/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_rpc.c // marketmaker // char *LP_getdatadir() { return("/root"); } cJSON *basilisk_nullretjson(cJSON *retjson) { /*char *outstr; if ( retjson != 0 ) { outstr = jprint(retjson,0); if ( strcmp(outstr,"{}") == 0 || strcmp(outstr,"[]") == 0 ) { free_json(retjson); retjson = 0; } free(outstr); }*/ return(retjson); } char *blocktrail_listtransactions(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,int32_t num,int32_t skip) { return(0); } cJSON *bitcoin_json(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,char *params) { char *retstr; cJSON *retjson = 0; if ( coin != 0 ) { //printf("issue.(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n",coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params); if ( retstr != 0 && retstr[0] != 0 ) { //printf("%s: %s.%s -> (%s)\n",coin->symbol,method,params,retstr); retjson = cJSON_Parse(retstr); free(retstr); } //printf("dpow_gettxout.(%s)\n",retstr); } return(basilisk_nullretjson(retjson)); } void LP_unspents_mark(char *symbol,cJSON *vins) { printf("LOCK (%s)\n",jprint(vins,0)); } cJSON *LP_getinfo(char *symbol) { struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"getinfo","[]")); } cJSON *LP_gettxout(char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { char buf[128],str[65]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); sprintf(buf,"\"%s\", %d",bits256_str(str,txid),vout); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"gettxout",buf)); } cJSON *LP_gettx(char *symbol,bits256 txid) { char buf[128],str[65]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", 1]",bits256_str(str,txid)); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"getrawtransaction",buf)); } cJSON *LP_listunspent(char *symbol,char *coinaddr) { char buf[128]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); sprintf(buf,"0, 99999999, [\"%s\"]",coinaddr); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"listunspent",buf)); } cJSON *LP_listtransactions(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,int32_t count,int32_t skip) { char buf[128]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( count == 0 ) count = 100; sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", %d, %d, true]",coinaddr,count,skip); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"listtransactions",buf)); } cJSON *LP_validateaddress(char *symbol,char *address) { char buf[512]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); sprintf(buf,"\"%s\"",address); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"validateaddress",buf)); } cJSON *LP_importprivkey(char *symbol,char *wifstr,char *label,int32_t flag) { char buf[512]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", \"%s\", %s]",wifstr,label,flag < 0 ? "false" : "true"); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"importprivkey",buf)); } int32_t LP_importaddress(char *symbol,char *address) { char buf[1024],*retstr; cJSON *validatejson; int32_t isvalid=0,doneflag = 0; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) return(-2); if ( (validatejson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( (isvalid= is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"isvalid")) != 0) != 0 ) { if ( is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"iswatchonly")) != 0 || is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"ismine")) != 0 ) doneflag = 1; } free_json(validatejson); } if ( isvalid == 0 ) return(-1); if ( doneflag != 0 ) return(0); // success sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", \"%s\", false]",address,address); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"importaddress",buf)) != 0 ) { printf("importaddress.(%s %s) -> (%s)\n",symbol,address,retstr); free(retstr); } else printf("importaddress.(%s %s)\n",symbol,address); return(1); } double LP_getestimatedrate(char *symbol) { char buf[512],*retstr; double rate = 200; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin != 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[%d]",3); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"estimatefee",buf)) != 0 ) { if ( retstr[0] != '-' ) { rate = atof(retstr) / 1024.; printf("estimated rate.(%s) %s -> %.8f\n",symbol,retstr,rate); } free(retstr); } } return(rate); } uint64_t LP_txfee(char *symbol) { uint64_t txfee = 0; if ( strcmp(symbol,"BTC") != 0 ) txfee = 10000; return(txfee); } char *LP_sendrawtransaction(char *symbol,char *signedtx) { cJSON *array; char *paramstr,*retstr; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) return(0); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,signedtx); paramstr = jprint(array,1); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"sendrawtransaction",paramstr); printf(">>>>>>>>>>> %s dpow_sendrawtransaction.(%s) -> (%s)\n",coin->symbol,paramstr,retstr); free(paramstr); return(retstr); } char *LP_signrawtx(char *symbol,bits256 *signedtxidp,int32_t *completedp,cJSON *vins,char *rawtx,cJSON *privkeys,struct vin_info *V) { cJSON *array,*json; int32_t len; uint8_t *data; char *paramstr,*retstr,*hexstr,*signedtx=0; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); memset(signedtxidp,0,sizeof(*signedtxidp)); *completedp = 0; if ( coin == 0 ) return(0); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,rawtx); jaddi(array,jduplicate(vins)); jaddi(array,jduplicate(privkeys)); paramstr = jprint(array,1); //printf("signrawtransaction\n"); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"signrawtransaction",paramstr)) != 0 ) { printf("%s signrawtransaction.(%s) params.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr,paramstr); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (hexstr= jstr(json,"hex")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr); signedtx = calloc(1,len+1); strcpy(signedtx,hexstr); *completedp = jint(json,"completed"); data = malloc(len >> 1); decode_hex(data,len>>1,hexstr); *signedtxidp = bits256_doublesha256(0,data,len >> 1); } free_json(json); } free(retstr); } free(paramstr); return(signedtx); }