/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define CHROMEAPP_NAME iguana #define CHROMEAPP_STR "iguana" #define CHROMEAPP_CONF "iguana.conf" #define CHROMEAPP_MAIN iguana_main #define CHROMEAPP_JSON iguana_JSON #define CHROMEAPP_HANDLER Handler_iguana #include "../pnacl_main.h" #include "iguana777.h" #include "SuperNET.h" #undef fopen #undef fclose int32_t Fopen_count,Fclose_count; FILE *myfopen(char *fname,char *mode) { FILE *fp; if ( (fp= fopen(fname,mode)) != 0 ) { Fopen_count++; if ( Fopen_count > 2*Fclose_count ) printf("Fopens.%d vs Fcloses.%d [%d]\n",Fopen_count,Fclose_count,Fopen_count-Fclose_count); return(fp); } return(0); } int32_t myfclose(FILE *fp) { Fclose_count++; return(fclose(fp)); } // ALL globals must be here! char *Iguana_validcommands[] = { "SuperNET", "SuperNETb", "version", "verack", "getaddr", "addr", "inv", "getdata", "notfound", "getblocks", "getheaders", "headers", "tx", "block", "mempool", "ping", "pong", "reject", "filterload", "filteradd", "filterclear", "merkleblock", "alert", "" }; int32_t Showmode,Autofold,PANGEA_MAXTHREADS = 1; struct category_info *Categories; struct iguana_info *Coins[IGUANA_MAXCOINS]; char Userhome[512],GLOBALTMPDIR[512] = "tmp"; int32_t USE_JAY,FIRST_EXTERNAL,IGUANA_disableNXT,Debuglevel; uint32_t prices777_NXTBLOCK,MAX_DEPTH = 100; queue_t helperQ,jsonQ,finishedQ,bundlesQ,validateQ,emitQ,balancesQ,TerminateQ,spendvectorsQ,convertQ; struct supernet_info MYINFO,**MYINFOS; static int32_t initflag; int32_t HDRnet,netBLOCKS; cJSON *API_json; #ifdef __linux__ int32_t IGUANA_NUMHELPERS = 16; #else int32_t IGUANA_NUMHELPERS = 8; #endif struct iguana_jsonitem { struct queueitem DL; struct supernet_info *myinfo; uint32_t fallback,expired,allocsize; char **retjsonstrp; char remoteaddr[64]; uint16_t port; char jsonstr[]; }; uint16_t SuperNET_API2num(char *agent,char *method) { int32_t i,n = 0; cJSON *item; if ( agent != 0 && method != 0 && API_json != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(API_json)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i>= 5; if ( API_json != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(API_json)) > 0 && num < n ) { item = jitem(API_json,num); strcpy(agent,jstr(item,"agent")); strcpy(method,jstr(item,"method")); return(num); } return(-1); } int32_t SuperNET_str2hex(uint8_t *hex,char *str) { int32_t len; len = (int32_t)strlen(str)+1; decode_hex(hex,len,str); return(len); } void SuperNET_hex2str(char *str,uint8_t *hex,int32_t len) { init_hexbytes_noT(str,hex,len); } struct supernet_info *SuperNET_MYINFO(char *passphrase) { if ( passphrase == 0 || passphrase[0] == 0 ) return(&MYINFO); else { // search saved accounts } return(&MYINFO); return(0); } struct supernet_info *SuperNET_MYINFOfind(int32_t *nump,bits256 pubkey) { int32_t i; *nump = 0; if ( MYINFOS != 0 ) { for (i=0; MYINFOS[i]!=0; i++) { *nump = i; if ( bits256_cmp(pubkey,MYINFOS[i]->myaddr.persistent) == 0 ) return(MYINFOS[i]); } *nump = i; } return(0); } int32_t SuperNET_MYINFOS(struct supernet_info **myinfos,int32_t max) { int32_t i = 0; if ( MYINFOS != 0 ) { for (i=0; imyaddr.persistent) == 0 ) { MYINFOS = realloc(MYINFOS,(num + 2) * sizeof(*MYINFOS)); char str[65]; printf("MYNFOadd[%d] <- %s\n",num,bits256_str(str,myinfo->myaddr.persistent)); MYINFOS[num] = calloc(1,sizeof(*myinfo)); *MYINFOS[num] = *myinfo; MYINFOS[++num] = 0; } } char *iguana_JSON(char *jsonstr,uint16_t port) { char *retstr=0; cJSON *json; if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { retstr = SuperNET_JSON(0,json,"",port); free_json(json); } if ( retstr == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant parse jsonstr from