/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "pangea777.h" struct pangea_info *TABLES[100]; struct pangea_thread *THREADS[_PANGEA_MAXTHREADS]; void pangea_buyins(uint32_t *minbuyinp,uint32_t *maxbuyinp) { if ( *minbuyinp == 0 && *maxbuyinp == 0 ) { *minbuyinp = 100; *maxbuyinp = 1000; } else { PNACL_message("minbuyin.%d maxbuyin.%d -> ",*minbuyinp,*maxbuyinp); if ( *minbuyinp < 20 ) *minbuyinp = 20; if ( *maxbuyinp < *minbuyinp ) *maxbuyinp = (*minbuyinp * 4); if ( *maxbuyinp > 1000 ) *maxbuyinp = 1000; if ( *minbuyinp > *maxbuyinp ) *minbuyinp = *maxbuyinp; PNACL_message("(%d %d)\n",*minbuyinp,*maxbuyinp); } } struct pangea_info *pangea_create(struct pangea_thread *tp,int32_t *createdflagp,char *base,uint32_t timestamp,uint64_t *addrs,int32_t numaddrs,uint64_t bigblind,uint64_t ante,uint64_t *isbot,uint32_t minbuyin,uint32_t maxbuyin,int32_t hostrake) { struct pangea_info *sp = 0; bits256 hash; int32_t i,j,numcards,firstslot = -1; struct cards777_privdata *priv; struct cards777_pubdata *dp; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( createdflagp != 0 ) *createdflagp = 0; for (i=0; inxt64bits ) break; } if ( i == numaddrs ) { PNACL_message("this node not in addrs\n"); return(0); } if ( numaddrs > 0 && (sp= calloc(1,sizeof(*sp))) != 0 ) { sp->tp = tp; numcards = CARDS777_MAXCARDS; pangea_buyins(&minbuyin,&maxbuyin); tp->numcards = numcards, tp->N = numaddrs; sp->numactive = numaddrs; sp->dp = dp = cards777_allocpub((numaddrs >> 1) + 1,numcards,numaddrs); dp->minbuyin = minbuyin, dp->maxbuyin = maxbuyin; sp->minbuyin = minbuyin, sp->maxbuyin = maxbuyin; dp->rakemillis = hostrake; if ( dp->rakemillis > PANGEA_MAX_HOSTRAKE ) dp->rakemillis = PANGEA_MAX_HOSTRAKE; dp->rakemillis += PANGEA_MINRAKE_MILLIS; if ( dp == 0 ) { PNACL_message("pangea_create: unexpected out of memory pub\n"); return(0); } for (j=0; j<5; j++) dp->hand.community[j] = 0xff; memcpy(sp->addrs,addrs,numaddrs * sizeof(sp->addrs[0])); for (j=0; jbalances[j] = balances[j]; //else dp->balances[j] = 100; if ( isbot != 0 ) sp->isbot[j] = isbot[j]; sp->active[j] = addrs[j]; } sp->priv = priv = cards777_allocpriv(numcards,numaddrs); priv->hole[0] = priv->hole[1] = 0xff; if ( priv == 0 ) { PNACL_message("pangea_create: unexpected out of memory priv\n"); return(0); } priv->automuck = Showmode; priv->autofold = Autofold; btc_priv2pub(sp->btcpub,tp->hn.client->H.privkey.bytes); init_hexbytes_noT(sp->btcpubkeystr,sp->btcpub,33); strcpy(sp->coinstr,base); strcpy(dp->coinstr,base); if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(base)) != 0 ) { sp->addrtype = coin->chain->pubval;//coin777_addrtype(&sp->p2shtype,base); sp->wiftype = coin->chain->wipval;//coin777_wiftype(base); } btc_priv2wip(sp->wipstr,tp->hn.client->H.privkey.bytes,sp->wiftype); strcpy(sp->btcpubkeys[sp->myslot],sp->btcpubkeystr); PNACL_message("T%d: Automuck.%d Autofold.%d rakemillis.%d btcpubkey.(%s) (%s) addrtype.%02x p2sh.%02x wif.%02x\n",tp->hn.client->H.slot,priv->automuck,priv->autofold,dp->rakemillis,sp->btcpubkeystr,dp->coinstr,sp->addrtype,sp->p2shtype,sp->wiftype); if ( (sp->timestamp= timestamp) == 0 ) sp->timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); sp->numaddrs = sp->numactive = numaddrs; sp->basebits = stringbits(base); sp->bigblind = dp->bigblind = bigblind, sp->ante = dp->ante = ante; vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,(uint8_t *)sp,numaddrs * sizeof(sp->addrs[0]) + 4*sizeof(uint32_t) + 3*sizeof(uint64_t)); sp->tableid = hash.txid; for (i=0; itableid == TABLES[i]->tableid && tp->threadid == TABLES[i]->tp->threadid ) { PNACL_message("tableid %llu already exists!