_t)(milliseconds() - bp->issued[bundlei]); if ( duration < bp->avetime/10. ) duration = bp->avetime/10.; else if ( duration > bp->avetime*10. ) duration = bp->avetime * 10.; dxblend(&bp->avetime,duration,.9); dxblend(&coin->avetime,bp->avetime,.9); } /*if ( bundlei < 3 ) { if ( bundlei > 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei-1,block->prev_block,1); iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,block->hash2,1); } if ( bundlei == 2 ) { bp->firstblockhash2 = bp->blockhashes[1] = block->prev_block; iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,block->prev_block,1); }*/ if ( bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < bp->n && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { if ( 0 && bundlei == 1 ) printf("iguana_recvblock %d[%d] bit.%d recv.%d %02x %02x\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bundlei,GETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei),bp->numrecv,bp->recv[0],bp->recv[bp->n/8]); if ( req->addr != 0 && req->addr->ipbits != 0 )//&& req->addr->addrind != 0 ) block->ipbits = req->addr->ipbits; else block->ipbits = 0xffff, printf("null addr\n"); block->recvlen = datalen; bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; bp->numrecv++; //iguana_txdataQ(coin,req,bp,bundlei); } //printf("%s hdrsi.%d recv[%d] dur.%.0f avetimes.(%.2f %.2f) numpendinds.%d %f\n",bits256_str(block->hash2),hdrs->hdrsi,bundlei,duration,hdrs->avetime,coin->avetime,coin->numpendings,hdrs->issued[bundlei]); } } else //if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) printf("cant create block.%llx\n",(long long)origblock->hash2.txid); return(req); } struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvtxids(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,bits256 *txids,int32_t n) { return(req); } struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvunconfirmed(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { return(req); } int32_t iguana_processbundlesQ(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *newhwmp) // single threaded { int32_t flag = 0; struct iguana_bundlereq *req; *newhwmp = 0; while ( flag < 10000 && (req= queue_dequeue(&coin->bundlesQ,0)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s bundlesQ.%p type.%c n.%d\n",req->addr != 0 ? req->addr->ipaddr : "0",req,req->type,req->n); if ( req->type == 'B' ) // one block with all txdata req = iguana_recvblock(coin,req->addr,req,&req->block,req->numtx,req->datalen,newhwmp); else if ( req->type == 'H' ) // blockhdrs (doesnt have txn_count!) { if ( (req= iguana_recvblockhdrs(coin,req,req->blocks,req->n,newhwmp)) != 0 ) { if ( req->blocks != 0 ) myfree(req->blocks,sizeof(*req->blocks) * req->n), req->blocks = 0; } } else if ( req->type == 'S' ) // blockhashes { if ( (req= iguana_recvblockhashes(coin,req,req->hashes,req->n)) != 0 && req->hashes != 0 ) myfree(req->hashes,sizeof(*req->hashes) * req->n), req->hashes = 0; } else if ( req->type == 'U' ) // unconfirmed tx req = iguana_recvunconfirmed(coin,req,req->serialized,req->datalen); else if ( req->type == 'T' ) // txids from inv { if ( (req= iguana_recvtxids(coin,req,req->hashes,req->n)) != 0 ) myfree(req->hashes,(req->n+1) * sizeof(*req->hashes)), req->hashes = 0; } else printf("iguana_updatebundles unknown type.%c\n",req->type); flag++; if ( req != 0 ) myfree(req,req->allocsize), req = 0; } return(flag); } int32_t iguana_issueloop(struct iguana_info *coin) { static uint32_t lastdisp; int32_t i,closestbundle,bundlei,qsize,RTqsize,m,numactive,numwaiting,maxwaiting,lastbundle,n,dispflag = 0,flag = 0; int64_t remaining,closest; struct iguana_bundle *bp,*prevbp,*nextbp; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_block *block; if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+13 ) { dispflag = 1; lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } qsize = queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); if ( qsize == 0 ) coin->bcount++; else coin->bcount = 0; maxwaiting = (coin->MAXBUNDLES * coin->chain->bundlesize); numwaiting = 0; numactive = 0; prevbp = nextbp = 0; lastbundle = -1; for (i=coin->bundlescount-1; i>=0; i--) if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 && bp->blockhashes != 0 ) { lastbundle = i; break; } if ( lastbundle != coin->lastbundle ) coin->lastbundletime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->lastbundle = lastbundle; if ( 0 && time(NULL) < coin->starttime+60 ) lastbundle = -1; n = 0; closest = closestbundle = -1; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { qsize = queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); m = 0; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { nextbp = (i < coin->bundlescount-1) ? coin->bundles[i+1] : 0; if ( bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { //iguana_bundlecheck(coin,bp,numactive == 0 || i == coin->closestbundle || i == lastbundle); iguana_bundlecheck(coin,bp,i == coin->closestbundle); if ( bp->numrecv > 3 || numactive == 0 ) { numactive++; remaining = (bp->estsize - bp->datasize) + (rand() % (1 + bp->estsize))/100; if ( remaining > 0 && (closest < 0 || remaining < closest) ) { //printf("closest.[%d] %d -> R.%d (%d - %d)\n",closestbundle,(int)closest,(int)remaining,(int)bp->estsize,(int)bp->datasize); closest = remaining; closestbundle = i; } } //if ( i < (coin->numemitted+coin->MAXPENDING) && numactive >= coin->MAXPENDING && i != coin->closestbundle && i != lastbundle ) continue; RTqsize = queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); for (bundlei=0; bundlei<bp->n && bundlei<coin->chain->bundlesize; bundlei++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 && block->ipbits != 0 ) { m++; //printf("hashes.%p numrecv.%d hdrs->n.%d qsize.%d\n",bp->blockhashes,bp->numrecv,bp->n,qsize); continue; } hash2 = iguana_bundleihash2(coin,bp,bundlei); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 ) { //printf("hdrsi.%d qsize.%d bcount.%d check bundlei.%d bit.%d %.3f lag %.3f ave %.3f\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,qsize,coin->bcount,bundlei,GETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei),bp->issued[bundlei],milliseconds() - bp->issued[bundlei],bp->avetime); if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) == 0 || block->ipbits == 0 ) //if ( GETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei) == 0 ) { if ( bp->issued[bundlei] > SMALLVAL ) numwaiting++; if ( numwaiting < maxwaiting && (bp->issued[bundlei] == 0 || (qsize == 0 && coin->bcount > 100 && milliseconds() > (bp->issued[bundlei] + bp->avetime*2))) )//()) ) { if ( RTqsize < maxwaiting && (i == lastbundle || i == coin->closestbundle) ) { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,hash2); if ( (rand() % 10000) == 0 && bp->issued[bundlei] > SMALLVAL ) printf("issue.%d:%d of %d %s lag %f ave %f\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,bundlei,bp->n,str,milliseconds() - bp->issued[bundlei],bp->avetime); bp->issued[bundlei] = milliseconds(); n++; flag += (iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,hash2,0) > 0); } } } } //lse printf("skip.%d %s\n",numbundles,bits256_str(hash2)); } } else m = coin->chain->bundlesize; } prevbp = bp; if ( dispflag != 0 && bp != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 && m > 0 ) printf("%s",iguana_bundledisp(coin,prevbp,bp,nextbp,m)); } //if ( closestbundle >= 0 && (coin->closestbundle < 0 || coin->bundles[coin->closestbundle]->numrecv >= coin->chain->bundlesize) ) coin->closestbundle = closestbundle; char str[65]; if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf(" PENDINGBUNDLES lastbundle.%d closest.[%d] %s | %d\n",lastbundle,closestbundle,mbstr(str,closest),coin->closestbundle); return(flag); } int32_t iguana_reqhdrs(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t i,n = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bp; char hashstr[65]; //printf("needhdrs.%d qsize.%d zcount.%d\n",iguana_needhdrs(coin),queue_size(&coin->hdrsQ),coin->zcount); if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) > 0 && queue_size(&coin->hdrsQ) == 0 ) { if ( coin->zcount++ > 10 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { if ( time(NULL) > bp->issuetime+7 )//&& coin->numpendings < coin->MAXBUNDLES ) { if ( bp->issuetime == 0 ) coin->numpendings++; if ( bp->blockhashes == 0 || bp->n < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,bp->blockhashes[0]); printf("(%s %d).%d ",str,bp->ramchain.bundleheight,i); init_hexbytes_noT(hashstr,bp->blockhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(hashstr),1); n++; } bp->issuetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } } if ( n > 0 ) printf("REQ HDRS pending.%d\n",coin->numpendings); coin->zcount = 0; } } else coin->zcount = 0; return(n); } int32_t iguana_updatecounts(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t h,flag = 0; //SETBIT(coin->havehash,0); //while ( iguana_havetxdata(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks) != 0 ) // coin->blocks.recvblocks++; //if ( coin->blocks.recvblocks < 1 ) // coin->blocks.recvblocks = 1; //while ( GETBIT(coin->havehash,coin->blocks.hashblocks) > 0 ) // coin->blocks.hashblocks++; h = coin->blocks.hwmheight - coin->chain->bundlesize; flag = 0; while ( 0 && iguana_bundleready(coin,h) > 0 ) { h += coin->chain->bundlesize; flag++; } if ( flag != 0 ) iguana_savehdrs(coin); return(flag); } int32_t iguana_processrecv(struct iguana_info *coin) // single threaded { int32_t newhwm = 0,flag = 0; //printf("process bundlesQ\n"); flag += iguana_processbundlesQ(coin,&newhwm); //printf("iguana_updatecounts\n"); flag += iguana_updatecounts(coin); //printf("iguana_reqhdrs\n"); flag += iguana_reqhdrs(coin); //printf("iguana_issueloop\n"); flag += iguana_issueloop(coin); //if ( newhwm != 0 ) // flag += iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,coin->blocks.hwmheight); return(flag); } struct iguana_block *iguana_recvblockhdr(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle **bpp,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_block *origblock,int32_t *newhwmp) { struct iguana_bundle *prevbp,*bp = 0; int32_t j,prevbundlei; struct iguana_block *block; char str[65]; (*bpp) = 0; *bundleip = -2; if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,origblock->hash2,1)) == 0 ) { printf("error getting block for %s\n",bits256_str(str,origblock->hash2)); return(0); } block->prev_block = origblock->prev_block; if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bundleip,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) == 0 ) { if ( (prevbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&prevbundlei,block->prev_block,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) == 0 ) { printf("cant find prev.%s either\n",bits256_str(str,block->prev_block)); for (j=0; j<coin->bundlescount; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bundleip,bp,block->hash2,IGUANA_SEARCHBUNDLE)) != 0 ) { (*bpp) = bp; char str[65]; bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("FOUND.%s in bundle.[%d:%d] %d\n",str,bp->ramchain.hdrsi,*bundleip,bp->ramchain.bundleheight + *bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,*bundleip,block->hash2); return(block); } } } char str[65]; bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("CANTFIND.%s\n",str); return(block); } else { (*bpp) = prevbp; char str[65]; //printf("found bp.%p prevbundlei.%d\n",prevbp,prevbundlei); if ( prevbundlei >= 0 && prevbundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { *bundleip = prevbundlei + 1; if ( prevbundlei == 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,block->prev_block,1); if ( prevbp != 0 ) { //bits256_str(str,block->hash2); //printf("prev FOUND.%s in bundle.[%d:%d] %d\n",str,prevbp->ramchain.hdrsi,*bundleip,prevbp->ramchain.bundleheight + *bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,prevbp,*bundleip,block->hash2); } } if ( 0 && prevbundlei == coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { bits256 zero; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); bits256_str(str,block->hash2); printf("prev AUTOCREATE.%s\n",str); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,block->hash2,zero); } return(block); } } else { //char str[65],str2[65]; (*bpp) = bp; //printf("blockadd.%s %s %d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bits256_str(str2,origblock->hash2),*bundleip); iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,*bundleip,block->hash2); if ( *bundleip > 0 && bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) > 0 ) iguana_bundleblockadd(coin,bp,(*bundleip) - 1,block->prev_block); } return(block); } /*static int32_t _sort_by_itemind(struct iguana_block *a, struct iguana_block *b) { if (a->hh.itemind == b->hh.itemind) return 0; return (a->hh.itemind < b->hh.itemind) ? -1 : 1; }*/ int32_t _iguana_verifysort(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t height,prevheight = -1,i = 0,run = 0; struct iguana_block *block,*tmp; HASH_ITER(hh,coin->blocks.hash,block,tmp) { if ( (height= block->hh.itemind) < 0 ) printf("sortblocks error i.%d height.%d?\n",i,height), getchar(); if ( height <= prevheight ) printf("sortblocks error i.%d height.%d vs prevheight.%d\n",i,height,prevheight), getchar(); if ( height == run ) run++; i++; } printf("_iguana_verifysort: n.%d run.%d\n",i,run); return(run); } /*int32_t iguana_blocksort(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t hashblocks; portable_mutex_lock(&coin->blocks_mutex); HASH_SORT(coin->blocks.hash,_sort_by_itemind); hashblocks = _iguana_verifysort(coin); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->blocks_mutex); return(hashblocks); }*/ int32_t _iguana_blocklink(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t height,n = 0; struct iguana_block *prev,*next; if ( block == 0 ) printf("iguana_blockslink: illegal null block %p\n",block), getchar(); block->hh.next = 0, block->hh.prev = 0; if ( (height= (int32_t)block->hh.itemind) > 0 && (prev= iguana_block(coin,height-1)) != 0 ) { prev->hh.next = block; block->hh.prev = prev; n++; } if ( (next= iguana_block(coin,height+1)) != 0 ) { block->hh.next = next; next->hh.prev = block; n++; } return(n); } /*bits256 iguana_prevblockhash(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block *block; bits256 tmp; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) return(block->prev_block); else { memset(tmp.bytes,0,sizeof(tmp)); return(tmp); } }*/ int32_t iguana_hash2height(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block *block; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( block->height >= 0 ) return(block->height); else return(block->hh.itemind); } else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_blockheight(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { struct iguana_block *prev; int32_t height; if ( (height= iguana_hash2height(coin,block->hash2)) < 0 ) { if ( (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->prev_block)) != 0 ) { if ( prev->height >= 0 ) return(prev->height+1); else if ( (int32_t)prev->hh.itemind >= 0 ) return(prev->hh.itemind + 1); } } return(-1); } int32_t iguana_chainheight(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { if ( block->mainchain != 0 && block->height >= 0 ) return(block->height); return(-1); } void *iguana_blockptr(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { struct iguana_block *block; if ( height < 0 || height >= coin->blocks.maxbits ) { //printf("iguana_blockptr height.%d vs maxbits.%d\n",height,coin->blocks.maxbits); return(0); } if ( (block= coin->blocks.ptrs[height]) != 0 ) return(block); return(0); } /*void *iguana_bundletxdata(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei) { struct iguana_block *block; void *txdata = 0; if ( bp != 0 && bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize && GETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei) != 0 && (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 ) { txdata = block->txdata; } //printf("txdata.%p\n",txdata); return(txdata); }*/ int32_t iguana_avail(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,int32_t n) { int32_t i,nonz = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) if ( iguana_blockptr(coin,height+i) != 0 ) nonz++; return(nonz); } /*int32_t iguana_bundleready(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { int32_t i,num = coin->chain->bundlesize; if ( GETBIT(coin->bundleready,height/num) != 0 ) return(1); for (i=0; i<num; i++) if ( iguana_havehash(coin,height+i) <= 0 ) return(0); SETBIT(coin->bundleready,height/num); return(1); } int32_t iguana_fixblocks(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t startheight,int32_t endheight) { struct iguana_block *block,space,origblock; int32_t height,n = 0; for (height=startheight; height<=endheight; height++) { if ( (block= iguana_block(coin,&space,height)) != 0 ) { origblock = space; iguana_setdependencies(coin,block); if ( memcmp(&origblock,block,sizeof(origblock)) != 0 ) { printf("%d ",height); n++; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,block,(uint32_t *)&block->height); } } } iguana_syncmap(&coin->blocks.db->M,0); return(n); } int32_t iguana_blockcmp(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *A,struct iguana_block *B,int32_t fastflag) { struct iguana_block tmpA,tmpB; tmpA = *A, tmpB = *B; memset(&tmpA.L,0,sizeof(tmpA.L)), memset(&tmpB.L,0,sizeof(tmpB.L)); memset(&tmpA.hh,0,sizeof(tmpA.hh)), memset(&tmpB.hh,0,sizeof(tmpB.hh)); tmpA.numvouts = tmpA.numvins = tmpA.tbd = tmpB.numvouts = tmpB.numvins = tmpB.tbd = 0; if ( memcmp(&tmpA,&tmpB,sizeof(tmpA)) != 0 ) return(-1); if ( fastflag == 0 ) { if ( iguana_setdependencies(coin,&tmpA) != iguana_setdependencies(coin,&tmpB) || memcmp(&tmpA,&tmpB,sizeof(tmpA)) == 0 ) return(-1); } return(0); }*/ /* int32_t iguana_checkblock(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t dispflag,struct iguana_block *block,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block checkspace,prevspace,*checkblock,*prev; bits256 prevhash; int32_t retval = 0; if ( block != 0 ) { if ( (checkblock= iguana_block(coin,&checkspace,block->height)) == 0 ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("cant find checkblock %s at %d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->height); return(-2); } if ( memcmp(block,checkblock,sizeof(*block)) != 0 ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("compare error %s block.%d vs checkblock.%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->height,checkblock->height); return(-3); } prevhash = iguana_prevblockhash(coin,hash2); if ( bits256_nonz(prevhash) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(prevhash.bytes,block->prev_block.bytes,sizeof(prevhash)) != 0 ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) { printf("height.%d block->prev %s vs ",block->height,bits256_str(block->prev_block)); printf("prevhash mismatch %s\n",bits256_str(prevhash)); } return(-4); } } else prevhash = block->prev_block; if ( block->height == 0 ) { //printf("reached genesis! numvalid.%d from %s\n",numvalid,bits256_str(coin->blocks.best_chain)); return(0); } //printf("block.%d\n",block->height); if ( (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,&prevspace,prevhash)) == 0 ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("cant find prevhash for (%s).%d\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->height); return(-5); } //else printf("block->height.%d prev height.%d %s\n",block->height,prev->height,bits256_str(prevhash)); if ( fabs(block->L.PoW - (prev->L.PoW + PoW_from_compact(block->bits,coin->chain->unitval))) > SMALLVAL ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("PoW mismatch: %s %.15f != %.15f (%.15f %.15f)\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->L.PoW,(prev->L.PoW + PoW_from_compact(block->bits,coin->chain->unitval)),prev->L.PoW,PoW_from_compact(block->bits,coin->chain->unitval)); block->L.PoW = (prev->L.PoW + PoW_from_compact(block->bits,coin->chain->unitval)); retval = -1000; } if ( block->txn_count != 0 && block->L.numtxids != (prev->L.numtxids + prev->txn_count) && block->L.numunspents != (prev->L.numunspents + prev->numvouts) && block->L.numspends != (prev->L.numspends + prev->numvins) ) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("firsttxidind mismatch %s T%d != %d (%d + %d) || U%d != %d (%d + %d) || S%d != %d (%d + %d)\n",bits256_str(hash2),block->L.numtxids,(prev->L.numtxids + prev->txn_count),prev->L.numtxids,prev->txn_count,block->L.numunspents,(prev->L.numunspents + prev->numvouts),prev->L.numunspents,prev->numvouts,block->L.numspends,(prev->L.numspends + prev->numvins),prev->L.numspends,prev->numvins); block->L.numtxids = (prev->L.numtxids + prev->txn_count); block->L.numunspents = (prev->L.numunspents + prev->numvouts); block->L.numspends = (prev->L.numspends + prev->numvins); return(retval - 10000); } return(retval); } if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("iguana_checkblock: null ptr\n"); return(-8); } int32_t _iguana_audit(struct iguana_info *coin) { bits256 hash2; struct iguana_block *block,space; int32_t numvalid = 0; hash2 = coin->blocks.hwmchain; while ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,&space,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_checkblock(coin,1,block,hash2) == 0 ) { numvalid++; if ( block->height == 0 ) return(numvalid); hash2 = block->prev_block; } } printf("iguana_audit numvalid.%d vs %d\n",numvalid,coin->blocks.hwmheight); return(numvalid); } void iguana_audit(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t numvalid; if ( (numvalid= _iguana_audit(coin)) < 0 || numvalid != coin->blocks.hwmheight ) { printf("iguana_audit error.%d\n",numvalid); iguana_kvdisp(coin,coin->blocks.db); } }*/ /*int32_t iguana_lookahead(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *hash2p,int32_t height) { struct iguana_block space,*block; bits256 hash2; int32_t err,h,n = 0; while ( (block= iguana_block(coin,&space,height)) != 0 ) { *hash2p = hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); if ( (err= iguana_checkblock(coin,1,block,hash2)) == 0 || err <= -1000 ) { if ( err < 0 ) { h = height; printf("fixup height.%d\n",height); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,hash2.bytes,block,(uint32_t *)&h); //getchar(); } if ( (h= iguana_addblock(coin,hash2,block)) != height ) { printf("height.%d h.%d n.%d didnt work\n",height,h,n); //getchar(); break; } n++; height++; coin->blocks.hwmheight = height; } else { printf("height.%d %s error.%d\n",height,bits256_str(hash2),err); break; } } printf("lookahead stopped at height.%d\n",height); return(n); } */ int32_t iguana_setchainvars(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_prevdep *lp,bits256 hash2,uint32_t nBits,bits256 prevhash,int32_t txn_count) // uint32_t *firsttxidindp,uint32_t *firstvoutp,uint32_t *firstvinp,double *PoWp { int32_t height=-1,firstvout=0,firstvin=0,firsttxidind=0; double PoW; struct iguana_prevdep *prevlp; struct iguana_block *prev; memset(lp,0,sizeof(*lp)); if ( memcmp(coin->chain->genesis_hashdata,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { PoW = PoW_from_compact(nBits,coin->chain->unitval); height = 0; firsttxidind = firstvout = firstvin = 1; printf("set genesis vars nBits.%x\n",nBits); } else { if ( (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,prevhash)) == 0 ) { if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) == 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65]; bits256_str(str,hash2); bits256_str(str2,prevhash); printf("hash2.(%s) ",str); fprintf(stderr,"iguana_blockchain no prev block.(%s)\n",str2); //getchar(); } return(-1); } else { height = prev->height + 1; if ( (prevlp= iguana_prevdepfind(coin,prev)) != 0 ) { PoW = (PoW_from_compact(nBits,coin->chain->unitval) + prevlp->PoW); if ( txn_count > 0 && prevlp->numtxids > 0 && prev->numvouts > 0 && prevlp->numunspents > 0 && prevlp->numspends > 0 ) { firsttxidind = prevlp->numtxids + prev->txn_count; firstvout = prevlp->numunspents + prev->numvouts; firstvin = prevlp->numspends + prev->numvins; //printf("PREV.%d firsttxidind.%d firstvout.%d+%d firstvin.%d+%d (%d %d %d)\n",prev->height,prev->L.numtxids,prev->L.numunspents,prev->numvouts,prev->L.numspends,prev->numvins,firsttxidind,firstvout,firstvin); } } } } if ( lp != 0 ) { lp->PoW = PoW; lp->numtxids = firsttxidind; lp->numunspents = firstvout; lp->numspends = firstvin; } //printf("set height.%d: %d %f firstvin.%d firstvout.%d\n",height,firsttxidind,PoW,firstvin,firstvout); return(height); } int32_t iguana_setdependencies(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_prevdep *lp) { int32_t h,height; if ( block == 0 ) return(-1); height = block->height; if ( (h= iguana_setchainvars(coin,lp,block->hash2,block->bits,block->prev_block,block->txn_count)) == height ) { // place to make sure connected to ramchain return(height); } if ( height < 0 ) block->height = h; //printf("dependencies returned %d vs %d\n",h,height); return(-1); } int32_t iguana_chainextend(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *newblock) { int32_t h; if ( (newblock->height= iguana_setdependencies(coin,newblock,lp)) >= 0 ) { if ( lp->PoW > coin->blocks.hwmPoW ) { if ( newblock->height+1 > coin->blocks.maxblocks ) coin->blocks.maxblocks = (newblock->height + 1); h = newblock->height; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,hash2.bytes,newblock,(uint32_t *)&h); coin->blocks.hwmheight = newblock->height; coin->blocks.hwmPoW = lp->PoW; coin->blocks.hwmchain = hash2; coin->latest.blockhash = hash2; coin->latest.merkle_root = newblock->merkle_root; coin->latest.timestamp = newblock->timestamp; coin->latest.height = coin->blocks.hwmheight; char str[65],str2[65]; bits256_str(str,newblock->hash2); bits256_str(str2,coin->blocks.hwmchain); printf("ADD %s %d:%d <- (%s) n.%u max.%u PoW %f 1st.%d numtx.%d\n",str,h,newblock->height,str2,coin->blocks.hwmheight+1,coin->blocks.maxblocks,lp->PoW,lp->numtxids,newblock->txn_count); } } else printf("error from setchain.%d\n",newblock->height); if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,coin->blocks.hwmchain.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) != 0 ) { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,hash2); if ( iguana_needhdrs(coin) == 0 ) printf("ORPHAN.%s height.%d PoW %f vs best %f\n",str,newblock->height,lp->PoW,coin->blocks.hwmPoW); newblock->height = -1; } return(newblock->height); } else if ( strcmp(H->command,"headers") == 0 ) { struct iguana_msgblock msg; struct iguana_block *blocks; uint32_t n; struct iguana_prevdep L; len = iguana_rwvarint32(0,data,&n); if ( n <= IGUANA_MAXINV ) { blocks = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*blocks) * n); height = -1; memset(&L,0,sizeof(L)); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { len += iguana_rwblock(0,&hash2,&data[len],&msg); if ( i == 0 ) height = iguana_setchainvars(coin,&L,hash2,msg.H.bits,msg.H.prev_block,msg.txn_count); iguana_convblock(&blocks[i],&msg,hash2,height); if ( L.numtxids > 0 ) { height++; L.numtxids += blocks[i].txn_count; L.PoW += PoW_from_compact(blocks[i].bits,coin->chain->unitval); } } //printf("GOT HEADERS n.%d len.%d\n",n,len); iguana_gotheadersM(coin,addr,blocks,n); //myfree(blocks,sizeof(*blocks) * n); if ( len == datalen && addr != 0 ) addr->msgcounts.headers++; } else printf("got unexpected n.%d for headers\n",n); } /*int32_t iguana_chainheight(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *origblock) { static const bits256 zero; struct iguana_block *next,*block = origblock; bits256 *blockhashes; char str[65]; int32_t i,max,toofar=0,height,n=0; next = origblock; iguana_memreset(&coin->blockMEM); max = (int32_t)(coin->blockMEM.totalsize / sizeof(*blockhashes)); blockhashes = iguana_memalloc(&coin->blockMEM,max*sizeof(*blockhashes),1); while ( memcmp(block->prev_block.bytes,zero.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) { if ( n < max-1 ) blockhashes[n++] = block->hash2; else toofar = 1; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->prev_block)) != 0 ) { //printf("i.%d %s chainheight.%d mainchain.%d\n",n,bits256_str(str,block->hash2),block->height,block->mainchain); if ( block->mainchain != 0 && (height= block->height) >= 0 ) { iguana_chainextend(coin,next); //printf("%s extend.%d from %d toofar.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),n,height,toofar); if ( toofar == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,blockhashes[n-1-i])) == 0 ) { printf("%d of %d: cant find block.%s or cant extend\n",i,n,bits256_str(str,blockhashes[n-1-i])); return(origblock->height); } if ( iguana_chainextend(coin,next) < 0 ) { //printf("%d of %d: cant extend block.%s\n",i,n,bits256_str(str,blockhashes[n-1-i])); return(origblock->height); } next = block; } return(origblock->height); } //printf("toofar means neg height\n"); return(-1); } next = block; } else break; } // reached deadend or too far to link in //printf("out of chainheight loop\n"); return(origblock->height); }*/ /*int32_t iguana_issueloop(struct iguana_info *coin) { static uint32_t lastdisp; int32_t i,closestbundle,qsize,m,numactive,numwaiting,maxwaiting,lastbundle,n,dispflag = 0,flag = 0; int64_t remaining,closest; struct iguana_bundle *bp,*prevbp,*nextbp; flag = iguana_reqhdrs(coin); if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+13 ) { dispflag = 1; lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } qsize = queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); if ( qsize == 0 ) coin->bcount++; else coin->bcount = 0; maxwaiting = (coin->MAXBUNDLES * coin->chain->bundlesize); numwaiting = 0; numactive = 0; prevbp = nextbp = 0; lastbundle = -1; for (i=coin->bundlescount-1; i>=0; i--) if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 && bp->blockhashes != 0 ) { lastbundle = i; break; } if ( lastbundle != coin->lastbundle ) coin->lastbundletime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->lastbundle = lastbundle; if ( 0 && time(NULL) < coin->starttime+60 ) lastbundle = -1; n = 0; closest = closestbundle = -1; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { qsize = queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); m = 0; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { nextbp = (i < coin->bundlescount-1) ? coin->bundles[i+1] : 0; if ( bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { m = (bp->n - bp->numrecv); if ( bp->numrecv > 3 || numactive == 0 ) { numactive++; remaining = (bp->estsize - bp->datasize) + (rand() % (1 + bp->estsize))/100; if ( remaining > 0 && (closest < 0 || remaining < closest) ) { //printf("closest.[%d] %d -> R.%d (%d - %d)\n",closestbundle,(int)closest,(int)remaining,(int)bp->estsize,(int)bp->datasize); closest = remaining; closestbundle = i; } } if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf("%s",iguana_bundledisp(coin,prevbp,bp,nextbp,m)); } } prevbp = bp; } //if ( closestbundle >= 0 && (coin->closestbundle < 0 || coin->bundles[coin->closestbundle]->numrecv >= coin->chain->bundlesize) ) coin->closestbundle = closestbundle; char str[65]; if ( dispflag != 0 ) printf(" PENDINGBUNDLES lastbundle.%d closest.[%d] %s | %d\n",lastbundle,closestbundle,mbstr(str,closest),coin->closestbundle); return(flag); }*/ int32_t iguana_updatecounts(struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t flag = 0; //SETBIT(coin->havehash,0); //while ( iguana_havetxdata(coin,coin->blocks.recvblocks) != 0 ) // coin->blocks.recvblocks++; //if ( coin->blocks.recvblocks < 1 ) // coin->blocks.recvblocks = 1; //while ( GETBIT(coin->havehash,coin->blocks.hashblocks) > 0 ) // coin->blocks.hashblocks++; return(flag); } //printf("iguana_issueloop\n"); //flag += iguana_issueloop(coin); //if ( newhwm != 0 ) // flag += iguana_lookahead(coin,&hash2,coin->blocks.hwmheight); /*struct iguana_block *iguana_blockadd(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle **bpp,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_block *origblock) { struct iguana_block *checkblock,*block = 0; char str[65]; struct iguana_bundle *bp = *bpp; int32_t setval,checki,bundlei,bundleheight,bundlesize = coin->chain->bundlesize; bundlei = *bundleip; *bundleip = -2; *bpp = 0; if ( origblock == 0 ) return(0); //iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,origblock->prev_block,1); if ( bits256_nonz(origblock->hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,origblock->hash2,1)) != 0 ) { //printf("blockadd.(%s) -> %d (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,origblock->prev_block),block->height,bits256_str(str2,origblock->hash2)); if ( bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) == 0 ) iguana_blockcopy(coin,block,origblock); if ( (bp= *bpp) == 0 ) { if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bpp,&bundlei,block->hash2)) == 0 ) { *bpp = 0, bundlei = -2; //printf("a bundlefind.(%s) -> bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),*bundleip); if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,bpp,&bundlei,block->prev_block)) == 0 ) { //iguana_chainheight(coin,block); //printf("a prev bundlefind.(%s) -> bundlei.%d ht.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->prev_block),*bundleip,block->height); *bpp = 0; *bundleip = -2; return(block); } else { if ( *bundleip == bundlesize-1 ) { printf("b prev bundlefind.(%s) -> bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->prev_block),*bundleip); bundleheight = (bp->ramchain.bundleheight >= 0) ? (bp->ramchain.bundleheight + bundlesize) : -1; printf("autocreateA: bundleheight.%d\n",bundleheight); bundlei = -2; *bpp = bp = iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,bundleheight,block->hash2); *bpp = 0; *bundleip = -2; return(block); } else if ( bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { bundlei++; if ( bp->n <= bundlei ) bp->n = bundlei+1; iguana_hash2set(coin,"add",bp,bundlei,block->hash2); //printf("found prev.%s -> bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->prev_block),bundlei); } } } else { // printf("found bp.%p bundlei.%d\n",bp,bundlei); } } else if ( bundlei < -1 ) { bp = iguana_bundlefind(coin,bpp,&bundlei,block->hash2); printf("c bundlefind.(%s) -> bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bundlei); } else printf("last case bundleip %d\n",bundlei); *bpp = bp; *bundleip = bundlei; //printf("bundlei.%d for %s\n",bundlei,bits256_str(str,block->hash2)); if ( memcmp(bp->hashes[bundlei].bytes,block->hash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) printf("honk? find error %s\n",bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[bundlei])), getchar(); if ( bp == 0 || bundlei < -1 ) { printf("%s null bp? %p or illegal bundlei.%d block.%p\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),bp,bundlei,block); return(block); } if ( (setval= iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,&checkblock,bp,bundlei,block->hash2)) == 0 && checkblock == block ) { if ( bp->blocks[bundlei] != 0 ) { if ( bp->blocks[bundlei] != block ) printf("blockadd: error blocks[%d] %p %d != %d %p\n",bundlei,bp->blocks[bundlei],bp->blocks[bundlei]->height,block->height,block); } else bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; //iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,bundlei-1,block->prev_block); //printf("setval.%d bp.%p bundlei.%d\n",setval,bp,bundlei); } else if ( setval > 0 ) { if ( bundlei == bundlesize ) { bundleheight = (bp->ramchain.bundleheight >= 0) ? (bp->ramchain.bundleheight + bundlesize) : -1; printf("autocreate: bundleheight.%d\n",bundleheight); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&checki,bundleheight,block->hash2); } printf("setval.%d bundlei.%d\n",setval,bundlei); } else printf("blockadd: error.%d adding hash2, checkblock.%p vs %p\n",setval,checkblock,block); //printf("bundleblockadd.[%d] of %d <- %s setval.%d %p\n",bundlei,bp->n,bits256_str(str,block->hash2),setval,block); } else printf("bundleblockadd: block.%p error\n",block); return(block); } struct iguana_block *iguana_bundleblockadd(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle **bpp,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_block *origblock) { struct iguana_block *block,*retblock; int32_t i,oldhwm; struct iguana_bundle *bp; bits256 *hash2p,hash2; char str[65]; struct iguana_bloominds bit; oldhwm = coin->blocks.hwmchain.height; *bpp = 0, *bundleip = -2; if ( (retblock= iguana_blockadd(coin,bpp,bundleip,origblock)) != 0 ) { block = retblock; //iguana_chainextend(coin,block); if ( block->height >= 0 && (hash2p= iguana_blockhashptr(coin,coin->blocks.hashblocks)) != 0 ) *hash2p = block->hash2; if ( oldhwm != coin->blocks.hwmchain.height ) { if ( oldhwm < coin->blocks.hashblocks ) coin->blocks.hashblocks = oldhwm; while ( coin->blocks.hashblocks < coin->blocks.hwmchain.height && (hash2p= iguana_blockhashptr(coin,coin->blocks.hashblocks)) != 0 ) { hash2 = *hash2p; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( hash2p == 0 ) { printf("iguana_bundleblockadd B cant find coin->blocks.hashblocks %d\n",coin->blocks.hashblocks); break; } *hash2p = hash2; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { if ( coin->blocks.hashblocks >= bp->ramchain.bundleheight && coin->blocks.hashblocks < bp->ramchain.bundleheight+bp->n ) { bit = iguana_calcbloom(block->hash2); if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) < 0 ) iguana_bloomset(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit); break; } } } //printf("ht.%d %s %p\n",block->height,bits256_str(str,hash2),hash2p); bp = 0; *bundleip = -2; iguana_blockadd(coin,&bp,bundleip,block); bp = 0; *bundleip = -2; if ( iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,bundleip,block->hash2) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_bundleblockadd A cant find just added.%s bundlei.%d\n",bits256_str(str,hash2),*bundleip); bp = 0; *bundleip = -2; iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,bundleip,block->hash2); break; } coin->blocks.hashblocks++; block = 0; } else { //printf("break loop block.%p %s coin->blocks.hashblocks %d vs %d\n",block,bits256_str(str,hash2),coin->blocks.hashblocks,coin->blocks.hwmheight); break; } } } } else printf("iguana_bundleblockadd returns null\n"); return(retblock); }*/ int64_t iguana_ramchain_compact(struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,int32_t numpkinds,int32_t numexternaltxids) { int32_t i,diff; int64_t offset; bits256 *src,*dest,tmp; diff = (ramchain->data->numpkinds - numpkinds); src = (bits256 *)((long)ramchain->mem->ptr + (long)ramchain->data->Xoffset); offset = ramchain->data->Poffset + (sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash) * numpkinds); ramchain->data->Xoffset = offset + ((sizeof(struct iguana_account)+sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra)) * numpkinds); if ( numpkinds < ramchain->data->numpkinds ) { ramchain->data->numpkinds = numpkinds; dest = (bits256 *)((long)ramchain->mem->ptr + (long)offset); for (i=0; i<numexternaltxids; i++,offset+=sizeof(bits256)) tmp = src[i], dest[i] = tmp; // might be shifting by less than 32 bytes } else offset += (sizeof(bits256) * numexternaltxids); ramchain->data->numexternaltxids = numexternaltxids; ramchain->mem->used = offset; return(offset); } long iguana_blockramchainPT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_txblock *origtxdata,struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,int32_t txn_count,uint8_t *data,int32_t recvlen) { RAMCHAIN_PTRS; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain = &addr->ramchain; struct iguana_msgtx *tx; int32_t i,j,err,bundlei = -2; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; if ( iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,origtxdata->block.hash2) == 0 ) return(-1); SETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei); bp->fpos[bundlei] = -1; bp->recvlens[bundlei] = recvlen; if ( iguana_ramchain_init(ramchain,&addr->TXDATA,&addr->HASHMEM,0,txn_count,origtxdata->numunspents,origtxdata->numspends,0,0) == 0 ) return(-1); iguana_ramchain_link(ramchain,origtxdata->block.hash2,origtxdata->block.hash2,bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight+bundlei,1); _iguana_ramchain_setptrs(ramchain,&T,&U,&U2,&S,&P,&P2,&A,&X); if ( T == 0 || U == 0 || S == 0 || P == 0 || X == 0 ) { printf("fatal error getting txdataptrs\n"); return(-1); } for (i=0; i<txn_count; i++) { tx = &txarray[i]; iguana_ramchain_addtxid(ramchain,T,U,U2,S,P,P2,A,X,tx->txid,tx->tx_out,tx->tx_in); for (j=0; j<tx->tx_out; j++) iguana_ramchain_addunspent(ramchain,T,U,U2,S,P,P2,A,X,tx->vouts[j].value,tx->vouts[j].pk_script,tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen); for (j=0; j<tx->tx_in; j++) iguana_ramchain_addspend(ramchain,T,U,U2,S,P,P2,A,X,tx->vins[j].prev_hash,tx->vins[j].prev_vout,tx->vins[j].script,tx->vins[j].scriptlen,tx->vins[j].sequence); } ramchain->data->numpkinds = ramchain->pkind; ramchain->data->numexternaltxids = ramchain->externalind; ramchain->data->allocsize = iguana_ramchain_size(ramchain); if ( (err= iguana_ramchainverify(ramchain)) == 0 ) { if ( (bp->fpos[bundlei]= iguana_ramchain_save(ramchain,addr->ipbits,bp->hashes[0],bundlei)) >= 0 ) bp->ipbits[bundlei] = addr->ipbits; } else printf("ramchain verification error.%d hdrsi.%d bundlei.%d\n",err,bp->hdrsi,bundlei); iguana_ramchain_free(ramchain); return(bp->fpos[bundlei]); //iguana_hashfree(addr->txids,0); //iguana_hashfree(addr->pkhashes,0); /*txidind = unspentind = spendind = pkind = 0; for (i=numvouts=numpkinds=0; i<txn_count; i++,txidind++) { tx = &txarray[i]; t = &T[txidind]; t->txid = tx->txid, t->txidind = txidind, t->firstvout = unspentind, t->numvouts = tx->tx_out; iguana_hashsetPT(ramchain,hashmem,'T',t->txid.bytes,txidind); for (j=0; j<tx->tx_out; j++,numvouts++,unspentind++) { u = &U[unspentind]; script = tx->vouts[j].pk_script, scriptlen = tx->vouts[j].pk_scriptlen; iguana_calcrmd160(coin,rmd160,script,scriptlen,tx->txid); //char str[65]; init_hexbytes_noT(str,rmd160,20), printf("pkhashes.%p %s %s new pkind.%d pkoffset.%d %d\n",addr->pkhashes,addr->ipaddr,str,numpkinds,txdata->pkoffset,(int32_t)((long)&P[numpkinds] - (long)txdata)); if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain,'P',rmd160)) == 0 ) { memcpy(P[numpkinds].rmd160,rmd160,sizeof(rmd160)); if ( (ptr= iguana_hashsetPT(ramchain,hashmem,'P',&P[numpkinds],numpkinds)) == 0 ) printf("fatal error adding pkhash\n"), getchar(); //printf("added ptr.%p\n",ptr); numpkinds++; } //else printf("found %p[%d] for (%s)\n",ptr,ptr->hh.itemind,str); u->value = tx->vouts[j].value, u->txidind = txidind; u->pkind = ptr->hh.itemind; P[u->pkind].firstunspentind = unspentind; // prevunspentind requires having accts, so that waits for third pass } } //printf("reallocP.%p -> ",P); if ( (txdata->numpkinds= numpkinds) > 0 ) P = iguana_memalloc(txmem,sizeof(*P) * numpkinds,0); //printf("%p\n",P); externalT = iguana_memalloc(txmem,0,1); txidind = 0; for (i=numvins=numexternal=0; i<txn_count; i++,txidind++) { tx = &txarray[i]; t = &T[txidind]; t->firstvin = spendind; for (j=0; j<tx->tx_in; j++) { script = tx->vins[j].script, scriptlen = tx->vins[j].scriptlen; s = &S[spendind]; if ( (sequence= tx->vins[j].sequence) != (uint32_t)-1 ) s->diffsequence = 1; s->vout = tx->vins[j].prev_vout; if ( s->vout != 0xffff ) { if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain,'T',tx->vins[j].prev_hash.bytes)) != 0 ) { if ( (s->spendtxidind= ptr->hh.itemind) >= txdata->numtxids ) { s->external = 1; s->spendtxidind -= txdata->numtxids; } } else { s->external = 1; externalT[numexternal] = tx->vins[j].prev_hash; iguana_hashsetPT(ramchain,hashmem,'T',externalT[numexternal].bytes,txdata->numtxids + numexternal); s->spendtxidind = numexternal++; } spendind++; numvins++; //printf("spendind.%d\n",spendind); } //else printf("vout.%x\n",s->vout); // prevspendind requires having accts, so that waits for third pass } t->numvins = numvins; } if ( (txdata->numexternaltxids= numexternal) > 0 ) externalT = iguana_memalloc(txmem,sizeof(*externalT) * numexternal,0); txdata->datalen = (int32_t)txmem->used; txdata->numspends = numvins; txdata->numpkinds = numpkinds; txdata->numtxids = txn_count; //char str[65],buf[9999]; //for (j=buf[0]=0; j<numpkinds; j++) // init_hexbytes_noT(str,P[j].rmd160,20), sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"(%d %s) ",j,str); //printf("%s bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d recvlen.%d -> %d\n",buf,bundlei,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,recvlen,txdata->datalen); if ( numvouts != txdata->numunspents || i != txdata->numtxids ) { printf("counts mismatch: numvins %d != %d txdata->numvins || numvouts %d != %d txdata->numvouts || i %d != %d txdata->numtxids\n",numvins,txdata->numspends,numvouts,txdata->numunspents,i,txdata->numtxids); getchar(); exit(-1); } else { static int32_t maxrecvlen,maxdatalen,maxhashmem; static double recvsum,datasum; recvsum += recvlen, datasum += txdata->datalen; if ( recvlen > maxrecvlen ) printf("[%.3f] %.0f/%.0f maxrecvlen %d -> %d\n",recvsum/datasum,recvsum,datasum,maxrecvlen,recvlen), maxrecvlen = recvlen; if ( txdata->datalen > maxdatalen ) printf("[%.3f] %.0f/%.0f maxdatalen %d -> %d\n",recvsum/datasum,recvsum,datasum,maxdatalen,txdata->datalen), maxdatalen = txdata->datalen; if ( hashmem != 0 && hashmem->used > maxhashmem ) printf("[%.3f] %.0f/%.0f maxhashmem %d -> %ld\n",recvsum/datasum,recvsum,datasum,maxhashmem,hashmem->used), maxhashmem = (int32_t)hashmem->used; if ( (rand() % 10000) == 0 ) printf("[%.3f] %.0f/%.0f recvlen vs datalen\n",recvsum/datasum,recvsum,datasum); if ( origtxdata != 0 ) { origtxdata->numspends = txdata->numspends; origtxdata->numpkinds = txdata->numpkinds; origtxdata->numexternaltxids = txdata->numexternaltxids; } } if ( iguana_peertxsave(coin,&hdrsi,&bundlei,fname,addr,txdata) == txdata ) { #ifdef __APPLE__ int32_t checki; struct iguana_txblock *checktx; struct iguana_ramchain R,*ptr = &R; if ( 1 && (checktx= iguana_peertxdata(coin,&checki,fname,txmem,addr->ipbits,txdata->block.hash2)) != 0 && checki == bundlei ) { if ( iguana_ramchainset(coin,ptr,checktx) == ptr ) { char str[65]; int32_t j,err; ptr->txids = ramchain->txids; ptr->pkhashes = ramchain->pkhashes; if ( (err= iguana_ramchainverifyPT(coin,ptr)) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<ptr->numpkinds; j++) init_hexbytes_noT(str,ptr->P[j].rmd160,20), printf("[%d %s] ",j,str); printf("check err.%d ramchain.%s bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d\n",err,bits256_str(str,ptr->hash2),bundlei,ptr->numtxids,ptr->numunspents,ptr->numspends,ptr->numpkinds); } } } #endif }*/ //printf("free addrtables %p %p\n",addr->txids,addr->pkhashes); // printf("numpkinds.%d numspends.%d\n",txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numspends); } /*void iguana_flushQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; if ( time(NULL) > addr->lastflush+3 ) { ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->addr = addr; ptr->type = 'F'; //printf("FLUSH.