pnacl\"}"); return(retstr); } char *SuperNET_jsonstr(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *jsonstr,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port) { cJSON *json; char *agent,*method,*retstr = 0; //char str[65]; printf("SuperNET_jsonstr %p %s\n",&myinfo->privkey,bits256_str(str,myinfo->privkey)); if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { method = jstr(json,"method"); if ( (agent= jstr(json,"agent")) != 0 && method != 0 ) retstr = SuperNET_parser(myinfo,agent,method,json,remoteaddr); else if ( method != 0 && is_bitcoinrpc(myinfo,method,remoteaddr) >= 0 ) retstr = iguana_bitcoinRPC(myinfo,method,json,remoteaddr,port); else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"need both agent and method\"}"); free_json(json); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt parse SuperNET_JSON\"}"); return(retstr); } int32_t iguana_jsonQ() { struct iguana_jsonitem *ptr; if ( (ptr= queue_dequeue(&finishedQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( ptr->expired != 0 ) { *ptr->retjsonstrp = clonestr("{\"error\":\"request timeout\"}"); printf("garbage collection: expired.(%s)\n",ptr->jsonstr); myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); } else queue_enqueue("finishedQ",&finishedQ,&ptr->DL,0); } if ( (ptr= queue_dequeue(&jsonQ,0)) != 0 ) { if ( *ptr->retjsonstrp != 0 && (*ptr->retjsonstrp= SuperNET_jsonstr(ptr->myinfo,ptr->jsonstr,ptr->remoteaddr,ptr->port)) == 0 ) *ptr->retjsonstrp = clonestr("{\"error\":\"null return from iguana_jsonstr\"}"); printf("finished.(%s) -> (%s)\n",ptr->jsonstr,*ptr->retjsonstrp!=0?*ptr->retjsonstrp:"null return"); queue_enqueue("finishedQ",&finishedQ,&ptr->DL,0); return(1); } return(0); } char *iguana_blockingjsonstr(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *jsonstr,uint64_t tag,int32_t maxmillis,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port) { struct iguana_jsonitem *ptr; char *retjsonstr = 0; int32_t len,allocsize; double expiration; expiration = OS_milliseconds() + maxmillis; //printf("blocking case.(%s)\n",jsonstr); len = (int32_t)strlen(jsonstr); allocsize = sizeof(*ptr) + len + 1; ptr = mycalloc('J',1,allocsize); ptr->allocsize = allocsize; ptr->myinfo = myinfo; ptr->port = port; ptr->retjsonstrp = &retjsonstr; safecopy(ptr->remoteaddr,remoteaddr,sizeof(ptr->remoteaddr)); memcpy(ptr->jsonstr,jsonstr,len+1); queue_enqueue("jsonQ",&jsonQ,&ptr->DL,0); while ( OS_milliseconds() < expiration ) { usleep(100); if ( retjsonstr != 0 ) { //printf("got blocking retjsonstr.(%s) delete allocsize.%d:%d\n",retjsonstr,allocsize,ptr->allocsize); queue_delete(&finishedQ,&ptr->DL,ptr->allocsize,1); return(retjsonstr); } usleep(1000); } //printf("(%s) expired\n",jsonstr); ptr->expired = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"iguana jsonstr expired\"}")); } char *SuperNET_processJSON(struct supernet_info *myinfo,cJSON *json,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port) { cJSON *retjson; uint64_t tag; uint32_t timeout; char *jsonstr,*method,*retjsonstr,*retstr = 0; //char str[65]; printf("processJSON %p %s\n",&myinfo->privkey,bits256_str(str,myinfo->privkey)); if ( json != 0 ) { if ( (tag= j64bits(json,"tag")) == 0 ) { OS_randombytes((uint8_t *)&tag,sizeof(tag)); jadd64bits(json,"tag",tag); } if ( (timeout= juint(json,"timeout")) == 0 ) timeout = IGUANA_JSONTIMEOUT; if ( (method= jstr(json,"method")) != 0 && strcmp(method,"DHT") == 0 && remoteaddr != 0 ) { SuperNET_hexmsgprocess(myinfo,0,json,jstr(json,"hexmsg"),remoteaddr); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"processed remote DHT\"}")); } jsonstr = jprint(json,0); //printf("RPC? (%s)\n",jsonstr); if ( remoteaddr == 0 || jstr(json,"immediate") != 0 ) retjsonstr = SuperNET_jsonstr(myinfo,jsonstr,remoteaddr,port); else retjsonstr = iguana_blockingjsonstr(myinfo,jsonstr,tag,timeout,remoteaddr,port); if ( retjsonstr != 0 ) { if ( (retjsonstr[0] == '{' || retjsonstr[0] == '[') && (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retjsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( j64bits(retjson,"tag") != tag ) { jdelete(retjson,"tag"); jadd64bits(retjson,"tag",tag); } retstr = jprint(retjson,1); //printf("retstr.