/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // main.c // stats // // Copyright © 2017 SuperNET. All rights reserved. // #include #include #include "OS_portable.h" #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define STATS_DESTDIR "/var/www/html" #define STATS_DEST "/var/www/html/DEXstats.json" #include "DEXstats.h" #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0x4000 // Do not generate SIGPIPE #endif #else #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif #define GLOBAL_HELPDIR "/root/SuperNET/iguana/help" char CURRENCIES[][8] = { "USD", "EUR", "JPY", "GBP", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "NZD", // major currencies "CNY", "RUB", "MXN", "BRL", "INR", "HKD", "TRY", "ZAR", "PLN", "NOK", "SEK", "DKK", "CZK", "HUF", "ILS", "KRW", "MYR", "PHP", "RON", "SGD", "THB", "BGN", "IDR", "HRK", // end of currencies }; char ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[16] = { "KV" }; struct komodo_state { bits256 NOTARIZED_HASH,NOTARIZED_DESTTXID; int32_t SAVEDHEIGHT,CURRENT_HEIGHT,NOTARIZED_HEIGHT; uint32_t SAVEDTIMESTAMP; uint64_t deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,shorted; struct notarized_checkpoint *NPOINTS; int32_t NUM_NPOINTS; struct komodo_event **Komodo_events; int32_t Komodo_numevents; uint32_t RTbufs[64][3]; uint64_t RTmask; }; struct komodo_state KOMODO_STATE[2]; int32_t iguana_socket(int32_t bindflag,char *hostname,uint16_t port) { int32_t opt,sock,result; char ipaddr[64],checkipaddr[64]; struct timeval timeout; struct sockaddr_in saddr; socklen_t addrlen,slen; addrlen = sizeof(saddr); struct hostent *hostent; /** * gethostbyname() is deprecated and cause crash on x64 windows * the solution is to implement similar functionality by using getaddrinfo() * it is standard posix function and is correctly supported in win32/win64/linux * @author - fadedreamz@gmail.com */ #if defined(_M_X64) struct addrinfo *addrresult = NULL; struct addrinfo *returnptr = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; struct sockaddr_in * sockaddr_ipv4; int retVal; int found = 0; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; #endif if ( parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname) != 0 ) port = parse_ipaddr(ipaddr,hostname); #if defined(_M_X64) retVal = getaddrinfo(ipaddr, NULL, &hints, &addrresult); for (returnptr = addrresult; returnptr != NULL && found == 0; returnptr = returnptr->ai_next) { switch (returnptr->ai_family) { case AF_INET: sockaddr_ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) returnptr->ai_addr; // we want to break from the loop after founding the first ipv4 address found = 1; break; } } // if we iterate through the loop and didn't find anything, // that means we failed in the dns lookup if (found == 0) { printf("getaddrinfo(%s) returned error\n", hostname); freeaddrinfo(addrresult); return(-1); } #else hostent = gethostbyname(ipaddr); if ( hostent == NULL ) { printf("gethostbyname(%s) returned error: %d port.%d ipaddr.(%s)\n",hostname,errno,port,ipaddr); return(-1); } #endif saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); //#ifdef WIN32 // saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(""); //#else #if defined(_M_X64) saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = sockaddr_ipv4->sin_addr.s_addr; // graceful cleanup sockaddr_ipv4 = NULL; freeaddrinfo(addrresult); #else memcpy(&saddr.sin_addr.s_addr,hostent->h_addr_list[0],hostent->h_length); #endif expand_ipbits(checkipaddr,saddr.sin_addr.s_addr); if ( strcmp(ipaddr,checkipaddr) != 0 ) printf("bindflag.