/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "../iguana/iguana777.h" //typedef char *basilisk_coinfunc(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,cJSON *valsobj,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen); typedef char *basilisk_servicefunc(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *CMD,void *addr,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,cJSON *valsobj,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,bits256 hash,int32_t from_basilisk); //typedef struct basilisk_item *basilisk_requestfunc(struct basilisk_item *Lptr,struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 hash,cJSON *valsobj,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen); uint32_t basilisk_calcnonce(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,uint32_t nBits) { int32_t i,numiters = 0; bits256 hash,hash2,threshold; uint32_t basilisktag; vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,data,datalen); threshold = bits256_from_compact(nBits); for (i=0; i 0 ) break; } iguana_rwnum(0,(void *)hash.uints,sizeof(basilisktag),&basilisktag); iguana_rwnum(1,&data[-sizeof(basilisktag)],sizeof(basilisktag),&basilisktag); char str[65],str2[65]; printf("found hash after numiters.%d %s vs %s basilisktag.%u\n",numiters,bits256_str(str,threshold),bits256_str(str2,hash2),basilisktag); return(basilisktag); } char *basilisk_addhexstr(char **ptrp,cJSON *valsobj,char *strbuf,int32_t strsize,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { *ptrp = 0; if ( data != 0 && datalen > 0 ) { if ( valsobj != 0 && jobj(valsobj,"data") != 0 ) { printf("basilisk_addhexstr warning: already have data object\n"); jdelete(valsobj,"data"); } if ( (datalen<<1)+1 > strsize ) { strbuf = calloc(1,(datalen << 1) + 1); *ptrp = (void *)strbuf; } init_hexbytes_noT(strbuf,data,datalen); if ( valsobj != 0 ) jaddstr(valsobj,"data",strbuf); } else return(0); return(strbuf); } uint8_t *get_dataptr(int32_t hdroffset,uint8_t **ptrp,int32_t *datalenp,uint8_t *space,int32_t spacesize,char *hexstr) { *ptrp = 0; uint8_t *data = 0; if ( hexstr != 0 && (*datalenp= is_hexstr(hexstr,0)) > 0 ) { *datalenp >>= 1; if ( (*datalenp+hdroffset) <= spacesize ) { memset(space,0,hdroffset); data = &space[hdroffset]; } else *ptrp = data = calloc(1,*datalenp + hdroffset); decode_hex(&data[hdroffset],*datalenp,hexstr); } if ( data != 0 ) return(&data[hdroffset]); else return(data); } uint8_t *basilisk_jsondata(int32_t extraoffset,uint8_t **ptrp,uint8_t *space,int32_t spacesize,int32_t *datalenp,char *symbol,cJSON *sendjson,uint32_t basilisktag) { char *sendstr,*hexstr=0; uint8_t *data,hexspace[8192],*allocptr=0,*hexdata; int32_t datalen,hexlen=0; if ( jobj(sendjson,"symbol") == 0 ) jaddstr(sendjson,"symbol",symbol); if ( (hexstr= jstr(sendjson,"data")) != 0 ) { hexdata = get_dataptr(0,&allocptr,&hexlen,hexspace,sizeof(hexspace),hexstr); //printf("delete data.%s from sendjson\n",hexstr); jdelete(sendjson,"data"); } *ptrp = 0; sendstr = jprint(sendjson,0); datalen = (int32_t)strlen(sendstr) + 1; if ( (datalen + extraoffset + BASILISK_HDROFFSET + hexlen) <= spacesize ) data = space; else { data = calloc(1,datalen + extraoffset + BASILISK_HDROFFSET + hexlen); *ptrp = data; } data += extraoffset + BASILISK_HDROFFSET; memcpy(data,sendstr,datalen); //printf("jsondata.(%s) + hexlen.