\n",(long long)sp->tableid); free(sp); return(TABLES[i]); } } else if ( firstslot < 0 ) firstslot = i; } TABLES[firstslot] = sp; if ( createdflagp != 0 ) *createdflagp = 1; } return(sp); } cJSON *pangea_ciphersjson(struct cards777_pubdata *dp,struct cards777_privdata *priv) { int32_t i,j,nonz = 0; char hexstr[65]; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; inumcards; i++) for (j=0; jN; j++,nonz++) { init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,priv->outcards[nonz].bytes,sizeof(bits256)); jaddistr(array,hexstr); } return(array); } cJSON *pangea_playerpubs(bits256 *playerpubs,int32_t num) { int32_t i; char hexstr[65]; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i %s) ",(long long)playerpubs[i].txid,hexstr); jaddistr(array,hexstr); } //PNACL_message("playerpubs\n"); return(array); } cJSON *pangea_cardpubs(struct cards777_pubdata *dp) { int32_t i; char hexstr[65]; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; inumcards; i++) { init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,dp->hand.cardpubs[i].bytes,sizeof(bits256)); jaddistr(array,hexstr); } init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,dp->hand.checkprod.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); jaddistr(array,hexstr); return(array); } cJSON *pangea_sharenrs(uint8_t *sharenrs,int32_t n) { int32_t i; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ) { PNACL_message("no address or illegal num.%d\n",num); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no addrs or illegal numplayers\"}")); } for (i=0; ihn.server = srv; memcpy(srv->H.privkey.bytes,privkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); memcpy(srv->H.pubkey.bytes,pubkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); } } else { PANGEA_MAXTHREADS = 1; if ( (endpoint= jstr(json,"pangea_endpoint")) != 0 ) { if ( strncmp(endpoint,"tcp://",strlen("tcp://")) == 0 || strncmp(endpoint,"ws://",strlen("ws://")) == 0 ) { PNACL_message("ILLEGAL pangea_endpoint.(%s)\n",endpoint); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"contact pangea host and tell them to add myipaddr to their SuperNET.conf\"}")); } if ( (tp->hn.client= pangeanet777_client(privkey,pubkey,endpoint,i)) == 0 ) { memcpy(tp->hn.client->H.privkey.bytes,privkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); memcpy(tp->hn.client->H.pubkey.bytes,pubkey.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); } } } tp->nxt64bits = my64bits; } } } if ( myind < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"this table is not for me\"}")); if ( (array= jarray(&num,json,"isbot")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; idp; sp->myslot = sp->myind = myind; dp->table = sp; tp->numcards = dp->numcards, tp->N = dp->N, tp->M = dp->M; if ( threadid == 0 ) { tp->hn.server->clients[0].pubdata = dp; tp->hn.server->clients[0].privdata = sp->priv; tp->hn.server->H.pubdata = dp; tp->hn.server->H.privdata = sp->priv; } else { tp->hn.client->my.pubdata = dp; tp->hn.client->my.privdata = sp->priv; tp->hn.client->H.pubdata = dp; tp->hn.client->H.privdata = sp->priv; if ( THREADS[0] != 0 ) { THREADS[0]->hn.server->clients[threadid].pubdata = dp; THREADS[0]->hn.server->clients[threadid].privdata = sp->priv; } } if ( (array= jarray(&num,json,"playerpubs")) == 0 || num < 2 || num > CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ) { PNACL_message("no address or illegal num.%d\n",num); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no addrs or illegal numplayers\"}")); } for (i=0; iplayerpubs[i].bytes,sizeof(bits256),hexstr); PNACL_message("set playerpubs.(%s) %llx\n",hexstr,(long long)sp->playerpubs[i].txid); if ( sp->playerpubs[i].txid == 0 ) { PNACL_message("player.