%d iguana_socket mismatch (%s) -> (%s)?\n",bindflag,checkipaddr,ipaddr); //#endif if ( (sock= socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != ETIMEDOUT ) printf("socket() failed: %s errno.%d", strerror(errno),errno); return(-1); } opt = 1; slen = sizeof(opt); //printf("set keepalive.%d\n",setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,slen)); #ifndef WIN32 if ( 1 )//&& bindflag != 0 ) { opt = 0; getsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE,(void *)&opt,&slen); opt = 1; //printf("keepalive.%d\n",opt); } setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&opt,sizeof(opt)); #ifdef __APPLE__ setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_NOSIGPIPE,&opt,sizeof(opt)); #endif #endif if ( bindflag == 0 ) { timeout.tv_sec = 10; timeout.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); result = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&saddr,addrlen); if ( result != 0 ) { if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { //printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); } if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } timeout.tv_sec = 10000000; timeout.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); } else { while ( (result= bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&saddr,addrlen)) != 0 ) { if ( errno == EADDRINUSE ) { sleep(1); printf("ERROR BINDING PORT.%d. this is normal tcp timeout, unless another process is using port\n",port); sleep(3); printf("%s(%s) port.%d try again: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( bindflag == 1 ) { closesocket(sock); return(-1); } sleep(13); //continue; } if ( errno != ECONNRESET && errno != ENOTCONN && errno != ECONNREFUSED && errno != ETIMEDOUT && errno != EHOSTUNREACH ) { printf("%s(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",bindflag!=0?"bind":"connect",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } if ( listen(sock,64) != 0 ) { printf("listen(%s) port.%d failed: %s sock.%d. errno.%d\n",hostname,port,strerror(errno),sock,errno); if ( sock >= 0 ) closesocket(sock); return(-1); } } #ifdef __APPLE__ //timeout.tv_sec = 0; //timeout.tv_usec = 30000; //setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 10000; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDTIMEO,(void *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); #endif return(sock); } int32_t Supernet_lineparse(char *key,int32_t keymax,char *value,int32_t valuemax,char *src) { int32_t a,b,c,n = 0; //char *origkey=key,*origvalue=value; key[0] = value[0] = 0; while ( (c= src[n]) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ) n++; while ( (c= src[n]) != ':' && c != 0 ) { *key++ = c; //printf("(%c) ",c); if ( ++n >= keymax-1 ) { *key = 0; printf("lineparse overflow key.(%s)\n",src); return(-1); } } *key = 0; //printf("-> key.(%s)\n",origkey); if ( src[n] != ':' ) return(n); n++; while ( (c= src[n]) == ' ' || c == '\t' ) n++; while ( (c= src[n]) != 0 && c != '\r' && c != '\n' ) { if ( c == '%' && (a= src[n+1]) != 0 && (b= src[n+2]) != 0 ) c = ((unhex(a) << 4) | unhex(b)), n += 2; *value++ = c; n++; if ( n >= valuemax-1 ) { *value = 0; printf("lineparse overflow.