/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_utxo.c // marketmaker // // listunspent: valid for local node, mostly valid for electrum // full node + electrum for external listunspent, gettxout to validate // pruned node + electrum for external listunspent, gettxout to validate // full node, network for external listunspent, gettxout to validate // pruned node, network for external listunspent, gettxout to validate // electrum only, network for gettxout // locally track spends, height uint64_t LP_value_extract(cJSON *obj) { double val = 0.; uint64_t value; if ( (val= jdouble(obj,"amount")) < SMALLVAL ) val = jdouble(obj,"value"); if ( val > SMALLVAL ) value = (val * SATOSHIDEN + 0.0000000049); else value = 0; return(value); } struct LP_address *_LP_addressfind(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { struct LP_address *ap; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->addresses,coinaddr,strlen(coinaddr),ap); return(ap); } struct LP_address *_LP_addressadd(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { struct LP_address *ap; ap = calloc(1,sizeof(*ap)); safecopy(ap->coinaddr,coinaddr,sizeof(ap->coinaddr)); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,coin->addresses,ap->coinaddr,strlen(ap->coinaddr),ap); return(ap); } struct LP_address *_LP_address(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { struct LP_address *ap; if ( (ap= _LP_addressfind(coin,coinaddr)) == 0 ) ap = _LP_addressadd(coin,coinaddr); return(ap); } void LP_address_utxoadd(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint64_t value,int32_t height) { struct LP_address *ap; struct LP_address_utxo *up,*tmp; int32_t flag; portable_mutex_lock(&coin->txmutex); if ( (ap= _LP_address(coin,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { flag = 0; DL_FOREACH_SAFE(ap->utxos,up,tmp) { if ( vout == up->U.vout && bits256_cmp(up->U.txid,txid) == 0 ) { if ( up->U.height <= 0 && height > 0 ) up->U.height = height; flag = 1; break; } } if ( flag == 0 ) { up = calloc(1,sizeof(*up)); up->U.txid = txid; up->U.vout = vout; up->U.height = height; up->U.value = value; DL_APPEND(ap->utxos,up); } } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->txmutex); } /*void LP_address_monitor(struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp) { struct iguana_info *coin,*tmp; char coinaddr[64]; cJSON *retjson; struct LP_address *ap; return; HASH_ITER(hh,LP_coins,coin,tmp) { bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,pubp->rmd160,sizeof(pubp->rmd160)); portable_mutex_lock(&coin->txmutex); if ( (ap= _LP_address(coin,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { ap->monitor = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->txmutex); if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= electrum_address_subscribe(coin->symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { printf("%s MONITOR.(%s) -> %s\n",coin->symbol,coinaddr,jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } } } } */ void LP_utxosetkey(uint8_t *key,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { memcpy(key,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid)); memcpy(&key[sizeof(txid)],&vout,sizeof(vout)); } struct LP_utxoinfo *_LP_utxofind(int32_t iambob,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo=0; uint8_t key[sizeof(txid) + sizeof(vout)]; LP_utxosetkey(key,txid,vout); HASH_FIND(hh,LP_utxoinfos[iambob],key,sizeof(key),utxo); return(utxo); } struct LP_utxoinfo *_LP_utxo2find(int32_t iambob,bits256 txid2,int32_t vout2) { struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo=0; uint8_t key2[sizeof(txid2) + sizeof(vout2)]; LP_utxosetkey(key2,txid2,vout2); HASH_FIND(hh2,LP_utxoinfos2[iambob],key2,sizeof(key2),utxo); return(utxo); } struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_utxofind(int32_t iambob,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo=0; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_utxomutex); utxo = _LP_utxofind(iambob,txid,vout); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_utxomutex); return(utxo); } struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_utxo2find(int32_t iambob,bits256 txid2,int32_t vout2) { struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo=0; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_utxomutex); utxo = _LP_utxo2find(iambob,txid2,vout2); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_utxomutex); return(utxo); } struct LP_transaction *LP_transactionfind(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid) { struct LP_transaction *tx; portable_mutex_lock(&coin->txmutex); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->transactions,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid),tx); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->txmutex); return(tx); } struct LP_transaction *LP_transactionadd(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,int32_t height,int32_t numvouts,int32_t numvins) { struct LP_transaction *tx; int32_t i; if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) == 0 ) { //char str[65]; printf("%s ht.