/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_cache.c // marketmaker // cJSON *LP_transaction_fromdata(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len) { uint8_t *extraspace; cJSON *txobj; char str[65],str2[65]; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; bits256 checktxid; extraspace = calloc(1,4000000); memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); txobj = bitcoin_data2json(coin->symbol,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,coin->p2shtype,coin->isPoS,coin->height,&checktxid,&msgtx,extraspace,4000000,serialized,len,0,0,coin->zcash); //printf("TX.(%s) match.%d\n",jprint(txobj,0),bits256_cmp(txid,checktxid)); free(extraspace); if ( bits256_cmp(txid,checktxid) != 0 ) { printf("%s LP_transaction_fromdata mismatched txid %s vs %s\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,checktxid)); free_json(txobj); txobj = 0; } return(txobj); } struct LP_transaction *LP_create_transaction(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t len,int32_t height,long fpos) { cJSON *txobj; bits256 spenttxid; int32_t i,spentvout,numvins,numvouts; cJSON *vout,*vin,*vins,*vouts; struct LP_transaction *tx; char str[65]; if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 ) return(tx); if ( (txobj= LP_transaction_fromdata(coin,txid,serialized,len)) != 0 ) { vins = jarray(&numvins,txobj,"vin"); vouts = jarray(&numvouts,txobj,"vout"); tx = LP_transactionadd(coin,txid,height,numvouts,numvins); tx->serialized = serialized, tx->len = len; // free(serialized), tx->len = 0; tx->fpos = fpos; tx->SPV = tx->height = height; //printf("tx.%s numvins.%d numvouts.%d\n",bits256_str(str,txid),numvins,numvouts); for (i=0; i<numvouts; i++) { vout = jitem(vouts,i); tx->outpoints[i].value = LP_value_extract(vout,0); tx->outpoints[i].interest = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble(vout,"interest"); LP_destaddr(tx->outpoints[i].coinaddr,vout); //printf("from transaction init %s %s %s/v%d <- %.8f\n",coin->symbol,tx->outpoints[i].coinaddr,bits256_str(str,txid),i,dstr(tx->outpoints[i].value)); LP_address_utxoadd((uint32_t)time(NULL),"LP_create_transaction",coin,tx->outpoints[i].coinaddr,txid,i,tx->outpoints[i].value,height,-1); } for (i=0; i<numvins; i++) { vin = jitem(vins,i); spenttxid = jbits256(vin,"txid"); spentvout = jint(vin,"vout"); if ( i == 0 && bits256_nonz(spenttxid) == 0 ) continue; if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,spenttxid)) != 0 ) { if ( spentvout < tx->numvouts ) { if ( tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendheight <= 0 ) { tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendtxid = txid; tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendvini = i; tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendheight = height > 0 ? height : 1; LP_address_utxoadd((uint32_t)time(NULL),"LP_transactioninit iter1",coin,tx->outpoints[spentvout].coinaddr,spenttxid,spentvout,tx->outpoints[spentvout].value,-1,height>0?height:1); if ( 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"REVS") == 0 ) printf("spend %s %s/v%d at ht.%d\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,tx->txid),spentvout,height); } } else printf("LP_transactioninit: %s spentvout.%d < numvouts.%d spendheight.%d\n",bits256_str(str,spenttxid),spentvout,tx->numvouts,tx->outpoints[spentvout].spendheight); } //else printf("LP_transactioninit: couldnt find (%s) ht.%d %s\n",bits256_str(str,spenttxid),height,jprint(vin,0)); if ( bits256_cmp(spenttxid,txid) == 0 ) printf("spending same tx's %p vout ht.%d %s.[%d] s%d\n",tx,height,bits256_str(str,txid),tx!