/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_commands.c // marketmaker // struct basilisk_request *LP_requestinit(struct basilisk_request *rp,bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash,char *src,uint64_t srcsatoshis,char *dest,uint64_t destsatoshis,uint32_t timestamp,uint32_t quotetime,int32_t DEXselector) { memset(rp,0,sizeof(*rp)); rp->srchash = srchash; rp->desthash = desthash; rp->srcamount = srcsatoshis; rp->destamount = destsatoshis; rp->timestamp = timestamp; rp->quotetime = quotetime; rp->DEXselector = DEXselector; safecopy(rp->src,src,sizeof(rp->src)); safecopy(rp->dest,dest,sizeof(rp->dest)); rp->quoteid = basilisk_quoteid(rp); rp->requestid = basilisk_requestid(rp); return(rp); } double LP_pricequery(uint64_t *destsatoshisp,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port,char *base,char *rel,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { cJSON *reqjson; struct LP_peerinfo *peer; int32_t i,pushsock = -1; double price = 0.; if ( ipaddr != 0 && port >= 1000 ) { if ( (peer= LP_peerfind((uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr),port)) == 0 ) peer = LP_addpeer(1,0,-1,ipaddr,port,port+1,port+2,0,0,0); if ( peer != 0 ) { if ( (pushsock= peer->pushsock) >= 0 ) { reqjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddbits256(reqjson,"txid",txid); jaddnum(reqjson,"vout",vout); jaddstr(reqjson,"base",base); jaddstr(reqjson,"rel",rel); jaddstr(reqjson,"method","price"); LP_send(pushsock,jprint(reqjson,1),1); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if ( (price= LP_pricecache(destsatoshisp,base,rel,txid,vout)) != 0. ) break; usleep(100000); } } else printf("no pushsock for peer.%s:%u\n",ipaddr,port); } else printf("cant find/create peer.%s:%u\n",ipaddr,port); } return(price); } /* // [{"ipaddr":"","port":7779,"profit":0.01064000,"coin":"KMD","address":"RFQn4gNG555woQWQV1wPseR47spCduiJP5","script":"76a914434009423522682bd7cc1b18a614c3096d19683188ac","txid":"f5d5e2eb4ef85c78f95076d0d2d99af9e1b85968e57b3c7bdb282bd005f7c341","vout":1,"value":100,"deposit":"07902a65d11f0f577a0346432bcd2b6b53de5554c314209d1964693962524d69","dvout":1,"dvalue":120}] LP_send(peer->pushsock,jprint(reqjson,0),1); jdelete(reqjson,"method"); jaddstr(reqjson,"method","request"); LP_send(peer->pushsock,jprint(reqjson,0),1); jdelete(reqjson,"method"); jaddstr(reqjson,"method","connect"); LP_send(peer->pushsock,jprint(reqjson,0),1); //SENT.({"base":"KMD","rel":"BTC","timestamp":1496076137,"price":0.00021791,"txid":"f5d5e2eb4ef85c78f95076d0d2d99af9e1b85968e57b3c7bdb282bd005f7c341","srchash":"2fe57da347cd62431528daac5fbb290730fff684afc4cfc2ed90995f58cb3b74","txfee":"100000","satoshis":"9999900000","destsatoshis":"2179101","result":"reserved","pending":1496076197} */ int32_t LP_sizematch(uint64_t mysatoshis,uint64_t othersatoshis) { if ( mysatoshis >= othersatoshis ) return(0); else return(-1); } cJSON *LP_tradecandidates(struct LP_utxoinfo *myutxo,char *base) { struct LP_peerinfo *peer,*tmp; char *utxostr,coinstr[16]; cJSON *array,*icopy,*retarray=0,*item; int32_t i,n; double price; int64_t estimatedbase; uint64_t destsatoshis; if ( (price= LP_price(base,myutxo->coin)) == .0 ) return(0); estimatedbase = myutxo->satoshis / price; if ( estimatedbase <= 0 ) return(0); printf("%s -> %s price %.8f mysatoshis %llu estimated base %llu\n",base,myutxo->coin,price,(long long)myutxo->satoshis,(long long)estimatedbase); HASH_ITER(hh,LP_peerinfos,peer,tmp) { if ( (utxostr= issue_LP_clientgetutxos(peer->ipaddr,peer->port,base,100)) != 0 ) { printf("%s:%u %s\n",peer->ipaddr,peer->port,utxostr); if ( (array= cJSON_Parse(utxostr)) != 0 ) { if ( is_cJSON_Array(array) != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { retarray = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; icoin,jbits256(item,"txid"),jint(item,"vout"))) != 0. ) { if ( LP_sizematch(myutxo->satoshis,destsatoshis) == 0 ) icopy = jduplicate(item); } else icopy = jduplicate(item); if ( icopy != 0 ) { jaddnum(icopy,"price",price); jaddi(retarray,icopy); } } } } free_json(array); } free(utxostr); } if ( retarray != 0 ) break; } return(retarray); } cJSON *LP_bestprice(struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo,char *base) { int32_t i,n,besti; cJSON *array,*item,*bestitem=0; double bestmetric,metric,bestprice=0.,price,prices[100]; uint64_t destsatoshis[100]; bestprice = 0.; if ( (array= LP_tradecandidates(utxo,base)) != 