(%s) retjsonstr.%p retjson.%p\n",retstr,retjsonstr,retjson); free(retjsonstr);//,strlen(retjsonstr)+1); } else retstr = retjsonstr; } free(jsonstr); } else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant parse JSON\"}"); if ( retstr == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"null return\"}"); return(retstr); } void iguana_exit() { int32_t i,j,iter; char *stopstr = SUPERNET_STOPSTR; printf("start EXIT\n"); for (iter=0; iter<3; iter++) { for (i=0; ipeers.active[j].usock >= 0 && Coins[i]->peers.active[j].supernet != 0 ) iguana_send_supernet(Coins[i],&Coins[i]->peers.active[j],stopstr,0); break; case 1: Coins[i]->peers.active[j].dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); break; case 2: if ( Coins[i]->peers.active[j].usock >= 0 ) closesocket(Coins[i]->peers.active[j].usock); break; } } } } sleep(5); } printf("sockets closed, now EXIT\n"); exit(0); } #ifndef _WIN32 #include void sigint_func() { printf("\nSIGINT\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sigillegal_func() { printf("\nSIGILL\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sighangup_func() { printf("\nSIGHUP\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sigkill_func() { printf("\nSIGKILL\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sigabort_func() { printf("\nSIGABRT\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sigquit_func() { printf("\nSIGQUIT\n"); iguana_exit(); } void sigchild_func() { printf("\nSIGCHLD\n"); signal(SIGCHLD,sigchild_func); } void sigalarm_func() { printf("\nSIGALRM\n"); signal(SIGALRM,sigalarm_func); } void sigcontinue_func() { printf("\nSIGCONT\n"); signal(SIGCONT,sigcontinue_func); } #endif // mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.squash -b 1048576 -> 19GB? // mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.lzo -comp lzo -b 1048576 -> takes a really long time -> 20GB // mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 512K -> takes a long time -> 16GB // mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz1m -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 1024K -> takes a long time -> /* mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz -comp xz mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xzs -b 16384 -comp xz -Xdict-size 8K mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz1m -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 1024K mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz8k -comp xz -Xdict-size 8K mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.lzo -comp lzo mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.lzo1m -comp lzo -b 1048576 mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.squash mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.squash1M -b 1048576 mksquashfs DB/BTC BTC.xz -comp xz sudo mount BTC.xz DB/ro/BTC -t squashfs -o loop */ void mainloop(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { int32_t i,j,n,iter,flag,isRT,numpeers; struct iguana_info *coin; struct iguana_helper *ptr; struct iguana_bundle *bp; sleep(3); printf("mainloop\n"); while ( 1 ) { if ( myinfo->expiration != 0 && time(NULL) > myinfo->expiration ) iguana_walletlock(myinfo); flag = 0; isRT = 1; numpeers = 0; if ( 1 ) { for (i=0; icurrent != 0 ) { if ( coin->active != 0 && coin->started != 0 ) { isRT *= coin->isRT; numpeers += coin->peers.numranked; if ( (bp= coin->current) != 0 && bp->hdrsi == coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize ) { n = bp->hdrsi; for (j=0; jbundles[j]) == 0 || bp->emitfinish <= 1 ) break; } if ( j == n ) { for (j=0; jbundles[j]) == 0 || (bp->startutxo == 0 && bp->utxofinish == 0) ) break; } if ( j != n ) { for (j=0; jbundles[j]) != 0 ) { //printf("bundleQ.[%d]\n",j); bp->balancefinish = bp->startutxo = 0; bp->utxofinish = 1; iguana_bundleQ(coin,bp,1000); } } } //else printf("skip A j.%d vs n.%d\n",j,n); } //else printf("skip j.%d vs n.%d\n",j,n); } //else printf("skip hdrsi.%d vs %d\n",coin->current->hdrsi,coin->longestchain/coin->chain->bundlesize); n = queue_size(&balancesQ); for (iter=0; iterbp; if ( ptr->coin != coin || bp == 0 || time(NULL) < bp->nexttime ) { if ( 0 && bp != 0 ) printf("skip.%d lag.%ld\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->nexttime-time(NULL)); //bp->nexttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); queue_enqueue("balanceQ",&balancesQ,&ptr->DL,0); continue; } flag++; if ( coin != 0 ) { iguana_balancecalc(coin,bp,bp->bundleheight,bp->bundleheight+bp->n-1); if ( coin->active == 0 ) { printf("detected autopurge after account filecreation. restarting.%s\n",coin->symbol); coin->active = 1; } } myfree(ptr,ptr->allocsize); } } if ( (bp= coin->current) != 0 && coin->stucktime != 0 && coin->isRT == 0 && coin->RTheight == 0 && (time(NULL) - coin->stucktime) > coin->MAXSTUCKTIME ) { if ( 0 ) { printf("%s is stuck too long, restarting due to %d\n",coin->symbol,bp->hdrsi); if ( coin->started != 0 ) { iguana_coinpurge(coin); sleep(3); while ( coin->started == 0 ) { printf("wait for coin to reactivate\n"); sleep(1); } sleep(3); } } } if ( 0 && flag != 0 ) printf("call RT update busy.%d\n",coin->RTramchain_busy); } } } pangea_queues(SuperNET_MYINFO(0)); if ( flag == 0 ) { usleep(1000 + isRT*100000 + (numpeers == 0)*1000000); iguana_jsonQ(); // cant do this here safely, need to send to coin specific queue } } } int32_t calcmofn(uint8_t *allshares,uint8_t *myshares[],uint8_t *sharenrs,int32_t M,uint8_t *data,int32_t datasize,int32_t N) { int32_t j; calc_shares(allshares,(void *)data,datasize,datasize,M,N,sharenrs); for (j=0; j 2006,2015 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ //#include "config.h" //#include "libgfshare.h" //#include "libgfshare_tables.h" #ifndef LIBGFSHARE_H #define LIBGFSHARE_H typedef struct _gfshare_ctx gfshare_ctx; typedef void (*gfshare_rand_func_t)(uint8_t*, unsigned int); /* This will, use random(). It's not very good so you should not use it unless * you must. If you can't be bothered to write your own, be sure to srandom() * before you use any of the gfshare_ctx_enc_* functions */ extern const gfshare_rand_func_t gfshare_bad_idea_but_fill_rand_using_random; /* This must be filled out before running any of the gfshare_ctx_enc_* calls * or bad things will happen since it is initialised to NULL be default. * You should fill this with a routine which uses urandom or similar ideally. * If you cannot do that on your platform, you can use the function provided * which does random() calls, but I recommend against it unless you must. */ extern gfshare_rand_func_t gfshare_fill_rand; /* ------------------------------------------------------[ Preparation ]---- */ /* Initialise a gfshare context for producing shares */ gfshare_ctx* gfshare_ctx_init_enc(uint8_t* /* sharenrs */,unsigned int /* sharecount */, uint8_t /* threshold */,unsigned int /* size */); /* Initialise a gfshare context for recombining shares */ gfshare_ctx* gfshare_ctx_init_dec(uint8_t* /* sharenrs */,unsigned int /* sharecount */,unsigned int /* size */); /* Free a share context's memory. */ void gfshare_ctx_free(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */); /* --------------------------------------------------------[ Splitting ]---- */ /* Provide a secret to the encoder. (this re-scrambles the coefficients) */ void gfshare_ctx_enc_setsecret(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */,uint8_t* /* secret */); /* Extract a share from the context. * 'share' must be preallocated and at least 'size' bytes long. * 'sharenr' is the index into the 'sharenrs' array of the share you want. */ void gfshare_ctx_enc_getshare(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */,uint8_t /* sharenr */,uint8_t* /* share */); /* ----------------------------------------------------[ Recombination ]---- */ /* Inform a recombination context of a change in share indexes */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_newshares(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */, uint8_t* /* sharenrs */); /* Provide a share context with one of the shares. * The 'sharenr' is the index into the 'sharenrs' array */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_giveshare(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */,uint8_t /* sharenr */,uint8_t* /* share */); /* Extract the secret by interpolation of the shares. * secretbuf must be allocated and at least 'size' bytes long */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_extract(gfshare_ctx* /* ctx */,uint8_t* /* secretbuf */); #endif /* LIBGFSHARE_H */ #include #include #include #define XMALLOC malloc #define XFREE free struct _gfshare_ctx { unsigned int sharecount; unsigned int threshold; unsigned int size; uint8_t* sharenrs; uint8_t* buffer; unsigned int buffersize; }; static void _gfshare_fill_rand_using_random( uint8_t* buffer,unsigned int count ) { OS_randombytes(buffer,count); /*unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) buffer[i] = (random() & 0xff00) >> 8; apparently the bottom 8 aren't * very random but the middles ones * are */ } const gfshare_rand_func_t gfshare_bad_idea_but_fill_rand_using_random = (void *)_gfshare_fill_rand_using_random; gfshare_rand_func_t gfshare_fill_rand = NULL; /* ------------------------------------------------------[ Preparation ]---- */ static gfshare_ctx * _gfshare_ctx_init_core( uint8_t *sharenrs,unsigned int sharecount,uint8_t threshold,unsigned int size ) { gfshare_ctx *ctx; ctx = XMALLOC( sizeof(struct _gfshare_ctx) ); if( ctx == NULL ) return NULL; /* errno should still be set from XMALLOC() */ ctx->sharecount = sharecount; ctx->threshold = threshold; ctx->size = size; ctx->sharenrs = XMALLOC( sharecount ); if( ctx->sharenrs == NULL ) { int saved_errno = errno; XFREE( ctx ); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } memcpy( ctx->sharenrs, sharenrs, sharecount ); ctx->buffersize = threshold * size; ctx->buffer = XMALLOC( ctx->buffersize ); if( ctx->buffer == NULL ) { int saved_errno = errno; XFREE( ctx->sharenrs ); XFREE( ctx ); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } return ctx; } /* Initialise a gfshare context for producing shares */ gfshare_ctx * gfshare_ctx_init_enc( uint8_t* sharenrs,unsigned int sharecount,uint8_t threshold,unsigned int size ) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sharecount; i++) { if (sharenrs[i] == 0) { /* can't have x[i] = 0 - that would just be a copy of the secret, in * theory (in fact, due to the way