%d\n",sendstr,hexlen); free(sendstr); if ( hexlen > 0 ) { memcpy(&data[datalen],hexdata,hexlen); datalen += hexlen; } *datalenp = datalen; if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); return(data); } struct basilisk_item *basilisk_itemcreate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *CMD,char *symbol,uint32_t basilisktag,int32_t minresults,cJSON *vals,int32_t timeoutmillis,void *metricfunc) { struct basilisk_item *ptr; ptr = calloc(1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->basilisktag = basilisktag; if ( (ptr->numrequired= minresults) == 0 ) ptr->numrequired = 1; strcpy(ptr->CMD,CMD); safecopy(ptr->symbol,symbol,sizeof(ptr->symbol)); ptr->expiration = OS_milliseconds() + timeoutmillis; return(ptr); } int32_t basilisk_sendcmd(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *destipaddr,char *type,uint32_t *basilisktagp,int32_t encryptflag,int32_t delaymillis,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,int32_t fanout,uint32_t nBits) // data must be offset by sizeof(iguana_msghdr)+sizeof(basilisktag) { int32_t i,r,l,s,val,n=0,retval = -1; char cmd[12]; struct iguana_info *coin,*tmp; struct iguana_peer *addr; bits256 hash; uint32_t *alreadysent; if ( fanout <= 0 ) fanout = BASILISK_MINFANOUT; else if ( fanout > BASILISK_MAXFANOUT ) fanout = BASILISK_MAXFANOUT; if ( type == 0 ) type = "BTCD"; if ( strlen(type) > 3 ) { printf("basilisk_sendcmd illegal type(%s)\n",type); return(-1); } if ( destipaddr != 0 ) { if ( destipaddr[0] == 0 ) destipaddr = 0; // broadcast else if ( strcmp(destipaddr,"") == 0 ) { printf("return after locally basilisk_msgprocess\n"); hash = GENESIS_PUBKEY; basilisk_msgprocess(myinfo,0,0,type,*basilisktagp,data,datalen); return(0); } } alreadysent = calloc(IGUANA_MAXPEERS * IGUANA_MAXCOINS,sizeof(*alreadysent)); iguana_rwnum(1,&data[-sizeof(*basilisktagp)],sizeof(*basilisktagp),basilisktagp); if ( *basilisktagp == 0 ) { if ( nBits != 0 ) *basilisktagp = basilisk_calcnonce(myinfo,data,datalen,nBits); else *basilisktagp = rand(); iguana_rwnum(1,&data[-sizeof(*basilisktagp)],sizeof(*basilisktagp),basilisktagp); } data -= sizeof(*basilisktagp), datalen += sizeof(*basilisktagp); memset(cmd,0,sizeof(cmd)); sprintf(cmd,"SuperNET%s",type); r = rand(); //portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->allcoins_mutex); HASH_ITER(hh,myinfo->allcoins,coin,tmp) { if ( coin->peers == 0 ) continue; if ( coin->RELAYNODE == 0 && coin->VALIDATENODE == 0 ) cmd[0] = 's'; else cmd[0] = 'S'; for (l=0; lpeers->active[i]; if ( addr->usock >= 0 ) { for (s=0; sipbits ) break; //printf("%s s.%d vs n.%d\n",addr->ipaddr,s,n); if ( s == n && (addr->supernet != 0 || addr->basilisk != 0) && (destipaddr == 0 || strcmp(addr->ipaddr,destipaddr) == 0) ) { //printf("[%s].tag%d send %s.(%s) [%x] datalen.%d addr->supernet.%u basilisk.%u to (%s).%d destip.%s\n",cmd,*(uint32_t *)data,type,(char *)&data[4],*(int32_t *)&data[datalen-4],datalen,addr->supernet,addr->basilisk,addr->ipaddr,addr->A.port,destipaddr!=0?destipaddr:"broadcast"); if ( encryptflag != 0 && bits256_nonz(addr->pubkey) != 0 ) { void *ptr; uint8_t *cipher,space[8192]; int32_t cipherlen; bits256 privkey; cmd[6] = 'e', cmd[7] = 't'; memset(privkey.bytes,0,sizeof(privkey)); if ( (cipher= SuperNET_ciphercalc(&ptr,&cipherlen,&privkey,&addr->pubkey,data,datalen,space,sizeof(space))) != 0 ) { if ( (val= iguana_queue_send(addr,delaymillis,&cipher[-sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],cmd,cipherlen)) >= cipherlen ) n++; if ( ptr != 0 ) free(ptr); } } else { cmd[6] = 'E', cmd[7] = 'T'; if ( (val= iguana_queue_send(addr,delaymillis,&data[-sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],cmd,datalen)) >= datalen ) { alreadysent[n++] = (uint32_t)addr->ipbits; if ( n >= IGUANA_MAXPEERS*IGUANA_MAXCOINS ) break; } } if ( destipaddr != 0 || (fanout > 0 && n >= fanout) ) { free(alreadysent); return(val); } else if ( val > retval ) retval = val; } } } if ( n >= IGUANA_MAXPEERS*IGUANA_MAXCOINS ) break; } //portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->allcoins_mutex); free(alreadysent); return(n); } void basilisk_p2p(void *_myinfo,void *_addr,char *senderip,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,char *type,int32_t encrypted) { uint32_t ipbits,basilisktag; int32_t msglen,len=0; void *ptr = 0; uint8_t space[8192]; bits256 senderpub; struct supernet_info *myinfo = _myinfo; if ( encrypted != 0 ) { printf("encrypted p2p\n"); memset(senderpub.bytes,0,sizeof(senderpub)); if ( (data= SuperNET_deciphercalc(&ptr,&msglen,myinfo->privkey,senderpub,data,datalen,space,sizeof(space))) == 0 ) { printf("basilisk_p2p decrytion error\n"); return; } else datalen = msglen; } if ( senderip != 0 && senderip[0] != 0 && strcmp(senderip,"") != 0 ) ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(senderip); else ipbits = 0; len += iguana_rwnum(0,data,sizeof(basilisktag),&basilisktag); //int32_t i; for (i=0; ireceived.%d basilisk_p2p.(%s) from %s tag.%d\n",datalen,type,senderip!=0?senderip:"?",basilisktag); basilisk_msgprocess(myinfo,_addr,ipbits,type,basilisktag,&data[len],datalen - len); if ( ptr != 0 ) free(ptr); } void basilisk_sendback(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *origCMD,char *symbol,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,char *retstr) { uint8_t *data,space[4096],*allocptr; struct iguana_info *virt; cJSON *valsobj; int32_t datalen,encryptflag=0,delaymillis=0; //printf("%s retstr.(%s) -> remote.(%s) basilisktag.%u\n",origCMD,retstr,remoteaddr,basilisktag); if ( retstr != 0 && remoteaddr != 0 && remoteaddr[0] != 0 && strcmp(remoteaddr,"") != 0 ) { if ( (valsobj= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(valsobj,"origcmd",origCMD); jaddstr(valsobj,"symbol",symbol); if ( (virt= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { jaddnum(valsobj,"hwm",virt->blocks.hwmchain.height); jaddbits256(valsobj,"chaintip",virt->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2); } data = basilisk_jsondata(sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr),&allocptr,space,sizeof(space),&datalen,symbol,valsobj,basilisktag); basilisk_sendcmd(myinfo,remoteaddr,"RET",&basilisktag,encryptflag,delaymillis,data,datalen,0,0); if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); free_json(valsobj); } } } struct basilisk_item *basilisk_issueremote(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t *numsentp,char *CMD,char *symbol,int32_t blockflag,cJSON *valsobj,int32_t fanout,int32_t minresults,uint32_t basilisktag,int32_t timeoutmillis,void *_metricfunc,char *retstr,int32_t encryptflag,int32_t delaymillis,uint32_t nBits) { struct basilisk_item *pending; uint8_t *allocptr,*data,space[4096]; int32_t datalen; cJSON *retarray; pending = basilisk_itemcreate(myinfo,CMD,symbol,basilisktag,minresults,valsobj,timeoutmillis,0); pending->nBits = nBits; *numsentp = 0; if ( retstr != 0 ) { pending->retstr = retstr; pending->numresults = pending->numrequired; } else { data = basilisk_jsondata(sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr),&allocptr,space,sizeof(space),&datalen,symbol,valsobj,basilisktag); *numsentp = pending->numsent = basilisk_sendcmd(myinfo,0,CMD,&pending->basilisktag,encryptflag,delaymillis,data,datalen,1,pending->nBits); if ( blockflag != 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); HASH_ADD(hh,myinfo->basilisks.issued,basilisktag,sizeof(basilisktag),pending); portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); //queue_enqueue("issuedQ",&myinfo->basilisks.issued,&pending->DL,0); if ( pending->expiration <= OS_milliseconds() ) pending->expiration = OS_milliseconds() + BASILISK_TIMEOUT; //ptr->vals = jduplicate(valsobj); strcpy(pending->symbol,"BTCD"); strcpy(pending->CMD,CMD); while ( OS_milliseconds() < pending->expiration ) { //if ( (retstr= basilisk_iscomplete(ptr)) != 0 ) if ( pending->numresults >= pending->numrequired || (retstr= pending->retstr) != 0 ) break; usleep(10000); } if ( (retarray= pending->retarray) != 0 ) { pending->retstr = jprint(retarray,0); pending->retarray = 0; free_json(retarray); } //return(basilisk_waitresponse(myinfo,CMD,"BTCD",0,&Lptr,valsobj,ptr)); } else free(pending), pending = 0; //ptr->finished = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); } return(pending); } struct basilisk_item *basilisk_requestservice(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *CMD,int32_t blockflag,cJSON *valsobj,bits256 hash,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,uint32_t nBits) { int32_t minresults,timeoutmillis,numsent,delaymillis,encryptflag,fanout; struct basilisk_item *ptr; char buf[4096],*symbol,*str = 0; struct iguana_info *virt; //if ( (btcd= iguana_coinfind("BTCD")) != 0 && btcd->RELAYNODE != 0 ) // jaddnum(valsobj,"iamrelay",1); basilisk_addhexstr(&str,valsobj,buf,sizeof(buf),data,datalen); if ( bits256_cmp(hash,GENESIS_PUBKEY) != 0 && bits256_nonz(hash) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(valsobj,"hash") != 0 ) jdelete(valsobj,"hash"); jaddbits256(valsobj,"hash",hash); } if ( (minresults= jint(valsobj,"minresults")) <= 0 ) minresults = 1; if ( (timeoutmillis= jint(valsobj,"timeout")) == 0 ) timeoutmillis = BASILISK_TIMEOUT; if ( jobj(valsobj,"fanout") == 0 ) fanout = 1; else fanout = jint(valsobj,"fanout"); if ( (symbol= jstr(valsobj,"coin")) != 0 || (symbol= jstr(valsobj,"symbol")) != 0 ) { if ( (virt= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { jaddstr(valsobj,"symbol",symbol); jaddnum(valsobj,"longest",virt->longestchain); jaddnum(valsobj,"hwm",virt->blocks.hwmchain.height); } } if ( symbol == 0 ) symbol = "BTCD"; encryptflag = jint(valsobj,"encrypt"); delaymillis = jint(valsobj,"delay"); ptr = basilisk_issueremote(myinfo,&numsent,CMD,symbol,blockflag,valsobj,fanout,minresults,0,timeoutmillis,0,0,encryptflag,delaymillis,nBits); return(ptr); } char *basilisk_standardservice(char *CMD,struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 hash,cJSON *valsobj,char *hexstr,int32_t blockflag) // client side { uint32_t nBits = 0; uint8_t space[8192],*allocptr=0,*data = 0; struct basilisk_item *ptr; int32_t datalen = 0; cJSON *retjson; char *retstr=0; data = get_dataptr(BASILISK_HDROFFSET,&allocptr,&datalen,space,sizeof(space),hexstr); ptr = basilisk_requestservice(myinfo,CMD,blockflag,valsobj,hash,data,datalen,nBits); if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); if ( ptr != 0 ) { if ( ptr->retstr != 0 ) retstr = ptr->retstr, ptr->retstr = 0; else { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( ptr->numsent > 0 ) { //queue_enqueue("submitQ",&myinfo->basilisks.submitQ,&ptr->DL,0); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jaddnum(retjson,"numsent",ptr->numsent); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","didnt find any nodes to send to"); retstr = jprint(retjson,1); } ptr->finished = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } printf("%s.