%d has no NXT pubkey\n",i); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"not all players have published NXT pubkeys\"}")); } } if ( myind >= 0 && createdflag != 0 && addrs[myind] == tp->nxt64bits ) { memcpy(sp->addrs,addrs,sizeof(*addrs) * dp->N); dp->readymask |= (1 << sp->myslot); pangea_sendcmd(hex,&tp->hn,"ready",-1,sp->btcpub,sizeof(sp->btcpub),0,0); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"newtable created\"}")); } else if ( createdflag == 0 ) { if ( sp->addrs[0] == tp->nxt64bits ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"this is my table\"}")); else return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"table already exists\"}")); } } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no tableid\"}")); }*/ struct pangea_thread *pangea_threadinit(struct supernet_info *plugin,int32_t maxplayers) { /* struct pangea_thread *tp; struct pangeanet777_server *srv; PANGEA_MAXTHREADS = 1; THREADS[0] = tp = calloc(1,sizeof(*THREADS[0])); if ( tp == 0 ) { PNACL_message("pangea_threadinit: unexpected out of memory\n"); return(0); } tp->nxt64bits = plugin->nxt64bits; if ( (srv= pangeanet777_server(*(bits256 *)plugin->mypriv,*(bits256 *)plugin->mypub,plugin->transport,plugin->ipaddr,plugin->pangeaport,9)) == 0 ) PNACL_message("cant create pangeanet777 server\n"); else { tp->hn.server = srv; memcpy(srv->H.privkey.bytes,plugin->mypriv,sizeof(bits256)); memcpy(srv->H.pubkey.bytes,plugin->mypub,sizeof(bits256)); } return(tp);*/ return(0); } void pangea_create_newtable(char *retbuf,struct pangea_info *sp,struct cards777_pubdata *dp,uint64_t *isbot) { char *addrstr,*ciphers,*playerpubs,*isbotstr; isbotstr = jprint(addrs_jsonarray(isbot,dp->N),1); //balancestr = jprint(addrs_jsonarray(balances,num),1); addrstr = jprint(addrs_jsonarray(sp->addrs,dp->N),1); ciphers = jprint(pangea_ciphersjson(dp,sp->priv),1); playerpubs = jprint(pangea_playerpubs(sp->playerpubs,dp->N),1); dp->readymask |= (1 << sp->myslot); sprintf(retbuf,"{\"cmd\":\"newtable\",\"broadcast\":\"allnodes\",\"myind\":%d,\"pangea_endpoint\":\"%s\",\"plugin\":\"relay\",\"destplugin\":\"pangea\",\"method\":\"busdata\",\"submethod\":\"newtable\",\"my64bits\":\"%llu\",\"tableid\":\"%llu\",\"timestamp\":%u,\"M\":%d,\"N\":%d,\"base\":\"%s\",\"bigblind\":\"%llu\",\"minbuyin\":\"%d\",\"maxbuyin\":\"%u\",\"rakemillis\":\"%u\",\"ante\":\"%llu\",\"playerpubs\":%s,\"addrs\":%s,\"isbot\":%s}",sp->myslot,sp->tp->hn.server->ep.endpoint,(long long)sp->tp->nxt64bits,(long long)sp->tableid,sp->timestamp,dp->M,dp->N,sp->coinstr,(long long)sp->bigblind,dp->minbuyin,dp->maxbuyin,dp->rakemillis,(long long)sp->ante,playerpubs,addrstr,isbotstr); //\"pluginrequest\":\"SuperNET\", PNACL_message("START.(%s)\n",retbuf); //dp->pmworks |= (1 << sp->myind); free(addrstr), free(ciphers), free(playerpubs), free(isbotstr);// free(balancestr); } int32_t pangea_start(struct supernet_info *plugin,char *retbuf,char *base,uint32_t timestamp,uint64_t bigblind,uint64_t ante,int32_t hostrake,int32_t maxplayers,uint32_t minbuyin,uint32_t maxbuyin,cJSON *json) { char destNXT[64]; struct pangea_thread *tp; struct cards777_pubdata *dp; int32_t createdflag,addrtype,haspubkey,i,j,slot,n,myind=-1,r,num=0,threadid=0; uint64_t addrs[512],isbot[512],tmp; struct pangea_info *sp; cJSON *bids,*walletitem,*item; struct iguana_info *coin; memset(addrs,0,sizeof(addrs)); PNACL_message("pangea_start rakemillis.%d\n",hostrake); //memset(balances,0,sizeof(balances)); pangea_buyins(&minbuyin,&maxbuyin); if ( hostrake < 0 || hostrake > PANGEA_MAX_HOSTRAKE ) { PNACL_message("illegal hostrake.