(%s)\n",src); return(-1); } } *value = 0; if ( src[n] != 0 ) { n++; while ( (c= src[n]) == '\r' || c == '\n' ) n++; } //printf("key.(%s) value.(%s)\n",origkey,origvalue); return(n); } cJSON *SuperNET_urlconv(char *value,int32_t bufsize,char *urlstr) { int32_t i,n,totallen,datalen,len = 0; cJSON *json,*array; char key[8192],*data; json = cJSON_CreateObject(); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); totallen = (int32_t)strlen(urlstr); while ( 1 ) { for (i=len; urlstr[i]!=0; i++) if ( urlstr[i] == '\r' || urlstr[i] == '\n' ) break; if ( i == len && (urlstr[len] == '\r' || urlstr[len] == '\n') ) { len++; continue; } urlstr[i] = 0; //printf("URLSTR[%d]=%s\n",i,&urlstr[len]); if ( (n= Supernet_lineparse(key,sizeof(key),value,bufsize,&urlstr[len])) > 0 ) { if ( value[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(json,key,value); else jaddistr(array,key); len += (n + 1); if ( strcmp(key,"Content-Length") == 0 && (datalen= atoi(value)) > 0 ) { data = &urlstr[totallen - datalen]; data[-1] = 0; //printf("post.(%s) (%c)\n",data,data[0]); jaddstr(json,"POST",data); } } else break; } jadd(json,"lines",array); //printf("urlconv.(%s)\n",jprint(json,0)); return(json); } char *stats_rpcparse(char *retbuf,int32_t bufsize,int32_t *jsonflagp,int32_t *postflagp,char *urlstr,char *remoteaddr,char *filetype,uint16_t port) { cJSON *tokens,*argjson,*origargjson,*tmpjson=0,*json = 0; long filesize; char symbol[64],buf[4096],*userpass=0,urlmethod[16],*data,url[8192],furl[8192],*retstr,*filestr,*token = 0; int32_t i,j,n,num=0; //printf("rpcparse.(%s)\n",urlstr); for (i=0; i0; i--) if ( url[i] == '.' || url[i] == '/' ) break; if ( url[i] == '.' ) strcpy(filetype,url+i+1); //printf("return filetype.(%s) size.%ld\n",filetype,filesize); return(filestr); } if ( strncmp(&url[i],"/api",strlen("/api")) == 0 ) { *jsonflagp = 1; i += strlen("/api"); } else *jsonflagp = 0; if ( strcmp(url,"/favicon.ico") == 0 ) { *jsonflagp = 1; return(0); } if ( url[i] != '/' ) token = &url[i]; n = i; tokens = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (; url[i]!=0; i++) { //printf("i.%d (%c)\n",i,url[i]); if ( url[i] == '/' ) { url[i] = 0; if ( token != 0 ) { //printf("TOKEN.(%s) i.%d\n",token,i); jaddistr(tokens,token); num++; } token = &url[i+1]; i++; //printf("new token.(%s) i.%d\n",token,i+1); continue; } } if ( token != 0 ) { //printf("add token.(%s)\n",token); jaddistr(tokens,token); num++; } argjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( num > 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"agent",jstri(tokens,0)); if ( num > 1 ) jaddstr(argjson,"method",jstri(tokens,1)); if ( (json= SuperNET_urlconv(retbuf,bufsize,urlstr+n)) != 0 ) { jadd(json,"tokens",tokens); jaddstr(json,"urlmethod",urlmethod); if ( (data= jstr(json,"POST")) == 0 || (argjson= cJSON_Parse(data)) == 0 ) { userpass = jstr(argjson,"userpass"); //printf("userpass.(%s)\n",userpass); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(tokens)) > 0 ) { if ( n > 1 ) { if ( jstri(tokens,1) != 0 ) { char *key,*value; strcpy(buf,jstri(tokens,1)); key = value = 0; i = 0; for (; buf[i]!=0; i++) { if ( buf[i] == '?' ) { buf[i] = 0; jdelete(argjson,"method"); jaddstr(argjson,"method",buf); i++; key = &buf[i]; break; } } while ( buf[i] != 0 ) { //printf("iter.[%s]\n",&buf[i]); if ( buf[i] != 0 && key != 0 ) { for (; buf[i]!=0; i++) { if ( buf[i] == '=' ) { buf[i] = 0; i++; //printf("got key.