(%s) -> (%s)\n",CMD,jprint(valsobj,0),retstr!=0?retstr:""); return(retstr); } #include "basilisk_bitcoin.c" #include "basilisk_nxt.c" #include "basilisk_ether.c" #include "basilisk_waves.c" #include "basilisk_lisk.c" #include "basilisk_CMD.c" void basilisk_functions(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t protocol) { coin->protocol = protocol; switch ( protocol ) { case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_BITCOIN: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_bitcoinbalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_bitcoinrawtx; //coin->basilisk_rawtxmetric = basilisk_bitcoin_rawtxmetric; coin->basilisk_value = basilisk_bitcoinvalue; coin->basilisk_valuemetric = basilisk_bitcoin_valuemetric; break; /*case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_IOTA: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_iotabalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_iotarawtx; break; case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_NXT: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_nxtbalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_nxtrawtx; break; case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_ETHER: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_etherbalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_etherrawtx; break; case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_WAVES: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_wavesbalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_wavesrawtx; break; case IGUANA_PROTOCOL_LISK: coin->basilisk_balances = basilisk_liskbalances; coin->basilisk_rawtx = basilisk_liskrawtx; break;*/ } } int32_t basilisk_hashes_send(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *virt,struct iguana_peer *addr,char *CMD,bits256 *hashes,int32_t num) { bits256 hash; uint8_t *serialized; int32_t i,len = 0; char *str=0,*retstr,*hexstr,*allocptr=0,space[8192]; bits256 txid; cJSON *vals; if ( virt != 0 && addr != 0 ) { memset(hash.bytes,0,sizeof(hash)); serialized = (void *)hashes; for (i=0; isymbol); if ( (retstr= basilisk_standardservice(CMD,myinfo,hash,vals,hexstr,0)) != 0 ) free(retstr); free_json(vals); if ( allocptr != 0 ) free(allocptr); } return(0); } else return(-1); } void basilisk_geckoresult(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *remoteaddr,char *retstr,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { struct iguana_info *virt; char *symbol,*str,*type; cJSON *retjson; bits256 hash2; if ( retstr != 0 && (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (symbol= jstr(retjson,"symbol")) != 0 && (virt= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { if ( data != 0 ) { str = 0; if ( (type= jstr(retjson,"type")) != 0 ) { hash2 = jbits256(retjson,"hash"); if ( strcmp(type,"HDR") == 0 ) str = gecko_headersarrived(myinfo,virt,remoteaddr,data,datalen,hash2); else if ( strcmp(type,"MEM") == 0 ) str = gecko_mempoolarrived(myinfo,virt,remoteaddr,data,datalen,hash2); else if ( strcmp(type,"BLK") == 0 ) str = gecko_blockarrived(myinfo,virt,remoteaddr,data,datalen,hash2,0); else if ( strcmp(type,"GTX") == 0 ) str = gecko_txarrived(myinfo,virt,remoteaddr,data,datalen,hash2); } if ( str != 0 ) free(str); } } free_json(retjson); } } void basilisk_result(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *remoteaddr,uint32_t basilisktag,cJSON *vals,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { char *retstr,CMD[16]; struct basilisk_item *pending; cJSON *item; if ( vals != 0 ) { retstr = jprint(vals,0); safecopy(CMD,jstr(vals,"origcmd"),sizeof(CMD)); printf("(%s) -> Q.