=0?tx->numvouts:0,spentvout); } free_json(txobj); } return(tx); } void LP_SPV_store(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid,int32_t height) { FILE *fp; char fname[512]; struct LP_transaction *tx = 0; if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 && tx->serialized != 0 && tx->len > 0 && tx->fpos == 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/UNSPENTS/%s.SPV",GLOBAL_DBDIR,coin->symbol), OS_portable_path(fname); if ( (fp= OS_appendfile(fname)) != 0 ) { fwrite(&tx->txid,1,sizeof(tx->txid),fp); fwrite(&tx->len,1,sizeof(tx->len),fp); fwrite(&tx->height,1,sizeof(tx->height),fp); tx->fpos = ftell(fp); fwrite(tx->serialized,1,tx->len,fp); fclose(fp); } } //else printf("cant store %s %s tx.%p [%d] fpos.%ld SPV.%d\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),tx,tx!=0?tx->len:-1,tx!=0?tx->fpos:-1,tx!=0?tx->SPV:-1); } int32_t LP_cacheitem(struct iguana_info *coin,FILE *fp) { bits256 txid,hash; long fpos; int32_t offset,retval,height,len; uint8_t *serialized; char str[65],str2[65]; fpos = ftell(fp); if ( fread(&txid,1,sizeof(txid),fp) == sizeof(txid) && fread(&len,1,sizeof(len),fp) == sizeof(len) && fread(&height,1,sizeof(height),fp) == sizeof(height) && len < 100000 ) { offset = (int32_t)(sizeof(txid) + sizeof(len) + sizeof(height)); serialized = malloc(len); if ( (retval= (int32_t)fread(serialized,1,len,fp)) == len ) { hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,serialized,len); if ( bits256_cmp(hash,txid) == 0 ) { //printf("%s validated in cache\n",bits256_str(str,hash)); LP_create_transaction(coin,txid,serialized,len,height,fpos+offset); return((int32_t)(ftell(fp) - fpos)); } printf("%s vs %s did not validated in cache\n",bits256_str(str,hash),bits256_str(str2,txid)); } else printf("retval.%d vs len.%d\n",retval,len); } else printf("fread error\n"); return(-1); } void LP_cacheptrs_init(struct iguana_info *coin) { char fname[1024]; FILE *fp; int32_t count,tflag=0; long n,fsize=0,len = 0; sprintf(fname,"%s/UNSPENTS/%s.SPV",GLOBAL_DBDIR,coin->symbol), OS_portable_path(fname); fp = fopen(fname,"rb"); count = 0; if ( fp != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); while ( len < fsize ) { if ( (n= LP_cacheitem(coin,fp)) < 0 ) { printf("cacheitem error at %s offset.%ld when fsize.%ld\n",coin->symbol,len,fsize); tflag = 1; break; } count++; len += n; } printf("loaded %s %d entries total len.%ld\n",fname,count,len); fclose(fp); } //else printf("couldnt find.(%s)\n",fname); if ( tflag != 0 ) OS_truncate(fname,len); } bits256 iguana_merkle(bits256 *tree,int32_t txn_count) { int32_t i,n=0,prev; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(bits256) * 2]; if ( txn_count == 1 ) return(tree[0]); prev = 0; while ( txn_count > 1 ) { if ( (txn_count & 1) != 0 ) tree[prev + txn_count] = tree[prev + txn_count-1], txn_count++; n += txn_count; for (i=0; i<txn_count; i+=2) { iguana_rwbignum(1,serialized,sizeof(*tree),tree[prev + i].bytes); iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[sizeof(*tree)],sizeof(*tree),tree[prev + i + 1].bytes); tree[n + (i >> 1)] = bits256_doublesha256(0,serialized,sizeof(serialized)); } prev = n; txn_count >>= 1; } return(tree[n]); } bits256 validate_merkle(int32_t pos,bits256 txid,cJSON *proofarray,int32_t proofsize) { int32_t i; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(bits256) * 2]; bits256 hash,proof; hash = txid; for (i=0; i<proofsize; i++) { proof = jbits256i(proofarray,i); if ( (pos & 1) == 0 ) { iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[0],sizeof(hash),hash.bytes); iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[sizeof(hash)],sizeof(proof),proof.bytes); } else { iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[0],sizeof(proof),proof.bytes); iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[sizeof(hash)],sizeof(hash),hash.bytes); } hash = bits256_doublesha256(0,serialized,sizeof(serialized)); pos >>= 1; } return(hash); } bits256 LP_merkleroot(struct iguana_info *coin,struct electrum_info *ep,int32_t height) { cJSON *hdrobj; bits256 merkleroot; memset(merkleroot.bytes,0,sizeof(merkleroot)); if ( coin->cachedmerkleheight == height ) return(coin->cachedmerkle); if ( (hdrobj= electrum_getheader(coin->symbol,ep,&hdrobj,height)) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(hdrobj,"merkle_root") != 0 ) { merkleroot = jbits256(hdrobj,"merkle_root"); if ( bits256_nonz(merkleroot) != 0 ) { coin->cachedmerkle = merkleroot; coin->cachedmerkleheight = height; } } free_json(hdrobj); } else printf("couldnt get header for ht.