%s %u lag.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->lastflush,(int32_t)(time(NULL)-addr->lastflush)); addr->lastflush = (uint32_t)time(NULL); queue_enqueue("helperQ",&helperQ,&ptr->DL,0); } }*/ struct iguana_txblock *iguana_peertxsave(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *hdrsip,int32_t *bundleip,char *fname,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_txblock *txdata) { int32_t fpos,bundlei,i,z; FILE *fp; fpos = 0; *bundleip = bundlei = iguana_peerfname(coin,hdrsip,fname,addr->ipbits,txdata->block.hash2); if ( bundlei < 0 || bundlei >= coin->chain->bundlesize ) { printf(" wont save.(%s) bundlei.%d\n",fname,bundlei); return(0); } txdata->block.hdrsi = *hdrsip; txdata->block.bundlei = bundlei; if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb+")) == 0 ) { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { z = -1; coin->peers.numfiles++; for (i=0; i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) fwrite(&z,1,sizeof(z),fp); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(fname,"rb+"); } } if ( fp != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); fpos = (int32_t)ftell(fp); //printf("%s fpos.%d: bundlei.%d datalen.%d\n",fname,fpos,bundlei,txdata->datalen); fwrite(&bundlei,1,sizeof(bundlei),fp); fwrite(&txdata->block.hash2,1,sizeof(txdata->block.hash2),fp); fwrite(&txdata->datalen,1,sizeof(txdata->datalen),fp); fwrite(txdata,1,txdata->datalen,fp); fseek(fp,bundlei * sizeof(bundlei),SEEK_SET); //printf("bundlei[%d] <- fpos.%d\n",bundlei,fpos); fwrite(&fpos,1,sizeof(fpos),fp); fclose(fp); //for (i=0; i<txdata->numpkinds; i++) // printf("%016lx ",*(long *)((struct iguana_pkhash *)((long)txdata + txdata->pkoffset))[i].rmd160); //printf("create.(%s) %d ",fname,bundlei,coin->peers.numfiles); //printf("bundlei.%d datalen.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d\n",bundlei,txdata->datalen,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numexternaltxids); return(txdata); } return(0); } /*if ( (n= ramchain->data->numtxids) > 0 ) { for (ramchain->txidind=ramchain->data->firsti; ramchain->txidind<n; ramchain->txidind++) { tx = &T[ramchain->txidind]; //printf("tx.%p (%d) %d txidind.%d\n",tx,(int32_t)((long)tx - (long)ramchain->mem->ptr),(int32_t)ramchain->mem->totalsize,ramchain->txidind); iguana_ramchain_addtxid(coin,RAMCHAIN_ARG,tx->txid,tx->numvouts,tx->numvins); //if ( (ptr= iguana_hashsetPT(ramchain,'T',&tx->txid.bytes,ramchain->txidind)) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<tx->numvouts; j++) { iguana_ramchain_addunspent(coin,RAMCHAIN_ARG,U[ramchain->unspentind].value,P[U[ramchain->unspentind].pkind].rmd160,-20,tx->txid,j); } } ramchain->spendind += tx->numvins; } ramchain->externalind = ramchain->data->numexternaltxids; } if ( (err= iguana_ramchainverify(coin,ramchain)) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_ramchain_map.(%s) err.%d verifying ramchain\n",fname,err); iguana_ramchain_free(ramchain,hashmem == 0); munmap(ptr,filesize); }*/ //printf("mapped ramchain verified\n"); #define iguana_hashfind(hashtable,key,keylen) iguana_hashsetHT(hashtable,0,key,keylen,-1) struct iguana_kvitem *iguana_hashsetHT(struct iguana_kvitem *hashtable,struct iguana_memspace *mem,void *key,int32_t keylen,int32_t itemind) { struct iguana_kvitem *ptr = 0; int32_t allocsize; HASH_FIND(hh,hashtable,key,keylen,ptr); if ( ptr == 0 && itemind >= 0 ) { allocsize = (int32_t)(sizeof(*ptr)); if ( mem != 0 ) ptr = iguana_memalloc(mem,allocsize,1); else ptr = mycalloc('t',1,allocsize); if ( ptr == 0 ) printf("fatal alloc error in hashset\n"), exit(-1); //printf("ptr.%p allocsize.%d key.%p keylen.%d itemind.%d\n",ptr,allocsize,key,keylen,itemind); ptr->hh.itemind = itemind; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,hashtable,key,keylen,ptr); } if ( ptr != 0 ) { struct iguana_kvitem *tmp; HASH_FIND(hh,hashtable,key,keylen,tmp); char str[65]; init_hexbytes_noT(str,key,keylen); if ( tmp != ptr ) printf("%s itemind.%d search error %p != %p\n",str,itemind,ptr,tmp); // else printf("added.(%s) height.%d %p\n",str,itemind,ptr); } return(ptr); } int32_t iguana_parseblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_msgtx *tx,int32_t numtx) { #ifdef oldway int32_t txind,pkind,i; uint16_t numvouts,numvins; pkind = block->L.numpkinds = coin->latest.dep.numpkinds; block->L.supply = coin->latest.dep.supply; if ( block->L.numtxids != coin->latest.dep.numtxids || block->L.numunspents != coin->latest.dep.numunspents || block->L.numspends != coin->latest.dep.numspends || block->L.numpkinds != coin->latest.dep.numpkinds ) { printf("Block.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d) vs coin.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d)\n",block->height,block->L.numtxids,block->L.numunspents,block->L.numspends,block->L.numpkinds,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->latest.dep.numtxids,coin->latest.dep.numunspents,coin->latest.dep.numspends,coin->latest.dep.numpkinds); block->L.numtxids = coin->latest.dep.numtxids; block->L.numunspents = coin->latest.dep.numunspents; block->L.numspends = coin->latest.dep.numspends; block->L.numpkinds = coin->latest.dep.numpkinds; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,block,(uint32_t *)&block->height); //getchar(); } vcalc_sha256(0,coin->latest.ledgerhash.bytes,coin->latest.lhashes[0].bytes,sizeof(coin->latest.lhashes)); coin->LEDGER.snapshot.dep = block->L; memcpy(&coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash,&coin->latest.ledgerhash,sizeof(coin->latest.ledgerhash)); memcpy(coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes,coin->latest.lhashes,sizeof(coin->latest.lhashes)); memcpy(coin->LEDGER.snapshot.states,coin->latest.states,sizeof(coin->latest.states)); //printf("%08x Block.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d) vs (h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d)\n",(uint32_t)coin->latest.ledgerhash.txid,block->height,block->L.numtxids,block->L.numunspents,block->L.numspends,block->L.numpkinds,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->latest.dep.numtxids,coin->latest.dep.numunspents,coin->latest.dep.numspends,coin->latest.dep.numpkinds); if ( (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 1000) == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<IGUANA_NUMAPPENDS; i++) printf("%llx ",(long long)coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes[i].txid); char str[65]; bits256_str(str,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash); printf("-> pre parse %s ledgerhashes.%d\n",str,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); } coin->LEDGER.snapshot.blockhash = block->hash2; coin->LEDGER.snapshot.merkle_root = block->merkle_root; coin->LEDGER.snapshot.timestamp = block->timestamp; coin->LEDGER.snapshot.credits = coin->latest.credits; coin->LEDGER.snapshot.debits = coin->latest.debits; coin->LEDGER.snapshot.height = block->height; //if ( coin->blocks.parsedblocks > 0 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % coin->chain->bundlesize) == 0 ) // coin->R.bundles[coin->blocks.parsedblocks / coin->chain->bundlesize].presnapshot = coin->LEDGER.snapshot; for (txind=block->numvouts=block->numvins=0; txind<block->txn_count; txind++) { //printf("block.%d txind.%d numvouts.%d numvins.%d block->(%d %d) U%d coin.%d\n",block->height,txind,numvouts,numvins,block->numvouts,block->numvins,block->L.numunspents,coin->latest.dep.numunspents); //fprintf(stderr,"t"); if ( ramchain_parsetx(coin,&coin->mining,&coin->totalfees,&numvouts,&numvins,block->height,txind,&tx[txind],block->L.numtxids+txind,block->L.numunspents + block->numvouts,block->L.numspends + block->numvins) < 0 ) return(-1); block->numvouts += numvouts; block->numvins += numvins; //printf("block.%d txind.%d numvouts.%d numvins.%d block->(%d %d) 1st.(%d %d)\n",block->height,txind,numvouts,numvins,block->numvouts,block->numvins,block->L.numunspents,block->L.numspends); } //printf(" Block.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d) vs coin.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d)\n",block->height,block->L.numtxids,block->L.numunspents,block->L.numspends,block->L.numpkinds,coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->latest.dep.numtxids,coin->latest.dep.numunspents,coin->latest.dep.numspends,coin->latest.dep.numpkinds); if ( coin->latest.dep.supply != (coin->latest.credits - coin->latest.debits) ) { printf("height.%d supply %.8f != %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",block->height,dstr(coin->latest.dep.supply),dstr(coin->latest.credits)-dstr(coin->latest.debits),dstr(coin->latest.credits),dstr(coin->latest.debits)); getchar(); } #ifdef IGUANA_VERIFYFLAG while ( pkind < coin->latest.dep.numpkinds ) { int64_t err; if ( (err= iguana_verifyaccount(coin,&coin->accounts[pkind],pkind)) < 0 ) printf("pkind.%d err.%lld %.8f last.(U%d S%d)\n",pkind,(long long)err,dstr(coin->accounts[pkind].balance),coin->accounts[pkind].lastunspentind,coin->accounts[pkind].lastspendind), getchar(); pkind++; } #endif coin->parsetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); coin->parsemillis = milliseconds(); iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,block,(uint32_t *)&block->height); if ( (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-100000 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 100) == 0) || (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-1000 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 10) == 0) || coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-100 || (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 100) == 0 ) { printf("PARSED.%d T.%d U.%d+%d S.%d+%d P.%d hwm.%d longest.%d | %.8f - %.8f %.8f [%.8f] M %.8f F %.8f | %.02f minutes %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% avail\n",coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->latest.dep.numtxids,block->L.numunspents,block->numvouts,block->L.numspends,block->numvins,block->L.numpkinds,coin->blocks.hwmheight,coin->longestchain,dstr(coin->latest.credits),dstr(coin->latest.debits),dstr(coin->latest.credits)-dstr(coin->latest.debits),(dstr(coin->latest.credits)-dstr(coin->latest.debits))/coin->blocks.parsedblocks,dstr(coin->mining),dstr(coin->totalfees),((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.,(double)iguana_avail(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks+1,1000)/10.,(double)iguana_avail(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks+1,25000)/250.,100.*(double)iguana_avail(coin,coin->blocks.parsedblocks+1,coin->longestchain-coin->blocks.parsedblocks-1)/(coin->longestchain-coin->blocks.parsedblocks)); myallocated(0,0); } if ( 0 && coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.height == coin->blocks.parsedblocks ) { memcpy(&coin->latest.ledgerhash,&coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash,sizeof(coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash)); memcpy(coin->latest.lhashes,coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.lhashes,sizeof(coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.lhashes)); printf("restore lhashes, special alignement case\n"); } //else printf("loaded.%d vs parsed.%d\n",coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.height,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); coin->blocks.parsedblocks++; #endif return(0); } int32_t iguana_updateramchain(struct iguana_info *coin) { return(0); } int32_t iguana_hashfree(struct iguana_kvitem *hashtable,int32_t delitem) { struct iguana_kvitem *item,*tmp; int32_t n = 0; if ( hashtable != 0 ) { HASH_ITER(hh,hashtable,item,tmp) { //printf("hashdelete.%p allocsize.%d itemind.%d delitem.%d\n",item,item->allocsize,item->hh.itemind,delitem); if ( delitem != 0 ) { HASH_DEL(hashtable,item); //if ( delitem > 1 ) // myfree(item,item->allocsize); } n++; } } return(n); } struct iguana_txblock *iguana_ramchainptrs(struct iguana_txid **Tptrp,struct iguana_unspent20 **Uptrp,struct iguana_spend256 **Sptrp,struct iguana_pkhash **Pptrp,bits256 **externalTptrp,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_txblock *origtxdata) { char str[65]; struct iguana_txblock *txdata; int32_t allocsize,extralen,rwflag = (origtxdata != 0); iguana_memreset(mem); allocsize = (int32_t)(sizeof(*txdata) - sizeof(txdata->space) + ((origtxdata != 0) ? origtxdata->extralen : 0)); mem->alignflag = sizeof(uint32_t); if ( (txdata= iguana_memalloc(mem,allocsize,0)) == 0 ) return(0); //printf("ptr.%p alloctxdata.%p T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d\n",mem->ptr,txdata,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds); extralen = (origtxdata != 0) ? origtxdata->extralen : txdata->extralen; if ( origtxdata != 0 ) { //printf("copy %d bytes from %p to %p extralen.%d size.%ld T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d \n",allocsize,origtxdata,txdata,extralen,sizeof(*txdata),txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds); memcpy(txdata,origtxdata,allocsize); } else iguana_memalloc(mem,txdata->extralen,0); *Tptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(**Tptrp) * txdata->numtxids,rwflag); *Uptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(**Uptrp) * txdata->numunspents,rwflag); *Sptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(**Sptrp) * txdata->numspends,rwflag); //printf("rwflag.%d ptr.%p alloctxdata.%p T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d pkoffset.%ld X.%d\n",rwflag,mem->ptr,txdata,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,mem->used,txdata->numexternaltxids); if ( externalTptrp != 0 ) { if ( txdata->pkoffset < (int32_t)mem->used ) printf("allocsize.%d size.%ld %p %s (T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d) iguana_ramchainptrs pkoffset.%d != %ld numspends.%d\n",allocsize,sizeof(*txdata),txdata,bits256_str(str,txdata->block.hash2),txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numexternaltxids,txdata->pkoffset,mem->used,txdata->numspends), getchar(); mem->used = txdata->pkoffset; *Pptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(**Pptrp) * txdata->numpkinds,rwflag); *externalTptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,txdata->numexternaltxids * sizeof(**externalTptrp),rwflag); } else { txdata->pkoffset = (int32_t)mem->used; // printf("set pkoffset.%d\n",txdata->pkoffset); *Pptrp = iguana_memalloc(mem,0,rwflag); } if ( 0 && rwflag == 0 ) printf("datalen.%d rwflag.%d origtxdat.%p allocsize.%d extralen.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%p[%d]\n",(int32_t)mem->totalsize,rwflag,origtxdata,allocsize,extralen,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,externalTptrp!=0?*externalTptrp:0,txdata->numexternaltxids); return(txdata); } int32_t iguana_ramchainsave(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { FILE *fp; char fname[1024],str[65]; sprintf(fname,"DB/%s/%s.%d",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,ramchain->H.data->firsthash2),ramchain->H.hdrsi); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { fwrite(ramchain,1,ramchain->H.data->allocsize,fp); fclose(fp); } printf("ramchainsave.%s %d[%d] %s\n",coin->symbol,ramchain->H.hdrsi,ramchain->numblocks,mbstr(str,ramchain->H.data->allocsize)); return(0); } int32_t iguana_ramchainfree(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { if ( ramchain->txids != 0 ) iguana_hashfree(ramchain->txids,1); if ( ramchain->pkhashes != 0 ) iguana_hashfree(ramchain->pkhashes,1); iguana_mempurge(mem); return(0); } /*struct iguana_ramchain *iguana_ramchainset(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,struct iguana_txblock *txdata) { struct iguana_memspace txmem; memset(&txmem,0,sizeof(txmem)); iguana_meminit(&txmem,"bramchain",txdata,txdata->datalen,0); //printf("ramchainset <- txdata.%p memptr.%p T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d\n",txdata,txmem.ptr,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numexternaltxids); if ( iguana_ramchainptrs(&ramchain->T,&ramchain->U,&ramchain->S,&ramchain->P,&ramchain->externalT,&txmem,0) != txdata || ramchain->T == 0 || ramchain->U == 0 || ramchain->S == 0 || ramchain->P == 0 ) { printf("iguana_ramchainset: cant set pointers txdata.%p\n",txdata); return(0); } //int32_t i; // for (i=0; i<344; i++) // printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)txdata)[i]); //for (i=-1; i<2; i++) // printf("%016lx ",*(long *)((struct iguana_pkhash *)((long)txdata + txdata->pkoffset))[i].rmd160); //printf("datalen.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d | %d vs %d ramchain.%p txdata.%p\n",txdata->datalen,txdata->numtxids,txdata->numunspents,txdata->numspends,txdata->numpkinds,txdata->numexternaltxids,txdata->pkoffset,(int32_t)((long)ramchain->P - (long)txdata),ramchain,txdata); ramchain->numtxids = txdata->numtxids; ramchain->numunspents = txdata->numunspents; ramchain->numspends = txdata->numspends; ramchain->numpkinds = txdata->numpkinds; ramchain->numexternaltxids = txdata->numexternaltxids; //printf("ramchain T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d %p\n",ramchain->numtxids,ramchain->numunspents,ramchain->numspends,ramchain->numpkinds,ramchain->numexternaltxids,ramchain->externalT); if ( ramchain->numexternaltxids != 0 && ramchain->externalT == 0 ) getchar(); ramchain->prevhash2 = txdata->block.prev_block; ramchain->hash2 = txdata->block.hash2; return(ramchain); } int32_t iguana_ramchaintxid(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,struct iguana_spend *s) { memset(txidp,0,sizeof(*txidp)); //printf("s.%p ramchaintxid vout.%x spendtxidind.%d numexternals.%d isext.%d numspendinds.%d\n",s,s->vout,s->spendtxidind,ramchain->numexternaltxids,s->external,ramchain->numspends); if ( s->vout == 0xffff ) return(0); if ( s->external != 0 && s->spendtxidind < ramchain->numexternaltxids ) { *txidp = ramchain->externalT[s->spendtxidind]; return(0); } else if ( s->external == 0 && s->spendtxidind < ramchain->numtxids ) { *txidp = ramchain->T[s->spendtxidind].txid; return(0); } return(-1); }*/ /*if ( ptr->type == 'F' ) { if ( addr != 0 && addr->fp != 0 ) { //printf("flush.%s %p\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->fp); fflush(addr->fp); } } else*/ /* struct iguana_txblock *ptr; struct iguana_ramchain *ptrs[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE],*ramchains; struct iguana_block *block; char fname[1024]; uint64_t estimatedsize = 0; int32_t i,maxrecv,addrind,flag,bundlei,numdirs=0; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain; flag = maxrecv = 0; memset(ptrs,0,sizeof(ptrs)); ramchains = mycalloc('p',coin->chain->bundlesize,sizeof(*ramchains)); for (i=0; i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[i])) != 0 ) { iguana_meminit(&memB[i],"ramchainB",0,block->recvlen*2 + 8192,0); if ( (ptr= iguana_peertxdata(coin,&bundlei,fname,&memB[i],block->ipbits,block->hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( bundlei != i || ptr->block.bundlei != i ) printf("peertxdata.%d bundlei.%d, i.%d block->bundlei.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,i,ptr->block.bundlei); ptrs[i] = &ramchains[i]; //char str[65]; //printf("received txdata.%s bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d\n",bits256_str(str,ptr->block.hash2),bundlei,ptr->numtxids,ptr->numunspents,ptr->numspends,ptr->numpkinds); if ( iguana_ramchainset(coin,ptrs[i],ptr) == ptrs[i] ) { char str[65]; int32_t err; //for (j=0; j<ptrs[i]->numpkinds; j++) // init_hexbytes_noT(str,ptrs[i]->P[j].rmd160,20), printf("%s ",str); err = iguana_ramchainverifyPT(coin,ptrs[i]); printf("conv err.%d ramchain.%s bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d\n",err,bits256_str(str,ptrs[i]->data->firsthash2),bundlei,ptrs[i]->data->numtxids,ptrs[i]->data->numunspents,ptrs[i]->data->numspends,ptrs[i]->data->numpkinds); ptrs[i]->data->firsti = 0; if ( block->recvlen > maxrecv ) maxrecv = block->recvlen; estimatedsize += block->recvlen; flag++; } else printf("error setting ramchain.%d\n",i); } else { printf("error (%s) hdrs.%d ptr[%d]\n",fname,bp->hdrsi,i); CLEARBIT(bp->recv,i); bp->issued[i] = 0; block = 0; } } } if ( flag == i ) { printf("numpkinds >>>>>>>>> start MERGE.(%ld) i.%d flag.%d estimated.%ld maxrecv.%d\n",(long)mem->totalsize,i,flag,(long)estimatedsize,maxrecv); if ( (ramchain= iguana_ramchainmergeHT(coin,mem,ptrs,i,bp)) != 0 ) { iguana_ramchainsave(coin,ramchain); iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); //printf("ramchain saved\n"); bp->emitfinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (addrind=0; addrind<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; addrind++) { if ( coin->peers.active[addrind].ipbits != 0 ) { if ( iguana_peerfile_exists(coin,&coin->peers.active[addrind],fname,bp->hashes[0]) >= 0 ) { //printf("remove.(%s)\n",fname); //iguana_removefile(fname,0); //coin->peers.numfiles--; } } } } else bp->emitfinish = 0; } else { printf(">>>>> bundlesaveHT error: numdirs.%d i.%d flag.%d\n",numdirs,i,flag); bp->emitfinish = 0; } for (i=0; i<bp->n && i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) iguana_mempurge(&memB[i]); myfree(ramchains,coin->chain->bundlesize * sizeof(*ramchains)); return(flag);*/ #ifdef oldway int32_t iguana_verifyiAddr(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA = value; if ( itemind == 0 || iA->ipbits != 0 ) return(0); else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_initiAddr(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { struct iguana_iAddr *iA = value; if ( key == 0 && value == 0 && itemind < 0 && numitems == 0 ) { } else { if ( iA != 0 ) iA->status = 0; coin->numiAddrs++; //printf("%x numiAddrs.%d\n",iA->ipbits,coin->numiAddrs); } return(0); } int32_t iguana_verifyblock(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { struct iguana_block *block; block = value; if ( bits256_nonz(block->hash2) != 0 ) return(0); else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_initblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { bits256 genesis; //struct iguana_block *block = value; if ( key == 0 && value == 0 && itemind < 0 && numitems == 0 ) { if ( coin->blocks.db == 0 ) coin->blocks.db = kv; genesis = iguana_genesis(coin,coin->chain); if ( bits256_nonz(genesis) == 0 ) return(-1); else return(0); } return(0); } int32_t iguana_nullinit(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { if ( key != 0 && value != 0 && itemind > 0 ) { } return(0); } int32_t iguana_verifyunspent(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { if ( itemind < coin->latest.dep.numunspents ) return(0); else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_verifyspend(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { if ( itemind < coin->latest.dep.numspends ) return(0); else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_verifytxid(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { if ( itemind < coin->latest.dep.numtxids ) return(0); else return(-1); } int32_t iguana_inittxid(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems) { //uint32_t checktxidind,firstvout,firstvin; struct iguana_txid *tx = value; if ( key != 0 && value != 0 && itemind > 0 ) { /*printf("inittxid.(%s) itemind.%d (%d %d)\n",bits256_str(tx->txid),itemind,tx->firstvout,tx->firstvin); checktxidind = iguana_txidind(coin,&firstvout,&firstvin,tx->txid); if ( checktxidind != itemind ) { printf("init checktxidind != itemind: %s -> %d vs %d\n",bits256_str(tx->txid),checktxidind,itemind); return(-1); }*/ } return(0); } int32_t iguana_verifypkhash(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *value,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize) { if ( itemind < coin->latest.dep.numpkinds ) return(0); else return(-1); } struct iguanakv *iguana_kvinit(char *name,int32_t keysize,int32_t threadsafe,int32_t mapped_datasize,int32_t RAMvaluesize,int32_t keyoffset,int32_t flags,int32_t valuesize2,int32_t valuesize3) { struct iguanakv *kv; printf("iguana_kvinit.(%s) keysize.%d mapped_datasize.%d keyoffset.%d\n",name,keysize,mapped_datasize,keyoffset); kv = mycalloc('K',1,sizeof(*kv)); portable_mutex_init(&kv->MMlock); //portable_mutex_init(&kv->MEM.mutex); portable_mutex_init(&kv->HASHPTRS.mutex); portable_mutex_init(&kv->KVmutex); strcpy(kv->name,name); kv->flags = flags; kv->valuesize2 = valuesize2, kv->valuesize3 = valuesize3; kv->RAMvaluesize = RAMvaluesize; kv->HDDvaluesize = mapped_datasize; kv->keyoffset = keyoffset; kv->mult = IGUANA_ALLOC_MULT; kv->threadsafe = threadsafe; kv->keysize = keysize; return(kv); } int32_t iguana_loadkvfile(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,int32_t valuesize,int32_t (*verifyitem)(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *ptr,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize),int32_t (*inititem)(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *ptr,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems),int32_t maxind) { FILE *fp; long fpos; uint8_t *ptr; double lastdisp,factor; int32_t numitems=0,itemind,j,n,skip = 0; factor = 1.; if ( (fp= fopen(kv->fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); fpos = ftell(fp); numitems = (int32_t)(fpos / valuesize); fclose(fp); if ( kv->RAMvaluesize > 0 && kv->HDDvaluesize > 0 && kv->RAMvaluesize > kv->HDDvaluesize && numitems > 0 ) numitems--; iguana_kvensure(coin,kv,0); if ( numitems > 2 || maxind > 0 ) { if ( maxind == 0 ) { for (itemind=numitems-2; itemind>0; itemind--) { ptr = (uint8_t *)((unsigned long)kv->M.fileptr + ((unsigned long)itemind * kv->HDDvaluesize)); if ( (*verifyitem)(coin,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],(void *)ptr,itemind,kv->RAMvaluesize) < 0 ) { numitems = itemind + 1; printf("numitems.%d\n",numitems); break; } } } else numitems = maxind; if ( numitems > 0 ) { lastdisp = 0.; for (itemind=0; itemind<numitems; itemind++) { if ( numitems > 1000000 && ((double)itemind / numitems) > lastdisp+.01*factor ) { if ( factor == 1. ) fprintf(stderr,"%.0f%% ",100. * lastdisp); else fprintf(stderr,"%.2f%% ",100. * lastdisp); lastdisp = ((double)itemind / numitems); } ptr = (uint8_t *)((uint64_t)kv->M.fileptr + ((uint64_t)itemind * kv->HDDvaluesize)); if ( 0 && kv->keysize > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<kv->keysize; j++) if ( ptr[j] != 0 ) break; if ( j != kv->keysize && iguana_kvread(coin,kv,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],kv->space,(uint32_t *)&n) != 0 ) { printf("%s: skip duplicate %llx itemind.%d already at %d\n",kv->name,*(long long *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],itemind,n); continue; } //printf("%s uniq item at itemind.%d\n",kv->name,itemind); } if ( (*verifyitem)(coin,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],(void *)ptr,itemind,kv->RAMvaluesize) == 0 ) { //if ( strcmp("txids",kv->name) == 0 ) //printf("inititem.%d %p (%s)\n",itemind,ptr,bits256_str(*(bits256 *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset])); // iguana_kvwrite(coin,kv,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],sp->space,(uint32_t *)&n); if ( (*inititem)(coin,kv,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],(void *)ptr,itemind,kv->RAMvaluesize,numitems) == 0 ) { kv->numvalid++; n = itemind; memcpy(kv->space,ptr,kv->RAMvaluesize); if ( kv->keysize > 0 ) iguana_kvwrite(coin,kv,(void *)&ptr[kv->keyoffset],kv->space,(uint32_t *)&n); else iguana_kvwrite(coin,kv,0,kv->space,(uint32_t *)&n); } else skip++; } else break; } } } kv->numitems = numitems; kv->numkeys = numitems; kv->maxitemind = (numitems > 0 ) ? numitems - 1 : 0; printf("%s: numkeys.%d numitems.%d numvalid.%d maxitemind.%d skipped.%d ELAPSED %.2f minutes\n",kv->name,kv->numkeys,kv->numitems,kv->numvalid,kv->maxitemind,skip,(double)(time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); if ( (kv->flags & IGUANA_ITEMIND_DATA) != 0 ) iguana_syncmap(&kv->M,0); /*if ( strcmp(kv->name,"iAddrs") == 0 && kv->numkeys < numitems/2 ) { iguana_closemap(&kv->M); printf("truncate?\n"), getchar(); truncate(kv->fname,(kv->numkeys+100)*kv->HDDvaluesize); }*/ } return(numitems); } struct iguanakv *iguana_stateinit(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t flags,char *coinstr,char *subdir,char *name,int32_t keyoffset,int32_t keysize,int32_t HDDvaluesize,int32_t RAMvaluesize,int32_t inititems,int32_t (*verifyitem)(struct iguana_info *coin,void *key,void *ptr,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize),int32_t (*inititem)(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguanakv *kv,void *key,void *ptr,int32_t itemind,int32_t itemsize,int32_t numitems),int32_t valuesize2,int32_t valuesize3,int32_t maxind,int32_t initialnumitems,int32_t threadsafe) { struct iguanakv *kv; int32_t valuesize; if ( maxind <= 1 ) maxind = 0; printf("%s MAX.%d\n",name,maxind); if ( HDDvaluesize == 0 ) valuesize = HDDvaluesize = RAMvaluesize; else valuesize = HDDvaluesize; kv = iguana_kvinit(name,keysize,threadsafe,HDDvaluesize,RAMvaluesize,keyoffset,flags,valuesize2,valuesize3); if ( kv == 0 ) { printf("cant initialize kv.(%s)\n",name); exit(-1); } if ( (kv->incr= inititems) == 0 ) kv->incr = IGUANA_ALLOC_INCR; strcpy(kv->name,name); sprintf(kv->fname,"DB/%s/%s",coin->symbol,kv->name), iguana_compatible_path(kv->fname); portable_mutex_init(&kv->MMmutex); kv->space = mycalloc('K',1,RAMvaluesize + kv->keysize); kv->maxitemind = kv->numvalid = kv->numitems = 0; if ( strcmp("txids",kv->name) == 0 ) coin->txids = kv; else if ( strcmp("pkhashes",kv->name) == 0 ) coin->pkhashes = kv; printf("kv.%p chain.%p\n",kv,coin->chain); (*inititem)(coin,kv,0,0,-1,valuesize,0); iguana_loadkvfile(coin,kv,valuesize,verifyitem,inititem,maxind); if ( initialnumitems != 0 ) iguana_kvensure(coin,kv,initialnumitems); return(kv); } uint32_t iguana_syncs(struct iguana_info *coin) { FILE *fp; char fnameold[512],fnameold2[512],fname[512],fname2[512]; int32_t i,height,flag = 0; if ( (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-1000 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 100) == 1) || (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-10000 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 1000) == 1) || (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->longestchain-2000000 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 10000) == 1) || (coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->firstblock+100 && (coin->blocks.parsedblocks % 100000) == 1) ) { if ( coin->blocks.parsedblocks > coin->loadedLEDGER.snapshot.height+2 ) flag = 1; } if ( flag != 0 ) { height = coin->blocks.parsedblocks - (coin->firstblock != 0); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_NUMAPPENDS; i++) printf("%llx ",(long long)coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes[i].txid); char str[65]; bits256_str(str,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash); printf("-> syncs %s ledgerhashes.%d\n",str,height); //iguana_syncmap(&coin->iAddrs->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->blocks.db->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->unspents->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->unspents->M2,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->spends->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->spends->M2,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->txids->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->pkhashes->M,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->pkhashes->M2,0); iguana_syncmap(&coin->pkhashes->M3,0); printf("%s threads.%d iA.%d ranked.%d hwm.%u parsed.%u T.%d U.%d %.8f S.%d %.8f net %.8f P.%d\n",coin->symbol,iguana_numthreads(coin,-1),coin->numiAddrs,coin->peers.numranked,coin->blocks.hwmheight+1,height,coin->latest.dep.numtxids,coin->latest.dep.numunspents,dstr(coin->latest.credits),coin->latest.dep.numspends,dstr(coin->latest.debits),dstr(coin->latest.credits)-dstr(coin->latest.debits),coin->latest.dep.numpkinds); sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/ledger.%d",coin->symbol,height); sprintf(fname2,"DB/%s/ledger",coin->symbol); sprintf(fnameold,"tmp/%s/ledger.old",coin->symbol); sprintf(fnameold2,"tmp/%s/ledger.old2",coin->symbol); iguana_renamefile(fnameold,fnameold2); iguana_renamefile(fname2,fnameold); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(coin->accounts,sizeof(*coin->accounts),coin->LEDGER.snapshot.dep.numpkinds,fp) != coin->LEDGER.snapshot.dep.numpkinds ) printf("WARNING: error saving %s accounts[%d]\n",fname,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.dep.numpkinds); if ( fwrite(&coin->LEDGER,1,sizeof(coin->LEDGER),fp) != sizeof(coin->LEDGER) ) printf("WARNING: error saving %s\n",fname); fclose(fp); iguana_copyfile(fname,fname2,1); } printf("backups created\n"); } return((uint32_t)time(NULL)); } // 480a886f78a52d94 2c16330bdd8565f2 fbfb8ba91a6cd871 d1feb1e96190d4ff b8fef8854847e7db 8d2692bcfe41c777 ec86c8502288022f 789ebb3966bb640f -> pre parse 35ee0080a9a132e88477e8809a6e2a0696a06b8c7b13fbfde2955998346dd5c8 ledgerhashes.120000 // 9d1025feba33725a d69751b2f8d3f626 1f19457ce24411f1 76e12fd68b3b5b3c 2ad1a1e4b3b7014e a699f2904d073771 989c145c04a7a0d0 e888ab12de678518 -> syncs b8cf6b625de1d921695d1d2247ad68b86d047adf417c09562dc620ada993c47d ledgerhashes.140000 // 53faf4c08ae7cd66 60af0f6074a4460a 8fa0f21eb4996161 7d695aa60788e52c 45a5c96ef55a1797 7b3225a83646caec d2d5788986315066 27372b0616caacf0 -> syncs c874aa3554c69038574e7da352eb624ac539fed97bf73b605d00df0c8cec4c1b ledgerhashes.200000 // 739df50dbbaedada b83cbd69f08d2a0f 7a8ffa182706c5b7 8215ff6c7ffb9985 4d674a6d386bd759 f829283534a1804 aeb3b0644b01e07f 7ffe4899a261ca96 -> syncs fba47203d5c1d08e5cf55fa461f4deb6d0c97dcfa364ee5b51f0896ffcbcbaa7 ledgerhashes.300000 // 739df50dbbaedada b83cbd69f08d2a0f 7a8ffa182706c5b7 8215ff6c7ffb9985 4d674a6d386bd759 f829283534a1804 b5e66cbe3a2bdbea 7ffe4899a261ca96 -> syncs 6b3620ba67fad34a29dd86cd5ec9fe6afd2a81d8a5296aa33b03da74fdd20a9b ledgerhashes.300001 int32_t iguana_loadledger(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t hwmheight) { FILE *fp; char fname[512],mapname[512],newfname[512]; struct iguana_block *block; struct iguana_prevdep L; struct iguana_prevdep *dep; int32_t height,i,valid = 0; dep = &coin->latest.dep; sprintf(fname,"DB/%s/ledger",coin->symbol); mapname[0] = newfname[0] = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) == 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/ledger.old",coin->symbol); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) == 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"tmp/%s/ledger.old2",coin->symbol); fp = fopen(fname,"rb"); } } if ( fp != 0 ) { sprintf(mapname,"DB/%s/pkhashes2",coin->symbol); sprintf(newfname,"DB/%s/pkhashes2.over",coin->symbol); fseek(fp,-sizeof(coin->LEDGER),SEEK_END); if ( fread(&coin->LEDGER,1,sizeof(coin->LEDGER),fp) != sizeof(coin->LEDGER) ) printf("WARNING: error loading %s\n",fname); if ( (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.height)) != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(block->hash2.bytes,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.blockhash.bytes,sizeof(block->hash2)) == 0 ) { fclose(fp); iguana_renamefile(mapname,newfname); iguana_renamefile(fname,mapname); *dep = coin->LEDGER.snapshot.dep; coin->loadedLEDGER = coin->LEDGER; memcpy(&coin->latest.ledgerhash,&coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash,sizeof(coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash)); memcpy(coin->latest.lhashes,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes,sizeof(coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes)); memcpy(coin->latest.states,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.states,sizeof(coin->LEDGER.snapshot.states)); printf("found ledger height.%d loadedht.%d\n",block->height,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.height); //getchar(); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_NUMAPPENDS; i++) printf("%llx ",(long long)coin->LEDGER.snapshot.lhashes[i].txid); char str[65]; bits256_str(str,coin->LEDGER.snapshot.ledgerhash); printf("-> %s ledgerhashes.%x\n",str,calc_crc32(0,&coin->latest.states[IGUANA_LHASH_TXIDS],sizeof(coin->latest.states[IGUANA_LHASH_TXIDS]))); printf("loaded H.%d T%d U%d S%d P%d\n",coin->LEDGER.snapshot.height,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds); //getchar(); coin->latest.credits = coin->LEDGER.snapshot.credits; coin->latest.debits = coin->LEDGER.snapshot.debits; coin->latest.dep.supply = (coin->LEDGER.snapshot.credits - coin->LEDGER.snapshot.debits); return(block->height); } } fclose(fp); } dep->numpkinds = dep->numtxids = dep->numunspents = dep->numspends = 1; while ( hwmheight > 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,hwmheight)) != 0 ) { iguana_setdependencies(coin,block,&L); //printf("block.%d: T.%d (%d %d) U.%d S.%d A.%d\n",hwmheight,dep->numtxids,block->numvouts,block->numvins,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkhashes); if ( L.numtxids != 0 && L.numunspents != 0 && L.numspends != 0 && block->numvouts != 0 && block->txn_count != 0 && L.numpkinds != 0 ) { if ( valid++ > 25 ) break; } } else printf("missing block.%d\n",hwmheight); hwmheight--; } for (height=0; height<=hwmheight; height++) { if ( iguana_setdependencies(coin,iguana_blockptr(coin,height),&L) < 0 ) break; dep->numtxids = L.numtxids + 0*block->txn_count; dep->numunspents = L.numunspents + 0*block->numvouts; dep->numspends = L.numspends + 0*block->numvins; dep->numpkinds = L.numpkinds; } return(hwmheight); } int32_t iguana_validateramchain(struct iguana_info *coin,int64_t *netp,uint64_t *creditsp,uint64_t *debitsp,int32_t height,struct iguana_block *block,int32_t hwmheight,struct iguana_prevdep *lp) { uint32_t i,n,m,u,txidind,unspentind,spendind,pkind,checkind,numvins,numvouts,txind,firstvout,firstvin,nextfirstvout,nextfirstvin; struct iguana_prevdep *nextlp; struct iguana_txid T,nextT; uint64_t credits,debits,nets; struct iguana_block *nextblock; credits = debits = nets = *creditsp = *debitsp = *netp = numvouts = numvins = 0; if ( block->height == height ) { txidind = lp->numtxids, unspentind = lp->numunspents, spendind = lp->numspends, pkind = lp->numpkinds; //printf("validate.%d (t%d u%d s%d p%d)\n",height,txidind,unspentind,spendind,pkind); for (txind=0; txind<block->txn_count; txind++,txidind++) { T = coin->T[txidind], nextT = coin->T[txidind+1]; //printf("h%d i%d T.%d (%d %d) -> (%d %d)\n",height,txind,txidind,T.firstvout,T.firstvin,nextT.firstvout,nextT.firstvin); if ( height == 0 && (T.firstvout == 0 || T.firstvin == 0) ) return(-1); //printf(">>>> h%d i%d T.%d (%d %d) -> (%d %d) cmp.(%d %d)\n",height,txind,txidind,T.firstvout,T.firstvin,nextT.firstvout,nextT.firstvin,height == 0,(T.firstvout == 0 || T.firstvin == 0)); if ( (checkind= iguana_txidind(coin,&firstvout,&firstvin,T.txid)) == txidind ) { if ( T.firstvout != firstvout || T.firstvin != firstvin ) { printf("mismatched rwtxidind %d != %d, %d != %d\n",T.firstvout,firstvout,T.firstvin,firstvin); getchar(); return(-1); } if ( txind == 0 && (firstvout != unspentind || firstvin != spendind) ) { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,T.txid); printf("h.%d txind.%d txidind.%d %s firstvout.%d != U%d firstvin.%d != S%d\n",height,txind,txidind,str,firstvout,unspentind,firstvin,spendind); iguana_txidind(coin,&firstvout,&firstvin,T.txid); iguana_txidind(coin,&firstvout,&firstvin,T.txid); return(-1); } nextfirstvout = nextT.firstvout, nextfirstvin = nextT.firstvin; if ( nextfirstvout < unspentind || nextfirstvin < spendind ) { printf("h.%d txind.%d nexttxidind.%d firstvout.%d != U%d firstvin.%d != S%d\n",height,txind,txidind,nextfirstvout,unspentind,nextfirstvin,spendind); if ( nextfirstvout == 0 && nextfirstvin == 0 ) { coin->T[txidind+1].firstvout = unspentind; coin->T[txidind+1].firstvin = spendind; printf("autofixed\n"); } else { getchar(); return(-1); } } n = (nextfirstvout - T.firstvout); m = (nextfirstvin - T.firstvin); //printf("height.%d n.%d m.%d U.(%d - %d) S.(%d - %d)\n",height,n,m,nextfirstvout,T.firstvout,nextfirstvin,T.firstvin); for (i=0; i<n; i++,unspentind++) { credits += coin->U[unspentind].value; if ( coin->Uextras[unspentind].spendind == 0 ) nets += coin->U[unspentind].value; if ( coin->U[unspentind].pkind > pkind ) pkind = coin->U[unspentind].pkind; //printf("i.%d: unspentind.%d\n",i,unspentind); } for (i=0; i<m; i++,spendind++) { if ( (u= coin->S[spendind].spendtxidind) > 0 && u < coin->latest.dep.numunspents ) debits += coin->U[u].value; else { printf("cant read spendind.%d or S.unspentind %d\n",spendind+i,u); getchar(); } } numvouts += n; numvins += m; } else { char str[65]; bits256_str(str,T.txid); printf("height.%d txind.%d txid.%s txidind.%d != %d\n",height,txind,str,txidind,checkind); getchar(); return(-1); } } if ( numvins != block->numvins || numvouts != block->numvouts ) { printf("height.%d numvins or numvouts error %d != %d || %d != %d\n",height,numvins,block->numvins,numvouts,block->numvouts); if ( block->numvins == 0 && block->numvouts == 0 ) { block->numvins = numvins; block->numvouts = numvouts; iguana_kvwrite(coin,coin->blocks.db,0,block,(uint32_t *)&block->height); m = 0;//iguana_fixblocks(coin,height,hwmheight); printf("autocorrected.%d\n",m); exit(1); } else { getchar(); return(-1); } } *creditsp = credits, *debitsp = debits, *netp = nets; if ( (nextblock= iguana_blockptr(coin,height+1)) != 0 ) { nextlp = 0; if ( 0 && lp->supply+credits-debits != nextlp->supply ) { printf("nextblock.%d supply mismatch %.8f (%.8f - %.8f) %.8f != %.8f\n",height+1,dstr(lp->supply),dstr(credits),dstr(debits),dstr(lp->supply+credits-debits),dstr(nextlp->supply)); getchar(); return(-1); } if ( txidind != nextlp->numtxids || unspentind != nextlp->numunspents || spendind != nextlp->numspends )//|| pkind+1 != nextlp->numpkinds ) { printf("Block.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d) vs next.(h%d t%d u%d s%d p%d)\n",block->height,txidind,unspentind,spendind,pkind,height+1,nextlp->numtxids,nextlp->numunspents,nextlp->numspends,nextlp->numpkinds); return(-1); } return(0); } printf("cant find next block at %d\n",height+1); //printf("block.%d %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",height,dstr(nets),dstr(credits),dstr(debits)); } else printf("height mismatch %d != %d\n",height,block->height); //getchar(); return(-1); } int32_t iguana_fixsecondary(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t numtxids,int32_t numunspents,int32_t numspends,int32_t numpkinds,struct iguana_Uextra *Uextras,struct iguana_pkextra *pkextras,struct iguana_account *accounts) { uint32_t i; int32_t m,err; if ( numtxids < 2 || numunspents < 2 || numspends < 2 || numpkinds < 2 ) return(0); //struct iguana_Uextra { uint32_t spendind; }; // unspentind //struct iguana_unspent { uint64_t value; uint32_t pkind,txidind,prevunspentind; }; for (i=m=err=0; i<numunspents; i++) { if ( Uextras[i].spendind >= numspends ) m++, Uextras[i].spendind = 0;//, printf("%d ",Uextras[i].spendind); if ( coin->U[i].prevunspentind != 0 && coin->U[i].prevunspentind >= i ) err++, printf("preverr.%d/%d ",coin->U[i].prevunspentind,i); if ( coin->U[i].txidind >= numtxids ) err++, printf("errtxidind.%d ",coin->U[i].txidind); if ( coin->U[i].pkind >= numpkinds ) err++, printf("errpkind.%d ",coin->U[i].pkind); } if ( (err+m) != 0 ) iguana_syncmap(&coin->unspents->M2,0); printf("cleared %d Uextras before numunspents.%d beyond errs.%d\n",m,numunspents,err); if ( err != 0 ) getchar(); //struct iguana_pkextra { uint32_t firstspendind; }; // pkind for (i=m=0; i<numpkinds; i++) { if ( pkextras[i].firstspendind >= numspends ) m++, pkextras[i].firstspendind = 0;//, printf("firstS.%d ",pkextras[i].firstspendind); } if ( m != 0 ) iguana_syncmap(&coin->pkhashes->M3,0); printf("pkextras beyond numspends.%d m.%d accounts.%p\n",numspends,m,accounts); //struct iguana_spend { uint32_t unspentind,prevspendind; }; // dont need nextspend /*for (i=err=m=0; i<numspends; i++) { if ( coin->S[i].unspentind >= numunspents ) err++, coin->S[i].unspentind = 0;//, printf("S->U%d ",coin->S[i].unspentind); //printf("%d ",coin->S[i].prevspendind); if ( coin->Sextras[i].prevspendind != 0 && coin->Sextras[i].prevspendind >= i ) m++, coin->Sextras[i].prevspendind = 0, printf("preverr.%d:%d ",coin->Sextras[i].prevspendind,i); } printf("errs.%d in spends numspends.%d\n",err,numspends); if ( err != 0 ) getchar();*/ return(0); } void clearmem(void *ptr,int32_t len) { static const uint8_t zeroes[512]; if ( len > sizeof(zeroes) || memcmp(ptr,zeroes,len) != 0 ) memset(ptr,0,len); } int32_t iguana_clearoverage(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t numtxids,int32_t numunspents,int32_t numspends,int32_t numpkinds,struct iguana_Uextra *Uextras,struct iguana_pkextra *pkextras,struct iguana_account *accounts) { uint32_t i,n; printf("clear txids\n"); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->txids->M.allocsize / coin->txids->HDDvaluesize) - 2; for (i=numtxids+1; i<n; i++) // diff with next txid's firstv's give numv's clearmem(&coin->T[i],sizeof(coin->T[i])); printf("clear pkinds\n"); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->pkhashes->M.allocsize / coin->pkhashes->HDDvaluesize) - 2; for (i=numpkinds; i<n; i++) clearmem(&coin->P[i],sizeof(coin->P[i])); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->pkhashes->M2.allocsize / coin->pkhashes->valuesize2) - 2; for (i=numpkinds; i<n; i++) clearmem(&accounts[i],sizeof(accounts[i])); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->pkhashes->M3.allocsize / coin->pkhashes->valuesize3) - 2; for (i=numpkinds; i<n; i++) pkextras[i].firstspendind = 0; printf("clear unspents\n"); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->unspents->M.allocsize / coin->unspents->HDDvaluesize) - 2; for (i=numunspents; i<n; i++) clearmem(&coin->U[i],sizeof(coin->U[i])); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->unspents->M2.allocsize / coin->unspents->valuesize2) - 2; for (i=numunspents; i<n; i++) clearmem(&Uextras[i],sizeof(Uextras[i])); printf("clear spends\n"); n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->spends->M.allocsize / coin->spends->HDDvaluesize) - 2; for (i=numspends; i<n; i++) clearmem(&coin->S[i],sizeof(coin->S[i])); //n = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)coin->spends->M2.allocsize / coin->spends->valuesize2) - 2; //for (i=numspends; i<n; i++) // clearmem(&coin->Sextras[i],sizeof(coin->Sextras[i])); return(0); } int64_t iguana_verifybalances(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t fullverify) { int64_t err,balance = 0; int32_t i,numerrs = 0; for (i=0; i<coin->latest.dep.numpkinds; i++) { if ( fullverify != 0 ) { if ( (err= iguana_verifyaccount(coin,&coin->accounts[i],i)) < 0 ) { printf("err.