(%s)\n",key); value = &buf[i]; break; } } if ( buf[i] != 0 && value != 0 ) { for (; buf[i]!=0; i++) { if ( buf[i] == '&' ) { buf[i] = 0; jaddstr(argjson,key,value); i++; //printf("got value.(%s)\n",value); value = 0; key = &buf[i]; break; } else if ( buf[i] == '+' ) buf[i] = ' '; } } } } if ( key != 0 && value != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,key,value); } else { //jdelete(argjson,"method"); //jaddstr(argjson,"method",buf); } } for (i=2; i 0 ) { cJSON *retitem,*retarray = cJSON_CreateArray(); origargjson = argjson; symbol[0] = 0; for (i=0; i (%s) postflag.%d (%s)\n",urlstr,jprint(argjson,0),cJSON_Print(json),*postflagp,retstr); } free_json(origargjson); retstr = jprint(retarray,1); } else { cJSON *arg; if ( jstr(argjson,"agent") != 0 && strcmp(jstr(argjson,"agent"),"bitcoinrpc") != 0 && jobj(argjson,"params") != 0 ) { arg = jobj(argjson,"params"); if ( is_cJSON_Array(arg) != 0 && cJSON_GetArraySize(arg) == 1 ) arg = jitem(arg,0); } else arg = argjson; //printf("ARGJSON.(%s)\n",jprint(arg,0)); if ( userpass != 0 && jstr(arg,"userpass") == 0 ) jaddstr(arg,"userpass",userpass); retstr = stats_JSON(arg,remoteaddr,port); } free_json(argjson); free_json(json); if ( tmpjson != 0 ) free(tmpjson); return(retstr); } free_json(argjson); if ( tmpjson != 0 ) free(tmpjson); *jsonflagp = 1; return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt process packet\"}")); } int32_t iguana_getcontentlen(char *buf,int32_t recvlen) { char *str,*clenstr = "Content-Length: "; int32_t len = -1; if ( (str= strstr(buf,clenstr)) != 0 ) { //printf("strstr.(%s)\n",str); str += strlen(clenstr); len = atoi(str); //printf("len.%d\n",len); } return(len); } int32_t iguana_getheadersize(char *buf,int32_t recvlen) { char *str,*delim = "\r\n\r\n"; if ( (str= strstr(buf,delim)) != 0 ) return((int32_t)(((long)str - (long)buf) + strlen(delim))); return(recvlen); } void stats_rpcloop(void *args) { static char *jsonbuf; uint16_t port; char filetype[128],content_type[128]; int32_t recvlen,flag,bindsock,postflag=0,contentlen,sock,remains,numsent,jsonflag=0,hdrsize,len; socklen_t clilen; char helpname[512],remoteaddr[64],*buf,*retstr,*space; struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; uint32_t ipbits,i,size = IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE + 512; if ( (port= *(uint16_t *)args) == 0 ) port = 7779; if ( jsonbuf == 0 ) jsonbuf = calloc(1,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE); while ( (bindsock= iguana_socket(1,"",port)) < 0 ) { //if ( coin->MAXPEERS == 1 ) // break; //exit(-1); sleep(3); } printf(">>>>>>>>>> DEX stats bind sock.%d DEX stats API enabled <<<<<<<<<\n",port,bindsock); space = calloc(1,size); while ( bindsock >= 0 ) { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); sock = accept(bindsock,(struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr,&clilen); if ( sock < 0 ) { //printf("iguana_rpcloop ERROR on accept usock.%d errno %d %s\n",sock,errno,strerror(errno)); continue; } memcpy(&ipbits,&cli_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,sizeof(ipbits)); expand_ipbits(remoteaddr,ipbits); //printf("remote RPC request from (%s) %x\n",remoteaddr,ipbits); memset(jsonbuf,0,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE); remains = (int32_t)(IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE - 1); buf = jsonbuf; recvlen = flag = 0; retstr = 0; while ( remains > 0 ) { //printf("flag.