%d\n",hostrake); strcpy(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"illegal hostrake\"}"); return(-1); } if ( bigblind == 0 ) bigblind = SATOSHIDEN; if ( (tp= THREADS[threadid]) == 0 ) { pangea_threadinit(plugin,maxplayers); if ( (tp=THREADS[0]) == 0 ) { strcpy(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"uinitialized threadid\"}"); PNACL_message("%s\n",retbuf); return(-1); } } PNACL_message("mynxt64bits.%llu base.(%s) maxplayers.%d minbuyin.%u maxbuyin.%u\n",(long long)tp->nxt64bits,base,maxplayers,minbuyin,maxbuyin); if ( base == 0 || base[0] == 0 || maxplayers < 2 || maxplayers > CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ) { sprintf(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"bad params\"}"); PNACL_message("%s\n",retbuf); return(-1); } if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(base)) != 0 ) addrtype = coin->chain->pubval;//coin777_addrtype(&p2shtype,base); if ( (bids= jarray(&n,json,"bids")) != 0 ) { PNACL_message("numbids.%d\n",n); for (i=num=0; inxt64bits ) myind = num; PNACL_message("%llu ",(long long)addrs[num]); num++; } } else PNACL_message("%d: %llu mismatched walletitem bigblind %.8f ante %.8f rake %.1f%%\n",i,(long long)addrs[num],dstr(j64bits(walletitem,"bigblind")),dstr(j64bits(walletitem,"ante")),(double)juint(walletitem,"rakemillis")/10.); } } } PNACL_message("(%llu) pangea_start(%s) threadid.%d myind.%d num.%d maxplayers.%d\n",(long long)tp->nxt64bits,base,tp->threadid,myind,num,maxplayers); if ( (i= myind) > 0 ) { addrs[i] = addrs[0]; addrs[0] = tp->nxt64bits; //tmp = balances[i]; //balances[i] = balances[0]; //balances[0] = tmp; tmp = isbot[i]; isbot[i] = isbot[0]; isbot[0] = tmp; i = 0; strcpy(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"host needs to be locally started and the first entry in addrs\"}"); return(-1); } while ( num > maxplayers ) { r = (rand() % (num-1)); PNACL_message("swap out %d of %d\n",r+1,num); num--; isbot[r + 1] = isbot[num]; //balances[r + 1] = balances[num]; addrs[r + 1] = addrs[num]; } PNACL_message("pangea numplayers.%d\n",num); if ( (sp= pangea_create(tp,&createdflag,base,timestamp,addrs,num,bigblind,ante,isbot,minbuyin,maxbuyin,hostrake)) == 0 ) { PNACL_message("cant create table.(%s) numaddrs.%d\n",base,num); strcpy(retbuf,"{\"error\":\"cant create table, make sure all players have published NXT pubkeys\"}"); return(-1); } PNACL_message("back from pangea_create\n"); dp = sp->dp, dp->table = sp; sp->myslot = sp->myind = myind; if ( createdflag != 0 && myind == 0 && addrs[myind] == tp->nxt64bits ) { tp->numcards = dp->numcards, tp->N = dp->N, tp->M = dp->M; PNACL_message("myind.%d: hostrake.%d\n",myind,dp->rakemillis); dp->minbuyin = minbuyin, dp->maxbuyin = maxbuyin; tp->hn.server->clients[myind].pubdata = dp; tp->hn.server->clients[myind].privdata = sp->priv; tp->hn.server->H.pubdata = dp; tp->hn.server->H.privdata = sp->priv; for (j=0; jN; j++) { if ( THREADS[j] != 0 ) sp->playerpubs[j] = THREADS[j]->hn.client->H.pubkey; else { expand_nxt64bits(destNXT,addrs[j]); sp->playerpubs[j] = issue_getpubkey(&haspubkey,destNXT); if ( (slot= pangeanet777_register(THREADS[0]->hn.server,sp->playerpubs[j],-1)) != j ) PNACL_message("unexpected register slot.%d for j.%d\n",slot,j); } //PNACL_message("thread[%d] pub.%llx priv.%llx\n",j,(long long)dp->playerpubs[j].txid,(long long)THREADS[j]->hn.client->H.privkey.txid); } pangea_create_newtable(retbuf,sp,dp,isbot); #ifdef BUNDLED if ( 1 ) { char *busdata_sync(uint32_t *noncep,char *jsonstr,char *broadcastmode,char *destNXTaddr); char *str; uint32_t nonce; if ( (str= busdata_sync(&nonce,retbuf,"allnodes",0)) != 0 ) free(str); } #endif } return(0); }