%d from pkind.%d\n",(int32_t)err,i); numerrs++; } } balance += coin->accounts[i].balance; } printf("iguana_verifybalances %.8f numerrs.%d\n",dstr(balance),numerrs); if ( numerrs > 0 ) getchar(); return(balance); } int32_t iguana_initramchain(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t hwmheight,int32_t mapflags,int32_t fullverify) { struct iguana_prevdep *dep; struct iguana_block *block,lastblock; double lastdisp = 0.; // init sequence is very tricky. must be done in the right order and make sure to only use data // that has already been initialized. and at the end all the required fields need to be correct struct iguana_msghdr H; uint8_t buf[1024]; int32_t len,height,valid=0,flag=0; struct iguana_prevdep L,prevL; int64_t checkbalance,net,nets; uint64_t prevcredits,prevdebits,credit,debit,credits,debits,origsupply; dep = &coin->latest.dep; height = hwmheight; if ( (height= iguana_loadledger(coin,hwmheight)) < 0 ) { printf("iguana_initramchain: unrecoverable loadledger error hwmheight.%d\n",hwmheight); return(-1); } hwmheight = height; printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds); //four ramchains start valid.0 height.316904 txids.45082870 vouts.27183907 vins.107472009 pkhashes.44807925 3.57 minutes coin->unspents = iguana_stateinit(coin,IGUANA_ITEMIND_DATA,coin->symbol,coin->symbol,"unspents",0,0,sizeof(struct iguana_unspent),sizeof(struct iguana_unspent),100000,iguana_verifyunspent,iguana_nullinit,sizeof(*coin->Uextras),0,dep->numunspents,2500000,0); if ( coin->unspents == 0 ) printf("cant create unspents\n"), exit(1); coin->unspents->HDDitemsp = (void **)&coin->U, coin->U = coin->unspents->M.fileptr; coin->unspents->HDDitems2p = (void **)&coin->Uextras, coin->Uextras = coin->unspents->M2.fileptr; printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d %.2f minutes\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); coin->spends = iguana_stateinit(coin,IGUANA_ITEMIND_DATA,coin->symbol,coin->symbol,"spends",0,0,sizeof(struct iguana_spend),sizeof(struct iguana_spend),100000,iguana_verifyspend,iguana_nullinit,0,0,dep->numspends,2500000,0); if ( coin->spends == 0 ) printf("cant create spends\n"), exit(1); printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d %.2f minutes\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); coin->spends->HDDitemsp = (void **)&coin->S, coin->S = coin->spends->M.fileptr; coin->spends->HDDitems2p = (void **)&coin->Sextras, coin->Sextras = coin->spends->M2.fileptr; coin->txids = iguana_stateinit(coin,IGUANA_ITEMIND_DATA|((mapflags&IGUANA_MAPTXIDITEMS)!=0)*IGUANA_MAPPED_ITEM,coin->symbol,coin->symbol,"txids",0,sizeof(bits256),sizeof(struct iguana_txid),sizeof(struct iguana_txid),100000,iguana_verifytxid,iguana_inittxid,0,0,dep->numtxids,1000000,0); if ( coin->txids == 0 ) printf("cant create txids\n"), exit(1); coin->txids->HDDitemsp = (void **)&coin->T, coin->T = coin->txids->M.fileptr; printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d %.2f minutes\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); coin->pkhashes = iguana_stateinit(coin,IGUANA_ITEMIND_DATA|((mapflags&IGUANA_MAPPKITEMS)!=0)*IGUANA_MAPPED_ITEM,coin->symbol,coin->symbol,"pkhashes",0,20,sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash),sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash),100000,iguana_verifypkhash,iguana_nullinit,sizeof(*coin->accounts),sizeof(*coin->pkextras),dep->numpkinds,1000000,0); if ( coin->pkhashes == 0 ) printf("cant create pkhashes\n"), exit(1); coin->pkhashes->HDDitemsp = (void **)&coin->P, coin->P = coin->pkhashes->M.fileptr; coin->pkhashes->HDDitems2p = (void **)&coin->accounts, coin->accounts = coin->pkhashes->M2.fileptr; coin->pkhashes->HDDitems3p = (void **)&coin->pkextras, coin->pkextras = coin->pkhashes->M3.fileptr; printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d %.2f minutes\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); iguana_kvensure(coin,coin->txids,dep->numtxids + coin->txids->incr); iguana_kvensure(coin,coin->pkhashes,dep->numpkinds + coin->pkhashes->incr); iguana_kvensure(coin,coin->unspents,dep->numunspents + coin->unspents->incr); iguana_kvensure(coin,coin->spends,dep->numspends + coin->spends->incr); coin->txids->numkeys = dep->numtxids; coin->unspents->numkeys = dep->numunspents; coin->spends->numkeys = dep->numspends; coin->pkhashes->numkeys = dep->numpkinds; iguana_fixsecondary(coin,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,coin->Uextras,coin->pkextras,coin->accounts); printf("hwmheight.%d KV counts T.%d P.%d U.%d S.%d\n",hwmheight,coin->txids->numkeys,coin->pkhashes->numkeys,coin->unspents->numkeys,coin->spends->numkeys); memset(&lastblock,0,sizeof(lastblock)); origsupply = dep->supply, dep->supply = 0; for (prevcredits=prevdebits=credits=debits=nets=height=0; height<=hwmheight; height++) { if ( hwmheight > 10000 && ((double)height / hwmheight) > lastdisp+.01 ) { fprintf(stderr,"%.0f%% ",100. * lastdisp); lastdisp = ((double)height / hwmheight); } if ( (block= iguana_blockptr(coin,height)) == 0 ) { printf("error getting height.%d\n",height); break; } lastblock = *block; if ( height == hwmheight ) break; printf("need to set valid L\n"); if ( iguana_validateramchain(coin,&net,&credit,&debit,height,block,hwmheight,&L) < 0 ) { printf("UNRECOVERABLE error iguana_validateramchain height.%d\n",height); getchar(); exit(1); break; } nets += net, credits += credit, debits += debit; if ( nets != (credits - debits) ) { //printf("height.%d: net %.8f != %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",height,dstr(nets),dstr(credits)-dstr(debits),dstr(credits),dstr(debits)); //break; } prevcredits = credits; prevdebits = debits; } if ( lastblock.height == 0 ) dep->numpkinds = dep->numspends = dep->numtxids = dep->numunspents = 1, dep->supply = 0, coin->latest.credits = coin->latest.debits = 0; else { printf("set prevL\n"); dep->numtxids = prevL.numtxids; dep->numunspents = prevL.numunspents; dep->numspends = prevL.numspends; dep->numpkinds = prevL.numpkinds; dep->supply = prevL.supply; coin->latest.credits = prevcredits; coin->latest.debits = prevdebits; if ( dep->supply != (prevcredits - prevdebits) ) { printf("override supply %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",dstr(dep->supply),dstr(prevcredits),dstr(prevdebits)); dep->supply = (prevcredits - prevdebits); } checkbalance = iguana_verifybalances(coin,0); if ( (checkbalance != dep->supply || fullverify != 0) && iguana_verifybalances(coin,1) != dep->supply ) { printf("balances mismatch\n"); getchar(); } } coin->txids->numkeys = dep->numtxids; coin->unspents->numkeys = dep->numunspents; coin->spends->numkeys = dep->numspends; coin->pkhashes->numkeys = dep->numpkinds; coin->blocks.parsedblocks = lastblock.height; printf("\nhwmheight.%d KV counts T.%d P.%d U.%d S.%d %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",hwmheight,coin->txids->numkeys,coin->pkhashes->numkeys,coin->unspents->numkeys,coin->spends->numkeys,dstr(coin->latest.dep.supply),dstr(coin->latest.credits),dstr(coin->latest.debits)); printf("four ramchains start valid.%d height.%d txids.%d vouts.%d vins.%d pkhashes.%d %.2f minutes\n",valid,hwmheight,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,((double)time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.); printf("height.%d after validateramchain hwmheight.%d flag.%d parsed.%d\n",height,hwmheight,flag,coin->blocks.parsedblocks); //getchar(); if ( coin->blocks.parsedblocks == 0 ) { uint8_t txspace[32768]; struct iguana_memspace MEM; len = (int32_t)strlen(coin->chain->genesis_hex)/2; decode_hex(buf,len,(char *)coin->chain->genesis_hex); iguana_sethdr(&H,coin->chain->netmagic,"block",buf,len); iguana_meminit(&MEM,"genesis",txspace,sizeof(txspace),0); iguana_parser(coin,0,&MEM,&MEM,0,&H,buf,len); printf("coin->blocks.parsedblocks.%d KV counts T.%d P.%d U.%d S.%d\n",coin->blocks.parsedblocks,coin->txids->numkeys,coin->pkhashes->numkeys,coin->unspents->numkeys,coin->spends->numkeys); printf("auto parse genesis\n"); //getchar(); } else iguana_clearoverage(coin,dep->numtxids,dep->numunspents,dep->numspends,dep->numpkinds,coin->Uextras,coin->pkextras,coin->accounts); return(coin->blocks.parsedblocks); } #endif if ( 0 && queue_size(&coin->blocksQ) == 0 ) { HASH_ITER(hh,coin->blocks.hash,block,tmp) { if ( bits256_nonz(block->prev_block) > 0 && (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->prev_block)) != 0 ) { if ( prev->mainchain != 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("idle issue %s %d\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),prev->height+1); iguana_blockQ(coin,0,-1,block->hash2,0); } } } } struct iguana_ramchain *iguana_ramchainmergeHT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_memspace *mem,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchains[],int32_t n,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { /* uint32_t numtxids,numunspents,numspends,numpkinds,numexternaltxids,i,j,k; uint64_t allocsize = 0; struct iguana_txid *tx; struct iguana_account *acct; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain,*item; struct iguana_pkhash *p,oldP; struct iguana_unspent *u; struct iguana_kvitem *ptr; bits256 txid; uint32_t txidind,unspentind,spendind,pkind,numblocks; struct iguana_spend *s; numtxids = numunspents = numspends = numpkinds = 1; numexternaltxids = 1; numblocks = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (item= ramchains[i]) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_ramchaininit null hdrsi.%d txdatas[%d]\n",bp->ramchain.hdrsi,i); return(0); } numtxids += item->numtxids, numunspents += item->numunspents, numspends += item->numspends; numpkinds += item->numpkinds, numexternaltxids += item->numexternaltxids; numblocks += item->numblocks; } allocsize = sizeof(*ramchain) + (numtxids * sizeof(*ramchain->T)) + (numunspents * (sizeof(*ramchain->U) + sizeof(*ramchain->Uextras))) + (numspends * sizeof(*ramchain->S)) + (numpkinds * (sizeof(*ramchain->P) + sizeof(*ramchain->pkextras) + sizeof(*ramchain->accounts))) + (numexternaltxids * sizeof(*ramchain->externalT)); iguana_meminit(mem,"ramchain",0,allocsize,0); mem->alignflag = sizeof(uint32_t); ramchain= &bp->ramchain; //iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain),1)) == 0 ) ramchain->numblocks = numblocks; ramchain->numtxids = numtxids, ramchain->numunspents = numunspents; ramchain->numspends = numspends, ramchain->numpkinds = numpkinds; ramchain->numexternaltxids = numexternaltxids; ramchain->hdrsi = bp->ramchain.hdrsi, ramchain->bundleheight = bp->ramchain.bundleheight, ramchain->numblocks = n; ramchain->prevbundlehash2 = bp->prevbundlehash2, ramchain->nextbundlehash2 = bp->nextbundlehash2; ramchain->hash2 = ramchains[0]->hash2; ramchain->prevhash2 = ramchains[0]->prevhash2, ramchain->lasthash2 = ramchains[n-1]->hash2; ramchain->T = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->T) * ramchain->numtxids,0); ramchain->U = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->U) * ramchain->numunspents,0); if ( ramchain->numspends > 0 ) ramchain->S = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->S) * ramchain->numspends,0); ramchain->Uextras = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->Uextras) * ramchain->numunspents,1); ramchain->P = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->P) * ramchain->numpkinds,1); ramchain->pkextras = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->pkextras) * ramchain->numpkinds,1); ramchain->accounts = iguana_memalloc(mem,sizeof(*ramchain->accounts) * ramchain->numpkinds,1); if ( ramchain->numexternaltxids > 0 ) ramchain->externalT = iguana_memalloc(mem,ramchain->numexternaltxids * sizeof(*ramchain->externalT),1); if ( mem->used != allocsize ) { printf("error allocating ramchain %ld != %ld\n",(long)mem->used,(long)allocsize); iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); return(0); } ramchain->allocsize = allocsize; ramchain->firsti = 1; //printf("Allocated %s for bp %d\n",mbstr(str,allocsize),bp->ramchain.bundleheight); txidind = unspentind = numtxids = spendind = numunspents = numspends = numpkinds = ramchain->firsti; numexternaltxids = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (item= ramchains[i]) != 0 ) { // iguana_txid { bits256 txid; uint32_t txidind,firstvout,firstvin; uint16_t numvouts,numvins;} for (j=item->firsti; j<item->numtxids; j++,txidind++) { tx = &ramchain->T[txidind]; *tx = item->T[j]; tx->txidind = txidind; if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain->txids,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(tx->txid))) != 0 ) { printf("unexpected duplicate txid[%d]\n",txidind); iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); return(0); } iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->txids,0,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(bits256),txidind); tx->firstvout = unspentind; for (k=item->firsti; k<tx->numvouts; k++,unspentind++) { u = &ramchain->U[unspentind]; *u = item->U[k]; u->txidind = txidind; oldP = item->P[item->U[k].pkind]; if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain->pkhashes,oldP.rmd160,sizeof(oldP.rmd160))) == 0 ) { pkind = numpkinds++; p = &ramchain->P[pkind]; *p = oldP; p->firstunspentind = unspentind; if ( (ptr= iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->pkhashes,0,p->rmd160,sizeof(p->rmd160),numpkinds)) == 0 ) { iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); printf("fatal error adding pkhash\n"); return(0); } //printf("pkind.%d: %p %016lx <- %016lx\n",pkind,p,*(long *)p->rmd160,*(long *)oldP.rmd160); } else pkind = ptr->hh.itemind; u->pkind = pkind; acct = &ramchain->accounts[pkind]; u->prevunspentind = acct->lastunspentind; acct->lastunspentind = unspentind; acct->balance += u->value; } tx->firstvin = spendind; spendind += tx->numvins; } numtxids += item->numtxids, numunspents += item->numunspents; } } txidind = spendind = ramchain->firsti; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (item= ramchains[i]) != 0 ) { for (j=item->firsti; j<item->numtxids; j++,txidind++) { tx = &ramchain->T[j]; for (k=item->firsti; k<tx->numvins; k++) { //printf("item.%p [%d] X.%p i.%d j.%d k.%d txidind.%d/%d spendind.%d/%d s->txidind.%d/v%d\n",item,item->numexternaltxids,item->externalT,i,j,k,txidind,ramchain->numtxids,spendind,ramchain->numspends,item->S[k].spendtxidind,item->S[k].vout); if ( iguana_ramchaintxid(coin,&txid,item,&item->S[k]) < 0 ) { printf("i.%d j.%d k.%d error getting txid firsti.%d X.%d vout.%d spend.%d/%d numX.%d numT.%d\n",i,j,k,item->firsti,item->S[k].external,item->S[k].vout,item->S[k].spendtxidind,item->numspends,item->numexternaltxids,item->numtxids); //iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); //return(0); } s = &ramchain->S[spendind]; *s = item->S[k]; if ( s->vout == 0xffff ) { // mining output } else if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain->txids,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid))) != 0 ) { if ( (s->spendtxidind= ptr->hh.itemind) >= ramchain->numtxids ) { s->external = 1; s->spendtxidind -= ramchain->numtxids; } else if ( s->spendtxidind >= item->firsti && s->spendtxidind < item->numtxids ) { s->external = 0; unspentind = (ramchain->T[s->spendtxidind].firstvout + s->vout); u = &ramchain->U[unspentind]; p = &ramchain->P[u->pkind]; if ( ramchain->pkextras[u->pkind].firstspendind == 0 ) ramchain->pkextras[u->pkind].firstspendind = spendind; acct = &ramchain->accounts[u->pkind]; s->prevspendind = acct->lastspendind; acct->lastspendind = spendind; if ( ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind != 0 ) { printf("double spend u.%d has spendind.%d when s.%d refers to it\n",unspentind,ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind,spendind); iguana_ramchainfree(coin,mem,ramchain); return(0); } ramchain->Uextras[unspentind].spendind = spendind; } spendind++; } else if ( numexternaltxids < ramchain->numexternaltxids ) { s->external = 1; ramchain->externalT[numexternaltxids] = txid; iguana_hashsetHT(ramchain->txids,0,ramchain->externalT[numexternaltxids].bytes,sizeof(ramchain->externalT[numexternaltxids]),ramchain->numtxids + numexternaltxids); s->spendtxidind = numexternaltxids++; spendind++; } else printf("numexternaltxids.%d >= ramchain numexternaltxids.%d\n",numexternaltxids,ramchain->numexternaltxids); } } // iguana_unspent { uint64_t value; uint32_t txidind,pkind,prevunspentind; } iguana_Uextra { uint32_t spendind; } // iguana_pkhash { uint8_t rmd160[20]; uint32_t firstunspentind,flags; } iguana_pkextra { uint32_t firstspendind; } // iguana_account { uint64_t balance; uint32_t lastunspentind,lastspendind; } // iguana_spend { uint32_t unspentind,prevspendind:31,diffsequence:1; } numspends += item->numspends; } } //for (i=0; i<numpkinds; i++) // printf("have pkind.%d: %p %016lx\n",i,&ramchain->P[i],*(long *)ramchain->P[i].rmd160); //printf("numpkinds.%d\n",numpkinds); if ( 0 ) { memcpy(&ramchain->P[numpkinds],ramchain->pkextras,sizeof(*ramchain->pkextras) * numpkinds); ramchain->pkextras = (void *)&ramchain->P[numpkinds]; memcpy(&ramchain->pkextras[numpkinds],ramchain->accounts,sizeof(*ramchain->accounts) * numpkinds); ramchain->accounts = (void *)&ramchain->pkextras[numpkinds]; memcpy(&ramchain->accounts[numpkinds],ramchain->externalT,sizeof(*ramchain->externalT) * numexternaltxids); ramchain->externalT = (void *)&ramchain->accounts[numpkinds]; } ramchain->allocsize -= ((ramchain->numpkinds - numpkinds) * (sizeof(*ramchain->P) + sizeof(*ramchain->pkextras) + sizeof(*ramchain->accounts))); ramchain->allocsize -= ((ramchain->numexternaltxids - numexternaltxids) * sizeof(*ramchain->externalT)); ramchain->numpkinds = numpkinds; ramchain->numexternaltxids = numexternaltxids;*/ /*vupdate_sha256(ramchain->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_UNSPENT].bytes,&ramchain->states[IGUANA_LHASH_UNSPENT],(void *)ramchain->U,sizeof(*ramchain->U)*ramchain->numunspents); vupdate_sha256(ramchain->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_ACCOUNTS].bytes,&ramchain->states[IGUANA_LHASH_ACCOUNTS],(void *)acct,sizeof(*acct)); vupdate_sha256(ramchain->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_SPENDS].bytes,&ramchain->states[IGUANA_LHASH_SPENDS],(void *)ramchain->S,sizeof(*ramchain->S)*); vupdate_sha256(ramchain->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_TXIDS].bytes,&ramchain->states[IGUANA_LHASH_TXIDS],(void *)tx,sizeof(*tx));*/ /*mem->used = (long)ramchain->allocsize; printf("B.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d combined ramchain size.%ld\n",ramchain->numblocks,ramchain->numtxids,ramchain->numunspents,ramchain->numspends,ramchain->numpkinds,(long)ramchain->allocsize); return(ramchain);*/ return(0); } /* //if ( num > coin->chain->bundlesize+1 ) // num = coin->chain->bundlesize+1; for (i=1; i<num; i++) { block = 0; if ( bits256_nonz(blockhashes[i]) > 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,blockhashes[i],1)) != 0 && prev != 0 ) { //if ( prev->mainchain == 0 ) // prev->hh.next = block; /*if ( prev->hh.next == 0 && block->hh.prev == 0 ) block->hh.prev = prev; else if ( prev->hh.next == 0 && block->hh.prev == prev ) prev->hh.next = block; else if ( prev->hh.next == block && block->hh.prev == prev ) { if ( 0 && i < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { if ( iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,i,blockhashes[i]) < 0 ) { if ( prev->mainchain == 0 ) block->hh.prev = prev->hh.next = 0; memset(bp->hashes[i].bytes,0,sizeof(bp->hashes[i])); } } else if ( 0 && bp->bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize >= coin->bundlescount*coin->chain->bundlesize ) { char str[65]; printf("AUTOCREATE.%d new bundle.%s\n",bp->bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize,bits256_str(str,blockhashes[i])); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,bp->bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize,blockhashes[i]); for (j=2; j<num; j++) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,j,blockhashes[j],0); } } else if ( prev->mainchain == 0 ) block->hh.prev = prev->hh.next = 0; } //if ( (i % coin->chain->bundlesize) <= 1 ) // iguana_blockQ(coin,0,-1,blockhashes[i],1); //else //if ( bp != 0 && i < bp->n && bp->requests[i] == 0 ) // iguana_blockQ(coin,0,-1,blockhashes[i],0); } prev = block; }*/ int32_t iguana_ROmapchain(uint32_t *numtxidsp,uint32_t *numunspentsp,uint32_t *numspendsp,uint32_t *numpkindsp,uint32_t *numexternaltxidsp,struct iguana_ramchain *mapchain,void *ptr,long filesize,long fpos,bits256 firsthash2,bits256 lasthash2,int32_t height,int32_t numblocks,int32_t hdrsi,int32_t bundlei) { int32_t firsti = 1; mapchain->fileptr = ptr; mapchain->filesize = filesize; mapchain->H.data = (void *)((long)ptr + fpos); mapchain->H.ROflag = 1; if ( iguana_ramchain_size(mapchain) != mapchain->H.data->allocsize || fpos+mapchain->H.data->allocsize > filesize ) { printf("iguana_bundlesaveHT size mismatch %ld vs %ld vs filesize.%ld\n",(long)iguana_ramchain_size(mapchain),(long)mapchain->H.data->allocsize,(long)filesize); return(-1); } else if ( memcmp(firsthash2.bytes,mapchain->H.data->firsthash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65]; printf("iguana_bundlesaveHT hash2 mismatch %s vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,firsthash2),bits256_str(str2,mapchain->H.data->firsthash2)); return(-1); } iguana_ramchain_link(mapchain,firsthash2,lasthash2,hdrsi,height,bundlei,1,firsti,1); *numtxidsp += mapchain->H.data->numtxids; *numunspentsp += mapchain->H.data->numunspents; *numspendsp += mapchain->H.data->numspends; if( mapchain->H.data->numpkinds != 0 ) *numpkindsp += mapchain->H.data->numpkinds; else *numpkindsp += mapchain->H.data->numunspents; if( mapchain->H.data->numexternaltxids != 0 ) *numexternaltxidsp += mapchain->H.data->numspends; else *numexternaltxidsp += mapchain->H.data->numspends; //printf("(%d %d %d) ",numtxids,numunspents,numspends); //printf("%d ",numtxids); return(0); } bits256 iguana_lhashcalc(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_ramchaindata *rdata,RAMCHAIN_FUNC) { bits256 sha256; vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_TXIDS].bytes,(uint8_t *)T,sizeof(struct iguana_txid)*rdata->numtxids); if ( ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_UNSPENTS].bytes,(uint8_t *)Ux,sizeof(struct iguana_unspent)*rdata->numunspents); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_SPENDS].bytes,(uint8_t *)Sx,sizeof(struct iguana_spend)*rdata->numspends); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_PKHASHES].bytes,(uint8_t *)P,sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash)*rdata->numpkinds); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_SPENTINDS].bytes,(uint8_t *)U2,sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra)*rdata->numunspents); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_FIRSTSPENDS].bytes,(uint8_t *)P2,sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra)*rdata->numpkinds); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_ACCOUNTS].bytes,(uint8_t *)A,sizeof(struct iguana_account)*rdata->numpkinds); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_EXTERNALS].bytes,(uint8_t *)X,sizeof(bits256)*rdata->numexternaltxids); } else { vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_UNSPENTS].bytes,(uint8_t *)U,sizeof(struct iguana_unspent20)*rdata->numunspents); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_SPENDS].bytes,(uint8_t *)S,sizeof(struct iguana_spend256)*rdata->numspends); } vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_TXBITS].bytes,TXbits,(int32_t)hconv_bitlen(rdata->numtxsparse*rdata->txsparsebits)); vcalc_sha256(0,rdata->lhashes[IGUANA_LHASH_PKBITS].bytes,PKbits,(int32_t)hconv_bitlen(rdata->numpksparse*rdata->pksparsebits)); memset(&rdata->sha256,0,sizeof(rdata->sha256)); vcalc_sha256(0,sha256.bytes,(void *)rdata,sizeof(*rdata)); } /*struct iguana_prevdep { double PoW; // yes I know this is not consensus safe, it is used only for approximations locally uint64_t supply; uint32_t numtxids,numunspents,numspends,numpkinds; } __attribute__((packed)); struct iguanakv { char name[63],fname[512],threadsafe; FILE *fp; portable_mutex_t KVmutex,MMlock,MMmutex; void *HDDitems,*HDDitems2,*HDDitems3,**HDDitemsp,**HDDitems2p,**HDDitems3p; // linear array of HDDitems; struct iguana_kvitem *hashtables[0x100]; // of HDDitems struct iguana_mappedptr M,M2,M3; struct iguana_memspace HASHPTRS;//,MEM; double mult; uint64_t updated; int32_t keysize,keyoffset,RAMvaluesize,HDDvaluesize,valuesize2,valuesize3; int32_t numkeys,dispflag,flags,incr,numitems,numvalid,maxitemind; uint32_t iteruarg; int32_t iterarg; uint8_t *space; };*/ rdata->txsparsebits = hcalc_bitsize(numtxids); rdata->numtxsparse = SPARSECOUNT(numtxids); rdata->pksparsebits = hcalc_bitsize(numpkinds); rdata->numpksparse = SPARSECOUNT(numpkinds); rdata->Toffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_txid) * numtxids); if ( ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { rdata->Uoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_unspent) * numunspents); rdata->Soffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_spend) * numspends); rdata->Poffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash) * numpkinds); rdata->U2offset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra) * numunspents); rdata->P2offset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra) * numpkinds); rdata->Aoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_account) * numpkinds); rdata->Xoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(bits256) * numexternaltxids); } else { rdata->Uoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_unspent20) * numunspents); rdata->Soffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_spend256) * numspends); } rdata->TXoffset = offset, offset += (((int64_t)rdata->numtxsparse*rdata->txsparsebits)/8 + 1); rdata->PKoffset = offset, offset += (((int64_t)rdata->numpksparse*rdata->pksparsebits)/8 + 1); tmp = *rdata; fpos = ftell(fp); iguana_rdata_action(0,0,&trunc,0,rdata,expanded,numtxids,numunspents,numspends,numpkinds,numexternaltxids,0,0,0,0); offset = sizeof(*rdata); rdata->Toffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_txid) * rdata->numtxids); if ( ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { rdata->Uoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_unspent) * rdata->numunspents); rdata->Soffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_spend) * rdata->numspends); rdata->Poffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash) * rdata->numpkinds); rdata->U2offset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra) * rdata->numunspents); rdata->P2offset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra) * rdata->numpkinds); rdata->Aoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_account) * rdata->numpkinds); rdata->Xoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(bits256) * rdata->numexternaltxids); } else { rdata->Uoffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_unspent20) * rdata->numunspents); rdata->Soffset = offset, offset += (sizeof(struct iguana_spend256) * rdata->numspends); } rdata->TXoffset = offset, offset += (((int64_t)rdata->numtxsparse*rdata->txsparsebits)/8 + 1); rdata->PKoffset = offset, offset += (((int64_t)rdata->numpksparse*rdata->pksparsebits)/8 + 1); rdata->allocsize = offset; rdata->sha256 = iguana_lhashcalc(coin,rdata,RAMCHAIN_ARGS); if ( iguana_ramchain_size(ramchain) != offset ) printf("iguana_ramchain_size %ld vs %ld\n",(long)iguana_ramchain_size(ramchain),(long)offset), getchar(); rdata->sha256 = sha256 = iguana_lhashcalc(coin,rdata,RAMCHAIN_ARG); fwrite(rdata,1,sizeof(*rdata),fp); *rdata = tmp; fwrite(T,sizeof(struct iguana_txid),rdata->numtxids,fp); if ( ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { fwrite(Ux,sizeof(struct iguana_unspent),rdata->numunspents,fp); fwrite(Sx,sizeof(struct iguana_spend),rdata->numspends,fp); fwrite(P,sizeof(struct iguana_pkhash),rdata->numpkinds,fp); fwrite(U2,sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra),rdata->numunspents,fp); fwrite(P2,sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra),rdata->numpkinds,fp); fwrite(A,sizeof(struct iguana_account),rdata->numpkinds,fp); fwrite(X,sizeof(bits256),rdata->numexternaltxids,fp); //printf("iguana_ramchain_save.(%s): (%ld - %ld) diff.%ld vs %ld [%ld]\n",fname,ftell(fp),(long)fpos,(long)(ftell(fp) - fpos),(long)rdata->allocsize,(long)(ftell(fp) - fpos) - (long)rdata->allocsize); } else { fwrite(U,sizeof(struct iguana_unspent20),rdata->numunspents,fp); fwrite(S,sizeof(struct iguana_spend256),rdata->numspends,fp); } fwrite(TXbits,1,((int64_t)rdata->numtxsparse*rdata->txsparsebits)/8 + 1,fp); fwrite(PKbits,1,((int64_t)rdata->numpksparse*rdata->pksparsebits)/8 + 1,fp); if ( (ftell(fp) - fpos) != rdata->allocsize ) { printf("(ftell.%ld - fpos.%ld) %ld vs %ld\n",ftell(fp),fpos,ftell(fp)-fpos,(long)rdata->allocsize); fpos = -1; } //int32_t i; char str[65]; //for (i=0; i<rdata->numexternaltxids; i++) // printf("X[%d] %s\n",i,bits256_str(str,X[i])); uint32_t iguana_updatescript(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t blocknum,uint32_t txidind,uint32_t spendind,uint32_t unspentind,uint64_t value,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,uint32_t sequence) { return(0); } function httpGet(theUrl)\ {\ var xmlhttp;\ if ( window.XMLHttpRequest )\ xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\ else\ xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\ xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()\ {\ if ( xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200 )\ {\ createDiv(xmlhttp.responseText);\ }\ }\ xmlhttp.open(\"GET\", theUrl, false);\ xmlhttp.send(null);\ }\ var jsonstr = httpGet(\"\"); \ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblock(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct iguana_bundlereq *req,struct iguana_block *origblock,int32_t numtx,int32_t datalen,int32_t recvlen,int32_t *newhwmp) { struct iguana_bundle *bp=0; int32_t bundlei = -2; struct iguana_block *block; double duration; bp = iguana_bundleset(coin,&block,&bundlei,origblock); if ( block != 0 ) { block->RO.recvlen = recvlen; block->ipbits = req->ipbits; if ( bp == 0 && req->copyflag != 0 && block->rawdata == 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("%s copyflag.%d %d data %d %p\n",bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2),req->copyflag,block->height,req->recvlen,bp); block->rawdata = mycalloc('n',1,block->RO.recvlen); memcpy(block->rawdata,req->serialized,block->RO.recvlen); block->copyflag = 1; } //printf("datalen.%d ipbits.%x\n",datalen,req->ipbits); } else printf("cant create block.%llx block.%p bp.%p bundlei.%d\n",(long long)origblock->RO.hash2.txid,block,bp,bundlei); if ( bp != 0 && bundlei >= 0 ) { //bp->ipbits[bundlei] = block->ipbits; if ( 0 && bp->requests[bundlei] > 2 ) printf("recv bundlei.%d hdrs.%d reqs.[%d] fpos.%d datalen.%d recvlen.(%d %d) ipbits.(%x %x %x)\n",bundlei,bp->hdrsi,bp->requests[bundlei],bp->fpos[bundlei],datalen,block->RO.recvlen,req->recvlen,block->ipbits,bp->ipbits[bundlei],req->ipbits); if ( recvlen > 0 ) { SETBIT(bp->recv,bundlei); if ( bp->issued[bundlei] > 0 ) { bp->durationsum += (int32_t)(time(NULL) - bp->issued[bundlei]); bp->durationcount++; if ( duration < bp->avetime/10. ) duration = bp->avetime/10.; else if ( duration > bp->avetime*10. ) duration = bp->avetime * 10.; dxblend(&bp->avetime,duration,.99); dxblend(&coin->avetime,bp->avetime,.9); } } if ( 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") != 0 && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize-1 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei+1]) != 0 && bp->fpos[bundlei+1] < 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei+1,bp->hashes[bundlei+1],0); } if ( 0 && block != 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") != 0 ) { if ( (bp = iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,block->RO.prev_block)) != 0 ) { if ( bp->fpos[bundlei] < 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,block->RO.prev_block,0); } } return(req); } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundleset(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block **blockp,int32_t *bundleip,struct iguana_block *origblock) { struct iguana_block *block; bits256 zero,*hashes; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; int32_t bundlei = -2; *bundleip = -2; *blockp = 0; if ( origblock == 0 ) return(0); memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,origblock->RO.hash2,1)) != 0 ) { if ( block != origblock ) iguana_blockcopy(coin,block,origblock); *blockp = block; if ( bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) > 0 ) iguana_patch(coin,block); if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,block->RO.hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { block->bundlei = bundlei; block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; //iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockadd",bp,block->bundlei,block->hash2); iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,bundlei,block->RO.hash2); if ( bundlei == 0 ) { if ( bp->hdrsi > 0 && (bp= coin->bundles[bp->hdrsi-1]) != 0 ) { //printf("add to prev hdrs.%d\n",bp->hdrsi); iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,block->RO.prev_block); if ( 0 && bp->fpos[coin->chain->bundlesize-1] < 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") != 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,coin->chain->bundlesize-1,block->RO.prev_block,0); } } else { //printf("prev issue.%d\n",bp->bundleheight+bundlei-1); iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,bundlei-1,block->RO.prev_block); if ( 0 && bp->fpos[bundlei-1] < 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") != 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei-1,block->RO.prev_block,0); } } } if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,block->RO.prev_block)) != 0 ) { //printf("found prev.%d\n",bp->bundleheight+bundlei); if ( bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { if ( bundlei == coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { if ( coin->bundlescount < bp->hdrsi+1 ) { char str[65]; printf("autoextend CREATE.%d new bundle.%s\n",bp->bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2)); iguana_bundlecreate(coin,&bundlei,bp->bundleheight + coin->chain->bundlesize,block->RO.hash2,zero); } } else if ( bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { block->bundlei = bundlei + 1; block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,bundlei+1,block->RO.hash2); } } } //char str[65]; printf("iguana_recvblock (%s) %d %d[%d] %p\n",bits256_str(str,block->hash2),block->havebundle,block->hdrsi,bundlei,bp); } return(iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,bundleip,origblock->RO.hash2)); } int32_t iguana_bundlemode(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei) { if ( bp->ipbits[bundlei] == 0 ) return(-1); else if ( bp->emitfinish > coin->starttime ) { if ( bp->ramchain.numblocks == bp->n ) return(1); else return(2); } else return(0); } /*char *iguana_genericjsonstr(char *jsonstr,char *remoteaddr) { cJSON *json; char *retjsonstr,*methodstr,*agentstr; if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (agentstr= jstr(json,"agent")) == 0 ) agentstr = "SuperNET"; if ( (methodstr= jstr(json,"method")) != 0 ) retjsonstr = iguana_agentjson(agentstr,0,methodstr,json,remoteaddr); else retjsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"no method in generic JSON\"}"); free_json(json); } else retjsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant parse generic JSON\"}"); return(retjsonstr); }*/ char *iguana_remoteparser(struct iguana_agent *agent,struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,cJSON *json) { int32_t i,n,remains,numsent; char *jsonstr = 0,*retstr = 0; uint8_t hdr[128]; if ( agent->sock < 0 ) agent->sock = iguana_socket(0,agent->hostname,agent->port); if ( agent->sock >= 0 ) { i = 0; jsonstr = jprint(json,0); n = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr) + 1; remains = n; //printf("RETBUF.(%s)\n",retbuf); while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(agent->sock,&jsonstr[i],remains,MSG_NOSIGNAL)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) { printf("%s: %s numsent.%d vs remains.%d of %d errno.%d (%s) usock.%d\n",jsonstr,agent->name,numsent,remains,n,errno,strerror(errno),agent->sock); break; } } else if ( remains > 0 ) { remains -= numsent; i += numsent; if ( remains > 0 ) printf("iguana sent.%d remains.%d of len.%d\n",numsent,remains,n); } } if ( (n= (int32_t)recv(agent->sock,hdr,sizeof(hdr),0)) >= 0 ) { remains = (hdr[0] + ((int32_t)hdr[1] << 8) + ((int32_t)hdr[2] << 16)); retstr = mycalloc('p',1,remains + 1); i = 0; while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (n= (int32_t)recv(agent->sock,&retstr[i],remains,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { printf("EAGAIN for len %d, remains.%d\n",n,remains); usleep(10000); } break; } else { if ( n > 0 ) { remains -= n; i += n; } else usleep(10000); } } } free(jsonstr); } if ( retstr == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"null return\"}"); return(retstr); } struct iguana_agent *Agents[16]; cJSON *iguana_agentinfojson(struct iguana_agent *agent) { cJSON *json= cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"name",agent->name); jadd(json,"methods",agent->methods); if ( agent->port != 0 ) jaddnum(json,"port",agent->port); else jaddstr(json,"type","builtin"); return(json); } char *iguana_addagent(char *name,char *(*parsefunc)(struct iguana_agent *agent,struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,cJSON *json),char *hostname,cJSON *methods,uint16_t port,char *pubkeystr,char *privkeystr) { int32_t i; struct iguana_agent *agent; char retbuf[8192]; for (i=0; i<sizeof(Agents)/sizeof(*Agents); i++) { if ( (agent= Agents[i]) != 0 && strcmp(agent->name,name) == 0 ) { if ( pubkeystr != 0 && privkeystr != 0 && strlen(pubkeystr) == 64 && strlen(privkeystr) == 64 ) { decode_hex(agent->pubkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256),pubkeystr); decode_hex(agent->privkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256),privkeystr); } if ( port != 0 && agent->port == 0 ) { if ( agent->sock >= 0 ) close(agent->sock); agent->port = port; strcpy(agent->hostname,hostname); agent->sock = iguana_socket(0,agent->hostname,port); printf("set (%s) port.%d for %s -> sock.%d\n",hostname,port,agent->name,agent->sock); } if ( agent->port > 0 && agent->sock < 0 && agent->hostname[0] != 0 && (agent->sock= iguana_socket(0,agent->hostname,agent->port)) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"existing agent couldnt connect to remote agent\"}")); else return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"agent already there\"}")); } } for (i=0; i<sizeof(Agents)/sizeof(*Agents); i++) { if ( Agents[i] == 0 ) { agent = mycalloc('G',1,sizeof(*Agents[i])); Agents[i] = agent; strncpy(agent->name,name,sizeof(agent->name)-1); strncpy(agent->hostname,hostname,sizeof(agent->hostname)-1); agent->methods = methods, agent->nummethods = cJSON_GetArraySize(methods); agent->sock = -1; agent->port = port; agent->parsefunc = (void *)parsefunc; if ( pubkeystr != 0 && privkeystr != 0 && strlen(pubkeystr) == 64 && strlen(privkeystr) == 64 ) { decode_hex(agent->pubkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256),pubkeystr); decode_hex(agent->privkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256),privkeystr); } if ( port > 0 ) { if ( (agent->sock= iguana_socket(0,hostname,port)) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"agent added, but couldnt connect to remote agent\"}")); } sprintf(retbuf,"{\"result\":\"agent added\",\"name\":\"%s\",\"methods\":%s,\"hostname\":\"%s\",\"port\":%u,\"sock\":%d}",agent->name,jprint(agent->methods,0),agent->hostname,agent->port,agent->sock); return(clonestr(retbuf)); } } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no more agent slots available\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"addagent") == 0 ) { char *hostname = "",*name; uint16_t port; if ( (name= jstr(json,"name")) != 0 && (methods= jarray(&n,json,"methods")) != 0 ) { if ( (port= juint(json,"port")) != 0 ) { if ( (hostname= jstr(json,"host")) == 0 ) { if ( (hostname= jstr(json,"ipaddr")) == 0 ) hostname = ""; } if ( hostname == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no host specified for remote agent\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(name,"pangea") != 0 && strcmp(name,"InstantDEX") != 0 && strcmp(name,"jumblr") != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no port specified for remote agent\"}")); return(iguana_addagent(name,iguana_remoteparser,hostname,methods,port,jstr(json,"pubkey"),jstr(json,"privkey"))); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant addagent without name and methods\"}")); } if ( (retstr= iguana_addagent("ramchain",ramchain_parser,"",cJSON_Parse("[\"block\", \"tx\", \"txs\", \"rawtx\", \"balance\", \"totalreceived\", \"totalsent\", \"utxo\", \"status\"]"),0,0,0)) != 0 ) printf("%s\n",retstr), free(retstr); /*void iguana_issuejsonstrM(void *arg) { cJSON *json; int32_t fd; char *retjsonstr,*jsonstr = arg; retjsonstr = iguana_JSON(jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (fd= juint(json,"retdest")) > 0 ) { send(fd,jsonstr,(int32_t)strlen(jsonstr)+1,MSG_NOSIGNAL); } free_json(json); return; } printf("%s\n",retjsonstr); free(retjsonstr);//,strlen(retjsonstr)+1); free(jsonstr);//,strlen(jsonstr)+1); }*/ int32_t iguana_rpctestvector(struct iguana_info *coin,char *checkstr,char *jsonstr,int32_t maxlen,int32_t testi) { int32_t len,checklen; sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"rpc.%s testvector.%d\"}",coin->symbol,testi); sprintf(checkstr,"{\"rpc.%s testvector.%d checkstr should have all info needed to verify the rpc request\"}",coin->symbol,testi); len = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr); checklen = (int32_t)strlen(checkstr); if ( len > maxlen || checklen > maxlen ) printf("iguana_rpctestvector: i was bad and overflowed buffer len.%d checklen.%d\n",len,checklen), exit(-1); if ( checklen > len ) len = checklen; return(len); } int32_t iguana_rpctestcheck(struct iguana_info *coin,char *jsonstr,char *retjsonstr) { if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) // 1% failure rate return(-1); else return(0); } int32_t iguana_rpctest(struct iguana_info *coin) { /* static int32_t testi,good,bad; char *retjsonstr,jsonstr[4096],checkstr[sizeof(jsonstr)]; // should be big enough //if ( (rand() % 1000) < 999 ) // if no test active, just return 0 return(0); if ( iguana_rpctestvector(coin,checkstr,jsonstr,sizeof(jsonstr),testi++) > 0 ) { retjsonstr = iguana_rpc(coin,jsonstr); if ( iguana_rpctestcheck(coin,jsonstr,retjsonstr) < 0 ) bad++, printf("rpctestcheck.%s error: (%s) -> (%s) | good.%d bad.%d %.2f%%\n",coin->symbol,jsonstr,retjsonstr,good,bad,100.*(double)good/(good+bad)); else good++; free(retjsonstr); return(1); // indicates was active }*/ return(0); } char *iguana_agentjson(char *name,struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { cJSON *retjson = 0,*array,*methods,*obj; int32_t i,n,j; struct iguana_agent *agent; if ( strcmp(name,"SuperNET") != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<sizeof(Agents)/sizeof(*Agents); i++) { if ( (agent= Agents[i]) != 0 && strcmp(agent->name,name) == 0 ) { if ( agent->parsefunc != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<agent->nummethods; j++) { if ( (obj= jitem(agent->methods,j)) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,jstr(obj,0)) == 0 ) return((*agent->parsefunc)(agent,method,json,remoteaddr)); } } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"agent doesnt have method\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"agent doesnt have parsefunc\"}")); } } } else if ( remoteaddr == 0 || strcmp(remoteaddr,"") != 0 ) // public api { char *coinstr; int32_t j,k,l,r,rr; struct iguana_peer *addr; array = 0; if ( strcmp(method,"getpeers") == 0 ) { if ( (coinstr= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 ) { if ( (array= iguana_peersjson(iguana_coinfind(coinstr),1)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"coin not found\"}")); } else { n = 0; array = cJSON_CreateArray(); r = rand(); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXCOINS; i++) { j = (r + i) % IGUANA_MAXCOINS; if ( (coin= Coins[j]) != 0 ) { rr = rand(); for (k=0; k<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; k++) { l = (rr + k) % IGUANA_MAXPEERS; addr = &coin->peers.active[l]; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->supernet != 0 ) { jaddistr(array,addr->ipaddr); if ( ++n >= 64 ) break; } } } } } if ( array != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"agent","SuperNET"); jaddstr(retjson,"method","mypeers"); jaddstr(retjson,"result","peers found"); jadd(retjson,"peers",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no peers found\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"mypeers") == 0 ) { printf("mypeers from %s\n",remoteaddr!=0?remoteaddr:"local"); } } else // local api { if ( strcmp(method,"list") == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Coins)/sizeof(*Coins); i++) { if ( Coins[i] != 0 && Coins[i]->symbol[0] != 0 ) jaddistr(array,Coins[i]->symbol); } jadd(retjson,"coins",array); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Agents)/sizeof(*Agents); i++) { if ( Agents[i] != 0 && Agents[i]->name[0] != 0 ) jaddi(array,iguana_agentinfojson(Agents[i])); } jadd(retjson,"agents",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"peers") == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Coins)/sizeof(*Coins); i++) { if ( Coins[i] != 0 && Coins[i]->symbol[0] != 0 ) jaddi(array,iguana_peersjson(Coins[i],0)); } jadd(retjson,"allpeers",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"stub processed generic json\"}")); } char *iguana_jsonstr(struct iguana_info *coin,char *jsonstr,char *remoteaddr) { cJSON *json; char *retjsonstr,*methodstr,*agentstr; //printf("iguana_jsonstr.(%s)\n",jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (methodstr= jstr(json,"method")) != 0 ) { if ( (agentstr= jstr(json,"agent")) == 0 || strcmp(agentstr,"iguana") == 0 ) retjsonstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,methodstr,json); else retjsonstr = iguana_agentjson(agentstr,coin,methodstr,json,remoteaddr); } else retjsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"no method in JSON\"}"); free_json(json); } else retjsonstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant parse JSON\"}"); printf("iguana_jsonstr.