%d remains.%d recvlen.%d\n",flag,remains,recvlen); if ( (len= (int32_t)recv(sock,buf,remains,0)) < 0 ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { printf("EAGAIN for len %d, remains.%d\n",len,remains); usleep(10000); } break; } else { if ( len > 0 ) { buf[len] = 0; if ( recvlen == 0 ) { if ( (contentlen= iguana_getcontentlen(buf,recvlen)) > 0 ) { hdrsize = iguana_getheadersize(buf,recvlen); if ( hdrsize > 0 ) { if ( len < (hdrsize + contentlen) ) { remains = (hdrsize + contentlen) - len; buf = &buf[len]; flag = 1; //printf("got.(%s) %d remains.%d of len.%d contentlen.%d hdrsize.%d remains.%d\n",buf,recvlen,remains,len,contentlen,hdrsize,(hdrsize+contentlen)-len); continue; } } } } recvlen += len; remains -= len; buf = &buf[len]; if ( flag == 0 || remains <= 0 ) break; } else { usleep(10000); //printf("got.(%s) %d remains.%d of total.%d\n",jsonbuf,recvlen,remains,len); //retstr = iguana_rpcparse(space,size,&postflag,jsonbuf); if ( flag == 0 ) break; } } } content_type[0] = 0; if ( recvlen > 0 ) { retstr = stats_rpcparse(space,size,&jsonflag,&postflag,jsonbuf,remoteaddr,filetype,port); if ( filetype[0] != 0 ) { static cJSON *mimejson; char *tmp,*typestr=0; long tmpsize; sprintf(helpname,"%s/mime.json",GLOBAL_HELPDIR); if ( (tmp= OS_filestr(&tmpsize,helpname)) != 0 ) { mimejson = cJSON_Parse(tmp); free(tmp); } if ( mimejson != 0 ) { if ( (typestr= jstr(mimejson,filetype)) != 0 ) sprintf(content_type,"Content-Type: %s\r\n",typestr); } else printf("parse error.(%s)\n",tmp); //printf("filetype.(%s) json.%p type.%p tmp.%p [%s]\n",filetype,mimejson,typestr,tmp,content_type); } } if ( retstr != 0 ) { char *response,hdrs[1024]; //printf("RETURN.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( jsonflag != 0 || postflag != 0 ) { response = malloc(strlen(retstr)+1024+1+1); sprintf(hdrs,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST\r\nCache-Control : no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\n%sContent-Length : %8d\r\n\r\n",content_type,(int32_t)strlen(retstr)); response[0] = '\0'; strcat(response,hdrs); strcat(response,retstr); strcat(response,"\n"); if ( retstr != space ) free(retstr); retstr = response; } remains = (int32_t)strlen(retstr); i = 0; while ( remains > 0 ) { if ( (numsent= (int32_t)send(sock,&retstr[i],remains,MSG_NOSIGNAL)) < 0 ) { if ( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) { //printf("%s: %s numsent.%d vs remains.%d len.%d errno.%d (%s) usock.%d\n",retstr,ipaddr,numsent,remains,recvlen,errno,strerror(errno),sock); break; } } else if ( remains > 0 ) { remains -= numsent; i += numsent; if ( remains > 0 ) printf("iguana sent.%d remains.%d of len.%d\n",numsent,remains,recvlen); } } if ( retstr != space) free(retstr); } closesocket(sock); } } #ifndef FROM_MARKETMAKER void stats_kvjson(FILE *logfp,int32_t height,int32_t savedheight,uint32_t timestamp,char *key,cJSON *kvjson,bits256 pubkey,bits256 sigprev) { struct tai T; int32_t seconds,datenum,n; datenum = OS_conv_unixtime(&T,&seconds,timestamp); jaddstr(kvjson,"key",key); jaddnum(kvjson,"datenum",datenum); jaddnum(kvjson,"hour",seconds/3600); jaddnum(kvjson,"seconds",seconds % 3600); jaddnum(kvjson,"height",height); //printf("(%s)\n",jprint(kvjson,0)); if ( logfp != 0 ) { stats_priceupdate(datenum,seconds/3600,seconds % 