we use exp/log for multiplication and * treat log(0) as 0, it ends up as a copy of x[i] = 1) */ errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } } return _gfshare_ctx_init_core( sharenrs, sharecount, threshold, size ); } /* Initialise a gfshare context for recombining shares */ gfshare_ctx* gfshare_ctx_init_dec( uint8_t* sharenrs,unsigned int sharecount,unsigned int size ) { gfshare_ctx *ctx = _gfshare_ctx_init_core( sharenrs, sharecount, sharecount, size ); if( ctx != NULL ) ctx->threshold = 0; return ctx; } /* Free a share context's memory. */ void gfshare_ctx_free( gfshare_ctx* ctx ) { gfshare_fill_rand( ctx->buffer, ctx->buffersize ); gfshare_fill_rand( ctx->sharenrs, ctx->sharecount ); XFREE( ctx->sharenrs ); XFREE( ctx->buffer ); gfshare_fill_rand( (uint8_t*)ctx, sizeof(struct _gfshare_ctx) ); XFREE( ctx ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------[ Splitting ]---- */ /* Provide a secret to the encoder. (this re-scrambles the coefficients) */ void gfshare_ctx_enc_setsecret( gfshare_ctx* ctx,uint8_t* secret) { memcpy( ctx->buffer + ((ctx->threshold-1) * ctx->size), secret, ctx->size ); gfshare_fill_rand( ctx->buffer, (ctx->threshold-1) * ctx->size ); } /* Extract a share from the context. * 'share' must be preallocated and at least 'size' bytes long. * 'sharenr' is the index into the 'sharenrs' array of the share you want. */ void gfshare_ctx_enc_getshare( gfshare_ctx* ctx,uint8_t sharenr,uint8_t* share) { unsigned int pos, coefficient; unsigned int ilog = logs[ctx->sharenrs[sharenr]]; uint8_t *coefficient_ptr = ctx->buffer; uint8_t *share_ptr; for( pos = 0; pos < ctx->size; ++pos ) share[pos] = *(coefficient_ptr++); for( coefficient = 1; coefficient < ctx->threshold; ++coefficient ) { share_ptr = share; for( pos = 0; pos < ctx->size; ++pos ) { uint8_t share_byte = *share_ptr; if( share_byte ) share_byte = exps[ilog + logs[share_byte]]; *share_ptr++ = share_byte ^ *coefficient_ptr++; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------[ Recombination ]---- */ /* Inform a recombination context of a change in share indexes */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_newshares( gfshare_ctx* ctx,uint8_t* sharenrs) { memcpy( ctx->sharenrs, sharenrs, ctx->sharecount ); } /* Provide a share context with one of the shares. * The 'sharenr' is the index into the 'sharenrs' array */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_giveshare( gfshare_ctx* ctx,uint8_t sharenr,uint8_t* share ) { memcpy( ctx->buffer + (sharenr * ctx->size), share, ctx->size ); } /* Extract the secret by interpolation of the shares. * secretbuf must be allocated and at least 'size' bytes long */ void gfshare_ctx_dec_extract( gfshare_ctx* ctx,uint8_t* secretbuf ) { unsigned int i, j; uint8_t *secret_ptr, *share_ptr, sharei,sharej; for( i = 0; i < ctx->size; ++i ) secretbuf[i] = 0; for( i = 0; i < ctx->sharecount; ++i ) { // Compute L(i) as per Lagrange Interpolation unsigned Li_top = 0, Li_bottom = 0; if ( (sharei= ctx->sharenrs[i]) != 0 ) { for ( j = 0; j < ctx->sharecount; ++j ) { if ( i != j && sharei != (sharej= ctx->sharenrs[j]) ) { if ( sharej == 0 ) continue; // skip empty share */ Li_top += logs[sharej]; if ( Li_top >= 0xff ) Li_top -= 0xff; Li_bottom += logs[sharei ^ sharej]; if ( Li_bottom >= 0xff ) Li_bottom -= 0xff; } } if ( Li_bottom > Li_top ) Li_top += 0xff; Li_top -= Li_bottom; // Li_top is now log(L(i)) secret_ptr = secretbuf, share_ptr = ctx->buffer + (ctx->size * i); for (j=0; jsize; j++) { if ( *share_ptr != 0 ) *secret_ptr ^= exps[Li_top + logs[*share_ptr]]; share_ptr++, secret_ptr++; } } } } void calc_share(uint8_t *buffer,int32_t size,int32_t