(%s)\n",retjsonstr); return(retjsonstr); } char *iguana_htmlget(char *space,int32_t max,int32_t *jsonflagp,char *path,char *remoteaddr,int32_t localaccess) { char *iguana_coinjson(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,cJSON *json); struct iguana_info *coin = 0; cJSON *json; bits256 hash2; int32_t height,i; char buf[64],jsonstr[1024],coinstr[64],*retstr; for (i=0; path[i]!=0; i++) if ( path[i] == ' ' ) break; path[i] = 0; if ( path[strlen(path)-1] == '/' ) path[strlen(path)-1] = 0; if ( strncmp(path,"/api",strlen("/api")) == 0 ) { *jsonflagp = 1; path += strlen("/api"); } else *jsonflagp = 0; iguana_coinset(coinstr,path); if ( coinstr[0] != 0 ) coin = iguana_coinfind(coinstr); else coin = 0; if ( strncmp(path,"/bitmap",strlen("/bitmap")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("/bitmap"); *jsonflagp = 2; iguana_bitmap(space,max,path); return(space); } //printf("GETCHECK.(%s)\n",path); if ( strncmp(path,"/ramchain/",strlen("/ramchain/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("/ramchain/"); if ( strncmp(path,"block/",strlen("block/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("block/"); if ( strncmp(path,"height/",strlen("height/")) == 0 ) { height = atoi(path + strlen("height/")); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"ramchain\",\"method\":\"block\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"height\":%d,\"txids\":1}",coinstr,height); return(iguana_ramchain_glue(coin,"block",Currentjsonstr)); } else if ( strncmp(path,"hash/",strlen("hash/")) == 0 ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),path + strlen("hash/")); char str[65]; printf("ramchain blockhash.%s\n",bits256_str(str,hash2)); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"ramchain\",\"method\":\"block\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"hash\":\"%s\",\"txids\":1}",coinstr,str); return(iguana_ramchain_glue(coin,"block",Currentjsonstr)); } } else if ( strncmp(path,"txid/",strlen("txid/")) == 0 ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),path + strlen("txid/")); char str[65]; bits256_str(str,hash2); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"ramchain\",\"method\":\"tx\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"txid\":\"%s\"}",coinstr,str); return(iguana_ramchain_glue(coin,"tx",Currentjsonstr)); } else if ( strncmp(path,"explore/",strlen("explore/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("explore/"); if ( coin != 0 ) { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"explore\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"search\":\"%s\"}",coinstr,path); } else sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"explore\",\"search\":\"%s\"}",path); return(iguana_ramchain_glue(coin,"explore",Currentjsonstr)); } else if ( strncmp(path,"bundleinfo/",strlen("bundleinfo/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("bundleinfo/"); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"bundleinfo\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"height\":%d}",coinstr,atoi(path)); } else { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"%s\",\"coin\":\"%s\"}",path,coinstr); return(iguana_ramchain_glue(coin,path,Currentjsonstr)); } } else if ( strncmp(path,"/hash/",strlen("/hash/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("/hash/"); return(iguana_hashparse(path)); } else if ( strncmp(path,"/iguana/",strlen("/iguana/")) == 0 ) { strcpy(Currentjsonstr,path); path += strlen("/iguana/"); if ( strncmp(path,"setagent/",strlen("setagent/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("setagent/"); if ( strncmp(path,"ramchain",strlen("ramchain")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"iguana",strlen("iguana")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"InstantDEX",strlen("InstantDEX")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"pangea",strlen("pangea")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"PAX",strlen("PAX")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"ALL",strlen("ALL")) == 0 || strncmp(path,"jumblr",strlen("jumblr")) == 0 ) { if ( strncmp(Default_agent,path,strlen(path)) == 0 ) { strcpy(Default_agent,"ALL"); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"ALL agents selected\"}")); } strcpy(Default_agent,path); if ( Default_agent[strlen(Default_agent)-1] == '/' ) Default_agent[strlen(Default_agent)-1] = 0; sprintf(buf,"{\"result\":\"agent selected\",\"name\":\"%s\"}",path); return(clonestr(buf)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid agent specified\"}")); } else { if ( strncmp(path,"peers/",strlen("peers/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("peers/"); if ( coin != 0 ) { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"peers\",\"coin\":\"%s\"}",coinstr); } else sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"peers\"}"); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"peers",json); free_json(json); return(retstr); } else if ( coin != 0 ) { if ( strncmp(path,"addnode/",strlen("addnode/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("addnode/"); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnode\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"ipaddr\":\"%s\"}",coinstr,path); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"addnode",json); free_json(json); return(retstr); } else if ( strncmp(path,"nodestatus/",strlen("nodestatus/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("nodestatus/"); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"nodestatus\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"ipaddr\":\"%s\"}",coinstr,path); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"nodestatus",json); free_json(json); return(retstr); } else if ( strncmp(path,"addcoin",strlen("addcoin")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("addcoin"); iguana_coinset(buf,path); if ( (coin= iguana_coinadd(buf)) != 0 ) { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"coin\":\"%s\"}",buf); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"addcoin",json); free_json(json); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant create coin\"}"); return(retstr); } else if ( strncmp(path,"startcoin",strlen("startcoin")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("startcoin"); iguana_coinset(buf,path); if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(buf)) != 0 ) { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"startcoin\",\"coin\":\"%s\"}",buf); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"startcoin",json); free_json(json); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant create coin\"}"); return(retstr); } else if ( strncmp(path,"pausecoin",strlen("pausecoin")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("pausecoin"); iguana_coinset(buf,path); if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(buf)) != 0 ) { sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"pausecoin\",\"coin\":\"%s\"}",buf); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"pausecoin",json); free_json(json); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant create coin\"}"); return(retstr); } else if ( strncmp(path,"maxpeers/",strlen("maxpeers/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("maxpeers/"); sprintf(Currentjsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"maxpeers\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"max\":%d}",coinstr,atoi(path)); json = cJSON_Parse(Currentjsonstr); retstr = iguana_coinjson(coin,"maxpeers",json); free_json(json); return(retstr); } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"iguana method not found\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"iguana method needs coin\"}")); } } else if ( strncmp(path,"/InstantDEX/",strlen("/InstantDEX/")) == 0 ) { double price,volume; char base[16],rel[16],exchange[16]; path += strlen("/InstantDEX/"); jsonstr[0] = 0; if ( strncmp(path,"placebid/",strlen("placebid/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("placebid/"); if ( iguana_InstantDEX(jsonstr,path,"placebid") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"error with placebid parameters\"}")); } else if ( strncmp(path,"placeask/",strlen("placeask/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("placeask/"); if ( iguana_InstantDEX(jsonstr,path,"placeask") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"error with placeask parameters\"}")); } else if ( strncmp(path,"orderbook/",strlen("orderbook/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("orderbook/"); iguana_parsebidask(base,rel,exchange,&price,&volume,path); if ( exchange[0] == 0 ) strcpy(exchange,"active"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"orderbook\",\"base\":\"%s\",\"rel\":\"%s\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"allfields\":1}",base,rel,exchange); } else if ( strncmp(path,"orderstatus/",strlen("orderstatus/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("orderstatus/"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"orderstatus\",\"orderid\":\"%s\"}",path); } else if ( strncmp(path,"cancelorder/",strlen("cancelorder/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("cancelorder/"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"cancelorder\",\"orderid\":\"%s\"}",path); } else if ( strncmp(path,"balance/",strlen("balance/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("balance/"); iguana_parsebidask(base,rel,exchange,&price,&volume,path); if ( path[0] != ' ' && path[0] != '/' ) sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"balance\",\"exchange\":\"%s\"}",path); else sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"balance\"}"); } else if ( strncmp(path,"openorders",strlen("openorders")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("openorders"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"openorders\"}"); } else if ( strncmp(path,"tradehistory",strlen("tradehistory")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("tradehistory"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"tradehistory\"}"); } else if ( strncmp(path,"allorderbooks",strlen("allorderbooks")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("allorderbooks"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"allorderbooks\"}"); } else if ( strncmp(path,"allexchanges",strlen("allexchanges")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("allexchanges"); sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"allexchanges\"}"); } if ( jsonstr[0] != 0 ) { strcpy(Currentjsonstr,jsonstr); return(clonestr(jsonstr)); //return(InstantDEX(jsonstr,remoteaddr,localaccess)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"unrecognized InstantDEX API call\"}")); } else if ( strncmp(path,"/pangea/",strlen("/pangea/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("/pangea/"); } else if ( strncmp(path,"/jumblr/",strlen("/jumblr/")) == 0 ) { path += strlen("/jumblr/"); } else printf("no match to (%s)\n",path); return(0); } char *iguana_rpcparse(char *retbuf,int32_t bufsize,int32_t *postflagp,char *jsonstr) { cJSON *json = 0; int32_t i,n,localaccess,datalen,postflag = 0; char *key,*reststr,*str,*retstr,remoteaddr[65],porturl[65],*data = 0,*value,*agent = "SuperNET"; //printf("rpcparse.(%s)\n",jsonstr); localaccess = 1; if ( (str= strstr("Referer: ",jsonstr)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; str[i]!=' '&&str[i]!=0&&str[i]!='\n'&&str[i]!='\r'; i++) remoteaddr[i] = str[i]; remoteaddr[i] = 0; } else strcpy(remoteaddr,""); // need to verify this *postflagp = 0; if ( strncmp("POST",jsonstr,4) == 0 ) jsonstr += 6, *postflagp = postflag = 1; else if ( strncmp("GET",jsonstr,3) == 0 ) { jsonstr += 4; str = 0; sprintf(porturl,"Referer:",IGUANA_RPCPORT); if ( (str= iguana_htmlget(retbuf,bufsize,postflagp,jsonstr,remoteaddr,localaccess)) == 0 && (reststr= strstr(jsonstr,porturl)) != 0 ) { reststr += strlen(porturl); str = iguana_htmlget(retbuf,bufsize,postflagp,reststr,remoteaddr,localaccess); } if ( str != 0 ) { if ( *postflagp == 0 ) { json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result",str); if ( str != retbuf ) free(str); str = cJSON_Print(json); free_json(json); } return(str); } jsonstr++; } else return(0); n = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if ( jsonstr[i] == '?' ) break; if ( i == n ) { //printf("no url\n"); return(0); } if ( i > 0 ) { jsonstr[i] = 0; agent = jsonstr; jsonstr += i; } jsonstr++; json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"agent",agent); while ( 1 ) { n = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr); key = jsonstr; value = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( jsonstr[i] == ' ' || jsonstr[i] == '&' ) break; else if ( jsonstr[i] == '=' ) { if ( value != 0 ) { printf("parse error.(%s)\n",jsonstr); free_json(json); return(0); } jsonstr[i] = 0; value = &jsonstr[++i]; } } if ( value == 0 ) value = ""; jsonstr += i; if ( jsonstr[0] == ' ' ) { jsonstr[0] = 0; jsonstr++; if ( key != 0 && key[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(json,key,value); //printf("{%s:%s}\n",key,value); break; } jsonstr[0] = 0; jsonstr++; if ( key != 0 && key[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(json,key,value); //printf("{%s:%s}\n",key,value); if ( i == 0 ) break; } n = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr); datalen = 0; if ( postflag != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { //printf("(%d) ",jsonstr[i]); if ( jsonstr[i] == '\n' || jsonstr[i] == '\r' ) { //printf("[%s] cmp.%d\n",jsonstr+i+1,strncmp(jsonstr+i+1,"Content-Length:",strlen("Content-Length:"))); if ( strncmp(jsonstr+i+1,"Content-Length:",strlen("Content-Length:")) == 0 ) { datalen = (int32_t)atoi(jsonstr + i + 1 + strlen("Content-Length:") + 1); data = &jsonstr[n - datalen]; //printf("post.(%s) (%c)\n",data,data[0]); //iguana_urldecode(data); } } } } retstr = iguana_rpc(agent,json,data,datalen,remoteaddr); free_json(json); return(retstr); //printf("post.%d json.(%s) data[%d] %s\n",postflag,jprint(json,0),datalen,data!=0?data:""); //return(json); } char *iguana_rpc(char *agent,cJSON *json,char *data,int32_t datalen,char *remoteaddr) { //printf("agent.(%s) json.(%s) data[%d] %s\n",agent,jprint(json,0),datalen,data!=0?data:""); if ( data == 0 ) return(iguana_JSON(0,jprint(json,0),remoteaddr)); else return(iguana_JSON(0,data,remoteaddr)); } void iguana_urldecode(char *str) { int32_t a,b,c; char *dest = str; while ( (c= *str) != 0 ) { if ( c == '%' && (a= str[1]) != 0 && (b= str[2]) != 0 ) *dest++ = (unhex(a)<<4) | unhex(b); else *dest++ = c; } *dest = 0; } char *iguana_parsebidask(char *base,char *rel,char *exchange,double *pricep,double *volumep,char *line) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<16&&line[i]!='/'&&line[i]!=0; i++) base[i] = line[i]; base[i] = 0; touppercase(base); line += (i + 1); for (i=0; i<16&&line[i]!='/'&&line[i]!=0; i++) rel[i] = line[i]; rel[i] = 0; touppercase(rel); line += (i + 1); for (i=0; i<16&&line[i]!='/'&&line[i]!=0; i++) exchange[i] = line[i]; exchange[i] = 0; line += (i + 1); if ( strncmp(line,"price/",strlen("price/")) == 0 ) { line += strlen("price/"); *pricep = atof(line); if ( (line= strstr(line,"volume/")) != 0 ) { line += strlen("volume/"); *volumep = atof(line); for (i=0; i<16&&line[i]!=0; i++) if ( line[i] == '/' ) { i++; break; } return(line+i); } } return(0); } char *iguana_InstantDEX(char *jsonstr,char *path,char *method) { char *str,base[64],rel[64],exchange[64]; double price,volume; if ( (str= iguana_parsebidask(base,rel,exchange,&price,&volume,path)) != 0 ) { if ( price > 0. && volume > 0. ) { sprintf(jsonstr,"{\"agent\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"%s\",\"base\":\"%s\",\"rel\":\"%s\",\"exchange\":\"%s\",\"price\":\%0.8f,\"volume\":%0.8f}",method,base,rel,exchange,price,volume); return(jsonstr); } else return(0); } return(0); } void iguana_coinset(char *buf,char *path) { int32_t i; if ( path[0] == '/' ) path++; for (i=0; i<8&&path[i]!=0&&path[i]!=' '&&path[i]!='/'; i++) buf[i] = path[i]; buf[i] = 0; touppercase(buf); } char *iguana_ramchain_glue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,char *jsonstr) { cJSON *json; char *retstr; json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr); retstr = ramchain_parser(0,method,json); free_json(json); return(retstr); } void iguana_bundlestats(struct iguana_info *coin,char *str) { static bits256 zero; int32_t i,n,issued,dispflag,bundlei,lefti,minrequests,missing,numbundles,numdone,numrecv,totalsaved,numhashes,numcached,numsaved,numemit,numactive,firstbundle,totalrecv = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr1; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_bundle *bp; struct iguana_block *block; int64_t datasize,estsize = 0; //iguana_chainextend(coin,iguana_blockfind(coin,coin->blocks.hwmchain)); //if ( queue_size(&coin->blocksQ) == 0 ) // iguana_blockQ(coin,0,-1,coin->blocks.hwmchain.hash2,0); if ( 0 && queue_size(&coin->blocksQ) == 0 && queue_size(&coin->priorityQ) == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) coin->peers.active[i].pending = 0; } dispflag = (rand() % 1000) == 0; numbundles = numdone = numrecv = numhashes = numcached = totalsaved = numemit = numactive = 0; firstbundle = -1; issued = 0; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { minrequests = 777; bp->numhashes = 0; numbundles++; numrecv = datasize = numsaved = 0; missing = -1; lefti = -1; if ( bp->numrecv >= bp->n ) numdone++; else { for (bundlei=0; bundlei<bp->n; bundlei++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) == 0 ) { lefti = bundlei; if ( missing < 0 ) missing = bundlei; continue; } if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 || (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei])) != 0 ) { bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; if ( block->numrequests < minrequests ) minrequests = block->numrequests; if ( block->fpipbits != 0 ) numsaved++; if ( block->RO.recvlen != 0 ) { datasize += block->RO.recvlen; if ( block->queued != 0 ) numcached++; numrecv++; } if ( block->queued == 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 ) lefti = bundlei; } if ( firstbundle < 0 || firstbundle == bp->hdrsi ) firstbundle = bp->hdrsi; bp->numhashes++; } } if ( (bp->minrequests= minrequests) == 100 ) { for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++) if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) block->numrequests = 1; } //printf("(%d %d) ",bp->hdrsi,minrequests); numhashes += bp->numhashes; bp->numrecv = numrecv; bp->datasize = datasize; if ( bp->emitfinish != 0 ) { numemit++; if ( bp->emitfinish > coin->startutc && bp->purgetime == 0 && time(NULL) > bp->emitfinish+30 ) { char fname[1024]; int32_t hdrsi,m,j; uint32_t ipbits; for (j=m=0; j<sizeof(coin->peers.active)/sizeof(*coin->peers.active); j++) { if ( (ipbits= coin->peers.active[j].ipbits) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,"tmp",fname,ipbits,bp->hashes[0],zero,1) >= 0 ) { if ( OS_removefile(fname,0) > 0 ) coin->peers.numfiles--, m++; } else printf("error removing.(%s)\n",fname); } } //printf("purged hdrsi.%d m.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,m); bp->purgetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } else if ( numsaved > 0 ) { bp->estsize = ((uint64_t)datasize * bp->n) / (numrecv+1); estsize += bp->estsize; if ( bp->numhashes == bp->n ) numactive++; if ( 0 && dispflag != 0 ) { if ( bp->numrecv < bp->n-1 ) printf("(%d %d) ",i,bp->numrecv); else printf("(%d -[%d]) ",i,lefti); } if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 && bp->numrecv > bp->n-2 && lefti >= 0 && lefti < bp->n ) { //printf("remainder issue %d:%d %s\n",bp->hdrsi,lefti,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[lefti])); //iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,lefti,bp->hashes[lefti],1); } if ( numsaved >= bp->n && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { //printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EMIT\n"); bp->emitfinish = 1; iguana_emitQ(coin,bp); } /*if ( numrecv > bp->n*.98 ) { if ( numrecv > bp->n-3 ) bp->threshold = bp->avetime; else bp->threshold = bp->avetime * 2; } else*/ bp->threshold = bp->avetime; bp->metric = (bp->n - numsaved) / (bp->hdrsi + 1);//sqrt(abs((bp->n - bp->numrecv)) * sqrt(bp->estsize - bp->datasize)) / coin->chain->bundlesize; } else bp->threshold = 10000., bp->metric = 0.; totalrecv += numrecv; totalsaved += numsaved; } } coin->blocksrecv = totalrecv; char str2[65]; uint64_t tmp; int32_t diff,p = 0; struct tai difft,t = tai_now(); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) if ( coin->peers.active[i].usock >= 0 ) p++; diff = (int32_t)time(NULL) - coin->startutc; difft.x = (t.x - coin->starttime.x), difft.millis = (t.millis - coin->starttime.millis); tmp = (difft.millis * 1000000); tmp %= 1000000000; difft.millis = ((double)tmp / 1000000.); sprintf(str,"N[%d] d.%d p.%d g.%d A.%d h.%d r.%d c.%d:%d s.%d E.%d:%d M.%d L.%d est.%d %s %d:%02d:%02d %03.3f peers.%d/%d",coin->bundlescount,numdone,coin->numpendings,numbundles,numactive,numhashes,coin->blocksrecv,coin->numcached,coin->cachefreed,totalsaved,coin->numemitted,coin->numreqsent,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain,coin->MAXBUNDLES,mbstr(str2,estsize),(int32_t)difft.x/3600,(int32_t)(difft.x/60)%60,(int32_t)difft.x%60,difft.millis,p,coin->MAXPEERS); //sprintf(str+strlen(str),"%s.%-2d %s time %.2f files.%d Q.%d %d\n",coin->symbol,flag,str,(double)(time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.,coin->peers.numfiles,queue_size(&coin->priorityQ),queue_size(&coin->blocksQ)); if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) printf("%s\n",str); strcpy(coin->statusstr,str); coin->activebundles = numactive; coin->estsize = estsize; coin->numrecv = totalrecv; if ( 0 && queue_size(&coin->priorityQ) == 0 && coin->blocksrecv > coin->longestchain*.9 && coin->blocksrecv < coin->longestchain-1 ) { n = 0; for (i=coin->lastsweep; i<coin->longestchain-1; i++) { hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,i); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,hash2) == 0 || block->fpipbits == 0 ) { iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,hash2,1); n++; printf("%d ",i); if ( n > 1000 ) break; else if ( n < 10 && bp != 0 ) iguana_bundleiclear(coin,bp,bundlei); } coin->lastsweep = i; } if ( i >= coin->longestchain-1 ) coin->lastsweep = 0; } if ( n > 0 ) printf(">>>>>>>>>>> issued.%d 90%% blocks\n",n); } else if ( 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTCD") == 0 && queue_size(&coin->blocksQ) == 0 ) { for (i=n=0; i<coin->longestchain-1; i++) { hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,i); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 ) iguana_blockQ(coin,coin->bundles[i/coin->chain->bundlesize],i%coin->chain->bundlesize,hash2,0); } } } if ( 0 && coin->newramchain != 0 && now > coin->savedblocks+60 ) { char fname[512]; FILE *fp; sprintf(fname,"blocks.%s",coin->symbol), OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(coin->blocks.RO,sizeof(*coin->blocks.RO),coin->longestchain,fp) != coin->longestchain ) printf("error saving blocks\n"); else printf("%s saved\n",fname); fclose(fp); coin->savedblocks = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } /*struct iguana_block *iguana_blockrequest(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei,bits256 hash2,uint32_t now,int32_t iamthreadsafe) { struct iguana_block *block = 0; if( bp != 0 && bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < bp->n ) block = bp->blocks[bundlei]; if ( block == 0 && iamthreadsafe != 0 ) block = iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2); if ( block != 0 ) { //block->issued = now; block->numrequests++; } return(block); }*/ if ( 0 && addr->msgcounts.verack > 0 && coin->bundlescount > 0 && req == 0 && addr->pendblocks < limit )//&& now > addr->lastpoll ) { if ( 1 )//strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0 ) { int32_t bundlei; incr = coin->peers.numranked == 0 ? coin->MAXPEERS : coin->peers.numranked; if ( (rand() % 100) < 50 ) height = addr->rank * _IGUANA_MAXPENDING; else if ( (rand() % 100) < 50 ) height = addr->addrind + (addr->rank * (coin->longestchain - coin->blocks.hwmchain.height) / (coin->peers.numranked+1)); else if ( (rand() % 100) < 50 ) { height = (addr->lastheight + 1); if ( height >= coin->longestchain-coin->chain->bundlesize ) height = addr->rank*incr*_IGUANA_MAXPENDING; } else { height = coin->longestchain - (rand() % incr) * 1000; if ( height < 0 ) height = coin->blocks.hwmchain.height; } for (; height<coin->bundlescount*coin->chain->bundlesize; height+=incr) { if ( height > coin->longestchain ) height = addr->rank*incr*_IGUANA_MAXPENDING; if ( height > addr->lastheight ) addr->lastheight = height; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[height/coin->chain->bundlesize]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { bundlei = (height % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( bundlei < bp->n && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) > 0 && (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 && block->numrequests <= bp->minrequests && block->fpipbits == 0 && (bp->issued[bundlei] == 0 || now > bp->issued[bundlei]+13) ) { block->numrequests++; bp->issued[bundlei] = (uint32_t)time(NULL);; //if ( 0 && (rand() % 100) == 0 ) printf("%s Send auto blockreq.%d [%d] minreq.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,bp->bundleheight+bundlei,block->numrequests,bp->minrequests); iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,bundlei,bp->hashes[bundlei],0); return(1); } } //if ( (rand() % 100) < 50 ) // break; } } else { //printf("%s lastpoll.%u %u\n",addr->ipaddr,addr->lastpoll,now); addr->lastpoll = now; for (i=n=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) if ( coin->bundles[i] != 0 && coin->bundles[i]->emitfinish == 0 ) n++; if ( n >= coin->bundlescount-(coin->bundlescount>>3) || (addr->ipbits % 10) < 5 ) refbundlei = (addr->ipbits % coin->bundlescount); else { if ( n*2 < coin->bundlescount ) { for (i=refbundlei=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) { if ( addr->usock == coin->peers.active[i].usock ) break; if ( coin->peers.active[i].usock >= 0 ) refbundlei++; } //printf("half done\n"); } else refbundlei = ((addr->addrind*100) % coin->bundlescount); } for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (diff= (i - refbundlei)) < 0 ) diff = -diff; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { metric = (1 + diff * ((addr->addrind&1) == 0 ? 1 : 1) * (1. + bp->metric));// / (i*((addr->addrind&1) != 0 ? 1 : i) + 1); //printf("%f ",bp->metric); if ( bestmetric < 0. || metric < bestmetric ) bestmetric = metric, bestbp = bp; } } if ( bestbp != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { for (k=0; k<coin->bundlescount; k++) { i = (bestbp->hdrsi + k) % coin->bundlescount; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) == 0 || bp->emitfinish != 0 ) continue; //printf("%.15f ref.%d addrind.%d bestbp.%d\n",bestmetric,refbundlei,addr->addrind,bp->hdrsi); m = coin->chain->bundlesize; if ( bp->n < m ) m = bp->n; j = (addr->addrind*3 + 0) % m; val = (bp->threshold / 1000.); for (r=0; r<m; r++,j++) { if ( j >= m ) j = 0; if ( (block= bp->blocks[j]) != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 && block->queued == 0 && block->numrequests <= bp->minrequests ) { block->numrequests++; //block->issued = (uint32_t)time(NULL);; //printf("%s Send auto blockreq.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,bp->bundleheight+j); iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,j,hash2,0); return(1); } } } } } } void iguana_bundlestats(struct iguana_info *coin,char *str) { int32_t i,n,dispflag,numrecv,done,numhashes,numcached,numsaved,numemit; int64_t estsize = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bp; dispflag = (rand() % 1000) == 0; numrecv = numhashes = numcached = numsaved = numemit = done = 0; memset(coin->rankedbps,0,sizeof(coin->rankedbps)); for (i=n=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { coin->rankedbps[n][1] = i; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { estsize += iguana_bundlecalcs(coin,bp); numhashes += bp->numhashes; numcached += bp->numcached; numrecv += bp->numrecv; numsaved += bp->numsaved; if ( bp->emitfinish != 0 ) { done++; if ( bp->emitfinish > 1 ) numemit++; iguana_bundlepurge(coin,bp); } else if ( bp->metric > 0. ) coin->rankedbps[n++][0] = bp->metric; } } if ( n > 0 ) { struct iguana_peer *addr; uint32_t now; struct iguana_block *block; int32_t m,flag,origissue,j,issue,pend = 0; flag = m = 0; sortds(&coin->rankedbps[0][0],n,sizeof(coin->rankedbps[0])); for (i=0; i<coin->peers.numranked; i++) { if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 && addr->msgcounts.verack > 0 ) pend += addr->pendblocks; } if ( pend > 0 ) { origissue = (_IGUANA_MAXPENDING*coin->peers.numranked - pend); issue = origissue; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( issue <= 0 ) break; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[(int32_t)coin->rankedbps[i][1]]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 && bp->numhashes == bp->n ) { for (j=0; j<bp->n; j++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]) > 0 && (block= bp->blocks[j]) != 0 ) { //printf("j.%d bp.%d %d %x lag.%d\n",j,bp->minrequests,block->numrequests,block->fpipbits,now - bp->issued[j]); if ( block->numrequests <= bp->minrequests+10 && block->fpipbits == 0 && (bp->issued[j] == 0 || now > bp->issued[j]+60) ) { printf("%d:%d.%d ",bp->hdrsi,j,block->numrequests); flag++; bp->issued[j] = now; iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,j,bp->hashes[j],0); if ( --issue < 0 ) break; } } } } } /*for (i=0; i<n&&i<3; i++) printf("(%.5f %.0f).%d ",coin->rankedbps[i][0],coin->rankedbps[i][1],coin->bundles[(int32_t)coin->rankedbps[i][1]]->numrecv);*/ if ( flag != 0 ) printf("rem.%d issue.%d pend.%d | numranked.%d\n",n,origissue,pend,coin->peers.numranked); } } coin->numremain = n; coin->blocksrecv = numrecv; char str2[65]; uint64_t tmp; int32_t diff,p = 0; struct tai difft,t = tai_now(); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) if ( coin->peers.active[i].usock >= 0 ) p++; diff = (int32_t)time(NULL) - coin->startutc; difft.x = (t.x - coin->starttime.x), difft.millis = (t.millis - coin->starttime.millis); tmp = (difft.millis * 1000000); tmp %= 1000000000; difft.millis = ((double)tmp / 1000000.); sprintf(str,"N[%d] Q.%d h.%d r.%d c.%d:%d:%d s.%d d.%d E.%d:%d M.%d L.%d est.%d %s %d:%02d:%02d %03.3f peers.%d/%d Q.(%d %d)",coin->bundlescount,coin->numbundlesQ,numhashes,coin->blocksrecv,coin->numcached,numcached,coin->cachefreed,numsaved,done,numemit,coin->numreqsent,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain,coin->MAXBUNDLES,mbstr(str2,estsize),(int32_t)difft.x/3600,(int32_t)(difft.x/60)%60,(int32_t)difft.x%60,difft.millis,p,coin->MAXPEERS,queue_size(&coin->priorityQ),queue_size(&coin->blocksQ)); //sprintf(str+strlen(str),"%s.%-2d %s time %.2f files.%d Q.%d %d\n",coin->symbol,flag,str,(double)(time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.,coin->peers.numfiles,queue_size(&coin->priorityQ),queue_size(&coin->blocksQ)); //if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) static uint32_t lastdisp; if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+10 ) { printf("%s\n",str); lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } strcpy(coin->statusstr,str); coin->estsize = estsize; } char *iguana_bundledisp(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *prevbp,struct iguana_bundle *bp,struct iguana_bundle *nextbp,int32_t m) { static char line[1024]; line[0] = 0; if ( bp == 0 ) return(line); if ( prevbp != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(prevbp->hashes[0].bytes,bp->prevbundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) { if ( memcmp(prevbp->nextbundlehash2.bytes,bp->hashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) sprintf(line+strlen(line),"<->"); else sprintf(line+strlen(line),"<-"); } else if ( memcmp(prevbp->nextbundlehash2.bytes,bp->hashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) sprintf(line+strlen(line),"->"); } sprintf(line+strlen(line),"(%d:%d).%d ",bp->hdrsi,m,bp->numhashes); if ( nextbp != 0 ) { if ( memcmp(nextbp->hashes[0].bytes,bp->nextbundlehash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) { if ( memcmp(nextbp->prevbundlehash2.bytes,bp->hashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) sprintf(line+strlen(line),"<->"); else sprintf(line+strlen(line),"->"); } else if ( memcmp(nextbp->prevbundlehash2.bytes,bp->hashes[0].bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) sprintf(line+strlen(line),"<-"); } return(line); } if ( strcmp(method,"status") == 0 || strcmp(method,"getinfo") == 0 ) return(iguana_getinfo(myinfo,coin)); /* else if ( strcmp(method,"getbestblockhash") == 0 ) return(iguana_getbestblockhash(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"getblockcount") == 0 ) return(iguana_getblockcount(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"validatepubkey") == 0 ) return(iguana_validatepubkey(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"pubkey"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listtransactions") == 0 ) return(iguana_listtransactions(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"),juint(json,"count"),juint(json,"from"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getreceivedbyaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_getreceivedbyaddress(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"),juint(json,"minconf"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listreceivedbyaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_listreceivedbyaddress(myinfo,coin,juint(json,"minconf"),juint(json,"includeempty"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listsinceblock") == 0 ) return(iguana_listsinceblock(myinfo,coin,jbits256(json,"blockhash"),juint(json,"target"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getreceivedbyaccount") == 0 ) return(iguana_getreceivedbyaccount(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"),juint(json,"minconf"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listreceivedbyaccount") == 0 ) return(iguana_listreceivedbyaccount(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"),juint(json,"includeempty"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getnewaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_getnewaddress(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"makekeypair") == 0 ) return(iguana_makekeypair(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"getaccountaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_getaccountaddress(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"setaccount") == 0 ) return(iguana_setaccount(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"),jstr(json,"account"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getaccount") == 0 ) return(iguana_getaccount(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getaddressesbyaccount") == 0 ) return(iguana_getaddressesbyaccount(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listaddressgroupings") == 0 ) return(iguana_listaddressgroupings(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"getbalance") == 0 ) return(iguana_getbalance(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"),juint(json,"minconf"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listaccounts") == 0 ) return(iguana_listaccounts(myinfo,coin,juint(json,"minconf"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"dumpprivkey") == 0 ) return(iguana_dumpprivkey(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"importprivkey") == 0 ) return(iguana_importprivkey(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"wip"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"dumpwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_dumpwallet(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"importwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_importwallet(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"wallet"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"walletpassphrase") == 0 ) return(iguana_walletpassphrase(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"passphrase"),juint(json,"timeout"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"walletpassphrasechange") == 0 ) return(iguana_walletpassphrasechange(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"oldpassphrase"),jstr(json,"newpassphrase"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"walletlock") == 0 ) return(iguana_walletlock(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"encryptwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_encryptwallet(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"passphrase"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"checkwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_checkwallet(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"repairwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_repairwallet(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"backupwallet") == 0 ) return(iguana_backupwallet(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"filename"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"signmessage") == 0 ) return(iguana_signmessage(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"),jstr(json,"message"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"verifymessage") == 0 ) return(iguana_verifymessage(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"),jstr(json,"sig"),jstr(json,"message"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listunspent") == 0 ) return(iguana_listunspent(myinfo,coin,juint(json,"minconf"),juint(json,"maxconf"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"lockunspent") == 0 ) return(iguana_lockunspent(myinfo,coin,juint(json,"flag"),jobj(json,"array"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"listlockunspent") == 0 ) return(iguana_listlockunspent(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"gettxout") == 0 ) return(iguana_gettxout(myinfo,coin,jbits256(json,"txid"),juint(json,"vout"),juint(json,"mempool"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"gettxoutsetinfo") == 0 ) return(iguana_gettxoutsetinfo(myinfo,coin)); else if ( strcmp(method,"sendtoaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_sendtoaddress(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"address"),jdouble(json,"amount"),jstr(json,"comment"),jstr(json,"comment2"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"move") == 0 ) return(iguana_move(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"fromaccount"),jstr(json,"toaccount"),jdouble(json,"amount"),juint(json,"minconf"),jstr(json,"comment"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"sendfrom") == 0 ) return(iguana_sendfrom(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"fromaccount"),jstr(json,"toaddress"),jdouble(json,"amount"),juint(json,"minconf"),jstr(json,"comment"),jstr(json,"comment2"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"sendmany") == 0 ) return(iguana_sendmany(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"fromaccount"),jobj(json,"payments"),juint(json,"minconf"),jstr(json,"comment"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"settxfee") == 0 ) return(iguana_settxfee(myinfo,coin,jdouble(json,"amount"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getrawtransaction") == 0 ) return(iguana_getrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,jbits256(json,"txid"),juint(json,"verbose"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"createrawtransaction") == 0 ) return(iguana_createrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,jobj(json,"vins"),jobj(json,"vouts"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"decoderawtransaction") == 0 ) return(iguana_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"rawtx"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"decodescript") == 0 ) return(iguana_decodescript(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"script"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"signrawtransaction") == 0 ) return(iguana_signrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"rawtx"),jobj(json,"vins"),jobj(json,"privkeys"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"sendrawtransaction") == 0 ) return(iguana_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"rawtx"))); else if ( strcmp(method,"getrawchangeaddress") == 0 ) return(iguana_getrawchangeaddress(myinfo,coin,jstr(json,"account"))); */ char *iguana_jsoncheck(char *retstr,int32_t freeflag) { cJSON *retjson; char *errstr; if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (errstr= jstr(retjson,"error")) == 0 ) { free_json(retjson); return(retstr); } free_json(retjson); } if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(retstr); } return(0); } char *ramchain_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { char *symbol,*str,*retstr; int32_t height; cJSON *argjson,*obj; struct iguana_info *coin = 0; /*{"agent":"ramchain","method":"block","coin":"BTCD","hash":"<sha256hash>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"block","coin":"BTCD","height":345600} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"tx","coin":"BTCD","txid":"<sha txid>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"rawtx","coin":"BTCD","txid":"<sha txid>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"balance","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"balance","coin":"BTCD","addrs":["<coinaddress>",...]} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"totalreceived","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"totalsent","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"unconfirmed","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"utxo","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"utxo","coin":"BTCD","addrs":["<coinaddress0>", "<coinadress1>",...]} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"txs","coin":"BTCD","block":"<blockhash>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"txs","coin":"BTCD","height":12345} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"txs","coin":"BTCD","address":"<coinaddress>"} {"agent":"ramchain","method":"status","coin":"BTCD"}*/ if ( (symbol= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 && symbol[0] != 0 ) { if ( coin == 0 ) coin = iguana_coinfind(symbol); else if ( strcmp(symbol,coin->symbol) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"mismatched coin symbol\"}")); } if ( strcmp(method,"explore") == 0 ) { obj = jobj(json,"search"); if ( coin != 0 && obj != 0 ) { argjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(argjson,"agent","ramchain"); jaddstr(argjson,"method","block"); jaddnum(argjson,"txids",1); if ( is_cJSON_Number(obj) != 0 ) { height = juint(obj,0); jaddnum(argjson,"height",height); } else if ( (str= jstr(obj,0)) != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"hash",str); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need number or string to search\"}")); if ( (retstr= iguana_jsoncheck(ramchain_coinparser(myinfo,coin,"block",argjson),1)) != 0 ) { free_json(argjson); return(retstr); } free_json(argjson); argjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(argjson,"agent","ramchain"); jaddstr(argjson,"method","tx"); jaddstr(argjson,"txid",str); if ( (retstr= iguana_jsoncheck(ramchain_coinparser(myinfo,coin,"tx",argjson),1)) != 0 ) { free_json(argjson); return(retstr); } free_json(argjson); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"explore search cant find height, blockhash, txid\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"explore no coin or search\"}")); } return(ramchain_coinparser(myinfo,coin,method,json)); } /*int32_t pp_bind(char *hostname,uint16_t port) { int32_t opt; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); struct hostent* hostent = gethostbyname(hostname); if (hostent == NULL) { PNACL_message("gethostbyname() returned error: %d", errno); return -1; } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&addr.sin_addr.s_addr, hostent->h_addr_list[0], hostent->h_length); int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { printf("socket() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } opt = 1; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void*)&opt,sizeof(opt)); #ifdef __APPLE__ setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_NOSIGPIPE,&opt,sizeof(opt)); #endif //timeout.tv_sec = 0; //timeout.tv_usec = 1000; //setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); int result = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, addrlen); if (result != 0) { printf("bind() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); closesocket(sock); return -1; } return(sock); }*/ /*if ( strcmp(agent,"ramchain") == 0 ) return(ramchain_parser(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr)); else if ( strcmp(agent,"InstantDEX") == 0 ) return(InstantDEX_parser(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr)); else if ( strcmp(agent,"pangea") == 0 ) return(pangea_parser(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr)); else if ( strcmp(agent,"jumblr") == 0 ) return(jumblr_parser(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr)); else if ( strcmp(agent,"hash") == 0 ) return(hash_parser(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr));*/ char *iguana_coinjson(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,cJSON *json) { int32_t i,max,retval,num=0; char buf[1024]; struct iguana_peer *addr; char *ipaddr; cJSON *retjson = 0; //printf("iguana_coinjson(%s)\n",jprint(json,0)); if ( strcmp(method,"peers") == 0 ) return(jprint(iguana_peersjson(coin,0),1)); else if ( strcmp(method,"getconnectioncount") == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<sizeof(coin->peers.active)/sizeof(*coin->peers.active); i++) if ( coin->peers.active[i].usock >= 0 ) num++; sprintf(buf,"{\"result\":\"%d\"}",num); return(clonestr(buf)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"addnode") == 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= jstr(json,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { iguana_possible_peer(coin,ipaddr); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"addnode submitted\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"addnode needs ipaddr\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"removenode") == 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= jstr(json,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) { if ( strcmp(coin->peers.active[i].ipaddr,ipaddr) == 0 ) { coin->peers.active[i].rank = 0; coin->peers.active[i].dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"node marked as dead\"}")); } } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"node wasnt active\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"removenode needs ipaddr\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"oneshot") == 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= jstr(json,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { iguana_possible_peer(coin,ipaddr); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"addnode submitted\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"addnode needs ipaddr\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"nodestatus") == 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= jstr(json,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->MAXPEERS; i++) { addr = &coin->peers.active[i]; if ( strcmp(addr->ipaddr,ipaddr) == 0 ) return(jprint(iguana_peerjson(coin,addr),1)); } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"nodestatus couldnt find ipaddr\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"nodestatus needs ipaddr\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"maxpeers") == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (max= juint(json,"max")) <= 0 ) max = 1; else if ( max > IGUANA_MAXPEERS ) max = IGUANA_MAXPEERS; if ( max > coin->MAXPEERS ) { for (i=max; i<coin->MAXPEERS; i++) if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 ) addr->dead = 1; } coin->MAXPEERS = max; jaddnum(retjson,"maxpeers",coin->MAXPEERS); jaddstr(retjson,"coin",coin->symbol); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"startcoin") == 0 ) { coin->active = 1; return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"coin started\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"pausecoin") == 0 ) { coin->active = 0; return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"coin paused\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"addcoin") == 0 ) { if ( (retval= iguana_launchcoin(coin->symbol,json)) > 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"coin added\"}")); else if ( retval == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"coin already there\"}")); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"error adding coin\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"unhandled request\"}")); } char *iguana_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { char *coinstr,SYM[16]; int32_t j,k,l,r,rr; struct iguana_peer *addr; cJSON *retjson = 0,*array; int32_t i,n; struct iguana_info *coin; char *symbol; printf("remoteaddr.