3600,timestamp,height,key,jstr(kvjson,"pubkey"),jarray(&n,kvjson,"trade")); fprintf(logfp,"%s\n",jprint(kvjson,0)); fflush(logfp); } } void komodo_kvupdate(FILE *logfp,struct komodo_state *sp,int32_t ht,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,uint8_t *opretbuf,int32_t opretlen,uint64_t value) { static bits256 zeroes; uint32_t flags; bits256 pubkey,refpubkey,sig; cJSON *kvjson; char decodestr[10000]; int32_t i,refvaluesize,hassig,coresize,haspubkey,height,kvheight; uint16_t keylen,valuesize,newflag = 0; uint8_t *key,*valueptr,keyvalue[10000]; iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[1],sizeof(keylen),&keylen); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[3],sizeof(valuesize),&valuesize); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[5],sizeof(height),&height); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[9],sizeof(flags),&flags); key = &opretbuf[13]; if ( keylen+13 > opretlen ) { printf("komodo_kvupdate: keylen.%d + 13 > opretlen.%d\n",keylen,opretlen); return; } valueptr = &key[keylen]; coresize = (int32_t)(sizeof(flags)+sizeof(height)+sizeof(keylen)+sizeof(valuesize)+keylen+valuesize+1); if ( opretlen == coresize || opretlen == coresize+sizeof(bits256) || opretlen == coresize+2*sizeof(bits256) ) { memset(&pubkey,0,sizeof(pubkey)); memset(&sig,0,sizeof(sig)); if ( (haspubkey= (opretlen >= coresize+sizeof(bits256))) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&pubkey)[i] = opretbuf[coresize+i]; } if ( (hassig= (opretlen == coresize+sizeof(bits256)*2)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&sig)[i] = opretbuf[coresize+sizeof(bits256)+i]; } /*if ( (refvaluesize= komodo_kvsearch((bits256 *)&refpubkey,height,&flags,&kvheight,&keyvalue[keylen],key,keylen)) >= 0 ) { if ( memcmp(&zeroes,&refpubkey,sizeof(refpubkey)) != 0 ) { if ( komodo_kvsigverify(keyvalue,keylen+refvaluesize,refpubkey,sig) < 0 ) { //printf("komodo_kvsigverify error [%d]\n",coresize-13); return; } } }*/ //for (i=0; i "); //printf(" (%s) [%d] %s/v%d ht.%d height.%d\n",decodestr,valuesize,bits256_str(str,txid),vout,ht,height); key[keylen] = 0; stats_kvjson(logfp,ht,sp->SAVEDHEIGHT,sp->SAVEDTIMESTAMP,(char *)key,kvjson,pubkey,sig); free_json(kvjson); } } } void komodo_eventadd_opreturn(FILE *logfp,struct komodo_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,bits256 txid,uint64_t value,uint16_t vout,uint8_t *opretbuf,uint16_t opretlen) { if ( sp != 0 ) { if ( opretbuf[0] == 'K' && opretlen != 40 ) { komodo_kvupdate(logfp,sp,height,txid,vout,opretbuf,opretlen,value); } } } void komodo_setkmdheight(struct komodo_state *sp,int32_t kmdheight,uint32_t timestamp) { if ( sp != 0 ) { if ( kmdheight > sp->SAVEDHEIGHT ) { sp->SAVEDHEIGHT = kmdheight; sp->SAVEDTIMESTAMP = timestamp; //printf("ht.%d t.%u\n",kmdheight,timestamp); } if ( kmdheight > sp->CURRENT_HEIGHT ) sp->CURRENT_HEIGHT = kmdheight; } } void komodo_eventadd_kmdheight(struct komodo_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,int32_t kmdheight,uint32_t timestamp) { uint32_t buf[2]; if ( kmdheight > 0 ) { buf[0] = (uint32_t)kmdheight; buf[1] = timestamp; //komodo_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,KOMODO_EVENT_KMDHEIGHT,(uint8_t *)buf,sizeof(buf)); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_setkmdheight(sp,kmdheight,timestamp); } else { kmdheight = -kmdheight; //komodo_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,KOMODO_EVENT_REWIND,(uint8_t *)&height,sizeof(height)); //if ( sp != 0 ) // komodo_event_rewind(sp,symbol,height); } } void stats_pricefeed(struct komodo_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t ht,uint32_t *pvals,int32_t numpvals) { struct tai T; int32_t seconds,datenum,n; cJSON *argjson; if ( ht > 300000 && pvals[32] != 0 ) { datenum = OS_conv_unixtime(&T,&seconds,sp->SAVEDTIMESTAMP); //printf("(%s)\n",jprint(kvjson,0)); argjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(argjson,"KMD"); jaddinum(argjson,1); jaddistr(argjson,"BTC"); jaddinum(argjson,dstr(pvals[32]) / 10000.); stats_priceupdate(datenum,seconds/3600,seconds % 3600,sp->SAVEDTIMESTAMP,sp->SAVEDHEIGHT,0,0,argjson); free_json(argjson); } } int32_t komodo_parsestatefile(FILE *logfp,struct komodo_state *sp,FILE *fp,char *symbol,int32_t iter) { static int32_t errs; int32_t func,ht,notarized_height,num,matched=0; bits256 notarized_hash,notarized_desttxid; uint8_t pubkeys[64][33]; if ( (func= fgetc(fp)) != EOF ) { if ( ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && strcmp(symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) matched = 1; else matched = (strcmp(symbol,ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL) == 0); if ( fread(&ht,1,sizeof(ht),fp) != sizeof(ht) ) errs++; //printf("fpos.%ld func.(%d %c) ht.%d ",ftell(fp),func,func,ht); if ( func == 'P' ) { if ( (num= fgetc(fp)) <= 64 ) { if ( fread(pubkeys,33,num,fp) != num ) errs++; else { //printf("updated %d pubkeys at %s ht.%d\n",num,symbol,ht); //if ( (KOMODO_EXTERNAL_NOTARIES != 0 && matched != 0) || (strcmp(symbol,"KMD") == 0 && KOMODO_EXTERNAL_NOTARIES == 0) ) // komodo_eventadd_pubkeys(sp,symbol,ht,num,pubkeys); } } else printf("illegal num.%d\n",num); } else if ( func == 'N' ) { if ( fread(¬arized_height,1,sizeof(notarized_height),fp) != sizeof(notarized_height) ) errs++; if ( fread(¬arized_hash,1,sizeof(notarized_hash),fp) != sizeof(notarized_hash) ) errs++; if ( fread(¬arized_desttxid,1,sizeof(notarized_desttxid),fp) != sizeof(notarized_desttxid) ) errs++; //if ( matched != 0 ) global independent states -> inside *sp //komodo_eventadd_notarized(sp,symbol,ht,dest,notarized_hash,notarized_desttxid,notarized_height); } else if ( func == 'U' ) // deprecated { uint8_t n,nid; bits256 hash; uint64_t mask; n = fgetc(fp); nid = fgetc(fp); //printf("U %d %d\n",n,nid); if ( fread(&mask,1,sizeof(mask),fp) != sizeof(mask) ) errs++; if ( fread(&hash,1,sizeof(hash),fp) != sizeof(hash) ) errs++; //if ( matched != 0 ) // komodo_eventadd_utxo(sp,symbol,ht,nid,hash,mask,n); } else if ( func == 'K' ) { int32_t kheight; if ( fread(&kheight,1,sizeof(kheight),fp) != sizeof(kheight) ) errs++; //if ( matched != 0 ) global independent states -> inside *sp //printf("%s.%d load[%s] ht.%d\n",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL,ht,symbol,kheight); komodo_eventadd_kmdheight(sp,symbol,ht,kheight,0); } else if ( func == 'T' ) { int32_t kheight,ktimestamp; if ( fread(&kheight,1,sizeof(kheight),fp) != sizeof(kheight) ) errs++; if ( fread(&ktimestamp,1,sizeof(ktimestamp),fp) != sizeof(ktimestamp) ) errs++; //if ( matched != 0 ) global independent states -> inside *sp //printf("%s.%d load[%s] ht.%d t.