M,uint32_t ilog,uint8_t *share) { uint32_t pos,coefficient;//,ilog = ctx_logs[ctx->sharenrs[sharenr]]; //uint8_t *coefficient_ptr = buffer; uint8_t *share_ptr,share_byte; for (pos=0; pos int32_t test(int32_t M,int32_t N,int32_t datasize) { int ok = 1, i; uint8_t * secret = malloc(datasize); uint8_t *shares[255]; uint8_t *recomb = malloc(datasize); uint8_t sharenrs[255],newsharenrs[255];// = (uint8_t *)strdup("0124z89abehtr"); gfshare_ctx *G; gfshare_fill_rand = gfshare_bad_idea_but_fill_rand_using_random; for (i=0; i> 8; /* Stage 2, split it N ways with a threshold of M */ G = gfshare_ctx_init_enc( sharenrs, N, M, datasize ); gfshare_ctx_enc_setsecret( G, secret ); for (i=0; i n || n >= 0xff ) // reserve 255 for illegal sharei { printf("illegal M.%d of N.%d\n",m,n); return(-1); } randvals = calloc(1,65536); OS_randombytes(randvals,65536); if ( orig == 0 && n == m ) { memset(sharenrs,0,n); for (i=0; i<255; i++) valid[i] = (i + 1); remains = orign = 255; for (i=0; iNXTAPIURL,""); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { if ( (fp= fopen(iter == 0 ? "nxtpasswords" : "fimpasswords","rb")) != 0 ) { char line[4096],NXTaddr[64]; int32_t j; uint8_t pubkey[32]; while ( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) > 0 ) { j = (int32_t)strlen(line) - 1; line[j] = 0; calc_NXTaddr(NXTaddr,pubkey,(uint8_t *)line,j); printf("FORGING %s (%s)\n",NXTaddr,issue_startForging(myinfo,line)); } fclose(fp); } strcpy(myinfo->NXTAPIURL,""); } if ( usessl == 0 ) strcpy(myinfo->NXTAPIURL,""); else strcpy(myinfo->NXTAPIURL,""); if ( ismainnet != 0 ) strcat(myinfo->NXTAPIURL,"7876/nxt"); else strcat(myinfo->NXTAPIURL,"6876/nxt"); if ( 0 ) { #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGABRT,sigabort_func); signal(SIGINT,sigint_func); signal(SIGILL,sigillegal_func); signal(SIGHUP,sighangup_func); //signal(SIGKILL,sigkill_func); signal(SIGQUIT,sigquit_func); signal(SIGCHLD,sigchild_func); signal(SIGALRM,sigalarm_func); signal(SIGCONT,sigcontinue_func); #endif } //iguana_chaingenesis(1,1403138561,0x1e0fffff,8359109,bits256_conv("fd1751cc6963d88feca94c0d01da8883852647a37a0a67ce254d62dd8c9d5b2b")); // BTCD //iguana_chaingenesis(1,1409839200,0x1e0fffff,64881664,bits256_conv("698a93a1cacd495a7a4fb3864ad8d06ed4421dedbc57f9aaad733ea53b1b5828")); // VPN //char genesisblock[1024]; //iguana_chaingenesis(genesisblock,"sha256",1,1317972665,0x1e0ffff0,2084524493,bits256_conv("97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9")); // LTC iguana_initQ(&helperQ,"helperQ"); iguana_initQ(&jsonQ,"jsonQ"); iguana_initQ(&emitQ,"emitQ"); iguana_initQ(&finishedQ,"finishedQ"); iguana_initQ(&bundlesQ,"bundlesQ"); iguana_initQ(&validateQ,"validateQ"); iguana_initQ(&balancesQ,"balancesQ"); myinfo->rpcport = IGUANA_RPCPORT; strcpy(myinfo->rpcsymbol,"BTCD"); if ( arg != 0 ) { cJSON *argjson; if ( (argjson= cJSON_Parse(arg)) != 0 ) { IGUANA_NUMHELPERS = juint(argjson,"numhelpers"); if ( (myinfo->rpcport= juint(argjson,"port")) == 0 ) myinfo->rpcport = IGUANA_RPCPORT; if ( (myinfo->publicRPC= juint(argjson,"publicRPC")) != 0 && myinfo->publicRPC != myinfo->rpcport ) myinfo->publicRPC = 0; if ( jstr(argjson,"rpccoin") != 0 ) safecopy(myinfo->rpcsymbol,jstr(argjson,"rpccoin"),sizeof(myinfo->rpcsymbol)); safecopy(Userhome,jstr(argjson,"userhome"),sizeof(Userhome)); if ( jstr(argjson,"tmpdir") != 0 ) { safecopy(GLOBALTMPDIR,jstr(argjson,"tmpdir"),sizeof(GLOBALTMPDIR)); printf("GLOBAL tmpdir.(%s)\n",GLOBALTMPDIR); } printf("call argv JSON.(%s)\n",(char *)arg); SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,argjson,0,myinfo->rpcport); free_json(argjson); } else printf("error parsing.