(%s)\n",remoteaddr!=0?remoteaddr:"local"); if ( remoteaddr == 0 || remoteaddr[0] == 0 || strcmp(remoteaddr,"") == 0 ) // local (private) api { if ( strcmp(method,"list") == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Coins)/sizeof(*Coins); i++) { if ( Coins[i] != 0 && Coins[i]->symbol[0] != 0 ) jaddistr(array,Coins[i]->symbol); } jadd(retjson,"coins",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"allpeers") == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Coins)/sizeof(*Coins); i++) { if ( Coins[i] != 0 && Coins[i]->symbol[0] != 0 ) jaddi(array,iguana_peersjson(Coins[i],0)); } jadd(retjson,"allpeers",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else { if ( (symbol= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 && strlen(symbol) < sizeof(SYM)-1 ) { strcpy(SYM,symbol); touppercase(SYM); if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(SYM)) == 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"addcoin") == 0 ) coin = iguana_coinadd(SYM); } if ( coin != 0 ) return(iguana_coinjson(coin,method,json)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant get coin info\"}")); } } } array = 0; if ( strcmp(method,"getpeers") == 0 ) { if ( (coinstr= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 ) { if ( (array= iguana_peersjson(iguana_coinfind(coinstr),1)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"coin not found\"}")); } else { n = 0; array = cJSON_CreateArray(); r = rand(); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXCOINS; i++) { j = (r + i) % IGUANA_MAXCOINS; if ( (coin= Coins[j]) != 0 ) { rr = rand(); for (k=0; k<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; k++) { l = (rr + k) % IGUANA_MAXPEERS; addr = &coin->peers.active[l]; if ( addr->usock >= 0 && addr->supernet != 0 ) { jaddistr(array,addr->ipaddr); if ( ++n >= 64 ) break; } } } } } if ( array != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"agent","SuperNET"); jaddstr(retjson,"method","mypeers"); jaddstr(retjson,"result","peers found"); jadd(retjson,"peers",array); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no peers found\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"mypeers") == 0 ) { printf("mypeers from %s\n",remoteaddr!=0?remoteaddr:"local"); } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"stub processed generic json\"}")); } char *InstantDEX_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API is not yet\"}")); } char *jumblr_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"jumblr API is not yet\"}")); } char *pangea_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *method,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"jumblr API is not yet\"}")); } /* char *hash_parser(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *hashname,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr) { int32_t i,len,iter,n; uint8_t databuf[512]; char hexstr[1025],*password,*name,*msg; typedef void (*hashfunc)(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len); typedef char *(*hmacfunc)(char *dest,char *key,int32_t key_size,char *message); struct hashfunc_entry { char *name; hashfunc hashfunc; }; struct hmacfunc_entry { char *name; hmacfunc hmacfunc; }; struct hashfunc_entry hashes[] = { {"NXT",calc_NXTaddr}, {"curve25519",calc_curve25519_str }, {"base64_encode",calc_base64_encodestr}, {"base64_decode",calc_base64_decodestr}, {"crc32",calc_crc32str}, {"rmd160_sha256",rmd160ofsha256}, {"sha256_sha256",sha256_sha256}, {"sha256",vcalc_sha256}, {"sha512",calc_sha512}, {"sha384",calc_sha384}, {"sha224",calc_sha224}, {"rmd160",calc_rmd160}, {"rmd256",calc_rmd256}, {"rmd320",calc_rmd320}, {"rmd128",calc_rmd128}, {"sha1",calc_sha1}, {"md5",calc_md5str}, {"md2",calc_md2str}, {"md4",calc_md4str}, {"tiger",calc_tiger}, {"whirlpool",calc_whirlpool} }; struct hmacfunc_entry hmacs[] = { {"hmac_sha256",hmac_sha256_str}, {"hmac_sha512",hmac_sha512_str}, {"hmac_sha384",hmac_sha384_str}, {"hmac_sha224",hmac_sha224_str}, {"hmac_rmd160",hmac_rmd160_str}, {"hmac_rmd256",hmac_rmd256_str}, {"hmac_rmd320",hmac_rmd320_str}, {"hmac_rmd128",hmac_rmd128_str}, {"hmac_sha1",hmac_sha1_str}, {"hmac_md52",hmac_md2_str},{"hmac_md4",hmac_md4_str},{"hmac_md5",hmac_md5_str}, {"hmac_tiger",hmac_tiger_str}, {"hmac_whirlpool",hmac_whirlpool_str} }; if ( (msg= jstr(json,"message")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no message to hash\"}")); if ( (password= jstr(json,"password")) == 0 || password[0] == 0 ) password = " "; n = (int32_t)sizeof(hashes)/sizeof(*hashes); printf("msg.(%s) password.(%s)\n",msg,password!=0?password:""); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { name = (iter == 0) ? hashes[i].name : hmacs[i].name; //printf("iter.%d i.%d (%s) vs (%s) %d\n",iter,i,name,hashname,strcmp(hashname,name) == 0); if ( strcmp(hashname,name) == 0 ) { json = cJSON_CreateObject(); len = msg==0?0:(int32_t)strlen(msg); if ( iter == 0 ) (*hashes[i].hashfunc)(hexstr,databuf,(uint8_t *)msg,len); else (*hmacs[i].hmacfunc)(hexstr,password,password==0?0:(int32_t)strlen(password),msg); jaddstr(json,"result","hash calculated"); jaddstr(json,"message",msg); jaddstr(json,name,hexstr); return(jprint(json,1)); } } n = (int32_t)sizeof(hmacs)/sizeof(*hmacs); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find hash function\"}")); }*/ /*cJSON *SuperNET_transportencode(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 destpub,cJSON *json,char *destip) { char str[65]; uint64_t r; if ( j64bits(json,"tag") == 0 ) { OS_randombytes((uint8_t *)&r,sizeof(r)); jadd64bits(json,"tag",r); } jdelete(json,"yourip"); jaddstr(json,"yourip",destip); jdelete(json,"mypub"); jaddstr(json,"mypub",bits256_str(str,myinfo->myaddr.pubkey)); jdelete(json,"myip"); jaddstr(json,"myip",myinfo->ipaddr); return(json); }*/ void ramcoder_test(void *data,int64_t datalen) { static double totalin,totalout; int32_t complen,bufsize = 1024 * 1024; uint8_t *buf; buf = malloc(bufsize); complen = ramcoder_compress(buf,bufsize,data,(int32_t)datalen); totalin += datalen; totalout += (complen >> 3); printf("datalen.%d -> numbits.%d %d %.3f\n",(int32_t)datalen,complen,complen>>3,(double)totalin/totalout); free(buf); } /*if ( (msgjson= cJSON_Parse(message)) != 0 ) { if ( (agent= jstr(msgjson,"agent")) != 0 && strcmp(agent,"SuperNET")) != 0 ) { safecopy(agentstr,agent,sizeof(agentstr)-1); jdelete(msgjson,"agent"); jaddstr(msgjson,"agent","SuperNET"); jaddstr(msgjson,"destagent",agentstr); } if ( (method= jstr(msgjson,"method")) != 0 && strcmp(agent,"SuperNET")) != 0 ) { safecopy(methodstr,method,sizeof(methodstr)-1); jdelete(msgjson,"method"); jaddstr(msgjson,"method","DHTsend"); jaddstr(msgjson,"destmethod",methodstr); } msgstr = jprint(msgjson,1); msglen = (int32_t)strlen(msgstr); hexstr = calloc(1,msglen*2+1); flag = 1; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,msgstr,msglen); } if ( flag != 0 ) free(hexstr);*/ //char str[65],str2[65],str3[65],str4[65]; //int32_t i; for (i=0; i<len; i++) // printf("%02x ",serialized[i]); //printf("ORIG SERIALIZED.%d\n",len); //printf("mypriv.%s destpub.%s seed.%s seed2.%s -> crc.%08x\n",bits256_str(str,myinfo->privkey),bits256_str(str2,destpub),bits256_str(str3,seed),bits256_str(str4,seed2),crc); numbits = ramcoder_compress(&compressed[3],maxsize-3,serialized,len,seed2); compressed[0] = (numbits & 0xff); compressed[1] = ((numbits>>8) & 0xff); compressed[2] = ((numbits>>16) & 0xff); //printf("strlen.%d len.%d -> %s numbits.%d\n",(int32_t)strlen(jprint(json,0)),len,bits256_str(str,seed2),(int32_t)hconv_bitlen(numbits)); if ( 0 ) { uint8_t space[9999]; int32_t testlen = ramcoder_decompress(space,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,&compressed[3],numbits,seed2); printf("len.%d -> testlen.%d cmp.%d\n",len,testlen,memcmp(space,serialized,testlen)); int32_t i; for (i=0; i<3+hconv_bitlen(numbits); i++) printf("%02x ",compressed[i]); printf("complen.%d\n",i+3); } *complenp = (int32_t)hconv_bitlen(numbits) + 3; cJSON *SuperNET_bits2json(bits256 senderpub,bits256 sharedseed,uint8_t *serialized,uint8_t *space,int32_t datalen,int32_t iscompressed) { char destip[64],method[64],checkstr[5],agent[64],myipaddr[64],str[65],*hexmsg; uint64_t tag; uint16_t apinum,checkc; uint32_t destipbits,myipbits; bits256 seed2; int32_t numbits,dlen,iter,flag=0,len = 0; uint32_t crc,checkcrc; cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); //int32_t i; for (i=0; i<datalen; i++) // printf("%02x ",serialized[i]); printf("bits[%d] iscompressed.%d sender.%llx shared.%llx\n",datalen,iscompressed,(long long)senderpub.txid,(long long)sharedseed.txid); if ( iscompressed != 0 ) { numbits = serialized[2]; numbits = (numbits << 8) + serialized[1]; numbits = (numbits << 8) + serialized[0]; if ( hconv_bitlen(numbits)+3 == datalen || hconv_bitlen(numbits)+3 == datalen-1 ) { memset(seed2.bytes,0,sizeof(seed2)); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { //char str[65]; printf("compressed len.%d seed2.(%s)\n",numbits,bits256_str(str,seed2)); dlen = ramcoder_decompress(space,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,&serialized[3],numbits,seed2); serialized = space; if ( dlen > sizeof(crc) && dlen < IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) { crc = calc_crc32(0,&serialized[sizeof(crc)],dlen - sizeof(crc)); iguana_rwnum(0,serialized,sizeof(checkcrc),&checkcrc); //int32_t i; for (i=0; i<datalen; i++) // printf("%02x ",serialized[i]); printf("bits[%d] numbits.%d after decompress crc.(%08x vs %08x) <<<<<< iter.%d %llx shared.%llx\n",datalen,numbits,crc,checkcrc,iter,(long long)seed2.txid,(long long)sharedseed.txid); if ( crc == checkcrc ) { flag = 1; break; } } seed2 = sharedseed; } } else { printf("numbits.%d + 3 -> %d != datalen.%d\n",numbits,(int32_t)hconv_bitlen(numbits)+3,datalen); return(0); } } if ( flag == 0 ) return(0); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(uint32_t),&crc); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(uint32_t),&destipbits); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(uint32_t),&myipbits); len += iguana_rwbignum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(bits256),senderpub.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(tag),&tag); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(checkc),&checkc); len += iguana_rwnum(0,&serialized[len],sizeof(apinum),&apinum); //printf("-> dest.%x myip.%x senderpub.%llx tag.%llu\n",destipbits,myipbits,(long long)senderpub.txid,(long long)tag); if ( SuperNET_num2API(agent,method,apinum) >= 0 ) { jaddstr(json,"agent",agent); jaddstr(json,"method",method); expand_ipbits(destip,destipbits), jaddstr(json,"yourip",destip); expand_ipbits(myipaddr,myipbits), jaddstr(json,"myip",myipaddr); jaddstr(json,"mypub",bits256_str(str,senderpub)); jadd64bits(json,"tag",tag); init_hexbytes_noT(checkstr,(void *)&checkc,sizeof(checkc)); jaddstr(json,"check",checkstr); if ( len < datalen ) { printf("len %d vs %d datalen\n",len,datalen); hexmsg = malloc(((datalen - len)<<1) + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(hexmsg,&serialized[len],datalen - len); printf("hex.(%s)\n",hexmsg); jaddstr(json,"message",hexmsg); free(hexmsg); } //printf("bits2json.(%s)\n",jprint(json,0)); return(json); } else printf("cant decode apinum.%d (%d.%d)\n",apinum,apinum>>5,apinum%0x1f); return(0); } #ifdef notyet int32_t SuperNET_serialize(int32_t reverse,bits256 *senderpubp,uint64_t *senderbitsp,bits256 *sigp,uint32_t *timestampp,uint64_t *destbitsp,uint8_t *origbuf) { uint8_t *buf = origbuf; long extra = sizeof(bits256) + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint64_t); buf += SuperNET_copybits(reverse,buf,(void *)destbitsp,sizeof(uint64_t)); buf += SuperNET_copybits(reverse,buf,senderpubp->bytes,sizeof(bits256)); buf += SuperNET_copybits(reverse,buf,(void *)senderbitsp,sizeof(uint64_t)); buf += SuperNET_copybits(reverse,buf,(void *)timestampp,sizeof(uint32_t)), extra += sizeof(uint32_t); if ( *senderbitsp != 0 ) buf += SuperNET_copybits(reverse,buf,sigp->bytes,sizeof(bits256)), extra += sizeof(bits256); else memset(sigp,0,sizeof(*sigp)); if ( ((long)buf - (long)origbuf) != extra ) { printf("SuperNET_serialize: extrasize mismatch %ld vs %ld\n",((long)buf - (long)origbuf),extra); } return((int32_t)extra); } int32_t SuperNET_decode(uint64_t *senderbitsp,bits256 *sigp,uint32_t *timestampp,uint64_t *destbitsp,uint8_t *str,uint8_t *cipher,int32_t *lenp,uint8_t *myprivkey) { bits256 srcpubkey; uint8_t *nonce; int i,hdrlen,err=0,len = *lenp; hdrlen = SuperNET_serialize(1,&srcpubkey,senderbitsp,sigp,timestampp,destbitsp,cipher); cipher += hdrlen, len -= hdrlen; if ( *destbitsp != 0 && *senderbitsp != 0 ) { nonce = cipher; cipher += crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, len -= crypto_box_NONCEBYTES; printf("decode ptr.%p[%d]\n",cipher,len); err = crypto_box_open((uint8_t *)str,cipher,len,nonce,srcpubkey.bytes,myprivkey); for (i=0; i<len-crypto_box_ZEROBYTES; i++) str[i] = str[i+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES]; *lenp = len - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES; } else memcpy(str,cipher,len); return(err); } uint8_t *SuperNET_encode(int32_t *cipherlenp,void *str,int32_t len,bits256 destpubkey,bits256 myprivkey,bits256 mypubkey,uint64_t senderbits,bits256 sig,uint32_t timestamp) { uint8_t *buf,*nonce,*origcipher,*cipher,*ptr; uint64_t destbits; int32_t totalsize,hdrlen; long extra = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + sizeof(sig); destbits = (memcmp(destpubkey.bytes,GENESIS_PUBKEY.bytes,sizeof(destpubkey)) != 0) ? acct777_nxt64bits(destpubkey) : 0; totalsize = (int32_t)(len + sizeof(mypubkey) + sizeof(senderbits) + sizeof(destbits) + sizeof(timestamp)); *cipherlenp = 0; if ( (buf= calloc(1,totalsize + extra)) == 0 ) { printf("SuperNET_encode: outof mem for buf[%ld]\n",totalsize+extra); return(0); } if ( (cipher= calloc(1,totalsize + extra + sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr))) == 0 ) { printf("SuperNET_encode: outof mem for cipher[%ld]\n",totalsize + extra + sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)); free(buf); return(0); } origcipher = cipher; ptr = &cipher[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)]; hdrlen = SuperNET_serialize(0,&mypubkey,&senderbits,&sig,×tamp,&destbits,ptr); printf("hdrlen.%d sender.%llx dest.%llx\n",hdrlen,(long long)senderbits,(long long)destbits); if ( senderbits != 0 ) totalsize += sizeof(sig);//, printf("totalsize.%d extra.%ld add %ld\n",totalsize-len,extra,(long)(sizeof(sig) + sizeof(timestamp))); if ( destbits != 0 && senderbits != 0 ) { totalsize += crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES;//, printf("totalsize.%d extra.%ld add %d\n",totalsize-len,extra,crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); nonce = &ptr[hdrlen]; OS_randombytes(nonce,crypto_box_NONCEBYTES); cipher = &nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; //printf("len.%d -> %d %d\n",len,len+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES,len + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES); memset(cipher,0,len+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); memset(buf,0,crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); memcpy(buf+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES,str,len); printf("cryptobox.%p[%d]\n",cipher,len+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); crypto_box(cipher,buf,len+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES,nonce,destpubkey.bytes,myprivkey.bytes); hdrlen += crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES; } else memcpy(&cipher[hdrlen],str,len); if ( totalsize != len+hdrlen ) printf("unexpected totalsize.%d != len.%d + hdrlen.%d %d\n",totalsize,len,hdrlen,len+hdrlen); *cipherlenp = totalsize; { bits256 checksig; uint32_t checkstamp; uint64_t checksender,checkbits; int32_t checklen; checklen = totalsize; if ( SuperNET_decode(&checksender,&checksig,&checkstamp,&checkbits,(void *)buf,ptr,&checklen,myprivkey.bytes) == 0 ) { printf("decoded %u %llx checklen.%d\n",checkstamp,(long long)checkbits,checklen); } else printf("encrypt/decrypt error\n"); printf("decoded %u %llx checklen.%d\n",checkstamp,(long long)checkbits,checklen); } free(buf); return(origcipher); } int32_t SuperNET_decrypt(bits256 *senderpubp,uint64_t *senderbitsp,uint32_t *timestampp,bits256 mypriv,bits256 mypub,uint8_t *dest,int32_t maxlen,uint8_t *src,int32_t len) { bits256 seed,sig,msgpriv; uint64_t my64bits,destbits,senderbits,sendertmp,desttmp; uint8_t *buf; int32_t hdrlen,diff,newlen = -1; HUFF H,*hp = &H; struct acct777_sig checksig; *senderbitsp = 0; my64bits = acct777_nxt64bits(mypub); if ( (buf = calloc(1,maxlen)) == 0 ) { printf("SuperNET_decrypt cant allocate maxlen.%d\n",maxlen); return(-1); } hdrlen = SuperNET_serialize(1,senderpubp,&senderbits,&sig,timestampp,&destbits,src); if ( destbits != 0 && my64bits != destbits && destbits != acct777_nxt64bits(GENESIS_PUBKEY) ) { free(buf); printf("SuperNET_decrypt received destination packet.%llu when my64bits.%llu len.%d\n",(long long)destbits,(long long)my64bits,len); return(-1); } if ( memcmp(mypub.bytes,senderpubp->bytes,sizeof(mypub)) == 0 ) { if ( destbits != 0 ) printf("SuperNET: got my own msg?\n"); } printf("decrypt(%d) destbits.%llu my64.%llu mypriv.%llx mypub.%llx senderpub.%llx shared.%llx\n",len,(long long)destbits,(long long)my64bits,(long long)mypriv.txid,(long long)mypub.txid,(long long)senderpubp->txid,(long long)seed.txid); if ( SuperNET_decode(&sendertmp,&sig,timestampp,&desttmp,(void *)buf,src,&len,mypriv.bytes) == 0 ) { if ( (diff= (*timestampp - (uint32_t)time(NULL))) < 0 ) diff = -diff; if ( 1 && diff > SUPERNET_MAXTIMEDIFF ) printf("diff.%d > %d %u vs %u\n",diff,SUPERNET_MAXTIMEDIFF,*timestampp,(uint32_t)time(NULL)); else { if ( 0 ) { memset(seed.bytes,0,sizeof(seed)); //for (i='0'; i<='9'; i++) // SETBIT(seed.bytes,i); //for (i='a'; i<='f'; i++) // SETBIT(seed.bytes,i); _init_HUFF(hp,len,buf), hp->endpos = (len << 3); newlen = ramcoder_decoder(0,1,dest,maxlen,hp,&seed); } else memcpy(dest,buf,len), newlen = len; //printf("T%d decrypted newlen.%d\n",threadid,newlen); if ( senderbits != 0 && senderpubp->txid != 0 ) { *senderbitsp = senderbits; if ( destbits == 0 ) msgpriv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; else msgpriv = mypriv; acct777_sign(&checksig,msgpriv,*senderpubp,*timestampp,dest,newlen); if ( memcmp(checksig.sigbits.bytes,&sig,sizeof(checksig.sigbits)) != 0 ) { printf("sender.%llu sig %llx compare error vs %llx using sig->pub from %llu, broadcast.%d len.%d -> newlen.%d\n",(long long)senderbits,(long long)sig.txid,(long long)checksig.sigbits.txid,(long long)senderbits,destbits == 0,len,newlen); //free(buf); //return(0); } //else printf("SIG VERIFIED newlen.%d (%llu -> %llu)\n",newlen,(long long)senderbits,(long long)destbits); } } } else printf("%llu: SuperNET_decrypt skip: decode_cipher error len.%d -> newlen.%d\n",(long long)acct777_nxt64bits(mypub),len,newlen); free(buf); return(newlen); } int32_t SuperNET_sendmsg(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,bits256 destpub,bits256 mypriv,bits256 mypub,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len,uint8_t *data,int32_t delaymillis) { int32_t cipherlen,datalen,qlen=-1; bits256 seed; uint8_t *cipher; uint64_t destbits; struct acct777_sig sig; HUFF H,*hp = &H; if ( destpub.txid != 0 ) destbits = acct777_nxt64bits(destpub); else { destbits = 0; destpub = GENESIS_PUBKEY; } printf("SuperNET_sendmsg dest.%llu destpub.%llx priv.%llx pub.%llx\n",(long long)destbits,(long long)destpub.txid,(long long)mypriv.txid,(long long)mypub.txid); memset(&sig,0,sizeof(sig)); if ( mypub.txid == 0 || mypriv.txid == 0 ) mypriv = curve25519_keypair(&mypub), sig.timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); else acct777_sign(&sig,mypriv,destpub,(uint32_t)time(NULL),msg,len); if ( 0 ) { memset(seed.bytes,0,sizeof(seed)); //seed = addr->sharedseed; data = calloc(1,len*2); _init_HUFF(hp,len*2,data); /*for (i='0'; i<='9'; i++) SETBIT(seed.bytes,i); for (i='a'; i<='f'; i++) SETBIT(seed.bytes,i);*/ ramcoder_encoder(0,1,msg,len,hp,0,&seed); datalen = (int32_t)hconv_bitlen(hp->bitoffset); } else data = msg, datalen = len; if ( (cipher= SuperNET_encode(&cipherlen,data,datalen,destpub,mypriv,mypub,sig.signer64bits,sig.sigbits,sig.timestamp)) != 0 ) { qlen = iguana_queue_send(coin,addr,delaymillis,cipher,"SuperNETb",cipherlen,0,0); free(cipher); } return(qlen); } #endif /*memset(senderpub.bytes,0,sizeof(senderpub)); if ( iscompressed != 0 ) { if ( (len= SuperNET_decrypt(&senderpub,&senderbits,×tamp,mypriv,mypub,space,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,serialized,datalen)) > 1 && len < IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) { if ( memcmp(senderpub.bytes,addr->pubkey.bytes,sizeof(senderpub)) != 0 ) { printf("got new pubkey.(%s) for %s\n",bits256_str(str,senderpub),addr->ipaddr); addr->pubkey = senderpub; addr->sharedseed = SuperNET_sharedseed(mypriv,senderpub); } serialized = space; datalen = len; len = 0; } else printf("decrypt error len.%d origlen.%d\n",len,datalen); }*/ bits256 testprivkey(int32_t selector) { bits256 privkey; memset(privkey.bytes,0,sizeof(privkey.bytes)); privkey.bytes[15] = selector; return(privkey); } bits256 testpubkey(int32_t selector) { return(acct777_pubkey(testprivkey(selector))); } /*char *pangea_univ(uint8_t *mypriv,cJSON *json) { char *addrtypes[][3] = { {"BTC","0","80"}, {"LTC","48"}, {"BTCD","60","bc"}, {"DOGE","30"}, {"VRC","70"}, {"OPAL","115"}, {"BITS","25"} }; char *wipstr,*coin,*coinaddr,pubkeystr[67],rsaddr[64],destaddr[64],wifbuf[128]; uint8_t priv[32],pub[33],addrtype; int32_t i; uint64_t nxt64bits; cJSON *retjson,*item; PNACL_message("inside rosetta\n"); if ( (coin= jstr(json,"coin")) != 0 ) { if ( (wipstr= jstr(json,"wif")) != 0 || (wipstr= jstr(json,"wip")) != 0 ) { PNACL_message("got wip.(%s)\n",wipstr); btc_wip2priv(priv,wipstr); } else if ( (coinaddr= jstr(json,"addr")) != 0 ) { if ( getprivkey(priv,coin,coinaddr) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant get privkey\"}")); } } else memcpy(priv,mypriv,sizeof(priv)); btc_priv2pub(pub,priv); init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,pub,33); PNACL_message("pubkey.%s\n",pubkeystr); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"btcpubkey",pubkeystr); for (i=0; i<sizeof(addrtypes)/sizeof(*addrtypes); i++) { if ( btc_coinaddr(destaddr,atoi(addrtypes[i][1]),pubkeystr) == 0 ) { item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(item,"addr",destaddr); if ( addrtypes[i][2] != 0 ) { decode_hex(&addrtype,1,addrtypes[i][2]); btc_priv2wip(wifbuf,priv,addrtype); jaddstr(item,"wif",wifbuf); } jadd(retjson,addrtypes[i][0],item); } } nxt64bits = nxt_priv2addr(rsaddr,pubkeystr,priv); item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(item,"addressRS",rsaddr); jadd64bits(item,"address",nxt64bits); jaddstr(item,"pubkey",pubkeystr); jadd(retjson,"NXT",item); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } */ /*INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,newhand,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,ping,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,gotdeck,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,ready,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,encoded,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,final,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,addedfunds,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,preflop,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,decoded,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,card,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,facedown,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,faceup,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,turn,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,confirmturn,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,chat,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,action,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,showdown,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,handsummary,senderind,params) { cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retjson,1)); }*/ /*INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,newhand,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,ping,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,gotdeck,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,ready,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,encoded,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,final,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,addedfunds,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,preflop,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,decoded,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,card,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,facedown,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,faceup,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,turn,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,confirmturn,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,chat,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,action,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,showdown,senderind,params); INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,handsummary,senderind,params);*/ else if ( (sp= pangea_find64(tableid,my64bits)) != 0 && (chatstr= jstr(json,"chat")) != 0 && strlen(chatstr) < 256 ) { if ( 0 && (pm= j64bits(json,"pm")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<sp->numaddrs; i++) if ( sp->addrs[i] == pm ) break; if ( i == sp->numaddrs ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"specified pm destination not at table\"}")); } else i = -1; pangea_sendcmd(hex,&sp->tp->hn,"chat",i,(void *)chatstr,(int32_t)strlen(chatstr)+1,pangea_ind(sp,sp->myslot),-1); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"chat message sent\"}")); } /*void _pangea_chat(uint64_t senderbits,void *buf,int32_t len,int32_t senderind) { PNACL_message(">>>>>>>>>>> CHAT FROM.%d %llu: (%s)\n",senderind,(long long)senderbits,(char *)buf); } else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"newtable") == 0 ) retstr = pangea_newtable(juint(json,"threadid"),json,plugin->nxt64bits,*(bits256 *)plugin->mypriv,*(bits256 *)plugin->mypub,plugin->transport,plugin->ipaddr,plugin->pangeaport,juint(json,"minbuyin"),juint(json,"maxbuyin"),juint(json,"rakemillis")); else if ( sender == 0 || sender[0] == 0 ) { if ( strcmp(methodstr,"start") == 0 ) { strcpy(retbuf,"{\"result\":\"start issued\"}"); if ( (base= jstr(json,"base")) != 0 ) { if ( (maxplayers= juint(json,"maxplayers")) < 2 ) maxplayers = 2; else if ( maxplayers > CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ) maxplayers = CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS; if ( jstr(json,"resubmit") == 0 ) sprintf(retbuf,"{\"resubmit\":[{\"method\":\"start\"}, {\"bigblind\":\"%llu\"}, {\"ante\":\"%llu\"}, {\"rakemillis\":\"%u\"}, {\"maxplayers\":%d}, {\"minbuyin\":%d}, {\"maxbuyin\":%d}],\"pluginrequest\":\"SuperNET\",\"plugin\":\"InstantDEX\",\"method\":\"orderbook\",\"base\":\"%s\",\"exchange\":\"pangea\",\"allfields\":1}",(long long)j64bits(json,"bigblind"),(long long)j64bits(json,"ante"),juint(json,"rakemillis"),maxplayers,juint(json,"minbuyin"),juint(json,"maxbuyin"),jstr(json,"base")!=0?jstr(json,"base"):"BTCD"); else if ( pangea_start(plugin,retbuf,base,0,j64bits(json,"bigblind"),j64bits(json,"ante"),juint(json,"rakemillis"),maxplayers,juint(json,"minbuyin"),juint(json,"maxbuyin"),json) < 0 ) ; } else strcpy(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"no base specified\"}"); } else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"status") == 0 ) retstr = pangea_status(plugin->nxt64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); } int32_t pangea_unzbuf(uint8_t *buf,char *hexstr,int32_t len) { int32_t i,j,len2; for (len2=i=0; i<len; i+=2) { if ( hexstr[i] == 'Z' ) { for (j=0; j<hexstr[i+1]-'A'; j++) buf[len2++] = 0; } else buf[len2++] = _decode_hex(&hexstr[i]); } //char *tmp = calloc(1,len*2+1); //init_hexbytes_noT(tmp,buf,len2); //PostMessage("zlen %d to len2 %d\n",len,len2); //free(tmp); return(len2); } int32_t pangea_poll(uint64_t *senderbitsp,uint32_t *timestampp,union hostnet777 *hn) { char *jsonstr,*hexstr,*cmdstr; cJSON *json; struct cards777_privdata *priv; struct cards777_pubdata *dp; struct pangea_info *sp; int32_t len,senderind,maxlen; uint8_t *buf; *senderbitsp = 0; dp = hn->client->H.pubdata, sp = dp->table; priv = hn->client->H.privdata; if ( hn == 0 || hn->client == 0 || dp == 0 || priv == 0 ) { if ( Debuglevel > 2 ) PNACL_message("pangea_poll: null hn.%p %p dp.%p priv.%p\n",hn,hn!=0?hn->client:0,dp,priv); return(-1); } maxlen = (int32_t)(sizeof(bits256) * dp->N*dp->N*dp->numcards); if ( (buf= malloc(maxlen)) == 0 ) { PNACL_message("pangea_poll: null buf\n"); return(-1); } if ( dp != 0 && priv != 0 && (jsonstr= queue_dequeue(&hn->client->H.Q,1)) != 0 ) { //pangea_neworder(dp,dp->table,0,0); //PNACL_message("player.%d GOT.(%s)\n",hn->client->H.slot,jsonstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { *senderbitsp = j64bits(json,"sender"); if ( (senderind= juint(json,"myind")) < 0 || senderind >= dp->N ) { PNACL_message("pangea_poll: illegal senderind.%d cardi.%d turni.%d (%s)\n",senderind,juint(json,"cardi"),juint(json,"turni"),jsonstr); goto cleanup; } *timestampp = juint(json,"timestamp"); hn->client->H.state = juint(json,"state"); len = juint(json,"n"); cmdstr = jstr(json,"cmd"); if ( sp->myind < 0 ) { // check for reactivation command goto cleanup; } if ( cmdstr != 0 && strcmp(cmdstr,"preflop") == 0 ) { if ( (hexstr= jstr(json,"data")) != 0 ) len = pangea_unzbuf(buf,hexstr,len); } else if ( (hexstr= jstr(json,"data")) != 0 && strlen(hexstr) == (len<<1) ) { if ( len > maxlen ) { PNACL_message("len too big for pangea_poll\n"); goto cleanup; } decode_hex(buf,len,hexstr); } else if ( hexstr != 0 ) PNACL_message("len.%d vs hexlen.%ld (%s)\n",len,(long)(strlen(hexstr)>>1),hexstr); if ( cmdstr != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"newhand") == 0 ) pangea_newhand(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"ping") == 0 ) pangea_ping(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"gotdeck") == 0 ) pangea_gotdeck(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"ready") == 0 ) pangea_ready(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"encoded") == 0 ) pangea_encoded(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"final") == 0 ) pangea_final(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"addfunds") == 0 ) pangea_addfunds(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"preflop") == 0 ) pangea_preflop(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"decoded") == 0 ) pangea_decoded(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"card") == 0 ) pangea_card(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,juint(json,"cardi"),senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"facedown") == 0 ) pangea_facedown(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,juint(json,"cardi"),senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"faceup") == 0 ) pangea_faceup(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"turn") == 0 ) pangea_turn(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"confirmturn") == 0 ) pangea_confirmturn(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"chat") == 0 ) pangea_chat(*senderbitsp,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"action") == 0 ) pangea_action(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"showdown") == 0 ) pangea_showdown(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"summary") == 0 ) pangea_gotsummary(hn,json,dp,priv,buf,len,senderind); } cleanup: free_json(json); } free_queueitem(jsonstr); } free(buf); return(hn->client->H.state); } char *Pangea_bypass(uint64_t my64bits,uint8_t myprivkey[32],cJSON *json) { char *methodstr,*retstr = 0; if ( (methodstr= jstr(json,"method")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(methodstr,"turn") == 0 ) retstr = _pangea_input(my64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"status") == 0 ) retstr = _pangea_status(my64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"mode") == 0 ) retstr = _pangea_mode(my64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"buyin") == 0 ) retstr = _pangea_buyin(my64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); else if ( strcmp(methodstr,"history") == 0 ) retstr = _pangea_history(my64bits,j64bits(json,"tableid"),json); } return(retstr); }*/ /*sprintf(hex,"{\"cmd\":\"%s\",\"turni\":%d,\"myslot\":%d,\"myind\":%d,\"cardi\":%d,\"dest\":%d,\"sender\":\"%llu\",\"n\":%u,%s\"data\":\"",cmdstr,turni,priv->myslot,pangea_ind(dp->table,priv->myslot),cardi,destplayer,(long long)myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits,(long)time(NULL),datalen,hoststr); n = (int32_t)strlen(hex); if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"preflop") == 0 ) { memcpy(&hex[n],data,datalen+1); hexlen = (int32_t)strlen(hex)+1; } else if ( data != 0 && datalen != 0 ) init_hexbytes_noT(&hex[n],data,datalen); strcat(hex,"\"}"); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(hex)) == 0 ) { PNACL_message("error creating json\n"); return; } free_json(json); hexlen = (int32_t)strlen(hex)+1;*/ int32_t pangea_hexmsg(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct pangea_msghdr *pm,int32_t len) { cJSON *argjson; char *method; bits256 tablehash; struct table_info *tp; int32_t flag = 0; int32_t datalen; uint8_t *serialized; uint8_t tmp[sizeof(pm->sig)]; acct777_rwsig(0,(void *)&pm->sig,(void *)tmp); memcpy(&pm->sig,tmp,sizeof(pm->sig)); datalen = len - (int32_t)sizeof(pm->sig); serialized = (void *)((long)pm + sizeof(pm->sig)); if ( pangea_validate(pm,acct777_msgprivkey(serialized,datalen),pm->sig.pubkey) == 0 ) { flag++; iguana_rwbignum(0,pm->tablehash.bytes,sizeof(bits256),tablehash.bytes); pm->tablehash = tablehash; printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%ld VALIDATED [%ld] len.%d t%u allocsize.%d (%s) [%d]\n",sizeof(pm->sig),(long)serialized-(long)pm,datalen,pm->sig.timestamp,pm->sig.allocsize,(char *)pm->serialized,serialized[datalen-1]); if ( serialized[datalen-1] == 0 && (argjson= cJSON_Parse((char *)pm->serialized)) != 0 ) { tablehash = jbits256(argjson,"subhash"); if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"cmd")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"lobby") == 0 ) { //categoryhash = jbits256(argjson,"categoryhash"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"host") == 0 ) { if ( (tp= pangea_table(tablehash)) != 0 ) { pangea_gamecreate(&tp->G,pm->sig.timestamp,pm->tablehash,argjson); tp->G.creatorbits = pm->sig.signer64bits; } char str[65],str2[65]; printf("new game detected (%s) vs (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,tablehash),bits256_str(str2,pm->tablehash)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"join") == 0 ) { printf("JOIN.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); } } free_json(argjson); } else printf("ERROR >>>>>>> (%s) cant parse\n",(char *)pm->serialized); } else { int32_t i; char str[65],str2[65]; for (i=0; i<datalen; i++) printf("%02x",serialized[i]); printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%ld SIG ERROR [%ld] len.%d (%s + %s)\n",sizeof(pm->sig),(long)serialized-(long)pm,datalen,bits256_str(str,acct777_msgprivkey(serialized,datalen)),bits256_str(str2,pm->sig.pubkey)); } return(flag); } if ( 0 && buf[len-1] == 0 && (argjson= cJSON_Parse((char *)buf)) != 0 ) { printf("RESULT.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); free_json(argjson); } else if ( 0 ) { char *method; bits256 tablehash; struct table_info *tp; int32_t datalen; uint8_t *serialized; uint8_t tmp[sizeof(pm->sig)]; decode_hex(buf,len,result); pm = (struct pangea_msghdr *)buf; acct777_rwsig(0,(void *)&pm->sig,(void *)tmp); memcpy(&pm->sig,tmp,sizeof(pm->sig)); datalen = len - (int32_t)sizeof(pm->sig); serialized = (void *)((long)pm + sizeof(pm->sig)); char str[65]; printf("OLD pm.%p len.%d serialized.%p datalen.%d crc.%u %s\n",pm,len,serialized,datalen,calc_crc32(0,(void *)pm,len),bits256_str(str,pm->sig.pubkey)); if ( pangea_validate(pm,acct777_msgprivkey(serialized,datalen),pm->sig.pubkey) == 0 ) { iguana_rwbignum(0,pm->tablehash.bytes,sizeof(bits256),tablehash.bytes); pm->tablehash = tablehash; printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%ld VALIDATED [%ld] len.%d t%u allocsize.%d (%s) [%d]\n",sizeof(pm->sig),(long)serialized-(long)pm,datalen,pm->sig.timestamp,pm->sig.allocsize,(char *)pm->serialized,serialized[datalen-1]); if ( serialized[datalen-1] == 0 && (argjson= cJSON_Parse((char *)pm->serialized)) != 0 ) { tablehash = jbits256(argjson,"subhash"); if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"cmd")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"lobby") == 0 ) { //categoryhash = jbits256(argjson,"categoryhash"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"host") == 0 ) { if ( (tp= pangea_table(tablehash)) != 0 ) { pangea_gamecreate(&tp->G,pm->sig.timestamp,pm->tablehash,argjson); tp->G.creatorbits = pm->sig.signer64bits; } char str[65],str2[65]; printf("new game detected (%s) vs (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,tablehash),bits256_str(str2,pm->tablehash)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"join") == 0 ) { printf("JOIN.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); } } free_json(argjson); } else printf("ERROR >>>>>>> (%s) cant parse\n",(char *)pm->serialized); } else { int32_t i; char str[65],str2[65]; for (i=0; i<datalen; i++) printf("%02x",serialized[i]); printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%ld SIG ERROR [%ld] len.%d (%s + %s)\n",sizeof(pm->sig),(long)serialized-(long)pm,datalen,bits256_str(str,acct777_msgprivkey(serialized,datalen)),bits256_str(str2,pm->sig.pubkey)); } } while ( 0 && (retstr= SuperNET_gethexmsg(IGUANA_CALLARGS,"pangea",0)) != 0 ) { flag = 0; if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (result= jstr(retjson,"result")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(result); if ( is_hexstr(result,len) > 0 ) { len >>= 1; buf = malloc(len); decode_hex(buf,len,result); lag = pangea_hexmsg(myinfo,(struct pangea_msghdr *)buf,len,remoteaddr); } } free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); if ( flag == 0 ) break; } uint8_t hex[1024]; char hashstr[65]; bits256 hash,hash2; long l = strlen("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"); l>>=1; decode_hex(hex,(int32_t)l,"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"); vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,hex+24,(int32_t)l-24); vcalc_sha256(hashstr,hash2.bytes,hash.bytes,sizeof(hash)); printf("ghash.(%s)\n",hashstr); getchar(); bits256 issue_getpubkey(int32_t *haspubkeyp,char *acct) { cJSON *json; bits256 pubkey; char cmd[4096],*jsonstr; struct destbuf pubkeystr; sprintf(cmd,"%s?requestType=getAccountPublicKey&account=%s",NXTAPIURL,acct); jsonstr = issue_curl(cmd); pubkeystr.buf[0] = 0; if ( haspubkeyp != 0 ) *haspubkeyp = 0; memset(&pubkey,0,sizeof(pubkey)); if ( jsonstr != 0 ) { printf("PUBKEYRPC.(%s)\n",jsonstr); if ( (json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { copy_cJSON(&pubkeystr,cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"publicKey")); free_json(json); if ( strlen(pubkeystr.buf) == sizeof(pubkey)*2 ) { if ( haspubkeyp != 0 ) *haspubkeyp = 1; decode_hex(pubkey.bytes,sizeof(pubkey),pubkeystr.buf); } } free(jsonstr); } return(pubkey); } int32_t iguana_rwtxbytes(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t maxlen,bits256 *txidp,struct iguana_msgtx *tx) { int32_t i,len = 0; char str[65],str2[65],txidstr[65]; uint32_t numvins,numvouts; bits256 txid; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(tx->version),&tx->version); if ( coin->chain->hastimestamp != 0 ) len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(tx->timestamp),&tx->timestamp); numvins = tx->tx_in, numvouts = tx->tx_out; len += iguana_rwvarint32(rwflag,&serialized[len],&numvins); for (i=0; i<numvins; i++) len += iguana_rwvin(rwflag,0,&serialized[len],&tx->vins[i]); if ( len > maxlen ) return(0); len += iguana_rwvarint32(rwflag,&serialized[len],&numvouts); for (i=0; i<numvouts; i++) len += iguana_rwvout(rwflag,0,&serialized[len],&tx->vouts[i]); if ( len > maxlen ) return(0); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(tx->lock_time),&tx->lock_time); txid = bits256_doublesha256(txidstr,serialized,len); if ( rwflag != 0 ) tx->txid = txid; else *txidp = txid; if ( bits256_nonz(*txidp) > 0 && memcmp(txidp,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(*txidp)) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_rwtxbytes.rw%d: txid.%s vs %s\n",rwflag,bits256_str(str,tx->txid),bits256_str(str2,*txidp)); return(0); } return(len); } void pktest() { bits256 p,pub; uint8_t *data,*pubkey,sig[128],*sigptr; struct bp_key key; size_t pubk_len; int32_t s,v,v2,v4=-99,v3=-99,datalen; uint32_t siglen; EC_KEY *KEY; //bp_key_init(&key); // bp_key_generate(&key); OS_randombytes(p.bytes,sizeof(p)); data = (uint8_t *)"hello", datalen = (int32_t)strlen("hello"); //s = bp_sign(key.k,data,datalen,(void **)&sigptr,&siglen); //sigptr = sig; //siglen = iguana_sig(sig,sizeof(sig),data,datalen,p); //const unsigned char *privkey; //bp_privkey_set(&key,p.bytes,sizeof(p)); //bp_pubkey_get(&key,(void **)&pubkey,&pubk_len); //memcpy(pub.bytes,pubkey+1,sizeof(pub)); KEY = bitcoin_privkeyset(&pub,p); siglen = bitcoin_sign(sig,sizeof(sig),data,datalen,p); s = siglen > 0; // char str[65]; printf("siglen.%d pk_len.%ld %s\n",siglen,pubk_len,bits256_str(str,*(bits256 *)(pubkey+1))); //s = ECDSA_sign(0,data,datalen,sig,&siglen,KEY); v2 = bp_verify(KEY,data,datalen,sig,siglen); //bp_pubkey_get(&key,(void **)&pubkey,&pubk_len); //bp_key_init(&key); v3 = bitcoin_verify(sig,siglen,data,datalen,pub); //v = iguana_ver(sig,siglen,data,datalen,pub); printf("s.%d siglen.%d v2.%d v3.%d v4.%d\n",s,siglen,v2,v3,v4); getchar(); } http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/3374/how-to-redeem-a-basic-tx //msgtx->vins[i].scriptlen = scriptlen; //printf("VINI.%d (%s)\n",vini,jprint(bitcoin_txjson(coin,msgtx),1)); //decode_hex(privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey),"18E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725"); //printf("privkey.%s\n",bits256_str(str,privkey)); //EC_KEY *KEY = bitcoin_privkeyset(&pkey,privkey); char *refstr = "01000000\ 01\ eccf7e3034189b851985d871f91384b8ee357cd47c3024736e5676eb2debb3f2\ 01000000\ 8c\ 4930460221009e0339f72c793a89e664a8a932df073962a3f84eda0bd9e02084a6a9567f75aa022100bd9cbaca2e5ec195751efdfac164b76250b1e21302e51ca86dd7ebd7020cdc0601410450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6\ ffffffff\ 01\ 605af40500000000\ 19\ 76a914097072524438d003d23a2f23edb65aae1bb3e46988ac\ 00000000"; char *iguana_txcreate(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *space,int32_t maxlen,char *jsonstr) { struct iguana_txid T; struct iguana_msgvin *vins,*vin; struct iguana_msgvout *vouts,*vout; char *redeemstr; cJSON *array,*json,*item,*retjson = 0; bits256 scriptPubKey; int32_t i,numvins,numvouts,len = 0; if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { memset(&T,0,sizeof(T)); if ( (T.version= juint(json,"version")) == 0 ) T.version = 1; if ( (T.locktime= juint(json,"locktime")) == 0 ) T.locktime = 0xffffffff; vins = (struct iguana_msgvin *)&space[len]; if ( (array= jarray(&numvins,json,"vins")) != 0 ) { len += sizeof(*vins) * numvins; memset(vins,0,sizeof(*vins) * numvins); //struct iguana_msgvin { bits256 prev_hash; uint8_t *script; uint32_t prev_vout,scriptlen,sequence; }; for (i=0; i<numvins; i++) { vin = &vins[i]; item = jitem(array,i); vin->prev_hash = jbits256(item,"txid"); vin->prev_vout = juint(item,"vout"); vin->sequence = juint(item,"sequence"); scriptPubKey = jbits256(item,"scriptPubKey"); if ( bits256_nonz(scriptPubKey) > 0 ) { if ( (redeemstr= jstr(item,"redeemScript")) == 0 ) { vin->scriptlen = (int32_t)strlen(redeemstr); if ( (vin->scriptlen & 1) != 0 ) { free_json(json); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"odd redeemScript length\"}")); } vin->scriptlen >>= 1; vin->script = &space[len], len += vin->scriptlen; } } } } vouts = (struct iguana_msgvout *)&space[len]; if ( (array= jarray(&numvouts,json,"vouts")) != 0 ) { len += sizeof(*vouts) * numvouts; memset(vouts,0,sizeof(*vouts) * numvouts); //struct iguana_msgvout { uint64_t value; uint32_t pk_scriptlen; uint8_t *pk_script; }; for (i=0; i<numvouts; i++) { vout = &vouts[i]; item = jitem(array,i); printf("create vout\n"); } } T.numvins = numvins, T.numvouts = numvouts; T.timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (len= iguana_ramtxbytes(coin,space,maxlen-len,&T.txid,&T,-1,vins,vouts)) > 0 ) { } free_json(json); } if ( retjson == 0 ) retjson = cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"couldnt create transaction\"}"); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } /* if ( bp_key_init(&key) != 0 && bp_key_secret_set(&key,privkey,32) != 0 ) { if ( (T= calloc(1,sizeof(*T))) == 0 ) return(0); *T = *refT; vin = &T->inputs[redeemi]; for (i=0; i<T->numinputs; i++) strcpy(T->inputs[i].sigs,"00"); strcpy(vin->sigs,redeemscript); vin->sequence = (uint32_t)-1; T->nlocktime = 0; //disp_cointx(&T); emit_cointx(&hash2,data,sizeof(data),T,oldtx_format,SIGHASH_ALL); //printf("HASH2.