%d u.%u NEW TXID.(%s) vouts.[%d]\n",coin->symbol,height,timestamp,bits256_str(str,txid),numvouts); //if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 && tx->height == 0 ) // getchar(); tx = calloc(1,sizeof(*tx) + (sizeof(*tx->outpoints) * numvouts)); for (i=0; ioutpoints[i].spendvini = -1; tx->height = height; tx->numvouts = numvouts; tx->numvins = numvins; //tx->timestamp = timestamp; tx->txid = txid; portable_mutex_lock(&coin->txmutex); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,coin->transactions,tx->txid.bytes,sizeof(tx->txid),tx); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->txmutex); } // else printf("warning adding already existing txid %s\n",bits256_str(str,tx->txid)); return(tx); } uint64_t LP_txinterestvalue(uint64_t *interestp,char *destaddr,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { uint64_t interest,value = 0; cJSON *txobj,*sobj,*array; int32_t n=0; *interestp = 0; destaddr[0] = 0; if ( (txobj= LP_gettxout(coin->symbol,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { if ( (value= LP_value_extract(txobj)) == 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("%s LP_txvalue.%s strange utxo.(%s) vout.%d\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),jprint(txobj,0),vout); } else if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) { if ( (interest= jdouble(txobj,"interest")) != 0. ) { //printf("add interest of %.8f to %.8f\n",interest,dstr(value)); *interestp = SATOSHIDEN * interest; } } if ( (sobj= jobj(txobj,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 && (array= jarray(&n,sobj,"addresses")) != 0 ) { strcpy(destaddr,jstri(array,0)); //printf("set destaddr.(%s)\n",destaddr); if ( n > 1 ) printf("LP_txinterestvalue warning: violation of 1 output assumption n.%d\n",n); } else printf("LP_txinterestvalue no addresses found?\n"); //char str[65]; printf("dest.(%s) %.8f <- %s.(%s) txobj.(%s)\n",destaddr,dstr(value),coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),jprint(txobj,0)); free_json(txobj); } //else { char str[65]; printf("null gettxout return %s/v%d\n",bits256_str(str,txid),vout); } return(value); } int32_t LP_transactioninit(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,int32_t iter) { struct LP_transaction *tx; char *address; int32_t i,n,height,numvouts,numvins,spentvout; cJSON *txobj,*vins,*vouts,*vout,*vin,*sobj,*addresses; bits256 spenttxid; char str[65]; if ( (txobj= LP_gettx(coin->symbol,txid)) != 0 ) { //printf("TX.(%s)\n",jprint(txobj,0)); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) height = LP_txheight(coin,txid); else height = -1; vins = jarray(&numvins,txobj,"vin"); vouts = jarray(&numvouts,txobj,"vout"); if ( iter == 0 && vouts != 0 && (tx= LP_transactionadd(coin,txid,height,numvouts,numvins)) != 0 ) { //printf("create txid numvouts.%d numvins.%d\n",numvouts,numvins); for (i=0; ioutpoints[i].value = LP_value_extract(vout); tx->outpoints[i].interest = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(vout,"interest"); if ( (sobj= jobj(vout,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 ) { if ( (addresses= jarray(&n,sobj,"addresses")) != 0 && n > 0 ) { if ( n > 1 ) printf("LP_transactioninit: txid.(%s) multiple addresses.[%s]\n",bits256_str(str,txid),jprint(addresses,0)); if ( (address= jstri(addresses,0)) != 0 && strlen(address) < sizeof(tx->outpoints[i].coinaddr) ) { strcpy(tx->outpoints[i].coinaddr,address); //printf("(%s %.8f) ",address,dstr(tx->outpoints[i].value)); } else if ( tx->outpoints[i].value != 0 ) printf("LP_transactioninit: unexpected address.(%s)\n",jprint(addresses,0)); } //else if ( tx->outpoints[i].value != 0 ) // printf("LP_transactioninit: pax tx ht.%d i.%d (%s) n.%d\n",height,i,jprint(vout,0),n); } } //printf("numvouts.%d\n",numvouts); } if ( iter == 1 && vins != 0 ) { for (i=0; inumvouts ) { tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendtxid = txid; tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendvini = i; tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendheight = height; //printf("spend %s %s/v%d at ht.%d\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,tx->txid),spentvout,height); } else printf("LP_transactioninit: %s spentvout.