%u results vals.(%s)\n",CMD,basilisktag,retstr); if ( strcmp(CMD,"GET") == 0 ) basilisk_geckoresult(myinfo,remoteaddr,retstr,data,datalen); else { portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); HASH_FIND(hh,myinfo->basilisks.issued,&basilisktag,sizeof(basilisktag),pending); portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); if ( pending != 0 && retstr != 0 ) { if ( (item= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( pending->retarray == 0 ) pending->retarray = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( jobj(item,"myip") == 0 ) jaddstr(item,"myip",myinfo->ipaddr); jaddi(pending->retarray,item); } else printf("couldnt parse.(%s)\n",retstr); pending->numresults++; } else printf("couldnt find issued.%u\n",basilisktag); } } } void basilisk_wait(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { if ( coin != 0 ) { while ( coin->basilisk_busy != 0 ) usleep(1000); } else { while ( myinfo->basilisk_busy != 0 ) usleep(1000); } } int32_t baslisk_relay_report(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,struct basilisk_relaystatus *reported,uint8_t pingdelay) { if ( reported != 0 ) { reported->pingdelay = pingdelay; } return(0); } int32_t basilisk_relay_ping(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,struct basilisk_relay *rp) { int32_t datalen = 0; datalen = iguana_rwnum(1,&data[datalen],sizeof(rp->ipbits),&rp->ipbits); data[datalen++] = rp->direct.pingdelay; return(datalen); } int32_t basilisk_relay_unping(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,struct basilisk_relay *rp,int32_t i) { uint8_t pingdelay; int32_t j,datalen = 0; uint32_t ipbits; if ( maxlen < sizeof(ipbits)+1 ) { printf("unping error maxlen.%d is too small\n",maxlen); return(-1); } datalen = iguana_rwnum(1,&data[datalen],sizeof(ipbits),&ipbits); pingdelay = data[datalen++]; if ( myinfo->relays[i].ipbits != ipbits ) printf("unping warning reported.[%d] ipbits %u != %u\n",i,myinfo->relays[i].ipbits,ipbits); for (j=0; jnumrelays; j++) if ( myinfo->relays[j].ipbits == ipbits ) { datalen += baslisk_relay_report(myinfo,&data[datalen],maxlen-datalen,&rp->reported[j],pingdelay); return(datalen); } datalen += baslisk_relay_report(myinfo,&data[datalen],maxlen-datalen,0,pingdelay); return(datalen); } int32_t basilisk_relays_ping(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen) { int32_t i,datalen = 0; data[datalen++] = myinfo->numrelays; for (i=0; inumrelays; i++) datalen += basilisk_relay_ping(myinfo,&data[datalen],maxlen - datalen,&myinfo->relays[i]); return(datalen); } void basilisk_respond_ping(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *remoteaddr,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { int32_t diff,n,len = 0; struct basilisk_relay *rp; uint8_t numrelays; uint32_t i,ipbits,now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( remoteaddr == 0 || remoteaddr[0] == 0 || strcmp("",remoteaddr) == 0 ) ipbits = myinfo->myaddr.myipbits; else ipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(remoteaddr); for (i=0; inumrelays; i++) { rp = &myinfo->relays[i]; rp->direct.pingdelay = 0; if ( rp->ipbits == ipbits ) rp->lastping = now; if ( rp->lastping == now ) rp->direct.pingdelay = 1; else { diff = (now - rp->lastping); if ( diff < 0xff ) rp->direct.pingdelay = diff; } } numrelays = data[len++]; for (i=0; i datalen ) break; if ( (n= basilisk_relay_unping(myinfo,&data[len],datalen-len,rp,i)) < 0 ) break; len += n; } printf("PING got %d, processed.