0 ) { printf("%s %.8f -> (%s)\n",utxo->coin,dstr(utxo->satoshis),jprint(array,0)); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { memset(prices,0,sizeof(prices)); memset(destsatoshis,0,sizeof(destsatoshis)); for (i=0; icoin,jbits256(item,"txid"),jint(item,"vout")); if ( destsatoshis[i] != 0 && (double)j64bits(item,"satoshis")/destsatoshis[i] > price ) price = (double)j64bits(item,"satoshis")/destsatoshis[i]; } if ( (prices[i]= price) != 0. && (bestprice == 0. || price < bestprice) ) bestprice = price; } if ( bestprice != 0. ) { bestmetric = 0.; besti = -1; for (i=0; i 0.9 ) { metric = destsatoshis[i] / metric * metric * metric; if ( metric > bestmetric ) { besti = i; bestmetric = metric; } } } } if ( besti >= 0 ) bestitem = jduplicate(jitem(array,besti)); } free_json(array); } } return(bestitem); } char *LP_quote(uint32_t reserved,char *base,char *rel,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,double price,uint64_t satoshis) { struct LP_cacheinfo *ptr; if ( (ptr= LP_cacheadd(base,rel,txid,vout,price,satoshis)) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"updated\"}")); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"nullptr\"}")); } void LP_command(struct LP_peerinfo *mypeer,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,double profitmargin) { char *method,*base,*rel,*retstr,pairstr[512]; cJSON *retjson; double price; bits256 srchash,desthash,pubkey,privkey,txid,desttxid; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; uint32_t timestamp,quotetime; int32_t destvout,DEXselector = 0; uint64_t txfee,satoshis,desttxfee,destsatoshis,value; struct basilisk_request R; //LP_command.({"txid":"f5d5e2eb4ef85c78f95076d0d2d99af9e1b85968e57b3c7bdb282bd005f7c341","vout":1,"base":"KMD","rel":"BTC","method":"price"}) if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"method")) != 0 ) { txid = jbits256(argjson,"txid"); if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(txid,jint(argjson,"vout"))) != 0 && strcmp(utxo->ipaddr,mypeer->ipaddr) == 0 && utxo->port == mypeer->port && (base= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 && (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) != 0 && strcmp(base,utxo->coin) == 0 ) { printf("LP_command.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); if ( time(NULL) > utxo->swappending ) utxo->swappending = 0; if ( strcmp(method,"price") == 0 || strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) { if ( utxo->swappending == 0 && utxo->pair < 0 ) { if ( utxo->pair >= 0 ) nn_close(utxo->pair), utxo->pair = -1; if ( (price= LP_price(base,rel)) != 0. ) { price *= (1. + profitmargin); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"base",base); jaddstr(retjson,"rel",rel); jaddstr(retjson,"address",utxo->coinaddr); jaddnum(retjson,"timestamp",time(NULL)); jaddnum(retjson,"price",price); jaddbits256(retjson,"txid",txid); pubkey = LP_pubkey(LP_privkey(utxo->coinaddr)); jaddbits256(retjson,"srchash",pubkey); if ( (txfee= LP_getestimatedrate(base)*LP_AVETXSIZE) < 10000 ) txfee = 10000; jadd64bits(retjson,"txfee",txfee); if ( (desttxfee= LP_getestimatedrate(rel) * LP_AVETXSIZE) < 10000 ) desttxfee = 10000; jadd64bits(retjson,"desttxfee",desttxfee); jadd64bits(retjson,"satoshis",utxo->satoshis - txfee); jadd64bits(retjson,"destsatoshis",price * (utxo->satoshis-txfee) + desttxfee); if ( strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) { utxo->swappending = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) + LP_RESERVETIME); utxo->otherpubkey = jbits256(argjson,"pubkey"); jaddstr(retjson,"method","reserved"); jaddnum(retjson,"pending",utxo->swappending); } else jaddstr(retjson,"method","quote"); retstr = jprint(retjson,1); LP_send(pubsock,retstr,1); } else printf("null price\n"); } else printf("swappending.%u pair.