WIDGUANA widget WidGuana is the simple widget which interacts with native Iguana at port It was made to accomplish simple echo test. It has few predefined calls to API, and echos a string in JSON format as a response. It is made completely with plain JavaScript, so it doesn't depend on any JS framework. Widguana can be easily upgraded and styled. It has a simple modal window which can be altered in any desired shape and form. INSTALLATION There are two ways to install WIDGUANA: 1. INCLUDE AS A SEPARETE JAVASCRIPT FILE 1)Copy widguana.js file on your server. 2)Include this file with correct path. Example: 3)put this HTML snippet where ever you want on your web page:
4)Save all 5)Done 2. COPY / PASTE SNIPPET 1)Open widguana-snippet.html in a text editor 2)Make
on your web page. You can add class or id attr in order to style it. This will be a widget container for WIDGUANA. 3)Select all code from widguana-snippet.html and copy it. 4)Paste this between
tags you made 5)Save all 6)Done