%d\n",height); return(merkleroot); } int32_t LP_merkleproof(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct electrum_info *ep,bits256 txid,int32_t height) { struct LP_transaction *tx=0; cJSON *merkobj,*merkles,*retjson; bits256 roothash,merkleroot; int32_t m,ht=0,SPV = 0; if ( height <= 0 ) return(0); if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) == 0 && strcmp(coinaddr,coin->smartaddr) == 0 ) { if ( (retjson= electrum_transaction(&ht,coin->symbol,ep,&retjson,txid,0)) != 0 ) free_json(retjson); } if ( tx != 0 ) { if ( tx->height == 0 ) { if ( height != 0 ) tx->height = height; else if ( ht != 0 ) tx->height = ht; height = tx->height; } if ( tx->SPV > 0 ) return(tx->SPV); } if ( (merkobj= electrum_getmerkle(coin->symbol,ep,&merkobj,txid,height)) != 0 ) { char str[65],str2[65],str3[65]; SPV = 0; memset(roothash.bytes,0,sizeof(roothash)); if ( (merkles= jarray(&m,merkobj,"merkle")) != 0 ) { roothash = validate_merkle(jint(merkobj,"pos"),txid,merkles,m); merkleroot = LP_merkleroot(coin,ep,height); if ( bits256_nonz(merkleroot) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_cmp(merkleroot,roothash) == 0 ) { SPV = height; LP_SPV_store(coin,txid,height); if ( tx != 0 ) { tx->SPV = height; if ( strcmp(coinaddr,coin->smartaddr) != 0 && tx->serialized != 0 ) { free(tx->serialized); tx->serialized = 0; tx->len = 0; } } //printf("validated MERK %s ht.%d -> %s root.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,txid),height,jprint(merkobj,0),bits256_str(str2,roothash)); } else { SPV = -1; printf("ERROR MERK %s ht.%d -> %s root.(%s) vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),height,jprint(merkobj,0),bits256_str(str2,roothash),bits256_str(str3,merkleroot)); } } else SPV = 0; } if ( SPV < 0 ) { printf("MERKLE DIDNT VERIFY.%s %s ht.%d (%s)\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),height,jprint(merkobj,0)); if ( jobj(merkobj,"error") != 0 ) SPV = 0; // try again later } free_json(merkobj); } return(SPV); } char *LP_unspents_filestr(char *symbol,char *addr) { char fname[1024]; long fsize; sprintf(fname,"%s/UNSPENTS/%s_%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol,addr), OS_portable_path(fname); return(OS_filestr(&fsize,fname)); } void LP_unspents_cache(char *symbol,char *addr,char *arraystr,int32_t updatedflag) { char fname[1024]; FILE *fp=0; sprintf(fname,"%s/UNSPENTS/%s_%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR,symbol,addr), OS_portable_path(fname); //printf("unspents cache.(%s) for %s %s, updated.%d\n",fname,symbol,addr,updatedflag); if ( updatedflag == 0 && (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) == 0 ) updatedflag = 1; else if ( fp != 0 ) fclose(fp); if ( updatedflag != 0 && (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { fwrite(arraystr,1,strlen(arraystr),fp); fclose(fp); } } uint64_t LP_unspents_load(char *symbol,char *addr) { char *arraystr; uint64_t balance = 0; int32_t i,n; bits256 zero; cJSON *retjson,*item; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { if ( (arraystr= LP_unspents_filestr(symbol,addr)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(arraystr)) != 0 ) { //printf("PROCESS UNSPENTS %s\n",arraystr); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(retjson)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { item = jitem(retjson,i); balance += j64bits(item,"value"); } } memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); electrum_process_array(coin,coin->electrum,addr,retjson,1,zero,zero); free_json(retjson); } free(arraystr); } } return(balance); }