%d < numvouts.%d\n",bits256_str(str,spenttxid),spentvout,tx->numvouts); } //else printf("LP_transactioninit: couldnt find (%s) ht.%d %s\n",bits256_str(str,spenttxid),height,jprint(vin,0)); if ( bits256_cmp(spenttxid,txid) == 0 ) printf("spending same tx's %p vout ht.%d %s.[%d] s%d\n",tx,height,bits256_str(str,txid),tx!=0?tx->numvouts:0,spentvout); } } free_json(txobj); return(0); } //else printf("LP_transactioninit error for %s %s\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); return(-1); } int32_t LP_txheight(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid) { bits256 blockhash; struct LP_transaction *tx; cJSON *blockobj,*txobj; int32_t height = 0; if ( coin == 0 ) return(-1); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { if ( (txobj= LP_gettx(coin->symbol,txid)) != 0 ) { //*timestampp = juint(txobj,"locktime"); //*blocktimep = juint(txobj,"blocktime"); blockhash = jbits256(txobj,"blockhash"); if ( bits256_nonz(blockhash) != 0 && (blockobj= LP_getblock(coin->symbol,blockhash)) != 0 ) { height = jint(blockobj,"height"); //printf("%s LP_txheight.%d\n",coin->symbol,height); free_json(blockobj); } //else printf("%s LP_txheight error (%s)\n",coin->symbol,jprint(txobj,0)); free_json(txobj); } } else { if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 ) height = tx->height; } return(height); } int32_t LP_numconfirms(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t mempool) { struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t ht,numconfirms = 100; //#ifndef BASILISK_DISABLEWAITTX cJSON *txobj; if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) == 0 || coin->inactive != 0 ) return(-1); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { numconfirms = -1; if ( (txobj= LP_gettx(symbol,txid)) != 0 ) { if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) numconfirms = jint(txobj,"confirmations"); else numconfirms = coin->height - jint(txobj,"height"); free_json(txobj); } else if ( mempool != 0 && LP_mempoolscan(symbol,txid) >= 0 ) numconfirms = 0; } else { if ( (ht= LP_txheight(coin,txid)) > 0 && ht <= coin->height ) numconfirms = (coin->height - ht); else if ( mempool != 0 && LP_waitmempool(symbol,coinaddr,txid,-1) >= 0 ) numconfirms = 0; } //#endif return(numconfirms); } int64_t basilisk_txvalue(char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { char destaddr[64]; uint64_t value,interest = 0; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) == 0 || coin->inactive != 0 ) return(0); //char str[65]; printf("%s txvalue.(%s)\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); value = LP_txinterestvalue(&interest,destaddr,coin,txid,vout); return(value + interest); } int32_t LP_destaddr(char *destaddr,cJSON *item) { int32_t m,retval = -1; cJSON *addresses,*skey; char *addr; if ( (skey= jobj(item,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 && (addresses= jarray(&m,skey,"addresses")) != 0 ) { item = jitem(addresses,0); if ( (addr= jstr(item,0)) != 0 ) { safecopy(destaddr,addr,64); retval = 0; } //printf("item.(%s) -> dest.(%s)\n",jprint(item,0),destaddr); } return(retval); } int32_t LP_txdestaddr(char *destaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,cJSON *txobj) { int32_t n,retval = -1; cJSON *vouts; if ( (vouts= jarray(&n,txobj,"vout")) != 0 && vout < n ) retval = LP_destaddr(destaddr,jitem(vouts,vout)); return(retval); } uint64_t LP_txvalue(char *coinaddr,char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct LP_transaction *tx; cJSON *txobj; uint64_t value; struct iguana_info *coin; char str[65],str2[65],_coinaddr[65]; if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 ) return(0); if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) == 0 || coin->inactive != 0 ) return(0); if ( coinaddr != 0 ) coinaddr[0] = 0; if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) == 0 ) { LP_transactioninit(coin,txid,0); LP_transactioninit(coin,txid,1); tx = LP_transactionfind(coin,txid); } if ( tx != 0 ) { if ( vout < tx->numvouts ) { if ( bits256_nonz(tx->outpoints[vout].spendtxid) != 0 ) { printf("LP_txvalue %s/v%d is spent at %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),vout,bits256_str(str2,tx->outpoints[vout].spendtxid)); return(0); } else { if ( coinaddr != 0 ) { //if ( tx->outpoints[vout].coinaddr[0] == 0 ) // tx->outpoints[vout].value = LP_txinterestvalue(&tx->outpoints[vout].interest,tx->outpoints[vout].coinaddr,coin,txid,vout); strcpy(coinaddr,tx->outpoints[vout].coinaddr); //printf("(%s) return value %.8f + interest %.8f\n",coinaddr,dstr(tx->outpoints[vout].value),dstr(tx->outpoints[vout].interest)); } return(tx->outpoints[vout].value + tx->outpoints[vout].interest); } } else printf("LP_txvalue vout.