%d\n",utxo->swappending,utxo->pair); } else if ( strcmp(method,"connect") == 0 ) { if ( utxo->pair < 0 ) { if ( (price= LP_price(base,rel)) != 0. ) { price *= (1. + profitmargin); txfee = j64bits(argjson,"txfee"); desttxfee = j64bits(argjson,"desttxfee"); satoshis = j64bits(argjson,"satoshis"); desttxid = jbits256(argjson,"desttxid"); destvout = jint(argjson,"destvout"); timestamp = juint(argjson,"timestamp"); privkey = LP_privkey(utxo->coinaddr); pubkey = LP_pubkey(privkey); srchash = jbits256(argjson,"srchash"); value = j64bits(argjson,"destsatoshis"); quotetime = juint(argjson,"quotetime"); //if ( timestamp == utxo->swappending-LP_RESERVETIME && quotetime >= timestamp && quotetime < utxo->swappending && bits256_cmp(pubkey,srchash) == 0 && (destsatoshis= LP_txvalue(rel,desttxid,destvout)) > price*(utxo->satoshis-txfee)+desttxfee && value <= destsatoshis-desttxfee ) { destsatoshis = value; nanomsg_tcpname(pairstr,mypeer->ipaddr,10000+(rand() % 10000)); if ( (utxo->pair= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PAIR)) < 0 ) printf("error creating utxo->pair\n"); else if ( nn_connect(utxo->pair,pairstr) >= 0 ) { desthash = jbits256(argjson,"desthash"); LP_requestinit(&R,srchash,desthash,base,satoshis,rel,destsatoshis,timestamp,quotetime,DEXselector); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_bobloop,(void *)utxo) == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"result","connected"); jaddstr(retjson,"pair",pairstr); jaddnum(retjson,"requestid",R.requestid); jaddnum(retjson,"quoteid",R.quoteid); retstr = jprint(retjson,1); LP_send(pubsock,retstr,1); utxo->swap = LP_swapinit(1,0,privkey,&R); } else { printf("error launching swaploop\n"); free(utxo->swap); utxo->swap = 0; nn_close(utxo->pair); utxo->pair = -1; } } else { printf("printf error nn_connect to %s\n",pairstr); nn_close(utxo->pair); utxo->pair = -1; } } //else printf("dest %.8f < required %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(price*(utxo->satoshis-txfee))); } else printf("no price for %s/%s\n",base,rel); } else printf("utxo->pair.%d when connect came in (%s)\n",utxo->pair,jprint(argjson,0)); } } } } char *stats_JSON(cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port) // from rpc port { char *method,*ipaddr,*coin,*retstr = 0; uint16_t argport,pushport,subport; int32_t amclient,otherpeers,othernumutxos; struct LP_peerinfo *peer; cJSON *retjson; if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"method")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need method in request\"}")); else { amclient = 0; if ( (ipaddr= jstr(argjson,"ipaddr")) != 0 && (argport= juint(argjson,"port")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(ipaddr,"") != 0 && port >= 1000 ) { amclient = 0; if ( (pushport= juint(argjson,"push")) == 0 ) pushport = argport + 1; if ( (subport= juint(argjson,"sub")) == 0 ) subport = argport + 2; if ( (peer= LP_peerfind((uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr),argport)) != 0 ) { if ( (otherpeers= jint(argjson,"numpeers")) > peer->numpeers ) peer->numpeers = otherpeers; if ( (othernumutxos= jint(argjson,"numutxos")) > peer->numutxos ) { printf("change.(%s) numutxos.%d -> %d mynumutxos.%d\n",peer->ipaddr,peer->numutxos,othernumutxos,LP_mypeer->numutxos); peer->numutxos = othernumutxos; } //printf("peer.(%s) found (%d %d) (%d %d) (%s)\n",peer->ipaddr,peer->numpeers,peer->numutxos,otherpeers,othernumutxos,jprint(argjson,0)); } else LP_addpeer(amclient,LP_mypeer,LP_mypubsock,ipaddr,argport,pushport,subport,jdouble(argjson,"profit"),jint(argjson,"numpeers"),jint(argjson,"numutxos")); } else amclient = 1; } if ( strcmp(method,"quote") == 0 || strcmp(method,"reserved") == 0 ) retstr = LP_quote(juint(argjson,"pending"),jstr(argjson,"base"),jstr(argjson,"rel"),jbits256(argjson,"txid"),jint(argjson,"vout"),jdouble(argjson,"price"),j64bits(argjson,"satoshis")); else if ( strcmp(method,"getpeers") == 0 ) retstr = LP_peers(); else if ( strcmp(method,"getutxos") == 0 && (coin= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 ) retstr = LP_utxos(LP_mypeer,coin,jint(argjson,"lastn")); else if ( strcmp(method,"notify") == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"notify\":\"received\"}"); else if ( strcmp(method,"notifyutxo") == 0 ) { printf("utxonotify.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); LP_addutxo(amclient,LP_mypeer,LP_mypubsock,jstr(argjson,"base"),jbits256(argjson,"txid"),jint(argjson,"vout"),SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(argjson,"value"),jbits256(argjson,"deposit"),jint(argjson,"dvout"),SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(argjson,"dvalue"),jstr(argjson,"script"),jstr(argjson,"address"),jstr(argjson,"ipaddr"),juint(argjson,"port"),jdouble(argjson,"profit")); retstr = clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"notifyutxo\":\"received\"}"); } } if ( retstr != 0 ) return(retstr); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"error","unrecognized command"); return(clonestr(jprint(retjson,1))); }