(%s)\n",(char *)arg); } OS_ensure_directory("help"); OS_ensure_directory("confs"); OS_ensure_directory("accounts"); OS_ensure_directory("DB"), OS_ensure_directory("DB/ECB"); OS_ensure_directory("tmp"); OS_ensure_directory("purgeable"); OS_ensure_directory("purgeable/BTC"); OS_ensure_directory("purgeable/BTCD"); OS_ensure_directory(GLOBALTMPDIR); btc = iguana_coinadd("BTC",0); btcd = iguana_coinadd("BTCD",0); if ( btc == 0 || btcd == 0 ) { printf("error adding BTC.%p or BTCD.%p\n",btc,btcd); exit(-1); } if ( (tmpstr= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"help\"}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) { if ( (API_json= cJSON_Parse(tmpstr)) != 0 && (API_json= jobj(API_json,"result")) != 0 ) API_json = jobj(API_json,"API"); free(tmpstr); } printf("generated API_json\n"); if ( IGUANA_NUMHELPERS == 0 ) IGUANA_NUMHELPERS = 1; iguana_initQ(&TerminateQ,"TerminateQ"); category_init(myinfo); if ( (coinargs= SuperNET_keysinit(myinfo,arg)) != 0 ) iguana_launch(btcd,"iguana_coins",iguana_coins,coinargs,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); char *str; if ( 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"prefetchlag\":2,\"VALIDATE\":1,\"active\":1,\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"newcoin\":\"BTC\",\"startpend\":166,\"services\":1}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) free(str); #ifdef __APPLE__ if ( 1 ) { sleep(1); if ( 1 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"VALIDATE\":1,\"prefetchlag\":13,\"startpend\":2048,\"endpend\":2048,\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"services\":0,\"maxpeers\":256,\"newcoin\":\"BTCD\",\"active\":1,\"numhelpers\":8,\"poll\":10}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) { free(str); if ( 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"userhome\":\"/Users/jimbolaptop/Library/Application Support\",\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"services\":1024,\"maxpeers\":256,\"newcoin\":\"BTCD\",\"active\":1}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) { free(str); if ( 0 && (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"login\",\"handle\":\"alice\",\"password\":\"alice\",\"passphrase\":\"alice\"}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) { free(str); if ( (str= SuperNET_JSON(myinfo,cJSON_Parse("{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"login\",\"handle\":\"bob\",\"password\":\"bob\",\"passphrase\":\"bob\"}"),0,myinfo->rpcport)) != 0 ) free(str); } } printf("BTC active.%d BTCD active.%d\n",iguana_coinfind("BTC")->active,iguana_coinfind("BTCD")->active); //iguana_coinfind("BTC")->active = iguana_coinfind("BTCD")->active = 0; } sleep(1); } { int32_t i,n; int64_t total; char *coinaddr; struct iguana_pkhash *P; struct iguana_info *coin; uint8_t rmd160[20],addrtype,pubkey33[33]; double startmillis; coin = iguana_coinfind("BTCD"); if ( 0 && coin != 0 ) { getchar(); for (i=0; ibundlescount; i++) if ( coin->bundles[i] == 0 ) break; if ( i > 0 ) iguana_spentsfile(coin,i); coinaddr = "RUZ9AKxy6J2okcBd1PZm4YH6atmPwqV4bo"; bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); P = calloc(coin->bundlescount,sizeof(*P)); memset(pubkey33,0,sizeof(pubkey33)); n = iguana_pkhasharray(coin,0,0,0,&total,P,coin->bundlescount,rmd160,coinaddr,pubkey33); printf("%s has total outputs %.8f from %d bundles\n",coinaddr,dstr(total),n); startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) n = iguana_pkhasharray(coin,0,0,0,&total,P,coin->bundlescount,rmd160,coinaddr,pubkey33); printf("%s has total outputs %.8f from %d bundles %.3f millis\n",coinaddr,dstr(total),n,OS_milliseconds()-startmillis); getchar(); } } #endif for (i=0; i