%u\n",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL,ht,symbol,kheight,ktimestamp); komodo_eventadd_kmdheight(sp,symbol,ht,kheight,ktimestamp); } else if ( func == 'R' ) { uint16_t olen,v; uint64_t ovalue; bits256 txid; uint8_t opret[16384]; if ( fread(&txid,1,sizeof(txid),fp) != sizeof(txid) ) errs++; if ( fread(&v,1,sizeof(v),fp) != sizeof(v) ) errs++; if ( fread(&ovalue,1,sizeof(ovalue),fp) != sizeof(ovalue) ) errs++; if ( fread(&olen,1,sizeof(olen),fp) != sizeof(olen) ) errs++; if ( olen < sizeof(opret) ) { if ( fread(opret,1,olen,fp) != olen ) errs++; if ( 0 && matched != 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i global PAX } else { int32_t i; for (i=0; i global PVALS //printf("load pvals ht.%d numpvals.%d\n",ht,numpvals); } else printf("error loading pvals[%d]\n",numpvals); } else printf("[%s] %s illegal func.(%d %c)\n",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL,symbol,func,func); return(func); } else return(-1); } int32_t stats_stateupdate(FILE *logfp,char *destdir,char *statefname,int32_t maxseconds,char *komodofile) { static long lastpos[2]; char symbol[64],base[64]; int32_t iter,n; FILE *fp; uint32_t starttime; struct komodo_state *sp; starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); strcpy(base,"KV"); strcpy(symbol,"KV"); n = 0; for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { sp = &KOMODO_STATE[iter]; if ( (fp= fopen(iter == 0 ? statefname : komodofile,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); if ( ftell(fp) > lastpos[iter] ) { fseek(fp,lastpos[iter],SEEK_SET); while ( komodo_parsestatefile(logfp,sp,fp,symbol,iter) >= 0 && n < 100000 ) { if ( n == 99999 ) { if ( time(NULL) < starttime+maxseconds ) n = 0; else break; } n++; } lastpos[iter] = ftell(fp); } fclose(fp); } strcpy(base,"KMD"); strcpy(symbol,"KMD"); } } char *stats_update(FILE *logfp,char *destdir,char *statefname,char *komodofname) { int32_t i; cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<100; i++) if ( stats_stateupdate(logfp,destdir,statefname,10,komodofname) <= 0 ) break; return(jprint(retjson,1)); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { struct tai T; uint32_t timestamp; struct DEXstats_disp prices[365]; int32_t i,n,seconds,leftdatenum; FILE *fp,*logfp; char *filestr,*retstr,*statefname,logfname[512],komodofile[512]; uint16_t port = 7779; if ( argc < 2 ) { statefname = "/root/.komodo/KV/komodostate"; strcpy(komodofile,"/root/.komodo/komodostate"); } else { statefname = (char *)argv[1]; strcpy(komodofile,statefname); n = (int32_t)strlen(komodofile); for (i=0; i<=strlen("komodostate"); i++) komodofile[n-14+i] = komodofile[n-11+i]; printf("komodofile.(%s)\n",komodofile); } sprintf(logfname,"%s/logfile",STATS_DESTDIR), OS_portable_path(logfname); logfp = fopen(logfname,"wb"); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)stats_rpcloop,(void *)&port) != 0 ) { printf("error launching stats rpcloop for port.%u\n",port); exit(-1); } printf("DEX stats running\n"); while ( 1 ) { if ( (filestr= stats_update(logfp,STATS_DEST,statefname,komodofile)) != 0 ) { timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); leftdatenum = OS_conv_unixtime(&T,&seconds,timestamp - 30*24*3600); //printf("%u: leftdatenum.%d %s\n",timestamp,leftdatenum,filestr); memset(prices,0,sizeof(prices)); if ( (retstr= stats_prices("KMD","BTC",prices,leftdatenum,30+1)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s\n",retstr); free(retstr); } if ( (fp= fopen(STATS_DEST,"wb")) != 0 ) { fwrite(filestr,1,strlen(filestr)+1,fp); fclose(fp); } free(filestr); } sleep(60); } return 0; } #endif