%d >= tx->numvouts.%d\n",vout,tx->numvouts); } else { if ( (txobj= LP_gettxout(coin->symbol,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(txobj,"value"); if ( coinaddr == 0 ) coinaddr = _coinaddr; LP_destaddr(coinaddr,txobj); free_json(txobj); printf("pruned node? LP_txvalue couldnt find %s tx %s, but gettxout %.8f\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),dstr(value)); return(value); } printf("pruned node? LP_txvalue couldnt find %s tx %s\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); } return(0); } int32_t LP_iseligible(uint64_t *valp,uint64_t *val2p,int32_t iambob,char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint64_t satoshis,bits256 txid2,int32_t vout2) { //struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; uint64_t val,val2=0,txfee,threshold=0; int32_t bypass = 0; char destaddr[64],destaddr2[64]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 || bits256_nonz(txid2) == 0 ) { printf("null txid not eligible\n"); return(-1); } destaddr[0] = destaddr2[0] = 0; if ( coin != 0 && IAMLP != 0 && coin->inactive != 0 ) bypass = 1; if ( bypass != 0 ) val = satoshis; else val = LP_txvalue(destaddr,symbol,txid,vout); txfee = LP_txfeecalc(LP_coinfind(symbol),0); if ( val >= satoshis && val > (1+LP_MINSIZE_TXFEEMULT)*txfee ) { threshold = (iambob != 0) ? LP_DEPOSITSATOSHIS(satoshis) : (LP_DEXFEE(satoshis) + txfee); if ( bypass != 0 ) val2 = threshold; else val2 = LP_txvalue(destaddr2,symbol,txid2,vout2); if ( val2 >= threshold ) { if ( bypass == 0 && strcmp(destaddr,destaddr2) != 0 ) printf("mismatched %s destaddr (%s) vs (%s)\n",symbol,destaddr,destaddr2); else if ( bypass == 0 && ((iambob == 0 && val2 > val) || (iambob != 0 && val2 <= satoshis)) ) printf("iambob.%d ineligible due to offsides: val %.8f and val2 %.8f vs %.8f diff %lld\n",iambob,dstr(val),dstr(val2),dstr(satoshis),(long long)(val2 - val)); else { *valp = val; *val2p = val2; return(1); } } // else printf("no val2\n"); } char str[65],str2[65]; printf("spent.%d %s txid or value %.8f < %.8f or val2 %.8f < %.8f, %s/v%d %s/v%d or < 10x txfee %.8f\n",iambob,symbol,dstr(val),dstr(satoshis),dstr(val2),dstr(threshold),bits256_str(str,txid),vout,bits256_str(str2,txid2),vout2,dstr(txfee)); /*for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(iter,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { //printf("iambob.%d case 00\n",iter); if ( utxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) utxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( (utxo= LP_utxo2find(iter,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { //printf("iambob.%d case 01\n",iter); if ( utxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) utxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(iter,txid2,vout2)) != 0 ) { //printf("iambob.%d case 10\n",iter); if ( utxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) utxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( (utxo= LP_utxo2find(iter,txid2,vout2)) != 0 ) { //printf("iambob.%d case 11\n",iter); if ( utxo->T.spentflag == 0 ) utxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } }*/ *valp = val; *val2p = val2; return(0); } int32_t LP_inventory_prevent(int32_t iambob,char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; struct LP_transaction *tx; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(iambob,txid,vout)) != 0 || (utxo= LP_utxo2find(iambob,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 && (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 ) { if ( tx->outpoints[vout].spendheight > 0 ) utxo->T.spentflag = tx->outpoints[vout].spendheight; else utxo->T.spentflag = 0; } if ( utxo->T.spentflag != 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("prevent adding iambob.%d %s/v%d to inventory\n",iambob,bits256_str(str,txid),vout); return(1); } } return(0); } int32_t LP_undospends(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t lastheight) { int32_t i,ht,num = 0; struct LP_transaction *tx,*tmp; HASH_ITER(hh,coin->transactions,tx,tmp) { for (i=0; inumvouts; i++) { if ( bits256_nonz(tx->outpoints[i].spendtxid) == 0 ) continue; if ( (ht= tx->outpoints[i].spendheight) == 0 ) { tx->outpoints[i].spendheight = LP_txheight(coin,tx->outpoints[i].spendtxid); } if ( (ht= tx->outpoints[i].spendheight) != 0 && ht > lastheight ) { char str[65]; printf("clear spend %s/v%d at ht.%d > lastheight.%d\n",bits256_str(str,tx->txid),i,ht,lastheight); tx->outpoints[i].spendheight = 0; tx->outpoints[i].spendvini = -1; memset(tx->outpoints[i].spendtxid.bytes,0,sizeof(bits256)); } } } return(num); }