/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_stats.c // marketmaker // #define LP_STATSLOG_FNAME "stats.log" void LP_tradecommand_log(cJSON *argjson) { static FILE *logfp; char *jsonstr; if ( logfp == 0 ) { if ( (logfp= fopen(LP_STATSLOG_FNAME,"rb+")) != 0 ) fseek(logfp,0,SEEK_END); else logfp = fopen(LP_STATSLOG_FNAME,"wb"); } if ( logfp != 0 ) { jsonstr = jprint(argjson,0); fprintf(logfp,"%s\n",jsonstr); free(jsonstr); fflush(logfp); } } uint32_t LP_requests,LP_reserveds,LP_connects,LP_connecteds,LP_tradestatuses,LP_parse_errors,LP_unknowns,LP_duplicates,LP_numridqids; uint64_t Ridqids[128]; uint64_t LP_aliceid_calc(bits256 desttxid,int32_t destvout,bits256 feetxid,int32_t feevout) { return((((uint64_t)desttxid.uints[0] << 48) | ((uint64_t)destvout << 32) | ((uint64_t)feetxid.uints[0] << 16) | (uint32_t)feevout)); } int32_t LP_statslog_parsequote(char *method,cJSON *lineobj) { double qprice; uint32_t timestamp; int32_t i,destvout,feevout,duplicate=0; char *gui,*base,*rel,tstr[128]; uint64_t txfee,satoshis,destsatoshis; bits256 desttxid,feetxid; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; uint64_t aliceid; memset(&Q,0,sizeof(Q)); if ( LP_quoteparse(&Q,lineobj) < 0 ) { printf("quoteparse_error.(%s)\n",jprint(lineobj,0)); LP_parse_errors++; return(-1); } else { base = jstr(lineobj,"base"); rel = jstr(lineobj,"rel"); gui = jstr(lineobj,"gui"); satoshis = j64bits(lineobj,"satoshis"); if ( base == 0 || rel == 0 || satoshis == 0 ) { printf("quoteparse_error.(%s)\n",jprint(lineobj,0)); LP_parse_errors++; return(-1); } txfee = j64bits(lineobj,"txfee"); timestamp = juint(lineobj,"timestamp"); destsatoshis = j64bits(lineobj,"destsatoshis"); desttxid = jbits256(lineobj,"desttxid"); destvout = jint(lineobj,"destvout"); feetxid = jbits256(lineobj,"feetxid"); feevout = jint(lineobj,"feevout"); qprice = ((double)destsatoshis / (satoshis - txfee)); //printf("%s/v%d %s/v%d\n",bits256_str(str,desttxid),destvout,bits256_str(str2,feetxid),feevout); aliceid = LP_aliceid_calc(desttxid,destvout,feetxid,feevout); for (i=0; i (%.8f %5s) qprice %.8f\n",utc_str(tstr,timestamp),gui!=0?gui:"",LP_numridqids,method,(long long)aliceid,dstr(satoshis),base,dstr(destsatoshis),rel,qprice); LP_numridqids++; } } return(duplicate == 0); } void LP_statslog_parseline(cJSON *lineobj) { char *method; cJSON *obj; if ( (method= jstr(lineobj,"method")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) LP_requests++; else if ( strcmp(method,"reserved") == 0 ) LP_reserveds++; else if ( strcmp(method,"connect") == 0 ) { if ( (obj= jobj(lineobj,"trade")) == 0 ) obj = lineobj; LP_statslog_parsequote(method,obj); LP_connects++; } else if ( strcmp(method,"connected") == 0 ) { LP_statslog_parsequote(method,lineobj); LP_connecteds++; } else if ( strcmp(method,"tradestatus") == 0 ) LP_tradestatuses++; else { LP_unknowns++; printf("parseline unknown method.(%s) (%s)\n",method,jprint(lineobj,0)); } } else printf("parseline no method.(%s)\n",jprint(lineobj,0)); } char *LP_statslog_disp(int32_t n) { cJSON *retjson; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jaddnum(retjson,"newlines",n); jaddnum(retjson,"request",LP_requests); jaddnum(retjson,"reserved",LP_reserveds); jaddnum(retjson,"connect",LP_connects); jaddnum(retjson,"connected",LP_connecteds); jaddnum(retjson,"duplicates",LP_duplicates); jaddnum(retjson,"parse_errors",LP_parse_errors); jaddnum(retjson,"uniques",LP_numridqids); jaddnum(retjson,"tradestatus",LP_tradestatuses); jaddnum(retjson,"unknown",LP_unknowns); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } char *LP_statslog_parse() { static long lastpos; FILE *fp; char line[8192]; cJSON *lineobj; int32_t n = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(LP_STATSLOG_FNAME,"rb")) != 0 ) { if ( lastpos > 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); if ( ftell(fp) > lastpos ) fseek(fp,lastpos,SEEK_SET); else { fclose(fp); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"newlines\":0}")); } } while ( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) > 0 ) { lastpos = ftell(fp); if ( (lineobj= cJSON_Parse(line)) != 0 ) { n++; LP_statslog_parseline(lineobj); //printf("%s\n",jprint(lineobj,0)); free_json(lineobj); } } fclose(fp); } return(LP_statslog_disp(n)); }