%d from (%s)\n",datalen,len,remoteaddr!=0?remoteaddr:""); } void basilisk_msgprocess(struct supernet_info *myinfo,void *_addr,uint32_t senderipbits,char *type,uint32_t basilisktag,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { cJSON *valsobj; char *symbol,*retstr=0,remoteaddr[64],CMD[4],cmd[4]; int32_t height,origlen,from_basilisk,i,timeoutmillis,flag,numrequired,jsonlen; uint8_t *origdata; struct iguana_info *coin=0; bits256 hash; struct iguana_peer *addr = _addr; static basilisk_servicefunc *basilisk_services[][2] = { { (void *)"BYE", &basilisk_respond_goodbye }, // disconnect // gecko chains //{ (void *)"NEW", &basilisk_respond_newgeckochain }, // creates new virtual gecko chain ///{ (void *)"GEN", &basilisk_respond_geckogenesis }, // returns genesis list { (void *)"GET", &basilisk_respond_geckoget }, // requests headers, block or tx { (void *)"HDR", &basilisk_respond_geckoheaders }, // reports headers { (void *)"BLK", &basilisk_respond_geckoblock }, // reports block { (void *)"MEM", &basilisk_respond_mempool }, // reports mempool { (void *)"GTX", &basilisk_respond_geckotx }, // reports tx //{ (void *)"SEQ", &basilisk_respond_hashstamps }, // BTCD and BTC recent hashes from timestamp // unencrypted low level functions, used by higher level protocols and virtual network funcs { (void *)"ADD", &basilisk_respond_addrelay }, // relays register with each other bus //{ (void *)"RLY", &basilisk_respond_relays }, { (void *)"DEX", &basilisk_respond_instantdex }, // encrypted data for jumblr { (void *)"HOP", &basilisk_respond_forward }, // message forwarding { (void *)"BOX", &basilisk_respond_mailbox }, // create/send/check mailbox pubkey // small virtual private network { (void *)"VPN", &basilisk_respond_VPNcreate }, // create virtual network's hub via privkey { (void *)"ARC", &basilisk_respond_VPNjoin }, // join { (void *)"GAB", &basilisk_respond_VPNmessage }, // private message { (void *)"SAY", &basilisk_respond_VPNbroadcast }, // broadcast { (void *)"EAR", &basilisk_respond_VPNreceive }, // network receive (via poll) { (void *)"END", &basilisk_respond_VPNlogout }, // logout // coin services { (void *)"RAW", &basilisk_respond_rawtx }, { (void *)"VAL", &basilisk_respond_value }, { (void *)"BAL", &basilisk_respond_balances }, }; symbol = "BTCD"; if ( (valsobj= cJSON_Parse((char *)data)) != 0 ) { //printf("MSGVALS.(%s)\n",(char *)data); if ( jobj(valsobj,"coin") != 0 ) coin = iguana_coinfind(jstr(valsobj,"coin")); else if ( jobj(valsobj,"symbol") != 0 ) coin = iguana_coinfind(jstr(valsobj,"symbol")); if ( coin != 0 ) { if ( (height= juint(valsobj,"hwm")) > 0 ) { if ( height > addr->height ) addr->height = height; if ( height > coin->longestchain ) coin->longestchain = height; } } if ( strcmp(type,"RET") == 0 ) { basilisk_result(myinfo,remoteaddr,basilisktag,valsobj,data,datalen); return; } } else { if ( strcmp(type,"PIN") == 0 && myinfo->RELAYID >= 0 ) { basilisk_respond_ping(myinfo,remoteaddr,data,datalen); } return; } for (i=flag=0; ibasilisk_busy = 1; if ( valsobj != 0 ) { jsonlen = (int32_t)strlen((char *)data) + 1; if ( datalen > jsonlen ) data += jsonlen, datalen -= jsonlen; else data = 0, datalen = 0; if ( coin == 0 ) coin = iguana_coinfind("BTCD"); if ( coin != 0 ) { symbol = coin->symbol; coin->basilisk_busy = 1; } hash = jbits256(valsobj,"hash"); timeoutmillis = jint(valsobj,"timeout"); if ( (numrequired= jint(valsobj,"numrequired")) == 0 ) numrequired = 1; if ( senderipbits != 0 ) expand_ipbits(remoteaddr,senderipbits); else remoteaddr[0] = 0; for (i=0; iRELAYNODE != 0 ) // iguana node { if ( (retstr= (*basilisk_services[i][1])(myinfo,type,addr,remoteaddr,basilisktag,valsobj,data,datalen,hash,from_basilisk)) != 0 ) { //printf("from_basilisk.