(%llx)\n",(long long)hash2.txid); if ( bp_sign(&key,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),&sig,&siglen) != 0 ) { memcpy(sigbuf,sig,siglen); sigbuf[siglen++] = SIGHASH_ALL; init_hexbytes_noT(sigs[privkeyind],sigbuf,(int32_t)siglen); strcpy(vin->sigs,"00"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( sigs[i][0] != 0 ) { sprintf(vin->sigs + strlen(vin->sigs),"%02x%s",(int32_t)strlen(sigs[i])>>1,sigs[i]); //printf("(%s).%ld ",sigs[i],strlen(sigs[i])); } } len = (int32_t)(strlen(redeemscript)/2); if ( len >= 0xfd ) sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4d%02x%02x",len & 0xff,(len >> 8) & 0xff); else sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4c%02x",len); sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"%s",redeemscript); //printf("after A.(%s) othersig.(%s) siglen.%02lx -> (%s)\n",hexstr,othersig != 0 ? othersig : "",siglen,vin->sigs); //printf("vinsigs.(%s) %ld\n",vin->sigs,strlen(vin->sigs)); _emit_cointx(hexstr,sizeof(hexstr),T,oldtx_format); //disp_cointx(&T); free(T); return(clonestr(hexstr)); } */ /*static char *validateretstr(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { char *retstr,buf[512]; cJSON *json; if ( iguana_addressvalidate(coin,coinaddr) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid coin address\"}")); sprintf(buf,"{\"agent\":\"ramchain\",\"coin\":\"%s\",\"method\":\"validate\",\"address\":\"%s\"}",coin->symbol,coinaddr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(buf)) != 0 ) retstr = ramchain_coinparser(coin,"validate",json); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"internal error, couldnt parse validate\"}")); free_json(json); return(retstr); } static char *validatepubkey(RPCARGS) { char *pubkeystr,coinaddr[128]; cJSON *retjson; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( params[0] != 0 && (pubkeystr= jstr(params[0],0)) != 0 ) { if ( btc_coinaddr(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubval,pubkeystr) == 0 ) return(validateretstr(coin,coinaddr)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant convert pubkey\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need pubkey\"}")); }*/ int32_t bitcoin_outputscript(struct iguana_info *coin,char *pubkeys[],int32_t *scriptlenp,uint8_t *scriptspace,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct iguana_txid T,*tx; int32_t height,numpubs = 1; char asmstr[8192]; struct iguana_msgvout v; if ( 0 ) { *scriptlenp = 0; if ( (tx= iguana_txidfind(coin,&height,&T,txid)) != 0 ) { *scriptlenp = iguana_voutset(coin,scriptspace,asmstr,height,&v,tx,vout); return(numpubs); } } //char *str = "2103506a52e95cdfbb9d17d702af6259ba7de8b7a604007999e0266edbf6e4bb6974ac"; char *str = "76a914010966776006953d5567439e5e39f86a0d273bee88ac"; *scriptlenp = (int32_t)strlen(str) >> 1; decode_hex(scriptspace,*scriptlenp,str); //pubkeys[0] = clonestr("03506a52e95cdfbb9d17d702af6259ba7de8b7a604007999e0266edbf6e4bb6974"); pubkeys[0] = clonestr("0450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6"); return(numpubs); } cJSON *bitcoin_txjson(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx,struct vin_info *V) { char vpnstr[2]; int32_t n; uint8_t *serialized; bits256 txid; cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); vpnstr[0] = 0; serialized = malloc(IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE); if ( (n= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,json,serialized,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,msgtx,&txid,vpnstr,V)) < 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: n.%d\n",n); } free(serialized); return(json); } /*{ for (i=0; i<T->numinputs; i++) strcpy(T->inputs[i].sigs,"00"); strcpy(vin->sigs,redeemscript); vin->sequence = (uint32_t)-1; T->nlocktime = 0; //disp_cointx(&T); emit_cointx(&hash2,data,sizeof(data),T,oldtx_format,SIGHASH_ALL); //printf("HASH2.(%llx)\n",(long long)hash2.txid); if ( bp_sign(&key,hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),&sig,&siglen) != 0 ) { memcpy(sigbuf,sig,siglen); sigbuf[siglen++] = SIGHASH_ALL; init_hexbytes_noT(sigs[privkeyind],sigbuf,(int32_t)siglen); strcpy(vin->sigs,"00"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( sigs[i][0] != 0 ) { sprintf(vin->sigs + strlen(vin->sigs),"%02x%s",(int32_t)strlen(sigs[i])>>1,sigs[i]); //printf("(%s).%ld ",sigs[i],strlen(sigs[i])); } } len = (int32_t)(strlen(redeemscript)/2); if ( len >= 0xfd ) sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4d%02x%02x",len & 0xff,(len >> 8) & 0xff); else sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"4c%02x",len); sprintf(&vin->sigs[strlen(vin->sigs)],"%s",redeemscript); //printf("after A.(%s) othersig.(%s) siglen.%02lx -> (%s)\n",hexstr,othersig != 0 ? othersig : "",siglen,vin->sigs); //printf("vinsigs.(%s) %ld\n",vin->sigs,strlen(vin->sigs)); _emit_cointx(hexstr,sizeof(hexstr),T,oldtx_format); //disp_cointx(&T); free(T); return(clonestr(hexstr)); } else printf("error signing\n"); free(T); }*/ /*cJSON *iguana_txjson(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_txid *tx,int32_t height,struct vin_info *V) { struct iguana_msgvin vin; struct iguana_msgvout vout; int32_t i; char asmstr[512],str[65]; uint8_t space[8192]; cJSON *vouts,*vins,*json; json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"txid",bits256_str(str,tx->txid)); if ( height >= 0 ) jaddnum(json,"height",height); jaddnum(json,"version",tx->version); jaddnum(json,"timestamp",tx->timestamp); jaddnum(json,"locktime",tx->locktime); vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); vouts = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<tx->numvouts; i++) { iguana_voutset(coin,space,asmstr,height,&vout,tx,i); jaddi(vouts,iguana_voutjson(coin,&vout,i,tx->txid)); } jadd(json,"vout",vouts); for (i=0; i<tx->numvins; i++) { iguana_vinset(coin,height,&vin,tx,i); jaddi(vins,iguana_vinjson(coin,&vin,V != 0 ? &V[i] : 0)); } jadd(json,"vin",vins); return(json); }*/ /* if ( strcmp(cmdstr+3,"offer") == 0 ) { } if ( (price= instantdex_acceptable(myinfo,0,refstr,base,rel,volume)) > 0. ) { // sends NXT assetid, volume and desired if ( strcmp(base,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(base,"nxt") == 0 ) assetbits = NXT_ASSETID; else if ( is_decimalstr(base) > 0 ) assetbits = calc_nxt64bits(base); if ( assetbits != 0 ) { nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_REQUEST; nextcmdstr = "request"; } } } else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"ALT",3) == 0 ) { if ( (price= instantdex_acceptable(myinfo,0,refstr,base,rel,volume)) > 0. ) { // sends NXT assetid, volume and desired if ( strcmp(base,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(base,"nxt") == 0 ) assetbits = NXT_ASSETID; else if ( is_decimalstr(base) > 0 ) assetbits = calc_nxt64bits(base); if ( assetbits != 0 ) { nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_REQUEST; nextcmdstr = "request"; } } } else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"NXT",3) == 0 ) { if ( (price= instantdex_acceptable(myinfo,0,refstr,base,rel,volume)) > 0. ) { // sends NXT assetid, volume and desired if ( strcmp(base,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(base,"nxt") == 0 ) assetbits = NXT_ASSETID; else if ( is_decimalstr(base) > 0 ) assetbits = calc_nxt64bits(base); if ( assetbits != 0 ) { nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_REQUEST; nextcmdstr = "request"; } } } { } if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"request") == 0 ) { // request: // other node sends (othercoin, othercoinaddr, otherNXT and reftx that expires before phasedtx) if ( (strcmp(rel,"BTC") == 0 || strcmp(base,"BTC") == 0) && (price= instantdex_acceptable(myinfo,0,refstr,base,rel,volume)) > 0. ) { //aveprice = instantdex_aveprice(myinfo,sortbuf,(int32_t)(sizeof(sortbuf)/sizeof(*sortbuf)),&totalvol,base,rel,volume,argjson); set_NXTtx(myinfo,&feeT,assetbits,SATOSHIDEN*3,calc_nxt64bits(INSTANTDEX_ACCT),-1); if ( (feejson= gen_NXT_tx_json(myinfo,fullhash,&feeT,0,1.)) != 0 ) free_json(feejson); nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_PROPOSE; nextcmdstr = "proposal"; othercoinaddr = myinfo->myaddr.BTC; otherNXTaddr = myinfo->myaddr.NXTADDR; } } else { if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"proposal") == 0 ) { // proposal: // NXT node submits phasedtx that refers to it, but it wont confirm nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_ACCEPT; nextcmdstr = "accept"; message = ""; //instantdex_phasetxsubmit(refstr); } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"accept") == 0 ) { // accept: // other node verifies unconfirmed has phasedtx and broadcasts cltv, also to NXT node, releases trigger nextcmd = INSTANTDEX_CONFIRM; nextcmdstr = "confirm"; message = ""; //instantdex_phasedtxverify(); //instantdex_cltvbroadcast(); //instantdex_releasetrigger(); } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"confirm") == 0 ) { // confirm: // NXT node verifies bitcoin txbytes has proper payment and cashes in with onetimepubkey // BTC* node approves phased tx with onetimepubkey //instantdex_cltvverify(); //instantdex_phasetxapprove(); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"trade confirmed\"}")); } } if ( nextcmd != 0 && (newjson= InstantDEX_argjson(refstr,message,othercoinaddr,otherNXTaddr,nextcmd,duration,flags)) != 0 ) { jaddnum(newjson,"price",price); jaddnum(newjson,"volume",volume); return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,newjson,nextcmdstr,myinfo->ipaddr,INSTANTDEX_HOPS)); } } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"request needs argjson\"}")); } num = 0; depth = 30; request = jstr(argjson,"request"); base = jstr(argjson,"base"); rel = jstr(argjson,"rel"); refstr = jstr(argjson,"refstr"); volume = jdouble(argjson,"volume"); duration = juint(argjson,"duration"); flags = juint(argjson,"flags"); nextcmd = 0; nextcmdstr = message = ""; */ if ( A->orderid != orderid ) { printf("orderid mismatch %llu vs %llu\n",(long long)orderid,(long long)A->orderid); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap orderid mismatch\"}")); } if ( senderaddr == 0 || strcmp(A->A.base,base) != 0 || strcmp(A->A.rel,"BTC") != 0 ) { printf("senderaddr.%p base.(%s vs %s) rel.(%s vs %s)\n",senderaddr,A->A.base,base,A->A.rel,"BTC"); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap base or rel mismatch\"}")); } { printf("satoshis mismatch %llu vs %llu\n",(long long)satoshis,(long long)instantdex_relsatoshis(A->A.price64,A->A.basevolume64)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap satoshis mismatch\"}")); } if ( othersatoshis != A->A.basevolume64 ) { printf("othersatoshis mismatch %llu vs %llu\n",(long long)satoshis,(long long)A->A.basevolume64); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap satoshis mismatch\"}")); } /*TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,BTCoffer,othercoin,otherassetid,maxprice,othervolume) { if ( remoteaddr == 0 ) return(instantdex_btcoffer(myinfo,exchanges777_find("bitcoin"),othercoin[0] != 0 ? othercoin : otherassetid,othervolume,maxprice)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API request only local usage!\"}")); } STRING_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,ALToffer,basecoin,minprice,basevolume) { int32_t hops = INSTANTDEX_HOPS; cJSON *argjson; char *str; struct instantdex_accept A; if ( remoteaddr == 0 ) { if ( iguana_coinfind(basecoin) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX basecoin is not active, need to addcoin\"}")); instantdex_acceptset(&A,basecoin,"BTC",INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION,0,1,minprice,basevolume,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits); argjson = instantdex_acceptsendjson(&A); if ( minprice > 0. ) { if ( (str= InstantDEX_minaccept(IGUANA_CALLARGS,basecoin,"BTC",minprice,basevolume)) != 0 ) free(str); } return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,argjson,"ALToffer",myinfo->ipaddr,hops)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API request only local usage!\"}")); } STRING_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,NXToffer,assetid,minprice,basevolume) { int32_t hops = INSTANTDEX_HOPS; cJSON *argjson; char *base,*str; struct instantdex_accept A; if ( remoteaddr == 0 ) { if ( assetid == 0 || assetid[0] == 0 || strcmp(assetid,"0") == 0 || strcmp(assetid,"NXT") == 0 || strcmp(assetid,"nxt") == 0 ) base = "NXT"; else if ( is_decimalstr(assetid) <= 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX NXToffer illegal assetid\"}")); else base = assetid; instantdex_acceptset(&A,base,"BTC",INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION,0,1,minprice,basevolume,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits); argjson = instantdex_acceptsendjson(&A); if ( minprice > 0. ) { if ( (str= InstantDEX_minaccept(IGUANA_CALLARGS,base,"BTC",minprice,basevolume)) != 0 ) free(str); } return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,argjson,"NXToffer",myinfo->ipaddr,hops)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API request only local usage!\"}")); } */ if ( sendprivs != 0 ) { printf("sendprivs.%d\n",sendprivs); if ( swap->otherschoosei < 0 ) printf("instantdex_newjson otherschoosei < 0 when sendprivs != 0\n"); else { if ( privs == 0 && (privs= calloc(1,sizeof(*swap->privkeys))) == 0 ) printf("instantdex_newjson couldnt allocate hex\n"); else if ( hexstr == 0 && (hexstr= malloc(sizeof(*swap->privkeys) * 2 + 1)) == 0 ) printf("instantdex_newjson couldnt allocate hexstr\n"); else { memcpy(privs,swap->privkeys,sizeof(*swap->privkeys)); memset(privs[swap->otherschoosei].bytes,0,sizeof(*privs)); for (i=0; i<sizeof(swap->privkeys)/sizeof(*swap->privkeys); i++) { iguana_rwbignum(1,serialized,sizeof(privs[i]),privs[i].bytes); memcpy(privs[i].bytes,serialized,sizeof(privs[i])); } } } } /*cJSON *instantdex_acceptsendjson(struct instantdex_accept *ap) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"b",ap->offer.base); jaddstr(json,"r",ap->offer.rel); jaddnum(json,"n",ap->offer.nonce); jaddnum(json,"e",ap->offer.expiration); jaddnum(json,"s",ap->offer.myside); jaddnum(json,"d",ap->offer.acceptdir); jadd64bits(json,"p",ap->offer.price64); jadd64bits(json,"v",ap->offer.basevolume64); jadd64bits(json,"o",ap->offer.offer64); jadd64bits(json,"id",ap->orderid); return(json); }*/ if ( A->offer.price64 != 0 ) { if ( (ap= instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,0,0,A->orderid,"*","*",1)) != 0 ) { swap->state++; A->info = swap; printf(">>>>>>>>>> PENDING ORDER %llu\n",(long long)A->orderid); } } if ( ap == 0 ) { printf("couldnt find accept?? dir.%d orderid.%llu\n",ap->offer.acceptdir,(long long)A->orderid); free(swap); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find order just created\"}")); } if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"BTC",3) == 0 ) else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"NXT",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_NXTswap(myinfo,exchange,&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"ALT",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_ALTswap(myinfo,exchange,&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"PAX",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_PAXswap(myinfo,exchanges777_find("PAX"),&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"unrecognized atomic swap family\"}")); if ( ap != 0 ) { ap->info = A.info; ap->pendingvolume64 = A.pendingvolume64; } //printf("after swap ap.%p (%s)\n",ap,retstr); return(retstr); char *instantdex_BTCswap(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_info *exchange,struct instantdex_accept *A,char *cmdstr,struct instantdex_msghdr *msg,cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint64_t signerbits,uint8_t *serdata,int32_t serdatalen) // receiving side { uint64_t satoshis[2]; int32_t offerdir = 0; double minperc; uint64_t insurance,relsatoshis; struct instantdex_accept *ap; struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap = 0; bits256 orderhash,traderpub; struct iguana_info *coinbtc,*altcoin; cJSON *newjson=0; char *retstr=0; relsatoshis = instantdex_relsatoshis(A->offer.price64,A->offer.basevolume64); traderpub = jbits256(argjson,"traderpub"); if ( (minperc= jdouble(argjson,"p")) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ) minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC; coinbtc = iguana_coinfind("BTC"); insurance = (satoshis[1] * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc->chain->txfee); // txfee prevents papercut attack offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir(A); vcalc_sha256(0,orderhash.bytes,(void *)&A->offer,sizeof(ap->offer)); swap = A->info; if ( bits256_cmp(traderpub,myinfo->myaddr.persistent) == 0 ) { printf("got my own packet\n"); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"got my own packet\"}")); } printf("T.%d [%s] got %s.(%s/%s) %.8f vol %.8f %llu offerside.%d offerdir.%d swap.%p decksize.%ld/datalen.%d\n",bits256_cmp(traderpub,myinfo->myaddr.persistent),swap!=0?swap->nextstate:"",cmdstr,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,dstr(A->offer.price64),dstr(A->offer.basevolume64),(long long)A->orderid,A->offer.myside,A->offer.acceptdir,A->info,sizeof(swap->deck),serdatalen); if ( exchange == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap null exchange ptr\"}")); if ( (altcoin= iguana_coinfind(A->offer.base)) == 0 || coinbtc == 0 ) { printf("other.%p coinbtc.%p (%s/%s)\n",altcoin,coinbtc,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap cant find btc or other coin info\"}")); } if ( strcmp(A->offer.rel,"BTC") != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap offer non BTC rel\"}")); if ( orderhash.txid != A->orderid ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"txid mismatches orderid\"}")); if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"offer") == 0 ) // receiver is networkwide { if ( A->offer.expiration < (time(NULL) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION) ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap offer too close to expiration\"}")); if ( (ap= instantdex_acceptable(myinfo,exchange,A,acct777_nxt64bits(traderpub),minperc)) != 0 ) { if ( A->info == 0 ) { swap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct bitcoin_swapinfo)); swap->choosei = swap->otherschoosei = -1; swap->othertrader = traderpub; if ( offerdir > 0 ) swap->bidid = A->orderid; else swap->askid = A->orderid; swap->isbob = (A->offer.myside ^ 1); printf("%p SET ISBOB.%d orderid.%llu\n",ap,swap->isbob,(long long)A->orderid); } char str[65]; printf("GOT OFFER! %p (%s/%s) other.%s myside.%d next.%s\n",A->info,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,bits256_str(str,traderpub),swap->isbob,swap->nextstate); if ( (A->info= swap) != 0 ) { ap->info = swap; if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,orderhash,A,1)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap offer null newjson\"}")); else { // verify feetx instantdex_pendingnotice(myinfo,exchange,ap,A->offer.basevolume64); if ( (retstr= instantdex_choosei(swap,newjson,argjson,serdata,serdatalen)) != 0 ) { return(retstr); } else { // generate feetx to send if ( swap->isbob != 0 ) strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step2"); else strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step3"); return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->offer,newjson,"BTCstep1",traderpub,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,swap->deck,sizeof(swap->deck))); } } } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt allocate swap info\"}")); } else { printf("no matching trade for %llu -> InstantDEX_minaccept isbob.%d\n",(long long)A->orderid,A->offer.myside); if ( instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,0,0,A->orderid,"*","*",1) == 0 ) { ap = calloc(1,sizeof(*ap)); *ap = *A; queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&ap->DL,0); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"added new order to orderbook\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"order was already in orderbook\"}")); } } else if ( swap == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no swap info\"}")); if ( offerdir > 0 ) swap->bidid = A->orderid; else swap->askid = A->orderid; if ( bits256_nonz(swap->othertrader) == 0 ) swap->othertrader = traderpub; else if ( bits256_cmp(traderpub,swap->othertrader) != 0 ) { printf("competing offer received for (%s/%s) %.8f %.8f\n",A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,dstr(A->offer.price64),dstr(A->offer.basevolume64)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no competing offers for now\"}")); } if ( bits256_nonz(swap->orderhash) == 0 ) swap->orderhash = orderhash; else if ( bits256_cmp(orderhash,swap->orderhash) != 0 ) { printf("orderhash %llx mismatch %llx\n",(long long)swap->orderhash.txid,(long long)orderhash.txid); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"orderhash mismatch???\"}")); } swap->satoshis[0] = A->offer.basevolume64; swap->satoshis[1] = relsatoshis; swap->insurance = (relsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc->chain->txfee); // txfee if ( swap->minperc < minperc ) swap->minperc = minperc; return(instantdex_statemachine(myinfo,exchange,A,cmdstr,swap,argjson,serdata,serdatalen,altcoin,coinbtc)); } #ifdef xxx if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step1") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,cmdstr) == 0 ) // either { printf("%s got step1, should have other's choosei\n",swap->isbob!=0?"BOB":"alice"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step1 null newjson\"}")); else if ( swap->otherschoosei < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step1, no didnt choosei\"}")); else { printf("%s chose.%d\n",swap->isbob==0?"BOB":"alice",swap->otherschoosei); if ( swap->isbob == 0 ) swap->privAm = swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei]; else swap->privBn = swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei]; memset(&swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei],0,sizeof(swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei])); if ( (retstr= instantdex_choosei(swap,newjson,argjson,serdata,serdatalen)) != 0 ) return(retstr); /*if ( swap->isbob == 0 ) { if ( (swap->feetx= instantdex_bobtx(myinfo,coinbtc,&swap->ftxid,swap->otherpubs[0],swap->mypubs[0],swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei],reftime,swap->insurance,1)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(newjson,"feetx",swap->feetx); jaddbits256(newjson,"ftxid",swap->ftxid); // broadcast to network } }*/ if ( swap->isbob != 0 ) { strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step4"); printf("BOB sends (%s), next.(%s)\n","BTCstep3",swap->nextstate); } else { strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step3"); printf("Alice sends (%s), next.(%s)\n","BTCstep2",swap->nextstate); } return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->offer,newjson,swap->isbob != 0 ? "BTCstep3" : "BTCstep2",swap->othertrader,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,swap->privkeys,sizeof(swap->privkeys))); } } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step2") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // bob { printf("%s got step2, should have other's privkeys\n",swap->isbob!=0?"BOB":"alice"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step2 null newjson\"}")); else { instantdex_privkeysextract(myinfo,swap,serdata,serdatalen); if ( swap->cutverified == 0 || swap->otherverifiedcut == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step2, both sides didnt validate\"}")); else { if ( (swap->deposit= instantdex_bobtx(myinfo,coinbtc,&swap->dtxid,swap->otherpubs[0],swap->mypubs[0],swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei],reftime,swap->satoshis[swap->isbob],1)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(newjson,"deposit",swap->deposit); jaddbits256(newjson,"dtxid",swap->dtxid); //jaddbits256(newjson,"pubBn",bitcoin_pubkey33(pubkey,swap->pubBn)); // broadcast to network strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step4"); printf("BOB sends (%s), next.(%s)\n","BTCstep3",swap->nextstate); return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->offer,newjson,"BTCstep3",swap->othertrader,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,0,0)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step2, cant create deposit\"}")); } } //else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step2 invalid fee\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step3") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // alice { printf("Alice got step3 should have Bob's choosei\n"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step3 null newjson\"}")); else { instantdex_privkeysextract(myinfo,swap,serdata,serdatalen); if ( swap->cutverified == 0 || swap->otherverifiedcut == 0 || bits256_nonz(swap->pubBn) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step3, both sides didnt validate\"}")); else if ( instantdex_paymentverify(myinfo,coinbtc,swap,A,argjson,1) == 0 ) { //swap->pubAm = bitcoin_pubkey33(pubkey,swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei]); if ( (swap->altpayment= instantdex_alicetx(myinfo,altcoin,swap->altmsigaddr,&swap->aptxid,swap->pubAm,swap->pubBn,swap->satoshis[swap->isbob])) != 0 ) { jaddstr(newjson,"altpayment",swap->altpayment); jaddstr(newjson,"altmsigaddr",swap->altmsigaddr); jaddbits256(newjson,"aptxid",swap->aptxid); jaddbits256(newjson,"pubAm",swap->pubAm); // broadcast to network strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step5"); printf("Alice sends (%s), next.(%s)\n","BTCstep4",swap->nextstate); return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->offer,newjson,"BTCstep4",swap->othertrader,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,0,0)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step3, error making altpay\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step3, invalid deposit\"}")); } } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step4") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // bob { printf("Bob got step4 should have Alice's altpayment\n"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step4 null newjson\"}")); else if ( bits256_nonz(swap->pubAm) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap step4, no pubAm\"}")); else if ( instantdex_altpaymentverify(myinfo,altcoin,swap,A,argjson) == 0 ) { if ( (swap->deposit= instantdex_bobtx(myinfo,coinbtc,&swap->ptxid,swap->mypubs[1],swap->otherpubs[0],swap->privkeys[swap->otherschoosei],reftime,swap->satoshis[swap->isbob],0)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(newjson,"payment",swap->payment); jaddbits256(newjson,"ptxid",swap->ptxid); // broadcast to network strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step6"); return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->offer,newjson,"BTCstep5",swap->othertrader,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,0,0)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step4, cant create payment\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step3, invalid deposit\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step5") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // alice { printf("Alice got step5 should have Bob's payment\n"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step5 null newjson\"}")); else if ( instantdex_paymentverify(myinfo,coinbtc,swap,A,argjson,0) == 0 ) { strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step7"); /*if ( (swap->spendtx= instantdex_spendpayment(myinfo,coinbtc,&swap->stxid,swap,argjson,newjson)) != 0 ) { // broadcast to network return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&A->A,newjson,"BTCstep6",swap->othertrader,INSTANTDEX_HOPS)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Alice step5, cant spend payment\"}"));*/ } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step6, invalid payment\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step6") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // bob { printf("Bob got step6 should have Alice's privkey\n"); if ( (newjson= instantdex_newjson(myinfo,swap,argjson,swap->orderhash,A,0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step6 null newjson\"}")); strcpy(swap->nextstate,"step7"); /*else if ( instantdex_spendverify(myinfo,coinbtc,swap,A,argjson,0) == 0 ) { if ( (swap->altspend= instantdex_spendaltpayment(myinfo,altcoin,&swap->astxid,swap,argjson,newjson)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(newjson,"altspend",swap->altspend); jaddbits256(newjson,"astxid",swap->astxid); // broadcast to network return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"Bob finished atomic swap\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step6, cant spend altpayment\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap Bob step6, invalid spend\"}"));*/ } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"step7") == 0 && strcmp(swap->nextstate,"cmdstr") == 0 ) // both { // update status, goto refund if thresholds exceeded retstr = clonestr("{\"result\":\"BTC swap updated state\"}"); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"BTC swap got unrecognized command\"}"); if ( retstr == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"BTC swap null retstr\"}"); if ( swap != 0 ) printf("BTCSWAP next.(%s) (%s) isbob.%d nextstate.%s verified.(%d %d)\n",swap->nextstate,cmdstr,swap->isbob,swap->nextstate,swap->cutverified,swap->otherverifiedcut); else printf("BTCSWAP.(%s)\n",retstr); return(retstr); #endif else if ( strcmp(cmdstr,"BTCdeckC") == 0 ) { if ( ap->info == 0 ) { printf("A (%s) null swap for orderid.%llu p.%p\n",cmdstr,(long long)ap->orderid,ap); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no swap for orderid\"}")); } else { if ( ap->otherorderid == 0 ) { ap->otherorderid = ap->orderid; ap->otheroffer = ap->offer; ap->offer = A.offer; ap->orderid = A.orderid; ((struct bitcoin_swapinfo *)ap->info)->feetag64 = ap->orderid; } printf("add to statemachine\n"); queue_enqueue("statemachineQ",&exchange->statemachineQ,&ap->DL,0); newjson = instantdex_parseargjson(myinfo,exchange,ap,argjson,0); if ( (retstr= instantdex_addfeetx(myinfo,newjson,ap,ap->info,"BOB_sentoffer","ALICE_sentoffer")) == 0 ) { return(instantdex_statemachine(BTC_states,BTC_numstates,myinfo,exchange,ap,cmdstr,argjson,newjson,serdata,serdatalen)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt add fee\"}")); } /* for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( (m= category_gethexmsg(myinfo,instantdexhash,iter == 0 ? GENESIS_PUBKEY : myinfo->myaddr.persistent)) != 0 ) { //printf("gothexmsg len.%d\n",m->len); pm = (struct instantdex_msghdr *)m->msg; if ( m->remoteipbits != 0 ) expand_ipbits(remote,m->remoteipbits); else remote[0] = 0; if ( (str= InstantDEX_hexmsg(myinfo,pm,m->len,remote)) != 0 ) free(str); free(m); } }*/ /* uint64_t satoshis[2]; int32_t offerdir = 0; double minperc; uint64_t insurance,relsatoshis; bits256 orderhash,traderpub; struct iguana_info *coinbtc; if ( (swap= ap->info) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no swapinfo set\"}")); relsatoshis = instantdex_BTCsatoshis(ap->offer.price64,ap->offer.basevolume64); if ( (minperc= jdouble(argjson,"m")) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ) minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC; offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir(&ap->offer); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(ap->offer); i++) printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)&ap->offer)[i]); printf("swapset.%llu\n",(long long)ap->orderid); } if ( offerdir > 0 ) { swap->bidid = ap->orderid; swap->askid = ap->otherorderid; } else { swap->askid = ap->orderid; swap->bidid = ap->otherorderid; } if ( bits256_nonz(swap->othertrader) == 0 ) swap->othertrader = traderpub; else if ( bits256_cmp(traderpub,swap->othertrader) != 0 ) { printf("competing offer received for (%s/%s) %.8f %.8f\n",ap->offer.base,ap->offer.rel,dstr(ap->offer.price64),dstr(ap->offer.basevolume64)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no competing offers for now\"}")); } if ( bits256_nonz(swap->orderhash) == 0 ) swap->orderhash = orderhash; else if ( bits256_cmp(orderhash,swap->orderhash) != 0 ) { printf("orderhash %llx mismatch %llx\n",(long long)swap->orderhash.txid,(long long)orderhash.txid); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"orderhash mismatch???\"}")); } swap->satoshis[0] = ap->offer.basevolume64; swap->satoshis[1] = relsatoshis; swap->insurance = (relsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc->chain->txfee); // txfee /* if ( ap->info == 0 ) //printf("gotoffer SETSWAP for orderid.%llu (%s)\n",(long long)ap->orderid,jprint(argjson,0)); swap->choosei = swap->otherschoosei = -1; if ( (retstr= instantdex_swapset(myinfo,ap,argjson)) != 0 ) return(retstr); swap->feetag64 = ap->orderid;*/ /*char *instantdex_swapset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson) { uint64_t satoshis[2]; int32_t offerdir = 0; double minperc; uint64_t insurance,relsatoshis; struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap; bits256 orderhash,traderpub; struct iguana_info *coinbtc; if ( (swap= ap->info) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no swapinfo set\"}")); relsatoshis = instantdex_BTCsatoshis(ap->offer.price64,ap->offer.basevolume64); traderpub = jbits256(argjson,"traderpub"); if ( (minperc= jdouble(argjson,"m")) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ) minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC; if ( (coinbtc= iguana_coinfind("BTC")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no BTC found\"}")); insurance = (satoshis[1] * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc->chain->txfee); offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir(&ap->offer); vcalc_sha256(0,orderhash.bytes,(void *)&ap->offer,sizeof(ap->offer)); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(ap->offer); i++) printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)&ap->offer)[i]); printf("swapset.%llu\n",(long long)ap->orderid); } if ( offerdir > 0 ) { swap->bidid = ap->orderid; swap->askid = ap->otherorderid; } else { swap->askid = ap->orderid; swap->bidid = ap->otherorderid; } if ( bits256_nonz(swap->othertrader) == 0 ) swap->othertrader = traderpub; else if ( bits256_cmp(traderpub,swap->othertrader) != 0 ) { printf("competing offer received for (%s/%s) %.8f %.8f\n",ap->offer.base,ap->offer.rel,dstr(ap->offer.price64),dstr(ap->offer.basevolume64)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no competing offers for now\"}")); } if ( bits256_nonz(swap->orderhash) == 0 ) swap->orderhash = orderhash; else if ( bits256_cmp(orderhash,swap->orderhash) != 0 ) { printf("orderhash %llx mismatch %llx\n",(long long)swap->orderhash.txid,(long long)orderhash.txid); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"orderhash mismatch???\"}")); } swap->satoshis[0] = ap->offer.basevolume64; swap->satoshis[1] = relsatoshis; swap->insurance = (relsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc->chain->txfee); // txfee return(0); } char *instantdex_sendoffer(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_info *exchange,struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson) // Bob sending to network (Alice) { struct iguana_info *other; struct bitcoin_swapinfo *swap; int32_t isbob; cJSON *newjson; char *retstr; if ( strcmp(ap->offer.rel,"BTC") != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid othercoin\"}")); else if ( (other= iguana_coinfind(ap->offer.base)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid othercoin\"}")); else if ( ap->offer.price64 <= 0 || ap->offer.basevolume64 <= 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"illegal price or volume\"}")); isbob = (ap->offer.myside == 1); swap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct bitcoin_swapinfo)); swap->isbob = isbob; swap->expiration = ap->offer.expiration;//(uint32_t)(time(NULL) + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*isbob); swap->choosei = swap->otherschoosei = -1; swap->depositconfirms = swap->paymentconfirms = swap->altpaymentconfirms = swap->myfeeconfirms = swap->otherfeeconfirms = -1; ap->info = swap; printf("sendoffer SETSWAP for orderid.%llu ap.%p (%p)\n",(long long)ap->orderid,ap,swap); if ( (retstr= instantdex_swapset(myinfo,ap,argjson)) != 0 ) return(retstr); ap->orderid = swap->orderhash.txid; if ( (newjson= instantdex_parseargjson(myinfo,exchange,ap,argjson,1)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"instantdex_BTCswap offer null newjson\"}")); else { //instantdex_bobtx(myinfo,iguana_coinfind("BTCD"),&swap->deposittxid,swap->otherpubs[0],swap->mypubs[0],swap->privkeys[swap->choosei],ap->offer.expiration-INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*2,swap->satoshis[1],1); //instantdex_alicetx(myinfo,iguana_coinfind("BTCD"),swap->altmsigaddr,&swap->altpaymenttxid,swap->pubAm,swap->pubBn,swap->satoshis[0]); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(ap->offer); i++) printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)&ap->offer)[i]); printf("BTCoffer.%llu\n",(long long)ap->orderid); } return(instantdex_sendcmd(myinfo,&ap->offer,newjson,"BTCoffer",GENESIS_PUBKEY,INSTANTDEX_HOPS,swap->deck,sizeof(swap->deck))); } }*/ /*ptr = (void *)bp->scriptsmap; ind = unspentind << 1; for (i=0; i<bp->numscriptsmaps; i++,ptr+=2) { if ( ind == ptr[0] ) { printf("bp.[%d] ind.%d offset.%d vs %ld\n",bp->hdrsi,ind,ptr[1],coin->scriptsfilesize); if ( ptr[1] + sizeof(struct scriptdata) <= coin->scriptsfilesize ) { if ( memcmp((void *)((long)coin->scriptsptr + ptr[1] + sizeof(struct scriptdata)),spendscript,spendlen) == 0 ) { printf("matched against existing scriptsptr[%d] %d\n",ptr[1],spendlen); return(ptr[1]); } printf("mismatch against existing scriptsptr[%d] %d\n",ptr[1],spendlen); } else { if ( (fp= fopen(coin->scriptsfname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,ptr[1] + sizeof(struct scriptdata),SEEK_SET); for (i=0; i<spendlen; i++) if ( (c= fgetc(fp)) != spendscript[i] ) { printf("bp.[%d] u%d: fgetc[%d] at %ld [%d,%ld) mismatch %02x v %02x\n",bp->hdrsi,unspentind,i,ftell(fp),ptr[1],ptr[1]+sizeof(struct scriptdata)+spendlen,c,spendscript[i]); for (; i<spendlen; i++) printf("%02x ",fgetc(fp) & 0xff); printf("fgetc\n"); for (i=0; i<spendlen; i++) printf("%02x ",spendscript[i]); printf("\n"); break; } fclose(fp); if ( i == spendlen ) { printf("matched script via fgetc offset.%u scriptlen.%d\n",ptr[1],spendlen); return(ptr[1]); } } } break; } }*/ /*void iguana_bundlescript(struct iguana_info *coin,uint32_t offset,struct iguana_bundle *bp,uint32_t ind,uint8_t *spendscript,int32_t spendlen) { long size = sizeof(offset) + sizeof(ind); uint32_t *ptr; if ( bp->numscriptsmaps >= bp->maxscriptsmaps ) { bp->scriptsmap = realloc(bp->scriptsmap,(1000+bp->maxscriptsmaps) * (sizeof(offset) + sizeof(ind))); bp->maxscriptsmaps += 1000; } ptr = (void *)((long)bp->scriptsmap + bp->numscriptsmaps*size); ptr[0] = ind; ptr[1] = offset; bp->numscriptsmaps++; }*/ uint32_t iguana_scriptstableadd(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t spendflag,uint32_t fpos,uint8_t *script,uint16_t scriptlen) { struct scriptinfo *ptr; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->scriptstable[spendflag],script,scriptlen,ptr); if ( ptr == 0 ) { ptr = mycalloc('w',1,sizeof(*ptr) + scriptlen); ptr->fpos = fpos; ptr->scriptlen = scriptlen; memcpy(ptr->script,script,scriptlen); HASH_ADD(hh,coin->scriptstable[spendflag],script,scriptlen,ptr); } return(fpos); } uint32_t iguana_scriptstablefind(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t spendflag,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen) { struct scriptinfo *ptr; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->scriptstable[spendflag],script,scriptlen,ptr); if ( ptr != 0 ) return(ptr->fpos); else return(0); } long iguana_rwscript(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t rwflag,void *fileptr,long offset,long filesize,FILE *fp,struct iguana_bundle *bp,uint8_t **scriptptrp,int32_t *lenp,int32_t hdrsi,uint32_t ind,int32_t spendflag) { long scriptpos; struct scriptdata data; uint8_t *script = *scriptptrp; if ( spendflag == 0 && (scriptpos= iguana_scriptstablefind(coin,spendflag,script,*lenp)) != 0 ) return(scriptpos); memset(&data,0,sizeof(data)); if ( rwflag != 0 && fp != 0 && fileptr == 0 ) { scriptpos = ftell(fp); data.ind = ind, data.spendflag = spendflag; data.hdrsi = hdrsi; data.scriptlen = *lenp; if ( fwrite(&data,1,sizeof(data),fp) != sizeof(data) ) return(-1); if ( fwrite(script,1,data.scriptlen,fp) != data.scriptlen ) return(-1); offset = (uint32_t)ftell(fp); //printf("spend.%d filesize.%ld wrote.h%d u%d len.%d [%ld,%ld) crc.%08x\n",spendflag,coin->scriptsfilesize[spendflag],hdrsi,ind,data.scriptlen,scriptpos,ftell(fp),calc_crc32(0,script,data.scriptlen)); } else if ( rwflag == 0 && fp == 0 && fileptr != 0 ) { scriptpos = offset; if ( offset+sizeof(data) <= filesize ) { memcpy(&data,(void *)((long)fileptr + offset),sizeof(data)); if ( data.scriptlen > 0 && data.scriptlen < *lenp && offset+sizeof(data)+data.scriptlen <= filesize ) { if ( data.scriptlen > 0 ) { *scriptptrp = script = (void *)((long)fileptr + offset); offset += data.scriptlen + sizeof(data); if ( data.hdrsi < coin->bundlescount ) bp = coin->bundles[data.hdrsi]; else printf("illegal hdrsi.%d/%d\n",data.hdrsi,coin->bundlescount); } else printf("illegal scriptlen %d\n",data.scriptlen); //printf("hdrsi.%d loaded script.%d %u s%d\n",data.hdrsi,data.scriptlen,data.ind,data.spendflag); } else if ( data.scriptlen > 0 ) { printf("spendlen overflow.%d vs %d\n",data.scriptlen,*lenp); return(-1); } } else { printf("error reading from %ld\n",scriptpos); return(-1); } //printf("hdrsi.%d scriptlen.%d\n",data.hdrsi,data.scriptlen); *lenp = data.scriptlen; } if ( bp != 0 ) { //if ( spendflag == 0 ) iguana_scriptstableadd(coin,spendflag,(uint32_t)scriptpos,script,*lenp); } else if ( rwflag == 0 ) { printf("null bp for iguana_rwscript hdrsi.%d/%d\n",data.hdrsi,coin->bundlescount); return(-1); } return(offset); } long iguana_initscripts(struct iguana_info *coin) { long fpos=0,offset = 0; uint8_t scriptdata[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE],*scriptptr; int32_t spendflag,size,n=0; struct scriptdata script; for (spendflag=0; spendflag<2; spendflag++) { portable_mutex_lock(&coin->scripts_mutex[spendflag]); sprintf(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],"tmp/%s/%sscripts",coin->symbol,spendflag==0?"":"sig"), OS_portable_path(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag]); printf("scripts fname.(%s)\n",coin->scriptsfname[spendflag]); if ( (coin->scriptsptr[spendflag]= OS_mapfile(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],&coin->scriptsfilesize[spendflag],0)) == 0 ) { coin->scriptsfp[spendflag] = fopen(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],"wb"); memset(&script,0,sizeof(script)); fwrite(&script,1,sizeof(script),coin->scriptsfp[spendflag]); } else { while ( 1 ) { size = sizeof(scriptdata); scriptptr = scriptdata; if ( (offset= iguana_rwscript(coin,0,coin->scriptsptr[spendflag],offset,coin->scriptsfilesize[spendflag],0,0,&scriptptr,&size,0,0,spendflag)) < 0 ) break; else fpos = offset; n++; } coin->scriptsfp[spendflag] = fopen(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],"ab"); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->scripts_mutex[spendflag]); printf("initialized %d scripts, fpos %ld\n",n,fpos); return(offset); } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->scripts_mutex[spendflag]); } return(-1); } uint32_t iguana_scriptsave(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,uint32_t ind,int32_t spendflag,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen) { FILE *fp; long fpos = 0; if ( scriptlen > 0 && (fp= coin->scriptsfp[spendflag]) != 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&coin->scripts_mutex[spendflag]); fpos = ftell(fp); if ( iguana_rwscript(coin,1,0,0,0,fp,bp,&script,&scriptlen,bp->hdrsi,ind,spendflag) < 0 ) { fseek(fp,fpos,SEEK_SET); fpos = -1; printf("error saving script at %ld\n",fpos); } else fflush(fp); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->scripts_mutex[spendflag]); } else printf("cant scriptsave.%d to (%s).%p scriptlen.%d\n",spendflag,coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],coin->scriptsfp[spendflag],scriptlen); return((uint32_t)fpos); } long iguana_scriptadd(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,uint32_t unspentind,int32_t type,uint8_t *spendscript,int32_t spendlen,uint8_t rmd160[20],int32_t vout) { static long total,saved; int32_t scriptlen; char asmstr[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE*2+1]; uint8_t script[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; long fpos=0; struct vin_info V,*vp = &V; if ( spendlen == 0 ) { printf("null script?\n"); getchar(); return(0); } memset(vp,0,sizeof(*vp)); asmstr[0] = 0; total++; scriptlen = iguana_scriptgen(coin,&vp->M,&vp->N,vp->coinaddr,script,asmstr,rmd160,type,(const struct vin_info *)vp,vout); if ( scriptlen == spendlen && memcmp(script,spendscript,scriptlen) == 0 ) return(0); else { saved++; //if ( (saved % 1000) == 0 ) printf("add type.