#!/bin/bash # manually kill the iguana you need to restart first! # unlock any locked utxos. This will unlock utxos for both pubkeys, need a filter for address to only unlock the pubkey you need to restart. komodo-cli lockunspent true `komodo-cli listlockunspent | jq -c .` # Start 3rd party iguana, no split is default on this branch. This uses RPC port 7779, allows 2 iguana on same OS, incase OP does not have capacity to use 2 VM or 2 servers. stdbuf -oL $1 ../agents/iguana 3rd_party & #> iguana.log 2> error.log & myip=`curl -s4 checkip.amazonaws.com` source pubkey.txt sleep 4 curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"myipaddr\",\"ipaddr\":\"$myip\"}" sleep 3 # TODO: Need to get some seeds for both networks. curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnotary\",\"ipaddr\":\"\"}" # unlock wallet ./wp_7779 # add 3rd party coins to iguana coins/chips_7779 coins/game_7779 coins/emc2_7779 coins/gin_7779 sleep 30 # dpow for 3rd party coins. source pubkey.txt echo $pubkey sleep 3 curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"dpow\",\"symbol\":\"CHIPS\",\"pubkey\":\"$pubkey\"}" curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"dpow\",\"symbol\":\"GAME\",\"freq\":5,\"pubkey\":\"$pubkey\"}" curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"dpow\",\"symbol\":\"EMC2\",\"freq\":5,\"pubkey\":\"$pubkey\"}" curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"dpow\",\"symbol\":\"GIN\",\"pubkey\":\"$pubkey\"}"