%d ret.(%s)\n",from_basilisk,retstr); //if ( from_basilisk != 0 || strcmp(CMD,"GET") == 0 ) basilisk_sendback(myinfo,CMD,symbol,remoteaddr,basilisktag,retstr); if ( retstr != 0 ) free(retstr); break; } //else printf("services null return\n"); } else printf("non-relay got unexpected.(%s)\n",type); } } free_json(valsobj); } if ( coin != 0 ) coin->basilisk_busy = 0; myinfo->basilisk_busy = 0; } void basilisks_loop(void *arg) { struct iguana_info *virt,*tmpcoin,*btcd; struct basilisk_item *tmp,*pending; int32_t iter,maxmillis,flag=0; struct supernet_info *myinfo = arg; iter = 0; while ( 1 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); HASH_ITER(hh,myinfo->basilisks.issued,pending,tmp) { if ( pending != 0 && (pending->finished != 0 || OS_milliseconds() > pending->expiration+60) ) { HASH_DELETE(hh,myinfo->basilisks.issued,pending); free(pending); } } portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); //if ( myinfo->allcoins_numvirts > 0 ) if ( (btcd= iguana_coinfind("BTCD")) != 0 ) { maxmillis = (10000 / (myinfo->allcoins_numvirts + 1)) + 1; //portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->allcoins_mutex); HASH_ITER(hh,myinfo->allcoins,virt,tmpcoin) { if ( virt->started != 0 && virt->active != 0 && virt->virtualchain != 0 ) { gecko_iteration(myinfo,btcd,virt,maxmillis), flag++; } } //portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->allcoins_mutex); if ( (rand() % 10) == 0 && myinfo->RELAYID >= 0 ) { struct iguana_peer *addr; struct basilisk_relay *rp; int32_t i,datalen=0; uint8_t data[32768]; datalen = basilisk_relays_ping(myinfo,&data[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],sizeof(data)-sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)); for (i=0; inumrelays; i++) { rp = &myinfo->relays[i]; addr = 0; if ( rp->ipbits == myinfo->myaddr.myipbits ) basilisk_msgprocess(myinfo,0,0,"PIN",0,&data[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],datalen); else if ( (addr= iguana_peerfindipbits(btcd,rp->ipbits,1)) != 0 && addr->usock >= 0 ) { if ( iguana_queue_send(addr,0,&data[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],"SuperNETPIN",datalen) <= 0 ) printf("error sending %d to (%s)\n",datalen,addr->ipaddr); else printf("sent %d to (%s)\n",datalen,addr->ipaddr); } } } } //fprintf(stderr,"i "); //for (i=0; iRELAYNODE == 0 && coin->VALIDATENODE == 0 && coin->active != 0 && coin->chain->userpass[0] != 0 && coin->MAXPEERS == 1 ) // basilisk_bitcoinscan(coin,blockspace,&RAWMEM); usleep(100000); } } void basilisks_init(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { //iguana_initQ(&myinfo->basilisks.submitQ,"submitQ"); //iguana_initQ(&myinfo->basilisks.resultsQ,"resultsQ"); portable_mutex_init(&myinfo->allcoins_mutex); portable_mutex_init(&myinfo->basilisk_mutex); portable_mutex_init(&myinfo->gecko_mutex); myinfo->basilisks.launched = iguana_launch(iguana_coinfind("BTCD"),"basilisks_loop",basilisks_loop,myinfo,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); }