%d scriptlen.%d fpos.%ld saved.%ld/%ld\n",type,spendlen,coin->scriptsfp!=0?ftell(coin->scriptsfp[0]):-1,saved,total); fpos = iguana_scriptsave(coin,bp,unspentind,0,spendscript,spendlen); } return(fpos); } if ( s->sighash != iguana_vinscriptparse(coin,&V,&sigsize,&pubkeysize,&p2shsize,&suffixlen,vinscript,vinscriptlen) ) { static uint64_t counter; if ( counter++ < 100 ) { for (i=0; i<vinscriptlen; i++) printf("%02x",vinscript[i]); printf(" ramchain_addspend RO sighash mismatch %d\n",s->sighash); } return(spendind); } //ramchain->H.stacksize += sigsize;// + 1 + (sigsize >= 0xfd)*2; if ( s->numpubkeys > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<s->numpubkeys; i++) { if ( (ptr= iguana_hashfind(ramchain,'P',V.signers[i].rmd160)) == 0 ) { //printf("from addspend\n"); //pkind = iguana_ramchain_addpkhash(coin,RAMCHAIN_ARG,V.signers[i].rmd160,0,0,0); //printf("create pkind.%d from vin\n",pkind); } else pkind = ptr->hh.itemind; } } if ( 0 && s->numsigs > 0 ) printf("autoverify numsigs.%d\n",s->numsigs); uint8_t *iguana_scriptptr(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *scriptlenp,uint8_t _script[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE],uint32_t scriptfpos,uint8_t *scriptdata,int32_t scriptlen,int32_t maxsize,int32_t spendflag) { *scriptlenp = scriptlen; if ( 0 && scriptlen > 0 ) { if ( scriptfpos != 0 ) scriptdata = iguana_scriptfpget(coin,scriptlenp,_script,scriptfpos,spendflag); } return(scriptdata); } uint8_t *iguana_scriptfpget(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *scriptlenp,uint8_t _script[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE],uint32_t scriptoffset,int32_t spendflag) { FILE *fp; uint8_t *scriptdata=0; int32_t scriptlen=0; struct scriptdata sdata; *scriptlenp = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(coin->scriptsfname[spendflag],"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,scriptoffset,SEEK_SET); if ( fread(&sdata,1,sizeof(sdata),fp) != sizeof(sdata) ) printf("iguana_scriptfpget: error reading sdata\n"); else if ( sdata.scriptlen > 0 && sdata.scriptlen <= IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) { if ( fread(_script,1,sdata.scriptlen,fp) == sdata.scriptlen ) { scriptdata = _script; *scriptlenp = scriptlen = sdata.scriptlen; //printf("raw [%d] offset.%d scriptlen.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,scriptoffset,scriptlen); //for (i=0; i<16; i++) // printf("%02x",_script[i]); //printf(" set script.%d\n",scriptlen); } } fclose(fp); } return(scriptdata); } //struct scriptdata { uint32_t ind:31,spendflag:1; uint16_t hdrsi,scriptlen; }__attribute__((packed)); if ( ramchain->expanded != 0 ) { if ( (long)destoffset < (long)srcoffset ) { /*sprintf(fname,"sigs/%s/%s",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0])); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( ramchain->H.stacksize > 0 ) { if ( fwrite(srcoffset,1,ramchain->H.stacksize,fp) != ramchain->H.stacksize ) printf("error writing %d sigs to %s\n",ramchain->H.stacksize,fname); } else { if ( fwrite(&izero,1,sizeof(izero),fp) != sizeof(izero) ) printf("error writing izero to %s\n",fname); } fclose(fp); } if ( (ramchain->sigsfileptr= OS_mapfile(fname,&ramchain->sigsfilesize,0)) == 0 ) return(-1); printf("%s bp.[%d] ht.%d stacksize.%u filesize.%u\n",fname,bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight,ramchain->H.stacksize,(uint32_t)ramchain->sigsfilesize);*/ //for (i=0; i<ramchain->H.stacksize; i++) // c = *srcoffset, *destoffset++ = c, *srcoffset++ = 0; } else printf("smashed stack? dest.%ld vs src %ld offset.%u stacksize.%u space.%u\n",(long)destoffset,(long)srcoffset,(uint32_t)ramchain->H.scriptoffset,(uint32_t)ramchain->H.stacksize,(uint32_t)ramchain->H.scriptoffset); } // if file exists and is valid, load and then process only the incremental long iguana_spentsfile(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t n) { int32_t i,iter,allocated = 0; long filesize,total,count; struct iguana_bundleind *spents = 0; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain; char fname[1024]; struct iguana_bundle *bp; FILE *fp; fname[0] = 0; for (total=iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { for (count=i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { ramchain = &bp->ramchain; if ( ramchain->H.data != 0 ) { if ( iter == 1 ) { ramchain->spents = &spents[count]; //printf("bp.[%d] count.%ld %p\n",i,count,ramchain->spents); if ( allocated != 0 && iguana_spentsinit(coin,spents,bp,ramchain) < 0 ) { printf("error initializing spents bp.%d\n",i); exit(-1); } } count += ramchain->H.data->numunspents; } else break; } else return(-1); } if ( i < n ) n = (i + 1); sprintf(fname,"DB/%s/spents_%d.%ld",coin->symbol,n,count); printf("%s total unspents.%ld\n",fname,count); if ( iter == 0 ) { total = count; if ( (spents= OS_filestr(&filesize,fname)) == 0 ) spents = calloc(total,sizeof(*spents)), allocated = 1; } else if ( total != count ) printf("%s total.%ld != count.%ld\n",fname,total,count); } if ( allocated != 0 && fname[0] != 0 && (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { fwrite(spents,total,sizeof(*spents),fp); fclose(fp); } return(total); } int32_t iguana_spentsinit(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundleind *spents,struct iguana_bundle *bp,struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain) { int32_t spendind,n,max,hdrsi,errs,flag; uint32_t unspentind; struct iguana_bundle *spentbp; struct iguana_spend *S; bits256 prevhash; S = (void *)(long)((long)ramchain->H.data + ramchain->H.data->Soffset); max = ramchain->H.data->numunspents; n = ramchain->H.data->numspends; for (spendind=1,errs=0; spendind<n; spendind++) { flag = 0; hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; if ( (spentbp= iguana_spent(coin,&prevhash,&unspentind,ramchain,bp->hdrsi,&S[spendind])) != 0 ) { spentbp->ramchain.spents[unspentind].ind = spendind; spentbp->ramchain.spents[unspentind].hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; flag = 1; if ( S[spendind].external == 0 && spentbp != bp ) printf("spentsinit unexpected spendbp: %p bp.[%d] U%d <- S%d.[%d] [%p %p %p]\n",&spentbp->ramchain.spents[unspentind],hdrsi,unspentind,spendind,bp->hdrsi,coin->bundles[0],coin->bundles[1],coin->bundles[2]); } else if ( S[spendind].prevout < 0 ) flag = 1; else printf("unresolved spendind.%d hdrsi.%d\n",spendind,bp->hdrsi); if ( flag == 0 ) errs++; } printf("processed %d spendinds for bp.[%d] -> errs.%d\n",spendind,bp->hdrsi,errs); return(-errs); } if ( bp != currentbp ) { //printf("initial requests for hdrs.%d\n",bp->hdrsi); pend = queue_size(&coin->priorityQ) + queue_size(&coin->blocksQ); for (i=0; i<IGUANA_MAXPEERS; i++) pend += coin->peers.active[i].pendblocks; if ( 0 && pend >= IGUANA_BUNDLELOOP ) { //for (i=better=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) // if ( coin->bundles[i] != 0 && coin->bundles[i]->numsaved > bp->numsaved ) // better++; //if ( better > coin->peers.numranked ) { //usleep(10000); //printf("SKIP pend.%d vs %d: better.%d ITERATE bundle.%d n.%d r.%d s.%d finished.%d timelimit.%d\n",pend,coin->MAXPENDING*coin->peers.numranked,better,bp->bundleheight,bp->n,bp->numrecv,bp->numsaved,bp->emitfinish,timelimit); iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); return(0); } } counter = iguana_bundlekick(coin,bp,starti,max); } if ( req == 0 && 0 ) { if ( 1 )//(rand() % 10) == 0 ) flag = iguana_neargap(coin,addr); else if ( 0 && (bp= addr->bp) != 0 && bp->rank != 0 && addr->pendblocks < limit ) { r = rand(); for (j=0; j<bp->n; j++) { i = (r + j) % bp->n; if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && block->numrequests == bp->minrequests && block->fpipbits == 0 && block->queued == 0 ) { printf("peer.%s BPranked.%d [%d:%d] pending.%d numreqs.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,bp->rank,bp->hdrsi,i,addr->pendblocks,block->numrequests); block->numrequests++; flag++; iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0); break; } } } } int32_t iguana_neargap(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr) { struct iguana_block *block,*bestblock = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bp,*bestbp = 0; int32_t height,hdrsi,i,j,n,bundlei,gap,besti = -1; uint32_t r; if ( addr->rank > 0 ) { n = coin->peers.numranked * 2; gap = addr->rank * (1 + n + coin->peers.numranked) + coin->peers.numranked; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) == 0 || bp->emitfinish == 0 ) break; height = (i * coin->chain->bundlesize); r = rand(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { j = (gap + r + i) % n; hdrsi = (height + j) / coin->chain->bundlesize; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi]) != 0 ) { bundlei = (height + j) % coin->chain->bundlesize; if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 && block->queued == 0 ) { if ( block->numrequests == bp->minrequests ) { bestblock = block; bestbp = bp; besti = bundlei; break; } else if ( bestblock == 0 || block->numrequests < bestblock->numrequests ) { bestblock = block; bestbp = bp; besti = bundlei; } } } } if ( bestblock != 0 ) { printf("near hwm.%d gap.%d peer.%s bpranked.%d [%d:%d] pending.%d numreqs.%d\n",height,j,addr->ipaddr,bestbp->rank,bestbp->hdrsi,besti,addr->pendblocks,bestblock->numrequests); bestblock->numrequests++; iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bestbp,besti,bestblock->RO.hash2,0); return(1); } } return(0); } /*if ( doneval != maxval ) { r = rand() % numpeers; oldest = 0; for (i=0; i<numpeers; i++) { j = (i + r) % numpeers; if ( peercounts[j] > 0 ) { for (i=j; i<bp->n; i+=numpeers) if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 ) { if ( oldest == 0 || block->issued < oldest->issued ) oldest = block; if ( now > block->issued+10+60*(bp!=coin->current) ) { for (k=0; k<numpeers; k++) { r = rand(); z = (k + r) % numpeers; if ( donecounts[z] > 0 && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[z]) != 0 ) { if ( bp == coin->current ) printf("send [%d:%d] to addr[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,block->bundlei,z); block->issued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); counter++; iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,block->bundlei,block->RO.hash2,0); break; } } } } } } }*/ //return(counter); /*if ( 0 && time(NULL) > bp->lastspeculative+60 ) { for (i=1,counter=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) == 0 || block->fpos < 0 || block->fpipbits == 0 ) { if ( bp->speculative != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) == 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) > 0 && i < bp->numspec ) iguana_blockQ("speculate0",coin,0,-2,bp->speculative[i],0), counter++; else if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 ) iguana_blockQ("speculate1",coin,0,-3,bp->hashes[i],0), counter++; } } if ( counter != 0 ) printf("SPECULATIVE issue.%d bp.[%d]\n",counter,bp->hdrsi); bp->lastspeculative = (uint32_t)time(NULL); }*/ //ramchain->A = OS_filestr(&filesize,fname); //if ( filesize != sizeof(*ramchain->A)*ramchain->H.data->numpkinds ) // printf("%s unexpected filesize %ld vs %ld\n",fname,filesize,sizeof(*ramchain->A)*ramchain->H.data->numpkinds); sprintf(fname,"DB/%s/accounts/lastspends.%d",coin->symbol,ramchain->H.data->height); //ramchain->Uextras = OS_filestr(&filesize,fname); //if ( filesize != sizeof(*ramchain->Uextras)*ramchain->H.data->numpkinds ) // printf("%s unexpected filesize %ld vs %ld\n",fname,filesize,sizeof(*ramchain->Uextras)*ramchain->H.data->numpkinds); //if ( ramchain->A == 0 ) ramchain->A = myaligned_alloc(sizeof(*ramchain->A) * ramchain->H.data->numpkinds); //if ( ramchain->Uextras == 0 ) ramchain->Uextras = myaligned_alloc(sizeof(*ramchain->Uextras) * ramchain->H.data->numunspents); //printf("hashmem.%p A allocated.%p numpkinds.%d %ld\n",hashmem,ramchain->A,ramchain->H.data->numpkinds,sizeof(struct iguana_account)*ramchain->H.data->numpkinds); //ramchain->P2 = (hashmem != 0) ? iguana_memalloc(hashmem,sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra) * ramchain->H.data->numpkinds,1) : mycalloc('2',ramchain->H.data->numpkinds,sizeof(struct iguana_pkextra)); ///ramchain->U2 = (hashmem != 0) ? iguana_memalloc(hashmem,sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra) * ramchain->H.data->numunspents,1) : mycalloc('3',ramchain->H.data->numunspents,sizeof(struct iguana_Uextra)); //printf("iguana_ramchain_extras A.%p:%p U2.%p:%p P2.%p:%p\n",ramchain->A,ramchain->roA,ramchain->U2,ramchain->roU2,ramchain->P2,ramchain->roP2); //memcpy(ramchain->U2,ramchain->roU2,sizeof(*ramchain->U2) * ramchain->H.data->numunspents); //memcpy(ramchain->P2,ramchain->roP2,sizeof(*ramchain->P2) * ramchain->H.data->numpkinds); int32_t iguana_spendfind(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,uint32_t spendind,int32_t emit) { struct iguana_unspent *u,*spentU; struct iguana_spend *S,*s; struct iguana_ramchain *ramchain; struct iguana_bundle *spentbp; struct iguana_txid *T; ramchain = &bp->ramchain; if ( ramchain->H.data == 0 || (n= ramchain->H.data->numspends) < 1 || ramchain->Xspendinds == 0 ) return(-1); S = (void *)(long)((long)ramchain->H.data + ramchain->H.data->Soffset); s = &S[spendind]; u = 0; unspentind = 0; hdrsi = -1; spentbp = 0; if ( s->external != 0 && s->prevout >= 0 ) { if ( emit >= ramchain->numXspends ) errs++; else { h = ramchain->Xspendinds[emit].height; unspentind = ramchain->Xspendinds[emit].ind; if ( (hdrsi= ramchain->Xspendinds[emit].hdrsi) >= 0 && hdrsi <= bp->hdrsi ) spentbp = coin->bundles[hdrsi]; else { printf("iguana_balancegen[%d] s.%d illegal hdrsi.%d emit.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,spendind,hdrsi,emit); return(-1); } //printf("%d of %d: [%d] X spendind.%d -> (%d u%d)\n",emit,ramchain->numXspends,bp->hdrsi,spendind,hdrsi,unspentind); emit++; } } else if ( s->prevout >= 0 ) { spentbp = bp; hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; h = refheight; if ( (txidind= s->spendtxidind) != 0 && txidind < spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numtxids ) { T = (void *)(long)((long)spentbp->ramchain.H.data + spentbp->ramchain.H.data->Toffset); unspentind = T[txidind].firstvout + s->prevout; if ( unspentind == 0 || unspentind >= spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numunspents ) { printf("iguana_balancegen unspentind overflow %u vs %u\n",unspentind,spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numunspents); return(-1); } //printf("txidind.%d 1st.%d prevout.%d\n",txidind,T[txidind].firstvout,s->prevout); } else { printf("iguana_balancegen txidind overflow %u vs %u\n",txidind,spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numtxids); return(-1); } //printf("[%d] spendind.%d -> (hdrsi.%d u%d)\n",bp->hdrsi,spendind,hdrsi,unspentind); } else return(0); if ( (spendind & 0xff) == 1 ) now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( spentbp != 0 && unspentind > 0 && unspentind < spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numunspents ) { if ( now > spentbp->lastprefetch+20 || (spentbp->dirty % 50000) == 0 ) { //printf("current.%d prefetch.[%d] lag.%u\n",spentbp == bp,spentbp->hdrsi,now - spentbp->lastprefetch); iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&spentbp->ramchain); spentbp->lastprefetch = now; } } } if ( 0 && coin->blocks.hwmchain.height > coin->chain->bundlesize && bp->hdrsi == coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize ) { for (bundlei=0; bundlei<bp->n; bundlei++) { checki = iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,GLOBALTMPDIR,fname,0,bp->hashes[bundlei],bundlei>0?bp->hashes[bundlei-1]:zero,1); if ( checki == bundlei ) { if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) fclose(fp); else break; } } if ( bp == coin->current && (bp->ramchain.H.data == 0 || bp->ramchain.H.data->numblocks != bundlei) ) { printf("RT bundls\n"); if ( iguana_bundlesaveHT(coin,mem,memB,bp,(uint32_t)time(NULL)) == 0 ) { } } } /*for (j=0; j<num; j++) if ( ipbits[j] == fpipbits ) { ptr = ptrs[j]; filesize = filesizes[j]; break; } if ( j == num ) { printf("j.%d num.%d bundlei.%d\n",j,num,bundlei); break; }*/ if ( (bp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,&bundlei,origblock->RO.prev_block)) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_recvblock got prev block [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei); if ( bundlei < bp->n-1 ) bundlei++; else bp = 0, bundlei = -2; /*if ( bits256_cmp(prev->RO.hash2,block->RO.prev_block) == 0 && bundlei < bp->n-1 ) { bundlei++; iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,&tmpblock,bp,bundlei,block->RO.hash2); if ( tmpblock == block ) { printf("[%d:%d] speculative block.%p\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,block); bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; bp->hashes[bundlei] = block->RO.hash2; block->bundlei = bundlei; block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; block->mainchain = prev->mainchain; } else printf("error adding speculative prev [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei); }*/ } /*for (i=coin->bundlescount-1; i>=0; i--) { //if ( coin->bundles[i] != 0 ) // printf("compare vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,coin->bundles[i]->hashes[0])); if ( coin->bundles[i] != 0 && bits256_cmp(origblock->RO.prev_block,coin->bundles[i]->hashes[0]) == 0 ) { bp = coin->bundles[i]; bundlei = 1; iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,&block,bp,bundlei,origblock->RO.hash2); printf("iguana_recvblock [%d] bundlehashadd set.%d block.%p\n",i,bundlei,block); if ( block != 0 ) { bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; block->bundlei = bundlei; block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; } break; } }*/ //printf("i.%d ref prev.(%s)\n",i,bits256_str(str,origblock->RO.prev_block)); /*if ( checki != bundlei || bundlei < 0 || bundlei >= coin->chain->bundlesize ) { printf("iguana_bundlecalcs.(%s) illegal hdrsi.%d bundlei.%d checki.%d\n",fname,hdrsi,bundlei,checki); continue; }*/ if ( 0 && coin->current == bp )//&& (bp->isRT != 0 || bp->hdrsi > coin->bundlescount-3) ) { //checki = iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,GLOBALTMPDIR,fname,0,bp->hashes[bundlei],bundlei>0?bp->hashes[bundlei-1]:zero,1); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); block->RO.recvlen = (uint32_t)ftell(fp); block->fpipbits = 1; block->fpos = 0; //printf("fp.[%d:%d] len.%d\n",hdrsi,bundlei,block->RO.recvlen); fclose(fp); } else { //char str[65]; printf("missing.(%s) issue.%s\n",fname,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[bundlei])); block->RO.recvlen = 0; block->fpipbits = 0; block->fpos = -1; //iguana_blockQ("missing",coin,0,-1,block->RO.hash2,1); } } int32_t iguana_bundleissue(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t max,int32_t timelimit) { int32_t i,j,k,peerid,doneflag,len,forceflag,saved,starti,lag,doneval,nonz,total=0,maxval,numpeers,laggard=0,flag=0,finished=0,peercounts[IGUANA_MAXPEERS],donecounts[IGUANA_MAXPEERS],priority,counter = 0; struct iguana_peer *addr; uint32_t now; struct iguana_block *block; bits256 hashes[50],hash2; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(hashes) + 256]; if ( bp == 0 ) return(0); now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); memset(peercounts,0,sizeof(peercounts)); memset(donecounts,0,sizeof(donecounts)); if ( coin->current != 0 ) starti = coin->current->hdrsi; else starti = 0; priority = (bp->hdrsi < starti + coin->peers.numranked); if ( strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) == 0 ) lag = 10 + (bp->hdrsi - starti); else lag = 3 + (bp->hdrsi - starti)/10; if ( coin->current != bp ) lag *= 3; if ( (numpeers= coin->peers.numranked) > 3 && 0 )//(bp->numhashes == bp->n || bp->speculative != 0) )//&& bp->currentflag < bp->n ) { if ( numpeers > 0xff ) numpeers = 0xff; // fit into 8 bitfield if ( bp->currentflag == 0 ) bp->currenttime = now; if ( bp->numhashes >= 1 ) { for (j=0; j<numpeers; j++) { if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[j]) != 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->msgcounts.verack != 0 ) { now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=j,k=doneval=maxval=0; i<bp->n&&k<sizeof(hashes)/sizeof(*hashes); i+=numpeers) { doneflag = peerid = 0; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 ) { hash2 = bp->hashes[i]; if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (peerid= block->peerid) == 0 ) { //printf("<%d>.%d ",i,j); if ( block->fpipbits != 0 || bp->speculativecache[i] != 0 ) doneflag = 1; } } } else if ( bp->speculative != 0 && i < bp->numspec && bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 ) { hash2 = bp->speculative[i]; if ( bp->speculativecache[i] != 0 ) doneflag = peerid = 1; } if ( doneflag == 0 ) { hashes[k++] = hash2; bp->issued[i] = now; if ( block != 0 ) { block->issued = now; block->peerid = j + 1; block->numrequests++; } } else { doneflag = 1; if ( block != 0 ) { block->peerid = 1; block->numrequests++; } } if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) != 0 ) { if ( peerid > 1 ) { total++; if ( doneflag != 0 ) { donecounts[peerid - 1]++; if ( donecounts[peerid - 1] > doneval ) doneval = donecounts[peerid - 1]; } else { peercounts[peerid - 1]++; if ( peercounts[peerid - 1] > maxval ) maxval = peercounts[peerid - 1]; } } } } if ( k > 0 ) { if ( (len= iguana_getdata(coin,serialized,MSG_BLOCK,hashes,k)) > 0 ) { iguana_send(coin,addr,serialized,len); counter += k; coin->numreqsent += k; addr->pendblocks += k; addr->pendtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); bp->currentflag += k; } //printf("a%d/%d ",j,k); } } } //printf("doneval.%d maxval.%d\n",doneval,maxval); if ( 0 && priority != 0 ) { double threshold; for (i=nonz=0; i<numpeers; i++) if ( donecounts[i]+peercounts[i] != 0 ) nonz++; if ( nonz != 0 && total != 0 ) { threshold = ((double)total / nonz) - 1.; for (i=laggard=finished=0; i<numpeers; i++) { if ( peercounts[i] > threshold ) laggard++; if ( peercounts[i] == 0 && donecounts[i] > threshold ) finished++; } if ( finished > laggard*10 && numpeers > 2*laggard && laggard > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<numpeers; i++) { if ( peercounts[i] > threshold && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 && now > bp->currenttime+lag && addr->dead == 0 ) { if ( (numpeers > 64 || addr->laggard++ > 13) && coin->current == bp ) { addr->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); addr->rank = 0; } for (j=0; j<bp->n; j++) { if ( ((block= bp->blocks[j]) != 0 && block->peerid == i && block->fpipbits == 0) || bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 ) { if ( bp == coin->current ) printf("%d ",j); flag++; counter++; if ( block != 0 ) { block->issued = now; block->peerid = 0; iguana_blockQ("kick",coin,bp,j,block->RO.hash2,0);//bp == coin->current); } else iguana_blockQ("kick",coin,bp,j,block->RO.hash2,0);//bp == coin->current); if ( bp == coin->current ) bp->issued[i] = now; } } if ( flag != 0 && bp == coin->current ) printf("slow peer.%d dead.%u (%s) reissued.%d [%d]\n",i,addr->dead,addr->ipaddr,flag,bp->hdrsi); } } } if ( 0 && laggard != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<numpeers; i++) printf("%d ",peercounts[i]); printf("peercounts.%d: finished %d, laggards.%d threshold %f\n",bp->hdrsi,finished,laggard,threshold); } } } for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( 0 && (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && iguana_blockstatus(coin,block) == 0 && bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 ) { if ( now > block->issued+lag ) { counter++; saved = block->issued; if ( bp == coin->current ) forceflag = (now > block->issued + lag); else forceflag = (now > block->issued + 10*lag); if ( priority != 0 ) { printf("kick.[%d:%d] ",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("kicka",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0*forceflag); if ( forceflag != 0 && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[rand() % numpeers]) != 0 ) iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0); } else iguana_blockQ("kickb",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0*forceflag); if ( forceflag != 0 ) bp->issued[i] = block->issued = now; else bp->issued[i] = block->issued = saved; flag++; } //else printf("%d ",now - block->issued); } } if ( flag != 0 && priority != 0 && laggard != 0 && coin->current == bp ) printf("[%d] reissued.%d currentflag.%d ht.%d s.%d finished.%d most.%d laggards.%d maxunfinished.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,flag,bp->currentflag,bp->bundleheight,bp->numsaved,finished,doneval,laggard,maxval); } if ( bp == coin->current ) return(counter); } for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 ) { if ( block->fpipbits == 0 || block->fpos < 0 )// || block->RO.recvlen == 0 ) { if ( now > block->issued+lag ) { block->numrequests++; if ( bp == coin->current ) printf("[%d:%d].%x ",bp->hdrsi,i,block->fpipbits); iguana_blockQ("kickc",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0);//bp == coin->current && now > block->issued+lag); bp->issued[i] = block->issued = now; counter++; if ( --max <= 0 ) break; } } } else if ( block != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 && now > bp->issued[i]+lag ) { if ( bp == coin->current ) printf("b[%d:%d].%x ",bp->hdrsi,i,block->fpipbits); iguana_blockQ("kickd",coin,bp,i,bp->hashes[i],0);//bp == coin->current && now > bp->issued[i]+lag*3); bp->issued[i] = now; counter++; } else if ( bp->speculative != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 && now > bp->issued[i]+lag ) { if ( bp == coin->current ) printf("i[%d:%d] ",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("kicke",coin,bp,i,bp->speculative[i],0); bp->issued[i] = now; counter++; } } return(counter); } /*else if ( 0 && bp == coin->current && bp->speculativecache[bundlei] == 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("missing prev_block [%d:%d] %s\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[bundlei])); if ( block != 0 ) { block->RO.recvlen = 0; block->fpipbits = 0; block->fpos = -1; } else if ( now > bp->issued[bundlei]+13 ) iguana_blockQ("missing",coin,bp,bundlei,bp->hashes[bundlei],1); }*/ } /*else { char str[65],str2[65]; printf(" mismatched [%d:%d] %s vs %s\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[bundlei]),bits256_str(str2,block->RO.hash2)); //iguana_blockQ("missing",coin,0,-1,block->RO.hash2,1); bp->issued[bundlei] = 0; bp->blocks[bundlei] = 0; memset(bp->hashes[bundlei].bytes,0,sizeof(bp->hashes[bundlei])); OS_removefile(fname,0); }*/ /*if ( 0 && bp->numhashes < bp->n && bp->speculative != 0 ) { for (j=1; j<bp->numspec&&j<bp->n; j++) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[j]) == 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]) != 0 ) block = iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[j]); else if ( bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[j]) != 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->speculative[j])) == 0 ) block = iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,bp->speculative[j],1); } } else if ( bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) != 0 && iguana_blockstatus(coin,block) != 0 ) continue; prev = bp->blocks[j-1]; //printf("[%d:%d] prev.%p nonz.%d speculative.%d block.%p\n",bp->hdrsi,j,bp->blocks[j-1],bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]),bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[j]),bp->blocks[j]); if ( block != 0 && bp->blocks[j] == 0 ) //prev != 0 && { //char str2[65]; printf("[%d:%d] prev.%p nonz.%d speculative.%d prev.%s vs %s ipbits.%x q.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,j,bp->blocks[j-1],bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]),bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[j]),bits256_str(str,prev->RO.hash2),bits256_str(str2,block->RO.prev_block),block->fpipbits,block->queued); if ( iguana_blockstatus(coin,block) == 0 && bp->speculativecache[j] == 0 ) { if ( block->req != 0 ) { block->queued = 1; queue_enqueue("cacheQ",&coin->cacheQ,&block->req->DL,0); block->req = 0; //printf("submit cached [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,j); } else if ( now > block->issued+10 ) { block->issued = now; //printf("submit speculative [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,j); iguana_blockQ("spec",coin,0,-1,block->RO.hash2,0); } } } // else break; } }*/ int32_t checki,hdrsi,havefile,missing,recvlen; char fname[1024]; FILE *fp; static bits256 zero; //if ( bp->speculative != 0 ) { now = (int32_t)time(NULL); for (j=havefile=missing=0; j<bp->n; j++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]) != 0 ) hash2 = bp->hashes[j]; else if ( bp->speculative != 0 ) hash2 = bp->speculative[j]; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 ) { missing++; continue; } checki = iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,GLOBALTMPDIR,fname,0,hash2,zero,1,0); if ( 1 && (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { havefile++; fclose(fp); continue; } //if ( (block= bp->blocks[j]) != 0 && block->fpipbits != 0 && block->fpos >= 0 && block->RO.recvlen > 0 && bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) != 0 ) // continue; missing++; if ( bp->speculativecache[j] != 0 ) { block = iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->speculative[j]); if ( block != 0 ) block->queued = 1; if ( bp->speculativecache[j] != 0 && block != 0 ) xx else if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[j]) != 0 ) { iguana_blockQ("currentstop",coin,bp,j,hash2,0); } continue; } if ( bp == coin->current && (now > bp->issued[j]+3 || (rand() % 10) == 0) ) { fprintf(stderr,"-[%d:%d].%d ",bp->hdrsi,j,now-bp->issued[j]); struct iguana_peer *addr; int32_t r; if ( (rand() % 10) == 0 && (r= coin->peers.numranked) != 0 && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[rand() % r]) != 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->usock >= 0 ) iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,j,hash2,0); else iguana_blockQ("currentstop",coin,bp,j,hash2,1); //fprintf(stderr,"currentstop [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,j); bp->issued[j] = now; } } if ( bp == coin->current ) fprintf(stderr,"[%d] check numcached.%d numhashes.%d numsaved.%d havefile.%d missing.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->numcached,bp->numhashes,bp->numsaved,havefile,missing); } if ( bp->speculative != 0 && missing == 0 ) { hash2 = bp->hashes[0]; for (i=1; i<bp->n; i++) { /*if ( bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 ) block = iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->speculative[i]); else if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 ) block = iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[i]);*/ if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) == 0 || bits256_cmp(block->RO.prev_block,hash2) != 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65]; printf("error with speculative prev at i.%d block.%p %s vs %s\n",i,block,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[i]),bits256_str(str2,hash2)); if ( block != 0 ) { checki = iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,GLOBALTMPDIR,fname,0,bp->hashes[i],zero,1,0); if ( fname[0] != 0 ) OS_removefile(fname,0); printf(">>>>>>> block contents error at ht.%d (%s)\n",bp->bundleheight+i,fname); //char str[65]; patch.(%s) and reissue %s checki.%d vs %d\n",block->fpipbits,bp->bundleheight+i,bits256_str(str,block->RO.prev_block),fname,checki,i); block->fpipbits = 0; block->fpos = -1; block->queued = 0; block->RO.recvlen = 0; } break; } hash2 = block->RO.hash2; } if ( i == bp->n && iguana_bundlefinalize(coin,bp,&coin->MEM,coin->MEMB) == 0 ) { //free(bp->speculative); //bp->speculative = 0; } } /*if ( bp->speculative != 0 && missing == 0 ) { if ( i == bp->n ) { printf("have complete speculative bundle!\n"); for (i=1; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->speculative[i])) != 0 ) { block->bundlei = i; block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; bp->blocks[i] = block; printf("bundlehashadd set.%d\n",i); iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,i,bp->speculative[i]); } } } } }*/ //bp->rank = 0; /*if ( bp->speculative != 0 )//&& bp == coin->current ) { now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=1; i<bp->numspec&&i<bp->n; i++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) == 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) == 0 && bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 && now > bp->issued[i]+60 ) { //printf("speculative.[%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("speculative",coin,bp,-i,bp->speculative[i],0);//now > bp->issued[i]+60); bp->issued[i] = now; continue; } } else if ( 0 && (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 && now > bp->issued[i]+60 ) { printf("speculativeB.[%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("speculativeB",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,1); continue; } if ( bits256_nonz(bp->speculative[i]) != 0 && now > bp->issued[i]+13 ) { //printf("speculativeC [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("speculativeC",coin,bp,-i,bp->speculative[i],0); bp->issued[i] = now; } } }*/ if ( 0 && block->newtx != 0 ) { if ( (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->RO.prev_block)) == 0 ) prev = iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,block->RO.prev_block,1); width = coin->chain->bundlesize; while ( coin->active != 0 && prev != 0 && width-- > 0 ) { if ( prev->fpipbits == 0 || prev->RO.recvlen == 0 || prev->fpos < 0 || bits256_nonz(prev->RO.prev_block) == 0 ) { //printf("width.%d auto prev newtx %s ht.%d\n",width,bits256_str(str,prev->RO.hash2),prev->height); prev->newtx = 1; iguana_blockQ("autoprev",coin,0,-1,prev->RO.hash2,0); } tmpblock = prev; if ( bits256_nonz(prev->RO.prev_block) != 0 ) { if ( (prev = iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,prev->RO.prev_block,1)) != 0 ) prev->newtx = 1; prev->hh.next = tmpblock; if ( prev->mainchain != 0 ) { while ( tmpblock != 0 && _iguana_chainlink(coin,tmpblock) != 0 ) { printf("NEWHWM.%d\n",tmpblock->height); tmpblock = tmpblock->hh.next; } break; } } else prev = 0; } } /*else if ( bp != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) == 0 && time(NULL) > bp->issued[bundlei]+60 ) { if ( bundlei > 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei+1]) != 0 ) { if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei+1])) != 0 && bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) != 0 ) { bp->hashes[bundlei] = block->RO.prev_block; printf("reqblock [%d:%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei); iguana_blockQ("reqblocks1",coin,bp,bundlei,bp->hashes[bundlei],0); } } }*/ else if ( 0 && bp != 0 && time(NULL) > bp->hdrtime+10 && bp->speculative == 0 ) { char str[65]; //printf("MAINCHAIN gethdr %d %s\n",bp->bundleheight,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0])); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0])),1); bp->hdrtime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } /*if ( block != 0 && bundlei > 0 && (prev= iguana_blockfind(coin,block->RO.prev_block)) != 0 ) { if ( bp->bundleheight+bundlei-1 >= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height ) { printf("prev issue.%s\n",bits256_str(str,prev->RO.hash2)); iguana_blockQ("previssue",coin,bp,bundlei-1,prev->RO.hash2,0); } }*/ /*if ( 0 && (bp= coin->current) != 0 && bp->numsaved < bp->n ) { for (hdrsi=numissued=0; hdrsi<coin->MAXBUNDLES && coin->current->hdrsi+hdrsi<coin->bundlescount && numissued<100; hdrsi++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi + coin->current->hdrsi]) == 0 ) continue; if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[hdrsi]) == 0 || addr->msgcounts.verack == 0 ) continue; for (bundlei=n=flag=0; bundlei<bp->n; bundlei++) if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(block->RO.hash2) > 0 && block->fpos >= 0 ) n++; else if ( block->fpipbits == 0 || time(NULL) > block->issued+60 ) { block->issued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,bp,bundlei,block->RO.hash2,0); iguana_blockQ("reqblocks",coin,bp,bundlei,block->RO.hash2,0); flag++; if ( ++numissued > 100 ) break; } } if ( 0 && flag != 0 ) printf("issued %d priority blocks for %d current.[%d] have %d blocks emit.%u\n",flag,hdrsi,bp->hdrsi,n,bp->emitfinish); } }*/ /*else if ( iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei]) == 0 ) { //if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) > 0 ) // { // printf("next %d\n",coin->blocks.hwmchain.height+1); // iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,bundlei,bp->hashes[bundlei],0); // } // else if ( bp->speculative != 0 && (bits256_cmp(bp->hashes[bundlei],bp->speculative[bundlei]) != 0 || (rand() % 100) == 0) ) { if ( time(NULL) > bp->issued[bundlei]+30 && iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->speculative[bundlei]) == 0 ) { bp->hashes[bundlei] = bp->speculative[bundlei]; struct iguana_bloominds bit = iguana_calcbloom(bp->speculative[bundlei]); if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) < 0 ) iguana_bloomset(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit); printf("speculative next %d\n",coin->blocks.hwmchain.height+1); iguana_blockQ("speculativenext",coin,0,-1,bp->speculative[bundlei],0); bp->issued[bundlei] = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } }*/ /*else if ( 0 && (bp= coin->bundles[--hdrsi]) != 0 ) { char str[65]; queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0])),1); }*/ /*double threshold,lag = OS_milliseconds() - coin->backstopmillis; threshold = (10 + coin->longestchain - coin->blocksrecv); if ( threshold < 1 ) threshold = 1.; if ( (bp= coin->bundles[(coin->blocks.hwmchain.height+1)/coin->chain->bundlesize]) != 0 ) threshold = (bp->avetime + coin->avetime) * .5; else threshold = coin->avetime; threshold *= 100. * sqrt(threshold) * .000777;*/ /*for (i=n=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( lag < coin->MAXSTUCKTIME ) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[i]) != 0 ) iguana_blockQ("stuck",coin,bp,i,bp->hashes[i],0); } if ( (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 && block->fpipbits == 0 && bp->speculativecache[i] == 0 ) { printf("s.[%d:%d] ",bp->hdrsi,i); iguana_blockQ("stuck",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,0); iguana_blockQ("stuck",coin,bp,i,block->RO.hash2,1); if ( coin->peers.numranked > 8 && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[n % 8]) != 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && addr->msgcounts.verack != 0 ) { if ( (len= iguana_getdata(coin,serialized,MSG_BLOCK,&block->RO.hash2,1)) > 0 ) { printf("%s, ",addr->ipaddr); iguana_send(coin,addr,serialized,len); } } block->issued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); n++; } } if ( n > 0 ) printf("issued %d priority requests [%d] to unstick stuckiters.%d lag.%d\n",n,bp->hdrsi,coin->stuckiters,lag);*/ /*if ( 0 && n >= coin->chain->bundlesize ) { blockhashes = malloc(sizeof(*blockhashes) * coin->chain->bundlesize); for (i=0; i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) blockhashes[i] = blocks[i].RO.hash2; for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 && bp->emitfinish == 0 ) { blockhashes[0] = bp->hashes[0]; vcalc_sha256(0,allhash.bytes,blockhashes[0].bytes,coin->chain->bundlesize * sizeof(*blockhashes)); if ( bits256_cmp(allhash,bp->allhash) == 0 ) { if ( bp->queued != 0 ) bp->queued = 0; if ( iguana_allhashcmp(coin,bp,blockhashes,coin->chain->bundlesize) > 0 ) { free(blockhashes); return(req); } } } } free(blockhashes); }*/ /*void iguana_patch(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t i,j,origheight,height; struct iguana_block *prev,*next; struct iguana_bundle *bp; prev = iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,block->RO.prev_block,1); block->hh.prev = prev; if ( prev != 0 ) { if ( prev->mainchain != 0 ) { prev->hh.next = block; if ( memcmp(block->RO.prev_block.bytes,coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2.bytes,sizeof(bits256)) == 0 ) _iguana_chainlink(coin,block); if ( (next= block->hh.next) != 0 && bits256_nonz(next->RO.hash2) > 0 ) next->height = block->height + 1; } else if ( 0 && block->height < 0 ) { for (i=0; i<1; i++) { if ( (prev= prev->hh.prev) == 0 ) break; if ( prev->mainchain != 0 && prev->height >= 0 ) { j = i; origheight = (prev->height + i + 2); prev = block->hh.prev; height = (origheight - 1); while ( i > 0 && prev != 0 ) { if ( prev->mainchain != 0 && prev->height != height ) { printf("mainchain height mismatch j.%d at i.%d %d != %d\n",j,i,prev->height,height); break; } prev = prev->hh.prev; height--; } if ( i == 0 ) { //printf("SET HEIGHT.%d j.%d\n",origheight,j); if ( (bp= coin->bundles[origheight / coin->chain->bundlesize]) != 0 ) { iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,origheight % coin->chain->bundlesize,block->RO.hash2); block->height = origheight; block->mainchain = 1; prev = block->hh.prev; prev->hh.next = block; } } //else printf("break at i.%d for j.%d origheight.%d\n",i,j,origheight); break; } } } } }*/ #ifdef newstuff int32_t iguana_realtime_update(struct iguana_info *coin) { double startmillis0; static double totalmillis0; static int32_t num0; struct iguana_bundle *bp; struct iguana_ramchaindata *rdata; int32_t bundlei,i,n,flag=0; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_block *block=0; struct iguana_blockRO *B; struct iguana_ramchain *dest=0,blockR; if ( (bp= coin->current) != 0 && bp->hdrsi == coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize && bp->hdrsi == coin->balanceswritten && coin->RTheight >= bp->bundleheight && coin->RTheight < bp->bundleheight+bp->n && (coin->RTheight < coin->blocks.hwmchain.height-3 || time(NULL) > bp->lastRT) )//&& coin->blocks.hwmchain.height >= coin->longestchain-1 && coin->RTramchain.H.data->numblocks < bp->n ) { if ( bits256_cmp(coin->RThash1,bp->hashes[1]) != 0 ) coin->RThash1 = bp->hashes[1]; bp->lastRT = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 && time(NULL) > coin->RThdrstime+10 ) { iguana_RThdrs(coin,bp,coin->peers.numranked); coin->RThdrstime = bp->lastRT; for (i=0; i<coin->peers.numranked; i++) { if ( (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 ) printf("%d ",addr->numRThashes); } printf("RTheaders\n"); } iguana_RTramchainalloc(coin,bp); bp->isRT = 1; while ( (rdata= coin->RTramchain.H.data) != 0 && coin->RTheight <= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height ) { //printf("RT.%d vs hwm.%d starti.%d bp->n %d\n",coin->RTheight,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,starti,bp->n); dest = &coin->RTramchain; B = (void *)(long)((long)rdata + rdata->Boffset); bundlei = (coin->RTheight % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 && bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) != 0 ) { iguana_blocksetcounters(coin,block,dest); startmillis0 = OS_milliseconds(); if ( iguana_ramchainfile(coin,dest,&blockR,bp,bundlei,block) == 0 ) { for (i=bundlei; i<bp->n; i++) { block = iguana_bundleblock(coin,&hash2,bp,bundlei+i); if ( i == 0 || (bits256_nonz(hash2) != 0 && (block == 0 || block->txvalid == 0)) ) { uint8_t serialized[512]; int32_t len; //char str[65]; printf("RT error [%d:%d] %s %p\n",bp->hdrsi,i,bits256_str(str,hash2),block); addr = coin->peers.ranked[rand() % 8]; if ( addr != 0 && (len= iguana_getdata(coin,serialized,MSG_BLOCK,&hash2,1)) > 0 ) iguana_send(coin,addr,serialized,len); coin->RTgenesis = 0; } break; } return(-1); } else iguana_ramchain_free(coin,&blockR,1); B[bundlei] = block->RO; totalmillis0 += (OS_milliseconds() - startmillis0); num0++; flag++; coin->blocks.RO[bp->bundleheight+bundlei] = block->RO; coin->RTheight++; printf(">>>> RT.%d hwm.%d L.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld\n",coin->RTheight,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain,dest->H.txidind,dest->H.unspentind,dest->H.spendind,dest->pkind,dest->externalind,(long)dest->H.data->allocsize); coin->RTramchain.H.data->numblocks = bundlei + 1; } else break; } } n = 0; if ( dest != 0 && flag != 0 && coin->RTheight >= coin->longestchain ) { while ( block != 0 ) { if ( bits256_cmp(iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->RTheight-n-1),block->RO.hash2) != 0 ) { printf("blockhash error at %d\n",coin->RTheight-n-1); break; } block = iguana_blockfind("RTupdate",coin,block->RO.prev_block); n++; if ( coin->RTgenesis != 0 && n >= bp->n ) break; } if ( coin->RTgenesis == 0) { if ( n == coin->RTheight ) { printf("RTgenesis verified\n"); coin->RTgenesis = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else printf("RTgenesis failed to verify\n"); } if ( coin->RTgenesis != 0 ) { struct iguana_ramchain R; struct iguana_ramchaindata RDATA; iguana_rdataset(&R,&RDATA,dest); bp->ramchain = coin->RTramchain; printf("ramchainiterate.[%d] ave %.2f micros, total %.2f seconds starti.%d num.%d\n",num0,(totalmillis0*1000.)/num0,totalmillis0/1000.,coin->RTstarti,coin->RTheight%bp->n); if ( iguana_spendvectors(coin,bp,dest,coin->RTstarti,coin->RTheight%bp->n,0) < 0 ) { printf("RTutxo error -> RTramchainfree\n"); iguana_RTramchainfree(coin); return(-1); } else { coin->RTstarti = (coin->RTheight % bp->n); printf("spendvectors calculated to %d\n",coin->RTheight); iguana_convert(coin,bp);//,dest); printf("spendvectors converted to %d\n",coin->RTheight); } iguana_rdatarestore(&R,&RDATA,dest); } } if ( dest != 0 && flag != 0 ) printf("<<<< flag.%d RT.%d:%d hwm.%d L.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld\n",flag,coin->RTheight,n,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain,dest->H.txidind,dest->H.unspentind,dest->H.spendind,dest->pkind,dest->externalind,(long)dest->H.data->allocsize); return(flag); } int32_t iguana_blocksmissing(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *nonzp,uint8_t missings[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE/8+1],bits256 hashes[],double mult,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t capacity) { int32_t i,lag,nonz=0,m = 0; double aveduration; bits256 hash2; struct iguana_block *block; uint32_t now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( bp->durationscount != 0 ) aveduration = (double)bp->totaldurations / bp->durationscount; else aveduration = IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG/3 + 1; aveduration *= mult; lag = aveduration; if ( lag > IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG ) lag = IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG * 8; memset(missings,0,IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE/8+1); if ( bp->emitfinish == 0 || bp->ramchain.H.data == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++) { if ( bp->speculativecache[i] != 0 ) { //printf("[%d:%d].havec ",bp->hdrsi,i); continue; } if ( (block= iguana_bundleblock(coin,&hash2,bp,i)) != 0 ) { if ( block->fpipbits != 0 && block->txvalid != 0 && block->fpos >= 0 && block->RO.recvlen != 0 && (bp->bundleheight+i == 0 || bits256_nonz(block->RO.prev_block) != 0) ) { //printf("[%d:%d].have ",bp->hdrsi,i); continue; } } if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) != 0 ) { if ( now > bp->issued[i]+lag ) { if ( nonz < capacity ) { if ( hashes != 0 ) hashes[nonz] = hash2; nonz++; } } } SETBIT(missings,i); m++; } } //else printf("[%d] emitfinish.%u\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->emitfinish); *nonzp = nonz; //printf("missings.[%d] m.%d nonz.%d spec.%p[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,m,nonz,bp->speculative,bp->numspec); return(m); } /*int32_t iguana_nextnonz(uint8_t *missings,int32_t i,int32_t max) { for (; i<max; i++) if ( GETBIT(missings,i) != 0 ) break; return(i); } int32_t iguana_bundlerequests(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t missings[IGUANA_MAXBUNDLESIZE/8+1],int32_t *missingp,int32_t *capacityp,double mult,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t priority) { uint8_t numpeers; int32_t i,j,avail,nonz=0,c,n,m=0,max,capacity,numsent; bits256 hashes[500],hash2; struct iguana_block *block; struct iguana_peer *peers[256],*addr; uint32_t now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); max = (int32_t)(sizeof(hashes) / sizeof(*hashes)); *missingp = *capacityp = 0; if ( (numpeers= iguana_recentpeers(coin,&capacity,peers)) > 0 ) { *capacityp = capacity; if ( (n= iguana_blocksmissing(coin,&avail,missings,hashes,mult,bp,capacity < max ? capacity : max)) > 0 && avail > 0 ) { *missingp = n; printf("n.%d avail.%d numpeers.%d\n",n,avail,numpeers); for (i=0; i<numpeers && avail>0; i++) { if ( (addr= peers[i]) != 0 && addr->usock >= 0 && addr->dead == 0 && (c= (coin->MAXPENDINGREQUESTS - addr->pendblocks)) > 0 ) { if ( c+m > max ) c = max - m; if ( avail < c ) c = avail; printf("i.%d c.%d avail.%d m.%d max.%d\n",i,c,avail,m,max); if ( c > 0 && (numsent= iguana_sendhashes(coin,addr,MSG_BLOCK,&hashes[m],c,priority)) > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<numsent; j++) { if ( (nonz= iguana_nextnonz(missings,nonz,bp->n)) < bp->n ) { if ( (block= iguana_bundleblock(coin,&hash2,bp,nonz)) != 0 ) { hash2 = block->RO.hash2; if ( addr->addrind < 0x100 ) block->peerid = addr->addrind; else block->peerid = 0; block->issued = now; } bp->issued[nonz] = now; //char str[65]; printf("issue.[%d:%d] %s %u\n",bp->hdrsi,nonz,bits256_str(str,hash2),now); nonz++; } else printf("bundlerequests unexpected nonz.%d c.%d m.%d n.%d numsent.%d i.%d\n",nonz,c,m,n,numsent,i); } m += numsent; avail -= numsent; } } } } //else printf("err avail.%d n.%d\n",avail,n); } //else printf("numpeers.%d\n",numpeers); return(m); }*/ /*missing = iguana_blocksmissing(coin,&avail,missings,0,mult,bp,0); /*if ( coin->current != 0 ) { if ( (dist= bp->hdrsi - coin->current->hdrsi) < coin->MAXBUNDLES && (bp == coin->current || netBLOCKS < 50*bp->n) ) { iguana_unstickhdr(coin,bp,60); if ( bp->numcached > bp->n - (coin->MAXBUNDLES - dist) ) priority += 1 + (bp == coin->current); if ( bp == coin->current || queue_size(&coin->priorityQ) < (2 * bp->n)/(dist+1) ) { //printf("[%d] dist.%d numcached.%d priority.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,dist,bp->numcached,priority); //iguana_bundleissuemissing(coin,bp,missings,((rand() % 100) == 0 && bp == coin->current)*3); priority = ((rand() % 20) == 0 && bp == coin->current) * 3; if ( (n= iguana_bundlerequests(coin,missings,&bp->origmissings,&tmp,mult,bp,priority)) > 0 ) { bp->numissued += n; bp->missingstime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } return(aveduration); } } }*/ //printf("helper.%d\n",helperid); /*if ( ((ptr= queue_dequeue(&emitQ,0)) != 0 || (ptr= queue_dequeue(&helperQ,0)) != 0) ) { printf("unexpected emitQ or helperQ\n"); exit(-1); if ( ptr->bp != 0 && (coin= ptr->coin) != 0 && coin->active != 0 ) { idle = 0; coin->helperdepth++; iguana_helpertask(fp,&MEM,MEMB,ptr); coin->helperdepth--; flag++; } myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); }*/ if ( 0 && (ptr= queue_dequeue(&spendvectorsQ,0)) != 0 ) { //printf("spendvectorsQ size.%d\n",queue_size(&spendvectorsQ)); coin = ptr->coin; if ( (bp= ptr->bp) != 0 && coin != 0 ) { if ( coin->polltimeout < polltimeout ) polltimeout = coin->polltimeout; //printf("call spendvectors.%d\n",bp->hdrsi); if ( coin->PREFETCHLAG > 0 ) { iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&bp->ramchain,0); if ( 0 && bp->hdrsi > 0 ) iguana_prefetch(coin,bp,bp->hdrsi-1,1); } if ( (retval= iguana_spendvectors(coin,bp,&bp->ramchain,0,bp->n,0)) >= 0 ) { flag++; if ( retval > 0 ) { printf("GENERATED UTXO.%d for ht.%d duration %d seconds\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight,(uint32_t)time(NULL)-bp->startutxo); } // else printf("null retval from iguana_spendvectors.[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi); bp->utxofinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); iguana_balancesQ(coin,bp); } else printf("UTXO gen.[%d] utxo error\n",bp->hdrsi); } else if ( coin->active != 0 ) printf("helper missing param? %p %p\n",coin,bp); myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); } void iguana_spendvectorsQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; bp->queued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 's'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); queue_enqueue("spendvectorsQ",&spendvectorsQ,&ptr->DL,0); } void iguana_convertQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; bp->queued = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 's'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); queue_enqueue("convertQ",&convertQ,&ptr->DL,0); } void iguana_balancesQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->type = 'B'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); ptr->timelimit = 0; if ( bp->balancefinish == 0 ) bp->balancefinish = 1; coin->pendbalances++; //printf("BALANCES Q[%d] %s bundle.%d[%d] balances.%u balancefinish.%u\n",coin->pendbalances,coin->symbol,ptr->hdrsi,bp->n,bp->utxofinish,bp->balancefinish); queue_enqueue("balancesQ",&balancesQ,&ptr->DL,0); } /*int32_t iguana_helpertask(FILE *fp,struct OS_memspace *mem,struct OS_memspace *memB,struct iguana_helper *ptr) { struct iguana_info *coin; struct iguana_peer *addr; struct iguana_bundle *bp,*nextbp; addr = ptr->addr; if ( (coin= ptr->coin) != 0 ) { if ( (bp= ptr->bp) != 0 ) { if ( 0 && ptr->type == 'M' ) { if ( (nextbp= ptr->nextbp) != 0 ) { bp->mergefinish = nextbp->mergefinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( iguana_bundlemergeHT(coin,mem,memB,bp,nextbp,ptr->starttime) < 0 ) bp->mergefinish = nextbp->mergefinish = 0; } } else if ( ptr->type == 'B' ) { printf("helper bundleiters\n"); iguana_bundleiters(coin,mem,memB,bp,ptr->timelimit); } else if ( ptr->type == 'E' ) { coin->emitbusy++; if ( iguana_bundlesaveHT(coin,mem,memB,bp,ptr->starttime) == 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"emitQ coin.%p bp.[%d]\n",ptr->coin,bp->bundleheight); bp->emitfinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + 1; coin->numemitted++; } else bp->emitfinish = 0; coin->emitbusy--; } } else printf("no bundle in helperrequest\n"); } else printf("no coin in helperrequest\n"); return(0); }*/ void iguana_mergeQ(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,struct iguana_bundle *nextbp) { struct iguana_helper *ptr; ptr = mycalloc('i',1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->allocsize = sizeof(*ptr); ptr->coin = coin; ptr->bp = bp, ptr->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; ptr->nextbp = nextbp; ptr->type = 'M'; ptr->starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //printf("%s EMIT.%d[%d] emitfinish.%u\n",coin->symbol,ptr->hdrsi,bp->n,bp->emitfinish); queue_enqueue("helperQ",&helperQ,&ptr->DL,0); } if ( (bp= coin->current) != 0 && bp->hdrsi == coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize ) { n = bp->hdrsi; for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) == 0 || bp->emitfinish <= 1 ) break; } if ( j == n ) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) == 0 || (bp->startutxo == 0 && bp->utxofinish == 0) ) break; } if ( j != n ) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[j]) != 0 ) { //printf("bundleQ.[%d]\n",j); bp->balancefinish = bp->startutxo = 0; bp->utxofinish = 1; iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); } } } //else printf("skip A j.%d vs n.%d\n",j,n); } //else printf("skip j.%d vs n.%d\n",j,n); } //else printf("skip hdrsi.%d vs %d\n",coin->current->hdrsi,coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize); n = queue_size(&balancesQ); for (iter=0; iter<n; iter++) { if ( queue_size(&bundlesQ) < 2 && (ptr= queue_dequeue(&balancesQ,0)) != 0 ) { bp = ptr->bp; if ( ptr->coin != coin || bp == 0 || time(NULL) < bp->nexttime ) { if ( 0 && bp != 0 ) printf("skip.%d lag.%ld\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->nexttime-time(NULL)); //bp->nexttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); queue_enqueue("balanceQ",&balancesQ,&ptr->DL,0); continue; } flag++; if ( coin != 0 ) { iguana_balancecalc(coin,bp,bp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight+bp->n-1); if ( coin->active == 0 ) { printf("detected autopurge after account filecreation. restarting.%s\n",coin->symbol); coin->active = 1; } } myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); } } int32_t iguana_RTutxo(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,struct iguana_ramchain *RTramchain,int32_t bundlei) { struct iguana_txid *T; int32_t height,spendind,txidind,j,k; bits256 prevhash; struct iguana_bundle *spentbp; struct iguana_unspent *spentU,*u; struct iguana_ramchaindata *RTdata,*rdata; uint32_t spent_unspentind,now; struct iguana_blockRO *B; struct iguana_spend *S,*s; if ( (RTdata= RTramchain->H.data) == 0 || RTdata->numspends < 1 ) { printf("iguana_RTutxo null data or no spends %p\n",RTramchain->H.data); return(-1); } B = (void *)(long)((long)RTdata + RTdata->Boffset); S = (void *)(long)((long)RTdata + RTdata->Soffset); T = (void *)(long)((long)RTdata + RTdata->Toffset); txidind = B[bundlei].firsttxidind; spendind = B[bundlei].firstvin; height = bp->bundleheight + bundlei; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //printf("RTutxo.[%d:%d] txn_count.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,B[bundlei].txn_count); for (j=0; j<B[bundlei].txn_count; j++,txidind++) { if ( txidind != T[txidind].txidind || spendind != T[txidind].firstvin ) { printf("RTutxogen: txidind %u != %u nextT[txidind].firsttxidind || spendind %u != %u nextT[txidind].firstvin\n",txidind,T[txidind].txidind,spendind,T[txidind].firstvin); return(-1); } for (k=0; k<T[txidind].numvins; k++,spendind++) { s = &S[spendind]; if ( s->external != 0 && s->prevout >= 0 ) { continue; double startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); static double totalmillis; static int32_t num; if ( (spentbp= iguana_externalspent(coin,&prevhash,&spent_unspentind,RTramchain,bp->hdrsi,s,2)) == 0 || spent_unspentind == 0 || spent_unspentind >= spentbp->ramchain.H.data->numunspents || spentbp->hdrsi < 0 || spentbp->hdrsi >= bp->hdrsi || spentbp == bp ) { char str[65]; printf("RTutxo: unexpected spendbp: height.%d bp.[%d] U%d <- S%d.[%d] [ext.%d %s prev.%d]\n",height,spentbp!=0?spentbp->hdrsi:-1,spent_unspentind,spendind,bp->hdrsi,s->external,bits256_str(str,prevhash),s->prevout); return(-1); } totalmillis += (OS_milliseconds() - startmillis); if ( (++num % 10000) == 0 ) printf("externalspents.[%d] ave %.2f micros, total %.2f seconds\n",num,(totalmillis*1000.)/num,totalmillis/1000.); rdata = spentbp->ramchain.H.data; if ( 0 && coin->PREFETCHLAG > 0 && now >= spentbp->lastprefetch+coin->PREFETCHLAG ) { printf("RT prefetch[%d] from.[%d] lag.%d bundlei.%d numspends.%d of %d\n",spentbp->hdrsi,bp->hdrsi,now - spentbp->lastprefetch,bundlei,spendind,RTramchain->H.spendind); iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&spentbp->ramchain,2); spentbp->lastprefetch = now; } } else if ( s->prevout >= 0 ) { spentbp = bp; rdata = RTramchain->H.data; if ( s->spendtxidind != 0 && s->spendtxidind < RTdata->numtxids ) { spent_unspentind = T[s->spendtxidind].firstvout + s->prevout; //printf("txidind.%d 1st.%d prevout.%d\n",txidind,T[txidind].firstvout,s->prevout); } else { printf("RTutxo txidind overflow %u vs %d\n",s->spendtxidind,RTdata->numtxids); return(-1); } } else continue; // coinbase always already spent if ( spentbp != 0 && rdata != 0 && spent_unspentind != 0 && spent_unspentind < rdata->numunspents ) { double startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); static double totalmillis; static int32_t num; spentU = (void *)(long)((long)rdata + rdata->Uoffset); u = &spentU[spent_unspentind]; if ( iguana_volatileupdate(coin,1,spentbp == bp ? RTramchain : &spentbp->ramchain,spentbp->hdrsi,spent_unspentind,u->pkind,u->value,spendind,height) < 0 ) return(-1); totalmillis += (OS_milliseconds() - startmillis); if ( (++num % 10000) == 0 ) printf("volatile.[%d] ave %.2f micros, total %.2f seconds\n",num,(totalmillis*1000.)/num,totalmillis/1000.); } else { printf("RTutxo error spentbp.%p u.%u vs %d\n",spentbp,spent_unspentind,rdata->numunspents); return(-1); } } } return(0); } /*int32_t iguana_balancecalc(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t startheight,int32_t endheight) { int32_t retval=-1,i,n,flag = 0; if ( bp->balancefinish > 1 ) { printf("make sure DB files have this bp.%d\n",bp->hdrsi); iguana_validateQ(coin,bp); return(flag); } bp->nexttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + 1; if ( bp != 0 && coin != 0 ) { if ( coin->origbalanceswritten <= 1 && coin->spendvectorsaved == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount-1; i++) { if ( coin->bundles[i] == 0 || coin->bundles[i]->tmpspends == 0 ) break; } if ( i == coin->bundlescount-1 && bp->tmpspends != 0 && bp->ramchain.H.data != 0 && (n= bp->ramchain.H.data->numspends) != 0 && bp->converted == 0 ) { iguana_convertQ(coin,bp); retval = 0; } else if ( bp->converted == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount-1; i++) { if ( coin->bundles[i] == 0 || coin->bundles[i]->utxofinish <= 1 ) break; } if ( i == coin->bundlescount-1 ) { printf("must be restart after all the spendvectors are saved\n"); coin->spendvectorsaved = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } } else retval = iguana_balancenormal(coin,bp,startheight,endheight); if ( retval < 0 ) { //printf("third case.%d utxo.%u balance.%u prev.%u\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->utxofinish,bp->balancefinish,prevbp!=0?prevbp->utxofinish:-1); coin->pendbalances--; iguana_balancesQ(coin,bp); } else { iguana_validateQ(coin,bp); flag++; } } return(flag); }*/ /*int32_t iguana_balancenormal(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t startheight,int32_t endheight) { uint32_t starttime; int32_t j=0,n; struct iguana_bundle *prevbp; n = coin->bundlescount - 1; for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if ( (prevbp= coin->bundles[j]) == 0 ) break; if ( prevbp->utxofinish <= 1 || (j < bp->hdrsi && prevbp->balancefinish <= 1) ) break; } //printf("B [%d] j.%d u.%u b.%u\n",bp->hdrsi,j,bp->utxofinish,bp->balancefinish); if ( (j == n || bp->hdrsi == 0) && bp->bundleheight+bp->n <= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height && bp->utxofinish > 1 && bp->balancefinish <= 1 ) { bp->balancefinish = 1; if ( bp->hdrsi >= coin->balanceswritten ) { //printf("balancecalc for %d when %d\n",bp->hdrsi,coin->balanceswritten); starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (j=0; j<=bp->hdrsi; j++) iguana_allocvolatile(coin,&coin->bundles[j]->ramchain); if ( iguana_balancegen(coin,bp,startheight,endheight) < 0 ) { printf("GENERATE BALANCES.%d ERROR ht.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight); exit(-1); } printf("GENERATED BALANCES.%d for ht.%d duration %d seconds, (%d %d).%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight,(uint32_t)time(NULL) - (uint32_t)starttime,bp->hdrsi,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize-1,bp->hdrsi >= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize-1); coin->balanceswritten++; } bp->balancefinish = (uint32_t)time(NULL); bp->queued = 0; if ( bp->hdrsi >= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize-1 && bp->hdrsi == coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { printf("TRIGGER FLUSH %d vs %d\n",bp->hdrsi,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize); sleep(1); if ( time(NULL) > coin->startutc+10 && bp->hdrsi >= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height/coin->chain->bundlesize-1 ) { if ( iguana_balanceflush(coin,bp->hdrsi,3) > 0 ) printf("balanceswritten.%d flushed bp->hdrsi %d vs %d coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize\n",coin->balanceswritten,bp->hdrsi,coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize); } else printf("TRIGGER cancelled %d vs %d\n",bp->hdrsi,coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize-1); } return(0); } return(-1); }*/ /*if ( iguana_spendvectors(coin,bp,dest,starti,coin->RTheight%bp->n,0) < 0 ) { printf("RTutxo error -> RTramchainfree\n"); iguana_RTramchainfree(coin); return(-1); } else printf("spendvectors calculated to %d\n",coin->RTheight);*/ /*while ( block != 0 ) { if ( bits256_cmp(iguana_blockhash(coin,coin->RTheight-n-1),block->RO.hash2) != 0 ) { printf("blockhash error at %d\n",coin->RTheight-n-1); break; } block = iguana_blockfind("RTupdate",coin,block->RO.prev_block); n++; if ( coin->RTgenesis != 0 && n >= bp->n ) break; }*/ //if ( coin->RTHASHMEM.ptr == 0 ) // iguana_meminit(&coin->RTHASHMEM,"RTHASH",0,1024L*1024L*1024L,0); if ( coin->PREFETCHLAG > 0 ) { //iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&coin->RTramchain,0); //iguana_prefetch(coin,bp,coin->bundlescount,1); } void iguana_prefetch(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t width,int32_t flags) { int32_t i; struct iguana_bundle *spentbp; uint32_t starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( bp->hdrsi > width ) { //printf("start prefetch.%d for [%d]\n",width,bp->hdrsi); for (i=1; i<width; i++) { if ( (spentbp= coin->bundles[bp->hdrsi - i]) != 0 ) { iguana_ramchain_prefetch(coin,&spentbp->ramchain,flags); spentbp->lastprefetch = starttime; } } //printf("end prefetch.%d for [%d] elapsed %d\n",width,bp->hdrsi,(uint32_t)time(NULL)-starttime); } } /*if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"r")) == 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"confs/%s_%s.txt",coin->symbol,(iter == 0) ? "peers" : "hdrs"); OS_compatible_path(fname); fp = fopen(fname,"r"); } else if ( 0 && iter == 1 ) { sprintf(fname,"confs/%s_%s.txt",coin->symbol,(iter == 0) ? "peers" : "hdrs"); OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp2= fopen(fname,"r")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END), fseek(fp2,0,SEEK_END); if ( ftell(fp2) > ftell(fp) ) { fclose(fp); fp = fp2; } else { fclose(fp2); printf("%s is not used as tmp version is bigger\n",fname); } } }*/ /*else if ( bp->emitfinish != 0 ) { if ( bp->utxofinish > 1 ) { if ( bp->balancefinish == 0 ) { //bp->queued = 0; iguana_balancesQ(coin,bp); } return(1); } if ( bp->emitfinish > 1 ) { if ( (retval= iguana_bundlefinish(coin,bp)) > 0 ) { //printf("moved to balancesQ.%d bundleiters.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight); //bp->queued = 0; return(0); } //else printf("finish incomplete.%d\n",bp->hdrsi); } }*/ //fprintf(stderr,"RO %p U[%d] txidind.%d pkind.%d\n",u,unspentind,ramchain->H.txidind,ramchain->pkind); /*if ( 0 && u->scriptpos != 0 && u->scriptlen > 0 )//&& u->scriptlen <= sizeof(u->script) ) { scriptptr = &Kspace[u->scriptpos]; if ( memcmp(script,scriptptr,u->scriptlen) != 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<u->scriptlen; i++) printf("%02x",scriptptr[i]); printf(" u->script\n"); for (i=0; i<u->scriptlen; i++) printf("%02x",script[i]); printf(" script\n"); printf("[%d] u%d script compare error.%d vs %d\n",bp->hdrsi,unspentind,scriptlen,u->scriptlen); return(0); } //else printf("SCRIPT.%d MATCHED!\n",u->scriptlen); } // else would need to get from HDD to verify*/ /* //char *hashstr,*txidstr,*coinaddr,*txbytes,rmd160str[41],str[65]; int32_t len,height,i,n,valid = 0; //cJSON *addrs,*retjson,*retitem; uint8_t rmd160[20],addrtype; bits256 hash2,checktxid; //memset(&hash2,0,sizeof(hash2)); struct iguana_txid *tx,T; struct iguana_block *block = 0; if ( (coinaddr= jstr(json,"address")) != 0 ) { if ( btc_addr2univ(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr) == 0 ) { if ( addrtype == coin->chain->pubval || addrtype == coin->chain->p2shval ) valid = 1; else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid addrtype\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant convert address to rmd160\"}")); } if ( strcmp(method,"block") == 0 ) { height = -1; if ( ((hashstr= jstr(json,"blockhash")) != 0 || (hashstr= jstr(json,"hash")) != 0) && strlen(hashstr) == sizeof(bits256)*2 ) decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),hashstr); else { height = juint(json,"height"); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); } retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( (height >= 0 && block->height == height) || memcmp(hash2.bytes,block->RO.hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65]; printf("hash2.(%s) -> %s\n",bits256_str(str,hash2),bits256_str(str2,block->RO.hash2)); return(jprint(iguana_blockjson(coin,block,juint(json,"txids")),1)); } } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find block\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"tx") == 0 ) { if ( ((txidstr= jstr(json,"txid")) != 0 || (txidstr= jstr(json,"hash")) != 0) && strlen(txidstr) == sizeof(bits256)*2 ) { retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),txidstr); if ( (tx= iguana_txidfind(coin,&height,&T,hash2)) != 0 ) { jadd(retitem,"tx",iguana_txjson(coin,tx,height)); return(jprint(retitem,1)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find txid\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid txid\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"rawtx") == 0 ) { if ( ((txidstr= jstr(json,"txid")) != 0 || (txidstr= jstr(json,"hash")) != 0) && strlen(txidstr) == sizeof(bits256)*2 ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),txidstr); if ( (tx= iguana_txidfind(coin,&height,&T,hash2)) != 0 ) { if ( (len= iguana_txbytes(coin,coin->blockspace,sizeof(coin->blockspace),&checktxid,tx,height,0,0)) > 0 ) { txbytes = mycalloc('x',1,len*2+1); init_hexbytes_noT(txbytes,coin->blockspace,len*2+1); retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retitem,"txid",bits256_str(str,hash2)); jaddnum(retitem,"height",height); jaddstr(retitem,"rawtx",txbytes); myfree(txbytes,len*2+1); return(jprint(retitem,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt generate txbytes\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find txid\"}")); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid txid\"}")); } else if ( strcmp(method,"txs") == 0 ) { if ( ((hashstr= jstr(json,"block")) != 0 || (hashstr= jstr(json,"blockhash")) != 0) && strlen(hashstr) == sizeof(bits256)*2 ) { decode_hex(hash2.bytes,sizeof(hash2),hashstr); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find blockhash\"}")); } else if ( jobj(json,"height") != 0 ) { height = juint(json,"height"); hash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); if ( (block= iguana_blockfind(coin,hash2)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find block at height\"}")); } else if ( valid == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"txs needs blockhash or height or address\"}")); retitem = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( block != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<block->RO.txn_count; i++) { if ( (tx= iguana_blocktx(coin,&T,block,i)) != 0 ) jaddi(retitem,iguana_txjson(coin,tx,-1)); } } else { init_hexbytes_noT(rmd160str,rmd160,20); jaddnum(retitem,"addrtype",addrtype); jaddstr(retitem,"rmd160",rmd160str); jaddstr(retitem,"txlist","get list of all tx for this address"); } return(jprint(retitem,1)); } else { n = 0; if ( valid == 0 ) { if ( (addrs= jarray(&n,json,"addrs")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need address or addrs\"}")); } for (i=0; i<=n; i++) { retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( i > 0 ) retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( i > 0 ) { if ( (coinaddr= jstr(jitem(addrs,i-1),0)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"missing address in addrs\"}")); if ( btc_addr2univ(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr) < 0 ) { free_json(retjson); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"illegal address in addrs\"}")); } if ( addrtype != coin->chain->pubval && addrtype != coin->chain->p2shval ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid addrtype in addrs\"}")); } if ( strcmp(method,"utxo") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"utxo","utxo entry"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"unconfirmed") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"unconfirmed","unconfirmed entry"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"balance") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"balance","balance entry"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"totalreceived") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"totalreceived","totalreceived entry"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"totalsent") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"totalsent","totalsent entry"); } else if ( strcmp(method,"validateaddress") == 0 ) { jaddstr(retitem,"validate",coinaddr); } if ( n == 0 ) return(jprint(retitem,1)); else jaddi(retjson,retitem); } return(jprint(retjson,1)); } */ /* char *iguana_listsinceblock(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 blockhash,int32_t target) { cJSON *retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); return(jprint(retitem,1)); } char *iguana_getinfo(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { cJSON *retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retitem,"result",coin->statusstr); return(jprint(retitem,1)); } char *iguana_getbestblockhash(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { cJSON *retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); char str[65]; jaddstr(retitem,"result",bits256_str(str,coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2)); return(jprint(retitem,1)); } char *iguana_getblockcount(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { cJSON *retitem = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(retitem,"result",coin->blocks.hwmchain.height); return(jprint(retitem,1)); }*/ if ( 0 ) { int32_t i,n; int64_t total; char *coinaddr; struct iguana_pkhash *P; struct iguana_info *coin; uint8_t rmd160[20],addrtype,pubkey33[33]; double startmillis; coin = iguana_coinfind("BTCD"); if ( 1 && coin != 0 ) { getchar(); for (i=0; i<coin->bundlescount; i++) if ( coin->bundles[i] == 0 ) break; coinaddr = "RUZ9AKxy6J2okcBd1PZm4YH6atmPwqV4bo"; bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); P = calloc(coin->bundlescount,sizeof(*P)); memset(pubkey33,0,sizeof(pubkey33)); n = iguana_pkhasharray(coin,0,0,0,&total,P,coin->bundlescount,rmd160,coinaddr,pubkey33); printf("%s has total outputs %.8f from %d bundles\n",coinaddr,dstr(total),n); startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) n = iguana_pkhasharray(coin,0,0,0,&total,P,coin->bundlescount,rmd160,coinaddr,pubkey33); printf("%s has total outputs %.8f from %d bundles %.3f millis\n",coinaddr,dstr(total),n,OS_milliseconds()-startmillis); getchar(); } } int32_t i,numretries = 5; for (i=0; i<numretries; i++) { err = fwrite(srcptr,1,len,fp); /*err = len; for (j=0; j<len; j++) if ( fputc(((uint8_t *)srcptr)[j],fp) < 0 ) { err = -1; break; }*/ if ( err == len ) { fflush(fp); //if ( i > 2 ) //printf("write.%d of %d worked!\n",i+1,numretries+1); break; } fseek(fp,startfpos,SEEK_SET); } } #else //printf("call _iguana_chainlink\n"); /*for (i=coin->blocks.hwmchain.height%coin->chain->bundlesize; i<coin->chain->bundlesize; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->current) != 0 && (block= bp->blocks[i]) != 0 ) { //printf("i.%d %s main.%d txvalid.%d\n",i,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2),block->mainchain,block->txvalid); if ( _iguana_chainlink(coin,block) == 0 ) iguana_blockQ("mainchain",coin,bp,-i,block->RO.hash2,1); //iguana_realtime_update(coin); } }*/ /*int32_t numrmds,minconf=0,maxconf=0,m = 0; uint8_t *rmdarray; cJSON *retjson; retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( (minconf= juint(params[0],0)) > 0 ) { m++; if ( (maxconf= juint(params[1],0)) > 0 ) m++; } if ( minconf == 0 ) minconf = 1; if ( maxconf == 0 ) maxconf = 9999999; rmdarray = iguana_rmdarray(coin,&numrmds,array,m); iguana_unspents(myinfo,coin,retjson,minconf,maxconf,rmdarray,numrmds); if ( rmdarray != 0 ) free(rmdarray); return(jprint(retjson,1));*/ char *iguana_payloadsave(char *filename,cJSON *wallet) { FILE *fp; if ( (fp= fopen(filename,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(payloadstr,1,strlen(payloadstr),fp) != strlen(payloadstr) ) { fclose(fp); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt save wallet backup\"}")); } fclose(fp); return(0); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt save wallet backup\"}")); } /*struct iguana_waddress *iguana_waccountadd(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_waccount **wacctp,char *walletaccount,char *coinaddr,char *redeemScript) { struct iguana_waccount *wacct; struct iguana_waddress *waddr = 0; if ( (wacct= iguana_waccountfind(myinfo,coin,walletaccount)) == 0 ) wacct = iguana_waccountcreate(myinfo,coin,walletaccount); if ( wacct != 0 ) waddr = iguana_waddresscreate(myinfo,coin,wacct,coinaddr,redeemScript); return(waddr); }*/ #ifdef testing char *bitcoin_cltvtx(struct iguana_info *coin,char *changeaddr,char *senderaddr,char *senders_otheraddr,char *otheraddr,uint32_t locktime,uint64_t satoshis,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint64_t inputsatoshis,bits256 privkey) { uint64_t change; char *rawtxstr,*signedtx; struct vin_info V; bits256 cltxid,signedtxid; int32_t cltvlen,len; uint32_t timestamp; char ps2h_coinaddr[65]; cJSON *txobj; uint8_t p2sh_rmd160[20],cltvscript[1024],paymentscript[64],rmd160[20],secret160[20],addrtype; timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,secret160,senders_otheraddr); cltvlen = bitcoin_cltvscript(coin->chain->p2shtype,ps2h_coinaddr,p2sh_rmd160,cltvscript,0,senderaddr,otheraddr,secret160,locktime); txobj = bitcoin_createtx(coin,locktime); len = bitcoin_p2shspend(paymentscript,0,p2sh_rmd160); bitcoin_addoutput(coin,txobj,paymentscript,len,satoshis); bitcoin_addinput(coin,txobj,txid,vout,locktime); if ( inputsatoshis > (satoshis + 10000) ) { change = inputsatoshis - (satoshis + 10000); if ( changeaddr != 0 && changeaddr[0] != 0 ) { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,changeaddr); if ( addrtype == coin->chain->pubtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(paymentscript,0,rmd160); else if ( addrtype == coin->chain->p2shtype ) len = bitcoin_standardspend(paymentscript,0,rmd160); else { printf("error with mismatched addrtype.%02x vs (%02x %02x)\n",addrtype,coin->chain->pubtype,coin->chain->p2shtype); return(0); } bitcoin_addoutput(coin,txobj,paymentscript,len,change); } else { printf("error no change address when there is change\n"); return(0); } } rawtxstr = bitcoin_json2hex(coin,&cltxid,txobj); char str[65]; printf("CLTV.%s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,cltxid),rawtxstr); memset(&V,0,sizeof(V)); V.signers[0].privkey = privkey; bitcoin_verifytx(coin,&signedtxid,&signedtx,rawtxstr,&V); free(rawtxstr); if ( signedtx != 0 ) printf("signed CLTV.%s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,signedtxid),signedtx); else printf("error generating signedtx\n"); free_json(txobj); return(signedtx); } #endif char *refstr = "01000000\ 01\ eccf7e3034189b851985d871f91384b8ee357cd47c3024736e5676eb2debb3f2\ 01000000\ 8c\ 4930460221009e0339f72c793a89e664a8a932df073962a3f84eda0bd9e02084a6a9567f75aa022100bd9cbaca2e5ec195751efdfac164b76250b1e21302e51ca86dd7ebd7020cdc0601410450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6\ ffffffff\ 01\ 605af40500000000\ 19\ 76a914097072524438d003d23a2f23edb65aae1bb3e46988ac\ 00000000"; cJSON *bitcoin_txtest(struct iguana_info *coin,char *rawtxstr,bits256 txid) { struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; char str[65],str2[65]; bits256 checktxid,blockhash,signedtxid; cJSON *retjson,*txjson; uint8_t *serialized,*serialized2; uint32_t firstvout; struct vin_info *V; char vpnstr[64],*txbytes,*signedtx; int32_t n,txstart,height,n2,maxsize,len; rawtxstr = refstr; len = (int32_t)strlen(rawtxstr); maxsize = len + 32768; serialized = calloc(1,maxsize); serialized2 = calloc(1,maxsize); len >>= 1; V = 0; vpnstr[0] = 0; memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); if ( len < maxsize ) { decode_hex(serialized,len,rawtxstr); txjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (n= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,0,txjson,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,&txid,vpnstr)) < 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest len.%d: n.%d from (%s)\n",len,n,rawtxstr); free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"cant parse txbytes\"}")); } V = calloc(msgtx.tx_in,sizeof(*V)); { //char *pstr; int32_t plen; decode_hex(V[0].signers[0].privkey.bytes,sizeof(V[0].signers[0].privkey),"18E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725"); //pstr = "0450863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b23522cd470243453a299fa9e77237716103abc11a1df38855ed6f2ee187e9c582ba6"; //plen = (int32_t)strlen(pstr); //decode_hex(V[0].signers[0].pubkey,plen,pstr); } if ( bitcoin_verifytx(coin,&signedtxid,&signedtx,rawtxstr,V) != 0 ) printf("bitcoin_verifytx error\n"); jadd(retjson,"result",txjson); if ( (firstvout= iguana_unspentindfind(coin,&height,txid,0,coin->bundlescount-1)) != 0 ) { if ( height >= 0 ) { blockhash = iguana_blockhash(coin,height); jaddnum(retjson,"height",height); jaddnum(retjson,"confirmations",coin->longestchain - height); jaddbits256(retjson,"blockhash",blockhash); } } //printf("retjson.(%s) %p\n",jprint(retjson,0),retjson); memset(checktxid.bytes,0,sizeof(checktxid)); if ( (n2= iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,1,0,serialized2,maxsize,&msgtx,&checktxid,vpnstr)) < 0 || n != n2 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: n.%d vs n2.%d\n",n,n2); free(serialized), free(serialized2), free(V); return(retjson); } if ( bits256_cmp(checktxid,txid) != 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: txid.%s vs check.%s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,checktxid)); } checktxid = iguana_parsetxobj(coin,&txstart,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,jobj(retjson,"result")); if ( bits256_cmp(checktxid,txid) != 0 ) { printf("bitcoin_txtest: txid.%s vs check2.%s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,checktxid)); } if ( msgtx.allocsize != 0 ) { txbytes = malloc(msgtx.allocsize*2 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(txbytes,&serialized[txstart],msgtx.allocsize); if ( strcmp(txbytes,rawtxstr) != 0 ) printf("bitcoin_txtest: reconstruction error: %s != %s\n",rawtxstr,txbytes); else printf("reconstruction PASSED\n"); free(txbytes); } else printf("bitcoin_txtest: zero msgtx allocsize\n"); free(serialized), free(serialized2), free(V); return(retjson); } free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"testing bitcoin txbytes\"}")); } /*int32_t btc_priv2wif(char *wifstr,uint8_t privkey[32],uint8_t addrtype) { uint8_t tmp[128]; char hexstr[67]; cstring *btc_addr; memcpy(tmp,privkey,32); tmp[32] = 1; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,tmp,32); if ( (btc_addr= base58_encode_check(addrtype,true,tmp,33)) != 0 ) { strcpy(wifstr,btc_addr->str); cstr_free(btc_addr,true); } //printf("-> (%s) -> wif.(%s) addrtype.%02x\n",hexstr,wifstr,addrtype); return(0); } cstring *base58_encode_check(uint8_t addrtype,bool have_addrtype,const void *data,size_t data_len) { uint8_t i,buf[64]; bits256 hash; cstring *s_enc;//,*s = cstr_new_sz(data_len + 1 + 4); buf[0] = addrtype; memcpy(buf+1,data,data_len); hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,buf,(int32_t)data_len+1); //bu_Hash4(md32,buf,(int32_t)data_len+1); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { buf[data_len+i+1] = hash.bytes[31-i]; //printf("(%02x %02x) ",hash.bytes[31-i],md32[i]); } //printf("hash4 cmp\n"); s_enc = base58_encode(buf,data_len+5); return s_enc; } */ /*if ( fieldstr != 0 && valuestr != 0 ) { flag = 0; if ( (len= is_hexstr(fieldstr,0)) > 0 ) { if ( strlen(fieldstr) == 20*2 ) decode_hex(rmd160,sizeof(rmd160),fieldstr); else { len >>= 1; decode_hex(script,len,valuestr); calc_rmd160_sha256(rmd160,script,len); bitcoin_address(p2shaddr,coin->chain->p2shtype,rmd160,20); fprintf(fp,"%s %s %32s=%d # addr=%s # p2sh\n",valuestr,utc_str(str,(uint32_t)time(NULL)),account,i+1,p2shaddr); flag = 1; } } else bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,fieldstr); if ( flag == 0 ) { privkey = bits256_conv(valuestr); bitcoin_priv2wif(wifstr,privkey,coin->chain->wiftype); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,rmd160,20); fprintf(fp,"%s %s %32s=%d # addr=%s\n",wifstr,utc_str(str,(uint32_t)time(NULL)),account,i+1,coinaddr); } wiftype = 188; for (j=0; j<IGUANA_MAXCOINS; j++) { if ( (coin= Coins[j]) != 0 && coin->chain != 0 ) { if ( addrtype == coin->chain->pubtype ) { wiftype = coin->chain->wiftype; privkey = bits256_conv(privkeystr); if ( bits256_nonz(privkey) != 0 && bitcoin_priv2wif(wifstr,privkey,wiftype) > 0 ) { fprintf(fp,"%s %s %32s=%d # addr=%s\n",wifstr,utc_str(str,(uint32_t)time(NULL)),account,i+1,coinaddr); } break; } else if ( addrtype == coin->chain->p2shtype ) { fprintf(fp,"%s %s %32s=%d # addr=%s # p2sh\n",privkeystr,utc_str(str,(uint32_t)time(NULL)),account,i+1,p2shaddr); break; } } } }*/ /*coinaddr = child->string; privkeystr = child->valuestring; if ( coinaddr != 0 && privkeystr != 0 ) { if ( (wacct= iguana_waccountcreate(myinfo,coin,account)) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_waddresssearch(myinfo,coin,&tmp,coinaddr) == 0 ) { memset(&waddr,0,sizeof(waddr)); strcpy(waddr.coinaddr,coinaddr); waddr.addrtype = coin->chain->p2shtype; if ( bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr) == sizeof(rmd160) && addrtype == coin->chain->p2shtype ) iguana_waddressadd(myinfo,coin,wacct,&waddr,privkeystr); else { waddr.addrtype = coin->chain->pubtype; privkey = bits256_conv(privkeystr); if ( iguana_waddresscalc(myinfo,coin->chain->pubtype,coin->chain->wiftype,&waddr,privkey) != 0 ) iguana_waddressadd(myinfo,coin,wacct,&waddr,0); } } else printf("dup.(%s) ",coinaddr); len = (int32_t)strlen(privkeystr); for (j=0; j<len; j++) privkeystr[j] = 0; for (j=0; j<len; j++) privkeystr[j] = 0x20 + (rand() % 64); privkey = rand256(0); } }*/ HASH_ITER(hh,myinfo->wallet,wacct,tmp) { if ( account != 0 && strcmp(account,"*") != 0 && strcmp(account,wacct->account) != 0 ) continue; HASH_ITER(hh,wacct->waddr,waddr,tmp2) { if ( waddr->addrtype != coin->chain->pubtype || (bits256_nonz(waddr->privkey) == 0 && waddr->scriptlen == 0) ) continue; if ( waddr->balance > 0 ) { remains -= waddr->balance; waddrs[num++] = waddr; if ( num >= maxwaddrs || remains <= 0 ) break; } } if ( num >= maxwaddrs || remains <= 0 ) break; } /*int64_t iguana_unspentset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { int64_t sum = 0,total; struct iguana_waccount *wacct,*tmp; struct iguana_waddress *waddr,*tmp2; int32_t n,numunspents = 0; cJSON *addresses = cJSON_CreateArray(); HASH_ITER(hh,myinfo->wallet,wacct,tmp) { HASH_ITER(hh,wacct->waddr,waddr,tmp2) { if ( waddr->addrtype != coin->chain->pubtype || (bits256_nonz(waddr->privkey) == 0 && waddr->scriptlen == 0) ) continue; jaddstr(array,waddr->coinaddr); total = 0; n = 0; iguana_pkhasharray(myinfo,coin,0,coin->minconfirms,coin->longestchain,&total,0,coin->bundlescount,waddr->rmd160,waddr->coinaddr,waddr->pubkey,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height - coin->minconfirms,(uint64_t *)coin->blockspace,&n,(int32_t)(sizeof(coin->blockspace)/sizeof(*waddr->unspents))-1000); if ( n > 0 ) { if ( waddr->unspents == 0 || waddr->maxunspents < n ) { waddr->unspents = realloc(waddr->unspents,sizeof(*waddr->unspents) * n); waddr->maxunspents = n; } memcpy(waddr->unspents,coin->blockspace,sizeof(*waddr->unspents) * n); waddr->numunspents = n; waddr->balance = total; sum += total; numunspents += n; } } } //printf("available %.8f\n",dstr(sum)); return(sum); }*/ /*int32_t bitcoin_verifytx(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *signedtxidp,char **signedtx,char *rawtxstr,struct vin_info *V,int32_t numinputs) { int32_t len,maxsize,retval = -1; uint8_t *serialized,*serialized2; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; bits256 txid; char vpnstr[64]; len = (int32_t)strlen(rawtxstr); maxsize = len + 32768; serialized = calloc(1,maxsize), serialized2 = calloc(1,maxsize); len >>= 1; vpnstr[0] = 0; decode_hex(serialized,len,rawtxstr); memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); if ( iguana_rwmsgtx(coin,0,0,serialized,maxsize,&msgtx,&txid,vpnstr) > 0 && numinputs == msgtx.tx_in ) { if ( bitcoin_verifyvins(coin,signedtxidp,signedtx,&msgtx,serialized2,maxsize,V,SIGHASH_ALL) == 0 ) retval = 0; else printf("bitcoin_verifytx: bitcoin_verifyvins error\n"); } else printf("bitcoin_verifytx: error iguana_rwmsgtx\n"); free(serialized), free(serialized2); return(retval); } cJSON *iguana_signtx(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,char **signedtxp,struct bitcoin_spend *spend,cJSON *txobj,cJSON *vins) { int32_t i,j,m,n,plen; char *rawtxstr,*pubkeystr,*spendstr; struct vin_info *V,*vp; bits256 txid; struct iguana_waccount *wacct; struct iguana_waddress *waddr; cJSON *vitem,*vinsobj,*pubkeys; V = calloc(spend->numinputs,sizeof(*V)); if ( *signedtxp != 0 ) { if ( txobj != 0 ) free_json(txobj); txobj = bitcoin_hex2json(coin,&txid,0,*signedtxp); if ( vins != 0 ) { if ( jobj(txobj,"vin") != 0 ) jdelete(txobj,"vin"); jadd(txobj,"vin",iguana_createvins(myinfo,coin,txobj,vins)); } //printf("bitcoin_hex2json (%s)\n",jprint(txobj,0)); free(*signedtxp); } vinsobj = jarray(&n,txobj,"vin"); for (i=0; i<spend->numinputs; i++) // N times less efficient, but for small number of inputs ok { vp = &V[i]; if ( i < n ) { if ( (vitem= jitem(vinsobj,i)) != 0 && ((spendstr= jstr(vitem,"scriptPub")) != 0 || (spendstr= jstr(vitem,"scriptPubKey")) != 0) ) { vp->spendlen = (int32_t)strlen(spendstr) >> 1; decode_hex(vp->spendscript,vp->spendlen,spendstr); } else spendstr = 0; } else vitem = 0; vp->N = vp->M = 1; if ( (rawtxstr= bitcoin_json2hex(myinfo,coin,&txid,txobj,0)) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<sizeof(spend->inputs[i].privkeys)/sizeof(*spend->inputs[i].privkeys); j++) { if ( bits256_nonz(spend->inputs[i].privkeys[j]) != 0 ) { vp->signers[j].privkey = spend->inputs[i].privkeys[j]; bitcoin_pubkey33(coin->ctx,vp->signers[j].pubkey,vp->signers[j].privkey); } else { vp->signers[j].pubkey[0] = 0; break; } } if ( vitem != 0 && (pubkeys= jarray(&m,vitem,"pubkeys")) != 0 )//spend->inputs[i].numpubkeys > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<sizeof(spend->inputs[i].privkeys)/sizeof(*spend->inputs[i].privkeys); j++) { if ( j < m && (pubkeystr= jstr(jitem(pubkeys,j),0)) != 0 && is_hexstr(pubkeystr,(int32_t)strlen(pubkeystr)) > 0 ) decode_hex(vp->signers[j].pubkey,(int32_t)strlen(pubkeystr)>>1,pubkeystr); else if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(spend->inputs[i].pubkeys[j])) > 0 ) memcpy(vp->signers[j].pubkey,spend->inputs[i].pubkeys[j],plen); } } //if ( spend->inputs[i].spendlen > 0 ) // { // memcpy(vp->spendscript,spend->inputs[i].spendscript,spend->inputs[i].spendlen); // vp->spendlen = spend->inputs[i].spendlen; // } if ( spend->inputs[i].p2shlen > 0 ) { memcpy(vp->p2shscript,spend->inputs[i].p2shscript,spend->inputs[i].p2shlen); vp->p2shlen = spend->inputs[i].p2shlen; } for (j=0; j<sizeof(spend->inputs[i].privkeys)/sizeof(*spend->inputs[i].privkeys); j++) { if ( vp->signers[j].coinaddr[0] == 0 && (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(spend->inputs[i].pubkeys[j])) > 0 ) { bitcoin_address(vp->signers[j].coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,spend->inputs[i].pubkeys[j],plen); } } if ( myinfo->expiration != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<sizeof(spend->inputs[i].privkeys)/sizeof(*spend->inputs[i].privkeys); j++) { if ( bits256_nonz(vp->signers[j].privkey) == 0 && vp->signers[j].coinaddr[0] != 0 ) { if ( (waddr= iguana_waddresssearch(myinfo,coin,&wacct,vp->signers[j].coinaddr)) != 0 ) vp->signers[j].privkey = waddr->privkey; } } } vp->sequence = spend->inputs[i].sequence; //printf("json2hex.(%s)\n",rawtxstr); } } bitcoin_verifytx(coin,txidp,signedtxp,rawtxstr,V,spend->numinputs); //printf("json2hex.(%s)\n",rawtxstr); free(rawtxstr); if ( *signedtxp != 0 && i != spend->numinputs ) free(*signedtxp), *signedtxp = 0; free(V); return(txobj); }*/ /*int64_t iguana_availunspents(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint64_t **unspentsp,int32_t *nump,struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t minconf,char *account,void *ptr,int32_t maxsize) { int32_t i,j,num,numwaddrs; struct iguana_waddress **waddrs,*waddr; uint64_t *unspents,value,avail=0; *unspentsp = unspents = 0; *nump = num = 0; waddrs = (struct iguana_waddress **)ptr; numwaddrs = iguana_unspentslists(myinfo,coin,waddrs,(int32_t)(maxsize/sizeof(*waddrs)),(uint64_t)1 << 62,minconf); if ( numwaddrs > 0 ) { unspents = (uint64_t *)((long)ptr + sizeof(*waddrs)*numwaddrs); for (i=num=0; i<numwaddrs; i++) { if ( (waddr= waddrs[i]) != 0 && waddr->numunspents > 0 ) { for (j=0; j<waddr->numunspents; j++) { if ( (value= iguana_unspentavail(coin,waddr->unspents[j],minconf,coin->longestchain)) != 0 ) { unspents[num << 1] = waddr->unspents[j]; unspents[(num << 1) + 1] = value; num++; avail += value; printf("([%d].u%u) ",(uint32_t)(waddr->unspents[j]>>32),(uint32_t)waddr->unspents[j]); } } printf("(%s %.8f)\n",waddr->coinaddr,dstr(waddr->balance)); } } } *unspentsp = unspents; *nump = num; return(avail); }*/ #endif #endif